HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-8-14, Page 5August 14th 1919 Clinton:mows-Recorei Of Interest to:You and Me What will the new Liberal leader. :say, when he is asked what he .i114 is the great war 1 • • • Il the Liberals had wanted areal- ly popular leader they should have waited until the return of General .Sir Arthur Currie and elected him. • • • Everybody knows that one. can tell • an old toper by his nose, but when the referendum conies along you'll bd able to tell a prohibitionist by, his .noes. •••• The Prince of Wales is now on Canadian soil. A peculiar, interest attends the visit of the heir apparent to this country as many young' Can- adians met him in France during the past five years, Canada bids the .young prince a right royal .welcome to her shores. . • * • Andrew Carnegie, the noted philan- thropist, died on Monday after a •three -days' illness. It was the, oft repeated wish of the little Scotch millionaire that he should die poor but in that he was disappointed. IIe • either did not start getting rill or his money early enough in his career or else he was too ,particular as to the objects of. his bounty. He gave away a great deal of money, however, dur- ing, the past ten or twenty yea: a, r • • Goderich says Clinton has not had a worth -while baseball team for. %w- ' eral years. It is' quite true. Clinton 'has not had a. worth -while baseball team for the past five years, the reason being that the boys who used to win honours • upote the baseball field were ail wearing the King's uni- f r more form takingpart in a a and serious game on the battle fields of France. Clinton is not at all asham- •ed that baseball languished here dur- ing the years of the war. • • • The Toronto World in an editorial 'commends the Liberals on the ap- pointment of a young man as Dom- inion leader and calls upon the Con- servatives to meet and select a young man to lead their forces. It is safe 'to say that when a new Conserva- tive leader is chosen, whether he be young or old, it will not be ono whose only contribution in the time •of the Empire's stress was a deter- mined opposition to ,Canada doing 'iter share in the conflict and a determined effort to prevent rein- 'forcements being sent to those Can- adians who were fighting for the world's freedom in the fields of 'France and Flanders. • • • We are in receipt of a copy of a .special Victory number of The Fin- ancier, a daily paper published iu London, England. It was issued in honor of the Peace Celebration and. gives brief sketches of the various British members of the Peace Con- ference, with photos of each, and much information regarding Britain. and her overseas dominions and de- pendencies. Seven pages are devoted to Canada, describing her resources, institutes, etc. Corresponding space .is given to other dominions and de- pendencies, a number of the articles .being written by public Wren of the various countries mentioned. It is a worthy publication and reflects cred- it upon the enterprise of its compil- ers m il- ers and editors. It will prove a val- uable book of reference regarding other British dominions than Canada and we shall keep it at hand for that purpose. • * * A London, Ont., firm has already refused to purchase a consignment of goods offered by a German firm at lower prices than the same goods can bo bought from manufacturers in the United States or Great Britain. There are people who say we should not keep up a trade war with Ger- many but surely it is nothing bet justice that we should buy the goods .offered by our allies, The Germans made a deliberate and determined at- tempt to destroy the industrial life of Belgium ancl France, destroying 'delicate and intricate machinery • which they did not wieh to carry away,and no doubt German mane - , lecturers are today turni ng out g.00ds on machines stolen from these coun- tries, Ought we to admit such goods to our markets to compete with our own goads or thole of Britain or struggling France or Bel- gium i We think not, There should be no market in Canada for German made goods for a generation. • • • Some people and some newspapers, in, all cases those opposed to the -1L'arst Government, affect to be much troubled on account of the lack .of leadership on the prohibition gees - tion given by Premier Hearst, The whole question, however, is otit of politics and they are net friends s oT ithe cause who are trying to drag it in again, The people of Ontario are to be given a chance of expressing their wishes in the matter of provin- cial prohibition quire independently. of party polities. If at the next provincial election the Hearst Gov- crement is returned it will see that -the mandate nt the people is carried out and should the party now in op- position be returned to power it will go !ll with it it the peoples' will is disregarded, Premier Ilearat_is well known ae a temperance man, there is no doubt at all as to where he stands no tide question, but it is not neces- sary nor wntild it be fitting ler him to attempt to Induenee the vete. It is for the people to say what they want. Mr. T)ewset is not so staunch a friend of temperanen but if tate vote Should favor the continuance et the present prohibitory law, which Is oonfidentaiy expected, and a Liberal iiever'nmdnt should be returned be - lore it is put into' effect tllo Liberal party of Ontariq could not, surely, do anything else then carry out the will of the majority of the people. Of course a referendiee favorable to 'r prohibitory law was taken +luring the Ross administration a n d' was " filed " by that G e v - erament, But that could hardly hap- pen now. No government would' take such --a risk, surely. Holmesville Miss Carrie Walter of Redlands,. Cal,t arrived at the home of her brother, 'Mr, S. T; Walter, on Satur- day. We're all glad to see Miss Wal- ter home again. Ales. T. McCartney and. Miss Etta Makins pf Clinton, spent Monday at the home of the lormer's brother, Mr. 11. Miller; The Epworth League meeting ou Monday evening was In charge of the Missionary department. The Bible, readings wake given by Mies Irene Ealery and W. Jervis. Miss Myrtle Trewartha gave the topic on "E. L. and Forward Movement." A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Pot- ter of the 14111 Con, on Friday -even- ing, Aug. lst, when the members of the Holmesville Methodist choir and Helping Band class met and present- ed Mr. and Mrs. Potter with a chair, hers. W, Pickard, read the address and Mrs, 0. Tebbutt and Howard Tre- wartha made the presentation. Rev. J, ',Jblmson acted as chairman for the interesting program which fol- lowed, Refreshments were partaken of and the evening broke up after singing, "We're all Jolly Good Fel- lows." •We were pleased to note in the re- -cant entrance examination report the names of two successful Ilolmes- ville students, Marion Alcock and violet Miller. Congratulations, girls. Births DOIIER'TY-In the Girls' Auxiliary Ward, Clinton hospital, on Aug. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Do- herty, a son. MITTELL-On the Huron Road, east, on August 7th, to AIr. and Mrs. Edward Mittell, a son -Ernest Edward. ELLIOTT-in Soaforth, on Aug. 5111, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Elliott, a son. FELL -In. Goderich, on Aug. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. ;I.. T. Fell, a son. Deaths BELL -In Kitchener, on Aug. 9th, Fred Bell, formerly of Clinton. CALLANDER-At Grand Ledge, Mich., on Aug. 011, . Mary Eliza- beth Stevenson, widow of the late Robert Callander of Clinton. BURROWS -At London, on Aug. 0th, Lindsay A, Burrows, son of Mrs. George Burrows, Goderich, aged 25 years. RADIANT HOME HEATER FOR Sale. -Mrs. R. Walton, Rattenbury St. 0U -1--p BOARDERS WANTED. YOUNG men preferred. -Apply Mrs.. L. Rath, Huron street. -06 LOST -ON TUESDAY, AUG. 12th, between Varna and Goderich, a Paddy green wool sweater, with striped collar, cutis and sash. Find- er kindly phone Morton Elliott, Varna, or Miss Morrison, 10-020. 00-1 AN ICE CREAM SOCIAL, WILL be given by the Londesboro SVtnn- .en's Institute on Wednesday ei en- ing, Aug. 20th, on the lawn of Mr. Ernest Adams. A programme will also be given. Admission 15c and 25c. 09-1 FOR SALE. -THE SIX -ROOMED house and lot, No. 033, on, Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr. George Taylor ; pleasantly situat- ed ; good garden, If sold at once, 91350,00 -Apply to Miss Washing- ton, Rattenbury Se, 00-11 THE LA)FES'CLILD of Ct. Paul's Church, will give an. afternoon tea at the Moine` of Mrs. William Jack- son, Wednesday afternoon, August 20th, from 4. to 7 o'clock, Admis- S1011 150. Everybody. welcome, 06-1-7P AN AiJCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements and some household effects will be held at the premises of the undersigned; half a mile south of Varna, on the Parr Line, at one o'clock, Wednes- day, Sept, 8rc1,-Chester:. A. Dun- kin, proprietor ; W. C. Robinson, auctioneer. 00-2 FOR SALE. -GASOLINE, TANK, capacity 60 gallons, -Apply ,to Mrs. John Armstrong, Orange 5t, 05-3-p (* i-1:.....•. toms and Fears FOR SALE ---ah. (7. Iloare'S orchard, north of Clinton ,no mile., begin- ning 15111 of August. Bring your baskets, Reasonable Prices COME EARLY 06-2--11 1'IG,S FOR, SALE -READY. 1'0111 delivery, (i weeks' old. -F, W. Aa- drews, -03: NO'TIC17 TO CI1DDITORS,-IN `I'HEa estate of Kepplo Disney, deceased, -Notice is hereby given tient all persons having claims against the estate of Kopple Disney, We of the Township of Goderich, le the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day, of July, 1919, are required to deliver to Robert G, Thompson, the ail- ndlnistrator of thesaid estate, 09 ' hit solicitor on .or before the 1st day of September, 1919, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by, affidavit. And take notice that af- ter the said last mentioned date the said administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having' regard only to such claims es he shall have re- ceived duo notice and in aeaordance therewith. Dated at Claxton, this 24th day of July, A,D., 1919.-W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE:, .01e Farm; Farm Stock, Implements and leurniture.-Estate of Robert John Richardson, deceased, on Saturday, August 23rd, at 1 o'clock p.m. There will be offered for sale at public auction at the premises the land known as Lot 10, .Bayfield Road North, Stanley town- ship, containing 163 acres more or less. On the land are erected a small frame house and suitable barns and outbuildings ; there is plenty of water and about 30 acres of wooded land with a variety of good timber. Tho location on ts very desirable, being on the Bay- field-Seaforth Road, 4 miles from Bayfield. At the same time and place will be offered the following chattels, viz : Horses -1 'mare 0 years old, 1 mare 4 years oki, 1 driving mare 11 years old. Cattle -2 farrow cows, 1 heifer, 2 yeas old, 12 steers 2 years old, 50 hens. Implements Deering binder 7 -ft.. cut, Deering mower 6 -ft. cut, Deer- ing rake, Deering disc,. Four -section barrow, riding plow, walking plow, seed drill, side delivery rake nearly new, bean smaller, and harvester, horse scufifer, hay fork, putties and rope, fanning mill, wagon and box, ., gravel box, hay rack, pair bob- sleighs, long sleighs, buggy, cutter, weigh scales capacity 1200 lbs., 20 cords wood maple and Keech, quan- tity Russel stakes, set double har- ness and collars, set single harness, quantity hay, sugar kettle, stone - boat, long ladder, wheelbarrow, robe. and blafilcets, bedroom suite, spring* and mattress, dozen chairs, kitchen table, glass cupboard, stand,- churn, quantity linoleum, cook stove, heater, coal oil stove, forks, chains, shovels and spades and other articles too numerous to mention. Terns -Land -10 per- cent. at tithe of sale and balance in 30 days. Chattels -$10 and un- der, cash ; over that amount 4 months credit on approved joint notes. For particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to Tliomas Brownett, Varna, or W. Brydone, Clinton ; T. Gundry, Auetionecr. Clinton, July 240, 1919. 04-4 ADMINISTRA'TOR'S SALE OF Farm Farm Stock and Implements -Estate of Kepple Disney, deceas- ed, on Friday, Aug. 22nd, 1919, at 1 o'clock p,m., there will bo offered for sale at public auction at east part Lot 19, Huron Road Con., Goderich township, the following lands, viz : Parcel 1 -East part lot 19 in the Huron Bead Concession, Township of Goderich, containing 69 acres more or less. On this parcel are a small frame house, a bank barn with stone stabling and windmill water supply and a pro- portionate .erage of bush. The location is excellent. Parcel 2 - Parts of lots 6 and 7, Huron Road Concession, Goderich Tp., contain- ing 80 acres more or less. This parcel is a good tillable farm suit- able for either crop or grazing and there is a Lair acreage of bush. Parcel 8 -Lot 43,Maitland Con. Goderich Tp., cotaining 47 acres more or less. This is a partially cleared fano with some good tim- ber. At the same time and place will be offered the following chat- tels, viz : Implements -2 wagons, rack and box, rubber tire buggy, buggy pole and whitfletrees, land roller, sleigh, horse rake, mower, riding plow, walking plow, harrows cultivator, seeder, cutter, tanning spill and bagger, ladder, pulper and a quantity of tools. horses -Gen- eral purpose mare about 0 years old, draught gelding about 0 years old, driving mato about 4 years old, driving mare about 5 years old, draught mare about 8 years old, General Purpose colt, gelding, 2 years old, General Purpose colt 1 year old, General Purpose foal. Cattle -2 registered Ilereford cows, 9. cows supposed to be in calf, 5 cow, freshly calvccalvedcows, 1 match ou , 2 • cows with. calves by side, 8 heifers 2 years old, 5 steers 2 years old, 2 yearlings, a number of young calves, J. registered Hereford Bull 4 years old, 1 Hereford bull 2 yrs. old, believed to be elegible for reg- istration. Also a quantity of tim- ber in the hush on Lots 6 and 7 (it not previously sold), and a quantity of household effects, Terns of sae: Lands -Ten percent. cash, balance lit 30 days, Chattels --$10. and ender, cash, over: $10 six Moil - the credit or 3 percent. discount, For further terms and conditions of sale apply to Robert G. Thomp- son, administrator, or W. Brydone, Solicitor ; 7', Gundry, Auctioneer, GIST THE HABIT of phoning 111 and when tip town of palling at our stoxe, ' We Will • look alter your weds' carefully. Look over our specials for this,wepk. Try, a pound or half potted of Sur bunt teal,. Prices and quality are bard to beat. Laundry Soap 10 bars tori 81.00 •F13,1 E 111. 8 cans Cleanser ' ,25 _ 2 pkgs, Ammonia ..,, .25 ;i cakes Lavender bath A Brown Betty, Tea Pet sone 25' )'atm Olive Special (given Free with yor 3 cakes tot .. 20 purchases of Aroma Tea, 12 cakes for 1,12 Pull range of Pickling black or !nixed, Ask us Spices and extra how, Sole agents for quality Vinegar for , pickling season, Mown. 10 lb. lots., . JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone llfil Retail Groper License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly eared tor. Special Bulk Tea Prices:, 1 lb, Special . blaoiq or mixed ,, ,50 1. 1b. Royal Blend, black or !nixed ,,.....,,.,, 00 1 ib, Princess Blond, blk, or mixed ,,,,....... , .70 1 lb. Japan 'Green,,, .50 1 lit. Bose Japan Green Special Prices in 5 and 15,000 Men Wanted let Western Harvest Fields *12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Half a Cont per mils beyond. Return. Half a Cant per tulle to Winnipeg. plus $18.00. Comfortable Trains. Through Service. Special accommoda- tion for Women. Box ',undies on Special Trains. EXCURSION DATES from TORONTO AUGUST 14th & 21.5 For Tickets mid information, apply nearest C,N, Rys. Agent, or write General Passenger Department, Town to �anad�an`:Nation it WANTED. -A HOUSEKEEPER, A middle-aged woman preferred, for a man and three children,, youngest- six oungestsix years old. -Apply. S.. G. Castle. 00-3 PLUMS AND REARS WANTED. - 5000 baskets of plums ands 5000 baskets of pears for which we will pay the highest market price. Baskets supplied.-Cantoloa Dros, 05-11 VOTERS' LIST, 1919, OF THE Municipality of the township of Stanley, County of Huron. -Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned iu Section 9 of the On- tario Voters' List Act copies of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at el- ections of members of the Legisla- tive Assembly, and at Municipal el- ections, and that the said list was first posted up at my office, Stan- ley township, on the 6th day of Aug., 1910, and remains there for inspection. And i hereby call up- on all voters to take proceedings to have any errors or omissions which may be found therein cor- rected according to law. Dated this 7th day of Aug., 1919.-J. E. Harnwell, Clerk. 05-3 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF Farm, Farm Stock, Itnpleme.nts and Furniture. -Estate of Robert John Richardson, deceased, mill be held at Lot 10, B.R.N. Concession, Stanley Tp., on Saturday, August 23rd, 1319, at one o'clock p. m. For particulars see posters or ap- ply to Thos. Brownett, Varna ; W. Brydone, Clinton, or Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, Goderich. 04-4 COALOIL BEATER FOR SALE. - Used only a few weeks. Apply at News -record Office. -02 GIRL WANTED TO LEARN PANT making. Good wages -Davies Ss Herman: -01-tf FARM FOR SALE -ONE IdUNDRED and fotty-two acres of land con- sisting. 'i.concession and 1st a . of Lot 1 g1, part let 1, concession 2, Stanley township, adjoining the village of Kippen, Five minute walk to G. T. R. station, churches orstores. Six acres of bush, water all the year round, and all seeded to grass. One acre of good orchard ; two barns, one on a stone wall; drive shed, and frame house. For, terms and particulars apply to Samuel Thompson, R.R. No. 1, Bruceleld. 04-4 BINDER FOR SALE -A SEVEN - foot Deering Binder,, neatly new.- Apply to Robert G, Thompson, 10111 Con., Goderich township, or to W. Brydone, Clinton. 03-11 PROPERTY POR SALIR,-ON RAT- tcnbury street, west, just off main street, a good 0 -roomed 2 -story frame house. Electric lights, wat- erworks, furnace and soft water. Garde small Karn i good re - a nandn Pair. Will be sold cheap. --Apply to J. 1'. Sheppard. -03-t1 FARM FOR SALE -94 ACRES, part of lots 25 and 26, con. 17, (Base Line) Goderich Tp,, 1 mile from school, 111 miles north of Clinton. Good state of cultiva- tion ; all seeded but 40 acres. Hydro passes between house and barn nn sideroad. Good bearing orchard some small fruits. Com- f0rtalrlc 10 -roomed 1(15100 House, DM cistern anti good well, Barn 80x60, stone stable 26x50 with hay mnw above ; driving house and hen house. Recount for selling, cannot CLINTON and 11itUCtrinr D get required help to work, -Mrs. Phone for Clairton 74. Joseph 0olcleugb, Clinton. --02. Thane for. Brttcellcld 11. on 018, PROPERTY FOR SALE -3 acres of garden and orchard on the London Road. 0 roomed house, bank barn 20x40, driving shed, hen house, Possession givefi in autumn. Apply , on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- - 00 MALE OR FEMALE TEACHER wanted for Union S.S. No. 2, Hu- lett, holding first or second class certificate. Duties to commence Sept. 2nd. State salary and ex- perience. -W. A. Dale, Sec. -Treas- urer, R.R. No.* 4, Clinton. 03-4 FOR SALE. -A SECOND-HAND IN- dian motorcycle. In excellent con- dition. Presto tank and head- light; horn, good tires. For, quick sale, cheap. -E. II, Lapps cel Son, Varna. --01 FARMS FOR SALE -THE R. MAR - shall estate, Iot 92, S.H.. 51,• Bay- field Road, and N.H. lot 38 in the 14th con., Goderich tp., containing 167 acres in all, more or less. On the premises ate a good barn with stabling underneath, driving shed, a comfortable house, young or- chard, 4 acres of bush and lots of water. Good grain or grass farm ; situate 2 !Hiles south of Clinton, one mile from school. Will sell lot 38 containing 34 acres, separate, good pasture with plenty of water. -F. H. Powell, .Executor. 00-tf FOR SALE -A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house on ' Princess St., east, half acre of land with fruit trees and berry bushes, town wat- er. -Apply on premises, Mrs. Alcam, -98-tf HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY brick house on William street, all modern conveniences. -Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. -03 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE-SEC- ottd-hand Chevrolet, electric start- er, one man top, in good running order. -Address P.O. Box 106, Clin- ton. -04 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1f acres garden, with fruit trees. -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. -84 FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 44 miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms, - Apply A. E. Matheson, 71. R, No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 Scranton Coal We have the pleasure of being the agent for this celebrated product. Also ask us about Cannel, Soft Coal, Coke and Pea Coal, Canada Cement The recognized standard in cement, and after alt the cheapest building material in the world today. Buffalo Brand Fertilizer • We purpose carrying a stook of these resetlt-giving goods at our Clinton Yards, Slabs Try a load of our short slabs. Just the thing for summer fuel or cool evenings. Most heat for the least money. Easily split end easily lit, J • U ft A D ANYI PERSON OR PERSONS erespaseing,or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H, Woods will bo prosecuted according tq law,- 7,151. Woods, Bayfield. 01--24 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD 'FRAME house on Rattenhury,street, west,' $ rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good col tar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house, -Apply, on promises to Miss Souhhcgmiie, -52 FARM FOR SALE] -92.1 ACRES Ole splendid farm land in good state of cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x60 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, teed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 anda drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 115 acres of orchard. This is a desirahle property 2.1 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. -49 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store -Wm. J. Jago. -00 POULTRY WANTED IIIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of each week till Sept„ 20th, every day after that, W. MARQUIS -86 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. THELive COHNEDLet LHT08E and ive Picniciig Time Vinegar, three kinds -Cider, Alalt and White. Spices - Tumeric Powder - Curry Powder - Celery 'Seed - Mace - M'ustard Seed - Whole Cloves - Stick Cinttimon - Ginger Root - Whole Pickling Spice and Chillies. SPECIALS Peaches - Tomatoes - Nevi Cab- bage - Green Apples - Water Melon and Cantelopes. E. E HUNNIFORO Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 Phone 40 SEED CORN We new have a full stock of the best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Before ordering your season's supply call and see our stock. Once you see it we 'feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the 'quality, and also the prices, SEED -POTATOES Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern On- tario." They are a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good seed. The price is very, reasonable for this exceptional variety of Pota- to and you will not make any mis- take if you buy your supply at once BABY CHICK FEED Have you tried our. Baby Chick Feed 7 We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coarse and fine. Itis made of the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large amounts. Large stock of Flour always on hand. Iiighest prices paid for grain of all kinds. We Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 190, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2888 Wholesale License No. 12-82 Orders taken at residence, Huron street. Torma strictly cash and tee guarantee to supply, good coal, to our customers. WARD. P110551 155 UGAR by the ear Special price on sugar by the bag, for cash for two weeks Get your supply for the preserving season T. • O'NeiI The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License) No. 8-2499 GIRLS WANTED fur knitters and learners ALSO VOMEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting `Co. LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORM Of.' ALL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAWKINS. Ageaat for I-Iecla Furnaces PHONE 93, Sliiop over Rowland'. Hardware, Seed Corn on Hand WISCONSIN N0. 7 BAILEY, IMPROVED LEAMING and other varieties. GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE) 27 cents per 11), HAY WANTED Portl License No, 0-21C 09 cod M Live Poultry Wanted ! 4000 CHICI{ENS 2000 HENS 1000 DUCKS each week from now, until the end of December. We pay for all poultry 011 a quality basis delivered ei•:h emptY, crops. We pay special prices foe properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strongly advise all producers' to finish their poultry, as it will Pay) you well to do so, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N 6V. Trewartha, Phos. .19411 Manager or Holmesville 4 on OM Canada Food Board -License No. ,7-001 CREAM WANTED ! Farmers having cream to sell write us for cane and full partiece. tars. Our markets are the best, Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable, And prices the highest consistent with an honest test which ,we guar, antes. Remember our Creamery, Co, is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of .the largest in Canada. You cannot make mei mistake 1n shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans are re- quested not to make use of In sending cream to other Creameries or cream buyers. Write today for cans. Ttte Seaforth Creamery Co. C. A. BARBER, MANAGED BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big Type YORKSHIRE AND CI -TESTER. WIIITi) BOARS. AC Levey, 1'betto 9-930 CLINTON, Ont. At home every toreeoen,