HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-26, Page 5June 26Th 1819 Clinton News -Record Of Interest to You and Me "Every boy in the country, is ea- ;titled to a bioyole,," says an ex- sehauge. The boys around here seem to prefer an automobile on a smart ••driver and rubber -tired buggy, A .tlieyele is au unsociable sort of a vehtole, anyway. • » We would respel►tfuily suggest that ,farmers throughout the country keep; their names plainly painted ou thein .rural mail boxes so that, they may oeasily be read by passers-by, `l'hId would be necessary in ease of the .appointment of new couriers at any time, but now that summer is here --and people are doing more driving than ,usual it is interesting for them to know just where, everybody lives. • • . i, The Steel Plant which was to have _located at Goderich will probably, :now, locate elsewhere. The reason .given is that landowners ran up the prices of their holdings to such a figure that it was found impossible 'to purchase. Keen disappointment isd ..Sett oder aover failure of in G lh the f e the project. The sale of The Star to kr. McCreath, who was the chief promoter of the scheme, is also orf and the paper is being continued un- der its old management A Frank McCullough put the blame of his downfall on the reading • of dime novels. A few weeks ago Sir John Willison, one of Canada's leading • citizens, told a Clinton audience of having walked fourteen miles into Clinton as a boy in order to spend a -dollar which, he had "acquired" and spending the whole on,dime novels. There may have been other eontri ' s:buting causes to McCullough's down- fall and Sir John Willison's. uplift, o of course, or the uoveis ntay, have been of a different character. s . • "Public control of utilities is a Cue thing in theory. In practise it .is a costly lad."--Orillio Packet. Doesn't it seem rather strange that a company or corporation can •carry on a business in such a way as to pile up a great fortune and as . soon as the municipality or govern- ment takes hold of it it begins to .run at a Loss ? There does not seem to be any good reason why, if a business is being conducted at a profit by private individuals„ the same business should not be con- ducted on a paying basisby the Gov- .ernment. The probability is that "Daylight: Saving" will not trouble use any more on this continent. The: bill was voted down in both • Congress and House of Representatives in the iJnited States last week and as the railways of Canada only adopted it because of its being in force there we shall probably hear nothing about it next season. We can console our- selves,*however, with the • reflection that the sun ivill rise and set the same time either with Or without. To hear some people talk one would suppose that a brand new hour of sunlight was actually added to the • flay by the pushing ou of the clocks, Anyone who wants to do so may get up an hour earlier in the minutia ; :they will find the sun on the job in fairly good time these June morn- 3ngs, * * "Our mill was not built for the glory of God or of anybody else, it was built for the benefit of the shareholders," was one ofthe re- marks made by W. E. Paton, head sof the, Paton Mfg. Co., of Sherhrook, Que., before the Cost of Living Com- mittee at Ottawa the other day when it was brought out that the Com- paity had made a profit during 1018 -19 of over seventy-two percent. It is this spirit of selfishness, of utter carelessness for the .rights of others, that ails the world today. There is one cure for the ills of the world•and "that is the application of the Golden Rule in every relation of life. In the 'meantime, if there is no way of pre- venting`a man or a company reap- ing such a profit a way should be de vised of preventing them using it en - tritely for their own personal aggr:an- dizement. * * 'The Goderich Signal put up such :a wail about the heat a couple of \weeks ago that we suggested that 'he adopt blouses and white ducks as this summer garb. We feared that, us a citizen of a town with aspera, tions, he might not consider this quite proper but evidently that is not his trouble tor last week he plaintively asices : "Where's a man to put his pencils if he is rigged out an a blouse ?" :Now, when we made that innocent Til:st suggestion we did not suppose ,bye. were getting ourselves in for the designing of Bro. Robertson's whole summer outfit, hut we are nothing it not obliging, so would suggest that de instruct the builder of his "blous- ros" to put a stout pocket on the Tight front of the garment,' on the lodge of which he can carry his foun- tain pen and in which he may depos- it as many pencils as he wishes. !Any other distraught editor •may( eopy. Ob, don't trouble to thank Us. It is our nature to be helpful Mullett Township :Mfrs, Trios, 'Tighe and Miss Florence 'Tighe 'took in the 'Greyhound emu: - sloe to Detroit last week. Quite a number from this township ;attended the ;1,10:0. picnic held in 'Mt, Fred Tyndall's grove, Tucker - , snit th, last week, tMr. and Mrs. Owen Flynn enter- tatted a nnntber of young folk to a 'sociable time one evening last, week, Mrs. Mike McCauley of Stratford is visiting relatives in the neighbor - hoed, Pretty Wedding in Goderich Huron Boy's Brave Act Re- Township counted in School Text A most chaianlsg wedding took PioSo on the Huron Road, Ocder:iclt A little book, "Astute of Valor," township, at ten o'clock on Wedites- recounting, some deeds of valor per- day of last week, when Muriel math- formed by Canadian aoldlers in ' the Grine, only, daughter of Mr, and Bless late war, has been issued for use 01 James Johnston, became the bride the Public 'schools of Ontario by the Of 1111, Frederick Middleton, youngest, Department of Muoatlon, In it is Son of Idle late John Middleton and told, the story of Fie", Verne Glad - Mrs. I-larriett Middleton, "White- hill, son of Mr; and Nirs. J. W, Gled- hall," Goderich township, hill of Benntiller. In retreating be - The bride, accompaaled by her fore the advancing Germans atthe father., descended the stairs to the battle of• Givenchy he dragged a strains of the wedding tnaruh played wounded comrade, whom he could by Mrs. Jack McNaughton of Varna, not .carry, back to the trenches, aunt of the bride,. She was attended crawling on his hands and knees, and by her couslu, Bliss Kathleen Mc- under heavy fire all the .time. Naughton, as bridesmaid. The Gore- Strange to relate young Gledhill, mony was performed beneath an arch who was but eighteen years of age of orange blossoms, wood ferns and - at the time, came through quite un - field daisies. The other decorations wounded. He was awarded the Die- were sweetheart roses and various tinguished Conduct Medal for his other June flowers. Very sweet the brave act, bride looked, wearing a sihnple gown of white georgette trimmed with seed pearls. She wore a veil and Marriages , bandeau of orange blossoms and VIRTUE-TORRANC.I7-In Clinton, carried a boquet of roses, The pre,- ' on June 25th, Edythe, daughter ty little bridesmaid was gowned in of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, palest pink georgette and taffeta, •to Abner 'Gladstone Virtue, iMI.. wore a black picture hat and carried C. son of Mr. Win. Virtue of a sheaf of pink roses. Supporting Lethbridge, Alberta. the bridegroom was Mr. Will Middle- MIDDLETON-JOIINSTON-In God - ton of "Mount Pleasant," Goderich' crick township, on June 18th, by township, cousin .of the groom. The • the Rev; A. L. 'G. Clarke, Mur - nuptial knot was, tied by the Rev. A. la Katherine, only daughter of 0, G.- Clarke, rector of St. George's Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston, church, Goderich. Huron Road, to Frederick Mid - Following the ceremony a wedding dleton, son of Mrs, Middleton, breakfast was served to some - forty and the late John Middleton of guests. Among the guests from a Whitehall, Goderich township. distance were : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CAMERON -TALBOT- At Fairview Taylor, Blyth ; Rev. J. Foote and Farni, Bayfield, on June 18th, stirs., Foote, Exeter, and Nlrs. E. A. by the Rev. E. L. Anderson, Vor- Sharman of Lethbridge, Alta. da Alveretta, daughter of Mr. W. The gifts were numerous and beau- H. Talbot, to William Matthew tifui. Cameron at Seatorth. The bride travelled in a suit of DONER-DUFF-In Goderich, on taupe tricotine, with blouse and hat June 14th, by Rev. J. E. Ford, to match. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton George Lewis Doner of • Toronto left on the 2.20 train from Goderich to Margaret Isabella Duff, young - for the St. Lawrence and Saguenay. est daughter of Mrs. Robt. Duff, The News -Record joins with many, Huron Road. friends -of both bride and groom in wishing them long life., prosperity Births and happiness. FIT?PATRICIc In East Wawanosh; 1 on June 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Miles Fitzpatrick, a daughter. Stanley Township MARTIN -In East Wawanosh, on June 17th, to Mr, and Mrs. Dan- ia aniel 114artin, a son. Deaths Book A very pretty lawn wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, June -)bah, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, Sauble Line, Stanley, when their eldest daughter, Verda Alver- etta, was united in marriage to Mr. William M. Cameron of Seatorth. At twelve o'clock, to tho• strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mabel Cameron, sister of the groom, the bride appeared leaning on the arm of her father and joined the groom under an arch of evergreens and orange blossoms and were united in marriage by Rev, E. L. Anderson of Bayfield, The bride was daintily gowned in ivory satin trimmed with georgette crepe and seed pearls. Her bridal veil was embroidered with silk and crowned with -orange blossoms. and she carried a shower bouquet of roses and fern. After congratulations the guests, who numbered about forty, partook of a dainty wending dinner arid the happy couple left afterwards amid showers of good wishes and confetti for a honeymoon trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points. The bride donned for travelling a suit of Alice Mae tafetta and white hat. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly , gifts. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome bar pin set with pearls.. The friends of the young Couple join in wishing them long years of hap- piness and prosperity. Messrs. James and John Walker of Marlette, Mich,, are visiting friends around here. The Messrs. Walker are old Stanley boys who • left here a number of years ago and their many. friends and acquaintances are glad to .see them. • Mr',' Morton Elliott, our esteemed ) eeve, has purchased a new auto 'which will' be a great convenience to him in getting around on his business trips. Mrs. Frank Whitmore received the sad intelligence of the death of her brother, Robert Relit, which occurred at.Wingham hospital after an opera- tion for appendicitis, He was also' a cousin 'of Mr. James Reid of the Bayfield Roacl, near Varna. Sorry to report that Mr. William Stephenson, who has been seriously i11, is not mproving as fast as many tit his friends would like. The Orangemen of Varna L.O.L. Will meet in their lodge room. next Sunday and march as a body to the Methodist church where the Rev. Mr. Wilson will preach to them. It is expected there will be a largo turn- out of Orangemen. Radial Railways for Huron The committee appointed by the June session of *tie Huron County coned!, consisting of Warden C'antp- bell and Messrs. Laporte, Clark, Dal- ton, Young, Saunders, Elliott and Irwin and County Clerk Holman waited upon Sir Adam Beek on Fri- day last regarding Hydro-radiat rail- ways for Huron, County., Chairman Laporte of the; committee pointed out that large areas in the county, unsurpassed in fertility and in the character of its citiz.Cnship, were left very inadequately served by steam. railways and that consequent- ly production was much hampered and the areas in question were not Contributing wllat.thoy should to the national life and wealth and that tho crying need of TIuron was for better transportation fccilitles, Sir. Adam said that dutring:the tear the commission had xefralnecl._:irons ex. tensivo operations but that very shortly the whole matter of hydro- ratlial development would bo gone into thoroughly and that when the time came Hilton County's nolle Would receive every eoltsirleratloil, JOHNSON -In Clinton, ou June 23rd, Billie," youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson, aged 18 months and 18 days. REID-ln East Wawanosh, on Juno 23rd, Thomas Reid, youngest son of Mr. Robert Reid, CARRUTHEIIS-In Turnberry, on June -151h, Isabel Woods, wife of Mr. Frank Carruthers, aged 78 years and 5 months. 25 BOYS WANTED! Do you ride a bicycle? If you do, we want you. Big opportunity for bright, ambitious boys. Write. W. J. DALY, 125 Simcoe St., 'Toronto Ont. 9J-2 WANTED -SECOND IHAND PLAT - form scales, capacity five or six hundred pounds.Harland Bros. 09-2 ANY PERSON FOUND TRESPASS- ing or taking anything all the pre- mises of undersigned without per- mission from the owner will be prosecuted. -David Lasom, 99-1 FOR SALE -PIANO AND OTHER furniture and stoves. Also dries ing mars. -Dr. Rogers, BruceReld. -08 FOR SALE -A DESTIRABLE 7 - 'roomed house on Princess St., east, half acre of land with fruit trees and berry bushes, town wat- er. -Apply on premises, • Mrs. Akam. ' -08-tt PROTESTANT TEACIITOR Wanted for S.S. No. 4, Goderich Tp.-Dut- les to begin Sept. 2, This is one of the best equipped and the prettiest school in West IIuron.-Apply, stating salary and qualifications, to Harry J. Thompson, R.R. No. 2, Clinton, 98-8 HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY' brick house on William street, all modern conveniences. -Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. -93 ONE• HUNDRED ACRES FOR Sale. -Lot 27, Con. 3, Tucker- smith, Hilton Co., close .to school and church, 5 miles to Seatorth, Clinton or Brucefield, on fine grav- el roads ; eighty acres cleared, twenty bush and pasture ; three hundred hard maples,, sugar camp ; spring, no pumping for stook ; 7 acres orchard ; ten roomed brick house, furnace, telephone ; • largo barn, stabling underneath, shod, pig pen, drive house; beautiful yard, evergreens and shade trees. - J. Tcrryberry, R.R. No. 3, Sea- forth. 95-4 ATTENTION Motor Car Owners We are now in a position to give efficient and prompt service, We are equipped with an up-to-date Plant to do VOLCANIZIiNG and RE- TREADING on all sizes of tires, SMOOTH : 05 ALL-WEATHER TREADS put on. Out of town customers, ship your work to ata at our: expense, We will examine It and advise by return Malt, WORKMANSHIP GUA1tAN'riotiD Johnston & Churchill 97--4 JUST What about your Areakfast I(rumbles, Grape Nota, Puffed as 100 your Breakfast Foods, SPECIALS 16 here Laundry soap $1 16 bars Laun'y, soap $0 8 bars Gold, P. 0, G, or Comfort for 29e 13 bars for ,,,. ,,,....$i Mixed ,pickles, bulk, per quart 350 Jatsups per bottle 15e, 25o, 30e • SARDINES Jutland brand 2 for 25o Brunswick brand 3 for 28 FIolbrooks 1 for 25 A anuvuTE foods , wdtiok do you enjoy ? -Cora Flakes, ', r Rice,, Crean). of Wheat or Rolled (Sets? y McLAR'EN'S J17LLY POWDER MAKES A PERFECT DESSERT ANY FLAVOR 2 pkgs for 250 9 pkgs for •$1.00 Made sfrom pure whole- some fruits 1 can corn 1'apiooa, per lb . ,,,,..15o Rice, 2 lbs .,,.,,,,.,,.,,,25o 2 Dans Pumpkin , ,,.,•25e 2 pkgs seeded raisins 25e 1 lb. special Blend 65o 1 lb. Japan Green,,,500 1 lb, peanut butter,,25e 1 ib. mine meat 25c 2 pkgs jelly powder25e 1 San tomatoes 200 220 BANANAS, ORANGES, PINE APPLES, LETTUCE, ETC. FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK WE AIII'L TO PLEASE JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone 111 Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 phone .orders promptly carejl tor. Sold only in sealed packages Patriotism and ProllI In June w-s.s. Cost $3,05 War Savings Stamps can be bought wher- ever this sign ie displayed. It is patriotic to buy War Savings Stamps because Canada must have money for reconstruction. But it is also profitable to buy War Savings Stamps because you are in- vesting in Government Bonds yielding over 41/2%. You don't need to be a capitalist. You- can oucan start with 25 cents. Buy a Thrift Stamp for a quarter. When you have sixteen of them, exchange them for a War Savings Stamp, and you will have laid the foundation of a solid invest- ment with your odd savings. You can add to this investment as often as you save $4.00, and in 1924 the Government will pay $5.00 for every War Savings Stamp you buy now for $4.00 odd. This is the biggest opportunity ever af- forded to wage earners to become in. vestors. Make Your- Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country -invest Them in War Savings Stamps. TORONTO®-wiNNlpEG And Points West Leave Toronto (Union Stn.) 9.15 p.nt. Mgfi.i Wed., Fri. -Canadian National All the Way id 3 n T pj !. Sit -Via North Bay, T. & N. Q., Cochrane, thence C.N.R. Throng& Standard and Tourist Sleep- J Non., Wed., Fri., to Vancouver. Ing and Dining Care I Tues., Thurs., .Sat., ft Winnipeg., 'Elakel and fnfftette ion from asareatt C. N. Rallwara :Atone, Clty Ttaket Cideos 1" 02 King Street neat and Union station, Toronto! 7 Janne11 s reit North, Hamilton. R. X. FAIRBAIRN, G.P.A., Toronto, Canadian: National RailwaIs FOR RENT -PLAT OVER 'MUFF'S -Shoo Store. -Apply at store. -95 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE -SEC - end -hand Chevrolet, electric start- er, one man top, in geSd running order. -Address P.O. Box 106, Clin- ton. -94 FOR SALE.-8-R0Ol'dED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Gooui cellar, 1} acres garden, with fruit trees. -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. -84 FAR NiE RE $ i ES WANTED FOR FRUIT WORD Girls are wanted to pick fruit for summer: months. Camps arc being established in various districts and girls are much needed for short and long periods., 150 girls wanted for strawberry picking -about June 17, for three weeks. Good wages. Toe further information as to wages, house, board, ole, apply 1 Miss bate S, Platte, Woman's • Fart Dept., Ontario Govt, Employment Bureau, 45 King St. W., Poetaster. '98-4 HOUSE FOR SALE -ON RATTEN- bury street east, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools. -Apply to R. Rowland. -84 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law. L M, Woods, Bayfield, 75-20-p FARM FOR SALE -ONE HUN - died acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 4 miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms,- Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 8, Seatorth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central, • -. 01 HOUSE 1005 SALE -GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed, Good cel- lar, femme's, electric lights, town and sett water, Garden with fruit trees and a eltiekoir lteuse.Applyr On premiSos to Rigs Southcombe. -92 FARM FOR SAL E-92• ACRES oil splendid farm land In good state of cultivation, On it are a comforts able storey and a halt brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 4000' and straw shed 22x28 with feundatlou under all„ room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 0 Verses bosidee 3 box stalls, root room, teed rept, separator room and harness. room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24z10 and a drive shed 20x30, There is a never tailing spring creek, a good well and eta, tern, about 14 acres 01 orchard. This is a desirable property 2ji miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes It necessary for me to give up farming tor the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop. if So desired. -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0, -49 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed,and at' the shortest possible notice. Both Lads les' and Gentlemen's clothes. We. guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, ete. All orders promptly, at- tended to. Rooms over Hunnitord's grocery store -Wm. J. Jago. -00 CALVES FOR SALE Well Bred Calves W, MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton, -86 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Breakfast Food For Hot Weather CORN FLAKES, SHREDDED WHEAT, PUFFED RICE, GRAPE NUTS, GUSTO PUFFED WHEAT. S -P -E -C -I -A -L -S -t Strawberries, . Pineapples, Oranges, Leptons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, New Cabbages, Cucumbers., • E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 9 SE1 D CORN We now have a full stock of the best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Before ordering your season's supply, call and see our stock. Once you see it wo feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the quality, and also the prices. SEED POTATOES Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern On- tario." They are a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good seed, The price is very reasonable for this exceptional variety of Pota- to and you will not make any mis- take if you -buy your stpiy at once. BABY CHICK FEED Have you tried our Baby, Chick Feed ? We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coarse and fine, It is made of the hest grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold fn any quantity. Special price on ' largo amounts. Largo stock of Flour always on hand. Highest prices paid for grain of all kinds. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 190, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2888 Wholesale License No, 12-82 COAL • Orders taken at residence, Huron street. Terms strictly oash and we guarantee to supply, good coal to our Customers.. E. WARD PHONE 155 . 1;, BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big T�rpe J k' VoitKSHIRE AND CHESTER - WHITE BOARS: A. C. LEVEY, Phofid 0,-680 CLINTON, bn8. 'At Ilene every, forenoon;, , COOKED EATS 1 BEEF LOAF 'AND, MACARONI TONGUE HANL HEAD CHEESE AND BOLOGNA'; V T. The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2499 ,eelu,aasseM COAL AND CEMENT Just In I"I(. A carload of cement fresh trona the factory, Sole agent for D. L, & W. Screws ton coal.; ' 1, J A. J„ HOLLOWAY 61815 ANTEO fur knitters and learners ALSO OMEN „ for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMIT= FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORI0 OF ALL KINDS GO TO :d TILOS. HAWKINS. Agent for liecla Furnaces PHONE 53, Sloop over Rowland's Hardware, Seed Corn on Hand WISCONSIN NO. 7 BAILEY, IMPROVED LEAMING and other varieties: GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE, $28.50 PER CWT, HAY WANTED ertl &Manfi License No. 9-2103 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Laken of the Woods Oatmeal Moue left over from our poultry] feeding season. This wilt k make a good dry' mash fop , laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. I' We are selling this feed al below cost to clear. We are always in the mar- • ket, for Live Poultry and Revs; , Laid Eggs at top market prices.' GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N, WW. Trewartha, - ?lion ISA Manager or Holmesville 4 on 1411 Canada Food Board -License 1 • No. 7-008 CREAM WANTED ! Farmer's having cream to self write us for cans and full partica+ lata. Our Markets are the best.; Service the most prompt, Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consistent with an honest test which wo guar+ anted, Remember our Creamery, Co: is e thoroughly established and thriving Concern and now one of the largest in Canada. You cannot make anyj mistake in shipping to Us, Patrons holding our cans ate tea quested riot to make nee of ldol sending cream to other 010010erlesi or cream buyers. Write today for cani4. TrtII Seafortb Creamery Coy 0, 'N„. BARBER, M•ANAG;uITI