HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-19, Page 5June 19th 1919 Clinton .Newt -Record Of interest to You and Me "The man Wl10 points . out our reaults may be a true friend, but we feel like kicking him just the same;" The editor • of the London' Advertis- • er book his first aeroplane ride, the • other evening, It, Wes not the first time be had been "tip 111 the air," however, "Is the Department of Justice put- ting justico first ?" , queries • The Globe, We hope it is. Is there any-, ,thing the Department of Justice . should put before Justice:? • • w' The Globe says Canada asked the Finance Minister for a loaf ofbread and has been handed a soda biscuit. But if the tariff reductions foot up to $30,000 ,Qn last year's importa- tions, it seems to us that would' be• quite a big soda biscuit,—Sltneoe Re- former, .. . • • • "A man can't even dlg ,dandelions • out of his front lawn these days without having ,somebody some along g . and ask him what recipe lie uses in making root beer,"—Ilanover Post. We live in a very, suspicious agcy no doubt, but still, you know, there must be some grounds for Such stfs picions, mustn't there ? A western exchange says : "Ab- sence'of (daily papers this week gave us time to read our exchanges a trifle store thoroughly, and we found out to our intense relief, that other •editors stake errors, typographical' and otherwise." Was that all the western editor found after a thorough reading of his exchanges ? Dear me, how jour- nalism is falling off • •.• The Weekly Sun imagines itself -tb he quoting scripture when it says,' "In the sweat of thy brow thou shalt eat bread." But it is not. This is one of the commonest of mis- quotations,—Orillia Packet. The correct .quotation ; Gen. 3-19, the King James version, is : "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," One seldom hears scripture passages quoted any more correctly, except by careful and precise stu- dents, than the one The Packet finds fault with. What would the Packet say to the person who insists that -the quotation about "tempering the wind to the shorn lamb" is from 'the Bible ? • • • An Englishman was the first to stake the non-stop flight across the Atlantic. And, we are told, the English public made very little ado about it. They had fussed enough. about Read's successful_ roundabout flight and about Hawker's gallant try but when Alcock ',of Manchester final- ly did the trick in a little over six- teen hours they took it quite as a matter of course. One man explain- ed the lack of Interest by saying 1°Alcock is an Englishman and we knew he would do it." Sometimes we Brel sh "boast" •that we never boast. But perhaps there is something in what an ,Amer - scan is credited, with saying a short time ago. "You British have an air of superiority which is much more exasperating than the most blatant boasting would be." Brucefield The Sabbath school convention was 'held in, the Presbyterian church hero 'on Wednesday• afternoon and evening. Quite a number from here took in :the moonlight excursion on the Grey- hound at Goderieh on Monday even-. �y ing. J` Miss Reah Rouatt of London is visiting at her home here.' Miss Edith Bowey is the guest et ;her sister, Mrs.' Calvert, of Ilderton: Mrs. T. H,• Rothwell of Toronto was ,the guest of Mrs. W.' 1:1. Ratten- bury for a few clays last week, Mrs.' John Walker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hugh McDougall of Tiverton. Miss Norma Jeffery of Seaforth is the' guest of Miss Elizabeth Scott this weeks t ' Mr. and Mrs. Drew Swan visited liderton friends over the week -end. Miss 14laud McIntosh is, we are sorry to say, quite ill but is' improv- ing again., The D.U.O. class is having a gar- den party on Tuesday .evening next ,on Mr. Elliott's lawn. The Clinton i[Ciitie Band is to provide the music. Mrs. John Grainger has returned home from a pleasant visit to 'Mer- ton friends. Quite a number from here took in the Greyhound excursion to Detroit., Constance Mr, and. Mrs. Fred Stephenson and 318rs, W. Stephenson. of Brussels spent Sunday as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Polard, Mr„ and Mrs. McArthur and Miss .Hazel Renwick of Goderieh spent Sunday as' the guests of Mr, and Ore. Jas. LVlann, Sr. Pies. 'John Armstrong and Lorne Taylor arrived home from Siberia last Week, Mr. and MrS. John ...Medd of Noble, Sask„ are visiting the former'& Parents, . Mr, and Mrs. John Medd, .and with other relatives around. Don't forget the social to be hold •tit the homey of Iblr, Edwin Britton On Friday the, 27th. A ,good pro - !gramme will be given by, the Ilar- niony Boys of London, also Mesta -turaished by the 161st band. Mr, and Mrs, Adam Nichebeoa .Spent Sunday in 13ressels visiting his +mother, Mrs, Nicholson, • ili„5, ,Stamps pay well, L4ondfef3boro. The Presbytorian6 have sledded to hold their annual garden Marty Monday evening,, June 30th,. maimed of on the l+,venifg 01 Dominion Day, as has been their Gus'tom„ The reas- on for the ,ehanee of date,, .wag that they eould not seoule the eereiees of the Clinton Kiltie Band fop July first, • Airs. Serali Rowson and 1fthlo soa Wesley of Rollo, North Dakota; have boon visiting iter. D. Mountain, Mr. Geo. Moon has purchased .a new Chevrolet car, A4rs, M. 13raitltwaite is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, leothergill Of Westfield, The annualgarden party of the Methodist Sunday school will be held on the parsonage. lawn. A good pro-. gramme ro- gramme will be given, the. Clinton- Band In attendance. Mr. Thos, Millar spent a couple of days the latter part of last week with Mr, Greenway of St. Thomas. Mt:- John Grainger of the 13th concession attended the funeral of his neice, the late Miss Lynn, of Clandeboye, on Friday last,' Miss Cora of r hl Drayton , is o visiting her cousin, Miss E. Millar. ,,.Several' from here autoed over to the annual district meeting of the Women's Institute held In Goderieh on Monday,, A tea was given at the home 6f Mrs. A. Jamieson by the Ladies' Aid on Tuesday afternoon. A number of the young folk took in the moonlight excursion at Goderieh Monday evening, All report having a jolly time. Mr. S MoVittic of the 12th con- cession has purchased a Ford car. Stanley Township A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. Joseph L. Foster of the 1st concession re, Stan- ley township, near Bayfield, on Wed- nesday of last week when his_ daugh- ter, Mabel Isabelle, was milted in marriage to Mr, Earl F. M. Switzer of Goderieh township, a prosperous young farmer. The bridal couple were unattended and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. L. Foster, uncle to the bride, assisted by Rev, E L. 'An- derson. The happy couple spent a few days with friends in the vicinity of Wingham and Teeswater and are now getting settled in their hone on the Gth concession of G•oderich township. Their many friends join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Switzer a long and Mr. and . Mrs. • James 0tcClinchey and family, who were visiting the latter's mother and other friends at Owen Sound, returned home on Mon- day last. Quito a number around here went to Detroit on the Greyhound excur- sion on Tuesday and also • a large number took in the moonlight ex- cursion xcursion at Goderieh on Monday ev- ening, and report having a good time. Quite a number' of the farmers in this vicinity . are clubbing together and shipping a load of fat cattle to Toronto on Friday of this week. They will be shipped under the man- agement of Mr, D. H. McNaughton. Cattle are so dull at .present that the local buyers don't seem to want them. These cattle aro all stable fed and the owners want to move themi,as soon as possible. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coleman, who were visiting friends in' Michigan, returned home a few days ago. itiessrs. Vibtor and Franklin Boyce autoed to Owen Sound on Friday last and returned on Monday. They had a good trip. Quite a number from here went to Clinton on Tuesday to the Temper- ance Convention and enjoyed the meetings very much: (continued from page 1) Temperance Workers Meet "Some people tell us," continued the speaker that the returned soldier will vote back the system. Clever opponents of prohibition say to the soldiers, 'when these people got you away fighting for their liberty they took your liberty away froth you' and some returned soldiers may be foolish enough to be beguiled by such nonsense," be continued, "but'" the great majority of the returned men know that wo banished , the traffic hot to deprive them of liberty but to add•to our 31,vn efficiency so that wo could 'better back thein up in their fight in the trenches. A re- turned officer said to me not long since,", said Mr. Moyer, "in speaking of the prohibition law, 'see thalb this thing ie enforced and the boys will back you almost to a man."' "It is up to us," continued the speaker. "We must fight, fight hard and fight to win, ;but we shalt fight fair and clean and let us al- ways fight ,with a smile upon our lips." Mrs. (Rev.) Dingman of Wingllam and Rev, Mr, Moyer each,00ntribu•ted a solo at the evening meeting. Following is the treasurer's report .lupe last 1918.to May 81st, 1919 : Receipts Bal, on band 'June 1st 1918..,$ 852.49 Field contributions per Field Secretary 2026.13 Contributions paid to treas,,72.52 Bank interest 3.11 $2454.25 18xpenditures A. 1'. Cooper, Field Sec. sale 750.08 Field sec. travelling eicps., tlonery, printing and special constables fees 472.74 W. T. Fellow, Co. officer, sal 720,00 W. '1', Fellow, expenses 23.70 1918 convention expenses • 31.50 Rev, 'J. F. Knight, president's expenses for year „ 25,00 Executive COltl. meeting (2) expenses 9.30 Protidfoot, tr,C., legal expenses re Barns libel suit 187„15 Balenee 011 head u,.,,,..,, 284,80 95454.80 Auburn The Auburn S,S. Association will hold its annual convention in the Presbyterian church on Friday 'of this week, There will be an after- •aoon session at two and an evening session at half past seven. Rev. Geo. Telford of Blyth and Rev, W. J. Knox of Toronto, and other speakers will be present. Marriages SWITZER—FOSTEn — In' Stanley township, on June 11th, by Rev. J, L, Foster, uncle of the bride, assisted by Ret. le. L, Anderson, Mabel Isabelle, (laughter of Mr.' Joseph Foster, to Earl F, M. Switzer of Goderieh township. l=1IDA.RD—IIUWIT'1'—At St. Paul's church, on June lath, by the Rev. S. E.• McKegney, Annie IJevtitt of Seacombe, England, to Emer- son Heard, son of the late John Heard of Bayfield. PECCK—ELDER—At Henson, on June 4th, Robert McKinley Peck to Grace Victoria, daughter of bit. and.. Mrs. John Elder. NORMAN—GLOLJSHER—At Wing - ham, -on June 3th, by Rev, Dr. Perrie, James Norman of East Wawauosh by Julia, Glousber. O'REILLY—FLANAGAN — At St. Columbau, on June. 3rd by Rev. Father ',White,' 'Margaret Lucy Flanagan, daughter •of Mrs. T. Flanagan to Francis O'Reilly, son of Mrs. J. O'Reilly of lbicKillop. • Births DOWNS—In Clinton • General Ilos- pital, , on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs, a son and daughter. THOUS—At St. Helens, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Thorns, a daughter. ARMSTRONG—In Tuckersmith, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs, Rain- ey Armstrong, a daughter, SILLS—In Seaforth, on June 5th, to Mr. and Alrs. Frank Sills, a daughter. SMITH—In Morris township, on June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, a daughter, -- i JORY--In Stephen, on June 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jory, a daughter. McDONALD—In Hay, on June 10th, to_ air, and Mrs, Norman McDon- ald, a daughter, Deaths BULLEN—In Clinton, on June 17th, William Bulien,. aged 73 years and 9 months. KENNr Dl'=In Clinton, on June 120, Donald A. Kennedy, aged 63 years yutd 18 days. FOR SALE—PIANO AND OTHER furniture and stoves. Also driv- ing mare.—Dr. Rogers, Brucefield. —98 WANTED AT ONCE—A CAPABLE man or boy by month.—Apply T. A. Trick, R.R. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 12-607. 98-1 A GARDEN PARTY, under the aus- pices -of the Young Ladies' Bible Class, Brucefield,' will be hold on the lawn of Mr. J. W. Elliott on Tuesday .evening, June 24th. Clin- ton.Kiltie .Band in attendance..98-1 NOTICE—ALL PERSONS TAKING refuse to the town dump must drive on the new roadway and dump in pit. Violators. will be prosecuted, 13y order.—Town Coun- Cil. • 98-1 FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house on Princess St.; east, half acre of land with fruit trees and berry bushes, town wait- � er.—Q.pply on premises, Mrs. Akam. —98—tf JUST A naiNUTB What about your Breakfast Foods, which do you .enjoy ? -Corn Flakes, Krumblos, Grape Nuts, Puffed Rieo, Cream of ,Wheat or Rolled Oats? Try us for your Brealt%ast Feeds. SPECIALS MoLAREN'S i'aploea, per ib, 16 bars Laundry soap $1 Rice 2 lbs 250 16 bars '41111'y Soap 90 JELLY POWDEI$ 2 cans Pumpkin 25c 8 bars Gold, P, ,b9 G, or MAKES A PERFECT 2 pkgs seeded raisins 25e Opnlfotb for 260 1 1b. s eoial Blend 13 bars fpr ,..,.. .,,.$1 DESSER'11 Leap 650 MiXed.piokles, bulk, per y quart 850 1N1' FLAVOR Japan Green.;.,,50e Jatsups per bottle..,,;.., 2 pkgs for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,250 1 ib. peanut butter,.,250 16e, 250, 3flc 1 lb. mince meat 15c SARDINES 9 pkgs for $1,00 Jutland brand 2 for 250 2 pkgs jelly poavdor.,,25c l3runswwick. brand 3 for 29 made from pure whole- 1 ma tomatoes.,.,,,.,,20c floc r h.00les 1 f or 2 5 some fruits �� 1 can corn 22c 13ANANAS, ORANGES, PINE APPLES, LETTUCE, ETC. FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK WE AIM TO PLEASE ,JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone tit Retail Grocer License No, 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared for. In June Cost 94.02 War Saoinga Stamps pan be bought wher- ever this sign is displayed. e cent 7 Most of us fritter away at Least five per cent. of our weekly wages in trifles. If we stopped to reckon it up, we would find„ it hard to remember where the money went. If we could make that money earn more money without troubling to think out a plan or attend to details, we would consider that we had done a good stroke of business. The Government has made it possible for us to do that. Here is the plan: You say to your employer: "Every week I want you to hold back five per cent. of my wages and invest them in War Savings Stamps. When you have bought a War Savings Stamp with my money, put it in my pay envelope. Go on doing that for a year." You will never miss that five per cent. which you had previously frittered away. But at the end of a year you will have a little pack- age of Stamps which, in 1924, will be worth $5.00 for every $4.00 odd you pay for them now. The guarantee of safety behind the War Savings Stamps is the whole Dominion of Canada. Make Your Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country—Invest Tatem in War Savings Stamps. • OTTAWA 5RV1CA $ f ro ttawai "SCENIC BY DAY AND COMFORT BY NIGHT:, Convenient trains of Parlor and Din- ing Cars and Comfortable Coaches by Day, and Standard Sleeping and Buffet. Compartment Cars and Coaches by Night. Ly. Toronto tB.45 a.m. and '10.55 p.m. (Union Station) Ar. Ottawa 16.00 p.m. and • 8.00 a.m. (Central Station) *Daily. 'Madly except Sunday. With connections for Montreal: Que. bec, St. John; Halifax and Maritime and New England States Points. Through Tickets and Reeervetione—C.N.Rye, Agonte. City Office, -52 King Street E .t and Union Station, Toronto: 7 James Street North, Hamilton. "THE WAY TO OTTAWA" TEACHER WANTED FOR S, S. No. 4, Goderieh township.—Duties to, begin Sept. 2nd. This is one of the best equipped and the prettiest school in West Huron.—Apply, stating salary) and qualifications, to Harry J. Thompson, R.R. No, 2,' Clinton. 98-3 BICYCLE WANTED IMMEDIATE- ly.—Must be in good ' running or- der.—Apply at News -Record Office, Full information regarding Soldier Land Settlemeltt Work may now be secured at the offices of the Agricul- tural Representatives of the Ontario Department of Agriculture' through- out the Province, S. B, STOTHE'RS, .Clinton, Ont. Agricultural Representative Huron County 97-2 ATTENTION ! Motor Car Owners Wo arc now in a position to give efficient:and prompt service, We are equipped with an up-to-date plant to do V,ULOANIZING and RE- TREADING on all sizes of tiros, SMOOTH OR ALL-WEATHER TREADS put 00. Out of town customers, ship your work to us at our expense, We will examine it and advise by return snail, WORKMANSHIP GUARAN'TI'1Li11) Johnston & Churchill 07-4 63 WANTED—A BABY'S CRIB.—AP- FOR RENT—FLAT OVER 'CLUMP'S i'S ply P.O. Box 138, or at News-Rec- .Shoe Store.—Apply at store. •-95 ord office. 97.1—p MILK COW P014 SALE—Apply, to W. H. Middleton, R.R. No. 8, Clin- ton., Phone 7-606, Clinton, cen- tral, 96—tf • ONE HUNDRED ACRES• FOR Safe.—Lot 27, Con. 3, Tucker - smith, Huron Co., close .to school and church, 5 miles to Seaforth, Clinton or Brucefield, on fine grav- el roads ; eighty acres cleared, twenty bush and pasture ; three hundred hard maples,, sugar camp ; spring, no pumping for stock ; 7 acres orchard ; ten roomed brick house, furnace, telephone ; large barn, stabling underneath, shed, pig pen, drive house ; beautiful yard, evergreens and shade trees. - J. Terryberry, R.R. No. 3, Sea - forth. 95-4 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE—SEC- ond-hand Chevrolet, electric start; er, one man top, in good running order,—Address P.O. Box 100, Clin- ton. —04 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE en Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1 acres garden, with fruit trees,—Apply on premises tb Miss L. Smith. —84 FARME RETTES WANTED FOR FRUIT WORK Girls are wanted to pick fruit for summer months. Camps are being established in various districts and girls are much needed far short and long periods., 150 girls wanted lot strawberry picking --about June 17, for three weeks. Good wages, For further information as to wages, hours, board, etc., apply : Miss Kate S. Harte, Woirfeit's t'arfn Dept., Ontario Govt, Employment Bureau, 45 King .St, W., Termite, . 98-2 HOUSE FOR, SALE -2 STORY brick house on William street, all modern' conveniences.—Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. —93 FARM 110R SALE—LOT 13, CON. 3, Tp. of Stanley, 100 acres known as the Ketchen farm. Stone house; large bank barn ; good orchard ; spring creek ; about 8 acres bush ; land is good state of cultivation: Possession Oct. 1st. Convenient to church and school, rural mail and phone, 11 miles from Brucefield.—Apply to B. R. Higgins, Clinton ; Rev.' H. B. A. Ketchen, 116 MacNab St., South, Hamilton ; John Taylor on premis- es. 80—tt. HOUSE FOR SALE—ON RATTEN- bury street oast, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools.—Apply to R. Rowland. -84 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the promises of the estate • of the late Wiliiani H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.— I. M. Woods, Bayfield. 76-26-p FARM FOR SALE. --ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to School and church ; 41- miles from Clinton. Will be sold ou reasonable terms.— Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. —61 • HOUSE FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME hoose on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer Kitchen and woodshed, Good dol- lar, (imam, electric lights, town Mid Mit water. Garden with fruit trees alld a eitioken house.—Apply on promises to Miss Southcetnbe, —52 FARM FOR SAL17-90i ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of oultivatiou, On it area comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x6Q and straw shed 22x88 With foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 8 box stains, root room, feed room, separator roofs and harness room. Cement (loorir throughout except 2 box stalls and , root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never tailing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1jr acres of orchard, This is a desirable property 2k miles from Clinton, good gravel road, I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to gife up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements . and Drop if so desired.—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. --49 YOUR CLOTIIES CLEANED RE- paired and Pressed and at the sliortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee' to do good work. I am prepared to Frontal' Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to,. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store—Win. J, Jago. —00 CALVES FOR SALE Well Bred Calves W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton. —86 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Breakfast Food For Hot Weather CORN FLAKES, SHREDDED WHEAT, PUFFED RICE, GRAPE NUTS, GUSTO PUFFED WHEAT. S -P -E -C -I -A -L -S-: Strawberries, Pineapples, Oranges, Leptons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, New Cabbages, Cucumbers, • E. E. IUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control—License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 0 SEED CORN We now have a full stock of the best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Before ordering your season's supply call and see our stock, Once you see it we feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the quality, and also the prices. SEED POTATOES Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern On- tario." They are a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good seed. The price is very reasonable for this exceptional variety of Pota- to and you will not make any mis- take if you buy your supply at once. BABY CHIICK FEED Have you tried our Baby. Chick Feed ? We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coarse and fine. It is made of the best grain and is free of duet and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large amounts. Large stock of Flour always 013 hand. Highest prices paid for grain of all kinds. W. Jenkins .& Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 199, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-87 COAL!. Orders taken at • residence, Huron street. Terrns strictly cash and wo guarantee to supply, good coal to our customers. E. WARD PHONE 155 .y BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big Type YORKSlilRE AND CHESTER - WHITE BOARS. A. C. LI3-V V, Phone 5-039 CLINTON, Out, Ali home every, forenoons COOKI..D ME -ATS BEEF LOAF AND MACARONI TONGUE HAM HEAD . (MEESE AND BOLOGNA, a T. The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2.195 u11 COAL AND CEMENT Just In A carload of cement fresh, from the factory. Sole agent for D. L. & W. Scran- ton coal., • A. J. HOLLOWAY ALS VJ?INTED !Stim WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A' FEW MORE KNIT- - TERS, ETC. APPLY. AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED F® PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORK` OF ALL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Ilecda Furnaces PHONE 63, . SI2op over Rowlaad's Hardware, Seed Corn on Hand WISCONSIN NO. 7 BAILEY, IMPROVED L8IAMING and other varieties. GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE 928.50 PER CWT. HAY WANTED �r� &McLeod License No. 9-2109 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of hake of the Woods Oatmeal Flom) left over from our poultry) , feeding season. This whin . make a good • dry mash for laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. . ' We are selling this feed ad below cost to clear. We are always inthe mar- ket for Live Poultry and New, . Laid Eggs at top market) prices. GU•NN, LANGLOIS CO. N„ 1W. Trewartha, Phone 1911 Manager or Holmeaville 4 on 1411 Canada Food Board—License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED I Farmers haying Cream to sen write us for cans and full patticus Lars. .; Our markets are the best, Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consiston9 with an honest test which we guar. antee. Remember our Creamery, Co: it o thoroughly established and thriving; concern and now one of the largest in Canada. You cannot make aay mistake in shipping to its. Patrons holding our cans are re4 quested ndt to make use of ill sending cream to other ereanierleel 01 Cream buyers. Write today for cans. Tttn Seaforth Creamery CO. Cl. A,, tikttBER•i IZA.NA,Gl8ll,