HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-8-7, Page 4%//////////O WH ITE STAR LIN E 4aumwomiwaimmimmummiewimo Oliglon News, -Record YOU W ILS FINE OUR fall Paper 'the best value procurable., Ask those who have looked over our selection and they will tell you the same. Broken lots at less than cost price to clear. AL, T. ooper Agent; C.N. Railway G.N.W. TelegraPh Clinton, Ontario Countij News Mrs. Milton Donaldson, returced nursing sister, died at the 0 one of her fathers Reeve C. G. Petty - of 1-leasall last week. Mrs. Donaldson, who went overseas when the war broke out, was invalided home with tuberculosis, to which she succumb- ed. She was married while overseas. Her brother, Lieut. Hanson Petty, was killed tin action. GRAN!) TRU It sYs EM Harvest Help Excursion ' $12.00 TO WINNIPECG, Plus i cent per toile beyond. August 12th from all stations be- tween Lyn and Toronto, Weston,• Palgrave and North Bay, including Penetang, Meaford and Midland, De- pot Harbor and intermediate stations August 14thfrom Toronto and all stations west and south thereof in Ontario. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, ' District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. A. O. Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Phone 57. Uptown Agents, Coderloh Township Mrs, D.. Baer of Croswell, Micsh., is visiting her brother, Mr. M. H. Lebb and other friends in the •vieinity, Miss Mary Stewart, daughter of Mr. Jeltp Stewart of Sroderieh'town- ship, whose name appeared as a successful candidata in tite entrance examinations last ,week, carried off tas o airsol bhppour s, , alth u h o g , ,through an inadvertence, the honour mark was missing,in the report, C''ongretu- latiotts are extended the young lady, All three students from No, 10 got firstolass honours, Miss Louisa Tebbutt visited'Strat- fond friends last week, 5, S. No. 1' in this township is generallvteonsidered to be one of the prettiest, if not quite "the prettiest and hest itcpt of the school prope>,rties, is the Inspectorate. The school trus- tees take a good deal of pride in the appearance of the building and, grounds and a short time ago,they sent a pic- ture of the school property to —Dr. A. H. LL Colquhoun, Deputy- inister of Education, from whom the secre- tary, ,Mr. ecre-tary,,brr. Harry J, Thompson;' re- ceived)the following reply : I Toronto, .July 25th, 1419 Dear Sir,—I am directed by the Minister of • Education to acknow- ledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st inst., and itt reply to state that he -has duly received the pic- ture• of your school which was de- tained a few days in the mail. The Minister directs the to thank you for sending this Vetere, and to state how highly he appreciates the taste and.skill,with which the school prem- ises have been .embellished. The Min- ister trusts that the policy pursued in No. 4, Goderich township, in this respect, may be followed ny - many other schools throughout t.he. Pro- vince.. I have the honour to he, Your obedient servant, A. I1. 't?.. t-'oiquhoun, Deputy Minister of Isdura•tice." Hallett Township Mr. (+oure has •had his drudge in the Maitland river at Mr. McGregor's the last couple of weeks and is mak- ing a splendid start. The Kellett council is considered lucky to get Mr. Goure to take this contract as he is credited with being amongst the best dredgers au the Province. He seems to be the right man in the right place and we are sure will give the people concerned the very best of satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. L, ,Purcell and children of Stratford and Dr. and Mrs. Dermidy of Nebraska revere guests of the Car- bert and Flynn families from Friday until Monday. Mrs. Purcell and'hil- clren are. remaining for a longer stay. Miss Kathleen Quigley and Miss Bowman returned to Toronto on Monday after spending a week at the former's home. ' Dry Goods and House Furnishing Coach & Co. • PHONE 78. Furs and Ready to - Wear garments Hot Weather Needs Hot weather forces a rush on cooler goods. Fortunately we have made extensive preparations for just. such emergency. Every lady -will find their collection of summer gar- ments up to date in every way, that making a choice will.be a pleasure, Pretty cool dresses, Wash ,skirts, Thin underwear, Silk and lisle hosiery, New Voiles, New organdies, , - Pretty cool waists, New millings, New neckwear, Pretty parasols, New kimrhonas, Summer sacques. EVERYTHING A LADY NEEDS FOR TI -I11 LIOT WEATHER. C.C. a La Grace Corsets for the Hot Weather C—c a La Grace is a name that means someththg. It moans soine- thing because every section and ev- ery gore of every corset has been carefully designed and as carefully rut together to lit the figure like a glove. Prices from $1,50 to $8.00 e pair,. USTICURVE tat 351 tatliJLINO This store will close every Wednesday at 12.80 during Jily and Aug, Badoeld 54r, Andrew's cberol will hnid its anniversary on Sunday )leMt,' with seryiees at eleven in the morning and seven -thirty in the evening, The Rev. Dr. 11,. NI, Dickie of lJ4pntee tl will be the preac►ter of trio day and Miss Edith Sylvester of Detroit the solo - Invitation is tend st A cordial in ton extended i , to all to attend these services. ' Rey. E. Anderson administered the Sacrament of the Lord's supper on Sunday evening last, He was assist- ed by the Rev, McKenzie of St; Thomas, Mts, Percy !Relent and child of Detroit are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Tippet. Dr. Tl. T. Ranvier and wife of Olatl., S, Dakota, and Miss Vanstone- Of Behmiller spent Sunday in the Vil- lage, Mrs. L. Clark of the Goshen Line, Stanley, was• the guest of Mrs. D. Dewar over the week -end. Misses Rena, Lula and Lillian Bea - 1 r the guests of Miss Bea- com r e f London are 11 Mary Reid. Mrs. William Jewett and daughter, Miss Edna, of Port Huron and, Miss Carrie Robinson of New Westminster who has just returned from overseas, arc the guests of•the latter's grand- mother, Mrs. Jowett. Mrs. Robert heard and family, Airs, Henderson and fatally and hiss 1lossack of Lundon are summering in the White City. Mrs. Zinger and daughter Miss Leona, and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, NJotz and son John of Kitchener spent the week -end at the Albion. Rev. Mr. Milligan of Harriston, G. C. Retclill, Arcona ; Mrs. Gray and daughter, bliss Alta, Detroit ; W. .1. Pierson, Stratford, and Miss Wool - way, London, are guests at the Al- bion. Miss King, Detroit, is the guest of the Misses Bingley at their summer home on :inn street. Mrs. Bingley and daughters, Misses Ada and Florence, Aliss Rathwell, Miss Taylor of Detroit ,and Mr. and Mrs. Willis and daughter, Miss Blanche, of Portage La Prairie, aro summering in bliss .R,athwell's sum- mer home on Ann street. • - Mt:. H. Wamsloy and wife or Nia- gara Falls and Mr. Ed. Parker, wife and son of Toronto are spending a few weeks in the village, Rev. Mr. McKenzie and wife of St. Thomas and llev, A'Ir. Peters and wife of Delaware are spending their vacation at the parsonage, the guests of Rev. E. L. Anderson. Misses Gertie and Dorothy Brydges, Miss 'Vera Armstrong and Miss Jen- nie Netherley of Belgrave are spend- ing their holidays with the former's aunt, Mrs. Brandon, - bir. 'rhomas Brydges aag son of Belgrave was the guest phis sister, Mrs. Brandon, on Sunday, Mr. Eplt Capling.of ICitchener spent, the week -end at the Albion, Mr. Hunt of London spent the week -end with bis family who - are summering in the village. Mr. E. A. Sauder of Kitchener spent a few days this week with his wife and daughter, who are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Il, W. Erwin. Mrs. Keys of Stanley and Mrs. Thomson of Chicago were the guests of Mrs. D. Dewar last week. - Mrs. Walters, Grand Rapids, and Mrs, Gray, .i)etroit, Mich., are the guests et the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson. Dr. Brown and. wife and nephew, Mr. John Jowitt or Clinton, Iowa, are visiting, Mrs. Brown's! sister, bIrs. Archie Armstrong, 01 the Bron- son Line, Stanley, Mrs. Jamieson and daughter, Miss Helen of Brooklyn, N.Y., are spend- ing a few weeks at Mrs. J. Tip- pet's. Mrs. W. A, Govan, Misses Mar- garet and Betty and blaster Willie Govan, Miss Secord anti Miss Mary Sacord of Brantford are guests at the Albion. Mr, Geddes of Blyth, who bought out the sawmill of Wm. Mustard, moved his wife and family into Miss Mary Simpson's residence on Bay- field Terrace on Monday, Mrs, Carty and son and Miss Edith Green of Detroit are 'visiting their mother, Mrs, Green, Miss Mary Gray of London is the guest of her cousin, Mr, Ie. A. Ed- wards, Pte. ,Janes Rouatt and bride re- turned home on 'Tuesday evening from overseas. Mrs, H. ,Jeffrey and daughter, Miss Norma, Miss Dorothy Wilson ot'Sca- forth, and Mass Mary Tweddle of Fergus are spending a week at Mrs. Thomas Harrison's. Miss Roberta; Johnston and Mr. John Porter of Goderich township were the guests of Mt. and Mts. T. E. TIaerison on Sunday. • A Tribute to British Justice There is a tribute to British jus - Mee in the comment of The New York Times on the Hohenzollern trial : It is lucky for Wm. Hohenzollern that his trial is to take place on English soil—not at all because the English will ho more sympath- etic with hirer than another nation might be, but because there 1s a traditional fairness and impartial- ity about .'English justice which no other 'country, not oven our. own, has been able, to surpass. The ob- ject at the ltreneit and Italian courts is to obtain a conviotiotl; the nim of an 1 nf;lislt court is to asminister justice. Our own prat.- tic°is marred by tar too much op- portunity for delay, by,...devlces of technicality that cheat justice of lier dues. But in t5iigland justice is justice,. . Varna. Miss Mury Stogdlll,, latae Ed Brown of Wallacoburg aro visanditing adiet the former's home in Varna: Tho Varna. Sunday schools held their annual pianie last Thursday in Jewett's grove, Bayfield, Being fav- oured with very pleasant weather, there was a large crowd and " both old and young. report n. very enjoy- able nJo rable ttae• The Wowing is alist of those; who won prizes in the sports in which all shoyyed a keen interest ; Races—Boys under 5 years --Willie Dunkin, Freddie Dennison, George Colclotigh, Girls under 5 yrs—Mary Johnson, Vera Steppe, Frances Gal- braith, Boys, 5-8 yrs—Willie Dun- kin, Orin Dowson, Gordon Rathwell Girls, 5-8 yrs -Dorothy Rathwell, Joan Johnson, Rachel Johnson. Boys 8-12 yrs—Ellwood Epps, Stanley Reid, Edward Reid, Girls 8-12 yrs —Irene C!huter, Phoebe Cololough, Grace 'Coleman. Boys 12-15 yrs— Wilfred Muter, Melvin Clarke. Girls 12-15 yrs—Ada Reid, Rena Johnson, tie. Young Men—Anson Coleman, Garnet Taylor, Harvey e Y Coleman, Young Ladles —Mabel Coleman, An- nie Vanstone, Rena Steepe. First married men's race—Ed, Foster, Frank Weekes, John Harwell. Sec- ond married coon's race—John Reid, Mort, Elliott, John McAsh. Stand= ing jump—Willie Johnson, Mort. El' liott, Russel Austin, Running jump— Willie ,lofutson, John Reid, Mort, El- liott, Kippen Airs. D. L, Munro and son Ralph, and the Misses Blair and Miss Pierce of Auburn were visitors with bit. and Mrs. W. H. ,Johnston on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. S. Jackson of Ripley and her grandson, Master Jackson McCrostie, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. B. McLean and Mrs. Crawford last week. Airs. Jackson came to attend the funeral of her uncle, the late Robert Carlisle of Hensall. Miss Hazel Hauch of Brucefield is having a pleasant visit with her teacher, Miss Margaret Mellis. • Dr. Aitken drove over from hay- field and Miss C. IV7dICenzie, Mrs. D. A!tcKenzie and son Don and daughter Jean accompanied him and visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. McLeod of Ex- eter visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MIcLean a few days last week. Mrs. .1. Speare and daughter 011ie and Mrs. McDonald and son of Crom- arty and Miss Mildred Upshall of Brampton spent a pleasant day with Air. and Mrs, .7. W. French on Wed- nesday of last week, Dr. and Mrs, Aitken and Miss Frances arrived home from spending their holidays at Bayfield on Wednes- day of this week. Don't forget the social and concert on St. Andrew's lawn on Friday ev- ening. Hullett Township Following is the report of S.S. No. 8, for the months of May and June. Marks based on general proficiency : Jr. 4th—Marjorie Lyon 78 percent., Annie Garrett 73, Mary Woods 72, Hattie Grey 68, Harold Richards 02, Susie Sampson. 00, . Vera Shobbroak 58, Russell Mill 52. Sr, 3rd—Margrieta I1111 07, Harold Johnson 64, Joan Iloltzhauer 03, Joe Lyon 61, Albeit Shaddiek 58. 5r.•2n1—(Nantes in order of. metit) —Prod Sampson, Arthur Lyon, Ber- tha Webster, Mary Little, Ruth Arm- strong, Lorne Shobbrook. . Jr. 2nd—Bert Grey, Emily Little, Jph Grey, Bert Armstrong, Cecil G ri (fiths. ist Class—Elsa° Manning, Gordon Manning, Bessie Crawford, , A class—Mary - Webster, Beatrice Little. The prizes awarded for the Com- position on "Canada's Part in. the War" were won by Lilly C:cu'rett, Sr. 4th, and Annie Garrett, Jur 4th. Natio laI Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R,H,, THE PRINCE OF WALES EXHIBITION Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish' warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered.German planes. 'l1VI-IIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph Ti, Mnat °luring ti on Grand Stand Spaalnelo s The surrender of lite Gorman Hoot22VorcaRoe Casita•--•Vkiory kelt, Alkiiby's salty icia Jorhusolom, And a nova al altar es:raerdinary iralaras THE Gni0ATGST 1181110IVI0 l Or 11.1. TIMOS All .the .eompod'itions were worthy 01 mention, -•TI, HAdtnes, Teacher, rhe, following is the school report of S,5. No, 0, Proatution exams, The noutbly averages for the year were taken Otto aceemit- writ the final exams. Honours 75 percent, Pass 60, An asterisk (*) marks those fabling to pass From Jr. 410 to Sr. 4th—Honours, 14 , Annie Stevens 77; percent, Pass— George Smith 72, Louis Bowland 64, From Sr. 3rd to Jr, 4th—honours, Lydia Reid188, •Roby 'roll 80. Pass— Mary, Rogerson 73, Mary Knox 78, Irene Glidden 69, Carman Glidden 65, .Ernest ICnox 64. Frons Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—Honours, Stewart Beattie 81, Mary' Addison 76, Pass—l-Iarold Wheatley 72, Ward Knox (10. From Jr, and to Sr. 2nd—Honours Thomas Stevens 87, Amy Parsons 84.. Pass—reale Reid 70, Johnny Taylor 72, Sammy CGiddoir 44(*). . From Jr. 2nd (b)t to Jr. 2nd (a)— Honours—Albert Lyddiath 78. Pass— FIelen 1VIcEwing 68., PrmFrom Sr.,1st toJr. , t .2ndb —llon- _, ours P t t Parsons 86. a. Primer (a)—Jean Stevens, . Mar- jory McEwing, Leslie Reid, Lillian. Nicholson. Primer (h)—Johnny. Nicholson, Geo. Nicholson. No. on roll for June 29. Average attendance 20,89: —Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. Circus Day --- The Kids are Planning a 131g holiday At Goderich, Wednesday, Aug, lath Sparks World's Famous Shows will hold forth for a matinee and night exhibition, and the rare, unique and wonderful things that have been promised 011 paper will become a reality. The airy riders who, in diaphanous skirts have been pirouetting on the expansive backs of beautiful and speedy circus horses (on the bill boards) will he seen in all the gor- geousness of tulle ,and seductive steno ; the elephant's will copy their pictured acts of comedy and go them one better; the contortionist will pro- ceed to disentangle, himself from the knots he tied in his responsive body last year : the acrobatic families will turn dizzy somersaults and the clowns will work ori their latest comedy stunts to the great delight of the crowds present—we all like the clowns. There is nothing like the circus. It is the people's show par excellence, It is the one great American amuse, ment that appeals to all the people. The merit in a big circus like the Sparks Shows is in the fact that ev- erything in the show is the very best of its kind. There must inevitably he riding acts, but the riders are the leaders of their profession. There must be acrobats, but the acrobatic artists and aerialists aro gathered from the wide world, and are the best that money ran procure. It is this superiority in the quality of the: performers that makes the the Sparks Shows such a welcome visitor. Kippen. (Intended for last issue) We regret to report that Mr. David Kyle has not been so well recently and left for London on Monday to spend a week in the hospital. It .will be remembered that Mr, Kyle under- went an operation for .appendicitis last summer and never regained his normal strength Although able to go about his home and occasionally visited our village, but a new trouble has asserted itself and he has gone to have advice and treatment. We hope to see hiin return much better, Rev. Dr. Aitken is '.expected to oc- cupy his pulpit next Sunday. Rev. Jas, Foote of,Exeter• preached last Sabbath. AIrs. Wm, McConnel and son, Mil - August 7th, 1919 opormoimiiimommismimusimormaiiimpoimomssi tar, of Detroit left today after a pleasant visit with her parents, Ur. and Mrs, J, Whiteman, Mr. W. U, Johnston, had a pleasant tail on Saturday last from his broth- er Albert and family of St. Angus-. tine. They had motored to Exeter to visit Mrs, Johneton's brother who is seriousl 111, y Miss M, J, Daymen was called to Woodham to the home of Mr, George Squires, he being quite ill with tonsilitio. Mr, Jas. llcngougli, who spent the past eighteen months at Enchant, Alherta„has returned here. Word has been received by Wendt; stere of Mr. Andrew Pennington, well known,about here, but who has been at Veteran, Alberta, for some years, that he has again suffered the loss of his crop through, drought. He con- templates going to British Columbia to spy out the land there. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Noakes .mot- ored to London on Sunday and re- turned the same evening. Harvests i full swing , hut Harvesting s in w b farmers report the crop to be a very Y light one. THE WESTk71EN FAIR (LONDON, ONT, ATTRACTIONS FOR THE (11111411 EXHIBITION SEPTEMBER lith to 13th The Johnny J. ;Jones Midway tAx- posltion, one of the largest, odeauest and best attractions on the road, have e heeu =urea for the Exhibition bitl ol this year, This show travels in theirs own special train of thirty cars, car- ry their own bands and have thirty. Shows and rides of the very best that can bo produced. The platform at- tractions will be the very best that can be procured. Trained Elephants almost human in their acts, Harses performing all kinds of feats on the track before the Grand Stand, Trate- ed dogs and monkeys, Durkins anim- als in a pantomime act that well be something new and different. The At Golden Troupe of Acrobats the best of their kind, The Ernesionas Troupe, the Ducat Bros., the Mel - burn Troupe and others will all ap- pear 'twice, daily. Fireworks every, night. Plenty of music all thee time. All informationarout the o on application to the Secretary, A, M. Hunt, London, Ont, •.r ANOTHER HER BIG EXCURSION GODERICH TO DETROIT AND RETURN DON'T MISS, THIS ONE. Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderich, Thursday, Sept. 4th 9.00 a,m. old time 10.00 a.m. new time Arrive Detroit 5.00 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit, Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1 p.m. Detroit time (Detroit time is the same as Goderich old-time) $2.25 Round Trip, $1.75 Single Children between 6 and 12 half faro Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful and; most prosperous city. A million population, a city of beautiful parks,; grand boulevards and a wonderful 7taterfront. Canadians comattg to De-. troit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a de- posit. U.S. immigration officers will be on the steamer. to pass excur- sionists. Good music and dancing "en route, Fine cafe and lunch room aboard steamer. See a real big league bail game with Ty Cobb in ac- tion. •St. Louis Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Friday, September 5th. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 3rd, 7.30 old time, h me. 25e, Three hours8.30 onGodericbeautiftiul Lake Huron. 05-4 Orchestra Music and Dancing in Steatier'a Ballroom ..aaa..r■r The Western Fair London, Ontario September 6th to 19th, 1919 THIS IS THE GREAT AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION OF WESTERN- ONTARIO Exhibits Two Attractions Johnny./ Jones the Spred Events Better Midway Very Best Daily Than Ever Exposition Plenty of Music Fireworks Every Night Pure Food Show Tractor Demonstrations Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Sts, Usual Entrance at Gate Grana Stand 50c and 25c Prize Lists. Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary Lt,-Ool, W. A1, Gai'tshore, President A, M. HUNT, Secretary Having taken over a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest tire factories at a quantity price, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to offer these sizes of first-class Non -Skid Tires at the following prices : 30 x 3% - $15.55 (EV) 33 x 4 - 32x3% - 17.95 34x4% - 31 x4 - 24.95 35 x 5 - $28.95 39.50 44.95 These Tires are all firsts and fully guaranteed. LIDDED ERV!CE. TORE. THE AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON -Western Ontario's Largest Exclusive Tire Dealers TERMS—C.O.D. subject to examination. 3 Farm L for Illerves , ', ttag trip W .st"-$1 rers o ester 'Return trip Ea&t"-° •'t fi 11. GOING DATES TERRITORY Front tiltionv to Ontario West er 6tnitfi'o Praia to and lnoludSlZ,' Toronto on rake Oot rio Shore Lina rind Davort to Renfrew' Lina. Auau et Prom slattlons Sin scan to Renfrew Junction, inolnMro, rem stat ons borelxia to Parry $onnd, dnofito ve, rrom ntotlono 1lotltanr Junotlon io lost motion and Dnrtnten to Dolmanton, inoluslv°. .Atoust ;rom elbtiee, In Ontario Wont 011(1 Louth of Toro' nit to and loolud!ng Hamilton and W0,lanr, Ont. l rem at0tfnna on O on smind, wan(orton, i'cooeoter, ivlhshatn, Blore,, Listowel, 0adoriely 81, tiory'x, 'tli fort nurwelt and St, Timm,. branobea. stotione beSonto and North to Holton, teoloolva, f' te tlr e,5