HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-7-10, Page 4Clttol> News4(ecord
the best value procurable., Ask''
those who have looked over
ourselectionand they wilt'tell
you the same.
Broken lots at loss tifalr
cost price to clear,
A. T. ilooper
O.N. Railway G,N,W. Telegraph
Clinton, Ontario
nun DcUa wool gf Toronto is
spondillg a fortnight at her henlo
Miss k.dyth Harvey of Sunmlerhili
)curl; Sunday at the home of iVlr, 1),
nlissr Laudie Young of liegina is
home for the vacation,
• Mrs, J. • Lounsbery and liWo chil-
dren- returned
hil-dren•returned home after spending a
monthwith the foxmer's mouser,
Mrs..Cllrysler of Delhi. '
Mrs, Brown and little daughter of
Brantford are . visiting the lady's
mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Young.
Rev, Mr, Lundy of Walton will
conduct Service in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday. * • •
I Noss Jean Baines of Chicago is a
guest at her home here
Mrs. Crich and daughter, Miss
June, of Clinton, are. visiting the
former's brother, Mr, Frank Brown;
Miss Pheme and I+lidyth Little are
visiting in London with their sister,
Mrs. E. Grey.
Miss Elsie Hibbert' of Clinton call -
e(1 on her friend Miss Millar last
1 ride'.
Miss Elva Manning is in St. Thom-
as at the Methodist Summer school
as a delegate from here,
i Mr, M, Brownhas undergone a
serious operation and le now in the
Clinton Hospital and doing well as
' can 'be expected. y'
Miss Lyon and Miss E. Sampson
are at the'Methodist Summer school
I in St. 'Phomas this week.
1 Put $4 into W.S. Stamps,..
A very success u ga (en p ye
held on Mrs. Acheson's 'lawn on
Tuesday evening under the auspices l
of the Epworth League and. Sunday
1V et
school of the t ! st church.
Nlr, J. R. Holmes is doing nicely
since, his recent operation and it is
hoped will speedily regain his
The DoubleTrack Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or 0., E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 57. Uptown Agents.
• London Road
Mrs. J. Pearin of. London and Miss
Miller of Clinton visited at 1110.111610
of Mr. and Nies. J. T. McKnight last
week. •
Miss QTannie Waldron was the guest
last week of Miss Eliza Waldron.
Mr, Jack Turner and his sister,
Miss Hattie, of Toronto, spent a
few days with St. Catharines CrTends
at the beginning of Nils Hattie's
vacation. •
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Mr. and
Mrs. Swigley motored over rronl
North Carolina and have been visit-
ing with Reeve and Mrs. Crich.
Councillor G. B. Hanley has invest-
ed in la new car. Councillor Hanley
doesn't like to he behind his neigh -
i . Mr, and 111,Irs. Hill, Mr, Ritchie and
1 the Misses Spencer of Owen Sound, a
(jelly motor party, the former being
on their honeymoon, have been visit-
ing at the Thome of Mr. Eli Crich.
Mr. and Mrs.' Amos Townshend and
Mrs. J. C. Crich spent Sunday } in
The C. 1', W. 0. will meet 'next
Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. T.
McKnight, Much interest is being
taken in -the new organization, and
helpful meetings are being held,
July Mk 1919
Goderieh 'Township
Mrs. Norman Snyder and children
Of Radisson,.S;l,sli,, and Mr, and Mrs,
11, J. Wilson of flundure, ,Sack„ are
yisitieg their parents, ode, and Mrs,
W. 13. Lobb, , •
Nlr, • and airs' Ltd. 1V. illy of 'Gorier-
ich township celebrated.the,;...tantli
anniversary of their:weddine,, day og
Monday last 00.11 about thirty of
'labii friends siient *a ,most enjoyable
day,flyith them, and shiiweeed tlyp;
brido.gf'.ten yoga yiitlh''lhrat poauti1'
.Fyl. pieces of silver and aluminum
ware! 'Their many ,friends wish' Mr.
and i'virs, Miller, iriany more.; snob
haPPy-returns al .Juno Seth:
Godericb township -Council phot in
Holin.S' hail, klolhnesville, on July
7th. All members present, Reeve N.
4P: Trowartha in the chair,
MVfinutes .01 Jest niceties as read
were• confirmed,
A delegation of seven, lour ladies
and -three gentlemen 1roni the , west
of the 'township waited on the coun-
cil asking for their sanction and =-
operation, the erection .of C m-
trt a o
Ol PL On in
hallbe. created in the'
lnunityy`' to c d
toe,n 'tip, After some discussion the
Weaving e+anmlittee was appointed
by the council to represent the coun-
cil and other different societies in-
Godericlh• township council -Reeve
Trewav'tha and Councillor Salkeld.
Partners' Club -Dermot McEvoy,
fsaac Salkeld and H. K. 'Revelle,
Country Women's Club -Mrs. Isaac
Good Cheer Club -James NIcDlillan.
Mr. S. 13. AS;tothers, District Repre-
sentative for the County of Huron,
was present .representing the Board
of Agriculture for South Huron. Mr.
Stotlrers,stated that a. grant of $10
was needed front each municipality In
the district for expenses, for litera-
ture, and travelling expenses for dele-
gates attending Farmers' Institutes,
etc. The council gave the grant, re-
commending that a meeting of the
institute be held some time this fall
in the village of Holmesville.
The clerk was instructed. to , write
'to the telephone commissioners re-
questing thein to have removed all
limbs of trees, brush, etc,, left on
the roadsides by 'employees of the
telephone system. '
The commit was unanimous in pass-
ing a motion that any person known
to dump garbage or other waste
matter of any kind be the sides of
the,10a(1 either from torn or coun-
try ,would he prosecuted accor(litg to
The .following accounts were passed
and orders were drawn on the treas-
urer for payment . of same : Bert
Murphy, sheep killed, by dogs, 850 ;
Chas Williams, valuating sheep $4 ;
Henry Hibbs, gravel 1018, $4 ; W.
H. Elliott, sheep killed by (togs, 828;
Clinton New Era, printing, 81.25 ;
Goderich,Signal, $2.10 ; Road Conk-
missinners services, $125 ; South
Huron Board of Agriculture, $l0.
On embroil of Councillors ('ox and
Lindsay council adjourned to meet
first Monday in August at 1.30 p.m.
-Adam C'antelon, Clerk,
Dry Goods
Ready to -
Wee r
Good C'.f
1 Unde,rwear
arm eat ler
Every precaution has
been taken -to make" our
underwear stock' good, so
that one trial will .make a
customer of You forever:' All
the very latest improve-
ments that tend .to snake
the standard of •'perfection
higher. We are pleased to
announce that our stock is
remarkably large and var-
ied and of quality that will
add to the good reputatAon
of this store. We specialize
in ladies' extra large Size
Ladies' Summer Hosiery -
We have a very fine range of ladies' cotton, lisle, silk and
cashmere hose in all shades and sizes. Prices range from 35c up
-to $2.75. a pair.
New Blouses
Made of fine quality habuti silk,
georgette crepe, crepe-do-chene,, volt -
es, and candy stripes with the latest
style collars and sleeves, sizes $4 to
40. Prices from $1.00 up to $10.00.
New Arrivals in
Summer Dresses
This offering of- summer drosses
Is one of out' very best and you
5110111(1 not overlook it., The prettiest
and most attractive now styles are
to be found In voiles, toilettes, trope-
fc-chencs, ging ham) and oilalnb1ays.
Stan1egl Township
Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Scotchmer0, who
were: visiting friends- in the west for
-a short time, returned home last
:1 Jorge number.of the members of
L.Q.L., Varna, went to Bayfield on
Sunday everting last and met with
Bayfield Lodge and marched to the
Methodist church, where they listen-
ed. to tl very able address given by
the pastor, Rev. 11. L. Anderson.
Alt. Fred Watton had the misfor-
tune to get ]ticked by a horse a few
days ,ago. Although seriously hurt
we are glad to report at time, of
,writing was doing as well as could
be expected. He had a very close
call. Nope' he will be able to go to
%corp x0011. -
Mr, and Mrs. Paul ('leave are en-
tertaining friends from London at
their home at present:
Mrs. Bate of Toronto 15 Visiting
at the home of her mother, Mr's. Wil-
liam Clark of Varna.
.*Julien Township
At, the close of the 8011001 term
the 'pupils, of 5,5, No. 0, Mullett,
presented their teacher, Miss 19(1114
J,alni0Squ, wi'iltt a beautiful French
ivory sot, Master Carman Glidden
read the following address, Miss An -
nee Stevens nhakihlg the presentation
"Dear Miss ,lamlesoe,-Per some
'w'0 have been aSSoelatccl with
0t1111101 e another is the rcfationship 0f
teacher and pupils, and the news. -,.of
your ( -intended removal , from 'en
midst), ,at, the 'end 4 this. teras ,C'arzie
as an unwelcome surprise, Wlv,'oa'n
but boar testimony to the pleasant
'less and profitableness to us, of
that, refatlonshfii; and we hopO"3'bhat
your experience' may have been seine -
what similar, We have ever, - found
you anxious to correct our faults.
but also ready to pardon; sympath-
etic with our troubles, patient with
our follies and always gager to help
us take one more step -along the path
of knowledge. But the best testi-
mony of all will be found in the last -
Ins influence for good, exerted upon
the lives of those with whom you
were in daily ti
tact. We feel
greatly indebted to you for the in-
terest you have ,always taken in our
welfare and would have you. accept
this token of our' esteem for you,
and hope tllat In the future it may
stir up pheasant nhomories.'Our earn -
'est desire is that all your future ef-
forts may sleet with Lyell -merited
success. Signed on behalf of • the
pupils of SS. No. 0, Hullett."
Mrs. John Shanahan and .daughter,
Hiss Anna have been• spending a few
days in London. •
Mr, and Dors. Geo. Carbert and Mr.
Thos. and Miss Allie Carbert are at-
tending the funeral of Miss Mary Mc-
Ginnis in. Stratford today.
Quigley, Dliss.NTar stet and
Mrs. 1 . g
John spent Sunday with friends in
Stratford. "
Mrs. Snell and,. daughter M:argretta,
of Toronto are visiting friends lin the
vicinity this week,
Mr, and Mrs. ,1. W. Reid, bIt. and
t11rs. Wrn. Rathwell and lir. R. Reid,
B,A , of Windsor were guests at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. D ,Anderson of
the Parr line on Monday evening last•1
Mr. John Dennison, who sold his
farm hear Varna this spring, has
purchased a house and lot at Wing-.
"hank where he intends to make his
home in future. We are sorry to
lose a good citizen like Mr, Dennison.
Mr. I;obt. Reid, B.A., and daughter.
Gwendolyn, of Windsor are visiting
Mende in this part just now. Mr.
Heid has to go to Toronto to sit on
the Board of examiners in a few
1VTiss Marjory McAllister is the
guest of Miss Pearl Anderson of the
Parr tine. .,.
Mrs, W. Colt Is spending a while
with her daughter, Mrs. T. I1olard.
Mr, and Mrs, John Medd left on,
Monday for Noble, Sask., after a
visit with tris another and brothers.
Lieut. Chas. hall tis expected to•
arrive home on Monday from over-
1140581's. TIdwrr acrd 'Win. 13rittoll
motored mown to Warwick for their
wives who wogs visiting !bends.
bits, Geo, Stepb0nso11' is' visiting
friends in Loruten.
Mr. David -Miami now shorts n new
Pail car.
Miss Maymo hall is spending' her
vacation at 4101114.
111'. and Mrs, Fred Stephenson
spent Sunday with her parents, 3 -to.
and Mrs, "Cleo- Riley,
itev. Mr, Howson will preach on
Sunday on .the brotherhood and its
at the home of Mr, Jas', It'orbos.
Miss Jewel Grainger who has sae-
cbesfully taught here daring the
peat year, was the reefpfent of 1)
handson'hc Camera from 1100 Milo 011
tike 00614' clay .of 9091001 when the
following address was read
"Dear 'Teacher, :A5 you are about
to leave us, we feel that we would
tike to show our appreciations of
your klttdness during' the year yo31
have been with us. We• shallalways
look 'back With pleasure upon the
associations of 4his year. Please ae-
eept this camera with our best
wishes for your 'future success, -
Signed onubeh",all of the pupils of S.
S. No, 12, -Clarence Bali, Walter
bliss Nellie Beacom is visiting at
Goderieh this week.
Miss Mary McBtien of Constance'
was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
T. P. Mason, last week.
Rev. Jas. Abery of Londesboro
made pastoriai calls in this vicinity
on Thursday and in the evening hell
a successful prayer meeting in 1110
school -house.
Mr. Edward Cotten of Detre/lit is,
visiting his uncle, .110. Mason.
A number from here, took in the
celebration at Goderieh on Dominion
Mr. and Mrs. Aiin. Somerville and
Hiss Eva of Goderich spent Sunday
-New Invention Retains Rupturo
Without Pain or Loss of Time.
01d-fasainued galling, slipping trusses and
foreign mall order methods aye Anne away with
by the surgical inventions of n ovation
speelallst who hes Mooted years to this ono
study. The perfected new Agntt 'C11RA'l'RL'S"
(as prepared to order) gives instant. •cteunon
rest and security where others have filled. 1t
prevents all irritation, retains ever' part in its
natural position as soon as It is ,11014, and ready -
Made trusses aro thrown away. ggan's "Cure-
. trhrs" I0 intended (o assist nature in her work of
olasin the opening In the shortest lime 1,1011,11
and at small cost. Testimonials from 111eu, wwn-
ole11 and patents. Nothing complicated. 100
inentiveuilttee, but just a natural retentive
method. It MIN you noting to love41gal e.
Delays may be d;nlgernl!s. Nov Is the 'time to
make yourself eolntortsblo for your daily work.
1J. V. 0001. SPECIALIST, wll.l. VISIT the towns
below. f) 011.0 denumvtn•anon and oxnnllna-
Non of n anplev. All( at hetet 0410 for my
room, Note dates. 'rear 01T enupnn now.
Olin ton. Rat -enbury Ilotel,
SVednearla7, (all day and night)
1 day only July 26rd
Bozell Bros.
Our reputation for fair dealing
and reliable goods, coupled with
the De Laval record of service
and durability, has made the
Di! Laval Cream Separator the
leader in this community.
You can't afford to do thin
NON1farmer is rich enough to
1feed high-priced butter to
his hogs or his calves in par-
tially skimmed milk.
It's a waste of money and
food that your pocketbook, your
neighbors, your country, all
But it's a waste that is going
on today wherever an inferior
or half -worn-out cream sepa-
rator is being used, or the
wasteful "gravity" method,
Why not put a stop to this
needless waste with a De Laval
Cream Separator 7
There is no other separator
that can compare with the
De Laval in clean skimming,
capacity, ease of operation,
freedom from repairs, and dura -
bitty. It's the world's greatest
cream saver.
Como in some day and
talk it aver
Mr. 5.. Cudmoro,. Wife and San at-
tended the celebration at Wingham
during the past week.
A number from both churches in
the village united and had a picnic at
Bayfleld on Tuesday.
Mr. Jas, Jarrot lately returned
from France is at present under the
doctor's care, Change of climate
and the extreme heat may, be the
cause of his severe stomach trouble.
The pulpit in the Presbyterian
church next Sunday will be supplied
by bit. A:. T. Cooper or Clinton, who
will give soma useful information in
regard to his work as Field Secre-
tary of the Huron County Temper-
ance Association and in all:probabll-
ity explain about the referendum to
be taken this fall. -
Miss Marion NIcI{ay attended the
funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Burgard
at Egmondvllle, on Sunday.
Results not Inllleiceed by .Age or
Length of Time Stiltdhhg,•
Reports 19xpert.
Rapture, is not a hear :or a breach
i1) the abdominal Wall, as colnul0nly
supposed, but it is a stretobing o,''
dilation of a natural , opefhing, 1, Y.
Egan or 'Toronto, the noted rupture
appliance specialist will visit Olin.
ton, Rattenbuzy House, Wednesday
(all day and night) 1 day o111y. July
The "Curattu6" as now Used and
prepared to order, will not only re-
.liahl,rUpture perfectly, affording ire -
mediate 11111 Complete eolnferi, het
is intended to assist nature in her
work of elosiug the °ponies in the
shortest time known. '!'hese new
surgical at/Maned have received
highest approval wherever shown
.fblhd are an improvement on the de-
sign 111 accordance with the sugge$-
tion of Sir Arbuthnot -Lane F.11.C.S.
of IOngland, producing results With.
out harmful ready-made hard pad and
old fasllioued steel spring trusses.
Mr. Egan has testimonials from our
own section for inspection. Jf Inter-,
ested, call ; he will show you same
without (Marge. OI -2
Ice Cream like mother used to make?
No indeed! Ice cream far superior to that.
Nothing but pasteurized pure cream, m, cane sugar and
pure flavor extracts go into Silverwood's Ice Cream.
That creamy, velvety taste that mother never could
have given to her home-made ice cream is the result
of homogenizing and scientific freezing.
Bricks 1n all
8 Flown
Look for 0m
• Sign
_ .,�1, ,� a �I
•r II h P � 1 � I
I !.7 11
I I I II I '
Ili 1 „ p l i, l 1 � 111,+ I i 'I I I lir • r 1 If. I Q PI V ll, I � h
14y sf'! pilt,nAt v vt. c ".042441441
4 nw,.vin
no,a! I(,nsaarn,,.,, r flu, 17P.t7tlmin)ifmi•�•It�a'i.,t'J`fl••t
This is a Greater axwell
There have been many improvements made in the Maxwell
since the war ceased. Some of them have made the car look
better. Others have made it run better.
You will note a new type radiator, a further advance in body
detail, an improved electrical system, a Hot Spot and a Ram's -
horn, a superior development in upholstery, and a top more
Any of these is well worth anyman's time to look over, and
the sum of all represent a decided value added to the car,
,but the fundamentals of the car are unchanged. 300,000
Maxwells on the highways of the' world -all of the same model
-have proved that a policy of never changing the base design
is profitable in more ways than one to buyer and maker,
It means extra value at a lower price.
It means perfection in design.
It means perfection in workmanship.
It means you pay for no experiments, no engineering knick-knacks;
It means you l3"ay for no mistakes.
It means a car of everlasting reliability.
It means a car of endless mileage.
You can easily pay $300 more and receive less. This Max-
well is old in antecedents but modern as far as sound engineer-
ing dare go.
There is no car of the day selling for so Iow a price to offer so
many attractive inducements.
See this recent Maxwell, and bear in mind that despite the
eight great Maxwell plants the supply is already running far
short of the demand. •..,. $1395 f.o.b. Windsor.
' Maxwell Motor C . of Can.
Agars m'les pergallos,
Mora n 11.5 orf tires
Limited, Windsor, Ont.
Tarry Barth., Clinton, Ont.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 f111111111111111111111111111 11111111111911
191111 IiIiIIIIII1III1IIIJIiIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111l1111 VPdN1111III it 1 f11111111111111111111.111) 1111111
.1,),,,,;'::1,:idi, f, '.11511ERNERN
Su thine
OtYLD you experiment with such
an important thing as the heating
of your home ?
It is a job for experts. The comfort of your
home for years depends on it.
You can cape_ on us to sell yo"tt not merely
a furnace, but CO1V.fF'ORT--guaranteed.
McClary's heating engineers will advise
you and plan your heating system,
without charge.
Ask about the t,iTTti BRAp`TM;A0 that turas
10 on the drafts and regulates them nutoniaticaliy.
Soil. by J. Sutter