HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-7-17, Page 5stmovali YOU WILL FiND OUR Vail Paper the best value procurable.:Ask those who have looked over our selection and they will tell you the same. Broken lots at less• than cost price to clear. A. T. Joopor Agent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario. Clinton News -Record Holrnesville Mrs, Atkinson of Vancouver, 13.0., is visiting at her home, that of Mr. E. Lavis. A meeting to organize the township of Goderich for the coming referen- dum campaign will be held in the Methodist church, Holmesville, on Friday, evening, July 25th, at eiglit o'clock. All interested are asked to. attend. LondesbOro, il. meeting to organize the Town.. ship of kiullett in connection witlrthe coining Referendum campaign 'will be held itl the Presbyterian church, I,ondesbaro, on the evening of Thune, day, July 24th, at 8 p.m. Those leterestcd are aske.fl to attend, Atlas Mae Caldwell left on friday' to visit friends in Gloneoe and Ailsa Craig. GRANUTRU I $Ys EM ThemoubleTrack Route —between— MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C., E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto, ' A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Phone 57. Uptown Agents. MPAROSIMP Bsgth The Rev, W. 13, l-iawkins, rector of Trinity church, was married • on Thursday morning last lilt the.Churdh Of the Nativity, Dutton; to Miss Sadie Smith' of .that town. The ceremony was performed by the Rev J, H. Colelough, rector of the char- d'. Rev. Mr, Hawkins and his bride are spending a honeymoon visiting various points across the lines before taking up residence in the rectory, Blyth. Benmiller Young Gledhill of l3ennliller, who won the b.C'.M. for valor on the fleld when he was but eighteen years of ,age, arrived dtome this week, com- ing over on the C,'arinaliia. He also won•severaf pages in Sir Max Ait- ken's book, "Canada In Flanders," and the story of his valor is included In a text book which will be used in the 'Public schools of Canada. His parents reside at•Bonmiller. St. Helens Me; Levi. iloYle pf Kinloss spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Joseph Smith. lvfiss Aanie Clark anti bits. . llicPhor- son of Guelph spent the week -end calling on friends around ,St,. Helens, Mr, Robt. Woods bus invested in a new Ford oar. Mr. and birs. Will #Mavens. and daughter from tho west palled on Mrs. Havens on Monday Mrs, Arnold Barbour, who had. been visiting around for a: codple of weeks, returned to her home at Erin on Friday, ' Mr. and Mrs," John Clark aro,sielt- ing at Mr. Peter :Clark's, Mr. and Mrs• Dan Radcliife of Dakota and Mrs. Murray; Lucan, are visiting their sisters, Mrs, Stuart, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Cameron, lViiss May Cameron le homo from Mitchell for the vacation, ' blaster Horace McGuire is speid ing the holidays with his uncle, Ned Thorns. ATiss Clara Woods has gone to London to take a summer course at the Normal there. Miss Ethel ivfcPhersoii. Darr returned from rlosler'icll, where she attended the Presbyterian Summer school, RUPTURE+` RELIEF Results not Iniluenees by Age or Length of Time Standing, Reports Expert. Rupture is not a tear or a breach in the abdominal wall, as commonly supposed, but it is a stretching or dilation of a natural opening. J. Y. Egan of Toronto, the noted rupture appliauce specialist will visit Clin- ton, Rattenbury House, Wednesday (all day and night) 1 day only .1aly 23rd. • The "Curatrus" as now used' and prepared to order, will not only re- tain rupture perfectly, affording im- meciiate and complete comfort, but is intended to assist nature in her work of closing the opening in the shortest time known, These new surgical • appliances have received highest approval wherever shown and are an improvement on. the de- sign in accordance with the sugges- tion of Sir Arbuthnot -Lane F.R.C.S. of England, producing results with- out harmful ready-made hard pad and old fashioned steel spring trusses. .Air. Egan has testimonials from our own section for inspection. 11 inter- ested, call ; he will show you same without charge. 01-2 11 9 Dry Goode and House Furnishing ' one` PHONE r 78• ,, ,; ., k Furs and . Ready to - Wear Garments a o Weather Needs IIP`C°5 �-` tom•,^ iretl''SF' 1114 .�" " �i rylii Hot weather forces a rush on cooler goods. Fortunately we have made extensive prepa7:ations for just such emergency. Every lady will find their collection of summer gar- ments up to date in every way, that making a choice will be a pleasure. Pretty cool dresses, WVash,skirts, Thin underwear., Silk and lisle hosiery, New Voiles, New organdies, 11{Ii9CE::C�G7C i f is E r i 71..� =:E.EE SEE. ::e EE. ^AltI.: :ea:oC�,2r sEe'1 Pretty cool waists, ;(1„E 3 EVERYTHING ti C:e7.I••sk et:,eiii Vic,. ,: .a,. 1 11 frillil s New g , New neckwear, Pretty parasols, . New kirnmonas, Summer sacques. • NEEDS FOR THE HOT WEATHER. A LADY C.C. a La Grace Corsets for the Hot Weather C—c a La Grace is a name that means something, It means .,some -; thing every SCCtiOn and eve r��9�' because cry gore of every corset 'has boon NL'`32.46' catelully designed and as ' carefully - put together to fit the figure like a glove. P1100'. from $1,50 to $$.00 a pair. 111 f f.) l a, t ' ), % , ....rot = �_. I.ASTICIIRVP bACK 5 tt C1Y1l�2P1G Thisstore will close every Wednesday at 12:30 doting ,July and Aug, wi..•vms...,..nimviw,iw..Ai,unaiai'"iem"s. . •••..• •. - News of !Happenings in tbe Count and District Leonard Macklin, the eighteen -year- old son of Dr. and Mrs. Macklin of Cloderieh, was drowned in the lake near the mouth of the river- last Thursday,. afternoon. He was writing on Itis examination for senior, matric- ulation and on getting out of school went out alone for a paddle in his canoe. The water was very rough and his. canoe was swamped and though an expert swiininer the young man was drowned. The body was not recovered until -the following day. ' Mr. •Joseph Feagan,, a welhlcnown resident of West Wawanosb, died last. week at the bonze of his brother -in his sixty-ninth year. Air. Geo. IL King of Peterboro, formerly choir leader, will have charge of the_ organ and choir . of North street church, Goderich, for the next few Sundays. ,Miss Luella Ryan and 7.lr. Win. H. Ceasar of -Dungannon were married in the Methodist church, on July Silt• Quartermaster -W. j. G. • Holman, son of Coy unt, Clerk Holman of God- erich, arrived home front overseas last week. Quartermaster Holman enlisted in the fall of 1011 and went , overseas early in 1915. He was in- valided by influenza a short time be- fore the armistice was signed but came .through the war without once being wounded. Capt. (Rev.) Allison of Dungannon arrived hone from overseas last week and was very warmly welcomed by the citizens of that village. Ile was the last of Dungannon's soldiers to' return, • The supplintentary estimates did not eontatn a vote for Goderich har- bor, whirl: was expected' by that town. Fred Larkin, son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larkin of 'Seatorth, has been awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal. Seatorth won the prizes at the Faill tournament on Wednesday of last week, ,1• M, Best's rink winning first and W. (1, Willis' rink second prize: The first aeroplane ever seen in Hensall passed over that town on Wednesday last on its way from Exeter to Clinton. A rather serious accident happened in Seatorth last week when two young boys, -who had Hitched into a tree to watch a baseball game, fell from the tree. One boy received a bad cut fn his head and a broken arm and the other had bout an arm and a leg broken. Miss Philippi Maude Harness and Mr, Autos Lloyd Bayhant of Exet- er were married on Friday week• 'They will reside in Exeter. NI'r. W. Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton of Wfngham, who bas been manager: of the Bank of Ilamilton, Regina, Sask., with the supervision of the bank branches in Regina district, has been appointed to the position of pro -assistant gen- eral manager ofthe Bank with head - 1 6 quarters at Hamilton. hem's Wtng old -boys' Id -bo s re -union last week was a great success. Visitors s were present from all parts of On- tario and the west. Kppen (Intended for last issue.) i\•ir. Percy Clark, Who has been taking' a -course at the Technical school in London, with his, wife and baby boy, are on a i visit to his mother, Mrs. Wm, Anderson, We understand Mr, (Ilark has accepted a position with the feol'd ,people at Windsor. Mrs. A, McKenzie visited . • with friends in .Winghare for, Some' days last week: during their reunion cera bration Dr Aitken left on IIopday to at- tend: the'iSummer sobtoi held in God- orieh this week, Miss Etta Jarrot is also in Goderich this week and will attend the same gathering. Mr. and IVIrs, Archie Noakes mot- ored to Goderich,.township on SIM- day last -and spent the 'day' with the former's parents. • Mr. and Mrs. AndreW'Bell and lam•, lly returned last Week"alter having a very pleasant visit with the former's brother at Boston and also with Mrs, Bell's sisters at Peterboro. They travelled in their car. , Mr. W. W. Cooper - and dainily motored to Exeter on Sunday and attended service in Trivvitt •Metnor- lel •church, We had a splendid rain Saturday afternoon and evening which was much appreciated - and no doubt would do much good to root crops and the late grain.. Mrs. J. Deyell and her three chil- dren of Peterboro are the guests of her brothers, the Messrs. Cooper, and other: relatives, 4 WAIT NEWS. An editor dropped into church for the first time in many years. 'rho minister was in the very heart of for sermon. The editor listened f.0 a while, and then rushed to hi; oillee. "What are you fellows doirg? How about the news from the sent of war ?" "What news ?" "Why,all this about the Egyptian army being drowned in the Red Sea. The minister up at the church knows all about it, and you have not a word of it in .our latest. Query the press wire,” 1.IOLMESVILLE The social held on Mrs. Acheson's lawn on 'Tuesday evening' of last week, although in a very busy time, was quite a success. The ladies pro- vided a good meal and the Clinton Kitty hand provided good music. The proceeds antotrntect to mote than $150. RUPTULE APPLIANCE EXPERT COMING New Invention Retains Rupture Without Pain or Loss of Time. Old-fashioned galling, slipping trusses and foreign mall order methods aro anile awaywilh by the Surgical Inventions of )c Canadian specialist who bns derated years In this tarn Study. The pellet:Ind 115W Igen ° GCRATRUS" (aaprnparcrl to order) gives instant retention, rest and security whore Milani have failed. It prevents all irritation, ratting every pit In Its World position its soon at 1t Mused, and ready rondo trusses nretlrenwn away. tome's Oast truv 1s Intended t0 assist nature In het Work 01 closing the 51)55111g in tbn shorten Cum known anti at small neat Testimonials monials front mets, we. Mon and Omenta• Nothing darnel -Mated. No inconvenience trot Just rt natural letantiVo method, Ittnsl.a yon 1101,1ting to hlvesltiaats. net ays May no den revolts. Now is the time to mats yourself ounfnrtable for your daily work. 1 4MAN', SVfelALJ8t wil.L vl3f"t rho toww+ns 1,01o1, 11 brae d,l,ionslrntinn incl exa111111a" Con of satablas. A511 athntel 051n0 far 13131 t 105111. Note Hates. Toot en' entipo11 naw. 011111 111, Bahian int ty lintel. I Wednesday, (all day and night) Idroy nnyYlrly 23rd NOT WEL1, ENOUGkI NN0WN We .eaunot accomplish much in the treatment of dyspepsia, however mob we may temporarily relieve its symptoms, so long as the blood re- mains impure. It Is a fact not well enough known by . people 1 generally that when the stomach, k liver and other digestive , organs are supplied with impure blood; the digestive pro- s is impaired, s cause. cos t ,p , o as to au faintnessAnd loss of ..appetite and sometimes a deranged state of the httestineg, and in general all the symptoms of dyspepsia, Hood's Sarsaparilla is 01 great service in dyspepsia, because it puri- fies the blood, making it the healthy stimulus the digestive organs must have for ilio proper performance of their duties. Hood's Sarsaparilla, especially if' taken in a little hot water, Inas "a .magic touch" in dys- pepsia. Get it today. Mrs. Hoolihan-01 say, Mrs. John- son, have you seen Annie's now baby ? It's a peach 1 Aunty—No ; but X. reokin they're mighty thankful 'tain't a pair. July i7th, (919 it 01 et ass. A&00- C. NA jactomo "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" Let the children naa their favorite dessert, It will be ice cream every time. It is popular with old and young dike.• " If it's Silverwood's, it is pure --pure pasteurized cream, -- homogenized --pure flavor -giving extracts, and cane sugar. There is a distinctiveness about our brides that you will like. Among our many flavors you will find your favorjte. SILVSRWOODS LIMITED, LOND;OM'. �1+� +s';;,i , ^_.'', � Bricks 111 all Flavors Look for 16e Silverwood's Sign 16 9 ilff .44331, fro' t4 'Y;4 -tett.. caarn S we sell this furnace it is a guaranteed heating sys- tem. When installation is planned• by our engineers, we deliver exactly what you want— Comfort in your home. If you are going to install a furnace; let McClary's engineers show you how Asir about tho LITTLE DRAFT. MAN that turns on the drafts and regulates them automatically. 111111 1111 IIIII 111 �11111 1111111 r�l mammon Stmshine it should be done. They have seventy years of experience to guide them, and their services cost you nothing. Adopt their plan and you are assured of a comfortably heated home; and a durable economical heating plant., Let us tell you more about this proposition. 11 Sold by J. Sutter to a 5'-, —11 S R f era- r1 Bi g r•-• ■' it s-� 77-P-1 SI it , '-\ 'thea JVh1,Tt. / Sight see Giant Freighters Ste e `• I m Away— bound from Fort William and Port Arthur for the teeming cities of the East. This is but one of the many interesting things you see on this wonderful Great Lakes Cruise. Have you just a week's vacation? This six-day cruise on Lakes Huron and Superior was planned especially for you. You will find each SARNI - to DU .�T hour of ever-changing interest. The thrilling experience of passing through the Locks at Sault Ste. Marie, the day ashore at Canada's Twin Cities, Fort William and Port Arthur, and the visit to our northern terminus, rising on its wooded promontory from the blue waters of Superior—the city of Duluth. FTHa Six Days on the Great Lakes But more charming mg still to most of us,is the dailylife e o n shipboard. Aboard. Tgether, as one family, we travel 1,600 miles,together we spend six full days in tat gay companionship of relaxed and rested spirits. SPECIAL FEATURES Dancing—Music by full ship's orchestra. Refreshments at its close. w HURONIC "N orthern Navigator" --Daily paper with news brought in by wireless. A merry chronicle, too, of life on ship- board, Afternoon Af do Tea—Served in the Grand Saloon. Concerts — Every afternoon and evening, well known artists as entertainers. Picnic at Kakabeka Falls, in the country near Port Arthur, all enjoy a real -old- fashioned picnic. Social Hostess— RETU Devotes her eng er ics^to the entertain- ment ment of the ship's guests. Moon- light Chorus—After the dancing djoins es everybody in singing old-time Y Y melodies, out on deck. Round trip fare, $56 „pt ga.,�/ Sarnia to Duluth and return, includ- ing meals and berth One way fares on application. - HAMONIC - NORONIC Three sailings weekly from Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur, Fort William, and Duluth, leaving Sarnia Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6.10 p.m. (Eastern Time). For full information ask any Grand. Trunk Ticket Agent, the Company at Sarnia, or your local ticket or tourist agent. Write D. F. Geoghegan, Eastern Passenger Agent, Sarnia, Ont., for Cruise Booklet. Northern Navigation Company, Limited, Sarnia f' _1. 4 1.4.40 01:stie .Rtde��.ian,9 • GRAND TRUNK ROUTE 1,000•MILE SAM/VW CRUISE—Another Wonderful Boat Trip—through 1,000 Islands and St, Lawrence River Rapids: atop -over, if desired at Toronto and Montreal: then on to quaint Quebec and the glorious Saguenay. Wilt* for booklet "Niagara -to -the -Sen.' 0WINNIhaO PT ARTHUR FT WILLIAMO OULUTH a 5MAR C MINNRAPOLIS 0 OST.PAUts ORONYo EiuION biros � """�-w,....r''ti•citv6LaNb •1717-3L 1,71::7471 4 U11 11111111 II® 1111 i® 11111 (111111 f5 (1111 1111 11 11111 11 1111 L11111 11111 11IMI IIS 11 11111 If