HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-12, Page 755 How to Cure Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, bong known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, has no dope or strong ingredients; it cures indigestion, biliousness and constipation. Can be had at any drug store." Get the genuine. 50c. and 51.00 Bottles. 3 .- yr ,. egremeamataataaaeteete' ate et, roV AFTER EFFECTS OF INFLUENZA Often as Serious as the Disease Itself—How to Get New Health. There aro few holies in Canada that were not teethed by the sorrow that trailed in the wttire of the Seashell Influenza epidemic, Estimates of the Loss of life caused by this epidemic show that it was almost as great as the losses caused by the war, and these take no a.ccount.of the bailoflll after-effects which are sonietinies as fatal as the disease itself, Victims of the disease aro'general' ly lel% with impoverished blood and a weakened system, In this condi- tion they ai'o, exposed to many dame- . ors unless preeaitions are taken to enrich the blood and strengthen the ,nerves: The debility that invariably follows influenza is not a disease of . any organ. It is a general condition of nnfltness, {it must be met by a remedy whose good results will be quickly felt throughout the entire system. In this condition Dr. Wil. hams' Pink Pills Will be found in- valunb1e. The mission of this meds- cine' is to enrich the blood. and this new, red blood carries renewed health and strength t0 every part of the body. The case of Mrs, 'George Louder, Hamilton, Ont., proves tlio value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind. Mrs, Louder says:— "I had a very severe attack of Spanish influenza which left rale pale and very weak. My appetite com- pletely failed me and the least noise would startle me and make me cry, I was under a cloctor's caro, and final- ly he advised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I had not been taking them long before ' I could tell they were helping Hie. I used altogether nine or ten boxes and am now feeling as well as ever I did in my life. I be- lieve if it had not been for these pills I would have been a chronic in- valid." Such proof as this must be interest- ing to, everyone who suffered from an attack of influenza, and who still feel in any way weakened as the result of the trouble. It points the way to new health and strength, and it you are one of the sufferers you should avail ' yourself of this medicine at once. You can get/Dr, Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mall. at 50 cents a box br six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brookville, Ont, ----ea— HUNS LEFT SILK STOCKINGS. Robbed Belgians of All Other Articles of Clothing—Even Stole Beds. Ladies' silk stockings were the only articlels of wearing apparel exempt front pillaging by the Germans when their troops settled in Belgium. Every- thing was taken for the army, but even the much lauded military intel- ligence of the Hun general staff could not figure ]tow silk hose, especially that of the long variety, could be used by the fighting forces. In many in- stances Belgian women had their wardrobes almost completely looted— ,completely looted with the exception of the silk stockings. This interesting fact was disclosed recently, by S. Worms, who Is a mem- ber of the Brussels Chamber of Com- merce, now on a business trip to America. According to Mr. Worms, there are plenty of ladies' silk stock- ings in Belgium, but not mucic else. "The German army took everything," e he declares in a report submitted to the Local Chamber of Commerce. "Cot - ,ton, yes;1 wool, certainly—but not silk." %%Discussing the thoroughness of the Hun looting parties, Mr. Worms says each Belgian family was permitted to keep only one bed and only three sheets to use on it. "Ono German commander," he colt- tinues, "protested against this order, lle thought two sheets would be enough. But he was overruled, Tho Belgians were permitted to keep one mattress for each family: providing it was not stuffed with wool or hath„: I beat thein. I took my wool mattress- es out in the garden, ripped them open, packed the wool in hogsheads and buried it. .It stayed there four years. The day the Germans left Brussels I dug up my wool. It smelled musty, but otherwise was unharmed." Belgium, he declares, has been "fed up on Germans and Germany. As a result,.. the inhabitants are snaking every effort to boycott German trade. On the door of every business house in Brussels, and, indeed, in Belgium, Ile says there Is a white card surround- ed with the Belgium national colors, stating that agents or salesmen from, German houses aro forbidden to enter the premises. The Belgians are also extremely suspicious of agents from countries that were neutral during the War. Tho tone of co mmunications from Great Britain is warmly tin favor of the preference granted to Esnpire- made good's, says the Canadian Trade lilommissipn, Tho Latest . Designs The ,influence of tho Russian blouse has invaded the nee est creations, and, we' find that this simple frock nae felt} its effect;. McCall Pattern No. 8947, 'Ladies' Blouse Dress. In. 7 sizes,- 84, to 46 bust, Price, 25c. le -ander De- sign No. 961. Price, 20 cents, The charms of a separate skirt and blouse are well recognized and appre- ciated. The blouse is developed in Georgette crepe and the skirt is a combination of erossbar ante plain linen. McCall Pattern No. 8917, La- dies' Waist. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 bust. No. 8963, Ladies' Skirt. In 5 sizes, 22 to 30 waist. Price, 20 cents. each. . Simplicity is indeed the word to describe this model, which is suitable for outdoor wear on hot summer days. McCall Pattern No. 8955, Ladies' Dress. In 6 'sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. , Boiled Down. Not long ago the editor of an Eng. lish paper ordered a story of a certain length, but when the story arrived he discovered that the author liad written several hundred words too many. The paper was already late in going to press, so there was no alternative— the story met be condensed to fit the allotted space. Therefore the last few paragraphs were cut down to a'flegle sentence. It read thus: • "The earl took a Scotch highball, his hat, his departure, no notice of his pursuers, a revolver out of his hip pocket, aiid finally, his life." 'There's' Great J. 1 atisA C II in k Q min the' c alc -, `. I *" S .. Ith 'enit • ,JO n are beiN, • :' WHAT TO 00 WHEN T;Rgo. Take a Rest, of 4ourse-,-This Article Tells Yeti Why and How, When you get tired, take a rest; ,pDo not "mace" yourself go on doing co41t..e thlyg when you really feel' that you have had .enough, This sounds .1t counsel of perfection, but it Is really only the sountlest of comnton-scltee. Experiment has showlt that fatiguo is caused by a 90150n. which is generated in the Mood by exertion. .Everything that we do breaks down "tlseuen"P—that ie to say, it uses ti'p some *,r the myriad cella which go to make up the , body, and these broken down cells are waste ,natter and stave to be eliminated from the body. A11 the work inside usis controlled by the nerves, and these are more or lesslike the insulated wire'that is used for electric' bells, and the .nervous im- puiee•resomples the current that pass- es through and does the work, Fatigue lnoi•eases the resistance of the nerve to the passage of the im-' pulse, this being one of the kindly ef- forte of Mother Nature to shut out messages from the outside world so that we may rent and sleep, and Me ouperate by getting rid of the poison- ous products of work. But as the resistance of the nerve increases. so do the messages in sharp - nese and clearness, we get too tired to be keenly alert and accurate, we grow too tired even to care overmuch, and this is the state of mind which leads directly to accidents and spoiled work. It actually "doesn't pay" to work in this 'state; it does not prove worth while either to master of man, What is the use of -keeping a workman at work beyond his fatigue limit if he only succeeds in spoiling his job, damaging himself, or smashing the machine? . There is a rhythm .that runs right through the world in everything' we do, a hind of swing that enables us to keep going when once we have start- ed, so long as we don't got out of time. It Is the same thing that en- ables a man to go on for sixty years at the office enjoying life, and then when he breaks the swing and retires to what Ile calls a well-earned leisure, he promptly diejs of a broken rhythm. So, if we keep work and rust going in their proper swing, and if the time of rest -is sufficient to get rid of the poisons of fatigue, then we can go on for an indefinite period. But we do not allow time for the poison to be eliminated, we store it up and it decreases our nerve -quick- ness, impairs our judgment, and final- ly results in a breakdown of one kind or anotber. When the body call's for rest it is economy to give it. Flogging the tired horse merely stores up more fatiguo-poison and makes things much worse in the long run, A GRAND MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. Avila Noel, Haut Lameque, N. Be writes:—"I can highly recommend Baby's Own ' Tablets as they have worked wonders in the case of my baby. I always Beep them in the house and would not feel safe without then," What Mrs. Noel says con- cerning Baby's Own Tablets is just what thousands of other mothers say and feel. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and stomach, thereby banish- ing constipation, colic, indigestion and a host of the other minor ailments of little ones, The Tablets are absolute- ly guaranteed to be free from opiates or narcotics or any of the other drugs so harmful to the welfare of the baby, They cannot possibly do harm—they always do good. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mai] at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. All Tired Out. :'Money is circulating very fast," remarked the • ecpnomist. "Yea," i'epllied the ordinary person, "by the time a dollar bill gets around to me it is so tired it can't do any- thing like the work it used to." At the Yarmouth Y. 21, C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August; I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache, ALFRED STOKES, General Sec'y. A Possible Excuse. "You'd better marry Hie. Eligible, men are scarce," "1 suppose I could offer that as an. eepianation, " said the girl reflectively. _-s._.—.-- MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. 1f lost' or stolen you get Near money back. . i ' Shorter the Better. The editor dropped into a barber's and asked for a Hale crit. The man with the shears was in- clined to be talkative. ee don't know • sir," he began, "Whether you have hearts about that story about the ,boy who—" Then with a sudden reollection of his pro- fessional duties, he interjected: "Like it sheet, sir?'" "Yes, Yes," said the editor, eagerly, 'A brief synopsis will tlo," l CARE OF BARN ROOF., A grelit needy farmth ers roughout the e6Ultiiy alio$i the clmet did straw b'lowit from threshing machine to barn roof to remain from one Season to an- other without removal, They slt0nld realize this liceds moisture and it 11 it question oil only a short bine tt'Jleis the shingles are decayed, When they have to replace the root the blame is laid on the shingles rather than on their carelessness its not removing the cause of decay, Lurie for mineettel and take be °Bebw IN TEN YEARS 500 Dollars if .eepoefted at. 8% amounts to 5607,75 13ut if invoated In our 5%2% Debentures ,wlll amount 'to, .5660.29; The Great'We t PermanentLoan Company. P Y Toronto Office 20 King St. West, Ground For Suspicion. A north countryman, charged with haying set fire to a large hayrick, was defended on the ground that the was not altogether responsible tor Itis 00• Gone. One oe the witnesses testified to the belief that• the prisoner was "wrong hi his held: "Can you mention any occasion On 'which the prisoner behaved in a man- ner to warrant your statement?" he was asked by the learned counsel. "Yes," answered the witness, "Once at work he got half a crown own too mush for his wage, an—" "Well?" said counsel, as the witnese emanated, , . "He tools it back to th' manager," concluded the witness. „— o -..o --a-- o—o—o—a--o--o--e SUFFERING -CATS! GIVE THIS MAN n THE GOLD MEDAL F 0 • 0 0 0 o— Letfolks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through,you, according to this Cincinnati authority. II,e says that a few drops of a drug call d freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug is a sticky ether com- pound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but is suffi- cient to remove every Hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Cut this out, especially if you are a woman reader who wears high heels. NEW GIANT C.P.R. LOCOMOTIVE, Ten of the largest locomotives ever built for use on Canadian railways have been under construction for some time at the C.P.I Angus Shops in Montreal, find one of these, No. 5302, was inspected the other clay by President E. W. Beatty, and Vice- president Grant Hall. These locomo- tives are of the heavy Mikado type and are intended for freight service, being designed and built under the direct supervision of Mr. W. H. Win- terrowd, the Chief Mechanical Engi- neer, The weight of the engine and ten- der es working condition is 500,000 'lbs„ the engine alone weighing 323,- 000 lbs. Tho diameter of the driving wheels is 63 inches. The cylinders are 25 inches in diameter by 32 - inch stroke, which with 200 -lbs. boiler pressure makes these locomotives capable of exerting a maximum trac- tive effort of 36,000 lbs, The diameter of the boiler is 80 incites at the back end. The fire box is 84 inches wide and 120 inches long, and the grates are moved by steam grate shakers. The cab is of the vestibule type, which is the C.P,R, standard, and every effort has been made to make tate accommodations for the engine - men as comfortable as possible. One side of the cab is fitted with a clothes locker 14 incites by 20 inches wide, in which clothes can be hung and lunch pails carried, The tender has a capacity for 12 tons of coal and 8,000 Imperial gallons of water. Yocu rainard'e Liniment in the hones. All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF • - TObtc?NTO €1 CuticurfillIllelpElear [rlptiOHs & DUDth ff The Soap to CleatIse The OIilt'ineet to fIeol Don't wait to have eruptions, red- nese and roughness, dandruff and irritation. Prevent thein by making this wonderful slain-cloarilig, come pinion soap your every -day toilet soap, bss18110 by tenches of Culicura Ointment to the first sighs of lithe skin and scalp troubles, and dustings of Onticura Talcum, a fascinating fragrance. Tti delicate Cutieuratnede leaden The Caiioara Trio is wonsor. fel, Sample each free of "Cuticttra, De a N, Boston, S. A." ISSUE Made !t Plain, At a certain Welsh ;'t;ilway station wh'lCli rej0iees hi the name' of ~'',Luna fairpwigwyng3'll"-..a, new porter was ellgaged• Tie was only an lengiisiimae, glut Ile meant t0 do his duty, The first train came in. Ole tackled the lane of the elation, but failed Miserably to premium more tllan.abollt the first kith. But he was a mad of brains, lemming along the platform, liepoint. ed to the board which bore the lengthy vain% and Yelled opt: If there's any, body thole for here this Is It!" WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN. Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. , At the cost of a small Jae of ordinary Bold cream one clue prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener anti complexion beauii- fier, by squeezing the juice of two, fresh leptons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. EPs;'y woman knows . that lemon juice is used to bleach east and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan ..and is the ideal skin ,softener, whdtener and beautifier. Jest try it! Get throe ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up' a quarter pint of this sweetlyfree grant lemon lotion and massage, it daily into the- face, neck, arms and hands, it is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. Power is only good when it is tempered with responsibility,—J. 21. Thomas, •. LSMoN$ • Minard+p Liniment used 117 S'hgsiolans. YVg s Ffi'ti lift t?_[ R INVEST YOUR MONEY In an Il.i,;, .eme it Shed Ask your LUMBER DEALER For Plans and Prices. icy& Tires WILL SERVE YOU WELL ' VERYTHING that you could ask for, in easy riding, extra mileage, staunch wear and freedom from ordinary tire troubles,you will find iin,Dominion i3icycle Tires. They are "Unquestionably The a Best Tires" Be sure to ask your dealer for DOMINION TIRES that have proved theirhighquality and durability under every road condition. SoldbytheLeading 7' Dealers Able Pefender. "Grandpa, did 7?l4 fight Je the Great war?" , „Yes, my boy," "Dili you earee a grill, greeelal" "No, I Parried a cheel( book and•a fountain pen, and wteneyer the ehalr. man of a 11011105 committee %ailed Puy Halle I aneWel'etl, 'Here.'" Mlagra'a Ltttritont Luzatorman'p rztene, Electricity is the only: agent that will thaw, frozen water pipes with- out disturbing the ground in which they are buried, el 9fI RV. UNIVBRS1TY 4t N ' l' KINGSTO, `?�rl. ONZAaso ARTS Part of the Arts course may be covered by correspondence. MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil, , Mechanical and Electrical Engineering SUMMER SCHOOL NAVIGATION SCHOOL July and August, December to April ea GEO. y. CHOWN, Registrar. 4. �x >-^r•� Zt9LP W4NTl0D, , ANtI%)--- COUNTRY ilii Tw P011 T etre. general 3l'ouseworlt, blithest wages,. etre,o. e. Pettisen, 04 Xncllan Cirpye, I OuVir t7 'W/ixre'rl ..- ' HAT IIAYIp 7rooJ FOR SArio IN Lite 3'oultry, s'ancy Hone. Pigeons, 0 281hi *f 1 Son, 5JeaBaratta, ouet, on- real, quo, _ irOMii LViT[ArCGy( .... -4.11`1.70 A'oR O5i;..P40)1!I lioolt 110 Ing how 10 HMV f: !L'wo t Four Hun- dred DHalllidayn Your now Home.3 ,oicsen We I'Iamilton, Out, 1SYLRO.k7LLAM$OV)t, CANcjiit. S='rlmO,,rts, LUMPS, ETC,. Internal and external, ourod with- out pain by our home troatmont. Write tie before too Otto, Dr, Heilman Modica' CO.,Limited, Imlted, Co111nRn•ood. Ont ort same. i. 1AWSPA.PnR, WleleKi.Y, 1N Bearth0 1\ County, S111endid opportunity, 'Write 13ox ei Witno1. Publishing. Co., Limited, 78. Adelaide St. W„ Tcronto, ](7' ALL IaQT]1PPnD NP WI3PAP1tlR II and ion printing. plant in 1"7astern Ontario, Insurance carried 81,500, Will ge for 81,200 on quick sale. fax 82, tlson Publishing Co,. Ltd„ Toronto, x � a x ry t � 1 k rF9 .Y 1 N E U dein r two 9 fl fi PL C1e4 to Ynu. X1nE II �� h[ I E ly f �„• 001001,, 0 lyeu nom end .dd rme t lea e,,h, , w rY novel E,n1 Lo [all Flan oOdX e 4,, OL0 evinnt dila end .0 vEli I5Md'0)10y e11 io &t Natd th1 7 r�iw1 yon e17eeE, ,rue "Des'Premiums, 214, Amherst, H. S• Thousands of the best housekeepers have discovered that using half sugar and half Lily White Corn Syrup makes preserving more uni'• formly successful. To start with, the consistency is bound to be just right from the very nature of the syrup; there is no dancer of the preserves crystallizing; the syrup brings out the natural flavour of the fruit; the keeping quality is excellent and the preserves do not have the cloying sweet- ness of all sugar. For better preserves, use Lily White Corn Syrup. Sofa by Grocers everywhere—in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tors. The Canada Starch Company, Limited ellieee:2. itee:ie et;;r:•.;ttee1,` e eete ."eettryital ;;,.•: rw;: ,:,: . _ 'r:'ai ::y.:: ,:Fly'y4ilrifli(.r.:'n,.e�li'J, serves. ether.-f7ls4yJeF.at ►'c 8 Imperial Eureka Harness Oil —soaks into leather. Keeps water out. Prevents drying end cracking, Keeps harness strong, soft, pliable—lengthens its usefel life and saves money, Comes in convenient sizes. Imperial Eureka Harness Oiler —simple and convenient. Should be in every barn. Imperial Mica Axle Grease —keeps' the metal spindle from contact with the hub -lining. Coats both with a smooth cover- ing of mica and the finest grease. Kills friction and makes axles and wheels last longer and run easier. Helps the horso and saves wagon repairs. Sold in many sizes --1 Ib. to barrels. eeetitieei eeeteiiieelie is ... `,•;ilii;.. • .. The bugs -deacllflest doe f>illlli� _ '� for...„ r` ��Hlllll rN11J n; fX More and better SIdaves Did you ever see a Bar- bar start to shave a cus- toiler without strop- ping his razor first? Never! Isn't this fact significant? Stropping, you see, is needed to reform the saw -like edge that re- sults from shaving; to keep the blade free from rust; and to give you for each morning's shave a keen -edged blade. The self -strop- ping feature of the AutoStrop Razor pre- serves the !teen edge that makes shaving comfort fort: oss' t ble+ Stropping — shaving, cleaning, are all done without removing the blade from the razor. Razor `-- Strop — 12 blades — $5 AU7oSeROp sApgTY RAZOR Co., Lfteeed Autoetrop leuitditlg, !tercnto, Canticle , 0 fill' ;:tk:,, 8 �r� 1 II !fIII 5�S11EtR0'PARIGRENii fnun' POISON II+) DORM Pune llj i '�I lli�t ta'tasurStunw '101$0101111111/11'q ET after 'Mr. Potato Bug early and often with ia“, - Munro's Pure Paris Green. It is the most efficient bug exterminator on the market. Sprayed on. thoroughly:it rids your plants. of the pest and permits the development of bigger and better potatoes. Munro's Pure Paris Green (CO,VERNMENT STANDARD) is a fine, fluffy powder that sprays out evenly, covers thoroughly and adheres to the foliage without scorch- ing it. It has better "killing records" than any other insecticide and is much uc the 1� . cheapest judged•by results. At hardware, drug, grocery and general stores. Make sure you get the genuine Munro's Pure Paris Green manufactured by MONTREAL 1MMO ;- x�wmmu�ueasssels�,.v+eta-rovumaneiasueawoassmraemssm�_..•'�.�"n>�vew:enose7 manuffacturersy irxporter4 and Importers,' Crown Diamond Paitr�ks, Ch�em'ieais, Dye Stuffs and tanners Suppilese