HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-12, Page 4YOU WILL FUND OUR Wall Paper the bolt value procurable. AM( those who have looked over or selection and they, will tell you the, same. Broken lots at less than cost price to clear. A. T. tiOOOP Agent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario Auburn Rev. Wm, Raithby, M.A., accom- panied by his wife and little daugh- ter, has been visiting relatives here during the past week. lir. Raititby, who has just recently returned from overseas, was for over three years in France, enlisting as a private while stationed at Denville. He was pretty severely wounded and on his recovery he was engaged in Y.M.C.A, work, only returning a short time ago. Ile will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at hall past two, 1l •1,x..4`[," The DoatbleTrack Route ---between--- MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Rill information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A. 0. Pattison, Depot :!gent. JOHN RANSl'ORD l SON, Phone 57, Uptown Agents. 1 Clinton News-Reord ag1e1d Mr. Clifford ,Seotehnlero visited Clinton, Mende, on Sunday, Airs, E. A, Soder and' daughter,' Miss Betty, and Sere, W, (", leer win, who boyo lreen speadijtg a few wacke )Pith their parents, Mr. and Airs, H, W. l'rtvin, returned, to Kit- chener Citchener on Wednesday. 'Their mother, Mrs,1,t ar, returned with 1 tle n to spend few spend p e w tYPOItS, • On ,Sunday afternoon at 2,30 'tlis ('apportion Order of Foresters- will sheet in the Methodist church for divine service, When the Rev, E. An- derson will address them. 147r, and Mrs, ,Jake Kiefer of Blake, Mt. and Mrs, Dan Casella and family of Zurich and Air. Dan Kipfer and Mies 13etztier of New Jlainburgh were the guests:•ol'Mr. and Mrs, S. Kipfer on Slniday last, I Stanllery Township Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston anti MTs. iatnuel Johnston of the Baby- lon Line and Miss Jelossio Stephenson of the Parr Line .left- Tuesday. for Pilot Clot 97ound, Mau. Airs and Sirs. D, Johnston, who recently disposed of their fiirm, intend to locate in 'the west and Miss Stephenson has taken a position and also Intel -Ms remain, bag for a time at least. - Mr. and Mrs. Will i4cotchnerc of the Bronson Linc have then a trip to the west and aftile there will vis- it the former's brothers and sister. Sorry to hear that Mr, Harold Penhale !s souowhat under . the weather, having undergone a slight operation for tonsilitis. Hope he will soon be himself again: Pte. Geo. b'lewett, who returned from overseas on Saturday Iast, is the guest of )lr. Ulnas, ibathwell at present. He can give an interesting account of his trip and work while in France, and Belgium and of some of the great, battles that were fought •auitl won. Air. ()evil Mc('linchey has purchas- ed a Gray. Dart car. quite a number from around here took in Conference Sunday in Coder- icb and were delighted with the ser- vices. Mr, Geo. Reid of the Parr Line had the misfortune to lose a very val- uable brood mare a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and Airs. S. Johnson were guests at the manse at Varna on Monday last. Mr. (roil MrCiinchey sold and de- livered a good general purpose mare to Mr. George Johnston on Saturcley last, for which he received a good figure. Goderich Township Mrs. ,Janes Stoddart of Seafortit was the guest last week of her bro- ther, Mr. Robert Pearson. Mrs. Stull dart intends leaving for Winnipeg it the course of a few weeka, where. she will visit her son, and will go on aloe to Montana. where she will D17 Goode atnd !louse Fnenlshingi I coch PHONE 78. )'urs And Ready to- PJear Garments Ladies' Spring Suit s at Exactly Halt Price We are anxious to clear our racks to make room for; summer goods. We pet on sale every suit, twelve in all. These are all•_this season's garments, colors navy, black and brown. Your choice Saturday regular price. Rain Coats $4.99 2 dozen special raincoats, light and dark grey, good rubber lining, wool top, sizes 30, 88 and 40, spec- ial for Saturday $4.00. Ladies' Spying Coats 725 2.5 per cent off „ Regular Price Just twelve coats left, all good • styles inolu;ding covert cloths, tweeds and serges, 'Your eltoie& of any coat Saturday 25 percent, off regular price, Come early for best choice. House Dresses $11.50 10 dozen Ladles' f:Iouse Drosses made of good quality print, dutch neck, short sleeves, elastic girdle, 21300101 tor Saturday $1,50, • 'Phis store will close every Wednesday, at 12,30 daring June,July and August. Shop, in the morning.- spend sone tittle with leer daughter. Mr, l.. , W. Churchill, son of Mr. and Mrs, D. C'hurebill, and a Western 'University Student, has boon engaged by the frontier College of Toronto to conduct social work among the employes of the (!,N,ft. duriatg the vacation period and left Toronto ort Monday for the northern eounby to commence his work, Aflss fiossie Colo entertained ..her girl friends to a tea last Friday,. as. ternoorl in honor of 'dins Alba_ Nlitl- dleton, to whom they presented 'an Ivory Plock,. The attereooh WAS82- lightful, tea was arranged en' the lawn and a most bniloyable 'time spent by the y5ung rotifer, Kippen Mrs. John Anderson left on Mon- day to visit witit her daughters at London and :Windsor and from there site will go to visit her soar aaid daughter in the vloinity of Marlette, 57101E Mr. John workman arrived home from London Satueday morning and r is gainingrapidly, which is nod p ,, g news to his many friends and rela- tives. Mr,. Wesiey French !tad bees of then with teams Tuesday and )Wednesday hauling gravel for his new cellar. Two automobile loads of gipsies passed through here last Saturday and gave Kipper a call. The cos- tumes of the ladies were Most . pic- turesque hut we scarcely think they made ntucli money here plying their profession of palmistry, A number' of our citizens drove up to (iderleh in their cars on Sun- day to attend the conference servic- es. Among them we would mention: 51r. and Mrs. Robs, 1)insdale, Mr, and Mrs, W. II. Johnston, lair. and Mrs, ltobt. Brownlee and family and doubtless others. Mrs. Geo, Taylor, who for fifty years was •a resident of Kippen, is spending a fortnight with Airs, A. McKenzie. IIer many friends in and around here are most pleased to have her amongst them. 1Ir. A. McKenzie enjoyed an auto- mobile trip to his old home 'in (100- erich township (his week and had a most enjoyable outing, • ;lir. Dan Hell, accompanied by his uvile.and three children, was a recent visitor with itis mother, who is quite ill. They carne by motor car and re- turned to their hone in Boston Fri -- day of last week. Sir. John Stewart of the London Road south of here died last Satur- day morning. Ile had been in poor health 'alt winter and spring. :1 bro- ther and sister are Left to mourn their loss. 11r. W. 11, Johnston addressed the county council in Goderich last week in the iuteres( cal the school faire and other matters. of edncatinn along that line, Sir. Johnston is most en- thusiastic in the school gardening and school ground beautifying, devel- oping the childrens minds in outside as well as inside work. ,lir. and Mrs. Jas. Me1'lyntont en- ter -Wined on friday evening of last t week In honor of our returned sal- Bier boys who we are all so pleased , c to have amongst OS again, The Lablies' Aid' of St. .Andrew's t church have arranged for a splendid entertainment to be held friday el-- ening, Juice 20th. 1 y f"artiners o interested la • Hydro A .company o(. faa:inors front Ctoder- IPh township; 'i'u0Jcerslnith and Start- le$' took a •ritotor trip to . Oxferd •eouaty no Monday to look into the rise of 13yslro 05 a praotioal sOUr'ee of power on the faun. A smarter of feriae in the vicinity et Norwich, Where let 1idro a rtuse, were visited s1U Pc and its worlci)tg tett was studied One Hien who had a live horse power 01ngiue told theta that -the. Post for motor and wiring, for festal:Rug the System, (tad .gest hint $500 anti the power cost 5I' cents ,per kilowat up to 450, kllowats,-• the reduction' atter that being'5.0 percent. 110 used the power for lighting his house• and barns, for milking, churning, Wash ing, crushing, fn foot the powe0e • is- used for almost everything for ''33 till O 5 11.3,, engine Weld • be used, - An- othe• farmer had A 2 h,p. engine whieh was giving hien . fairly good satisfaction. • The. visitors were quite favorably impressed and look forward to .the time when )Hydro may t be ateJlzetl as the power on the farm in Huron, county., •Ineidental- ly Many of those who tools this lit- tle trip • inspected the stock and dairy farfns, dairying being one, of the chief lines of agriculture in that se0tion, ')'}tore wlto took in the trip were : S. 13. Stothers, Agricul- tural Representative, J. C. Stothers, Toronto, •Fred., J. 1t, and C. B, Middleton, W. J. Fin.tilay,- Id. H. and Bert Wise, •i ltobt, anti Warwick - Cole, A'r t h 11 r ')'rick, 11'. 1I. Lobb, John John - sten, lered Ford, herb. and W. Cox, Bert Lindsay, 0. Proctor, W. J. Yea, Si. 13, Clark and R. Clue! of Goderich township, Wm. l•dcldwan,, Stanley and (4, W. Layton, Tucker; smith, Messrs. Lobb and Trick were quite at home amongst the holstein herds in the dairy section ot Oxford coun- ty and thoroughly enjoyed the inspec- tion of then(. 1t is said, moreover, that several of the other menthers of the party, who are more iaterested In Shorthorns, for instance, were more or less impressed also. We did hear a rumour :than .lir. 16, I1. Wise had been se taken with the good points of the Holsteins that he had purchased ,a. cow of this breed but we imagine it was like the rumour of Mark Twin's death, much exagger- ated. 1:. II. will probably stick to his fine herd of Shorthorns for some tine yet. • - Some of the party returned home Monday evening but a number went to London and visited Byron Sani- tarium and several farms in the vic- inity of London on Tuesday. Mi's's HAVE REAL MERIT Anybody or anything to command confidence must. deserve it. A medicine that has commanded the confidence of the public for half a century, as hood's Sarsaparilla las done, has merit, real merit., This is something for you to !tear 11 mind when you are in need of a uedieine for your blood, stomach, 'fiver or kidneys, the ordinary dismis- s or aliments of which are cured or elieved by hood's Sarsaparilla., as housands of three generations have 'olnntar'ily testified, When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla •011 buy a medicine that has outlived pe- d DOii:1ll1ll illicit IJa3T ill tOd8NOh Greatest Prcigram in Western 1 ntar'i° TUESDAY, JULY est, 1919 Aeroplane Flights Horse Races Demonstration by Great War 2 10 trot or acepurse 350 Veterans P P Baseball --Zurich (winners of the Clinton tournament) vs Goderich (winners of .Blyth competition) Baby Show 2.25 300 2.50 it 1.00 • Concerts by 33rd Regt. Band Highland Dancing Floral Parade, Etc, Concluding with a Grand Fireworks Display in the evening Something doing all day long Come and have the time of your life at 'Huron's Golden Gate" MAYOR WIGLSJ, W. LANE, T. PRITCHARD, Chairman of Committee Treasurer Secretary WHITE STAR LINE �G ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Return Steamer Greyhound leavt„s Goderich, Tuesday, June 17th 0.00 am. old time, 10,00 a,m. caste rn time. Arrives Detroit 5,00 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, June19, 1 p, n1. Detroit time (Detroit time is the same as Goderich old time) $2.25 Round trip, $11.75 single Children between 5 and 12 half fare Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most 'beautiful and roost prosperous city, A million population, a city of beautiful parks,. grand boulevards and a 'wonderful wa ter front, Canadians doming to De- trol( for a temporary stay ate hot required to pay a tax or mane a de- posit. TI:S, Immigration officers will be on the steamer to pass met - sionista. Good music aid dancing 0nroute. 310e cnfo and iiinoh 000m aboard steamer, ISAND M(` ON .IGHT Out of Goderich, Monday evening, J'tano Kith, 7.30 old time, 8.30 God- erich Crone -.25 cents• 3 !touts oil beautiful Lake Huron 002hestra utusic and danebii g in steamer's ball mein,; the formative period, lit which there 'is snore or less experiment, .and 0145 hoop Cully developed for $'cars, dare Mg which it has made .a unique re- cord by what it has ac0onielie ted for the stet anti 4llhig, according to their Wen story, London Conference Closed .rot The L andun Go)iforence, in session ala floderieh for the hast eight clays, Ptosed yesterday with the adoption of several reports of cenunitteee, the appointatent of district cltairrnea and the adoption of the final draft of the stationing committee, ' The row district chairmen are c London 'Rev, W, J, Ashton, tdtratlord--Itev. W. I1. Grahael. Winghani—Ilov. le, ,I, Armstrong, Goderioh—Ibv, .S. Anderson, Exeter—ltey,•1,, (1. Powell. Strathroy—ltev. J. C. held, Sarnia -Rev. George Jowitt. Chatiam-Rev A. L, At, Tliontsoa, Windsor—RPV 17, A, (raham, iifdgetown,—Rev, Hiles, 01. Thomas—Rev. It. 13, Barnby, Of these eleven eight have never be- fare-oc0uplcsl the position of a dis- trict clta'frman, '1.'he3' , are Itov.. Messrs, Ashton, Armstrong, Ander- son, }'ose11, •Jewitt, Thomson, Biles and Herlihy_ Changes,to the first draft of sta- tions kept the stationing committee in session until 0 o'clock Wednesday morning. - - Deputations which the committee heard ua Saturday had sontetbing to do with altering the allocation ul the ministers. Rev. G. W. Dewey goes to Empress Avenue church, London.. He was there seven years ago for four )roars. F. le. Maine of London M to be professor of religious education at Albert College. The conference accepted the invita- tion ot the Central and Trinity cher- cites, Stratford, to hold their confer- ence there next year. (.'apt. 16. 11'. iedtvards, just back Irons combatant service overseas, goes to Seaiorth and Rev. II. D. )'foyer, who has been at Sealorth on- ly a. year, goes to Goderich (North street). J. 1'. Iteycraft takes the piace of Capt. Edwards in tate final draft for Victoria street. Rev. A. 1e. Mattson, who has ,just got hone from Omsk, goes to :1ub- urn. Stations in the first draft where changes have been made are as fel- lows : Ethel, H'. S. (kelt ; Bethei, one wanted ; Ilervie, Geo. Kersey, B.A. Korth street, Goderich, H. D. :Boyer ; Victoria street, Goderich, .1. F, Reycraft ; Seaforth, ll. W. Ed- wards ; Ilolnnesville, John. Kennedy ; llennriller, Ii, Kennedy ; Auburn, A. I..Milison. The examining hoard will meet at St. Marys next April. The following committees were ap- June 12th, OW pointed : Vomrnission on rural uliloet lcloo - ltev, W. R. ()Sheri), Rev. A. McIgh- bon, Rev. 11, T. 0"orguson, P. front, U, (lance, 5, Maine, Treasurer: of superannuation fund of conference,: fiev, A. (l, Tiffin. Finance cainntlttee—J, W. ilibbert, J. A, Agnew, Ii, IIioksa J, C. Hey, A Hunt, i t 1'r Ii n { 11 1PA an. . I Ill _l , ('ir0111 t huun(biries--!lay. J. 11, Holmes, Rev, J. W. Ashton, Rev.. W. 1+1. Allllson, A, 141. hunt, A. Ails- tin. Treasurer ooitingent lutidrW. It, Vance, Melbourne.. 'elle public school boar(!' of (loderka las decided to grant their teachers, without ext"eptign; a bonus of $00 each, and an advance of 10 percent. 0f this increase() salary, thus a a 104211er who formerly reeeivcd );000' Per 4lanunt will now receive 11000 plilr3 1150 plus 10 percent.,a total of 81,- 0.10, Birt)) realieed about $2300 fr:oln the celebration held thele 011 .luno Sed, This brings their Memorial ll All mild up to over $3,000, A session of the Comity Court is to bP held no:it week before Judge g Dickson of (1oderlelr, opening on Tuesday, the 10th, 'J'he following week there will be a sitting, here of tile Supreme Court of Ontario, oum ineneAtg on Tuesday, June 17th. Mr. Justice Loglewill preside. ()wing to lack of space we obligee to hold over names of gates, county council report other matter, Were dole - and iy ( a Use only three ee lwe X tea- spoonfuls spoonfuls forr five cups Sold only in sealed packages d 125 ••:M'jae[w.+r-.)11w`s...di},a i,:aM',hi'ka,t-:41.11Y+!A]KW Sy..r,'i..:'I. •„ miwx+„err'. ''0” 1> "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" Ice Cream like mother used to make ? No indeed! . Ice cream far superior to that. Nothing but pasteurized pure cream, cane sugar and pure flavor extracts go into Silverwood's Ice Cream. That creamy, velvety taste that mother never could have liven to her home-made ice cream is the result of homogenizing and scientific -freezing. SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT 7".01 Bricks In all Flavors Look for the Stiverwooa s Sign p/iptlli1 t>, 1 . treg t� fi fi I S sloinelturna u'.v<3) O',,'0414'4`Ytnr ,100VT ar<aWlx0(881r11 . gip. 1,4 OULD you experiment with such an important thing as the Beating of your home ? It is a job for experts. The comfort of your home for years depends on it. You can call on us to sell you not merely a furnace, but COMFORT—guaranteed. McClary's heating engineers will advise you and plan your heating system, without charge. Asst about the LITTLE DRAFTMAN that turns 10 00 the drafts and regulates them automatically. • Sold by J. Sutter Rates for Telephone Service THE new fates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25th and based upon' air -line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3 -minute talk to points most frequently called by local sub= scribers: Old Rate New Rate Clinton to Goderich $ .15 $ .15 Blyth .10 ,16 London .30 .85 Toronto .00 .75 Wingham .25 .20 The hours during which reduced Long Distance rates (night rates) are in effect are now From 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate From 11.30 p.rn. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Mold rates are based on Standard Time LtiCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers will be increased ten per rent, effective from July 1st next. Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from May 25th. Seery Dell Tetephane is a Lona Distance Station The BdI Telephone Co. of Canada •f�'.,