HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-12, Page 8e ANYTHING Cliiato News -Record. YOU NEED IN 1EPLUMBING, • fi'INS'IITIdING, ' • ROOFING, I 011 ELECTRIC WIRING ( AND FIXTURE'S, ' C -A -L -L OIs, P -II -O -N-17 !gent for McClary's Sunsbine T+l. Furnaces. • J. A. SUTTER (SANITARY — PLUMBER — AND ELECTRICIAN Phone ,e Phone 14146�++ WOOD giv.eu A iiia WALL PAI E S, MOULTAINGS, SIGNS, ETC., (INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING, We protect' your floors, furniture, etc,, by plenty of drop sheets. Ontario Street Walt Paper don't make a hone but it helps nook to make e sat, idled dignity and pleasure as well as a sooial eleva- tion cherished by every Immo-keeper, When yotl are ready to enjoy these coioo to us for your Wall Decor- ations, Fresh walls will disperse gloom and produce an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality. Such a change must surely have a beneficent influence on the minds and health of a e- home's inmates. The W. D. Fair Co. CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE A Few Suggestions which Might Beof Interest to Buyers Silverware is ad vancing 5 to 10 per cent. Owing to the silver market the manufacturers will not guar• antee prices over night. A nice line of Black Onyx and Pearl Rings lust in also Necklets and Brooches Gramophone Needles and Records always on hand alse the Phonola absolutely the only machine playing every make of record perfectly Come in and hear it. A full line of Watches, Clocks and Jewellery to choose from All repairs neatly and promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler. an'd Optician •; t , NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE SHOES OF Selected Leathers But few people, when buying Shoes, ever give the leathers el which the Shoes are made, any consideration 1 Leathers of the same name are not always alike by any, manner ofmeans ! 1-lelteee.rlel 1,1.i ie!,,el.ldlali.lealliatel There are good leathers and poor lea'tbers known by the same name I, , On the grade of the leather used depends largely the life and the satisfaction you get out of your Shoes 1 'THE BEST OF LEATHERS Our Shoes are made from the best of stock—not seconds. The leathers are selected with the greatest care by men of great exper- ience 1 That's wbat makes— OUR SHOES SO 000D ewistess Men's Shoes $6.00, $6.50, $7.50 up to $10.00. es. Nomen'sShoes $4,00, $6.00, $7.50 ap to $10,00. FRED: JACKSON 'SHOES 'OF QUALITY," elOften the -Cheapest Always the Best,'A Miss Clete Ford was up from Lon- don over the week -end. Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto bas been in town this week. Mrs, White leaves this week to visit. her daughter in Regina. Mrs. Cardufi of Brussels is with her daughter, Mrs. IL BartlilY. Miss Lottie Sioman is hone from Toronto for a holiday visit, Mr. A. C. Hunt was at his home at Woodstock over the week -end, Mr. Graham of the Collegiate staff spent the week -end in Goderich. Miss Mihnie Falk of Stratford was the guest of Mrs. Akan for the week -end, Mr, H. Archibald of Winnipeg is the guest of his sister, Mrs, W. W. Ferran. Mrs.. (Rev.) Diehl of Paisley is visit- ing at the home of her mother, Mrs, McGarva, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin was in town over the week -end, being the guest of his brother, Mr. J. A. Irwin. Rev, S. J. and Mrs. Allen were in town over the week -end and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 0, Courtice. Me. Bert Sioman and Miss Maud Livermore went down to London on Friday to meet Lance Corp. W. Sioman.. Miss Florence Cornell of Seattle, Wash., is the guest of her cousin, Miss B. F. Ward of the School of Commerce, Dr. Thompson motored to London on Friday evening last to meet his son, Pte, Charlie Thompson, on his return from overseas, Messrs. A. J. Morrish, I3. R. Share, F. Jackson and Dr. Axon are at Aylmer this week taking part in a bowling tournament. Rev. Dr, and Mrs, Rutledge of God- erich and Rev. Dr, Aiken of Mon- treal were the guests on Friday ev- ening of .Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Hell- yar. Miss Delle O'Neil of Toronto and Miss Jessie of Burlington came up Friday evening to meet their brother, Lieut. W. E. O'Neil, who just returned from overseas, arriv- ing that day, Rev. Chester and Mrs. McRoberts and little daughter of Corinth called on the Cantelon families, of town and vicinity over the week- end, They also visited Mrs. Mc - Robert's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) O'Kell of Auburn. Mr. Lawrence Morrison, who was ov- erseas with the American Army and who has been visiting his home in Hullett for a few weeks, left this week for Chicago. He was accompanied on his retl}trn trip by his brother Roy. Mr, and Mrs, I. Taylor of London havelatter 'g been visiting n the letto father, Mr. Jas. Stevens. Mr. Tay- lor and Mr, Stevens have, of course, been in attendance at the sessions of the London Conference at Goderich. Dr. and Mrs, Squires and son of "Rotterdam, N.Y,, have been the guests of the lady's parents, IVlr. and Mrs. Edward Rathy,'ell, They motored the entire distance in a couple of days. On their return on Monday they were accompanied by Miss Mabel Rathwell, who will spend a fortnight with them, Mr. Frank Watson left Monday ptter- noon. He met his' father at Mit- chell, when be had been spending a few days with friends, and they went on to the west, where they intend spending the summer and may locate. The corner grocery will not seem at all like itself to its many patrons without "Frank," who during fifteen years bad become well known to then[. Mr. Watson joined the staff of theore during J. W. Irwin's time and although the business had changed bands several times since.he had remain- ed at his post. Mr, and Mrs, S. C. Andrews and two children of Alix, Alta,, are hero visiting the home of the former's parents, bfagistrate and Mrs, An- drews, It is four years since their. last visit home, Mr, Andrews says the crops in the west give excellent promise of an abundant harvest right along tine line, A heavy fall of snow a fortnight ago furnished just the moisture needed and pros - poets are bright. He says, more- over, that during the eight years of bis resitletioe at Alix elidte has never been a crop failure in that locality. Milted farming is the rule in this section and it is thought to lie the matt in results, We Have Them `Pilgrim' X5.00 Rubber Boots Best rubber boots on the market at the price Get a pair and try them. Full assortment of all that is Best in Rubber Footwear Plumsteel Bro•s. I i THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE MS CLOTHING NEW. IDEA PATTERNS. 1 JUST. H LITTLE NUE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty, people. To know how attractive are these beds, dressing .tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them, Desorip- tion would not do justice to their beauty, Mention of price would not do justice to their quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 -Phone Wm. 28 i 4i n 1.201.19i9 We Announce A Sale of The Following Staples Flannelette. Flannel, Canton Flannel, Gaby Delaine, Gingham, Nurses Cloth, Print, Silkoline1, Bath Towels, Toweling, Cotton—bleached and unbleached, Cambric, Nainsook, Ticking, Duck. Denim, Cottonade, Table Linen, Pillow Cotton, Sheeting, Sheets, Flannelette Blankets, Batting, Mill ends of colored Marquisette, Chintz and Factory Cotton - Buying them at any time here you pay the lowest ;market prices, and our sale,pricee are less than the wholesale or mill prices. We urge you to come and investigate the above mentioned facts. Space will permit us only to mention the matchless values, and the still greater part of the story remains to be told. it will pay you to make a trip to this store from any distance, Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the best bargains will be gone to the early buyers, for this will not be the case, With stocks as big as ours it would require a lot of selling to reduce them much, in tact it would take our present staff a long time to sell out the before mentioned goods, , We do not intend to put on extra salespeople for,this sale, To do so would only increase the cost of the goods to the purchasing public. Our object is to give each customer the best merchandise at the lowest price. The public can help us greatly (and incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morning. We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we do in fairness to all. (WOMEN'S STORE Drj Goods, House Furnishings phone 61' Next Royal Bank 0 MEN'S STORE 7 S Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men'! Furnilhfatg! 33 Opposite Public Library, People You Know Mr, Wesley Hath, recently returned from overseas, has been visiting Mr. and Airs. S. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conner were up from Hamilton this week disposing of their confectionery business. Mrs. Mennell and Mrs. Parkinson • of Toronto were week -end visitors at the house of Mrs. J. Scruton, Nurse Irene Gould left Tueeday for Portage la 'Prairie, where she will visit friends for a couple of months, Miss Margaret McNain of the Bron- son Line, Stanley, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Torrance on Sunday. Mr. W. Appleby, who is taking a course in telegrapby at Stratford, has. been spending a few days at his hone in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacLennan , and Mrs. G. 13.. Roberton motored to Toronto and Hamilton last week and spent a few days, Miss Lily Cook of Depot Harbor is visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Cook, and her uncle and aunt, blr, and Mrs, Win. Cantelon. few 'i nth rs visited fora r J. C. S t e M.0 days with his brother, Mr,. S. B. Stothers, Agricultural Representa- tive, I -Ie returned to Toronto on Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Ross of Moun- tain Home, Idaho, arrived on Tues- day on a visit to the tatter's sis- ter, Mrs. T. Mason. Another sis- ter, Mrs. Smith of Seaforth, is also 'a guest of Mrs, Mason. Mrs. Sarah Howson and little Wes- ley of Rollo, North Dakota, are visiting the lady's uncle, Mr. An- drew Taylor. They intend remain- ing some time and will visit friends at Londesboro, Blyth and Goderich. Mrs, ITarvey. and her son, Will, and daughter, Gladys, of Kippen and her nephew, lel-, Sherman Stewart, and his friend, Mr, Twidgwell, who have just returned from overseas, visited yesterday with the former's aunt, Mrs. Geo, Davies. The two soldier boys, whose homes are in the west, leave shortly for Win )- peg. • • Constance tIr. and Mrs. Mcltorie and Mr, and Mrs, Mansfield of Warwick spent; Saturday and Sunday with the tat- ter's sister, Mrs. W. Britton. Mr. and Mrs, Fred .Stephenson and son of Brussels visited her parents, Mr.. and Mrs, Geo. Riley, on Sun- day. Mrs. Proctor. of Brussels spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, 5. Colelough, Mr, Howard .Armstrong shipped a earthed of, entitle to 'Toronto on Fri- day. He went down himself on Sat- urday, Mrs. W, Stephenson of Brussela vis- ited her sister, Mrs, Pollan[] on SIM - day. Londesboro. Sapper F. W. and Mrs. Lee and lit- tle daughter, Mamie, of Exeter are visiting friends hereabouts, Frank has just lately returned from over- seas, Mr. J. Stalker of Ingersoll spent a few days with Mr. and blrs.. D. Geddes, having conte up to at- tend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Sturdy. Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Brunsdou autoed to Mount Forest on Sunday last and had a very enjoyable drive, Mr, Thos, Atchison of Gowans - town is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. C. Ruddel„ and other friends. Mr. Dennie Roberton of London spent Saturday at his hone here. Rev. Mr, Johnston conducted the service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Rev. J. Abrey and Mr. A, ,Jam- ieson are in Hamilton attending the General Assembly this week. (Delayed in transmission. Intended for last week.) Mr. Fingiand has purchased a Ford car. Mrs, Win. Hiles is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Norman ' Carter, near Seaforth. There was considerable excitement in the village on Monday when two aeroplanes flew over. Mr. and Mrs, Braithwaite and hiss Della spent the week -end with their daughter, Airs, li'etbergil, of West- field. Mr. 13a.rkwell was visiting his sis- ter, Mrs, lilies Inst week. Mr. W. H..Lyou has purchased a SAW Chevrolet auto. Nearly everybody from around Isere spent Tuesday in Blyth. Miss Antic Abrey returned home after spending tt couple of months with friends in 'Toronto, bir, and Airs. Norman 1•.lunking and Miss Allele Millar were nailing on friends in Seaforth 011 Monday, Pte. Valentine 'Townsend has re- turned home from overseas acid is visiting his brother,, Mr. Robert Taws send. On Thursday morning of last week Alfred l -uniting passed into. the Great Beyond at the early age of 17 years and 11. months. Ile had been ie fail- ing health for spine time. Alfred was the youngest soh of Mr. 'rhos. Honking of the 13th concession Ind is survived by three sisters, bb's. Angus McLeod of Clinton, Mrs, Chas. Voddcn of rico 11th coneessit 0 and Miss Susannah at home amt two brotliers, Harvey at home and Nor- man, who 18 at present in • the 1011- itary hospital at Guelph; The floral offerings were very heatitiful, amongst• them being a spray from the boys organleed class of the Methodists Sunday school, of which he was a member, anti one from S.S, No. 8, of which a few years ago he was a pupil. The sehobl children tnarclted 'being led by theft teaebet, Mr, Har - cid I3oltncs, to Ilope Gltapol cern. etery where the remains were laid, The. bearers were lour boy friends, Henry Flunking, William Manning, Helmer Snell and Johnston Craw- ford. Mrs. J. Loundsherry and two children are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Chrysler of Delhi. Mrs. McKenzie of Cleveland is spending a few weeks with her bro- ther, Mr. Fred Johnston. Rev. and Mrs. Reid and family of Lucknow, former pastor of the Pres- byterian church are, called on friends) Tuesday. Mr, W. Cowan and his •son, Pte. 'George of 'Toronto, visited with relatives around here. Holmesville Owing to the fact that services were withdrawn in the Methodist church on Sunday last, large num- bers attended the iateresting confer- ence services held in North street church, Goderich. Mrs. (Rev.) Fear of Wheatley has been renewing old acquaintances in and around the village during the past week, Mr. and Mrs.. Will Courtice and fancily of Denver, Colorado, are at present visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. C our- tice, Mr, and Mrs. S. 0, Millson, blr, and .firs, 5, Skinner and baby Helen of ,Mitchell and lir. Wilbert and Rev, A. L. blillson, just returned from Siberia, visited during the. past, few days with Mrs. L. Jervis. Mrs. Geo. Kemp and daughter, Joy, of thitebell is visiting this week with her sister, 'qrs. Iloldswoxth, and other relatives, We are pleased to see. bit. S. T. Walter is improving and able to 'be about a little again. The Secretary of Court Selwood ' No, 37, C.O,F., L. M. Jervis, rut- ceived the following notice "Court Goderich No, 32, C.O.F., intend holding an open air service on Court House Square on Sunday af- ternoon, June 15th, at 4 o'clock, Your members are cordially invited to attend," London Road Mr, G. W. Layton had a two-year- old steer killed by lightning on Thursday last, The United Farmers' intend hold- ing a picnic in Mr. Fred 'Ty ndall's grove on Wednesday next. Mr, Ma - risen of Toronto, secretary of tate United Farmers of Ontario, will bo present and give an address, as will also Mrs, Brodie,, president of the 1J,b'.W,O, Other speakers will also be present. This picnic is free to ev- eryone who wishes to come and bring a basket. The members of the U.F.O. aro desirous that many will avail thentsclveo of the privilege of Bearing the speakers and enjoying the afternoon in the woods, { Varna The Methodist people are preparing . to hold a garden party in Mr. J. Steep's lawn next Wednesday even- ing, Tuckersmith Township Mrs. B. Switzer of Goderich, ac- companied by her son, Dr, A, M. Switzer of Detroit, were the guests for a few days the end of the week of, Mr. and Airs. 5, Switzer, CRUSHING During the summer months we will' crush on Tuesdays, 'Thursdays and Saturdays, A CAR OF CEMENT COMING, JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO. Clinton Junk Dealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RAMRAS A. MELMAN Phone 137 Albert St. CLINTON — CANDY — KITCHEN,. Home=made Ice Crean) Made 01 Pure Cream Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate Maple Walnut and ,Orange PRICE BY BULK -le PER i� fl PT, �r3� PER q0c QT, ALSO ICE CREAM BRICKS 25e Pt. Ole Qt. We specialize in Hoine-made Candy, M. GEORCAS Proprietor Summer Dance Jowett's Pavilion HAYFIELD 1 EVERY. TUESDAY .EVENING Dancing from 8 to 12 ADMISSSON: Ladies 25e Gentlemen 5t)a': Follow rife Crowd .13LACIiSTONE-IIUCK1,ET y, ORCHESTRA lie charge for parking cars. • J. r