HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-19, Page 8Wall 'Paper don't make -a home but it helps moll to snake a sat- islled dignity and pleasure es well as a sooial eleva- tion choriehed by every home-lreeper, When you are ready to enjoy those coma .to us for your Wall Decor- ations Fresh walls will disperse gloom and produce an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality. Such a (Mango must surely have a beneficent influence on the minds and health of a home's inmates. ClilaLoa News-Reenrd 'Noe 190, 19 'Tile W. D. Fair Co. t'Often the Cheapest Always the Bee't.'A Mr. 0, Hoare was in Detroit this week. Miss Emma Doan of Burial( is home for the vacation time. ,Mise Janet Rutledge went over on the Greyhound excursion. Mr. C. D, Atkinson went over to Detroit on the excursion, Miss Pearl Gould goes to Toronto this week to take a position,. Registrar Coats and his grandsons of Goderich are in town today. Mrs. J; Cuninghame and Miss' Flor- ence Cuninghame took in the Grey- hound- excursion on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, S. C. Andrews went to Detroit on the Greyhound ex- cursion, Miss Ethel Dean of Cobalt is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ball, Misses Ruth and Hanna Argent are home from Toronto for their vaca- tion. Mr, Percy Fair of Detroit is the guest this week of his sister, Mrs. James Scott. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Hall are visiting friends in Windsor this week, hav- ing gone over on the Greyhound on Tuesday. Mr. Leo. Flynn was a passenger oa the Greyhound excursion to De- troit, Messrs. E. Duntord, J. Ginn and M. Grealis took in the excursion to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish and Mr, and Mrs. Cree Cook were passen- gers on the Greyhound., Mrs. A. J. Holloway and Mrs. J. A. Ford arc spending a couple of weeks with Peterboro friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Levis and Miss Elinor McKinley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. 'John McKinley of Stanley. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Laois left on Tuesday for Oshawa, returning on Wednesday with a couple of new Chevrolets, Mr. Peterson and a party of friends motored up from Kitchener on Sun- day and were the guests of the Misses Tebbutt of town. bit. Alex. Mitchell came over from Detroit on the Greyhound and has been visiting his mother in town and other friends hereabouts. Mrs, J. W. Moore and, Miss Merle took in the Greyhound excursion to Detroit, Miss Merle intends re- maining,in Detroit. Mrs. M. T. Corless and Miss Dorothy and Master Benson of Levack are the guests of Mrs. Hugh Kennedy and other friends in ,town. Pte. Neil Sparks of Hensall, recent- ly returned,froln) overseas, visited Clinton friends last week and is now visiting friends in Port Hur- on, Mr. Adam Cantelon, who spent the winter with 'relatives in Clinton and Goderich township, returned last week to the west, where he has large interests. Mr. Fred Cooke, formerly of town but now of Guelph, came up with the bowlers yesterday and made a call with Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Watts. He looks as if city life agreed with him. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard came over from Detroit on the Greyhound and after spending a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Pickett, and other friends , will go up to Lake Bosseau for the summer. Mr.andMrs. Robinson and Ptes. Fred and Geo. Stone of Fullerton, the latter two just recently from ov- erseas, and Miss Stone of Aylmer motored up and spent the week -end as the guests of Mrs. Ilugh Ken- nedy, Mr. A. J. Cantelon,o, who returned from Toronto on Thursday evening last, was while in the city doing temporary .guard duty at the Tor- onto jail, having been chosen, sec- ond from a list of about fifty ap- plicants. Mr. Cantelon was taken on at Toronto after the recapture of McCullough, when , the guards were temporarily increased, and of- ten saw the prisoner while chang- ing his guard three times daily. "No one escaped while I was on guard," said Mr, Cantelon, "neith- er man nor woman," Mr. Can- telon Said that he had heard some talk of doing away with the Tor- onto jail hut he dill not see much prospect of such a thing as while he was on duty no less than sixty prisoners were Marched out to supper daily, anti there were others of course., like- McCullough, who were not allowed to eat with oth- er prisoners. ' rill Cantelon Iran had mucin experience as a detective and on special police duty, ► • • • ► ► T� G YOU NEED IN 6'LUM13ING, TINSMIT'IIING, ROOFING, OR ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES. C -A -L -L 0-R P-I-le0-N-4 Itfgcnt for MoClary's Sunshine �. Furnaces, J. A. SUTTER 4SANITARY — PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN Phone 7 'Lone 1.46 + Estimates givan 13 A, WOOD OOD WALL PAP1;RS, MOULDINGS, SIGNS, ETC, fee -4 tiNTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING Wo protect your floors, furniture, etc,, by plenty of drop sheets, Ontario Street 1 CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE Big Fire Sale Come in and get some of the Bargains Come in and get some of the Bargains. For two weeks only I will sell at reduced prices all goods in stock. CHINA, •SIi.vtRWARE, ,.. CLOCKS, , WATCHES, UMBRELLAS CUT GLASS, AND GOLD JEWELRYe 'All bills owing me must be settled by the end of the month or they will be placed in other hands for collection and costs add- ed. R. H.\JOHNSON Jeweler an -d Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUGSTORE 1 SHOES OF Selected Leathers But few people, when buying Shoes, ever give the leathers sof which the Shoes are made, any consideration 1 Leathers of the same name are not always alike by any manner of means ! fele to lefel I .11 1"!-,• I field I lige i1 There are good Ieathers and poor leathers known by the same name On the grade of the leather used depends largely. the life and the satisfaction you get out of your Shoes 1 THE BEST OF LEATHERS Our Shoes are made from the best of stock—not seconds. The leathers are selected with the greatest care by men of great exper- ience 1 That's what makes— OUR SHOES SO GOOD Men's Shoes $6.00, $6.50, $7.50 up to $10.00, Women'sShoes $4,00, $6.00, $7.50 up to $10.00. FRED. JACKSON "SHOES `OF QUALITY.!= 1 i We Have Them `Pilgrim' X5.00 Rubber Boots Best rubber boots on the market at the price Get pair and try them, Full assortment of all that is Best in Rubber Footwear Plumsteel Bros: • THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS„ PHONE 20 NEWIDEA PATTERN!.'„ CLOTHING 1 BUST R LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty. people. To know how attractive aro these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, i, -,c, you must see them, Descrip- !y" .>; tion would not do justice 'to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. LI 'JAS.. DUN'PORD ., D1reCtcD1M. 1-'honrta r and Funeral maimmirearimile Antici�,ate Your Needs For Some Time to Come The Following Staple This Month Flannelette, Flannel, Canton Flannel, Gaby Delaine, Gingham, Nurses Cloth, Print, Silkoline„ Bath Towels, Toweling, Cotton—bleached and unbleached, Cambric, Nainsook, Ticking, Duck, Denim, Cottonade, Table Linen, Pillow Cotton, Sheeting, Sheets, Flannelette: Blankets, Batting, Mill ends of colored Marquisette; Chintz and Factory Cotton Buying them at any time here you pay the lowest Market prices, and our sale prices are less than the wholesale or mill prices. We urge you to come and investigate the above mentioned facts. Space will permit us only to mention the matchless values, and the still greater part of the story remains to be told. it will pay you to make a trip •to this store from any distance, Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the best bargains will be gone to the early buyers, for this will not be the case, With stocks as big at, ours it would require a lot of selling to reduce them much, in tact it would take our present staff a long time to sell out the before mentioned goods. We do not intend to put on extra salespeople for; this sale. To do so would only increase the cost of the goods to the purchasing public. Our object is to give each customer the best merchandise at the lowest price. The public can help us greatly (and incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morning. We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we do in fairness to all. ! WOMEN'S STORE Dr' Gpodin House Furnishings 33n 0 iwN7 phone 64 Next Royal Bank MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnimhbege Opposite Public Library, People You- Know Rev. Jerrold Potts of Toronto, for- merly of St. Paul's church, was in town on Friday, Mrs, J, W. Treleaven left Tuesday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Kay, at Lapeer, ,Mteh, Mrs, Thornton of Seaforth was the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. H. Bart1111, over the week -end. Mr. Harry W. Could is in Toronto this week as representative of the local,lodge at the Grand Lodge of the I,O.O,F, Mrs. William Ford is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs, H. Diehl, and other friends in Stan- ley township. Mrs. Stewart Macpherson and her little son and daughter, Master Wallace and Miss Marion of New Liskeard are the guests this week oflthe lady's sister, Mrs. Nelson Ball, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Foster bf Toron- to are visiting friends in town this week. Mr. h'oster has been delight- ing his old friends with his singing on various occasions during his stay. Mrs. Chas.. 'Twitchell, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. 'A. Forbes, for the past six weeles or so, returned to her home in Wind- sor via the Greyhound excursion to Detroit. - Mr. and Mrs, Odin HIooper and chil- dren motored up from London on Sunday last to visit the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Hooper: Tlie_y were accompanied by Mr. H. H. Humerton, r superintendent of tate London street railway. Mrs. James Twitchell and. Miss Ida of Windsor were among those who came over on the Greyhound ex- cursion. They have been spending ' the week with Clinton friends, who are always glad to welcome any member of this family back to the old home town, Varna. The garden party held on Mr. Jas. Steep's lawn yesterday evening was one of the best ever given by the Varna Methodist church. There was a very latge attendance, the supper was all that could be desired both as to quality and quantity, the music put 00 by the Clinton Kiltie Band was excellent and it was a thoroughly successful affair, The pro- ceeds amounted to about two hun- dred dollars fn spite of the fact that the admission, including supper, was, only twenty-five cents. 'l'he Rev. W. Ashe-Everest will Preach a special sermon to tate local C.O.F. and visiting brethren in the Anglican church on Sunday evening neet. The local L.O.L. and surrotrniiing lodges will attend divine service ' in the Methodist church en Sunday ev- ening June 20th, when the pastot will preach a epeefel sermon to them, London Road Pte. Fred Kellington, who has just returned from overseas, -accompanied by his mother, who joined hint in Toronto, spent a few clays last week with his sister, ribs. , W. Stanbury. They left on Saturday, Pte. Kelling- ton going on to Vancouver, Mr. W. Well took in the excursion to Detroit on Tuesday, Miss Nellie Medd of Constance has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs, C. W. Layton for a couple of days this week. Mrs, T. Walker of Toronto is the guest of stir. and Mrs'. Geo. Hanley. Mrs, Brodie, lite spoke at the pie - MC on Wednesday afternoon, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. 'G. W. Layton while here. Mrs, Chas. Layton and family of Seaforth are visiting at the home of bir. and Mrs, Fred Pepper. 44444.44444 WOULDN'T YOU LIKE, TO TAKE THAT LONG TALKED Ole TRIP IN AN AEROPLANE. ? JULY 2nd WILL SEE .ONE HERE. LET'S GO. EVERYBODY COME. S. S. MOORE, PILOT at Blyth June 3rd 98-2—p fetliwiettlefelmtnimiluivie Summer Dance Jewett's Pavilion HAYFIELD EVERY TUESDAY EVENING- Dancing VENINGDancing from 8 to 1.2 ADMISSION : Ladies 25c Gentlemen 500 Follow the Crowd I3LACISSTONE-BUCKLEY ORCHESTRA • No charge for parking cars. St. Helens Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Taylor left for Edmonton on Tuesday. 14Ir. and hIrs. Will Taylor attended the funeral of the late Matthew Lockhart on Sunday. CLINTON — CANDY — KITCHEN Home=made Ice Cream Made of Pure Cream Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate Maple Walnut and Orange PRICE BY BULK PER 20c PT, PER 40c QT. ALSO ICE CREAM BRICKS 25c Pt, 50c Qt. We specialize in Home-made Candy. M. GEORGAS Proprietor Clinton JuniK Dealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS A. MEDIAN Phone 137 Albert St. CRUSHING AVOZMOI During the summer months we will I crush on Tuesdays, Thursdays and 1 Saturdays. A CAR OF CEMENT NOW IN STOCK. JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO. 24 Years the same q" "good" tea TE. 's good tea' Sold only in sealed packages eee 0 1.h\ w Wil] 1l 11 ilii i Ilda i tai N4li` .f lee -�iI S we sell this furnace it is a guaranteed heating sys- tem, When installation is planned by our engineers, we deliver exactly what you want— • Comfort in your home. If you are going to install a furnace, let McClery's engineers show you how it should be done. They have seventy years of experience to guide them, and their services cost you nothing. Adopt their plan and you are assured of a comfortably heated home, and a durable economical heating ptant.4, Let us tell you more about this proposition. 11 Ask about the LITTLE.DRAT MAN that taenson the dansent regulates them automatically.old. �8J J. utter