HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-19, Page 4li Clinton News. Record , .,. YOU WILL FIND OUR wall Paper the best value procurable,, Ask those who have looked over our. selection and they will tell you the same, Broken lots at cost price to clear.. lav ess than A. T. ioopeF agent C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario _ Nees of Bethel ebfl ch, The weather was of the )eal garden -darty var- iety, the attendance Wats large end everybody seemed to be having a good time. A pleasing program was put on, Bev, 13, -Anderson acting as oliairman. Aniong those taking part 1 weer The Messrs,Monk, who con- tributed ,violin selections, Miss. Beat- rice Greene, Clinton, and Miss Lulu Lobb, who sang very aeeeptably, An abundant and appetizing supperwas served by the ladies of the church be- fore the program. .There was also a booth on the grounds and the de- mand for doe cream 'could not be supplied, so insistent and guests= tont was it. The proceeds amounted to about ninety dollars. The dwelling of Mr, 11. A, Porter ion was des- troyed • b of the fourth tcuces • by fire about four o'clock on Sunday morning last, The family wore awakened by 1)110 tire and sm0k0 and had.barely time to escape with their lives, the house and contents being completely destroyed; Tho cause of the Jiro is unknown., There was a small insurance but not near- ly enough to cover the loss, While ' the loss to itfr. Porter is severe ho is nevertheless to he congratulated that the family all escaped unharin- 1 ori.. L.071:: No. 300 will attend divine service.., in - tt-.• ,Jauies' church, 11tiddle- ton, at ten -thirty on the morning of the first Sunday in July, Codealch 'Township Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Laithwaito of Edinburgh, North Dakota, arrived last week and will spend the summer with their mother, Mrs. Henry Mur- phy of Willow Heights, this town- ship, and with other friends and relatives hereabouts. • A very successful garden party was held an Friday evening last on the lawn of Mr, and Mrs. herb. 0. Cos. The affair was under the aus- Igera The DoubteTrack Route betwee MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD cC: SON, Phone 57. Uptown Agents. Hoire yvlilte A special Children's Decision Day service was held in the Methodist church Sunday morning, by the pas- tor, Rev. A. Sinclair, who gave a very suitable address. A children:s choir of about fifteen, under the lead- ership of Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt, fur- nished appropriate music, This was followed by a reception service for new members. Miss Dorothy Jervis and Marion Alcock united with the Church. t The League met as usual Monday evening. The topic "Modern Demo- cracy" was taken and well handled by Rev. Mr. Sinclair. The Epworth League and S.S. intend holding a lawn social on the 8th July. Mrs. .Joseph ,Jervis is taking in the Greyhound excursion to Detroit this week. 'rhe McLaren Co. have purchased a motor truck for use in connection with getting milk from the surround- ing countryside to their factory here. Miss Agnes Banlnvitz of Toronto is spending a week in the village for canvassing purposes. Mrs. Frank McDonald and little boys spent Monday in Goderich. 21r. and tiers. Will Tebbutt spent Sunday with the fornmer's parents, lir. and Mrs. Geo. Tebbutt. Put War Bond interest into War Savings Stamps and keep saving. Dry Goods and House Furnis Bing tocii P -IONE '78. Furs and Ready to- 1Veer Garments Ladies' Spring Suits at Exactly Halt Price We are anxious to clear our racks to make room for summer goods. We put on sale every suit, twelve in all. These are all. this season's garments, colors navy, black and brown. Your choice Saturday it, regular price, ' Rain Coats $4.99 2 dozen special raincoats, light and dark grey, good rubber lining, wool toP, sizes 30, 38 and 40, spec • - ial for Saturday 04.00. Bagiield llayflehl and Varna 0.0.1F. dodges attended olivine service in the Meth•, adist eliurelt an Sunday afternoon, when lieu, 13. Anderson preached a very appropriate 800)00)1. to them, The ehuroh was (handsomely decorat- ed with flowers for the 00casion and a banner bearing the wart, "Wel- cone" was eonspieuously displayed .111r, George Mitchell of Lobo wag the guest of his cousin, bir, F. A. Iiidwards, over the week -end, Mrs, Stothers and family of Lon- don spent the week -and at their sum. niei cottage in Lakeside.Park. Airs.. Heath and Miss Dorothy, who spent the, winter in California,. re- turned to. the village' last week, Iar- oll heath whohas just returned from overseas, is with his mother and sister at present, Mr. I-Ieath (1'10(1.'100e the family was in Cali- fOrnda, Mr, Ed. Weston has purchased the Comnnerci:til. Hotel from Mr, H. Dar- OW and will take possessl"on at once, 11 is Mr. Weston's intention to conduct au up-to-date 'summer hotel and, as accommodation is at a premium here, we have no „doubt his venture will be a success, Mr, -and ;lies. Darrow are moving,_tn ' the (i'11001145," Met. I9a1TOti' "intends leav- ing shortly on a trip to the. west. Mr, and Mrs. Hunt al London spent the week -end in the village. A number from Baydeld 'took in the moonlight excursion at Cloderich on Monday •evening, Miss L. Reid and Mr. ,Jinn Fer- guson were the only Bayfield people who r went to Detroit on the Grey- hound ,excursiou. Rev. A. Macfarlane, Aressrs. Ross and II. W. Irwin and Misses Josie Sterling and Margaret Camp- s bell. attended the Huron County Temperance Convention at; •Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. C. E. Stein of the Sterling Hank, nidio has been enjoying a fort- night's vacation at his home in Ciue- bee Province., returned on Mon- day. He attended the wedding of his brother while away. Mrs. (Rev.) Tolmie and datigghter, Miss Fergie, of Windsor arrived on Monday and are occupying their summer • cottage. Mr. Tolmie and Miss Madge will conte by motor. A meeting of the citizens was held 01 the town hall oa Monday evening for the purpose of organizing, a baseball' club. The following of- ficers were: elected :, Manager, Capt. J. A. Ferguson ; -captain, Willard Sturgeon ; sec. -treasurer, A. Macfar- lane. Committees will be appointed later and it is expected that, a strong team will be developed Allis season. Preparations are going forward for the big celebration on Donlin1M7 Day. The sports start at half past one o'clock with a ealithutnpian proces- sion and decorated auto parade and this will be followed by games and sports, something doing all .after- noon, A grand concert will be given in the hall int the evening and der - Jag the afternoon and after the eon- cert in the evening there will be dancing in the 11411, The women of the Patriotic Society will have a booth on the grounds, A collection will be taken on the 300011d8 in aid of rho ,piano fund. Bayfield Is an ideal place to spend a summer holi- day and a big crowd is expected, Brlucefield. Dr, Rogers has bought outs the practise of a 1!orestidoctor and left for. Forest last week. His family will 10605 in a couple . of weeks. This leaves I3ruco0old without a medical 01an. Rozell Bros. CLINTON, ONT, Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. matter what anyone may toll you, there i6 only one speed at which you can turn a separator crank and get all the cream and cream of uniform thickness. That's the Ted p!air,'v i:; dicated on rix:, crc:-l; of eve-;' separator, o( u'h. :ecer n,a!! Full speed isar- suranee of iva full efficiency. Every De 1 Flell S;wer;•1: "i '' , warns you if u round tree 01.0.!;,• be misdalccn The ,.. adds nndh,;•:. I much to G.: Laval 5 11.:1,:1 , si um. SPF: U- 014 .\ 'n The "w•srnina decd'. oicrah. a at Ow pm; tr Come in, examine tha ,sari.;;,:" and sae how the 11,11 Spec -'- Indicator works. SOONER OR LATER YOU wiLL Gilt i, une 19th, (919 1161111111111111)171The Heartof The ALL CANADIAN SUPER PRODUCTION • Not a gruesome war picture, but a gripping tale of Canadian Mother Love The picture is a triumph, touch inn; in its Universal appeal —Manteca l Star. The production will be one that will long be reanombered,=Montreal Star. "rho intense draniaUlo tension of the story grips the audience to the very end,--Manitpha Free Press, Wiat. n peg. wow Princess Theatre -r. --June 2 nth ani, 21st Priday afternoon at 4.15, Saturday afternoon at 3, at .l - YS 5 ADMISSION : Afternoons 15 and 35c Evenings 25 and 50c Ladies' Spring Coats 4 — 25 per cent off Regular- Price Just twelve coats left, all good styles incltidingl covert cloths, tweeds and Berges, Your choice of any coat Saturday 25 percent. oft regular price. Come early for best chOico. House Dresses $1.50 10 dozen Ladies' House Dresses made of good quality, print, dutch neck, short sleeves, elastic girdle, special for Saturday (;1.50. This store wilt olosc every Wednesday, ani 12.80 during June, July and Auguste: Strop, in .the morning, "SMOOTHER THAN' VELVET" THE ever -recurring problem, what to serve, is so easily solved with Ice Cream—Silverwood's. Frozen cream—a delicately flavored dainty —velvety smooth and rich. Silverwood's is always thoroughly enjoyed. Sold in all flavors. in Bricks or Bulk. SILVERWOOD'SLIMITED, LONDON, ONT. ,qtr FLAVORS Look for the Siraerwoad'a Sign Spond Dominion Day In &oderich Greatest Program in Western Ontario TUESDAY, JULY 1st, 1919 Aeroplane Flights Horse Races Demonstration by Great War Veterans Baseball --Zurich (winners of the Clinton tournament) vs Goderieh•(winners of Myth (Joncerts by 33rd Regt. Band competition) Highland Dancing Baby Show .Floral Parade, Etc, 2.10 trot or pace 2.25 " 2.50 purse $350 300 1,00 Concluding with a Grand Fireworks Display in the evening Something doing all day long Comeatid;have the time of ycolr lite at !'Huron's Golden Gate Mal.V0R W/C4L111, W, LANIS, T, 1?RI`SCIiARD, Chairman of Coininittee Treasurer Secretary t 4111. 1Ia11111111111 1111,11111111 1{11 , n 11111,1Ij11I'II 11,,r116I411 1 ull IIUVJIj, VI�Itpilli lIly0i�, Vrtlt•IVpa 11e II�PY1911111111CIiJI �r alilih���f a�u tl���1111'ixP . ii;.' a — c ell having every luxury except s1ne HAT luxury is brutish bigness, which means weight, which means a large gasoline tank and filled often, and large tires, and several sets a year. Maxwell is neither a big car nor a small car. ' The big- gest car made is less than 4 feet longer, and costs around $15,000 to buy and $7,000 a year to run. Most carsare just a foot or a few inches longer. And others are some smaller—shorter, lighter, less roomy, and hence lack the luxury of a Maxwell. Nor do they cost, on the average, less to run. Gas mileage is very nearly the same. Tire mileage is very nearly the same. . But where Maxwell earned its crowning reputation has been its ability to run and run and never quit. That means repair bills are amazingly low. You therefore never get mad at a Maxwell—it's the best friend your pocketbook has. And when you stop to think of all those little points of luxury in a Maxwell you're almost sure to whip out your check book and write a check for one. The 300,000 -all -alike idea ' behind the Maxwell thus, you see, is sound. Moro ,n ?,s per gallon More rifles on tires MAXWELL MOTOR CO, OF CANADA, Limited, WINDSOR, ONT. Prices f.o.b. Windsor Touring - - 81,27o - Roadster - - 81,275 Harry Bartliff, Clinton,- Ont. r 1r i" i ,t't'�t1t14� ��'��9 t d 51� n yW�n�r;! Irl id l I �•5'� jG�' t�rtG Ili U'tir I— i�W �l 11,��Ip f��ia �lal direr Rates for Telephone Service THE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May, 25th and based :upon air -line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de -I creased charges. " Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3 -minute talk to points most frequently called by local- sub t scribers: ` e Old Rate Clinton to Goderich ( .15 Blyth .10 Seafot'th .10 London .30 r . Toronto .60 .75 Wingham .25 .20 ;k � , The hours during Which reduced Long Distance rates (night rates) are in effect are now New Rate .15 :as From 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate. From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day_rato Night rates are based on Standard Timed LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers will be increased Perls• per cent, effective from July 1st next. Applicants for service will be charged at the increased -rates, frdn May 25th. ,Every Deli Telephone is a Long Distance Station. The Bell Telephone Co of Canada" Gs H