HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-8-28, Page 5August 28th 1919 • Minton Newe4Reeord Of interest to;You and Me. Premier ilearst announced the oth> i•cr day, that the referendum vote would be taken between the first and twenty-second of Octobers •Victoria Hospital, London, . is :adopting the eight hour day for its probatioeery nurses, being the first :'hospital in Canada to do so. . • . It is a comparatively easy natter to make sure that your name is on the voters' list and may , save you 'disappointnnent on voting day. • • "After all, with a sleeping bag and a pocket full of 'miners' anybody array go to the Toronto exhibition," says The Orillia Paokett, The editor anust, be a devotee of the simple life. • • A • From a glance over the editorial page of The Toronto Times! from • day to day one gathers that the edi- tor of that Journal is not an admir- er of the new Liberal leader, Hon. '"W, L. McKenzie Ring. •.• The Canadian National Exposition is ,on in Toronto this 'reek and next. The Prince of Wales was supposed to 'have "opened" it'on'Monday but we note that everything wash full blast Saturday, and we venture the opinion that if anything had happened to pre- vent the Prince's presence things would have gone on about as usual, * . * "11 it were in the interest of the nation that total prohibition should exist while the war was on in order that the nation's efficiency might not be iiupaired by consumption of liquor "it follows that in these times of peace when every ounce of energy is required in dealing with conditions arising out of the war that prohibi- tion is more than ever necessary."— Collingwood Bulletin. A. Simcoe man, who says lie has always been a Conservative, writes to Tho Reformer complaining about `the high salary paid the Provincial premier and makes the threat that if the aforementioned salary is nob Pared down to about one half its present size he will vote for the op- position next election. That's one :-good Tory vote gone if he keeps his word. But what we fail to see .is how that will help matters. if the •opposition is returned to power a Liberal premier will, draw the salary 'instead of a Conservative premier, the result would be the same as re- gards expenditure. • • • No doubt the high cost of every- thing is responsible for it but a num- ber of writers have been harping lat- ely upon the old saying that money • cannot buy everything. Everyeody, knows that there are a number of things which money cannot buy and •11 we are not in possession of those things already we are doing without -them and trying to make the best of it. But there are a great many comforts and blessings which money, provided one has enough of it, can and will buy and that's what most •of us are rustling around. after, enough money to purchase those things for which it is considered leg- al tender.•. News of Happenings in the Countg and District A. couple of aeroplanes visited God- •orich last week but so common aro such visits becoming that they ex - 'cite little interest. . Those responsible for the invest- ment of the funds derived from the sale' of the material of the defunct 'West Shore Railway strongly favor -;their investment in • Government Bonds of this year's issue. Mayor ,Wigle . or Goderich, who appeared be- fore the Ontario Railway Board to support such a resolution, said the municipalities interested were more desirous of having a safe and sound investment than in a large return •of interest. The two Methodist congregations or Exeter have been uniting for the past couple of Sundays. Mr. A. A, Naylor, who has been principal of Seaforth Public school for the past seven years, has resign ed to 'accept the position of principal of the Queen Mary Public school, 'Chatham. His resignation takes ef- fect September 30th, Mrs, Campbell and her daughter, Miss Nellie, of Hensel' have sold 'their residence there to Mr. Arthur Cm:worth, who recently returned -✓from the west, acid they intend re- moving to California. Magistrate Petty of Hensall last week committed Joseph Brown of near Hillsgreen for trial at the fall assizes st Goderich tor setting bush fires which destroyed property and insured live stock. 'Sone mistake occurred about the •tnnnouneenent of Seaforth's fall fair, `the dates being given out as Oct, 18 and 10 instead of Sept, 18 and 10, which sae the real dates, '.ca,,,well--a'own resident of Brussels, :Mrs. Seth Bailey, passed away at 'her home following• a general break- down of her system, at the age or seventy-four years. 5110 is survived by her husband and groan -tip family. Funeral took place on Monday after- noon, llesidients were sui•nrised no Sat- urday to hear that es. Daniel Den- man, enman, had Hissed away in the early mnrnina, following a short Rheas from neuritis. Tlereased was the Old - i of cls,/trf,f,rr of George and Mrs. Mc- Millan, Brussels, and was abnut for- ty years of age, Mrs. J. E. Bennett, who has been Manager of titii Blyth Telephone sys tete for the past eight years or 50, itas resigned, . Mr. Earl Mcelroy or forest has taken a position with the Blyth Flax Co,, and has taken up residence .in that burg. Mr, Robt. Maguire of Morris town- ship has sold itis farm and has • pur- chased •a.liandsome residence in Wing - ham, which he will shortly occupy, Mrs, N, H. Good of Kitchener an- nounces the engagement of her daugh- ter, Elsie Aileen, to Mr, Fred Jessup Wood of Brussels. The marriage tak- es place early in September. Goderich has not yet given up hope of getting the steel plant to locate in' that town, Negotiations have been carried on all summer and new developments are being announced, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Howson and Mies Winnie •of Auburn {are away, to the west on a visit to friends. The contract for the memorial hall to bo erected at Loadesboro has been awarded to the Blyth' Planing M411s for ;$9,000. The work is to commence at once. About ono hundred friends and neighbors of Miss Beatrice McNair, who recently returned from overseas where she had been engaged as a military, nurse, assemble(' . at the home of her cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Itobt. McTaggart, Grey township, ono evening recently and presented her with a •ring, a pin and .apurse of money, accompanied by an 'address. Miss McNair has since left for her home at Vancouver, B.C. ' Miss 0. M. Robinson, assistant superintendent of the General Hos- pital, Crillia, has been appointed superintendent of the new Memorial hospital at Listowel. On Monday of'lest week Crown At- torney and Mrs. C.' Seager of Goder- ich, celebrated their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Seager were +married in Burford, Ont., in 1861. At that time Mr. Seager was a partner in the leg- al firm of' Adams .0 Seager, Sarnia, Ont. Mr. and Mrs• Seager removed to Goderich in June, 1870, where Mr, Seeger' has engaged in legal practice ever since, and was appointed Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace in 1903. I -Ie was Mayor of Goderich in 1887 and 1888. Mr. Seager- is the author of several widely -known books on legal practice. The Rev. Dr. C. A. Seager, rector of St.. Matthew's church, Toronto, the son of Crown Attorney Seager, with Mrs. Seager and children,' were present at the celebration. A Wingham lady was'rendered un- conscious by a blow from an apple thrown by a boy who was robbing her orchard and whom she was try- ing to drive away. The boys were afterwards brought before the magis- trate and fined. Somebody broke into the premises of Mr, Wm. Sneath of Wingham the other night and.set poison for some of: his valuable Belgian hares. Dr.'Trowler, who died a few days ago in Los Angeles, Cal., was for many years a resident of Wingham, having practised medicine there. He deft that town about thirteen years ago. Don'ts for Motorists Don't forget 'to slow down at street or road intersections. Don't forget the pedestrians. They too, have rights on the streets and highways. Don't forget to use extra precau- tions when you see a child crossing a highway. Don't forget to look to the right and the left before passing a rail- road crossing. Don't forget, when signalled by a vehicle in your rear, to turn .slightly to the right and allow such vehicle to pass you on your left. Don't forget that allmotor ve- hicles must be equipped with ade- quate brakes in good-norlcing order and adequate horns or other signal- ling devices. Don't forget that in case of acci- dent you must stop immediately and give your name, address and license number to the injured party or a police officer. If no police officer is in the vicinity of the place of injury or accident, report the same to the nearest police station or judicial of- ficer. 4 Is the Steel Plant Actually Coming ? After several weeks of negotiations a site has been secured and 'other preliminaries settled for the location of the Lake IIuron Steel Corporation at Goderich. The site is at the south end, Of ,the town and partly in Goderich township, . and couprisea 250 acres along the shore of Lake Huron. Surveyors arc already, at work laying out the site. Among the men interested in the steel plant and allied industries are: J. J, Mahon, Newark, lath Chief In- spector Imperial, Munitions Board, formerly of the Crucible Steel of America ; J. A, Durfee, Pittsburg, late General Manager of the British Forgings Company, Toronto ; .J. C. Jones, Cleveland, President of the Cleveland Steel Co, ; Charles 11. Tal- bot, Detroit, Vfee-President of the National Bank or Commerce, De - trait ; Harry 5, Hall, Detroit, Gen- eral Manager of the Lewis IJall Iron Co, and t resident of the hall Motor Truck Cm.; Stuart A. 'Howard, De- troit, representing New York anti. De- troit financial houses ; Alah Warren, Cleveland, rcpres0hting. NeW York financial interests ;. C, F. Megow, 51, Paul, i'resident of the ("harks Mcgow. Tractor Co., recently of the 'Ford Motor Co,, Detroit ; Bert II. Ide- Creath, To•ohto. The company promises to spend More than tWo million dollars 10 the next twnlve months and an additiolt- al Sig tmillioe5 in 1110 second ,year in ostablishipg its plant, wllioh Will in- elude sir eleetrlc furnaces, and other special equipinelt for -the manufae- turn of'high-class stool products. The announcement of the company's plans follows a series of conforoncea of several of the men above mentboee ed with the 'Town Council and Board of Trade or Goderich, held within the last few days, Births GATJER—At Ontario, :Cal,, on Aug. 16th, to Mr, and Mrs. Melbourne A, Gauer, (formerly .Miss Olive Cooper, Clinton), a daughter— Olive Margaret., MOFFAT—le Tuckersmith, on Aug. 15th, to air. and Mrs, Lawrence Moffat, a son. LOCKING—In Grey townshipa on August 15tH, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Looking, a daughter. ROGERS-In East Wawanosh, on Aug. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers, a son. IKELLY—In Morris, on August 12111, to Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Kelly, a daughter. .- Deaths MCNEIL—In Clinton, on Aug. 25111, Christina Cooper, wife of Mr. T. J. McNeil. CARMICIIAEL-0n July' 31st, at 10 Sallymount avenue, Dublin, Ire- land, the Rev, Frederick Falk - Mei: Carmichael, L.L,D., late Chancellor. of Christ Church Cath- edral, and for fifty years chaplain of the Magdalen Asylum, aged 87. BAILEY—In Brussels, on Aug. 15tH, Jane McMillan Campbell, wife of Mr. Seth Bailey, aged 70 years. DENMAN—In Brussels, on August) 10th, Joann McMillan, wife of Air. Daniel Denman, aged 44 years. ESLER—At Varna, on Aug. 13th, Mrs. James Esler, aged 88 years. LESLIE—At Blake, on Aug. 15th, John Leslie, aged '85 years. IN MElMIORIAM. WFIEATLEY—In loving memory of William Wheatley, who died on August 27th', 1916,—Wife and son. In loving remembrance of Sgt. Rob- ert Murray Draper, 1VLM., who - was killed in action in France, August .28111, 1918, and was bur - vied in Wancourt on the Arras Road. "One who never turned his back but marcbed breast forward ; Never doubted clouds would break, Never dreamt though right were worsted, wrong could triumph ; Held, we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better, Sleep to wake." 1-IANNENT—In proud and loving mc,tory of our dear son and bro- ther, Pte, Harold Hannent of the 18th Batt., who was killed in ac- tion Aug. 28th, 1918. "His. name fs golden in our hearts, His deeds were those of love, He fought, he died, his life flows on, In, Glory's realm above." —Sadly missed by his loving father and mother, sisters and brothers,) Notice Take notice that the Council of the Corporation -of the Town of Clinton intends to construct as local im- provements cement sidewalks as fol- lows On the north side of Princess 81. between Shipley and 'North streets.. On the north side of Spenser St. between Notth and Erie streets. On the east aide of North street, fronting lot No. 519. 011 the south side of Wellington St. between Isaac and Orange. streets. On the west side of Glhbings St. between Ontario and Rattenbury Sts. And intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abut- ting directly on the work. The estimated cost of the work is ;81433.60 of which 8154.88 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated annual special rate. per foot frontage is 5-1 cents. The special asseesment is to be paid in twenty •annual instalments. A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction. D. L, MacPHERSON Clerk: Dated this nth day of Aug. 1919. 08-1 FOR• SALE—IIOUSE ON RA'T'TE'N- bury street, Clinton, Fruit trees and stable on premisses,—Apply to J. H. Lowery, North Bay, Ont. 08—tf. WANTED—TO PUItCFIASE, IN Clinton, a House and lot, house to contain from 5 to 7 rooms. State particulars and terms in first let- ter. Would not object to 1 or 2 acres of land in connection, Address "Buyer," News -Record, 08-1 STRAYED.—FROM I'Rh:MTSES OF undersigned, lot 7, con, 5, 'Town- ship of TTullett, on or about Attg. lith, a dark red dehorned steer. Information leading te its recovery will he gratefully received. Robt. Clarke, R.R, No. 2, Soatorth ; phone 1-245, Seaforth, 08-1f. FARM FOR. SALMI,—LOT NO. 31 and tide north part of Lot 32 in the second ooncessinn of mach' r clilu township containing 110 acres on which there is a frame house and a iavge barn with stabling under- neath. There are two orchards and two 'wells and about 15 acres or hush, Most of the taro 19 in pas- ture and hay,. ,'.('Iris farm 4s well situated bring 4 miles from Bay- field and 8 milts from Goderich. On one of the best roads in the eotnty--•Appiy to ileo, I;. Unmet- lade, reens-lade, Bayfield, Ont, 07--1,1 GET THE HABIT of phoning 111 and when up town of calling at our store,... We will look alter gout 'nate carefully. Look over our speofals for this week. Try a pound or half pound of our bulk teas. Prices and quality are hard to heat, Laundry. Soap 15 bars for ... 81.00 8 Dans Cleanser ,25 0 pkgs, Ammonia ,,, ,25 8 cakes Lavender bath 0051) ,2a Pains Olive Speeiaf— 8 cakes for . .20 12 cakes 1or.,,.,, 1.12 Full range of Piokling Spices and extra quality 'Vinegar for FREE 111 A Brown Betty 'l'ea Pot green Free with your purchases of Aroma Tea, black or mixed. • Ask us how. Sole agents for pickling season. toWYe , JOHNSON & COMPANY Special Bulk Tea Prices: 1 lb. Special black oa .mixed .50 1 lb. Royal Blend, black or mixed .60 1 lb. Princess Blend, bik, or mixed , ,70 1 lb. Japan Green,,, .50 1 ib, Rose Japan Green ,70 Speefal Prices in 5 and 10 lb. lots: Phoned' Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared tor. 123 • 0 Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea --the same every time 0 TEA s good tea. Sold only in sealed packages Notice Parents having children who will be attending school in Sept. for the first time are requested to see that they begin punctually at the opening on Sept. and in. order to facilitate organization, —THE PRINCIPAL. PIGS FOR SALE—READY FOR delivery, 0 weeks' old.—F. W. Au - draws. —04 WANTED—TO RENT WITH OP - tion of buying. A few acres with fair sized house, good stable for horse and cow and hen house in or convenient to town.—Apply giving particulars and price, Drawer B, Clinton. 07—tf LOST—IN S1:AFORTH, ON AUG, 13th, a gold bracelet watch, For- tune Polygoty. case, 15 jewel move- ment. Initials "P.O." on back. Suitable reward for return of same.—Mrs. David Churchill, R.R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone 15 on 611. 07-2—p FARA'I FOR SALE, LOT 29, CON - cession 2, Tuckersmith, H.R.S., containing 100 acres, 95 cleared ;' 5 acres hard -wood timber ; 1 acre orchard ; 85 acres under cultiva- tion ; balance in hay and grass; mostly tile drained ; also a run- ning stream across one corner ; 1. - storey brick house; brick kitchen, 14x18 ; also good woodshed ; hard and soft water inside ; bank barn 30x56 with water inside ; barn No. 2 36x50, up on stones ; also flow- ing spring 8 rods from barn with cement trough ; largo hen house This farm is well situated being 5 miles from Clinton and 9 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brum- field, 1 'rile from school and across the road to church. This farm will be sold reasonable it sold at once. Apply to Francis ,J, Coleman, Sea - forth, R.R. No. 3. Phone 19 on 014, Clinton. 07-11 BOARDERS WANTED. -- YOUNG men preferred.—Apply Mrs. L. Rath,. Huron street. —06 FOR SALE.—THE SIX -ROOMED house and lot, No. 633, on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr. George Taylor ; pleasantly situat- ed ; good garden. If sold at once, $850.00—Apply to Miss Washing- ton, Rattenbury St• 06—tf FOR. SALE.—A SECOND-HAND IN- dian motorcycle. In excellent con- dition. Presto tank and head- light ; horn, good tires. For, quick sale, ab.eap.—E. H. Epps .0 San, Varna. --01 PLUMS AND PEARS WANTED. - 5000 baskets of plums and 5000 baskets of pears for which we will pay the highest market) price. Baskets supplied,—Cantelon Bros. 05—tf FARM FOR SALE—ONE HUNDRED and forty-two acres of land con- sisting onsisting of Lot 1, concession 1, and part lot 1, concession 2, Stanley township, adjoining the village of Kippen, Five tninuto walk to G. T. R. station, churches or stores. Six acres of bush, water all the year round, and all seeded to grass. One acre of good. orchard ; two barns, One on a stone wall ; drive shed, and frame hoose. For, terms and particulars apply to Samuel Thompson, R.R. No. 1, Brucefleld. 04-11' BINDER 10011 SALE—A SEVEN - foot Deering Binder, nearly neW — Apply to Robert G. 'Thompson, 18th Con., (World township, or to W. Brytlone, Clinton. 03--tf PROPERTY 40011 SALT;, --ON itA'l'- tenbuty street, west, just off main street, a good 0 -roomed 2 -story frame house. Electric, lights, wat— erworks, rnrnace and snit water, Clardcn and small barn in good re- pair, Will he sold eiteap.--Apply ;to J. P. Sheppard. . —03—tf FARM FOR SALE -94 ACRES, part of lots 25 and 26, con. 17, (Base Line) Goderich Tp,, 1 mile from school, 14 miles north of Clinton. Good state of cultiva- tion ; all seeded but. 40 acres. Hydro passes between house and barn on sideroad. Good bearing orchard, some small fruits. Com- fortable 10 -roomed frame house, new cistern and good well. Barn 36x60, stone stable 25x50 with hay mow above ; driving house and hen house. Reason for selling, cannon get required help to work.—Mrs. Joseph Colclough, Clinton. —02 PROPERTY FOR SALE -3 acres of garden and' orchard on the London Road. 0 roomed house, bank barn 20x40, driving shed, hen house. ANY PERSON 0'R PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on' the premises of the estate of the late William 71, Woods will bo prosecuted according to late,— LM. Woods, Reynold, 01,-24 HOUSE FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME house on Ratteubury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed, Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water.' Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house.—Apply, on premises to Miss Southcombe. —52 FARM FOR SALE -94 ACRES OF splendid farm land is good state of cultivation. On 1t are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good .cellar, a barn 40x80 and straw shed 22x28 with louuda`tion under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 8 box stalls, root roma, feed room, separator room sad harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and.a drive shed 20x80. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 24 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired,—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. —49 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Moth Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am r ares to Frenchelle Pe p Dry Clean o 1. s Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store—Wm. .J. Ago. —00 POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY , Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept 20th, every day after that. W. MARQUIS —86 R.R. No. 1, Clinton, Possession given'in autumn. Apply on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- - 00 WANTED.—A HOUSEKEEPER, A middle-aged woman preferred, for a man and three children, youngest six years ofd.—Apply S. G, Castle. 06-3 FARMS FOR SALE—THE R. MAR - shall estate, lot 52, S.H., 51, Bay- field Road, and N.H. lot 38 in the 14t11 con., Goderich tp., containing 167 acres in all, more or less. On the premises are a good barn with stabling underneath, driving shed, a comfortable house, young or- chard, 4 acres of bush and lots of water. Good grain or grass farm ; situate 2 miles south of Clinton, one mile from school. Will sell lot 38 containing 34 acres, separate, good pasture with plenty of water. —F. II. Powell, Executor. 00—tf FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house on Princess St., east, half acro of land with fruit trees and berry bushes, town wat- er.—Apply on promises, Mrs. Akam. —98—tf HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY brick house on William street, all modern conveniences.—Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. —93 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE—SEC- ond-hand Chevrolet, electric start- er, one man top, in good running order,—Address P.O. Box 106, Clin- ton, --94 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1+ acres garden, with fruit trees,—Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. —84 FARM FOR SALMI.—ONE HUN dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 4a miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms.— Apply erms—Apply A. E. Matheson, 31.31. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. —81 Scranton Coal We have the pleasure of being the agent for this celebrated Product. Also ask us • about Cannel, Soft Coal, Coke and Pea Coal, Canada Cement The recognized standard in cement, and atter all _ the cheapest building material in the world today. Buffalo Brand Fertilizer We purpose carrying a stock of these result -giving goods at our Clinton Yards, Slabs Try a load of our short slabs. ,Tust the thing for summer fuel or cool evenings, Meet heat for the least money. Easily split and easily lit, J. 13ej 19M! S Ri ARD C1.INTON and I3RT1CI,FIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phondf for 13rticolold 11 on 018. THELive CORNERet FORE and Le Picnicing Time Vinegar, three kinds—Cider, Malt and albite. Spices — Tumeric Powder — Curry Powder — Celery Seed — Mace — Mustard Seed — Whole Cloves — Stick Cinnimon — Ginger Root — Whole Pickling Spice and Chillies. SPECIALS Peaches — Tomatoes — New Cab- bage — Green Apples — Water Mclou and Cautelopes. E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control—License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 0 SEED CORN We now have a full stock of the best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Before ordering your season's supply, call and see our stock. Once you see it we feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the quality, and also the prices. SEED POTATOES Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern On- tario." They aro a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good seed. The price is very reasonable for this exceptional variety of Pota- to and you will not make any mis- take if you buy your supply at once. BABY CHICK FEED Have you tried our Baby Chick Feed 7 We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coarse and fine. It is made of the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large amounts. Large stock of Flour always on stand. Flighest prices paid for grain of all kinds, W. Jenkins & Son. nova AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 190, Residence 141 Retail License No, 9-2368 Wholesale License No, 12-..82 COAL! Orders taken et residence, IIuron street. Terms strictly cash and we guarantee to Supply, good coal to aur customers. E, WARD A R PMONP, 180 Mazola What is it? A pure salad and cook. ing oil. Pure oil from corn the newest a n cl cheapest shortening in the market to -day. Absolutely pure. Used also for salad in place of olive oil. W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery SIFILS INANTED for knitters and learners ALSO iN MEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORS3 OF ALL KINDS GO TO 'Ti THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PRONE 83. Shop over Rowland's Hardware. Seed Corn on Hand WISCONSIN NO. 7 BAILEY, *, IMPROVED LEAMING and other varieties: GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE 27 cents per ib. HAY WANTED 7 Furl &McIA License No. 9-2109 Live Poultry Wanted r 4000 CHICKENS 2000 IIENS 1000 DUCKS each week from now, until the end of December. We pay for all poultry otr a quality basis delivered %%fsh empty' crops. We pay special prices foal properly milk -fed poultry,. and we would strongly advise all producers/ to finish their poultry as it will payj you well to do so. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. Trewartha, Phone le. Manager or Holmesville 4 op 1,41 Canada Food Board—License No, 7-001 CREAM WANTED 1 Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full partici". bars. Our markets are the best,• Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consistent With an honest test which we guar. antee. Remember our Creamery, Co. is is thoroughly established and thriving; concern and now one of the largest in Canada, You cannot mak. snag mistake in shipping to us. Patrons bolding our cans are re- quested not to make use of la sending cream to other creameries' or cream buyers. Write today for cans. 7tta Seaforth Creamery Co. C. A. BARI3BIR, MANAGER BOARS POR SERVICE Champion Bred Big Type 10RI{5171R1 AND 0/40$111.R. I3OAttS, A. C. LEVEY, dtsmo 0--600 CLINTON, Oat At holno evety taronoon,