The Clinton News Record, 1919-8-7, Page 7• ..;1‘NOIVIACIFFI.liOUBLE Conies When the 131uetl 1f3 Weak and 'Watery. Thin blooded penpde generally have stomach 'trouble, Butthey seldom re• teegl'1)ze,'the feet that thhl blood is the cause of their indigestion, belt it is. Thin blood to one of the most eom- Mou minims of sto nosh trouble; it affietts the digestion very quickly, The glunds that tarnish the digestive fluids aro diiniol hed in their activity, the stona011 =soles are weakened end there is a loss of nerve "force, lel this state of health notlithe will more quickly restore the appetite, digestion raid normal nutrition than good, Bell, red blood, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills act direct- ly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strength. eine wonk servos, ettnrulates tired inuscles, and a\VEAtens to normal tic. Welty the Oxide that supply the di- gestive fluids. , The first sign of re- turning health is an improved appetite, and soon the effect of these blood-nlak- ing pills is evident throughout the whole system. You find that what you eat does not distress you, and that you are strong and vigorous instead of ir- ritable and lietless. You are on the toad to sound, good health and care in your diet is all you need. If your appetite is Pickle, if you have any Of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion you should begin to cure yourself at once by taking Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These pills aro sold by all dealers in medicine or you cell get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,; Brockville, Ont. PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS, -• Different Tests Employed by Physician to Obtain Information, When a physician sets about to de- diseasefrom t thenature of the tori line which his patient suffers, he has re- course to many different procedures. EXPA.N.DCAVA ' Ca•uadian. Voyageur anderDirection of Canadiiln Naliional liaileimers, clearing for she West :Indies from Montreal, July 10th, with a cargo of general meteshandise. , She is scheduled to return with sugar. pftal with his leg sma,sited to pieces. The Dead, WOUNDEDRE -MADE Instead of making a hnrriecd anfliuta- ti0n, every effort was made to save the BY ARMY DOCTORS lnjured limb. It, was put into n flame, DOCTORS l and in a short time the snlasliecl bones RED CROSS WORKER TELLS OF ACHIEVEMENTS IN SURGERY. Soldiers Brought to Hospital With Countenances Merely Blurs Sent Away With Normal Visages. • "1t is surprising how many things can be done to a man by a shell, and have him still, living," says a Red Cross Worker, Bliss Eve Hammond. "And the things that can be done to make It worth while for him to go on living are even more 'atiirprising; they wore surprising to us, to whom they were an every day matter, and to the unitiated they were a revelation." "Dental surgery is one profession At hasgone aheadimpetus 1fl from the of the war in leaps and bounds. The marvels that the doctors of dentistry He questions the patient, as to his performed were not entirely unknown symptoms; he uses the thermometer before the war, but they were in the to gaua the height of fever; he Yaols theoreticalto ice1 stage. Tl ere was no chance the pulse, makes a chemical and mtc- to put those theories info practice, ex- roscopical examination of the score- cept in widely isolated cases. The war proved that those theories were sound and practicable; it afforded them a means of development. There is noth- ing impossible in dental surgery now. "I have seen men cone into that hospital of ours with a bloody blur tion that he obtains by the means last where their faces had been. Fed mentioned is called the physical (Bag—through a tube and kept alive, I have nosis. I seen. their remaining bits of skin There are four measures that physi- stretched over the raw places, which clans use to arriveat a physical diag- fill with new flesh muter careful treat- nosis—inspection, palpation, perms- ment, and finally they have gone out sion and auscultation. into the world with a new face. tions, examines the blood, takes an X-ray picture if necessary, and—es- pecially when he suspects disease of the organs within the chest or the ab- domen—resorts to what he calls a physical examination. The informa- Inspection is more than its name im- plies, f01' it means not only to look at the patient or any part of him, but al- so to look critically with an expert eye that sees much that is hidden from the casual observer. The physician looks, not only at the part that he suspects is diseased but also at the face, in which he searches many valuable in- dications, A mere glance, for example, may lead him to suspect pneumonia, or peritonitis, a paralytic stroke, or an internal hemorrhage. Palpation often gives information of the greatest valve. The physician„ by Marvellous Reconstructive Surgery. "There was one man, I remember, who came in to us with his entire face gone—nothing left but one eye. We fed him through a tube, built him a metal jaw fitted with teeth, and made him look like a human being again, ex- cept that he had no nose—only two nostrils, We found him a false nose with a pair of spectacles attached, hid- ing the scarred flesh around his miss- ing eye, and making hint look so much like other men that one,e=would not have glanced at him a second time to note his deformity. using his ]Lands, gains knowledge of "Another mal came to us with the greater part of his face intact, but with no nose. It had been shot off completely, leaving his flesh flat from chin to forehead. We made him a nose to fit hint. From the place where the patient's temperature in general, or by observing a difference in tem- perature between two parts obtains clues that may lead to a clear diagnos- is in a difficult case. By laying his hand on the patient's chest he is able his nose had joined to his forehead to locate the point at which the heart there,hung a little wisp of skin. This strikes the chest wall, and so to deter- mine when the organ is displaced either through increase in size or through being pressed to one or the other side by a tumor or some abnore. ntal condition within the chest; he may also feel the movements of the abdominal organs or the vibrations 01 the chest caused by adhesions of the lung to the chest wall, and so on, Percussion consists in tapping tho wall of the chest or the abdomen to determine by the sound the condition of density or rarefaction of the organ within. The principle is the sante that the plumber uses when he taps a pipe to learn whether it contains water_or is empty. Finally, auscultation is listening to the sounds caused by time closure of the valves of the heart, the breath sounds in the lungs, the movements of air and fluid in the intestines, and so on, That is, perhaps, the most valu- able means of diagnosis, and the one that calls for the greatest experience and judgment on the part of the phy- sician. Truth Will Out, Fatbed' (severely): "Tommy, did you ask mother if you could have that apple?" Tonnuy (six years old): "Ye -e -as, father!" Father: "Be careful now. I shall ask mother, and if she says you didn't tsk her, I shall punish you for telling en untruth. Now, did you ask her?" Tommy: "Yes, father, I did truly." A. pause then. "And site said I Could sot have it." was pulled down, stretched every day, and kept dry and healthy by an anti- septic powder. Finally it grew to the correct length for a nose. Then we opened his wrist and 'grafted a piece of bone to the place where his nose should have been, lliniltng arm and face together until the operation was completed, Then we adjusted the skin, which filled out with healthy flesh, and there was a new nose!" Easy to Give Man New Face. A man whose face had been hang- ing down from below his eyes, Miss Hammond says, was a simple case, Ilis face was sewn bacie in place. "I met him on the street in Paris," she says, "just two days before I sailed, and his face looked just as usual, except for a light scar which ran along under his eyes and across his nose. In time it will almost dis- appear. A man who had been the vic- tim of a "freak shell which had ripped out every one of his teeth, leaving him otherwise unharmed, was supplied with new guars and a complete set of upper and•lower false teeth. I have even seen a mar with his brain bulg- ing down over his eye from a' jagged cut tri This .skull. Tile' brain has been carefully pressed back in place, and the head fitted with a metal plate. This operation leaves the pattent per- fectly normal so fat' as his mental con- dition is Concerned, He is, however, unable to go about much in the hot sun, as strong heat affects him, and he cannot drink because it irritates the brain." .. Sometimes, Miss Hammond said, a patient would be brought into the hos- '7 - d10 �.:=e. , •,,rrt:'�Fi�r[1si4,._�. ar .,e...a�I,r:,4�'ri:.:',. Each cupful j is so pure, drug " ;'ire and wholesorai -that' t ' no 0 p •� ,rte -�},. ,:.n arises eLP��6itl BA to the second or third Atf� ordhouk, the 'children' drink it:' There's a Rea o n, ..camMelliPI x31" would take a position, knit, and begin to grow together, while the splintered bits would gradually Work tlleir way out of the leg through the flesh. SPANIARDS AS NAGIGATORS- In Early Days They Explored Many Lands But Failed to Determine Location's. The Spaniards of early days were most adventurous explorers, but, for all their discoveries of 'distant lands, very poor navigators. After coming Upon the Solomon Is- lands torn ), they lands (in the western could not find them again, and they were lost for 150 years. The water supply of their ships was kept in big earthen jars. As it was impossible to provide in this way enoughtocl rink for a long voyage, they took to sea many large plats,' which when it railed were spread to catch the drops. From the plats the water was drained3 jars. off into Probable, •obal 1Y it was no fault of Colum. bus, but his first.voyage to America, which occupied two months' time, was mainly a drift, , When ho' landed in Cuba lie thought he had reached the mainland of Asia, 'and sent 011 expedi- tion inland to treat with the Great Khan of Tartary. Later his flagship, the Santa Maria, ran aground off the coast of Haiti, the natives of which is. land welcomed shim most hospitably, He noticed three or four of them whose naked bodies showed scars which they attributed to bites inflicted by elan -eating 'savages of another is- land called Caniba. Whence the origin of the word cannibal—tile island in- habited by these anthropopllagi being Porto Rico. Less than 150 -years ago Spain still claimed ownership of the whole Paci- fic Ocean, declaring it a Spanish lake on the strength' of Baboa's discovery in 1513. Acting upon this idea the Spanish Government ordered the com. mandante of San Francisco to seize the Colilinbia, the first vessel that car- ried the United States flag around Cape Horn. • • • 0 0 0 • o--a--o_-C—ems• LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS • LiFT • • RICHT OUT• NOW 11.-0-0.-0-0-0-- — 0 You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who bays at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops aro applied'to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, root and a11, lifts out with the fingers, It is a sCIcky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn without in- flaming or even irritating the surround• Ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of fl'eezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You are further warned that cutting at a corn is a suicidal habit. Sour Milk. During the hot weather we think anxiously of the milk. People are al- ways giving you ways and means of keeping 10111 when ie has gone sour. Yet there are uses even 'for sour milk. In France milk is actually set aside to go sour for lots of culinary uses, such as rolls, milk soups, and junkets;• and for people who are dys- -peptic sour milk is actually better than freslm! Of course, it should be made palatable by salt or sugar, ac- cording to preference. It is quite good sprinkled with castor -sugar and cinna- mon. For anyone with poultry sour milk is a- good thing. Bens just love it mixed with their food, and it has a splendid effect both on their health and their eggs, Then, as a p011511 for leather goods, sour' milk cannot be beaten, and especially foe patent leather boots. Get a chamois leather to rub with, and the result will be a joyful surprise, As a freckle -remover, a complexion - restorer, or a sonburmease1', It is 01- vabrab)e. Are your hands chapped, your skin roughened, Apply 8001' mi111 to the spot, and all will be well, You need not fear to overdo it Apply the sour mills freely with a nice sett rag anti allow It to stay on tin minutes, and then gently rub it off and in, No Alligators. A naval officer, wishing to bathe in a Oeylee rivers askedS, a native to ellter 11110 le place where tboiee 'were '00 alli- gators, The native'toolc 11110 t0 a pool close to the estuary. The officer enjoyed the dip. While drying htme01f he asked 1115 guide why there were never any alligators in that pool, "Because, sot`," the Chtgaleee re- iilied, "they plenty '/raid of sliarlu,, 11111554'S Ydnilit8iit Mures 211»1103t81.1e -. ee., J4, Metelanon Sean, air, rottoe Victory Bonds Haulers of TIlotory Londe will ane definite 5p241058 1uotoa on 1110 ananoiul Pars Of tOto Termite Morning Onnera, W, Il. MdKiNNON 8r CO, isuaiers to Oeverlatueitt 411141 Mltufe14u1 Donde 9rxollimoon 131dt,, la %Olinda $5., 400581010 No Place Liko Home. A colored .isolator who was 011 111s way t0 France and 11110 had. never neon ie body of water larger than a (Week was so impressed by the 51,0 of the o00a11 that he refused t0 look at it afteli the fourth day out, Suddenly a friend called him, t "What do you want?"11e asked d toll Y from 1116 berth, "Dar's a sallin' s11i1) goin' by, Como sod see ti Bailin' shill," "'Look -where, nigger'," came the sharp retort, "I'm done sick of youah. boats and whales. I'll clone sail lute you 1f you don't remember what I told you befo h, Cell rue when you dons The dead abide 181011 us! Though etarlc i see a tree, ' turd foals nothhi' oisa, and cold, Understand?" Earth 800ms to grip them. They are r wlthrlts still, HOW YOU CAN TEL Tiley halve forged our chains of being for good or ill; And their invisible 11anc15 those hands yet hold. Our perishable bodies are the nmould hl which their strong imperishable will— Moltality s deep yearning to fulfill- hath grown Incorporate through dim time untold. Vibrators infinite of life in death, As a star's traveling light survives its star! So may we hold our lives, that when we are The fate of those who then will draw this breath. They shall net drag is to their judg- ment jud -ment -bar, And curse the heritage which we be- queath. BABY'S G CIa9 DA AGE [b DURING IIOT WEATHER More little ones die during the hot weather than at any other time of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera In- fantum and stomach troubles come without warning, and when a medicine is not at hand to give promptly 'the short delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the house where there are Young children. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly the prouipt use of the Tablets will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, The Song of the Harbor Bar. • With joyous hearts they sailed away Over the eastern main, With martial pipes and magic gay As they whistled some glad refrain; But I heard the sound of the harbor bar Singing- 111 mournful strain. With laughing eyes they sailed away ' Over the eastern main, With a duty to do and a price to pay, Holding never a thought of gain; But there came a sound from the har- bor bar As from a soul in pain. With joyous songs they sailed away, Over the eastern main, And many a happy heart to -day 1V111 herald—returning again; But the breeze bears the song of the • harbor bar Dirge for our honored slain. List! you whose loved in silence lie, Over the eastern main— Their souls will 0Onme at break of day On the rising sun again. And the lullaby croon of the harbor bar Whispers, Heavens welcome re- frain. LEMONS MAKE CIN. WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a few cents and see for yourself. What girl or Woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes; to evhiten the skin and to bring out the roses, the freshness and the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid therefore irritating, and should --)re mixed with orchard white this way: Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake Well and you have• a whole quarter pint of Skin and complexion lotion at about the cost ere usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream, Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will remain pare 'and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms, and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautifyAnydrutheggist sl<in. will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. Flying Trips to Europe. A flier predicts that we shall within a few years fly aCY'oss the Atlantic in the forenoon and return in the after- noon. We shall returd, in the after- noon, no boubt, because after paying' fare for liylug so high we shall have nothing left upon which to "do" lands beyoid the Atlantic. with Fl st It osedl a horse wft 1 p , Y Ibought Incurable ringbone for $30,00. Cured hint with $i.030 worth of MINARD's LINIMENT and sold mini for $85.00. Profit on Lielment, $54, MOIST] DI.ROSCIO. Hotel Keeper, 'St, Phillippe, Qed. ISSUE No. GENE AMR N ONLY TABLETS MARKED WiTH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If Yoti Don't Sec the "Bayer'Cross" on tho Tablets, /Refuse Them --They Are Not Aspirin At All. There is Only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Cross"—all other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Look for elle "Bayer Cross"! Then it is 'real Aspirin, for which there is no substitute. Aspirin is not German but is made 011 Canada by Canadians, mid is owned Canadian Company. Uy a Cana p . Y Genuine "Bayer Tablets, et Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets,—also larger "Bayer" packages,—can be had at any drug store. e trade mark,register- ed is the ister- g ed in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylic - acid. The Sime! J Life, Punctuation marks are like signs poste 011: a country road; you pa088 for a moment when yowl come t0 them and thele go 011 your way a little wiser for the stop, Can you slut the propel' sign - poste in the 'following four lines? He lilted to do the things he liked To do the things lie liked To do he liked to db to to The things he linked to do A'dinard's Liniment duces Oehl,, 0358. "I am old and have had many trou- bles, but most of them never happen- et1," "Let every dawn of morning be to you'es the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as its close; then let every one of these short lives leave its sure record of some kindly thing dome far others, some goodly strength of knowledge gamed for yourself."—Raskin. =nerd's Liniment Cares Gorget in Clown "Pickles and charlotte russe, hey? These women give some queer orders, don't they?" "Yes, sir," assented the Waiter. "What's yours?" "Piece of hot mince pie with two portions of ice cream on it" MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. Coffee was introduced into England in 1641, and in 1562 was £6 16s. a pound. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. British scientists have detected traces of light more then 300 feet under water. IN \ i Ed'1 YEA R.5 560 Dollars [0 invested at 3% will amount to $697.75 lfinvested at 4%, interest com- pounded quarter l y, will amount to $744.26 But if invested in our 6%e% Debentures will amount to$860.20 Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent • Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St. West AGENTS ,TED TO 8AL7 Foster 011 Faroe"s We want a live ma•n in every district to demonstrate and sell a proved 000.1 - oil burner. Fits any coal -burning range. Cheaper tire tankhan s oror i' holes toablohas a up. no 1Nos lirt no smoke, no odor, A real money- making proposition for 0 hustler. DOi%5SMION naris. 00., 118 Balmoral Ave. 8., Hamilton, On n a M R ; Fail Wheat Ie OW•,about using acid phos. photo alone? A total of 90 years' experiments at Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Virginia Experiment Etta- tions shows 0110 following aver- age increases per acre from the nee of single element and com- plete fertilizers. Average Aare Material Added 111m'eaen Obtained Ammonia or nitrogen .10 bus. •1" hnaphorle acid 5.66 Nitrogen and Pbne. aold 8.64 " Complete fertiliser's 1.1,11 " You can pot en increase from acid phosphate alone but you can get over double the increase from complete fertillzbrs. Lary your plana for largest re - 1 turn0shigh.pet• acre while wheat prices Write for free booklet, ' The Soli and Crop Improvement Bureau • of ihw 0anadiaa r2o1'ti118ar Association 1111 Temple Building Toronto •st v !�1 HartlfJy7 Use \ra Dawes FerEilizers For Profit Write for Free Bulletin Ontario fertilizers Limited Toronto n o lexvn rlwoplr, st A'PTIl11tJ9" fi151N19 11100)10 HOGS) lzrZ actuallt 1!1044 in color. 'J'Jie Blue ma's are 1u, longer an tXuurlmeut. WO. have bred them sureeasfUll,v fur twelve years before offering any 1'm• $0,11. Tho)' mature 11010011, grow 17018 large and the (1'121laies 1110 0110 411051 in•olillc blcedere 011 earth. Write for lnfei'lnatlon Mention this papr, The blue Meg Breeding Coinpsay, 1VIIntl ugton, Mass. P11'i3PAl'1r1t "' .171i1'.Y, IN xntUU'n lvl County llnlemi1ld opportunity. Writ() )1oit 7'• Wilson Publishing Co., Lnnited. 70 Adelaide tit. 'w„ Toronto. it7�T 1000 $QUCI'I'19n 011'iwhh'Al'itIt V9 and job printing wont In Pastern Untemlo, insurance carried 81,51+.0 Win go 107 61,850 nn gulek gale '!lax 02. Wilson Puhllchlna Co.. Ltd•• Toronto. P011LTRY WA058ED '''0T0AT (IAYA 100 x'`OR t3A1.19 iN a 'l x' ney fl env 1 4,t n. ul Live 1' ty, a 1S'o � R, $On 110. St. 1 Write t lir ouch, 10-10 St. Jean f3nPtfate Marker moat - rood, Otte. 5105x8 F2050DERSI 15AT11L1t'B 18010 0010 18101611 1300K 013' 0,V I•lonao Plans, and Information tell- ing how to save from TWO to Pour Ixun- dred Dollars on your now ]ileme, Ad- dress TTnllllipy Company, 23 Jaclxso0 tv.. Hamilton, Ont. NYE8071LLAN000S. 1NCE,11, TUN1011S, LUMPS, 21TC.. .0./C�r'11In lernal and external, cured with- out rutin by our hams treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. Hellman Medleal Co., 1,1mltnd, trollinawood. Ono All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G. 4:' CLIFF TORONTO At night smear redness and roughness with Cu icura O'ntment. Wash of in five minutes with Cu kora Soap and hot water and con roue bathing a few moments. Treatment for dandruff and irritation: On retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into partings all over scalp. The next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Repeat in two weeks if needed. Calla puoc n ai n Ointment io5dand 5 00.. n re. 80Horten,1 B. A..' addrosa: "Oetleara, nape. 6 ;a u?` pt 4 arozi ! $ ceetteaceasaatoteesesssssoaaasseseasaasay 3 'Gaze i\00118 cl (il ktt© 'V•�YSYxa"". e x.- �,.,.e.-:..a,xzw:.,mrW .4.4114e1.1011... :,e:..n,•,;�,.,-,v:wt#, '' 1; ' Le . at aaosogsoceas1oaoceaauaaaaosgacsol(lb31iasadt'e gl ii FOR the Gillette owner, rife is one long holiday from shopping and honing. It is a round of daily luxurious shaves. The shaving quality of the hard -tempered, keen and lasting Gillette Blade is a never failing source of satisfaction. You, who are planning a vacation, should include one pleasure you can enjoy twelve months each year—buy a Gillette Safety Razor. Free your holiday from strops and hones. The new Kit Set—the Pocket Edition Gillette Safety Razor—in a limp leather roll case, complete with twelve double-edged blades and a mirror, takes only a few inches of space in your kit. Remember how the Gillette was the choice of the soldiers of all the Allied armies. You will need a Gillette to remove your open•air growth of beard. THE PRICE IS $5.00 ` .�TAR For Tomorrow' s Dessert summer variety in .0 mine R � ? GlYlL't The question of y desserts . never troubles the woman who knows the possibilities of Benson's Corn Starch, the choicest product of the corn. Benson's Corn Starch is equally ffite for crisp, delicate pastries as it is for simple puddings; it isoodi for calces and for pie fillings to say nothing of Blanc Mange, Custards and Ice Cream. Wriin for Ooole bole ti+ The 0needa5tardhdd.Tt'2s- Litn1wd w 1Nonti'aat i' tri rlw'uF Try one of these recipes for 515 tomorrow's dessert•.. Y% T 981tSON & •CAS PREPARE) CORN 456001Nidr15110 41 ui,°riwt �� �J""oe,.e�41 w OeAVAt,'argj ru„y 11:4"711.1, 301x1"04 NEale.q t.e4lM1 106E �e'147111 UaatM•VInW 1p„xialnr� 01.4 1,305 44441(53,,1SitF 'ae 402141',;5 aVr,