HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-7-24, Page 44 1. Thig etore esill eloee every Wednesday at 15.80 duting July and Aug, r4, YOU WIL4L FIND OUR Wall Paper the best velue procurable. Ask those who have looked over our selection and they will, tell you the same. Broken lots at less than cost price 'to clear, A. T. Cooper Agent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. TelegraPh Clinton, Ontario Varna. Mrs. A. E. Sharman, whq-. has spent the past couple of months vis- iting relatives and friends around Varna, Bayileld. and GOdetich, left on Friday for her home at Leth- bridge, Alberta. She was accompan- ied by her niece, Miss Kathleen Mc- Naughton, who will make an extend- ed visit in the west. vreAummr, GRAN AR: loptsum TheiDoubleTrack Route ----between— MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CEIICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor ears on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent, JOHN RANSFORD ez SON, Phorto 57. Uptown Agents. • Clintoco News,Recorol Hullett Township Mr. W., (1, Swart and family, Mrs. SteWerie, Piney and frezel,e of HunterN, Dak, were visitingSir. Ed. ele'linseon a4cd family last week. Tey were neighbors of the John. etone in N, Dale Mr, James Deli and wife of Long Bente California, also old friends in Ne Dakota, are calling °teethe Johestons this.. week. says he likes to mob hie old , American Wends, who hit ,the "In- dian trail" with him on the lied River baelC in the 70's, 'Wise Mary McIntosh .r London visited relatives the past Week, Mrs, Sissen' Crawford, one of Hule... lettes well known and highly esteem- il residents, Massed her eighty-fourth birthday on Saturday, Peace Day, "Greney" Crawford, as she is attn. tionately called, by her friends, is as smell interested in everything that is going on as many people thirty Tears her junior. She's industrious, inde4 pendent, kindly and' helpful and has a host of friends who wish her good health and good fortune always, Constance • Mrs. Proctor of Brussels is spend- ing a week or so with her sister, Mrs. H. Colclough. Quite a mintier around here went to Grand .Bend on Saturday while others went to Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and son of Brussels spent Sunday with het eparents, Mr. and' Mrs. George Riley. Mrs. Cole., :Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pole ard, Phebe Wakefield and D. Milson spent Sunday with friends in. Ethel.. Mrs, McLean of Detroit is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, *Pet- er Lindsay. Mr, Peter Lindsay has bought the fifty acres of land and house from D. Willson, Mr. Lindsay gets pos- session in the spring, • Stanley Town -ship On Friday 'afternoon Mr. Alex, Me - Ewen was coming home from Clin- ton with a small load of lumber and as he started downthe hill to the river the lumber, which was [resit from the -planing mill and very slip - Pere, began to slide onto the horses. They soon became unmanageable and' ran away.' 111r. McEwen was threw(' from the load, the wheels of the. wag- on -miming over firm hreakiug his shoulder blade and causing es -nailer cuts and bruises. The wagon and lumber --went over the embankment, the horses breaking, lobse and becom- ing entangled in Miss Craig's fence, mere captured. - THE NEWS -RECORD -LEADS FOR POWN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY NEWS. Dry Goods arid House Furnishing elz„ „ONE: 7S. O. Fees and Ready.to. Wee Garments ot Weather • Needs Hot weather forces a rush on cooler goods. Fortunately we have made extensive preparations for jest; such emergency. Every lady will find their collection of glimmer gar- ments up to date in every way that making a choice will, be, a pleasure. Pretty cool dresses, Wash ,skirts, Thin underwear, Si* and lisle hosiery, Now "Voiles, Nev organdies, Pretty cool waists, New frillings, New neckwear, Pretty parasols( NeW kimmonas, Summer woes. EVERYTHING A LADY NEEDS FOR THE HOT WEATHER. C.C. a La Grace Corsets for the Hot Weather C—e a La Grace is a name. that means something. it meana sonic - thing limiest) every section. and ev- ery gore of every corset has been carettilly designed and as =dully pub together to fit the figure like a glove. - P01008 from e1,50 to58.00 pair. ce-13.,."-..-,,,eeetreeeeeeezKes fgleelleter:1 CI ND .ASTICI-JRVE:11/.4C15,_ Mnrannriki,,x, Coderich Township iulis tBlp Dageoeli oi Harrietoe, fotnntely teacher oe.S,S. No, 4, left this week for A tail to Michigan to friends in Sault Ste, Marie, Pic/lame 111ersprette:and other points. Slie was accompanied by her mother. We wish Mime Daerech 4 pleasiant trip Mit an 'enjoyable lioliday. She will rotura i *me to take up her 'sehool work in September as menet. pal of Drew Khoo]. Mr, George Colleen, is busy punting eement wall under his barn, 1141fis.'lereily Commie who' has been 1101,40ying; left Monday.'for- Toronto ' 'resume her p'ositione, Mr, and Mrs, ,Agnew mid' children and -11r, arid Mrs, Geo, Connell and Mtge Alma of 'Owen SOMA visited Mr.'"and Mrs. George Connell this week. • Mrs. Nicholson and two slaughters. of Aubuie have been visiting idi the On, Toesdey evening of last week the' members or•St, james', Murals, met at the home of Mr, and lefrs. Free Middleton ad presented them with a beautiful leather bound self- pronouneing-jelble and also a dainty landscape Picture by Chandler, ace compaaied by the following address 'Dear Mr, and Mrs. Middleton,— We, .the men -Mere ,, of 1St. , Wiles' congregation, have met together this evening for the purpose of extending to hers. Middleton a most hearty and royal welcome, and to yew:self the very hest of wishes. St. Paul says, '"Rejoice with those that do re- joice.' We do "rejoice" with you, tonight, "in your new found joy," and as this is the first occasion of our meeting together slnee. that "happy and never -to -be -forgotten event," Cask you to kindly accept this bible and picture as a sliuht token or the esteem in which you are held by the members of your church, and also as an evidence of the, spiilt of "good -will and happiness" ullich they pray will ever follow 30u through the years of your mulled life, May God's richest hIcesings be showered down upon you ; rimy pros- perity and happiness reward j our et. torts, and may you be long spared together to enjoy that insw life upon which you have now 80 )10PPily set forth. Signed on behalf ef The mem- bers of $t. James' church.—W, 13. Deloultosi, Incumbent ; Clew • Hicks, People's Warden." Mt. and Dirs. Middleton made suit- able replies, thanking their fellow. church workers and friends Inc their kindness, after which a pleasant ev- ening was spent ie games, etc. Hoimesville Mrs. :Glenn Campbell and son, ordon, of Aylmer, also Sergi.. Douglas Goodwin, recently returned from overseas, are guests of theor eister, Mrs. i, R. tuacelath, HIILthto Farm. elohnesville people in general got Lu the Peace celebration in Goderich on Saturday by auto, train, truck or horse. Al report a good time. Mr. 1. 13. Lobb of Galt and Rev. Will Lobe of Edmonton, wile have bee11 holidaying at the home of their sister, Mrs. Geo. 11011011(1 of near Nippen, ,motored ewer to Hohnesville on Sunday morning with Mr, and Airs. Holland and :1118A 1%111111010C. Rev. Dlr. LOU' preached at the morn- ing service rn the. Methodist church, also took part in a trio composed of himself, his brother J int and his costein, W. IL Lobb. Will is an old Holinesville. boy who went west twen- ty-seven years ago and entered the solnistery there. 1le. is greatly., en- joying his trip East and the renewal of old acquaintances. The Epworth League met on Mon- day evening and the Leaguers had the pleasure of hearing, another old 14olmesville boy, Rev. Will Courtice. lie chose as his topic, "Loaners, Weanerre,, 'Gleaners," the three e ele- ments found in any society, organ- ization or community, Rev.. Mr. .Johnson closed the Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. D. GlIsidoe, paid a visit to their son Percy in Port Stanley on Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Potter and Elmer and Mt. and Mrs. ID. Pickard and sole Albeet motored to Mitchell' MI Sun- day to, Visit at the home hf Mr, and Mrs. L. Lashbrook, The Circuit S.$, (picnic -wilt be held in Bayfleld on Saturday of this week. Everybridy eome and bring your bas- ket. Bat:Meld (Continued from page 1) set with pearls and ainethySt, the gift 01 the bridegroont. She was at- tended by Jour maids, Miss Bessie Hewitt, sister ot the bridegroom, and the Misses Doris Bentley, Lizzie Robinson and Gladys Robinsan, her Mimes. Mr, John Roblasone brothel: of the beide, discharged the 'duties of best man, whilst Me. Ie. Bentley, brother-in-law of the bride, acted as .groememare The officiating Clergy - Platt was th'rrhit (the Pete 11, Noel. Nowell). There was a large 'congregation, 01111 the service teas choral, fluting the assembly .el the guests, the organist, Mr, J. ?deer - eon -Shaw, played selections, the ar- rival of the bride !being heraldeil, by the playing ot the "Bridal March" 'herrn "Lehengelit." During the set. VI.00 the hymns, "How welcome was thc eali" WI "0 perfect Love were meg, -mem the iin.pip collr( left the dbureh the organist Tendered Men. deissolin's. Wedding. Wed, , -Atter the ceremony the wedding breakfast WAS served at the residence of the bride's 'parente,•theee being 1040 trillnbOt of juiesta. . Lateren the afternoon Me. arid -Mrs, Hewitt lett tor . their honejsmodne the bolUs wearing a traeseIling heseof imyy blue with pink hat" Death o Little Babe in Hallett Townbbip William Lloyd lioll0ndi only ohild ot n1r, and 15118Noble H011and 01 the' klurois Road, Hullett, aftee Mier illeees and at the age o1 nineteen months, was :Wren to be 11, 15011) of the upper fold estate Fri- day morning, The lueetal services were condeeted by tint pastor • of Wesley elmeehe Clinton, assiOted. by Rev. S, Anderson of Opted() street Olga, 071 Sunday Afternoon. in a cornfortiug Address; eonsistling Of an exposition of the narra'tive or ' the. heeling of the daughter -at Jairos, the pastor made 11 clear that by vir- tue of the redemption that •is in Obist Jesus the angel of to not an enemy of little.childeleile\, but a friend, Those who flee' fpr refuge to -the hope set before us have a strong !consolation. Miss Queue( sang, by request of the sorrow -stricken parents, that beeuti- ful .and apj;repriate song, "Jesus wants me for a Sunhealn.' The burial took place in Clinton cemetery in the presence of a' large number of sympathizing friends. The death' of this dear little son called forth many expressione Of sin- cere sorrow from members. of Wesley cengregation, 1315 parents from early babyhood • brought him to aura, where Inc beautiful :counten- ance and lovely behaviour won the admiration of all who knew him,— Com. , — • Mr. and Mrs. Holland 'wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to their friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and sympathy shown them dr - Ing the illness and since the death of their little child. Count g News Dir, Earl le, Denny, a returned sol- dier, has been appointed postmasteo at leordwiele • The stables of the Colborne. Hotel, Ooderich, were destroyed by fire on Thursday night last. The hotel building caught several times but each time, the blaze was extinguished and the, fire confined to .the • stables. The loss is estimated at between three and four thousand dollars. Word has been received of the death, which took place recently at 11/1:elnes, Seotlan.d,' of the Rev. Alex- ander Miller, who tor ove.t a dozen years was pastor of Ashfield Presby- terian 01010011. Mr. Miller left Ash- field nine .years ago to return to Scotland. It is suggested that a chime of bells be purchased for the court house. clock as a memorial in Goderich. Mr. Percy Mallard ot Exeter fell backwards from n load of hay and lit upon his head one. day recently. For- tunately he was not seriously injur- ed, though stunned for a time by the, fall, The marriage took place at London on Saturcla.y week of Miss lova Mary :esisebrook, (laughter of Mr. Thos. Ausehrook of Goderich, to Dr. L. E. 13018101, letely sluiced 1r001 over- eeas., • Mr, and Mrs. (. Laytea, who lave resided Sereforth lor some time, are tains Id reeldenee in Hamilton. A pig was brat/gilt onbo the Luck- noy market one day recently hY, an Aehfield eavreet which brought him the SUM of ele9,20, although -Me out not .1504 the bighest maeket price ow- ing to the size of, the animal. Time was when a good horse could be bought for that money, Mem (Rev.)11, Henderson of White, church is ie. Wingliam hospital tm- dere,oing treatment for an injured eye; She waiked into a barbed wire, lege causing serious injury' to her eye, A, special meeting of the, Mettles's]. Presbytery was held in Wingtem to consider the call from Thine. River to the Rev. Gilbett Gomm a Mack- e -took in the Presbytery of 'Maltby. The clerk was instruCted to write those congregations still paying less than the minimum salary urging thorn to comply and report at the September meeting. July 4th, 019 oteexzaun "SMOOTHER THAN VELNET" The 6nishing touch to a good meal—Silverwood's Ice Cream, Its creamy taste andpi ire fruit flavors are a real delight. Many fine dishes can be served with ice atm, making dainty desserts for special occasions. Silverwood's is pure pasteurized creatn—homogenized. sn.vaaw000's Lamm, LorrooM orrr. Bricks In all Flavor., czr - • I: ',III, look for ebe Slluelegood's Sign 17 Having taken over a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest tire factories at a quantity price, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to offer these sizes of first-class_Non-Skid Tires at the following prices: 30 x 314 - $i565(r:) 32 x 3'4 - 17.95 31 x 4 - 24.95 33 x 4 34 x 4,PI3 raa x $29,095 39.50 44.96 These Tires are all firsts and ft:T.:7 guarit.d. rg UDDEN vs-ERVRCE Ta`.422; iHE AUTO SUPPLY CO,LONDON Western Ontario's Largest Exclusive Tire eters TERMS—C.O.D. =abject to excerreimatinet. • .7t13t,. ' 10.`0f ':l/K7?7e77:514-•17'11.,,,r7'g'S.:='•tttk1t@AV9A'44Nrii7`7X;.:'..%c',7d. zttn,,,P1 caariS thine TT is after a furnace is installed and 1, the first cold snap tests it that you know whether your investment in COMFORT was wisely made or not. Don't take a chance on it. You can be sure of it under the McClary's guarantee. McClary's engineers will plan your heating system without charge. They will guaran- tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according to those plans, will heat your home comfortably.' Take advantage of this service. ta Have a comfortable, well -heated home. Sold by J. Sutter teeenc=ezermerevemaemmecisarcee;semesemmerenesceemaesemesemerzemeezeiesaaeme-za: Few people have any conception of the gigantic proportions of the three Sister Ships ----the Noronic, the Hamonic, and the Huronic, of the Northern Navigation Company's inland ocean line between Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth. Think of the larr,:.-,st hotel you know—how many rooms has it? The Noronic, Flagship of this mighty fleet, has stateroom accommodation for 588 people, while its beautiful dining room on the Observation Deck has seating capacity for 278. This mighty steel lincr-is 385 feet long and has a beam of 58 feet, Her gross tonnage is 6,905, Did you eer sail on a ship with six decks? The Noronic has first a Main, then a Spar, a Promenade, an Observation. a Boat and a Hurricane Deck—all of steel. Six times round the Promenade Deck is equal to one mile. The comfort, the service, the excellent meals, the magnificence of the interior appointments, make of these steamers palatial floating hotels. There are Writing Rooms, Drawing Rooms, Smok- ing Rooms, Convention Halls, Observation and Music Rooms, Assembly Halls and Ball , Rooms. Hot and cold water in all staterooms, Rooms may be had with baths. Electric light for reading over every berth. SARNIA, SOO, PORT ARTHUR FT. WILLIAM, DULUTH and Return Three sailings weekly from Sarnia, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, at 6.10 p.m, (Eastern Time). Round Trip fare Sarnia to Duluth and teture. 6 full it including meals and berth 1600 miles on the Great Lakes, $5•A 6.,50 One way faros on application. For full information, ask any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, the Cornpan,y at &milt, or your local ticket or tourist agent. Write F. D.Geoghegan, Eastern Passenger Agent, Sarnia, Ont., for 'Cruise Booklet. – Northern Navigation Company Limited ,01 SARNIA, ONT. GRAND TRUNK ROUTE 1.000 -Milo Sagueneyteruiae. -Another wonderful Bon tTrip -through1.0701 elands and St. Lawrence River Rapids: etop- ovor if desired at Toronto and Montreal; then on to quaint Quebec and the glorious Saguenay. Write for Book - lot r' Niagara- to. the &a."