HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-8-28, Page 3Haye You :. • ^L 1 _. e „ ._ 4's. Wheat? red oit per bushel makes good, 41-0.10 profit certain. FERTILIZERS RTILIZERS insure #I strong stand and pay- ing yield. Four Experiment 1)eriment Stations _ show an average • gain of 13.2 bus, ei' acre from using fertilizers, g n P Act Now Order Fertilizers and good seed. Soil and Crop [ns.. roverellt .Bureau Of the Canadian Fertilizer Association. - 1111 TEMPLE BLDG. - TORONTO T.oa m !v •>•'8�a: ,- a, ... r:^h .,nr..- ,,, u: -;o -w; wt -,m -.s Walked on by an Elephant An African wanderer gives an in- teresting account of the reckless dar- ing of the natives in moments of. ex- citement. Late• .in the afternoon he shot two elephants and early the next morning sent some of the attendants out to bring in the tusks. So many hours passed without any tidings of the party that he began to be anxious. In the late afternoon he saw in the distance several men, some mounted, and others on foot,, while one led a camel with a curious -looking load. • He had a foreboding that something was wrong and. in a few minutes he clearly perceived a man lying apon'a makeshift litter, carried by the camel, while Dan and Suleiman accompanied the party horseback. They soon came up. Poor little Dick, a plucky and active ally, lay, as the man thought, dead upon the litter. They removed him gently, adnsinis- e tered spirits, and on examination. found itis thigh broken a. little above the knee. Fortunately it was a simple fracture. Dan now explained the cause of the accident. While the caineimen and others were engaged in cutting up the dead eleplsante. three aggageers found the tracks of a wounded bull that had escaped into the thick jungle. IIe was tracked to a position within two or three hundred yards of the dead elephants, Asthere were no guns, two of the men resolved to ride through the nar- row passages formed by the large game and take their chance with the elephant, sword in hand. Dick, as usual, took the lead on his little gray mare. With the greatest difficulty lie advanced through the tangled thorns, which had been broken by the passage of heavy game: To the right and left of the passage it was impossible to move. - Dan had wisely dismounted, but Suleiman followed Dick. On arriving within a few yards of the elephant, which was invisible in the thick thorns, Dan crept forward on foot, and discovered Itini standing with ears cocked„ evidently waiting for the at- tack, A6 Dick followed on his little gray mere, the elephant caught the white color and at once charged. Escape was next to impossible. Dick turned his mare sharp round, and she bounded off; but she caught in the thorns and fell, throwing her rider in the. path of the elephant, only a few feet behind in full chase. The mare recovered herself in an ,instant and rushed away. The elephant, occupied by her white color, paid no attention _to the man, but trod on hint in the pursuit and broke his thigh. Dan, who had been between the ele- phant and Diet, had wisely jumped into the thick thorns, As the elephant Tlimself passed, he sprang out behind and followed with his drawn sword. Jumping over Dick's body, he was just in time to deliver a tremendous cut at the hind leg of the elephant, that must otherwise have killed both horses and probably Suleiman also, as the three were caught in e. passage that had no outlet and would have been at the elephant's mercy. MINING BATTLE- _ .r FIELDS OF FRANCE GREAT -WAR AREA BEING MINED FOR STEEL. German Prisoners of War Do a Large Amount of Salvage Work and Allied Troops Have a Good Share. Since the armistice, salvaging of metal on a large scale has been going on in all of the war -areas of the West Front. Thousands of toes of scrap steel have been salvaged from all the battle -fields, A good share of this sal- vage workt has been done by the troops of the Allied armies, blit also a large amount of it has been done by the German prisoners of war. At practically all the railroad sta- tions in the neighborhood of Etain and Bar -le -Due train -loads can be seen of the crooked, rusted barbed-wire en- tanglement rods, stacked up like cord- wood, waiting for shipment. There are small mountains of miscellaneous scrap -iron, ,and piles of Navy corru- gated steel sheets, are a characteristic sight in salvage dumps and railroad yards throughout the battle regions. In the centre and toward the eastern end of the line this work has been car- ried nearer to completion than at the northwestern end. In the northwest; along the British front, the salvage work has proceeded a bit more slowly, perhaps, hut' certainly not less thoroughly. Prisoners at Work. In the past winter and spring Ger- man prisoners of war were going over the shell -shot battle-8el'ds which had been a part of the British front, tear - Ing clown the corrugated iron shelters, picking up 'duds' or unexploded shone; Blearing the thickets of barbed wire and chevaux-do-trise, storing and pil- ing up all the salvaged metal in the dumps and loading it on the freight cars and Canal or river barges. In the salvage dumps you can see wrecks of eamions, tanks of all descriptions, great piles of metal helhtets, rifles, bayonets, linives, shells and shell' - cases, machine guns, and, in fact, all the metal debris of 'warfare. But the one lasting impression made eon most observers is that of acres of corrugated steel sheets and barbed wire and the twisted rods around which the barbed-wire entanglements had been made. In a good many areas, the artillery -fire had been so in- tense that the soil has been ruined for agricultural purposes, In such cases the salvaging is simply to remove the dangerous explosive agents and re- cover themetaln junk. In the agricul- tural districts, however, in cases where the shelling was comparatively light and the land had been dug up to Make trenches, the salvage work" is closely tied up with that of agricultur- al reconstruction. A Famous Fountain. There is a picturesque little spot in the Temple Gardens, London, which, although only a few hundred yards from the roar and hustle of City traf- fic, is really wonderful for the peace- ful solitude of its surroundings. Tb.e famous old fountain there, Via dates back as far as 1681, is once again, under repair. • It was dear to the heart of Charles Lamb, who used to relate that many a time he has made its jet of water rise and fall, "to the astonishment of the young urchins, my contemporaries, who, not being able to guess at its. re- condite machinery, were almost tempt- ed to hail the wonderous work as magic." Charles Dickens, too, loved the foun- tain, staking it, in "Martin Muzzle - wit," the rendezvous of John West - lock and Ruth Pineh. An Orkney Surprise. A large number of mines which have become detached from the minefields in the North Sea around. the Orkney Isles have been •seen floating gsiite in - Shore. One wont ashore at Dearness, and a youth who had journeyed sever- al miles tef see it amused himself by throwing stones at it frons, as he thought, a safe distance on 'the cliff above. A stone struck one of the horns, and the mine exploded with terrif}c force, tearing hugh, boulders and. fragments of rock from the cliff. face. The youth was flung skyward and was seriously injured. .t Compound m,d, of Most. Baby, 8.It ,.d Ye,„ t. its a notorious knocker ;t if ill -health! TRYIT1, it contains the vital 'Mineral elements and 'all the nutriment of intheat and barley. GUTTING CHEESE TO WEIGHT, An Art Attained Qniy Ey Long. Rrao• tine, "Ono pond of pill .langllsh. pieato," Tills a 4ustommot tlie'cheosa conn. tel', The enlesnan 001 a ono . pocnsl weight 00 000 plate of a counter Peale, while upon the .other he Mid it ticly strip of white paper upon whites to lily the cheese; Then be. romo'4ad the wire screen rl'am, oyer en English Musette Viet stood near on the counter and picked tie is large, sharp knife. Without a moment's hesitation or deliberation he set the edge, of the knife dawn 00 the cheese and then crowded the knife down tltrougl'i it, cutting, off a wedge shaped piece which now ho laid on Dud paper on the scale, and the piece of choose ,that •]Ie had date cut off weighed exactly a pound, not close to a polled, or anything of that sort, bat eicactly a pound; the'weight and the cheese just balanced. His customer hat once before seer, this selesinall do precisely the sante tiling, and now the customer ventured to tisk: "Do you do that very often?" "Almost always,'' the salesman said. It seems that experienced cheese -cutters come to "know" cheese, Of coarse cheeses vary in size, in their thickness and in their diameter, and cheeses of lute dimensions vary in weight, but by Iong experience the ex- pert cheese cutter comae to know the cheeses so well that he can cut from any cheese just the right sized slab' to nlalce the required weight. He cuts with aatonishing accuracy. 'Tho only cheese that baffles hint at all is the Swiss, this on account of the holes in it, or rather on account of the peculiarity of Swiss cheese holes. THE MAN WHO WINS Is. P: ways Full of Life and Energy—Failures Are Weak and Bloodless. Some men seem to have all the luck.'If' there are any good things going these men seem to get then. They make other people do their will -they are leaders. If they aro busi- ness men they are successful; if they are workmen they get the foreman's job. They have the power of influ- encing people. The same thing•is true of women, Some have the charm that makes leen seek them out; others are always neglected. But this is not luck. It is due to a personal gift -vitality. Men and women . of this sort are never weak, puny invalids. They may not be big, but they are full, of life and energy. The whole thing is a matter of good blood, good nerves and good health. Everyone would wish to be tike this and the qualities that make for vitality and energy are purely a natter of health. By building up the blood aid nerves sleeplessness, want or energy, weakness of the back, stooping shoulders, headaches and the ineffectual sort of presence which really comes from weakness can all be got rid of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made many weak, tired sten, vigorous and healthy, and many pale, dejected gh•ls and women plump, rosy and attractive, by improving their blood and toning up their nerves. If you aro weak, ailing, lowsplrtted or unhealthy, begin to cure yourself to- day by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. Brainy Bees. What a bee dons not know is sup- posed to be not worth knowing. That may or may not he true, but two fol- lowing incidents -one of which was witnessed by the writer-testfy to the remarkably sagacity At efficiency of bees. Ois one occasion a hive was being "spied upon" by a wasp. When a wasp ascertains that a hive is worth attacking, he carries the news to his friends, and sometimes succeeds in ousting or severely worrying the bees. While the wasp -scout was nosing around, the bees stayed in the hive, but every time the wasp approached the small entrance hole a bee came out and walked round in a circle, do- ing sentry -work till the weep departed. An hour later a wasp -presumably the scout -was found dead on its back on the top of the hlve, and the bees were busy again. Cathedral as War Memorial. The=Anglican Church Attthoities in the diocese of Wellington, New Zea- land, propose to buil'd a cathedral as a memorial to- the New -Zealanders .fallen in the war. Itis proposed to erect, in connection with the cathe- dral, a military chapel, dedicated to St. George, which will contain the col- ors of the Allies and regimental flags, 'Its great windows wi1I symbolize all the Allied nations who have fought in the war. The walls of the chapel will be panelled in white marble tablets, on which the Manes of all New Zealand soldiers,asailore ydoctos and ani Ses Who have fallen in the war (ir espec- tive-of creed or denomination) will be inecrihed its letters of gold There are some 17,000 from New Zealand who have lost their lives in the wan', To Cut Glass With Scissors. .. Often an odd -shaped piece of glass will got broken, as, for instance, in an electrical instrument, and it is very tliffictiit to eat an odd -shaped piece of glees without special glides, • Orrciii- ay window glass, says a writer in Popular Science ;Ninthly, may be cut to almost any desired shape by hold, ing it beneath the surface of a pan of water and cutting with house shcn'e, Of course, ft onintbt be cut accurate ly straight: nerals the piece, but it luny bo "chewed err very mach the same as oat be dosis' with cardboartl. A 1'ren0:; inventor has modeled a monoplane front 1t winged maple seed, r i t f t r , 1 �11211g((l,I��119.111ft1l'�l�`lfll Now that the ern of r'eco lstl'ltctiell Is hero, the inleiniisti usan, who lhas been taxed to the limit, bought bonds to .this' capaolty and given until it Mate Is to he considered again. Ile la to be permitted to get from place to place quickly, his freight is to be liaildled promptly and ho is to be given ovei'Y assistance to revitalize the beakless of America, . The ma- tron are the value mics evtei'ies upon ,winch a healthy business body meet depend, thnh'pfore normally much of hid hasp must (tome from them, Tho Ga'nadian Pt}clfc, 4 pt'ivately. run Toad, 1s the first of the railroads to.help the business man. • Oii. Juile 1st, ' the drat "Trona - Canada" -the new transcontinental express ppf the O.P.R.-pulled out of the Wilfilsor St. Station In Montreal filled to' capacity, on its three thou- sand mile run to Vancouver. This Is the fastest transcontinental train in the world, making the trip from Montreal to Vandeu'er in less than four days, to be exact, 93 hours and 30 minutes, and from Vancouver to Montreal in 92 hours 15 minutes, tide run being made without change of cars, A whole business day is thus saved for the Bilsiness-Mun-in-a-Hurry. An interesting point in connection with this train is the fact that more than half of the passengers ore gen- erally registered from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other Ameri- can cities, a considerable number be- ing booked for Banff, Lake Louise and Points west, One thinks of 'a transcontinental train as a single unit, but in reality it is made up of a number of com- plete units. A daily service, the trip being four days, requires four trains running each way simultaneously. The equipment of the new de luxe trans has an estimated value of $6,000,000, using for the daily run eastbouni.cl and westbound, 59 sleeping cars, 5 com- partment cars, 15 tillers and 24 loco- motives. FIGHTING THE HAILSTORM. • How European Countries Endeavor to Prevent Storms. Hailstorms are just dreaded by the Canadian farmer, though be suffers from them only occasionally. In Europe, however, they seem, for some -mysterious reason, to be far more fre- quent, and the damage they do is enormous, especially in the grape - growing regions. Prance alone suf- fers froth this cause an annual loss reckoned at $20,000,000. y - For centuries, over there, efforts have been made to prevent hailstorms' by various ingenious means, the lat- est of which is what is called the "elec- tric Niagara." This contrivance is in affect a much elaborated lightning rod -an eno'us- oously tall and extremely slender tower of light steel rods, which is ex- pected to carry off from the clouds harmlessly a veritable cataract of electricity, Robbed of their lightnings, the clouds are supposed to be render- ed incapable of forming hailstones. Tall poles of steel, or wooden poles carrying' lightning rods, have long been in use for the same purpose in France and other European countries. They have been set up literally by the hundreds of thousands, whole land- scapes being sprinkled with them, Another idea persistei:tly tried has been the bombarding of clouds with esphosive missies or sometimes with rockets. Yet another, more recent, consists in discharging smoke -rings from mortars. The smoke is supposed to mingle with the cloud vapor and interfere with the formation of hail. Scientific bodies here and abroad, including our own weather bureau, have made elaborate experimental studles of these methods and have de- clared them worthless. But the Euro- pean agriculturist believes in their effectiveness with a faith that is al- most-religious. l- ntost-eligious. "What's In A Name?" Naming a plant or flower after a celebrity is a delicate compliment, and one that no doubt adds something to the market value, says a writer in the London DailyasChronicle. But there are exceptions. The beautiful variety of the lobelia, tor instance, known as "Emperor William," would perhaps (sold up its Imperial head a_little more proudly just now if it had had a more fortunate christening. Stray thoughts on these lines may have been flickering in the minds of a vendor In a London market -place the other day as a likely'looking buyer, while examining a box of the old fs'•orite, •asked what variety it was, 44,thout deranging the muscle of an eyelid the coster (and she, was a "lydy; too) replied: -"Douglas 'Alg! Four -and -a tanner 0 box," -ir- GUILD BABY'S HEALTH • IN Ti1E SURER The summer months are the most dangerous to children. The coma Plaints of that season, which are cholera infantunt, colic, diarrhoea and dystentry, 00100 on so quickly that of- ten a little one is beyond aid before tete mother realizes Ile is ill, The mother must be on her guard to pre- vent tlleae troubles, or it they do cane on suddenly to cure then. No other medicine Is of Such aid to mothers during hot weather as is Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate tate stomach and bowels incl are absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box front The Dr. Wil - Barns' Medicine Go,, Brockville, One, To Marl< Poison Bottles. A good way to nsol'lr bottles con- taining poison Is to push pins into the side of the corp. Two plus would be sufficient, and f.iley should he placed at right tingles to each other. Minttrtt'e Liailt cut Cnc•;o isluhthoata, are weaving four chevrold---o:e reel ifor the first year, and three Alun fat the subsequent years of service. MOUE No, Crtu501'B ISLAND.. Tobago; Near the Mouth of the Qrino• co, Probebio Scene of Qreet Advsnturc, • The main of Robinson Crusoe Is foi'ovel' linked in our luetnnl'ies with it ilesel't Island, 'No pnrtelllar kill sd comes mind n s to my u lid as we think of this castaway hero, yet Crusoe Isimealf, m' rather Defoe, tolls us -exactly w1101'a island is, and all but names it, writes Niksall, Foi' lady years .Ilion Irel'tlatltla''e, a Chilean ishtud illi the Oaate1'11 coast of South A:merica, wile known as Cru- soo's Islaltd because another ailves•. tuner 11E41 spent live years thero in solitude, and 11 was thought for some time that Defoe had roeorclecl this ]ter - is it's experience, But following Cl'usoe's direetlons that he landed on all Island In a fall - Unica pf eleven degrees, near the mouth .pf the Orinoco rivet', and in sight of the Island of Trinadad, we come upon the island of Tobago, the only one answering the description, An Interesting discovery which gave prominence to Tobagb 00 the real Crusee's 'Island occurred some years ago, when 4he skeleton of a goat was unearthed in a cavo on the island. This coincided remarkably with Cru- soe's statement that he found a dying goat in a hillside cave and later buried it=,there, "Crusoo's goat" became for a time an object of great popular in- terest and flgal'ed as a prominent ex- hibit at the Chicago World's Fair. Tobago's failure to obtain greater recognition of its importance as the "only authentic Robinson Crusoe Is- land" is doubtless clue to the fact that it is a retiring little island, concerned chiefly with its plantations and trade. Leaving Crusoe out altogether# Toba- go has had an eventful history, front the time it was discovered by Chris- topher Columbus, on his third voyage, until England took' it from France in 1803, and started to turn it into a pro- fltable colony. Its present estate after a century of English rule is less that of a desert island than of a partly 'wooded, partly cultivated and. built-up isle of the tropics, •--o•--o-o-o--o- o -o -o -o -o --.e--• Laugh When People Step On Your Feet 0 0 Try this yourself then pass It along to others. 1 It works! rO • 0 e e o-b---0-0-o..-o..y • Ouch ' ' ' '' ' ' This kind of rough talk will be heard less Isere in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple' advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called 180000n0 when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreness at once, and soon the corn dries up and lifts right out 'without pain. He says freezone Is an ether com- pound which dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but is suili. cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's fent, 11lllions of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of the high heels. The Welsh Emblem. It is hinted that 'a scheme is afoot to secure, If at all possible, the repre- sentation of Wales on Britain's Royal Arius and coinage. Leading Welshmen are holding a national conference in Cardiff to dis- cuss the matter, and to choose tate armorial bearing. 'rho question is naturally asktd will It be a Leek, the daffodil, or the Red Dragon? As Prettier Lloyd George appears to have personally adopted the daffodil as the emblem of Wales, this leads a cynic to suggest that it might be called the "taffydil." LEMON JUICE Is FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Gsntral "(pre* As War Memorial, The. Anglo -Belgian commission, ap- pointed to consider tllo question of the 1'.eoulIsts'uetlgss of Ypres, has •1000In mended that the central portion of the town be not rebuilt, but remail as it hfeto'iu monument, says all Ypres despatch, That 511'sn hle)udos the rains of the Oleth dull, the cathedral, the .Church of St, Martis, the Pilins de Justice and the adioining cloisters. It' is hounded on the north by the Marche tie Bois, on tho east by the Rue tie Ulxmtile, unci On the south by the Grand Place, with, however, in- cluding any ruins on the opposite side of the square and on the west by the Rue des Hanes, Nearly 1,000 civilians already have returned to dwell sand the rules. some fifty-four auberges tend estami- nets ere open, Nearly all temporary wooden struoturas, which do 0 thriv- ing business with British soldiers, GENUINE ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CROSS" TABLETS WITHOUT "BAYER CROSS" NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL. Get Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspir- in" In a "Bayer" Package, Plainly Marked With the Safety "Bayer Cross." There Is not a penny of German money invested in "'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," nor will a Gelman citizen 'profit by its sale or ever be allowed to Accjuire'interest, The original world-famous Aspirin marked with the "Bayer Cross" is now made In Canada and can be had at your druggist's in handy tin boxes of 12 tablets and larger "Bayer" pack- ages. Genuine Aspirin has been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Neuritis. Aspirin is the trade mark, register ed in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaeidester of Salicyliecid, The late Sia John P. Mahaffy, prov- ost of Trinity .College, Dublin, was brilliantly witty, and many of his good 'sayings are in general circulation. But he occasionally met his, match, One of his encounters was with the late Dr. ;Salmon, provost of Trinity before Dr. Trttill, Mahaffy was one day in- veighing against corporal punishment for boys, which, he declared, never did any good. "Take my own case," he exclaimed. "I was never caned but once in my life and that was for speaking the truth." "Well," Salmon retorted caustical?y, "it cured you." Lacisute, Que., 25th Sept., 1905. 81iiard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, -Ever since coshing home from the Boer war I have been bothered with running fever sores on my legs. I tried many salves and liniments; also doctored continuous - 1Y fort iso he blood, no perman- ent 1 got 1 ent relief, till last winter when my mouser got me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT. The effect of which was almost magical. Two bottles conn. pletely cured me and I have worked every working day since. "Yours gratefully, JOHN WALSH, Squeeze the juice of two lemons into; a bottle containing three ounces of , orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will aop- ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each clay and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and hbw clear, soft and white the skin becomes, Yes! It ie harmless. The County of. London, measuring 116 square miles, is split up among over 38,000 indiv,idual owners of land, nineteen square miles belonging to the Crown, Minaret's Liniment Cut'es barges In Cows The clothes in which Lord Nelson died on board 'the Victory are still preserved at Greenwich Naval Hospi- tal. Nobody is ever glad to see the man who copses round when you have just made a mistake about something, and tells you whzt he would have done in your. place. Minard's Liniment Cares Distemper. When drying seeds put them on blotters. The seeds will dry more quickly and are less likely to mold, because the blotter soaks up the mois- ture. SINCE 1870 ' d 0. ,STOPSCO4/GHS POE 0Able, l‘TBW2IP-ArlDR, 'WI,14i{irk, IN I.i12I/t:M 4,1 Go,us v. Splondld epportuolty. v41158 l c.: WilscAp 1'uMielilrig Go„ Pitultod: to Adrlahir sk. W., Toronto. y`J X:LI. ggiir'I'lan rll:lvkirni'tCif nndt lab PI'intn,R elent in Rasters '11iicarlo, Insurance carrtlilh 11.560, Will ro for • 9Y.5AD on'. aulok +utile„ 11oX SZ Wilson Publishing Co Ltd„ Toronto. 30ULM1''nx w.asstrxsp '.V BAT HAYS TOP FOlt SAL8s Iff Live Poultry, Pitney Ilona. Pigeons. ':1 secn tIeelnrauch&00n.10• tJvple Market, Mont. real, gue, ir(0MB SUILDp1t,.4 It1'1'le FUR Oc11t irltist5 s000g ort Flouso Plans, and information tell- ing how to save from Two to Pour Hun- dred Dollars on your new Hoene. Ad- dress Idalllday Company, 22 Jackson W., Hamilton, Ont. MISOBLLANMOUfd, ClJ1.ASS1 RAIJIIJT 31sACiiZLN10, 10e, crony; 100, year, Pur and Food :Monthly, Brantford. CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, BTO.. Internal and external, cured with. out rain by our home treatment Write we before too ,ate, nr, Rellmaa Medical CO.,, Limited, contoSwood. Ont Drink Tea From Goblets. The natives of Paraguay, In drink- ing tea, do not pour it from a teapot into a cup, but ell a goblet with the beverage and then suck it tip through a long ornamental. tubo. MONEY ORDERS. It Is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. No hurry about laying by the pee tatoes. It is well to keep up al:a11ow cultivation as long as the vines will permit. To prevent blight the foliage should 'be kept covered with Bordeaux until the crop As matured, Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Of all the kindly things God made One of the kindliest is shade. His glorious company of trees Throw out their mantles, and in these The dust -stained traveler finds ease invest Your Money In 51/ % DEBENTURES Interest payable half yearly. The Great West Permanent Loan Company 'Toronto Office 20 King St. West WE have numerous inquiries from prospective purchasers for Western Farm Lands Send full particulars of your land to UNION TRUST COMPANY LIMITED Winnipeg, Ilan. All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G, J. CLIFF TORONTO FACE DISFUREo ITFI P1MP[S Itched andBurned, Scarce- ly Slept. Cuticura Heals. "Pimples affected my face. They were large and always festered, and '�-1 over ' , my f face, e scatteredwere l Theyfaafterwards -• turned into scales and when they fell off they left big marks until my LW- (ace was disfigured. They itched and burned so that I scarcely slept at all. "I had been bothered for nearly two months before I started using Cuticura, and after I had used three boxes of Cuticula Ointinsnt with the Cuticura Soap I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss L. Burns, St. Basile, Que., June 6. 191e. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet purposes. For Pro, eampne tomb of Cuticara Soo elnt- ment and TNcum addreoo peat -card: chgtioare, Dept• A, Bo,taa, r, a. a," Sold everywhere. 1 Keeps Hardwood Floors beautiful For Sale by AU Dealers Desserts Sauces ENSON'S is p:ire prepared corn starch, delicate and nourishing, unexcelled for all cooking purposes. it improves the texture of bread, biscuits and rolls if one-third of the flour is substituted with Benson's Corn Starch. It makes pie crusts light and flakey. There is a recipe for the most delicious Blanc Mange on the package, together with a dozen other uses. Benson's is the hest corn starch for making sauces and gravies smooth and creamy.. Write for booklet of recipes lis b:r list '!.lzr...o.2. z;:+ .. anuattaragut'., ur.rasyzYxx, 22a