HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-8-28, Page 8CllaINTON'S LB AI?ING JL'WLI LERY STORE STILL SOME ARTICLES AT REDUCED PRICES Eire sale now over but I have a few sets of Knives ad Forks still left at reduced prices, Now stook all in and prices right. SILVERWARE, GOLD JDWELERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, and CHINA. CUT GLASS (I must now proceed to collect soiue bills still owing.) R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician NEX11 HOVEY'S DRUG .STORE , rtrOSlr 1 We Shoe Children I Correctly We always Shoe the children with the greatest of care I There are many little details concerning ChiIdren's Shoes that must be "just right" and we see that they are 1 Bring the chil- dren here for shoes and turn the matter over to us and you'll soon discover that it will cost you less per, year for : Children's Shoes than it ever did before and you'll escape all vexations 1, Nature Shape Shoes To Guide Little Feet Correctly 1 We've high or low out shoes in a variety of models. Black or handsome new tan leathers, button or lace shoes,, .low, itpels— flat heels, or the comfortabre rubber soles and heels, , : ;i i ahfldren's Slioes a'b ,$1.50, $2.Oo, $2.25 to $4.50. ' ' ' , If the children have loot troubles of any sort bring them dere I and we'll correct the difficulty. FRED. JACKSON PRACTICAL SHOEMAM sae. 1 Harvest Toes Now is' the time you want a pair'of light, comfortable shoes for farm work that will stand hard wear Nothing better than apair of our Mule•skin Boots, good solid soles, Ieather insoles. Will stand lots of hard usage. Special 2n.75 at per pair Black Shaved Kip Bluchers, leather insoles, a good solid 2n,75 boot Women's Shaved Kip Oxfords, leather insoles, good farm shoe at a low price 1 .�5 Men's blue and white striped overalls, A speeial line at 2.00 Special prices on boys eottonade pants for the holiday season ORDERED CLOTHING Made -to -measure Snits at very close prices. A good selection of samples to choose from and fit guaranteed. Give us a trial order. We guarantee satisfaction, Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 25 CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS. L28 JAS. DUNFOUW dertaker and Funeral Director. • / Phone llisziO. 28 JUST R LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty people. To know how attractive are these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them. Descrip- tion would not do justice to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. Wag 1 Clearance Sale FOR ALL NEXT WEEK 2 only New Ideal Washing 14Ia chines $13,50 for 111.75 Perfection and Fforenee Oil Stoves at Cost to Clear. 'A few Faultless Carpet Sweepers, metal east, Brat quality, regular $3.00 for 52.25 Y only 8 -pig galvanized trough, regular 15.75 for $4.76 1 only 3 -pig galvanized trough, regular 18.00 for . 12.50 Sanitary and durable. 'Ji few' potato drags, regular 50 tents for .25 1 only crow bar 25 lbs., regular $2.60 for 11.60 MANY LINES IN SECONDS GRANi'II.WARE AT A VERY LOW PRICE. HARLAND BROS hardware, Stoves and N"ovelt,ieS A -OOOO FOUNTAIN Gllawt'a News -Record August 28th, 19I9 PEN IS THE rnss`i' WAITING TOOL W: KNOW I•landier than a pencil—Eon don't nood to sharpen it, Quicker than an ordinary, pen—you don't need to dip. It's always roa!ly when you are. No treed us tell - jug you how much good a Fountain Wen would de you, but we can tall you the hest pen to get. it's a Waterman Ideal at 12.50 and upwards. Tie W. D. Fair Co. l'Often t}ie Cheapest Always the Best.'i ,q^;0 •• nr IOtanannwwgg101h, Miss Maude Cook of ,Brussels spent a few clays in Clinton last week. Mr. T. R. Jenlcins of Woodlands Farm, Huron Road, is in Toronto this week. Miss Marion Andrews bas returned from a visit with her sister in Ton Mrs. Martroto. inson of , Winnipeg is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. H. 13. Combe. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bell and Miss Jean are,spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. Wilfrid Penfound left Last week for the west. He will be absent a couple of months or so. Miss Edith Jennison and Mrs. Fred. Weir and little son are this week visiting friends in London. Misses Ida, Laura and Irene Wilken of Detroit have been spending a holiday with their father in town. Miss Mary Southcombe returned home Saturday after a couple of months' visit with friends in the west. Mr. G. Cuningitame oa Monday mov- ed his family in from Burks', where they had been camping for v,, fort- night. Miss Winnie Thompson is in Toronto this week taking in the big fair and, it is hoped, a sight also of the Prince of Wales. Miss Campbell, who has been visit- ing the Wallis and Jenkins families for the past week or so, left 'Mon- day for Toronto. Pte. David Gwynn arrived from over- seas on Saturday evening and spent the weekend as the guest of Mr. and Mrs, It. A. d3e11. Mr. Wm. Hardy left Thursday after- noon for the west. He will spend the winter with his daughter, Airs. Challenger of Edgerton. A'Ir. and Mrs. 13. G. Hays of Detroit have beds visiting tho former's father, Mr: George Hays of town, during the past couple of weeks. IVfr. and Mrs. Thos. .Jennison left on Monday afternoon for their home at Swift Current, Sask., after a somewhat extended visit in On- tario. Mr. D. J. Cantelon is in Toronto • during the Exposition period serv- ing as a special policeman, a posi- tion he has held for fourteen years or more. Mr. and Mrs. E..1. Jenkins and Mas- ter George, who have been camp- ing at Burks' for sotne weeks, broke camp 'on lionday. Mr. and Mrs. J enkins are now locating in Lon- don. Mrs. S. C. Andrews and children left this week for Toronto, where they will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Gillies before pro- ceeding to their home at Alix, Al- berta, Mrs. Robb raturned on Wednesday last from Pickering, where she had spent several months with her daughter, Mrs. Puckering, who re- turned with her and,has been visit- ing here. Rev. E. 0. Fordo returned from Tor- onto the middle of last week. He went down to supply the previous Sunday. in the Danforth Avenue Baptist church and remained over for a wedding on Wednesday. Mrs. (De.) Archer of North Balti- more, Ohio, and Mrs. Keys and Miss Keys of Yale, Mich,, who had been visiting the former's uncle, Mr. Wm. Stanley of town, and with friends and relatives in the vicin- ity for a week, returned home Fri- day.' Mr. and Mrs. W. Southcombe were the guests of the former's aunts, the Misses Southcombe, over the week -end. Mr. Southcombe, who . has been on the staff of the Col- lingwood Collegiate for the past four or five years, takes a poslticn on the staft.of the Strathroy Col- legiate at the beginning of the term. Mr. and Mrs. John Moon and Master Jack returned last week to their home in Toronto after a very en- joyable ten -days' motor trip. They visited .Mrs. Moon's people at Se- bringvllle and Mr. Moon's old home at Londeshoro and eaifed on inroads in Goderieh and Clinton, Mr, Moon has many friends here, where he formerly lived, who always have a Warm welcome for him when he re- turns. By the way, Mr, Moon has just moved Into his new $14,000 residenee at 120 Westnrount Ave., hi a section of The city which has bean built sip during the past ten y'eaf'e t C so. CLEARING PRIGS on Mews Twcod Suits 1-4 OFF, (WOMEN'S STORE Drj Goods; House Furnishings phone 6f Next Royal Bank BROWN'S MEN'S STORE • Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, ANTED! TEN OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES ANY BRIGHT GIRL WIIO CAN ADAPT HERSELF READILY TO CONDITIONS CAN IN TWO OR TIIREEI MONTHS ACQUIRE A SUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE OF OI'E,RA't'ING TO .13I CAPABLE OF I'IARNING AS GOOD OR BETTER WAGES TIIAN SHE WOULD AT MANY OTHER KINDS OF WORK. WE WILL- 1'IIOROUGIILY INSTRUCT NEW BEGINNERS AND PAY GOOD WAGES FROM THE */ STA R'1'. GOOD 130Y WANTED TO LEARN PRESSING-. I APPLY TO 0E0. P1IALEN, SUPERINTENDENT, i`I ; "!r .I' I i 1. T1 I�f�t�7 i1ID119 The Jackson Manufacturing Co., Lt Eighty percent. of the coal mines in District No. 18 have returned to work, the influence of the One Big Union having ended there. A large number of changes have a.NIXr..IMI.ers,>..MIwe CH N ton. 01111•611[61061600606611116, 016 taken place in the Quebec Provincial Cabinet. Dr. J. E. Rutherford has been ap- pointed by the Dominion Government to investigate horse racing. youlanlinasimg Make Every Hour Count OR the salesman, collector, con- tractor—the mart who "must get there"—the Ford Runabout. Through the traffic of the city, over rough country roads to the outlying town, the Ford Runabout travels rapidly and economically, Ford nunabout $050. Touring $690. On open models the Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment is $100 extra. Coupe,$976, Sedan, 51,175. (Closed model include nclude Electric Starting and Lighting equipment). Demountable lima, tire carrier and noweicid Urea on rear as optional equip- moat on closed cars only at 325.00 extra, These prices are f. o. b. Ford Ontarlo and do not Include War Tax. .Uuv onto Gervino Ford Paris '100 Canadian dealers and over 2,000 Service Garages supply them. 181 Clinton Motor'Trvck ai>id %aehine Co. Dealers Clinton hI:YA .nY3Gbti 07-3 I-Iohnesville Miss L. McVicar of Goderich visit- ed last week with her friend, Miss Emily Ford. Miss Beatrice Greene of Clinton visited with Holntesville friends du- ng the past week. Miss Robinson of Goderich is this week the guest of Mrs. W. Pickard and is also calling on a number of old friends. The W.M.S. Met at the home of Mrs. 16. Yeo on Wednesday after- noon of last week. ']'he auxiliary Was pleased to have with them their: president, Miss D, Holmes, who is able to be about again. Mr. Ortweiu of kiensall filled the Methodist circuit pulpits on Sunday. He preached very fine sermons, which were pleasurably listened to. The Mission Circle held their an- MI nnual picnic on Fbrster's flats on Tuesday afternoon. Services will be resumed In St. ,John's church at the usual hour on Sunday next, Rev. W, and Mrs, Courtiee and sen left for their home at Durango, Colo, Call and See our stock of PUMPS PIPES and FITTINGS Electric Fixtures Stoves and Graniteware J. A. Sutter Phone 147w hv_M^9 . J4 ,.wry on Monday after their vacation spent at their respective parental hones in . Dtngenton and Holmesviile. Widespread search for hundreds of U.S.A. draft evaders is being made by Federal police in the Abitibi re- gion, Quebec. WEEKLY DANCES DAYFIELD ,Iowett's Pavillion SPECIAL DANCE MONDAY L•'VEN•.- IING, SEPT. ist, LABOR DAY. and every Tuesday and Thursday un— til further notice (with the ex- ception of Aug. 28th). BLACKSTONE-BUCKLEY OR- CHESTRA 1• Also MENESETUNCI nor 0 r Every Wednesday. FOLLOW THE CROWD Clinton Junk Dealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. CLINTON — CANDY — KITCIIEN, Home=made Ice Crean Made of Pure Cream Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate Maple Walnut and .Orange PRICE BY BULK PER PT. �/�0, 6A a�d PER 4,0e,. QT. ALSO ICE CREAM BRICKS 25c Pt. 50e Qt. We specialize in home-made Candy.. M. OEORCAS Proprietor Phone 146 .Estimates given. A. E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS„ SIGNS, ETC, INTERIOR ANI) EXTERIOR DECORATING We proteet your floors, furhiturok ere., by plenty of drop sheets. On tart° iStreat na,tc 41,a