HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-7-10, Page 5July IOth ISO Clinton Nem -Record 5 Meeting of the Town Council. Billbolrds, telephone poles anti the Mary street drain were the' three .subjects which occupied the 'time of as" the council on Monday evening, The first subjeoli was introduced by . a communication from A, Snazel, asking permission, to erect a couple •of billboards, ono on the London Road, the other on Albert street, the, ooutwit having previously passed .a motion making it illegal to put up billboards without the •permtseion of the council, Councillor Carter toads, a motion that the permission should .pot be , given but no secondes'appeared and when Councillor Johnson and Reeve Ford made; a motion granting a :license to Mr. Snazel to erect bill- boards "under the (lection of the • council;" there was considerable dis- cussion. Mayor Cooper said he would oppose the motion, that a.nusnber, of -unsightly billboards had just been -got rid of andrthat the Horticultural Sooiety, which was endeavoring to beaytily the streets, strongly disap- roved ` f billboards o , b lboards and that even in the country there was a movement -to do away with then as they ob- structed the view and spoiled the landscape. lVtr. Snazel, who• was present called attention to the two or three boards now in.town and said they were no disfigurement to the town but rather ,a,„ the reverse. Reeve Ford said Ire was for seeing 'that the privilege was, not abused and if properly looked after he thought a few billboards, properly placed, need not detract from the neatness or beauty of the town at all. Councillor Johnson said it was all in the hands of the council; that they could regulate the whole thing .and need not allow anything . that -would be an "eyesore" in the town. The motion was passed, Mayor Cooper and Councillors Carter and 1\icMurray voting nay. Mr. Snazel immediately paid over $10 to the clerk for a license. A petition was' presented from the residents of Rattenbury street, east, praying that permission be not .granted the Bell Telephone Company to erect poles and wires on that thoroughfare, the reason given being that the beautiful trees along the street would be ruthlessly destroyed and that -there were enough poles on it already. Reeve Torii said he had gone over the ground with officials of the Com- pany,who had assured hiss that no -- injury would be done any tree on the street, that a cable would be us- ed and not a branch would be cut, Some of the members referred to the destruction of trees, which had taken place on Ontario street, the ,general opinion being that if the Company had permission to use the street they would need to be watch- ed or the trees would sutler. On mo- tion of Reeve Ford, and Councillor Langford Councillors Paisley and Langford were appointed a committee to meet the petitioners, see what they thought about the matter in view of the Company's, offer to give a guarantee, and report at ;text meet- ing, • The Mary street drain came up fpr discussion when Reeve Ford, chair- man of the special committee ap- pointed to meet Mr. Connell, read the following report :-The committee interview l' appointed ..to inter sew .Ir. John Connell re the outlet of Mary street drab hog to submit the following re- port. Your committee went over the ground and also interviewed Mr. Connell. We find that at the pros• ent time there is very little it any sewage going on to Mr, Connell's property, ITowever, we find that discolored water from the Knitting factory going in and keeping acres of low, flat land wet. This seems to be the most serious grievance at present. The sewage which Connell claims the town had been" -mining on 'his property bas been stopped. 1\Tr, Connell's proposition to the commit- tee is that the town should put in an open drain from Mr. Middleton's line fence through a small grove, a matter of 110 yards; then run a one- -foot tile drain through flat land to • connect with large open ditch, a mat- ter of about 260 yards, or a total expenditure of about $300, This be- ing done Mr. Connell agrees to take care of the water through the balance of ;his land. We recommend that this council instruct the. solicitor to draft an .agreement suitable to these -terms. Reeve. Ford moved the adoption or the report being seconded by Coun- -'---Gilior Langford, and some discussion 'followed, Councillor Johnson thought the .council couldn't go out into Goder- ich'township and 'introduce a sewage :system ; Councillor Paisley said there was just one w a y t o settle the question and that was to bring 011 an engineer' and abide by • his decision ; Reeve Ford, as mover of the motion, said that lie thought -the council should' be' willing to give the Knitting Company, one of . the town's best industries, as much con- sideration as it would a new indus- try and that the matter, should bo 'settled. with Mr, Connell for good and all ; Solicitor 13rydone, who was ;present, at the request of :Ayer briefly. 'Cooper, addressed the council s riefl y He said if it was a question of .drainage it meld be 'easily settled ?but it was rather a questioate0'. .age and although he (lid :WI visa -the eounCillors to adopt the report of their committee he seemed to fav- or an amicable settlement. The re- port was adopter], ('ouneiilors T'nis- ley and Johnson voting nay. Chairman T/ord reported .the cem- etery looking fine. Chairman Paisley of the sheet 'committee reported that the money allotted had been seem, He said arrangements had been made for the cleaning of the streets twiee weekly, Clia1tuan Carter of the park pose"' rttoe said the grass a t the park, had been, CO oni time basebni1 dis mond levelled He also recommended Blab the small gate at the pate be Moved twelve feet south, away from the large entrance, where rigs and autos come and go, Chairman Langfordief the property Committee reported that the oast door of the, firohall had been it idenod and firemen's room,, band stand; etc. had been painted. 1t was,deoided,to refund $10 of the runt paid by the G,W V A. ,for the hall tor dance some time ago. `On' emotion of Councillors' • Mesion ray and Johnson it was deeided to take $1000rsinkies fund and applyto the purchase of waterworks bonds. Councillor Johnson said a citizen had complained to 'J1im that butter- milk from the creamery was being run down a drain and was causing a nuisance and a committee was ap- pointed to look \inloithe matter, t The park committee was empower- ed to procure seats for the perk. Expenditures for, thee in on Us amounted to 62154.94. Receipts $124.63, Taxes already paid $13,000 or over. Tlie expenditures for the month were greatly increased by the pur- chase of the pose wagon, the liquid asphalt for the streets' and applying sante, purchase of coal, etc. Lack of space prevents the publication of the financial report. Model School Report Promotions from Div. 2 to .Div. 1, total, 975, honors 731, pass 585 : Colenso Salter 812, Stella Marquis 808, Nellis McNeil 808, Carol Evans 783, Beryl Santer 779, Ray Carter 708, Elmer Paisley 751, Wilbur Nel- son 744, OIive Lawrence 744, John Nediger 730, Eleanor 'Plumsteel 736, Kenneth Roberton 734, Willie Argent 729, Clarence. Glazier 728, Bert Mc= Guire. 716, Donna Cochrane 718, Frank Seeley. 706, Clifford Cooper 704, Wallace Wheatley 690, Helen Ladd 684, Ferguson Carter 688, [Cathleen Taylor 672, Norman Coun- ter 608, Jean Ford 667, Sadie Gibbs 631. -Isobel Draper, Teacher. Promoted from Div. 3 to Div. 2. Honors : Billy Hovey, Bert Marshall, Russell Peckitt, John Livermore, Ethel Hogg, Margaret Ball, Albert Kellough, Edgar 1• Maguire, Arnold Venner, Tom ,Jackson, Kenneth Hunt. Pass -Frank Latter, Oliver Mur- phy, Oliver Rands,' Phebe Bolton, Ernest Ford, Bessie Cole, 'Edith Hill, Clyde Kennedy, Earl - Dodds, Viola Livermore, Howard Gould, Burton Bolton, Eva Hayward. Recommended -Catharine Mc'Jag- gart, George Elliott, lt'Tadelon Haw- kins, aladeline Jones, Helen Cook, Luella Meeldnchey, Kathleen Liver- more, Amy Stewart. I I -E. L. Ford, Teacher. Promoted from Dir, 4 to Div. 3 : Honors -Donna Stevens 881 per- cent., Jean Plumsteel 87, Marian Thompson 80, Olive Watkins 84, Car- rie Peckit 81, Harold Livermore 81, Margaret Rutledge 79, Edith John- son 75, Dorian(' Glazier 75. Pass - Irene Johnson, - Frieda Schoenhals, Cecil Cooper, Ruth 13a11, Dorothy Streets, Howard (1raeiis, Vera Gould, Lula Crich, Rola El- liott, John Hellyar, . Ruth Jackson, Zenda Salter, Alma Campbell, Mar- jorie Hale, Alec Osbaldeston, Ar- thur McGuire, - Huron Murch,, Jack Mutch, Myrtle Carrick, orothy Ward, Fred Fowler, Ivan Dodds. -L. Stevens, Teacher, Promoted from Div, 5 to Div, 4. To Sr, Class: honors -Bertha Ramras, TIoward Venner, Harold Jervis, Florence Rorke, Hazel Harris, Jack Gibbings, Clarence Livermore, Harold Lang - lord, Muriel IIannent. Pass -Eva Cole, Reeser Forster, Grace Coultes, Ross Me.Ewan, Har- riet Hawkins, Clyde Wheatley, Mary Watkins, Nettie 'Taylor., To Junior Class : Honors -Lorne Cook, Elva Gook, Alice .Britton, Annie Judd, , Douglas Carter, Pass -Florence ,Huller, Clara Gould, Beatrice Pollock, Wilmer Deeves, jack Levis, Willie •lyfutch, Sam. Cas- tle, Marion Mclrien, Joe 'l'wytord, Jack 'Twyford. -H. Clourtice, Teacher, Promoted from Div. 6 to Div.• 6. Total 700, honors 525, pass 420 : Honors -A Class -Dorothy Mann- ing, anning, Evelyn Hall, Hugh Laddl. Mad- elou Streets, Norma Stevens, Myrtle Cole, Margarets Cudmore, Albert Sal- ter, Eddie Seruton, Jim Kennedy, Isabel Pickett, 13111 Ball. Sr, gaga -Mabel Carrick (honours) Evelyn Johnstone, Kathleen Ilan- nent, Beulah McIntyre, Lena Bolton, Grace Evans, Dorothy Ilartlif, Jack Scruton. Jr. Class -Edna IIttywar.d, 1t2azzie Grealis, Edith Glazier, Jean Weir, Gordon Marshall., Recommended -Loretta Latter, Wil- lie McClincemy. ' ' -R. Stoddart, Teacher. Promoted from Div. 7 -to Div. 6. Senior Class : T3oeors-Roy leitzsi eons, Helen Nediger, Douglas Freeman, Florence Robinson, Lottie Livermore, Roy Cooly, Mildred Holloway, Nellie dill, June Crioh, Marian Smitten. 1 ass Ilarr •y Watkins.- Junior Class -i lonors-Cyril Hale, 1stitel Carrick, Wayne Mozell, Jack Elliott, Jim Chawen, hazel Miner. Pass - Helen Wheatley, Frank Dempsey, Bruce 13iggart, Charlie Latter. - First Class-donors•-Sitsic Castle, 13111 Jackson, Bruce 'Tasker, (bilis Cillchrist, Harry 'iceman, Grant Rath, Lloyd Rumball, Pass -Verret Taylor, Margaret Britton, Frani- ldelewcn, Ilol% Care rick, idly J:attet, . • - • . - -Mauls W11tse, Teacher, From Div, 8 to Div, 7 -.-Reggie Noble, Stolle IHunmiford, Mergaret McLeod, Ruth-Yennor, Wilbert C a r - tor, Mario!' lrvkett, Irene Do ottSr DeI ores Harris, Emma Anderson, Norris Rozell, John l'eckitt, Willie lvlcGill, Kenneth Pattlson, Dorothy Mutc), Everett Downs, Lloyd Moore,• Gordo;% Outlmor°, , Kelso Streets, Kathleen Nioklo, Douglas Kennedy, Norman Livermore, Tom Twyford, Elliott Bartliff, Dorothy Steep, Jean, Twyford, Eileen Rumbell, Wil. bur Cudmore, Hazel ,Jackson, Ira Miner, Jean Mutch, I•lelon peeves, Mabel Mathers, Irene Smith, Harvey Cooper, Helen Cooper, Oswald Han- blyn. iiirths NICKLE-In Clinton, on July 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wrn, Niekle, a daughter -Doris Elizabeth: LANSKAIL-At Grace Hospital, Toronto; on July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Alex. Lanslcail, form- prly Niiss Kato Ross; Clinton, 'Regina, Sask., a daughter. COOPER --In Goderich, o;1 June 240, to Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Cooper, a son. PEARCE-In Hay township, on July 4th, to 'Mr. and Mrs. W, ;0. Pearce, arclaughter. CORBETT-At Victoria Private Hos- pital, Victoria, B.C., on Julie 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. William Corbett (nee Norma Dickson, Seaforth) of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, a son. JOfINSI'ON-=In Goderich, on July 5th, to ItIr. and Mrs. J. H. John- ston, a son. Deaths BEAC'OM-In Clinton, on July 9th, .Jemima Beacom, aged 88 years. .rThe funeral will take place from the. residence of Mrs. J. Lowery tomorrow, Friday, afternoon at 2.30 to Clinton cemetery. The service will commence at 2 o'clock. ivicGINNIS-tn Stratford, on July 8th, Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Luko McGinnis, aged 19 years. I-IIGGINS-At Crewe, on July 2nd, Robert Higgins, aged 52 years, 3 months and 5 days. CARL -In Goderich, on July 2nd, Michael Carl, aged 85 years and 6 months, New Of Happenings in the Caun1D add District Exeter has now a very creditable band.. 1tlr. Frank Veal of Detroit has been visiting in Exeter after an absence of twenty years, Rev, Joseph Elliott, who has been overseas for smite years engaged in chaplain's service work, is returning to his home in Goderich. The Methodist congregations of Goderich presented addresses and parting gifts to their retiring pas- tors :prior to their leaving for new fields, Rev. J. H. Osterhout goes to Dresden, and (tev, Dr. .Rutledge retir- es from the active ministry after preaching forty-nine years. The Rev, G. Gomm, formerly of the Dengaonon Presbyterian church, has been invited to Pine River at a salary of $1500, free manse and four weeks' holidays, Itir. 0. 1)1. Bowman, 1\LP.P. for , West.. Bruce, is retiring from public life, after twenty -ono years. '1•he Old Boys' reunion week in \Vineham last week preyed to bo quite a success. Great crowds gath- ered and the town was in holidaS at- tire for the three days of the cele- bration' Miss Medd has been re-engaged as assistant teacher for the High school at Exeter. Major IIeaman and Mr, R. N. Creech of Exeter won the Free Press trophy, at the London Thistle Club bowling tournament last week. lilr., Win, Rinn of ITullett brought to the Seaforth Flax Mill the other day a sample of flax measuring thir- ty-six inches. The Colborne Township Farmers' Club held a very successful picnic. at Point Farm on Wednesday. 'There was a good turnout and a fine pro- gram of sports. Tho' address of the day was given by Mr. Thos. FIndlay, president of the Massey-Ilarris Co, Others who spoke were : Miss Mabel Bailey, Mayor Wigle of Goderich, Gordon Lamb, Morgan Dalton, Wm, Bailey, Joseph McCann and J. N. Kernighan,. The Country Women's and Good Cheer Clubs of . Goderich township had a very successful orchard Glance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Sal- keld on Thursday week when three soldier boys, Leo Chisholm, George Ross and Ben 5(0083', were welcomed home. The proceeds, amounting to over $188, will go towards the erec- tion of a commen'fty hall, '1'EAC1-IER WAN'1'I;D-FOR S. S. No. 3, Goderich township, (Holmes- Ville). Ditties to commence Sept. 2nd, State qualification and sal - dry. Applications lip to July 250. -John huller, R.R. No. 2, Clinton. ,, 00-3 PellThllStFatioll? A demonstration of Ole McGill Motor attachment' for Fard t015 will be given with a circular saw by tite proprietors of the Square Deal Gar- age, Varna, at 7 o'clock p.m.., July Beth. - All owners of Ford ears Etre invited to attend. e, [-X, Epps & Soti, Varlia ANOTHER CUP Will be the gall afterdrinkinga eup of our 'Bulk Teas. The .quality and flavor is fine and don't t forget the n1ioe la right at 60o, 60c or 700 per lb, Black, mixed aiJa an green, Come in Bowe. Special Price on 5 db. lots or over., For a cool ' drink try iced tea, It's line, l0 bars Laundry soap $1 ., BAND NIGHT TEA. SPECIALS Thursday night 8 bars Cor .20 our sieve will be epee Special blend, black from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m, or %nixed per lb 2 pegsseedeil -aisles 25o SPECIAL' FOR THAT Rodal a %lib or mix - SPECIAL Jolly - powders any . Quality black or 341iuce meat per lb 15 Ila o rs 10 mixed per 1b 8 cakes Lavender Japan 'green per Rex catsup 2 bot 25 bath soap 25 lb. , 50 or ,70 JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone Iii Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared for. 60 60 70 Self Starting e. We Have It do all your Washing, Churning Separating Etc, with the Half -a -Hors Distributors The Canadian - Motors Co., Reg. VARNA, ONT. astern Fair London, Ontario September 6th to 19th, 1919 THIS IS THE GREAT AGRICULTURAL ._ EXHIBITION OF WESTERN ONTARIO Exhibits Two Attractions Johnny) Jones the Speed Events Better Midway Very Best Daily Than Ever Exposition Plenty of Music Pure Food Show Fireworks Every Night Tractor Demonstrations Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Sts. Usual Entrance ab Gate Grand Stand 50c and 23c Prize Lists. Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary Lt, -Col. W. i1, Gartshore, President A, M. SHUNT, Secretary Tenders for Coat SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- der for Coal for the Dominion Build- ings, Ontario and Quebec," will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, July 25th, 1919, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specifications and form of tender can be obtained at this ofhee and from the Caretakers of the dif- ferent Dominion Buildings. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied , by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth there- in. Each tender must be accompanied hy an accepted chequeue on a charter- ed bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or `ear beads and cheques if required to make up an .odd amount. By order, ' 11. 0, DESROCHERS, Secretary Department of Public ,Works, Ottawa, July 3, 110. 01-2 HORSES FOR, SALE -2 W03'tK horses and 2 colts. -Apply George Davies, Huron St. 01-tf FOR SALE. -A SECOND -HIND IN- dian motorcycle. In excellent eon- chtion. Presto tank and head- light ; horn, good tires. For. quick sale, cheap. -P:. H. Epps. ,,CC Son, Varna., --01 GIRL WANTED TO LEARN PANT malting, Good wages -Davies cb ITersnan. -01-tf FARMERS, ATTENTION l -Money to loan on farm property, -C. H. holland, Clinton. • 01 -id FARAI FOR SALE -173 ACRES, Huron Road, Goderich township,. 0 miles from Goderich or Clinton, 2 miles from IIolmesville. Good frame house, 10 rooms, closets and bath, good cellar and wood -shed. Barn 56x56, stabling full size, Sheep, pig and implement house 24.x40, barb 5000, silo 12x26 ; windmill supplying House and barn ; never - failing spring credo; good gravel pit ; considerable timber ; 65 acres pasture and busk land ; 40 acres hay ; 18 acres newly seeded, most= ly alfalfa, Possession atter har- vest. Ill liealtii reason for selling. -5, T. Walter, 11.1, No. 2, Clin- ton ; Phone 10-601, Clinton. 01-11 FARM'S FOR. SALE -TIM R. MAR- shell estate, lot 52, 5.11., 51, ilay- field Road, and N.H. let 38 in the 14th enn,, (Aderich tp. containing 167 acres in all, mare or less. ()n the premises are a good barn with stabling undrl•neath, driving stied, a comfortable house, young m- aned, 4 acres oC hash anti lets of water. (3oori ggettin or grass tarm ; situate 2 )Hiles south et Clinton, 0150 mile from r,ehool. 71lll sell lot 118' eon±aining 34 notes, separate, good pestire tvltb plenty of water, Powell, Executor, 00-t5 PROPERTY FOR SALE -3 acres of garden and orchard on the London Road. 6 roomed house, hank barn 20x40, driving shed, hen house. Possession given in autumn. Apply on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- elille. -00 FOR SALE -A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house 'oil Princess St., east, half acro of land with fruit trees and berry bashes, town wat- er. -Apply on premises, Mrs. Akan'. -98-tf ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property, on the premises of the estate of the Iate William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law. - L37, Woods, Bapfleld: e 01-24 HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY brick house on William street, all modern' conveniences. -Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. -93 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE-SECI- ond-hand Chevrolet, electric start- er, one man top, in good running order. -Address P.O. Box 106, Clin- ton. -94 leFOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1,3 acres garden, with fruit trees. -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. -84 ONE HUNDRED ACRES FOR Sale. -Lot ..'27, Con. 3, Tucker - smith, Tluron Co., elose.to school and church, 5 miles to Seaforth, Clinton or Bruceflelcl, on fine grav- el roads ; eighty acres cleared, twenty ,bush and pasture ; three hundred hard maples,. sugar camp ; spring, no pumping for stock ; 7 acres orchard ; ten roomed brick house, furnace, telephone ; largo barn, stabling underneath, shed, pig pen, drive house ; beautiful yard, evergreens and shade trees. - J. Terryberry, R.R, No. 3, Sea - forth. 95-4 Scranton Coal We have the pleasure of being the agent for tills celebrated product. " Also ask us about Cannel, Soft, Coal, Colce and Pea Coal. Canada Cement The recognized standard in cement, and atter all the cheapest building material in the world today. Buffalo Brand Fertilizer We purpose carrying it stock of these result -giving goods at out; Clint a Yards, 0 0 Slabs Try a load of our short slabs. ,Just the thing for summer fuel or cool evenings. Mogi heat for the least money, 1100113' split and easily lit, J. B. MUSTARD CLTN'rON and J1l 1.JrT11i' EU1.T Phone for"Clinton 74, rhone for 13rucefield 11 On 01.3. 'ARM FOR SALS,-ONE HUN - area gems, best of soli ; good buildings, close to gehool and chore , 41 miles from Clinton, Will be sold on reasonable terms,- Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No, 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central, -61 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME ' house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed, Good cal- ler, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply, on premises to Masa Southcombe. -52 FARM FOR SALE -92* ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a halt brink house with new steel roof, a good cellar, 'a barn 40x00 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, foed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x80. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and 018 - torn, about 1 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2-1 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for mo to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con, 4, Huliett, Clinton P. 0. --49 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean'. adies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly% at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store -Wm. .7. J'sgo.. -00 CALVES FOR SALE Well Bred Calves W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton. -86 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live IN S For Hot Weather Cool and Refreshing LEMONADE and ORANGEADE made from the juice of fresh frnits Orangeade and Lemonade in powder form„ RASPBERRY VINEGAR .GRAPE JUICE LIME ,T1,11ICE SPECLILS New Cabbage, New Poi:tame Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Water Melon. E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 SEED CORN We now have a full stock of the best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Before ordering your season's supply call and see our stock. Once you see it we feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the quality and also thio prices. SEED POTATOES Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern On- tario." They are a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good seed. The price is very reasonable for this exceptional variety of Pota- to and you will not make any mis- take if you buy your supply at once. BABY CHICK FEED I -lave you tried our Baby Chick Feed ? We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coarse and fine. It is made of the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large amounts. Large stool- of Flour always on hand. I4ighost prices paid for grain of all kinds. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED, Phones : Elevator 190, .Residence 141 Retail License No. 9.2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 44. Orders taken at residence, Huron street, Terms strictly each and vee guatasiteo to supply good coal to our etl8±Om0rb', ,10dw WARD PHONE 155 SUGAR by the ear Special price on sugar by the bag, for cash for two weeks Get your supply for the preserving season T. O'Nell The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No, 8-2295 iis ANTED fur knitters and learners ALSO WQMEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITER FOR PLUMBING, ", EAVETROUGH1NG, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORM • OF ALL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 03, Strop over Rowland'a Hardware, Seed Corn on Hand WISCONSIN NO. 7 BAILEY* • IMPROVED LEAMING and other varieties. GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE 27 cents per 1b., HAY WANTED , Lai License No. 9-2109 POULTRY FEED We have 70 .bags of Cake of the Woods Oatmeal Flours left over from our poultry, feeding season. This will make a good dry mash for laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. We are selling this feed at below cost to clear. We are always in the mar- ket for Live Poultry and New Laid Eggs at top market prices. :a GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. Ne W, Trewartba, Phone 19@1 Manager or Holmesvllle 4 on 140 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 r CREAM WANTED t Farmers having cream to selll write us for cans and full particle. lars. Our markets are the best. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consistent with an honest test which we guar.. antee. Remember our Creamery, Co. Is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now ono of the largest in Canada. You cannot make% any; mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans aro re- quested not to make use of IR sending cream to other creameries or cream buyers. Write today for cans. Tr[a Seaforth Creamery Co. C. A. BARBER, MANAGER BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big Type YORKSHIRE ANT) entosrurir WIIITE BOARS. A. C. LEVEV, one 8-([80 CLINTON, 01&ij "At 10eine every; tprellOoll,( s. i