HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-7-17, Page 9Clinton .Nowa- Record
xnp town to Irped Saekson's Old stand
Qall arid sea us
We carry a full line of
Repairs Promptly Attended to
Plumber and Electrician
1 Bid Fire Sale
Ends Saturday -Your Chance
to get Genuine Bargains -in
All bills owing memust be settled by the end of the month
or they, will be placed in other hands for collection and costs ad&
Jeweler an -ti Optician
White Footwear
Shipment just arrived fresh from the makers
These. are Extra Quality
1Vlade at the Best
Sea Island Duck
Every pair a fitter and nicely made.
We are headquarters for everything in
Harvest Shoes -
Now is the time you want a pair:of light, comfortable
shoes for farm work that will stand hard wear
Nothing better than a pair of our Mule.skin Boots, good solid soles,
leather insoles. Will stand lots of hard usage. Special 2 p 75
at per pair .
Black Shaved Rip Bluchers, leather insoles, a good solid
boot 275
Women's Shaved Rip Oxfords, leather insoles, good farm I(l C
shoe at a low price Le!
Men's blue and white striped overalls. A special lire at 2.00
Special prices on boys cottonade pante for the holiday season
Made.to-measure Suite at very close prices. A good selection of
samples to choose from and fit guaranteed. Give us a trial order.
We guarantee satisfaction,
Plumsteel Bros.
to advise you that we make a
specialty of dainty bedroom
furniture for dainty people.
To know' how attractive are
these beds, dressing tables,
and other bedroom accessories,
you must see them. Descrip-
tion would not do justice to
their beauty. Mention of prleq
would not do justice to their
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone *aft 26
All the Comforts
Of a iionle
apo not coufiltod to the indoor fur-
niture, This is particularly. so dur-
ing the heated term when
outdoors is a boort to humanity. Al
ITammock supplies the cool and oom-
fortablo spot, restful and healthful,
We have thein also for the babies,
the kind they can't fall out of.,
me W. D. Fair Co.
t'0ften the Cheapest
Always the Beet,'3
Miss Flora Chidlep of Toronto is
spending a few weeks in town.
Miss Sadie Mahafly was with Lon-
desboro friends over the week -end,
Miss Annie Lanxon of Detroit vis -
ting her mother, Mrs. J. Lanxon
of town.'
Miss, Maud Livermore is in Kingston
this weekivisiting Rev. J. K. and
Mrs. Fairfull.
Miss Rotta Cook of Toronto is spend-
ing a month's holidays at her
home in town.
Mrs. Arthur Couch of Cleveland has
been the guest of Mrs. J. Lanxon
for the past ,fortnight.
Miss Agnes Chidley of Toronto has
been visiting during the past week
with Miss O'Neil at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Switzer and two
daughters of Toronto werei week-
end guests with Mr, Chas, P. Lib-
Mr, T. H. Scott of the Molsons
Bank stall, who has been holiday-
ing at St. Thomas, returned Mon-
Mr, Larry T. Higgins of Raneagua,
Chili, S.A,, is in town visiting his
uncle, Mr. 13. R. Higgins, and his
aunt, Mrs. Wm. Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Foster of St,
Marys, Pent., t spent a few days the
end of the week as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunford.
Mr. C. D. Bouck and IOiss Eva left
for Bracebridge last week, where
the former will take up his accus-
tomed work at the Summer Model
Misses Winnie Thompson and Maude
Wiitse went to Kincardine yester-
day, where they will take in the
Chautaugua, which is being held
there this week.
Rev. J. E. Ford of Goderich was in
town Saturday afternoon. He was
on his way to Wingham where he
conducted services in the Methodist
church on Sunday,
Mr, Gordom McCartney of Guelph
was a visitor in town over the
week -end. He does not forget the
old town and likes to come back
occasionally to see old friends.
Miss Minlue Pinning, who has been
in Peterboro for the past year, has
returned to town, She has again
taken a position with Couch &I
Co. Miss Pinning's friends are de-
lighted to welcome her back to
Mr. .Chas. Holland and his son, Mr.
William Holland, and wife of De-
troit spent a few days Iast week
visiting at the home of his sister,
Mrs. R. Jenkins of Rattenbury
street. Mr. Holland had not vis-
ited this section in thirty-five
Rev. A. MacMillan of Toronto aad
Rev. Dr. Macdonald, recently re-
turned from Korea, both of whom
weretaking part in the program at
the summer school held at Coder-
ich last week, were guests in. pass-
ing with Dr. and Mrs. Gunn,
Mr. E. J. Jenkins spent the week-
end at the old home, Woodlands
Farm, Huron Road, Mr, .Jenkins
has recently removed from Toronto
to London, where he is in charge
of the Y.1VI.C.A. work. He has not
yet moved his family to the For-
est City.but expects to do so soon.
Miss Mary McComas, nurse -in -train -t
ing at the Western Hospital, Tor-
onto ; Miss Bessie McComas of the
C. 1; stall, London, and. Mr. W. R.
McCamus of the C. I. staff, Ot-
tawa, are holidaying at their home,
Wesley parsonage. The latter?
leaves shortly for Toronto where
he will read examination papers
for some weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. John Torrance, accom-
panied by Miss MVlaude, left yester-
day nnorning;on a .trip to the west.
They go by boat from Sarnia to
Port Arthur, where their daugh-
ters, Mrs. . Cranston and Miss
Margaret Torrance reside, but will
go on to Lethbridge, Alta., to vis-
it their other daughter,, Mrs. Vir-
tue. They will be absent several
weeks, At least the ladies will,
Mr. Torrance may return moor. "
Mr. F. W, Evans and, his sister, Miss
Mildred, of Brantford,. have been
down at Louisville, Kentucky, for
the. past fortnight visiting their.
brother, Mr. E. Louis Evans. Miss,
Evans will probably make a longer
stay but .Mr. Evans re•turne to
Brantford next week, They aro
enjoying the change and both are
enjoying butter health than they
have for some time. We have
thought it hot enough here some
days during the past couple of
months but in Kentucky it is a
common thing for the thernibiileter
to register 1z0 in the Shade, Think
h uk
of that next time you feel ineiined
to grumble at the beau; , , , tarot, Miss gaiter, Mre. Percival,
How bout That New Suit
You Were Thinking (Df?
We are now ready with a complete range of suitings to take your order and make you up a suit that
in fit, style and finish will be excelled by none,
All Men Buying New Clothes Want Their Money's Worth
and they get it at Davies Ee Herman's.
Ry money's worth we mean the fullest and completest value in fabric, fit and fashion thaenaoney can bray
DAVIES & HERMAN hold to a standard in choice of fabrics and in actual detail of making that
places our clothing in a class by itself.
DAVIES & HERMAN'S men's suits, whether high priced or low priced, to satisfy us, must be
better and we see to it that they are better. The "pretty good" kind won't do.
Our Clothes Keeps its Customers Right With Fashion
When you order a suit made at Davies & Herman's you can depend upon it being thoroughly re-
liable in Avery way. It is not the material of which a garment is made alcne that counts, It is the
hundred and one little details in the making and fitting which bring about the effect that only a
skilled tailor can produce. We stand behind every garment that leaves our work room and will
guarantee style, fit and finish that will suit the most fastidious taste.
We can give you the suit you are looking for ---supposing of course
you are looking for a good suit ; all wool in fabric
and correctly tailored.
11 Merchant Tailors
Opposite Market Square
Pte. William Elliott, son of Robt.
Elliott, arrived house on Monday of
this week from overseas,
Air. S. Kiefer speut Sunday at
The following are guests at the
Comrnercial: Mr, and Mrs. Emeny,
London ; Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Sea -
forth ; Rev. W., Clul1 and son, Lieut.
Rex ClulT, of Stratford ; Mr. H.
I3emenway, Detroit,
Miss Rathwell and Miss Florence
Bingley of Detroit are summering in
the foriner's summer residence on
Ann street.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family
of Brussels are summering in Dr.
Woods' residence on Bd. terrace,
Mrs. 'Tillman and the Misses Till-
man and Miss Darcy of London. are
spending the season in Lakeside
Dr. Tillman and wife of London are
spending the season in Mr. W. John-
ston's residence on Bayfield terrace,
Miss Ethel Ramsay of Rochester,
N.Y., is the, guest of Miss Maud
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family of
Clinton are spending the season in
Mr. Ken Moorhouse's cottage on
Celina St.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt of Virden,
Man„ are the guests of Mrs.
Schmidt's brother, Mr. Samuel
Mrs, Burrows and family of Lon-
don are spending their vacation in
Lakeside Park.
Mr, Thornton Mustard, wife and
family of Toronto are summering at
their summer home over the river. '
Mr. F. S. Glass, M.P., of London
joined his wife last week at their
cutnn.er home on Bayfield terrace,
Miss Josie Stirling left on Monday
for Piekford, Mich„ to visit her bro-
1Vfrs. Stothers and family of Lon-
don arrived on Saturday evening and
will spend, a few weeks at their suer
mer homeun Lakeside Park.
Nursing -Sister Maud Sterling ar-
rived home on Saturday evening from
overseas and will spend a few weeks
before returning to Toronto.
Mr. Will Ferguson left. Last week
for Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs, Gowdie and family,
Master SteWart and IVliss Hope G•ow-
die, and Mrs. Fisher and daughter,
Miss Rubio Fisher, of Xiltchener•
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F.
A. Edwards the past week.
Mr, Ed 1VIandelsloe of Kitchener
Was tine guest of Mr, Wilber. Erwin
at his home in the village.
The following are guests at Miss
Ferguson's : Mr, and Mrs. l3rown
and three children, Miss Saxton„ Mr.
Norman Taylor, Detroit ; Dr. Ma-
rion and wife and daughter,. Miss
Ruth, 81455 L. Campbell, Cleveland
I34roness Berry and family, Herman,
Max, Nicol, and Montique, Chambers-
burg, Port Mr, and Mrs, it t
Tatou, Aifr. Gaut, ' Mr., (;taaamerou
7 ti
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie, Miss
Gillespie, Miss Ilelen Gillespie, Lon-
don ; Asir. and Mrs. A. Bair, Wind-
sor ; Mr. and Airs. Bridgeman, Miss
Bridgeman, Aylmer ; Mr. Ross
Kearns, Mrs. Love and son and Miss
IIoleson, St. Thomas.
Misses Florence and Gertrude Gel -
dart, Stratford, are the guests of
Mrs. 'rhos. Harrison this week.
We are called upon this week to
record the death of one of our most
respected residents in the person of
Laving Gramm, beloved wife of Mr.
James Spackman, who departed this
lite on Monday evening, July loth,
at the age of sixty-three years. The
deceased was born in the township of
Hay in 1858 and in 1878 she was un-
ited in marriage to Mr. .las. Spack-
man of the Sauble Line, township of
Stanley. She resided there with her
husband for thirty-one years, wl.enl
they moved into the village, Mrs.
Spackman was a kind and loving
mother and respected by all, The
funeral took place on Wednesday af-
ternoon of this, week at 2.30 p.m.
The remains were taken to St. Au-
drew's church, of which she was a
member, where the service was .held..
The pastor, Rev, A. Macfarlane, of-
ficiated, assisted by the Rev. E, An-
derson, Interment was made in
Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers,
were : Messrs. George Dewar, David
Tough, Murdock Ross, Thos. Brown-
ett, Samuel Cleave and Wm, Rath -
well. She leaves to mourn their
loss two daughters and one son :
Mrs. William Pollard of London, and
Edith and Robert at ;home. The
sympathy of the community at largo
goes out to the husband and family
in their sore bereavement.
Will Meet.,at Wingham Next
The 22nd annual convention of the
Huron County Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held in the
Methodist church, Wingham, on
Thursday and Friday, July 24th and
25th, commencing at 1.30 on Thurs-
day afternoon, Delegates will be
present from the eleven unions of the
county, Mrs., Emma Pugsley, vice
president of the .Provincial W.C.T.U.,
will be one of the speakers and will
give her notable address, "Why Vote
No?" at the evening , session on
Thursday. The public is cordially in-
vited to attend the sessions of this
convention.—Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Co.
Cot, -Secretary.
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Lindsay and
David Alilsou spent Sunday with)
friends at Attwood.
Hiss Mayme Hall has returned to
Clinton after spending the holidays
with her parents.
Berry picking is the. order of the
Mrs. John Clark has arrived from
the west and is at the home of her
brother, Air. Wm. Rinn, where she
,will stay for some time to see if her
health. improves.
Mrs. Robt. Clark is visiting her
brother, Mr. G. 13. Stanley of the
Soo, Mich,, where his wife is very
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Rogerson
spent ,Sunday with friends in Tucker -
Rev, Mr. Howson of London
preached,a fine sermon on the Broth-
erhood and took up the Serbian, col-
Mrs, Ted Rinn and Mrs. John Rinn
and Miss Gertrude Rinn of the west
are visiting friends in and around
the township,
Hullett Township
Miss Louise Maley returned to'
Windsor on Monday after spending a
couple of weeks .with her sister,, Mrs.
Wm. Morrison.
Miss Mary Snell, who recently grad-
uated from the General Hospital,
Ilamilton, is holidaying at her home,
that of Mr. and Mrs, ,Janes Snell.
Mr, and Mrs. Kunkel and little
Miss Marion of Niagara Falls motor-
ed up last week and are visiting the
lady's parents, .AIT, and Mrs,. E.
Crawford, and witb other friends
Goderich Township
The Young Ladies' Pat. Society will
meet next week in the Sunday school
room. of St, James' church, Middle-
A reeopticp will be held at the
home of his father, Mr, •E. Levis, on We
Friday evening in honour. of Sergt.
C. E. •Lavis, who returned Saturday
from overseas.
el their harmony and rudiment',
examination in connection with the
Toronto Conrervatory of Music, Miss.
Julia taking honors.
Junk Dealers
Buying all kinds of junk
and Poultry
Paying the highest prices
Phone 137 Albert St.
Summer Dance
Jowett's Pavilion
Dancing from 8 to 12
Ladies 25e Gentlemen 50q
Follow the Crowd
No charge for parking cars.
Homemade Ice Crea
The Methodist garden party, which
had to be postponed on account of
bad Jveather a couple of weeks ago,
will be held on Friday of next week,
Misses Kate and Julia . Brown,
pupils of Miss Mice 13e11,, have pass,-
The Auction Block
One of Rex Beach's best stories. This is the life .drama of millions of
girls sold to the highest bidder in the matrimonial market. This pro-
duction will grip and hold your auto Mien from the first to last.
Princess Theatre
Friday and Saturday, July 18th and 19th
1 p ADMISSION I--A;llu1tg ZM., ,✓Midrin Ml and
Made of Pure Cream
Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate •
Maple Walnut and ,Orange
PEI. ggrt
PT. 4 �i't°.
QT. l-0-0
25c Pt. 50e Qt.
specialize in Home-made Candy..
Phone 148 Estimates givem
We protect your floors, furniture„
etc., by plenty of drop sheets,
tttbtaxio Street