HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-8-21, Page 4doe..
See0tell it C0111111arld Of tile StefargeS.011 )4Peditiente
Arrives LldrO0111:011—ePrOVefe E;eelitall Land tO be.t Myth
.—No Pereraelleat Currentre iri Aretie Sea,
A despatch- from Edmonten, Allem land, Where they fell in with Captain
Aon, from Whomthey get
plies o1 for he Winter of 1019, The trip
Wae obsoletely the first of its kind,
No othree living man has ever teener.•
ately set himself adrift On an ice floe
for ecientifie pnrposes Taking eveeye
thing into coneideration, the joetrney
w as most een tisf aetere
In the fleet place it vas found
that there were no pertmanent cur-
rents in the sea, The ice floe •eelft-
ed with the wind and its: eotaree
peered to he determined by thymi agent
Owing to certain phenomena ob..'
Served by Mr. Stoekersen, h was the
dined :to think that there was land
to the north of the point eeached.
The reason for this supposition was
thelect that in this six Months the
floe turned completely :around.
The huge floe was seven miles in
length and at tenet fifteen miles in
width, Seals, polar beeee, ducks,
gulls and land birds abounded on it,
while shrimps and small fish. appeared
to by the chief food of the seals.
As a result of the strange voyage,
much helper tent information was
gleaned. Keenan Land, which Was
supposed to be discovered by Captain
Keenan, was found to be non-existent.
At least, there was no land on latitude
74 and between longitude 1.40 W 52,
which was Where Keenan placed his
find. Instead of land was water from
500 metres to 4,500 metres deep.
Mr. Storkersen strongly reconi-
mended the Government's plan. of com-
mercializing the musk me
-Myst—Six =Tithe adrift WI) an ice
'floe in the Antic Sea, cat off from all
civilization by miles of deep watee—
suth was the experience of Stoker T,
Storkersen, who has arrived in this
city from the great Northern wastes.
Obseevatione of great solentlfic value
Were made while the party was on the
• lee floe, but these wilInot•be fully dis-
cussed until Storkersen meets his'
ebiof, Villijelmur Stefanesen, in Banff
ate prepares his full report.
Stafansson was take p ill at the last
' Moment, and Sterkeesen, being sec -
end in dommancl; Was, forced to take
.command of the party and proceed
•-without the other exploeer.
Bo, in the Speng oe 1918, after all
preliminary merengements hd, been
made, he set out erten Beeler. Island
on Maech•15 with 13 men, 80 doge and
-eight sleds.
The object before the daring little
party was to. stay for one year if pos-
sible on an 103 floe.and drift delving
e this time. They wished to determine
the currents, if any, in Beaufort Sea,
(to take soundings and to discover any
new land that inight not have been
• sighted before. . .
Four months 'after the party went
adrift on the floe, Storkersen was
taken ill with asthma, brought on by
the extreme cold, and' it was decided
• to return to shore.. The Net of the
• party then being at latitude 74,
longitude 147 W„ started again for
the American Continent and -arrived
• at Cape Halkett on Npv. 7. From Cape
Halkett they proceeded 'to Bader Is-
&Wray -Day SoUrney Through
Canada Includes Many
TOVIaa. •
The Canadian itinbeary one's Royal
Highness the Peewee of Wales, so far
as it can 130 definitely annonnced,
as follows: • - •
Arrive Quebec August 21; Toronto,
August 24-; Ottawa, August 27; leave
capital September 1st; visit North
Bay, Cobalt and Timmins, returning
to North Bay, and thence to "Soo,"
Nipigon, where ho will fish for trout.
Port Arthur • and Fort "William,
September. 8; Winnipeg, September
9; Saskatoon, September .11; Edmon-
ton, September 12; Calgary, Septem-
ber 13. Four days will be spent in
Calgary and its vicinity, including a
visit to the celebrated horse ranch of
George Lane. Leaving Calgary on
September 17, stops . will be made at
Banff, Lake Louise and Field, in the
Canadian Rockies, the programme at
Field including a visit to the beautiful
Yoho Valley; Reveletoke, September
20, and Vancouver, September 22, re-
turning to Vancouver September 29,
motor to New Westminster throagh
Southern British Columbia, Penticton
• September 29, and steamer trip on
Okanagan Lake, • Nelson Ocber 1,
through the Crow's Nest Pass, Mac-
lebd October 2, Lethbridge, Medicine
Hat, Moose Jaw, and Regina, October
4. Three days' .cluck shooting. Qu' -
Amelia, Brandon, Portage la Prairie,
Winnipeg, October 10; Fort William)
October 11, Four dayseeet Biscotasing
moose hunting. Via. Georgian Bay to
Toronto and Hamilton, October '18;
Niagara Falls, October 20; Brant -
freed, Guelph, Stratford, Woodstock,
e Chatham, London, Windsor, Galt,
Kingston, and Brockville. reaching
Montreal October 27. The total
length of jets 70 -day Journey is over
8,800 miles.
In Gold Ingots
. Recovered From Wrecked .Ship
A despatch from Buncrana, Ireland,
says:—Clold ingots 'to. the vain° of
1,000,000.sterling have been recover-
ed by salvagers from the wreck of the
former White Star -Dominion Liner
Laurentio, which was sunk January
28, 1917, off Easel Light.
The Laurentic, a vessel of 14,892
•' tons, which was acting as a British
auxiliary cruiser, struck a mine off
the north coast of Ireland and later
sank. Of a personal of 470 only 120
Were saved,
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
Canada's war toll in men, according to
• the official figures of the Militia De-
partment, is 54,919 dead, ee,119 report-
ed Missing, 2,818 prisoners of woe.,
149,709 wounded.
Tho details are as fellows: Killed
in action or died oe wounds-0610am
2,636; other ratios, 48,333; died—
officers, 234; ntleer milks, 3,706; miss-
lug—officers, 552; other ranke, 7,767;
prisoners of War—officers, 130; other
ranke, 2,688; wounded--officere, 13 344.
other ranks, 143,365.
Majority Able to Begin Life on
Western Yarms Without
Aid of Ce_OVt. Loan.
A despatch from Ottawa says:—
Three thousand seven hundred and
eixty-eight soldier grant entries have
been monde on lands in the Western
Provinces under the Soldier Settle-
ment legislation of the Federal Gov-
ernment.. By Provinces:
Manitoba 858
Saskatchewan 1,124
Alberta •1,702
British Columbia • 84
There has been a considerable in-
crease in the settlement. on Dominion
lands by soldiers in the past four
months. In April there were 346 en-
tries; in May, 463; in Juno, 813;
and in July, 941, The Porcupine
Forest Reserve was opened in July
• and about 150 soldiers have already
• settled there. At the ipetigation 01
the Soldier Settlement Board, the Pi'o-
vistetal is building roads!-
' into the reserve and constructing steel
; bridge's, and prospects are that- by
next season the area will be pretty
well filled up. A number of the 3,603
returned soldiers who have taken sol-
diers' land entries also have received
financial assistance from the Govern-
ment; but a great many -were able to
finance themselves and begin opera-
tions without the assistance of the
Government loan,
A despatch from Montreal says:—
Fire Commisreoner La Tulippe has
opened his inquiry into the fire at
Dominion Park on Sunday last,'and it
was brought out in evidence 'that
twelve persons had boarded the boats
of the Mystic Rill Met previous to the
tragedy. lip to the present, clues
showing thht eight had lost their lives
had been found. A long list of wit-
nesses -was subjected to close question-
ing, and his conclusion at the end of
the inquiry was that passengers, in
going through the Mystic Rill, had
been responsible for the fire through
smoking. No witness was prepared
to state that the fire was of an incen-
diary nature. Theyire Commissioner
adjourned the inquiry sine die,, and
Stated that full investigaton into the
origin would be continued.
A despatch from Turryton, N. Y.,
says; --The body of Andrew Carnegie,
steel magnate •and philanthropist, was
laid to rest at 5,80 o'clock on Thurs-
yad afternoon on a hillside in, historic
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, overlooking
the `Hudson.
H.R.H.the Prince of Wales' has ex-
pressed the desire to meet some of
the Canadian soldiers whose acquaint-
ance he made overseas clueing his stay
in Toronto, when he will open the
Canadian National Exhibition on
August 25th. Ile will review 15,000
overseas troops on Wednesday, Aug-
ust 27th, Veterans' Day at the Big
_333173.313,43T42:1773T23 hIrsic..DVAIV2F.TeraF3.3.
437•:-.17471,i ,
Catalog wagon e may be all right to look at. But catalog reptirs are a different thing. Particularly when
y,ou're In a hurry, A Is then you learn the additional advantage n trading at home. Not only has the home
town dealed the best goods that can be obtained, bee he offers you HOME SERVICE as well. Your time is too
valuable to risk one et these expensive break -downs. Buy your implements from your home dealer an take
advtintage of the HOME SERVICE he can offer you.
Markets of the World
Toronto, Aug. 19,—Man,' Wheat—
No. 1 Nertheen, $2.24%; No. 2 North-
ern, $2.21%; No. 3 Northern, $2.17%;
No. 4 wheat, $2.11, in store, Fort Wil-
Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 921/40;
No. 3 CW, 91%c; extra No. 1 feed,
911/2c; No, 1 feed, 90%e; No. 2 feed,
88%c, in store at Fort William.
'Manitoba barley—No. 8 CW, $1.40;
No, 4 CW, $1.35; rejeeted, $1.27; feed,
$L27, in store Fort William.
• American corn—No. 3 yellow, nom-
inal; No, 4 yellow, nominal
Ontario oats—No. 3 white, 87 to 90c,
according to freights outside.
Ontario wheat—No. 1 Winter, per
car lot, nominal; No. 2, do, $2.03 to
$2.08; No. 3, do, nominal, f.o.b. ship-
ping points, according to freights.
Ontario wheat—No. 1, 2 and 3
Spring, nominal.
Barley—Malting, $1.35 to $1.39, ac-
cording to freights outside.
Manitoba flour—Government stand-
ard, $11, Toronto.
Ontario flour—Government stand-
ard, $10.25 to $10.50, in bags, Mont-
real, prompt shipment; do, $10.25 to
$10,50, ,in jute bags, Toronto, prompt
Millfeed—Car lots, delivered Mont-
real freights, bags included, bran, per
ton, $42 to $45; shorts, per ton, $44
to $50; good feed floor, per bag, $3.25
to $8;35.
Hay—No. 1, per ton, $22 to $24;
mixed, per ton, $10 to $19, track, To-
Straw—Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11,
track, Toronto. ,e
Country Produce—Wholesale.
Butter—Dairy, tubs and rolls, 30 to
38c; prints, 38 to 40c; creamery, fresh
made solids, 51 to 511/2c; prints, 51%
to 52e.
Eggs -46 to 47e.
Dressed poultry—Spring chickens,
35 to 40c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 30 to
32e; ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 35 to
40c; squabs, doz., $6.
Live poultry—Spring chickens, 30
to 32e; roosters, 22c; fowl, 26 to 30c;
ducklings, 22c; turkeys, 800,
Wholesalers are selling to the re-
tail trade at the following prices:
Cheese—New, large, 28 to 290;
twins, 281/2 to 291/2e; triplets, 29 to
80e; Stilton, 29 to 80c,
Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to
48c; creamery, prints, 55 to 56c. e
Margarine -36 to 38c.
Eggs—No. l's, 53 to 54c; selects, 57
to 58c.
Dressed poultry—Spring chiikens,
45c; roosters, 28 to 30e; fowl, 37 to
38c; turkeys, 40 to 45c; ducklings, Ib.,
35 to 36c; squabs, doz., $7; geese, 28
to 30c
Live poultry—Spring chickens, 350;
fowl, -30 to 35c; ducks, 27 to 30c.
Beans—Canadian, handepicked, bus,,
$5 to $5.50;•primes. $4 to $4,50e Im-
parted hand-picked, Be -trine; $4; Limas,
15 to 16c.
Honey—Extracted clover, 5 -ib. tins,
24 to 25e; 10 -lb, tins, 23% to 24c;
60 -lb. ties 213 to 24c; buckwheat, 60 -lb,
-tins, 18 to' 19e, Comb, 16 -oz„ 94.50 to
$5 doze 10-0z., $3.50 to $4 dos,
Maple peoducte—SyruP, per imper-
ial gallon. $2.45 to $2.50: per 5 lin-
-tiered gallons, 92.35 to $2.40; sugar,
lb., 27c.
Provisimie—Wkholesale. •
'Smoked meats—Hams, med., 47 to
48c; clo, heavy, 40 to 42c; cooked, 68
to 65c; rolls 35 to 36e; breakfast
bacon, 49 to '55e; backs, plain'50 to
51c; boneless, 56 to 58e; clear bellies
83 to 850 -
Cured meate—Long clear bacon; 32
to 33c; clear bellies, 31 to 32c.
Lewd—Pure, tierces, 36 to 361/2c;
tubs, 37% to 38c; pails, 87% to 381/2e;
prints, 38% to 39c. Ctimpound tierces,
81% to 32c; tubs, 32 to 3246c; pails,
321/2 to Mc; prints, 33 to 331/2c.
Montreal Markets!.
Montreal Aug. 19.—Oats, extra No,
1 feed, 02. Flour, new standard
grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolled oats, bag
90 lbs., $4.95 to $5.25, Bran, $42.
Shorts, $44 Hay, No. 2, per ton, car
lots, $28. Chefi
ese, nest easterns'25c.
Butter, choicest dearnery, 54 to 541/2c.
Eggs, fresh, -62 to 64c; do, selected,
58 to 60c; do, No. 1 stock, 56c; do, No.
2 stock, 43 to 45c. Potatoes, per bag,
car lots, $2.25 to $2.50. Dressed hogs,
abattoir killed, 933. Lard, pure, wood
pails, 20 lbs. net, 36c.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, Aug. 19.—Choice heavy
steers, $14 to $14.75; good heavy
steers, $13 to $13.50; butchers' cattle, ward by
choice, $12.75 to $13.25; do, good, special arrangements witl
$11.75 to $12; clo, med., $1L25 to e refiners and the railways. No
$11.50; do, coin., 97 to 98; bulls, choice, doubt exists that the supply will reach
$10 to $10.75; do, med., $10.25 to its destination in time to save the
$10,75; clo, rough, $8 to $8.25..but- British Columbia fruit crop from being
ehers' cows, choice, $10 to M75; do, wasted.
good, $9.25 to $9.75; do, med., $8.50 Itwas reported that there are at
to $9; do, cone., $7 to $8; stockers, present in British Columbia 10,000
$8.75 to $11,75; feeders, $11.50 to 812; eons of preserving fruits, chiefly
canners and cutters, $4.75 to $6.75; plums nrunes peaches,pears and
milkers good to choice, $110 to $140; ' '
do, cone. and med., $05 to $75: spieng-
crabapple. These fruits are not ac -
ere, $90 to 9160; light ewes, $8 to $30; tually preserved by the Fruit Grow -
yearlings, $10.50 to$13; spring lambs, ers' Association, but aro shipped fresh
per cwt., $17 to $18.50; calves, good to the Prairie Provinces, where they
to choice, $18 to $22; x hogs, fed and are bought by the consumers, usually
watered, $23.75; x do, weighed off cars, 111 case lots, and it was customary fns Appointments aro now being made to
$24; xdo, f.o.b., $22.75. xPaekers'
consumers to purchase the required: Great Britain's biggest warship,
hogs, 928 and Aug4 per*ewt, weighedoftheEastern' about the end of October. This meg-
preserving sugar at the same time, H.M.S. Hood, which will be completed
Distribution supplies
Montreal, g. 19,—Choice eelect
off cars. Choice steers, $12 to 913' will be undertaken by the refiners nificent vessel is quite unique, repre-
pee cwt.. other grades, $7.50. Bide sh
agents. senting as e does an absolute blend
Trainloads of Sugar Rushed to
West to Preserve Big Crop.
A despatch from Ottawa suet—,
Immediate relief in the difficult
sugar situation in the West incrl'e bo
looked Inc as a cesult of i-cotrference
between representatives of the British
Colombia Fruit Growers' Association
and Eastern sugar refiners with mem-
bers of the Cabinet, held at the invita-
tion of the Canadian Trade Commis -
The net outcome is that sugar, it-
erally in trainloads, will be sent for -
er01711SISY Has Ceased to glxist
. as a Naval Power,
A. despatch from Berlin eeyst--The
utter helplessness of Germany ae. a
Pavel power le demonstrated by a
survey of the °Mole) recorde of the
vessels lost during the hostilities and
ender the teems of the armistice and
the Treaty of Verseillee.
'no resume ehoWe a total loss of
0 vileeeseeblesi,nainvellattedeciat 38
ing.2,749, sub-
marines, the exact number eunle by
,Of the grand total of 215 lost in
Ramtat, 34 wore sunk to keep them
from falling into the hands of the
enemy, and 141 ere shown on the
mores merely 43 103t. addition,
74 versals were surrendered under
the terms of the armistice, and 108
more are to be delivered to the al-
lies under the peace terms.
In detail the battle losses show
thee doecemetion or capture of onehattloship,
battleship, Shyer, hie; cruisers, seven-
teen small cruisers, forley-nhee de-
stroyers, twenty-one large and forty-
one small torpedo boats, ono special
vessel and one hundred and seventy-
eight submarines. The records con-
cerning the latter stow eighty-two
lost in the North Sea and the Atlantic,
seveuty-two on, the coast of Flandure,
three in the Baltic Sea, sixteen in the
Mediterranean, and five in the Black
Vessels destroyed to avoid capture
include twenty-one submarines—of
which ten were sunk in Mecliterran-
ean port, four on the coast of Leta l-
eers, and seven in neutral ports, and
six river gunboats and survey vessels.
"Lost" craft include twenty -e' ;ht
mine -sweepers, nine auxiliary cruis-
ers, one hundred trawlers and twenty-
two auxiliary vessels.
The loss of life in connection w 111
these vessels ehows a total of 18,854
officers and men.
Also ,Possesses the Biggest 011
•Fields in the World. ,
A despatch from Calgary says:—
Dr, A. B. lacCallura, Chairman of the
Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research, said at the. recent meeting
of the Industrial Congress that Al-
berta's • coal supply would last only
five thousand years with the present
population and two thousand years
with a population of twenty millions.
Canada needed -an organized institu-
tion that would direct the develop-
ment of her natural resources.
Eugene Coate said Alberta had the
biggest oil fields ,in the world, 1,600
miles by 300, miles wide.
A despatch from Landon says:—
chers' cattle, best, $8 to $12; canners, Other shipments will go forward in
$5 to $5.50. Calves, best neille-fed
stock, $12 to $15 per cwt,
170,000,000 SINCE JULY
A despatch to London says:—Bri-
tish expenditures for naval and.mili-
they operations in Russia from the
date of the armistice until the end of
July amounted to 270,000,000, accord-
ing to an official "white paper" issued
here to -day. These expenditures in-
cluded assistance given Admiral Kol-
chak, head of the Omsk All -Russian
Government, and Gen. Denikine, com-
mander of the anti-Bolsleaviki forces
on the southern front.
of the battleship and battle cruiser,
due course, but it 13 certain that the land having all the gun power of the
present prompt action will relieve! former typo combined with the tre-
what had become.a serious deadlock in
mendous speed of the latter.
tho sugar supply, This arrangement' Although official details aro still
Is tir
uilne adndelitiremei itoeeshuspempllepstielini withheld, ate is known to be by Incxc
which have been shipped from Eastern
refiner's in the last few days,
the largest warship in the world. Her
displacement is not less than 40,000
tons, 12,500 tons more than the Queen
Elizabeth, and she is almost 900 foot
in length. In her hull have been em.
Cayenne pepper ib the best remedy bodied all the dearly baght mere
for ants. ences of Jutland in regard to armor
It will cost the Canadian National and under -water protection,
Exhibition 'over 925,000 in salaries
transportation charges and board to
bring the British Grenadier Guards
Band out for the two weeks of the
Big' Feb!. . •
A view of the ruins of the Mystic Rill and Scenic Railway
Mat Do-
'ilian Park. Montreal, destroyed by fire and in which at least seven
lives were lost.
Her armament consists of eight 15 -
guns --not 18 -inch as some papers
have erroneously stated—which she
ossa bring into action at a speed of
about 38 miles an hour. The I-lood,
in tact, promises to prove quite as
epoch making as the Dreadnought,
and in naval circles the results of her
trials are awaited with keen interest.
Evelifs' In Englan
Tho swum coteoratioa WW1 Mik011
Lloyd George to accept the freedom of
that borough,
The London County Council have
wed plane premed for the erection
of fifteen new schoole,
Tho death le announced of W. S.
Clutterbuck, who has been teem clerk
of Beading since 1904.
The new headmIstrese of Glouces-
ter Girls' High Bohol is Mem P. Cate
leas, of Wisbech Hrgh School
King (Merge paid a vielt to net -
field and leirmingham last month.
ali elections, a woman was elected at
the top or the poll in each ward.
foeter mother to a bunch of young
At the Marrylebone Borough Conn -
On the farm of T. Drury, Munkeele
ing, East Yorks, a oat is acting as
A baby was drowned when It fell
ow a chair into a bath containing two
inches of water at Treadegear, Mon-
-Te K. Bros, who has been registrar
of Sonthwark CountY Court for the
Peet sixty years, lnis tendered his re-
Sir Thomas Middleton has been ap-
pointed a development commissioner
in the place of Prof. T. 13. Wood, 're-
George Parratt, n Horncastle far.
mer, committed 51115028 by thrusting
1.118 head in eight inches of water and
'The death is announced at nillowes
Sedgley, Stairs, of J. L. Gibbons,'
Unionist M.P. for South
Sarah Hincks, aged 88, and ono of
leleence Nightingale's nurses, was
accidently killed at Islington by being
knocked down by a dog.
Charles Arnold, a west end butcher,
while on his way to tho National
Sporting Club, fell from a motor om-
nibus and was killed.
The Chiswick Ilistrict Council has
purchased two hundred acres of land
from tbo Duke of Devonehire for an
embankment and 'promenade.
British Submarine Sunk .Giant
Hun Boat Near Kiel Canal.
A despatch from Washengtoe
says:—Light was shed to -day on the
fate of the German submarine Bre(
men, sister of the merchant U-bocA
Dentschland, which mysteriously disc
appeared on a proposed trip fro
Bremen to New London, and the 105
of whichwas recalled the other da
by a report, afterwards officially core,
tradieted, that the crew of the Bremef
had turned up at Hamburg.
Representative King, recently eel,
turned from Europe, said this vershm
of the disappearance of the Gerrinue
merchant submarine was told 'him by
LieuteCommander Storkbridge, SLS.
N., who said his information cam(
from Lieut. Langley, of the British
navy, commander of the British under-
water craft that destroyed the
Brom en.
"Lieut. Langley, according to the
story, Lieut. -Commander -Stockbridge
told me, cruised in the direction of
the Kiel Canal one night. Coming to
the surface at dawn, the British craft
saw a huge German submarine not
fifty feet away.
"It was the work of n few moments
to land two torpedoes amidships'
Leaut. Langley explained. He describ.
ed the giant submarine as splitting is
the middle as the result of the terri<
fic explosion, with both ends rising
high in the air. The British cone.
mender said he read clearly along the
ow the word `Bremen' in large le'
tees, and then both ends plunged be-
neath the waves."
Beritish Museum Has An Obsidian Mir-
ror Used by Ancient Mexicans, t,:;,
Crystal gazing and the use of magic
mirrors played an important part in
religion and wizardry in the past, and
though almost every nation had its
own method these did not vary as
much as it would be supposed.
A despatch from Edinburgh says:—
Thus liier
Ballantyne, the stowaway on the R-;34 teinii)iese Japan prlestI,ewhielletaedIn thheer
on the voyage to America, on his re- saw, and which wore always to re -
fleet the good and the beautiful for
the gods, the ancient Mexicans taught
that their God Texcatlipueo had a
magic mirror in which he saw every-
thing that hompened each day in the
A real obsidian mirror with its
strange textile string still attached 15
iu the 'British Museum now and was
used by the Aztecs and ancient Mexi-
cans for various purposes and very
H.R.H. the Prirli20 Wales will Probably for erystal gazing. It is
much the same as the other crystals
turn to Scotland has been tenthly
punished by the British navy.
He was not court-martialed, but,
Plaeed before the officers, yens lec-
tured on the danger he had incurred,
and informed he would not again be
permitted to act as one of the dir-
igible's crew.
He said he would have preferred ea
year in solitary confinement,
spend' an entire day inspecting live-
stock, agriculture and manufactueing
products of Canada at the Canadian
National Exhibition, Wednesday,
August 27th.
eltee :Wee 11C DX CR :KW Cal- "E.:1 Ye'
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till '31-----'
1 HP.,im A I•itireeRef CALL.
40 INTO THe Hc:u...ran -
THE elArest vellel- E.NTER-
'TAN le
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used by so-called "aizards." so far as
its shape is concerned, Even to re-
cent years cryetol geeing has been
practiced, and it le said by those who
have tried it that the mirror or cry -
eta' seems to (Beam -mar into a mist
clam' it has been stared at in complete
silence Inc a greet length or time, and
then—if over ---the vieions apy,ear.
• The Cryptic Cable,
For (maleness tho followleg will bO
very hard to heat, A well-known Per,
soilage 111 Devonshiro bad last received,
a cablo from his soldier son in Maio-
nototnia which contained only three ,
words, "Two John twelve." At lint
the receiver 5030 1151111(1d by tho rays;
terione 'm000�0. hilt after much pee-
zling the Irtealline dawned upon hen.
Taking clown his Bible he turned op
the Seennd Epistle of St. jelm mat,
rend the twelfth N velitele enus it'fr
follows: —"Having many things to
write unto yon, 1 would not writo with
pitpor and ink, but I trust to come 1113
to you end speak taco to Moe that olil.
joy luny be MIL" 57155 son was 011 hlt
way barrel