The Clinton News Record, 1919-6-26, Page 44 Clinton News-Recor4 iteramemellemalleassawsmems YOU WILL FIND OUR Wall Faper the best, value procurable„ Ask those who have looked over our selection and they will tell you the same. Broken lots at less than cost price to clear, 4. T. Cooper Assent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. Tblegraph Clinton, Ontario June 1llieeting of County Council The County Council met in Coder -1 ich on Tuesday of last week, alb members being present, Warden' Campbell in the chair. In his opening address the warden bespoke for a patient hearing for all deputations and every consideration of all representations, made by them. He urged upon the 'members the nec- essity of exercising care in the; mak- ing of grants, owing to the great liberality of the council to all pat - RAND TRUNi; SYsM Timetable Changes A CHANGE OF TIMI; WILL BE MADE` ON JUNE 25th, 1919 INFORMATION NOW IN AGENT' HANDS'. ' A. O. Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD & SON, • Phone 57. Uptown Agents. riotre organizations during. the war. Ootnnlunioations were received re' Warding the forting .of a talion school in kluliett :and 'Puckersmi$h ; aecojint from '1'ils0nburg And Harris - ton Tfigh seitools re the attendance of Baron pupila ; from Exeter re- questing that village be formed into a 'high school district ; from the County of Ontario asking this eoun- ty to join in asking for an extension of the Prohibition law ; from D. Spence enclosing.petitibn re Prohibi- tion ; from Toronto re obstTuoting roadway with wires, poles, etc. ; from Mrs. Howard Fowler asking for grant to Clinton hospital fririn the township of Ashfield approving of a grant of $50,000 to ho divided amongst Wingham, Goderich, (."lin- 'ton and Seaforth hospitals ; from A. Weir, Sarnia, ro building Grand Bend bridges ; from the Ingot Irou Co. ro metal signs for roads ; from Wm. Isle' claiming $0.05 for damages in an auto accident; from the Steel Construction. Co., asking require- ments re bridges ; (Yom Deputy Min- ister of Highways notifying the coun- ty of the grant of 820,085.67 on Good Roads in 1018' and distribution of same according to construction and maintenance --re application oil above grant; report of Boiler In- spector ; •ro a 1',M.C.A. deputation asking for grant ; Goderich Town- ship F}armer's Club approving grant to hospitals ; Soldiess' Aid .re em- ployment of returned soldiers on oath construction ; Dufferin Construction, Co re Good Roads machinery; Edu- cational Department notifying the. county of the school grant for the year—$2,140.79 for Public school, '101.20 for Separate r 9 o S p rate scl cols. The clerk was authorized to sign and submit to.the Minister of Public works and Highways el the Province the petition of the county of Huron showing that there had been, during the period between Jab, 1st ;to Dec. 31st; 1918, an expenditure upon the county highways system of the snm of $5938.36, and requesting the sta- tutory grants on that amount as provided by the Act. A motion was passed approving the IYlowat Bill to amend the Dominion Criminal Code in favor of substitut- ing electrocution tor hanging and re- commending the passing of same as. "hanging is a barbaric method and cannot be effectively carried out in county gaols." Mr. A. D. Cameron asked damages for injuries received by gas escaping from boiler in basement of court house. This was left over to Decem- ber meeting: The townships of Morris and East Wawanosk asked that the road be- tween 8 and 9.E. Wawanosh, portion of road from Beigrave to the G.T.R. t'fation be added to the Good Roads System. Capt. Best appeared before, the council asking for the payment .otthe halaneo .of the grant voted by last MIX'S council. It was decided to withhold sato until bettor informed as regards the working of the organ-. lustier, Inspector 'tom and Messrs. it, It. Redmond of Westfield and W. k1, Johnston of Kippeft, representing the west kluroil 'Teachers' Association, addressed' the council suggesting that( the county give 0 •grant toward fur - Walling prizes tobe used to aneour- age the improvement of school pro- per ties., etc. Mr. W, 1, Chisholm, representing the Department of Education, ad- dressed the'eouncil with reference to the formation qf, a new school in- spectorate to be made of .parts of the counties of Lambton, Huron and tYliddieseii, the parts of Huron to be included in the new inspectorate be- ing the townships of 'Stephen, Hay and Usborne, The reason assigned for this was that the present inspec- torates are too large to permit of effective work. Mr. Chisholm also spoke on Thursday evening, explain- ing the working ;,o1 consolidated schools, etc. A deputation, the spokesmen of which were Judge Dickson, Dr, Mack- lin, Goderich ; Dr. A. J. .Irwin, Vm ham ; Dr. Shaw, Clinton, and Messrs, A. I7, .Sutherland and J. A. Stewart, Seaforth, asked that the eoalncil give a grant of $00,.000 for improved hospitals, $15,000 each to Goderich and Wingham hospitals, $12,000 to Clinton, all of which are already established, and $8,000 each to Seaforth and Exeter, }where hos- pitals will be established. A batn- mittee was appointed consisting of Messrs. c xb Livingston, Elson, Hackett,' Petty and Scott, who will go into the matter and report fully at next meeting of the council. Messrs. Ford and Trewartha made a motion ask- ing, that a grant equal to that given to Goderich and Wingham he given to Clinton hospital,- which has re- sumed operations. Dr. Macklin pro- posed that a plebisite on the ques- tion of county -hospitals be taken, at the next municipal elections. A deputation from Seaforth asked that the roads and streets in towns and villages, which formed the con- necting miles, bo put on the Good Roads System. The council was asked also to in- clude in the county road system the boundary between Colborne and West Wawanosh from a point east an a designated road to a point' west between lots 21 and 22 on the 1st concession of West Wawanosh, Bylaws No. 5, equalizing the coun- ty ; No. 6, to raise the sum of $13.t,- 754,34, for general county rates; No. 7, to raise $6375.10, to provide tot county. highways ; No. 8, apportion- ing the Good Roads expenditure; No. 0, authorizing - the warden and treas- uret to borrow for current expenses; No. 10, establishing a High school at Exeter ; Np 11, =WAS special grants to toit'ils and vlilages re good roads i No. 12, making addition bo the County (load Roads System, worn; all given a ilttal rending and passed, Tho !toad and Bridge committee recommended that the committee in- vestigate regarding the building ...of three bridges oft County road north of Mihail and build same if found nesessary. Special Committee recommended, that a resolution be passed re the control byithe municipalities of,thetr own streets 1114 a copy' be forwarded to Toronto. • Thatl the, ecunei9 arrange some convenient time to meet the Ohafr- man of the Hydro Commission .re radial from Parkhill to Goderich. MecsrH, Clark- and 1Ior,d moved that a day's outing he given the re- turned soldiers but no action was taken on the matter. The. expenditures for •'1919 .._are, 9172,180.45 ; the receipts 8181,754.- 84. The house of Refuge committee re- ported a visit to the house, when everything was found in good condi- tion. $500 is to be placed in the - bank in Clinton to the credit of In- spector Torrance to snake iavest- ments_in hogs and to make purchases or clothing for inmates. The inspect- or mud manager are to make purchas- es of coal for next winter's use. In- spector Torrance and Dr,,Shaw are to endeavori to procure clothing, shoes, bedding, etc., from the Mil- itary Department. A chicken pen, to accommodate sixty hens; is to be erected, and more land is to be pur- chased if possible.. The committee was given power to act in recommendation of Provincial inspector of charitable institutions regarding certain inmates. The propertycommittee reported the jail, Children's Shelter and Houser of Refuge all in good.00ndition. It was decided that Exeter is to have a High school, the following to compose the hoard : Rev. A. Trum- pet, one year ; E. Dignon, two years ; F. W. Gladman, three years. A board of arbitration, composed of Inspector Field and county clerk and treasurer, is to arrange matters re- garding the new school section in Mullett and Tuckersmith and report at December meeting. No action was taken in regard to the request from the County of On- tario. No action in regard to petition re prohibition from Rev. B. Spence. Ever Try This Simple. Plan ? The Collingwood Bulletin says: It is not necessary to worry any more about the cabbage maggot, which has destroyed thousands of plants during the past few years. This pest "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" THINK the cone controisseurs don't know A� Silverwood's? Ask them. • That rich, smooth, creamy taste is something they go an extra block to ger. And that's just why Silverwood's is good for them, It is wholesome, pure—a real food. Always to be had froth SILVSRWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Look for rhe Sticerwood'a Sign Spend Dominion Day in Godorioli Greatest Program in Western Ontario TUESDAY, JULY 1st, 1919 Aeroplane Flights Demonstration by Great War Veteraus Baseball—Zurich (winners of the Clinton tournament) vs Goderich (winners of Blyth Concerts by 83rd Regt, Band competition) Highland DancingBaby Show Highland Parade, Ete, Concluding with a Grand Fireworks Display in the evening Something doing alt clav long Come atidjhavo the time of your life at t"td.uroli's Golden;Gate M 1:Y01t W.IGL 11, w tatNlili, T. 1'.1,1TOIXAItn, Chairman of Colnlnittee i"rottsttt'ar Secretary Morse laces 2.10 trot or pace , purse i350 2.25 '' 800 2.50 tt 1,00 thlite zbth, (919' sen be easily eiroumvented by the now . plan of putting telt paper ()oi- lers around tlie plants, These col- lars have a slit its one side so that they will easily pass around the stems, which. they should lit rather closely. The collars or discs should hug the ground tightly 011 all ships, The fly wilioll is responsible for the maggot will lay her eggs 011 the pap• or. but tile maggots will nut be able to get into the ground in their usual fashion end will perish. This is a simple and easy way to cireuna- venting a most unwelcome garden' visitor, W.B. ,Stamps pay well. Advertise in The News-Ileeord ; the Bost .of a small ad. is trifling, the re, sults satisfactory. I amile--before breakfast 4s 44, Six times `round the deck--- FALL IN LINE,VERYBODY! TRIP to remember! In after years and i mering blue waters ; while; far away,' thoi other places, you will recall those joyous giant freighter glides on down the Lakes, It promonadesinthe early Summer morning as good to be alive—to breathe these lake - 'round the deck of tho"Noronic." 1 swept breezes—to share such ` companion - procession. The circling Seagulls are flashing! Breakfast is wailing—bountifully prepared Already the early risers are heading the shi I an the morning sun and dipping in the shim- to satisfy these keen -edged fresh air appeti tee. 1 +t.._ _ Noronic -- Hamoiic -- Huroanc,. These mighty Steamers take us sixteen hundred milds—from Detroit to Sarnia, across Lake Huron, through the Locks at the "Soo" on to Canada's Twin Cities—Port Arthur and Fort William, until finally we reach our Northern terminus ---Duluth. We are southward bound once mora. ,s ..• -'-- v' 1 Spend six days of your vacation on board one of these luxurious steamers. Enjoy the rare good fellowship of the finest people of two nations. I $56.50 for 6 -Day Trip Three Ships Weekly from -x- For oontinuoua 6 day round-trip Sarnia for "Soo," rt. William oruise0 from Sarnia, including menla, berth, afternoon teas, evening dancee, Port Arthur and Duluth planfo to ICakabeka Falls. Everything —(i66.a0 and up. Northern cry M tfoa Steanwra,' Through rates are cheaper than leave Sarnia every Monday, wudues- local rates, day and Saturday. One way tures on For full Information ask any Grand application. Special boat trains Trunk Ticket Agent—The Company between Toronto and Sarnia. Direct at Sarnia—or your Local Ticket or rail aonneetione stall pointe ea route, Tourist Agent. Write•to F. D. Geoghegan, Eastern Pase, Agt. Sarnia for "Cruise" Booklet, NORTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED—SARNIA 1000 -Mile Saguenay Cruise Another wonderful Boat Trip -- through 1,000 Iolanda, and St, Lew - elm Iiiserltapide; stop -over if desired at Toronto and Montreal; then on to quaint Quebec and the glorious Saguenay. Write for Booklet—•'Niagara-to. the -Sea." p W,Mmaaa Of "IMAM MT WILLIAM yAifB•-•• •- ' ° Aral . MmNZ.Yac.is ooar.PAIa. — sera" ar east tF«,WM.0 r""` e tai Waal ' '11''. 11111 d ■ 1111 u4:,t.:`t;•F1>`-itiavwaaenia ;tF;tlet •FEE3q"ve , ine T is after a furnace is Installed and the first cold snap tests it that you know whether your investment in; COMFORT was wisely made or not./ Don't take a chance on it. You can be sure of it under the McClary's'. guarantee. McClary's engineers will plan your heating system without charge. They will guaran- tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according to those plans, will heat your home comfortably. Take advantage of this service, s2 Have a comfortable, well -heated horse, Sold by J. Sutter mum f .a.?i`,aaa.kiit•3 r ar1, ltii'. biaar3?d«altell''lltk'17 h �h es 1f •'a'= r Tele hIrne Service t THE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25th and based 'upon: air -line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following is a-comparisonof old and new -rates for a 3 -minute talk to points_most frequently called by local sub�i scribers: Old Rate New Rate ra; Clinton to-Goderich $ .15 $ .15 Blyth .10 .15 Seaforth .10 .15 .London .30 .35+ Tot' oto .60 .75 !-'17'''' ' r' Wiugham .25 .. .20 eat., The hours during which reduced Long Distance rates (night rates) are in effect are now From 8.30 p.en. to 11.30 pal., 60 per cent of day rate '," From 11.30 p m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rates are hissed on Standard rime " ,nircii 8 ,',;• LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers Will be increased teed per cent, effective from July 1st next. Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from' May 25th. lkerp .l3ell'Telepftone id a Lorw Distance Station The ell, Tel •.plkoAae C of,Canai a $ ml w • liana.", sa D• ry Goods House Furnishing Celle PHONE ff3.?�A;, t ,s, 73. Forsand and Ready•to- Wear Garments Go:5d CoCosi der ear .. r1, farm Weather \ rn't^vr i r Ar~ . d1 1 Ilii %D' • �\ j Every precaution. has !. been taken to make out underwear stock good, sis o ' that one trial will make a customer of you forever, Alt the very latest improve; F ments that tend to make the 'standard Of perfection higher. Ove are pleased to announce that our stock is remarkably large and var- ied and of quality that will add to the good reputation of this store. Wog specialize p iu ladles' extra large size garments, Ladies' Summer Hosiery We have a very fine range of ladies' cotton, lisle, silk and cashmere hose in all shades and sites, Prices range from 35c up to $2,7fa a pair. Pretty New Blouses Made of line quality haboti slllf georgette crepe, crepe -de -ohne, vob1- es, and candy stripes with the latest style collars and sleeves, sizes 84 to 40, Priees from $1,00 up to $10.00, , ,''%) l4,,... --f,, i } l�t , a ? -:, 1)i f4c1 `( ! ,rr 4100 !!! »' amtiont r,�•, b New Summer This offering 18 one et our should not overlook and !Host attraetivo to be found in d-elieueS, gingliams Arrivals Dresses of summer these= very best and it, 'Cite pxcttiesh 'nein stylus voiles, taltettas, and cltambra'$•8', in yon ' aar-0. ate orOM- halaneo .of the grant voted by last MIX'S council. It was decided to withhold sato until bettor informed as regards the working of the organ-. lustier, Inspector 'tom and Messrs. it, It. Redmond of Westfield and W. k1, Johnston of Kippeft, representing the west kluroil 'Teachers' Association, addressed' the council suggesting that( the county give 0 •grant toward fur - Walling prizes tobe used to aneour- age the improvement of school pro- per ties., etc. Mr. W, 1, Chisholm, representing the Department of Education, ad- dressed the'eouncil with reference to the formation qf, a new school in- spectorate to be made of .parts of the counties of Lambton, Huron and tYliddieseii, the parts of Huron to be included in the new inspectorate be- ing the townships of 'Stephen, Hay and Usborne, The reason assigned for this was that the present inspec- torates are too large to permit of effective work. Mr. Chisholm also spoke on Thursday evening, explain- ing the working ;,o1 consolidated schools, etc. A deputation, the spokesmen of which were Judge Dickson, Dr, Mack- lin, Goderich ; Dr. A. J. .Irwin, Vm ham ; Dr. Shaw, Clinton, and Messrs, A. I7, .Sutherland and J. A. Stewart, Seaforth, asked that the eoalncil give a grant of $00,.000 for improved hospitals, $15,000 each to Goderich and Wingham hospitals, $12,000 to Clinton, all of which are already established, and $8,000 each to Seaforth and Exeter, }where hos- pitals will be established. A batn- mittee was appointed consisting of Messrs. c xb Livingston, Elson, Hackett,' Petty and Scott, who will go into the matter and report fully at next meeting of the council. Messrs. Ford and Trewartha made a motion ask- ing, that a grant equal to that given to Goderich and Wingham he given to Clinton hospital,- which has re- sumed operations. Dr. Macklin pro- posed that a plebisite on the ques- tion of county -hospitals be taken, at the next municipal elections. A deputation from Seaforth asked that the roads and streets in towns and villages, which formed the con- necting miles, bo put on the Good Roads System. The council was asked also to in- clude in the county road system the boundary between Colborne and West Wawanosh from a point east an a designated road to a point' west between lots 21 and 22 on the 1st concession of West Wawanosh, Bylaws No. 5, equalizing the coun- ty ; No. 6, to raise the sum of $13.t,- 754,34, for general county rates; No. 7, to raise $6375.10, to provide tot county. highways ; No. 8, apportion- ing the Good Roads expenditure; No. 0, authorizing - the warden and treas- uret to borrow for current expenses; No. 10, establishing a High school at Exeter ; Np 11, =WAS special grants to toit'ils and vlilages re good roads i No. 12, making addition bo the County (load Roads System, worn; all given a ilttal rending and passed, Tho !toad and Bridge committee recommended that the committee in- vestigate regarding the building ...of three bridges oft County road north of Mihail and build same if found nesessary. Special Committee recommended, that a resolution be passed re the control byithe municipalities of,thetr own streets 1114 a copy' be forwarded to Toronto. • Thatl the, ecunei9 arrange some convenient time to meet the Ohafr- man of the Hydro Commission .re radial from Parkhill to Goderich. MecsrH, Clark- and 1Ior,d moved that a day's outing he given the re- turned soldiers but no action was taken on the matter. The. expenditures for •'1919 .._are, 9172,180.45 ; the receipts 8181,754.- 84. The house of Refuge committee re- ported a visit to the house, when everything was found in good condi- tion. $500 is to be placed in the - bank in Clinton to the credit of In- spector Torrance to snake iavest- ments_in hogs and to make purchases or clothing for inmates. The inspect- or mud manager are to make purchas- es of coal for next winter's use. In- spector Torrance and Dr,,Shaw are to endeavori to procure clothing, shoes, bedding, etc., from the Mil- itary Department. A chicken pen, to accommodate sixty hens; is to be erected, and more land is to be pur- chased if possible.. The committee was given power to act in recommendation of Provincial inspector of charitable institutions regarding certain inmates. The propertycommittee reported the jail, Children's Shelter and Houser of Refuge all in good.00ndition. It was decided that Exeter is to have a High school, the following to compose the hoard : Rev. A. Trum- pet, one year ; E. Dignon, two years ; F. W. Gladman, three years. A board of arbitration, composed of Inspector Field and county clerk and treasurer, is to arrange matters re- garding the new school section in Mullett and Tuckersmith and report at December meeting. No action was taken in regard to the request from the County of On- tario. No action in regard to petition re prohibition from Rev. B. Spence. Ever Try This Simple. Plan ? The Collingwood Bulletin says: It is not necessary to worry any more about the cabbage maggot, which has destroyed thousands of plants during the past few years. This pest "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" THINK the cone controisseurs don't know A� Silverwood's? Ask them. • That rich, smooth, creamy taste is something they go an extra block to ger. And that's just why Silverwood's is good for them, It is wholesome, pure—a real food. Always to be had froth SILVSRWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Look for rhe Sticerwood'a Sign Spend Dominion Day in Godorioli Greatest Program in Western Ontario TUESDAY, JULY 1st, 1919 Aeroplane Flights Demonstration by Great War Veteraus Baseball—Zurich (winners of the Clinton tournament) vs Goderich (winners of Blyth Concerts by 83rd Regt, Band competition) Highland DancingBaby Show Highland Parade, Ete, Concluding with a Grand Fireworks Display in the evening Something doing alt clav long Come atidjhavo the time of your life at t"td.uroli's Golden;Gate M 1:Y01t W.IGL 11, w tatNlili, T. 1'.1,1TOIXAItn, Chairman of Colnlnittee i"rottsttt'ar Secretary Morse laces 2.10 trot or pace , purse i350 2.25 '' 800 2.50 tt 1,00 thlite zbth, (919' sen be easily eiroumvented by the now . plan of putting telt paper ()oi- lers around tlie plants, These col- lars have a slit its one side so that they will easily pass around the stems, which. they should lit rather closely. The collars or discs should hug the ground tightly 011 all ships, The fly wilioll is responsible for the maggot will lay her eggs 011 the pap• or. but tile maggots will nut be able to get into the ground in their usual fashion end will perish. This is a simple and easy way to cireuna- venting a most unwelcome garden' visitor, W.B. ,Stamps pay well. Advertise in The News-Ileeord ; the Bost .of a small ad. is trifling, the re, sults satisfactory. I amile--before breakfast 4s 44, Six times `round the deck--- FALL IN LINE,VERYBODY! TRIP to remember! In after years and i mering blue waters ; while; far away,' thoi other places, you will recall those joyous giant freighter glides on down the Lakes, It promonadesinthe early Summer morning as good to be alive—to breathe these lake - 'round the deck of tho"Noronic." 1 swept breezes—to share such ` companion - procession. The circling Seagulls are flashing! Breakfast is wailing—bountifully prepared Already the early risers are heading the shi I an the morning sun and dipping in the shim- to satisfy these keen -edged fresh air appeti tee. 1 +t.._ _ Noronic -- Hamoiic -- Huroanc,. These mighty Steamers take us sixteen hundred milds—from Detroit to Sarnia, across Lake Huron, through the Locks at the "Soo" on to Canada's Twin Cities—Port Arthur and Fort William, until finally we reach our Northern terminus ---Duluth. We are southward bound once mora. ,s ..• -'-- v' 1 Spend six days of your vacation on board one of these luxurious steamers. Enjoy the rare good fellowship of the finest people of two nations. I $56.50 for 6 -Day Trip Three Ships Weekly from -x- For oontinuoua 6 day round-trip Sarnia for "Soo," rt. William oruise0 from Sarnia, including menla, berth, afternoon teas, evening dancee, Port Arthur and Duluth planfo to ICakabeka Falls. Everything —(i66.a0 and up. Northern cry M tfoa Steanwra,' Through rates are cheaper than leave Sarnia every Monday, wudues- local rates, day and Saturday. One way tures on For full Information ask any Grand application. Special boat trains Trunk Ticket Agent—The Company between Toronto and Sarnia. Direct at Sarnia—or your Local Ticket or rail aonneetione stall pointe ea route, Tourist Agent. Write•to F. D. Geoghegan, Eastern Pase, Agt. Sarnia for "Cruise" Booklet, NORTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED—SARNIA 1000 -Mile Saguenay Cruise Another wonderful Boat Trip -- through 1,000 Iolanda, and St, Lew - elm Iiiserltapide; stop -over if desired at Toronto and Montreal; then on to quaint Quebec and the glorious Saguenay. Write for Booklet—•'Niagara-to. the -Sea." p W,Mmaaa Of "IMAM MT WILLIAM yAifB•-•• •- ' ° Aral . MmNZ.Yac.is ooar.PAIa. — sera" ar east tF«,WM.0 r""` e tai Waal ' '11''. 11111 d ■ 1111 u4:,t.:`t;•F1>`-itiavwaaenia ;tF;tlet •FEE3q"ve , ine T is after a furnace is Installed and the first cold snap tests it that you know whether your investment in; COMFORT was wisely made or not./ Don't take a chance on it. You can be sure of it under the McClary's'. guarantee. McClary's engineers will plan your heating system without charge. They will guaran- tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according to those plans, will heat your home comfortably. Take advantage of this service, s2 Have a comfortable, well -heated horse, Sold by J. Sutter mum f .a.?i`,aaa.kiit•3 r ar1, ltii'. biaar3?d«altell''lltk'17 h �h es 1f •'a'= r Tele hIrne Service t THE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25th and based 'upon: air -line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following is a-comparisonof old and new -rates for a 3 -minute talk to points_most frequently called by local sub�i scribers: Old Rate New Rate ra; Clinton to-Goderich $ .15 $ .15 Blyth .10 .15 Seaforth .10 .15 .London .30 .35+ Tot' oto .60 .75 !-'17'''' ' r' Wiugham .25 .. .20 eat., The hours during which reduced Long Distance rates (night rates) are in effect are now From 8.30 p.en. to 11.30 pal., 60 per cent of day rate '," From 11.30 p m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rates are hissed on Standard rime " ,nircii 8 ,',;• LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers Will be increased teed per cent, effective from July 1st next. Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from' May 25th. lkerp .l3ell'Telepftone id a Lorw Distance Station The ell, Tel •.plkoAae C of,Canai a $ ml w • liana.", sa