HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-9-4, Page 8vootiowiwomogirilmosseawslies riamwmpRowommispost OLZJ.vTON';3 LEADING J1'WELtRX TOR STILL SOME ARTIC ES S AT • REDUCED PRICES Fire sale now ovex but I have a few sets of Knives and Forks still left at reduced prices. ; Now stwit'all in and prices right. SILVERWARE, GOLD JEWELERY, WATOIIES, CLOCKS, and CHINA. CUT GLASS (I meat now proceed to collect some bills still owing) Cl nto* News -Record! Septemltrer 4th, 1919 R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STOR1d We Shoe Children Correctly We always Shoe the children with the greatest, of care There are many little details concerning Children's Shoes that must be "just right" and we see that they are 1 Bring the chil- dren here for shoes and turn the matter over to us and you'll soon discover that it will cost you less per yea for ChiIdren's Shoes than it ever did before and you'll escape all vexations 1 Nature Shape Shoes To Guide Little Feet Correctly We've high or low cut shoes in a variety of models. Black or handsome new tan leathers, button or lace shoes,. low heels— fiat beefs, or the comfortable rubber 201e0 and licels: ; ,1 Children's Shoes at ,$1,50, $2.00, $2.25 'to $4.50. It the children have foot troubles of any sort bring them here and We'll correct the difficulty. FRED. JACKSON PRACTICAL SHOEMAM 1 Harvest Slioes IMMO Now is the time you want a pair of light, comfortable shoes for.farm work that will stand hard wear Nothing better than n pair of our Mule•skin Boots, good solid soles, leather insoles. Will stand lots of hard usage, Special 2 q 7 5 at per pair . Black Shaved Kip Bluchers, leather insoles, a good solid 2,75 boot• Women's Shaved Kip Oxfords, Ieather insoles, good farm shoe at a low price e 2 Men's blue and white striped overalls. A special Sine at 2.0 Special prices on boys cottonade pants for the holiday season U ORDERED CLOTHING Made -to -measure Suits at very close prices. A good selection of samples to choose from and fit guaranteed. Give us a trial order, We guarantee satisfaction, Plumsteel Bios. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 20 NEW IDEA PATTERNS. CLOTHING JUST II LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty people, To know how attractive are these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them, Descrip- 1f` ° ' tion would not do justice to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 23 Phone 10izW- 28 1 Clearance Sale FOR ALL NEXT WEEK 2 only New Ideal Washing Machines $13'.50 for Perfection and Florence Oil Stoves at Cost to Clear. $11,75 'A fel Faultless Carpet Sweepers, metal cast, first quality, regular $3.00 for $2,25 I only 0 -pig galvanized trough, regular $5.76 for 1 only 3 -pig galvanized trough, regular 18.00 for Sanitary and durable, 'A: four potato drags, regular 60 Cents for .25 1 only crow hat 25 the., regular $2.50 for $1-,50 MANY LINKS IN SECONDS GRANI'1P1WARE AT A VERY LOW PrilutiL $4.76 $2,50 HARL,AND BROS, Hardware, Stoves and Novelties Clinton It's Me W. B. Fall 00. For School Books and. Supplies :'Often the Cheapest Always the Bebtt,'1. Miss Clara Ferguson was in Bayfield over the week -end. • Miss Eva Carter visited friends at Tara and Owen Sound last week, Mrs. A. B. Furniss and children have returned from a fortnight's,. visit in Detroit. Miss Dollie Mennen. of Toronto is 'ex- •peeted,home on Saturday for a short vacation. 1 Mrs, French returned on Friday from London, where she had spent a week with friends. Miss Mae Bentley returned on itIon- day from Toronto, where she bad spent a week or so with friends. Master Edgar McGuire returned on Thursday after nearly two months' vacation spent with relatives at Hridgeburg, Buffalo and Niagara, Falls. Miss Retta Cook returned to Toron- to last week after spending several weeks at her home ' in town. She has taken a position with the Swifts. Mr. E. C. Beacom and , Miss Cela Beacom, who have been spending the summer vacation at Bayfield and in Clinton, returned to 'Toron- to Iast week. Sergt. A. Livermore and leis wife and little daughter have been visiting the former's sister in town. Sergt. Livermore bas just returned from overseas. He lived in Toronto be- fore enlisting and will again locate there. Dr. 'Thompson, Messrs. Fred and Charlie Thompson and Miss Marion motored to Toronto on Monday. They went to attend the wedding of the former's niece, Miss Murray, who is known to many in toutn, having visited in Clinton on several occasions. bit. A. A. Kennedy of Detroit, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Donald Kennedy of town for a couple of weeks, intends taking the return trip on the Greyhound on Sunday. Mr. Kennedy spent nearly two years on one of Uncle Sam's convoy ships. Miss Maple Livermore of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. A. Mc- Cartney, during the past week. Miss Livermore is to be congratu- lated upon her success as an art- ist, having received two first priz- es at the Canadian National Ex- hibition for her china painting. Mr. Milton Cook, son of Mr. .7- Cook of Sarnia, formerly of Clinton, who 'recently returned from overseas, has been visiting friends in town during the past week. Milton. has not yet received his discharge but will return to London for medical treatment before being discharged. blaster Nishit Cook was in Toronto last week attending the Exhibition and seeing the Prince. Nisbit says ho might have had a handshake with the Prince only there were so many in line ahead of him Ghat be concluded bis turn wouldn't come until about four a.m. so.hc didn't wait, Miss Beatrice .Greene left yesterday morning for Toronto There she in- tends locating. Miss Greene -Will teach in connection with one of the branches of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. She will be much missed in musical circles -in Clintonl and her removal from town is re - stetted. - mr. e•stetted.- Mr, Robt. J. Anderson of Winnipeg, the architect In charge of the work on the new Union station at 'Tor- onto, motored: up the end of the Week and called on friends in town and vicinity. He was the guest for a few ]ours ott Friday of his aunts, Mrs. I. P. Sheppard and 'Mrs. G. Render. Mr. A. Case of Rose, .N.Y., was in town for, a couple of days last week looking up the apple situa- tion, He intends returning and utill open the evaporator about the middle of the month. Mr, Paso says the price of apples this year will be the highest paid for many years and probably, higher than they will he again for some years. Mr. R. W, Reed at 'Toronto was in town over the week -end. Mt. heed has taken a responsible position with the Style -Craft Clothing Co. Iie did intend taking a trip home tel England this fall, not having visited the homeland since coming to Canada nearly,tWenty-one years Age, but teeing • to UM didlculty some people have eaperieuced get. I ' ng passage back lid has deek144 to • Postpone his visit until a later gate, IC on teen's Treed Suits 1-4 OFF, WOMEN'S STORE Dr,g Gpods, House Furnishings phone 64 Next Royal Bank MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishiags Opposite Public Library ) TEN OPERATOS ON PWER SEWING MACHINES ANY BRIGHT GIRL WIIO CAN ADAPT HERSELF READILY TO CONDITIONS CAN IN TWO OIL THREE MONTIIS ACQUIRlI; A SUFFICIENT KNOWLIIDGII OF OPERATING TC) BE ('APABLE 01+' EARNING AS 000D OIL BET'I'Jllt WAGES THAN SHE WOULD AT MANY OTHEit KINDS OF WORK. WE WILL THOROUGHLY INSTRUCT NEW BLC:INNERS AND PAY GOOD WAGES FROMI THE START. GOOD BOY WANTED TO LEARN PRESSING. APPLY TO GIA. PIIALEN, SUPIIRINTENDENT, 71''. I. 1-I-1-71 The Jackson Manufacturing Co,, Ltd. Clinton. Miss MacDougall returned on Mon- day and resumed her work at the 0.0.I, With the exception of the principal Miss MacDougall is the only member, of the. staff who was here before the vacation. ;Mr. T. Neolands, formerly proprietor of the Hensel! Observer, was a caller hi town on 'Tuesday while on his way to Stratford after spending the ,boliday with his fam- ily at i-Iensell. "A Joan of Arc Machine" 'r ISL withstood everything in the field and above all was,. and still is, the last and only car to survive until the cessation of hostilities" ---Extract from letter received by Ford Motor Company from a British Soldier, in .Africa. Over shell -torn roads, through water soaked fields, second only to the tanks 10 its power to climb debris and crater holes, the Ford car made a world famous record in the fighting area of the great war. In press despatehes, in field reports in letters, m rhyme and song the praises of the Ford were sounded In France - 700 ears out of 1,000 were Porde In Italy - 850 cars out of 1,000 wore Fords In Egypt - 986 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Mesopotamia 991i Cars out of 1,000 were Porde The Ford power plant that established this world-wide record fn every theatre of the war rernains;the same. It will be in the Ford you buy. Neel tt,aabont 8560. TM1rIes 88e@ 00 Open model,, the icuotrle Stamm' Mit Ugbtln5 16rluIpmont iti 8101 0,trn. exupe k918, sedan tt17n (aioiad,nodal prtoea l,,olnde mootrla biotin* whd t1*btlnK 540q0p,o nl), nemont,ffabin thud, lire 00aa0,11 and nbn ekld tl5ae 0,0 0055lt atrtlonhl 0051pmnht an olo,,d earnably 81800,00lOs T}teen pi'0o,' r50ah Far., Wtt., 55.04,. ) na JAafado war •ra.. Pay only (051n iiia rood Parte. 700 017•040071 fietartA 0841 ante oven 0,000 Sevier, Garapee Ouppep MA*. Clinton Motor Truck and Machine Co. Dealers Clinton 07--3 People You Know Mrs. Kells is visiting her daughter, Mrs. I';, W. ,Morrison, Dr. Fowler and family spent a few days last week in Toronto. Miss Agnes Walker returned on Mon- day after a visit in London. Miss Walls left on Thursday Last to visit friends in Tottenham, 'Liss Kathleen McConnell has gone to Walton to teach for' the coming year. Miss Bessie Chowen has gone to 1Mountsberg to take charge of a school. Mrs. S. l:, McKegney and Miss Mol- lie are visiting London friends this week. Miss A, Taylor of' Windsor was the week -end guest of Miss Jennie Holmes. Mr, and Mrs. J. 11. Bovey and fam- ily motored down to Burlington for the holiday, Miss Nora Kennedy left on Monday to take charge of her first school at Mildmay. Dr. Ilelen Bell of London has been the guest of Misses Ward and Stone during the past week. ;Mr, and Mrs. Moreton spent a few days during the past week with the lady's mother; Mrs. Itilty. Mrs, Attridge of Brown City, Mioh., is here spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs, Wm. Cantelon, Mr. T. R. Walker of Winnipeg spent a few days in town this week as the guest of his uncle, Mr. J. W. Elliott. Misses Ida, Laura and Irene Wilken returned to Detroit on Monday at - ter a vacation spent at their home 1n town. Miss Clete. Peed returned to London on Tuesday to resume her teaching in connection with the Conserva- tory of Music, Mrs. John SeariOtt of Walton has taken up her residence in Clinton. She will reside suits, her sister, Miss Lovett, who has purchased a house 00 Maple street. - Muss Jessie Thmnpson, wlto Was In Toronto last week, attended the reception to the Prince of Wales, and was one of those who shook hands with the Prince. WEEKLY DANCES BAYFIELI) .Iowett's Pavillion SPECIAL .DANCE MONDAY EVEN- !ING, SEPT. 1st, LABOR DAY. and every Tuesday and Thursday un--' ti] further notice (with the ex- ception of Aug. 28th). 13LAOKSTONE-BU CKLEY OR- CIIESTRA I Also MENPSETUNG JIO1+:I, Every 'Wednesday. FOLLOW TIIE CROWD 1 Clinton Junk Dealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. WARZWINIMMI Call and See our stock of PUMPS PIPES and FITTINGS Electric Fixtures Stoves and Graniteware J. A. Sutter Phone 147e7 Phone 146 Estimates given. A. E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS,. SIGNS, Elle. INTEItXG;IS ANI, EXTERIOR' DECORATING We protect your floors, turuituro;, etc,, by 'plenty of drop slieets, Ontario 'Street , II.