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fall Paper
the best valve procurable.. Ask
those who have looked over
our selection and they will tell
you the same.
Broken lots at less than
cost price to clear.
A.. T. Joo1ior
O.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph
Clinton, Ontario
Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsay and
the latter's mother, Mrs. Cochrane of
Rochester, N.Y., were the guests of
Mrs. John 11. Heard the latter part
of last week.
Mr. McCurdy of Stratford is a
guest at the Commercial.
NIr. John Jantzi and, wife' and
Mrs. Noah Stager- dr Baden were
guestts,4...17r.and Mrs. S. Kipler ov-
' 'Tr -the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Joseph
The DoubleTrack Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
F+u11 information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C., E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phoue 57. Uptown Agents.
have motored -1)40k "to. their home. in
Detroit, •tvlio)i„ .after a month's visit
with friends Yn Bayfield., •
The Public school opened on 'rues
day morning with Aliso Fair of J3era
vie as principal and Miss Davey as
Misses Lucy and. Joan Woods, May
'floe ard, Greta Baker and lzetta
Monier left on Monday for . Clinton
to atteacl Collegiate. „
Mr, Jacob J ipfer and wife of Blake
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, S.
•Iipfer on Sunday.
Rev. Mr, T'orrauce of :Detroit, who
its summering hero, occupied the put -
pit of Trinity. church on Sunday
morning last.
Rev. J. 0. 'Tolinie of Windsor took
the service in St,• Audrew'S church
on Sunday evening last.
Quite a number from the village
took in the sports at 'Zurich on Mon-
Mrs. 5, Cleave left last week for
Bad Axe, Mich., to visit her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Giogrich.
Mrs. Jaynes Stephenson of the
Goshen Line, Stanley, spent the
week -end as the guest of Mrs. Bailey.
Mr, Hugh McKay and 1v1f0 took in
the Toronto Fair last week.
Lawrence Fondle of London spent
the holiday under the parental root.
Wednesday, Sept. 10th, is to be
l3ayfeid's civic holiday.
Londesboro. .
gr. Wm. Brogden has returned to
bis, home in Winnipeg and Miss
13ertha Brogden to London after
spending their vacation at the home
Of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo,
fdr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon and Mas-
ter Gordon are spending a few days
'in Toronto, the guests of Mrs. D. 13,
Niss-•1112ther Jamiesdn- lett this-
week for Toronto, where she will re-
sutue her teaching duties.
• Miss Clara Young recur ed hone
Saturday, after spending'several
weeks with her sister, NIrs. Brown
of Brantford.
Miss Myrtle Grainger of Toronto is
spending this week at her home.
' Mr, NI. Bruce left Saturday for
Toronto, where he will visit friends
for a few days.
Misses Lillie Brunsdon and Elsie
Millar spent .Friday in Seaiorth.
Mr. W. Caldwell and Miss Mae,
Mrs, Quinn and Rev, and Mrs. Haw-
kins autoes oto Toronto Monday.
Mr. Thos. Moon spent a few days
in Toronto this week.
Nlr, Thos. Levan returned to 'Tor-
onto atter spending several weeks at
the home of Mr. M. Ross.
Mr. Alvin Braithwaite isih siting
et his home here.
Miss Rachel Woodman spent last
week at the home of her, aunt, Sirs.
Adams of the. 8th con.
Mr. J. Lounshery autoed to %ur-
Dry Goods
Spedals 1
Flouncings, Embroideries 69c
a yard
100 yds flouncing elnbroi'teries 27 36 and 40 in
wide beautiful' quality, suitable for dresses, underskirts,
childern dresses; valuesup to 1,00 and 1,50 special
60c a yard.
Ladies' House Dresses 1.25
5 'dozen ladies' house dresses made of good quality
print short sleeves Dutch neck, elastic girdle, would be
good value at $1.75 special $1.25 each.
Dress Muslims 35c a yard
The balance of our summer stock of muslins
mostly light colors 27 to 36 inches wide values up to
75c special 35e a yard.
Rain Coats $3.98
Son y ladies' rain coats fawn and grey rubber
lined sires 36, 38 and 4) values up to $800 special $3,98,
Ladies'Dresses. $3.98
The balance dour summer stock including chain-
breye and gingbatns sizes 16, 18 and 38 just 5 dresses
in all, values up to $6,50 special $3.08
roll and spent the Clay Monday.
We wish to thank -the kind Wraiths
and neighbors who, 0n account Of
the illness of my son, assisted us in
cutting our crop and gathering it ill -
to the barn, also the nhoillbers of the
Orange Order, who so cheerfully legit
a helping hand,—Mrs, Phillips and
Stanley Township
• The farmers of the 2nd concession
held their annual harvest home pic-
nic in Mr, Neil NIcGregor's maple.
grove on Friday afternoon. There
were e number of visitors present
from a long distance ; England, Scot-
land, New York, Detroit and one, - a ,
member of the crew 01 ki,M,S,Reaown:
which brought, the Prhlpo of Wales to
Canada. The people ,seemed to be fin
good humour and all kinds of `gaMe0
were indulged lin. Both youngand
old enjoyed the afternoon together,
though two ,of our number were miss-
ed, Mrs. Moffat and Percy Diehl, who
have been called away since our
picnic. The tables wore Well laden
with a bountiful supply and 'ample
justice was doiie:to the good• things
to eat, It would be dillicult'to find
a happier or more congenial neighbor-
hood than this, ono where more good
fellowship exists.:
• Eacrt mer went 'round. .
smile oil his Lace,
Free from all trouble and c
ills barn )vas titled with -a
With enough, and a little
to spare.
f 1
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Wilson of Tor-,
onto have returned home after spend-
ing their holidays with Mr. Wilson's
sister. Mrs, George Swan. •
• A. reception was held in-CTnion
church on Thursday evening last for
the last of our returned soldier boys
and their friends. 'There was a
good program and at the close the
boys were all presented with very
handsome 'solid gold medals, as also
was Miss Jean Mustard, who went
overseas as a nurse. Then all ad-
journed to the basement where tite
ladies of the congregation served tea
and a social hour was spent.
Miss Alice Rattenbury and Niiss
Mame Swan have returned home
from. Toronto, where they took in
the Exhibition and had a look at the
Mrs. John McKenzie has returned
home from Detroit, where she went
to have an operation perforated. IIer
Pian}- friends will be pleased to know
it was quite successful.
Mr. and NIrs. Jack Rattenbury and
little daughter, Miss 131eanor, motor-
ed up from Burlington and spent the
week -end with Mr. Rattenbury's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ratten-
bury. Air. and Mrs. Rattenbury re-
turned home with them and will vis-
it in Burlington and 'roronto.
Rev. W. 1), and Mts. McIntosh have
returned home after their month's
holidays. Mr. McIntosh occupied aid
own pulpit on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brock have
returned home from a very pleasant
visit at Montreal and other places.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson ate
taking in the Exhibition in 'Toronto
this week.
Mr. George, McCartney of Hardisty,
Sask., is visiting his "many friends
Mrs, Honer visited Bayfield friends
for a few days last week.
The Wren are busy putting up the
cement sheds at the church. Inc.
Deeds of Zurich has the contract for
the cement work.-
The marriage took place at the
manse on Friday of Miss Marjorie
E. McIver and Mr. i1. Goldie Gra-
ham of Stanley, the Rev. W. 1).
Morntosh performing the ceremony.
The 'hest of good wishes follow the
young people for a happy and . pros-
perous married -life.
Holmesviille ,
Mr. and Mrs.'J. Luxford and sou
Elmer of Walkerville motored up. re-
cently and visited Nir, and Mrs.
Airs, R. McCartney and daughter,
Mlss'Altilind, took in the Exhibition'
this year, going_ down the, first day
so as to: see the Prince.
Mr. Fred. Schwa -es spent the past
week in, 'lbrolito, taking in the Ex-
Miss Peru LRord 'et Ottawa paid a
Short visit last week to her grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Cothr•-
NIr. Limburner of Gcierioh si.pplietl
the Methodist circuit pulpits on Stub.
day last in the absence el, Rev. .Mr.
Johnsen,, who returned from his
vacation on Tuesday.
The Epworth League met on Mon-
day evening. Miss Verna Jervis gave
the topic on "Wealth and :Poverty."
The school reopened on Tuesday,
1\1182 E. Robinson of Kincardine is
the teacher for this year.
The Mission Circle met at the
Home of Miss Frances Potter on
Friday afternoon last. Mrs, 0, R.
Forster had charge of the meeting. A
ten cent tea was served at the close,
Miss Marion Alcoalc has gone to
the Clinton Collegiate.
Commencing haxt Sunday the Meth-
odist Sunday- school will be held in
the morning afhor the citurch service,
instead. of the afternoon,
Miss 1. MeMath of Toronto is
holidaying at her sister's, Mrs. N,
W. Trnwartha,
'rho Mealord Woollen Mills has tc-
ccived an otd0i• for 17,000 yards ot
khaki, frieze, worth about 855,000, for
the Greek army,
When Detroit wont city the eon,
sinnpi,talt of milk Increased 20 per -
(met, and bul.termilk 50 percent,
September 4th, (919
Married At Auburn Wednes-
day Week
A very quiet Weddlng was soleanniz-
pd woneeday 01 last week Aug.
27th, at the •.home of Mr. and Mrs,
John Ferguson of Auburn, when
their daughter, Cora Belle, Wasun-
ited in marriage with Mr, Guy W,
Durham, son of iMlrs. Hannah St
oI , George,Dur-
h ,an
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev., A. E. 111ilison, only immed-
iate friends being Present,
The bride was becomingly gowned
in white silk crepe with pearl trim
mings, wore a string of pearls, tate
gift of the groom,•: and carried, a
bouquet of Sunset -roses. Niro, ChM
ter Taylor, sister of the bride, play-
ed the wedding music.
• After the ceremony a dainty lun-
cheon was served.
Amongst the many,handsome gifts
received by the bride was a pretty
china tea sett from 5.5. No. 18,
Brantford, where she had taught for
the past two years.
Mr. and Mrs. Durham left the same
afternoon for Muskoka, a, v
hOro they
will spend. a fortnight before going
to their home at St. George, where
tate groom is a prosperous fanner,
Good wishes follow the young
couple for a happy and prosperous
married life.
Mrs, 11'. 71, Johnston returned from
Toronto last Monday, having spent
the past week there owing to Niro.
Johnston's illness. She is reported
to be steadily regaining her health,
Mr, Itobt. Dayman and wife, NIr.
Duncan McCowan and wife and Mrs.
•Jas.. 1Ic1'ly,nont motored to -Toron-
to last week to attend the big Show
and visit friends. They returned
home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Richardson,
who have. lived in our village for a
amber of years,' are moving to Hen -
sail this week. They have been the
best of residents and we are sorry
to. lose them,
Mrs, Scott Black and three chil-
dren of Tugaske, Sask., visited with
bit. end Sirs. W. French for some
days last week. They were eu route
to London, where they are at present
visiting with friends. They have
been with relatives at Wroxeter shim
bit, Wnt. ,Johnston of St. Louis,
Mo., has been enjoying his annual
visit to Kippen and Hensel". He
leaves on Wednesday to visit this
daughter, Mrs, Walter Man of Cleve-
Mr. and Mrs. Join Buchanan of
London were guests with their
aunt, Nirs...Jas. Miller on Thursday
of last week. The gentleman is a
son of Mr. Alex. Buchanan of Ilen-
11rs. Geo. Taylor, Who lived so
many years in this village but for
the past year, since Mr.. Taylor's
death, ]las made her home with her
daughters, -firs, Ileo. Troyer of Hay
and Mrs. 5. Thompson of Stanley,
left a week ago for London to spend
a couple of months with her sons,
Fred and Albert.
Mr. Frank l'pslhail is spending a
couple of months with his brothers
and sisters in Tugaske and Gilmore,
Sask. Mr. Upsbali's health has not
been good for some time.
Nr. and Mrs. Jays. Mustard left on
Monday for Toronto, going in. their
car, Miss Ilclen McGregor went With
them and will remain as she has ac-
cepted a position as teacher in the
N'It. anciCity. firs. Wm. Moore of De-
troit visited friends in Kippen last
week. They are very much delighted
with that city.
` Inc. John Shaffer of Parkhill, ac-
companied by •his wife and daughter
and Mrs. Btenimer . of Grant. Bend,
visited with his uncle, NIr. Henry
Schafer, and family at our village
hostelry on Tuesday. They had been
to Wellesley to ,attend the funeral of
an aunt, The relatives There were de-
lighted to see them.
.Miss May (McGregor, teacher in
Stratford Business College, spoilt the
holidays with her parents in the vil-
A quiet wedding tools place at the
manse en Thursday last when Rev.
Dr, Aitken' officiated at the marriage
of Mr. Lorne Luker and Miss Bessie
Love, both. of Hay township, The
groom. is a prosperous farmer on the
Zurich Read near- Hensen. Tho Ihap-
py .couple motored to Hamilton and
Toronto to spend the houeymoon.
Tile best of good wishes from a host
of friends gn with them.
Miss 1:. Hollsng has for the past
week and a_half been enjoying a boat
trip up -the St. Lawrence, - stopping
at Quebec, Montreal, IC i n g -
ston arid Toronto, She was accom-
panied by her cousin, Miss V. Vance,
and her aunt, WS. H. S. Walker,
both of London. Miss Holland on
returning, went to Londcsboro to at-
tend Lite wedding of Miss Lyon.
Hullett Township
Mr., ilex Morrison returned to his
home in Chicago the b°ginhing of the
week atter: spending the past couple
ot weeks with his father, Mr. Richard
Morrison, and other relatives,
NIr. and Mrs. J. 13, llhcinhardt and
two children of Kitchener have been
visaing at the homes of Messrs, Wm.
Morrison and. Joseph .Reynolds, and.
with 'friends in Clinton.
Itir, Paul Mammae spent a fete days
with friends here recently„
Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn took 'In
the Toronto Exhibition this week.
• Miss Loretto -Flynn.008110ns to Tor-
onto Saturday atter a fortnight's
Miss Ilelen Morrison has rammed
to her selroot down hi the eastern
part of the province.
A 1Pretly Wedding al Ionto
desboro op Tuesday.
On xuosday at high 000a a very
Pretty wedding tools place air the
hail) of Mr. and Mrs Flarry Lyon,
L,on esboro, when their daughter,
Edna, Myrtle, was united in marriage
to Mt, Eldred Robert Holmes of
Dresden, Out.
To the strains of the wedding mar -
011 played by Miss lda Lyon, the
bride, and groom took their• places
under en arch of evergreen and white
asters erected on the lawn. The
bride; who was. given away by • her
father, looked oharllring in her wed-
ding gown of white crepe with pearl'
trimmings, wearing the coaventional
Veil and carrying it bouquet, of white
The ceremony was pert deed hg the
Rev. T. 111. Sawyer ani was wit-
nessed by about thirty guests. '
When the bride and groom had re-
ceived the congratulations. of those
present, the bride's niece, - Dorothy
Louise, infant slaughter of Mr, and
r Kerslake was
M s. Arthurof Exeter,
At the conclusion of this cere-
mony the bride. and groom. led the
way- to the dining room, where a
dainty wedding luncheon was served,
Mr. aid Mrs. Holmes left, amid
showers of confetti, on the four
o'clock train for London, Toronto
and Niagara Palls, the bride travel-
ling in a suit of navy blue serge,
trimmed with military braid, and
large Meek hat. After the honey-
moon they will reside on the groom's
farm at Dresden
The best of good wishes go with
the happy couple to their new
hmme, • May they havelonglife, mos -
petit), and abundant happiness.
Mrs. John Junor and Mrs. Richard
Holland and two children of the
Canadian Soo have been spending a
few days with NIr, and Mrs. Robt,
Pearson of the'L,th,
Misses Pllebe,and Dorothy libeep of
Goderiell spent a week with their
cousin, Miss Vera Coleloclgil.
Mr, and Mrs, W. 13rittoa 55014 n
few days last week 1n Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. ,Jas, Mann, Sr., and
Miss Josie Renwick are taking in the
Exhibition fn Toronto this week and
visits r
ng trier•, ,daughter, M s, W,
Mrs, Proctor of Brussels spent a
week with her sister, Mrs. H. Coli,
Mrs, II. Colclough spent Sunday
with friends in Goderich.
Mr. Albert Coates of Idaho is vis'
iting Ms sister, Mrs, W. Clark, and
other friends hereabouts.
Quite a nuinbor of people intend
going down to Toronto this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. 'Riley ot Tuck-
ersmith spent Sunday with his bro-
ther, 13. Riley.
Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson and
daughter of Seatorth spent Sunday,
as the guest of their niece, Ms. Roy,
br. Bernard. Bali took' , earlcad 151
youlib People over to Grand ,Bend en
8VInnday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, D, Tudor spent Lab-
or Day with her parents, Kr, and
Wars. W. Stanley of Oiint'ron,
A number, of the members of the
congregation of St, John's churoll
met at the home of Miss Erma Diehl
on Monday evening and presented lien
with a purse of money. An address
was read to the young lady, express-
ing the appreciation of the congrega-
tion ofher services as organist and
member of the choir, the gitt being a
tangible token of the appreciation.
A very happy and jolly evening was
spent by all.
The e� tiei"n Fair
London, Ontario
September 6th to 19th, 1919
the -
Very Best
Speed Events
• Daily
Than Ever
JohnnyJ Jones
Plenty of Music Fireworks
Pure Food Show Tractor Demonstrations
Every Night
Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Sts, Usual Entrance at Gate
Grand Stand 50o and 25c
Prize Lists. Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
Lt,-Ool. W. al, Gartshore,Z,President A, M. HUNT, Secretary
Baking Always In Sight
HE clear glass door is only one of the
modern features of this dependable
range. Its baking qualities you know.
The cooking top will take the boiler either
Across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook
the regular dinner on wash -day.
Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel; 1,
and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther-
mometer takes all guess -work out of baking. No other
range will quite satisfy you once you sec the Pandora.
cCIarys Pandora
x dMava a • _ • '1•a :t.,+, r+i•
Canada's Dead and Missing -
Canada's Wounded - - - -
Canada's National Debt -
Soldiers' Annual pensions
HE WORLD is staggering with- debt.
countries are verging on bankruptcy,.
b $35,000,000
Some of the leading
Five years ago Canada had never dreamed of the financial burden she
carries to -day.
Canada entered the Great War with a National Debt of $337,000)000,
or $42 per head of population. Canada emerges with a National Debt
to date of $1,670,263,691, which is expected to approximate $2,000,000,-
000 by the end of the fiscal year—or about $250 for every man, woman
and child in the country. Interest charges alone will eat up nearly one-
half our present national revenue, and soldiers" pensions will have to be
provided as well.
Can Ontario Alf'.• rd to Spend
$36,000,00I„ a Year on Booze?
REVIOUS to the Ontario Temperance Act the drink bill of the
Province approximated $36,000,000 per year, an amount about
equal to Ontario's share of the Annual interest on our National
Debt. In the face of our financial responsibilities alone, is this the time
to repeal the Ontario Temperance Act or relax a single one of its restric-
tions upon waste of money and man power? To every question on the
Referendum Ballot vote
1( 6
v" Fo§ N
6 ,aMyJ,.. �99
pF Q
No Ropoal—No Government beer shops—No intoxicating beer in Standard Hotel bars --No Govern-
ment bear and whiskey shops. Es sure you aro on the voters' Eta. 13e sure you mark your ballot
four times—X—C—X—X—in the column headed No.
Tier -Chairman an,l ,Stereaary,
(1001 &edam, lift IIIMg.)