HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-5, Page 5• 1 0 •i '1 0 1 1 0 P '13 s fa in el gl 1!1 sa -if ,th do ev ca 1P cr 01 '181 wi fit, 10 ist the pri to a)0 wh ala fi iu / ith tta 1))118 .Mr es le fac an la• itio ode ,pr /by bu• tau ;^tw ;gi ;Gh An •00 en sea ml TWO .,11 it Iset it exx a1 p1 eat fat lea fir •t11 to po, ithi 'fat Co ids Cit tai Ji0 -1h -an nil col w tug .0f .June St4 1919 Clinton New Recur 5 eems oubt e owde[i t g, After o tion ngth, ova ck spared t ven ati umil f p d ;toe Of Interest to You �/� andduone ►rte "Otveli S+Rund's ineinoriak boltento, „ aye the �S"u I-1'ime0, "seems to bead n•Ste no usotnorlal, ,• chase and } 1, Never in alto memory of the .• o1r1 st i,tital itant" has.: there been eu0h , crop of dandelions ee there is :this roar,. • • . „ You Cannot make n armor believe hat an' man who wears white spats y „ an Darn a living, remarks an ox.- haw. Were, we confess to some cu.bt about the matter ourselves. . , . The '.Tprontp police aro somewhat peeved" because the jail p1 &!snot keepheld oP the a prisoners Isiah they are at sottt0 trouble to penitend, • It is said blip exI{aiser is only in-' 100810d in the clause of alto Peace 'ernes which relates to himself, hat is not surprising, though. lie as always shown a disposition eo ?aider himself fleet, . . . A local in the last' issue of '1'130 [waiver P081 gelatin to a verythe rge egg tufa by an industriotls'Iiati- ver lien is headed "Another Whop_ Ilan - 11 t.' And one is left in some doubt, i to whether the heading refers to ie egg or the story. This eight-hour day may be all ght for some people but those of i who have a certain amount of 'orlc to do every six days, no mat- r what the intorruptiwls will go 1 working from ten to sixteen Airs every day as usual,. * " WeR.R. used to be under the impression tat jail 1808 an easy place togot to but a rather hard place to get tt of. Recent events have proved, nvever, that Toronto jail is one of m easiest places, in the world to It out of, . * . Vera de Lavelle was in such awent trry,to leave Toronto jail that it she left her slat. She 00 took. into • consideration the of that` one's spring hat is beam- g somewhat old-fashioned by the .d of May, anyhow. e • The Germans are 'still .malting a eat fuss about signing :the Peace :eaty. "They will sign it at Der- 1 if tllc do not sin it at Ver- gtelephonecause says isles, says Lloyd George. Wonder Berlin is not the peeper ,Alone for Din to sign, anyway 7 , • . • "Mrs.' Justice M4ddletan handed wn a judgment," says a Toronto ening paper in reporting a court se. This was the first intimation had that Mrs. Middleton hail her husband o!f the bench. dear 1 These.' new women ! Where 11 they stop 7 • • , Clic residents of Croderich 'town 11 he piling under a considerable :ain during the next week owing the tact that the London Method- Conference is meeting there, and g people will naturally wish to tat- :ss the men of the cloth that [iron's Golden Gate" is a model en, , It is to be hoped that the mbers of the County council, iC11 is in session there tide week, 0, will he on their best behaviour. of last WeQka go said each pt trio ellehundred and tlsfrIy tnutt15tPalftfee 15'a� rapreaeltted by ane:. or more"tlele ayes 004 sort! the . Were t+ Y all outitnsiastioaily. 10 accord 'will). plans b Adam Beck's plans in regard . to Dydio, I -lo epoko of the eettlonleltt Of the difficulty with the hydro ?n- Y inaors and said $i Aslant had left 'Toronto for Niagara after the (Ma- g b ferpnee with all the agitators he could seotir, up in 'Toronto deUorntin^ ed that as far as possible no Moon venionoo should bo Gausod 1»' striif' Mg engineers, Happily the Mihail/ had beep overcome and the Hydra woreers wore still on the job, Bylaw No. 7 for 1919,. prpl'hding for the appoiututent of a tax com mission()); end tax eolleetor •was read three times and passed, G. 1,, ,Sav- ilia was iippputted commissioner 'at salol a y of $100 and Chief I+'itzslnl- ons was appointed collector, to re oeive a.grattdty of $15. It was exr plaited that tern banks would collect the taxon tlrls ypal, and the collet- tor's dirty would consist in gather- ing up the loose cods. t was point- ed out, however, that about ,$1000 of arrears in taxes was still due and that this should be cleaned up acid money. be placed in the bank, Chairman Ford of the cemetery committee reported that after look- ing into the matter of purchasing a horse or power mower it was fetid--. ed that the former was not suitable and the latter was too expensive and they were going to get' along With two hand mowers for this year. IIS recommended the placing of park lot C. on.sale ,as lots on the perpeteity plan and had a plan of 1110 section p to question; the front lot on the right hand side as you enter the cemetery, I1'e said as it was a lot of money had to be expended yearly to keep it in order and it was bring- .ing in no revenue. The members agreed eflat it would be good business to place the aforesaid lot on sale and the report was adopted. It was decided that the mayor and treasurer iia ,authorized to issue cheques to the treasurer of the C. 0 I. board for accounts as required b}' the board from month 16 month for current expenses. Chairman Carter of the park com- mittee reported that the grand stand s at Recreation 1 ark lead been repaired alo treat theafence had been put in order. /Same material had been used and some work had to•be paid for, amounting in all to 896.44. Chairman Paisley of the street committee recommended that Illatil- da, Gordon, James, Isaac, Joseph and Rattenbury streets, also end of Albert street and Bayfield Road from the track to the end 02 the corpora- Lion be graded. That the streets bo g cleaned in readiness for the 114511(1 asphalt and that sand had been or- dared, for use with asphalt, at a cost of eighty-five cents per load. That defective sidewalks 0n main streets be repaired ;• prices be obtained 00 a load of broken stone to be used on the macadam roads ;,. that the -tile at Higgins' corner be inspected and re- paired if necessary ; that shrubs on North street be cut and that fila at Greeks' corner be inspected and re- aired. Chairman Paisleysur este[/' p 6g that the sidewalks should be .attend- ed to first, unless the liquid asphalt came in imluediate1 Y, Committer McMurray, chairman o2 the finance committee,mads a 0)0- tion that as Clerk Blacpherson had had a good deal of extra worst fur1DhI1NISTRATOR'S connection with the coal which the council had been letting from time to time that he should be given a gratuity of $75 for past services and that in future he should be paid $5 on each car_ handled. There was. some little clisctission on this and the motion was finally withdrawn, in favor of one leaving the matter in the hands 00 a committee of the council as a whole. to deal with It was impossible ' to get :the whole. council t'o eilier a!180Waic�s, 1i0wOV- er, and the nattier was not definite- , 1t' settled. A communication ryas read at the request of Councillor Johnson, front the firtn Trout which the council had ordered_ coal giving notice of an in crease of 25 cents per ton in the price of coal. Clfairman McMurray of the finance committee reported the following patyments : Salary, ace., B. Fitzsimons,$ 50,00 Lighting street 138.64 g g Lighting half, no ace, J, E. Cook, painting stage28,00 Saunclees' Ltd., wallpaper ate 10.06 W. H. Heilyar, repairing watch clock ease ,50 R Stevens 1.80 W. J. Elliott, plastering 5,80 b1• Carrick 64,17 W. Shobbrook 50.00 Chas, Lovett 60.00 J. 'Tr. Smith, lawn mower 11,75 Municipal World,, •' assessment bolls 11,49 W. H. Kerr r1 Co, prit>ting.,7.00 C. A. Wilson & Co. coal 189.95 Freight 130.08 R. Gree, cartage - .08 i4TcCartney and Steep 10.80 Street watering 29.10 g Inaidentais ae. 13e11 Tel, Co,, .50 Watch clock dials 3,88, Pxprea5 25 Mayor'C'o0por's expenses to Toronto 0.65. Board of Health, Dr, Shaw, expenses to Toronto 22,50 Li Lighting hospital 3 months.., 1.5.00 g e P hay silent 18,76 1', 31. McKenzie, ltnnbet 48.60 J. Flynn, bolts, etc., 2.00 f:I, Hill, meat and work 27.00 ° * * Whether it 10 owing to the • heat g or a lack of hhtcrest in. affairs 1051151- Gipai the attendance at the council meetings the post couple of months has not been as large as usual, " * * Commillors were very late in as-, semhling Mohday night and just ae; -aur...... .. :x.. .. ., .::.:: ...._.......,_;:-,�-... -. vtsproceedings tiley were about to aConstable the 1lgiiw went out, of table Welch � got'& cottplo of lamps and idle. b 1S. !nese wenn , en find later e Hydro Y� mall. wee found who tint ilt a slew fuse, JUST What .alspiendld iAut�ynur Breakfast 7 rurnbleS, Grape Nets; RS toe your Breakfast SPECIALS' 19 bars Laundry soap 01 A IVJJNUTL Footle, writ&!! d0 Pulled RIGA Cream .of What 1 Pods, , .a MQI,Al11'N S FARM FOR SALE -921 ACRES OF farm land In goad 6:11 Qt yon enjoy '!-Cern Fiatfas, Onitivatfgn+ tin it are a GamfQrt• or Molted Oats? '1'r able st re. h brick Y t o Q y and a alt brl house .. :.I With new steel root, a good Sellar, ]'ice, 2a, per 113 150 balm 40x00 and straw ailed 22x28 l;iGa 2 ]be with foundation nutlet all, room to - - � ... .1 - ° 1t1111 1('1 1 �� • eimmeeme ., IliJ NOTICE2 �- - REPRESENTATIVE 15'AN�'7=,i? 10 bars La1Ui'y, soap s9 !,axes Gold, 1', r q. or ,,,,,,,,,,,, Comfort for 25e i.3 -bars tali ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81 JELLY POWDEl1 1 PERFECT 11IA X1.5 A . DESSERT ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,25p ?, naps Pas kin MI tie up 28 head of oatt10 and 5 Mrs &ceded raisins 20 . horses: Weida 3 box atolls, opt 2 p b o r o. a, m, teed room, $eOaraDor roam 1 lb. special, lend. •and harness room, Clement floors tea 65e n' Rig P1lteapiei Week Mfxpd hulk, per ,...,,,,, lhrou `bout Daae 6 Pt 2 box stalls cad ^-"" One of the most progressive Can- adman Lite Insurance Com attics with a p over $100,000,000 Insurance in force, wants n representative in Clinton and vicinity. A guaranteed cpntln wing renewal :interest agonay con- pickles, quad 350 ",atsups per bout,.,,,,,,., r leo, 250, $0onever SARDINES Jutland brand 2 for 25q Brunswick' brand 3 for 25 ANl FI,11VOIi 2 for v.25c pkgs 9 pkgs for ' 01.00 made from pure whole-. l Ib, Japan Cxroon,,,,,60o root douse, A stoup pig ppn 24x24, 1 lb, peanut butter -25o a hen beano 29x10 and a drive shed p 20x30. Thorp is a failling J. ib• mince meat 280 spring oreek, a good wall and cis- 2 pkgs jelly powder,,,26c tarn, about 1# &eros of orohard. 1 can--toinatoes.,,,.,,200 Tlt s is a desirable property 2 Witlta>{t a dpub thi t s is Oho waelr o can Ainoa le Pp s, Leave your orders early hetero they, advance, w.....,...,..., tract, Provirus Life Insurance ax- perieitce not essential. Confidential. „ DRAWER B 05-2 Fiolhrooks 1 for 25 BANANAS, ORANGES, FULL LINE, 010 GARDEN some fruits PINE APPLES; LETTUCE, SEEDS IN STOCK miles from Clinton, good gravel 1 can Dorn 220 road. I want to sell at Duca as ETC, health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. WE,AIM TO PLEASE Would sell stock, implements and SPECIALS Lettuce, Tomatoes, GAi1DEN PAiI'1'Y-A. ardor •last' g 1 y. fn aannection,witlt lietbn1 aura, Goderieh township, will be held 011 the lawn of Mr. Herbert 0, Co; JOHNSONf COMPANY Phone 111 crop if so desired, -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Coe. 4, Mullett, Retail Grocer License No, 8-7241 Phone orders promptly eared tor, Clinton P. 0. --49 Cucumbers, NTew Cabbage, Strawberries; t ' 71h concession, on Friday evening, June 13th, Supper will be served and there will -also be a good _pro- gram. A booth will also be cm the Adhafssion 250, 110-1 grounds.yi kr i • f rt x w;. x '•+ "1r" ,, .,.-'+s , {1 .., YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - a , •.:_ paired and Pressed and at the r , "-.r• wag shortest possible notice, Both Lad - �° ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am d Noi1 MILK COW FOR SALE -Apply to W. EL Middleton, R.R.,, No, 3, Olin- ton. Phone 7•-600 Clinton con- tial. . 00--1f "r �' rY i l' ;; ' h. : 6� prepared to French Dry' Olean Ladies Suits, Gent's ,Suits and all kinds 6a of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ere, etc, All orders promptly, at- tended to, Rooms over. Hunniford's n n The Hub .Gretna' ° Canada Food Board No. 8-2405 f License STRAYED -1'0 I~ -no. -.PREMISES - grocery store -Wm. ,I, Jago. -00 of the undersigned, a red and white Many wage-earners are asking them- axrr . yearling heifer. Owner can have selves this question. • • same by proving property and pay- in expenses, -John Macdonald g ' Base Line, RR. No. 1, Clinton, phone 15-038, Clinton, 96 -ti , CALVES FOR SALE They do not want to put a quarter in ct1V the bank ata time, and before they Well Bred Calves • know it, it is gone for trifles. W. MARQUIS �r COAL AN CEMENT �+9e j'G1I LOST. -UN TUESDAY EVENING between Clinton and Iiollnesville, a grey: suit coat also a rug. Reward M. Durst, 12,11, No. No. 1, Clinton. The Government has provided a simple plan to• enable you to save that guar- -80 ter in that it Just st In - A carload offered, -Ezra - 2, Clinton, Phone 11-10, Benmiller, 00--1-p such a way will earn you more money, G THE CORNEA O R N E ® STO R E of cement fresh frons the factory, Sole agent for D. L. & W. Screa- FOR RENT -FLAT OVER •CLUFF S Shoe Store. -Apply at store. -05 f1� �t Twenty-five cents buys a Thrift Stamp. a In ,!lay Sixteen Thrift Stamps become a War Live and Let Live Stamp, Re-S.S. g Savin s for which the Govern - ton coal. -'- PLANTS FOR SALE -TOMATO plants, Earliana, Bonny Bost, at 15c a box, Call and get your share Cost 04.04 will pay you $5.00 in 1924. In June If you lend the Government your say- Breakfast�®o� A. J. HOLLOWAY white they last. -Fred Watts, Gar- dener, Raglan street, 05-11 W-S.S. ings in this way, you can make your Cost 04,05 money earn over 41/2 % compound in -For Hot Weather tercet as often as save $4.00 `9 WANTED -COOK, GENERAL, NO laundry or upstatr work, sma11 villa in town of Goderich, few mix you odd. 7si,/ F;,. , +t',,:...t` IS i-.f``''rttCORN FLARES, y -� SHREDDED WHEAT, « PUFFED. RICE, ! JATED t• 1 0 C IRISn eee.®; utas from lake ; three adults ; per- manent ; fare paid ; good. wages. Box 633,Goclerieh, 131. 95-2-p This is not only easyandprofitable in- • {� -� 3' GRAPE NUTS, vestment butpatriotic investment be- ' / GUSTO the Government needs money PUFFED WHEAT. :: for the heavy financing of the recon- WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO P; FEW MORE KNIT - ONE TIUNDRF.D ACRES FOR Sale. -Lot 27, Con. 3, Tucker- smith, Huron Co., Close to school and church, 5 miles to Seaiorth, Clinton or Brucef,elrl, an fine grat- el roads ; eighty acres cleared, twenty bush and pasture ; three struction period. wtl' S -P -E -C -I -1-L S ; - War Savia a Stamps Strawberries, �' p Make Your Savings Serve You and Fan be bought when. Pineapples, ever this sign is Serve Your Country -invest Them in Oranges, - displayed, War Savings Stamps. Lemons, Bauaua, TERS, ETC. .APPLY; AT ONCE. p �9IIClinton6�Knitting Co. LIMITED sugar1 hundred hard maples,. camp ; spring, no pumping for stock ; 7 &0000 ...orchard. ; ten . ranted brick house, furnace, telephone ; large barn, stabling underneath, shed, pig pen, drive house ; beautiful yard, evergreens and shacl0 trees- 6' 1. Terryberry, R,113. No. 3, Sea- forth, 05-4 p t 5 it { ,. - „ F�r��i��5, 1 �td"�° " 3i X11,' 8 `` ,a ,�,,r _, . _._ Grape Fruit, New Cabbages, • s Cucumbers. r - , t•, ,n y� E. E. Di1NNI O D . Canadian Food Control -License 9 No. 8-3123 Phone 45 • IF x Ys PLUMBING, EAVET,1 OUGI-1ING, LIGHTNING AND OF ALL KINDS RODS METAL WORM AU'I'Ol1pBILI': F• OR SALE -SEC- "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" GO TO and -hand Chevrolet, electric start- er, Dna man top, In good running order. -Address P.O. Box 106,Clln- ton. -04 , The finishingtouch to agood mea[ -Silverwood s • ice Cream. SEED CORN We now have a full stock of the . Its creamy taste and pure fruit flavors are a. real delight. best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. THOS. HA KINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces SALE 0 F Farm, -Lot 10, B.R.N. Con., Tp. Stance Co. Huron is offered for sale. t contains 168 acres -2o Before ordering your season's supply !Maury fine dishes can be served with ice cream, call and see our stook. Once you see making dainty desserts for special occasions. it we feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the quality, and also satisfied PHONE 83, Sop over Rowland's Hardware. - 01 TOWN COUNOIL, 'he council met on Monday even- alt members present. the leading and adoption of minutes of last meeting a :emu- from the Board of Trade, con- tin of Magistrate Andrews anpasture. ting g d e He R) Sharpe0 addressed the nucil,re Hie Housing. Scheme; Mag- rate Andrews, who spoke at some said it was a well known t that people were obliged to away from Clinton owing, to of..proper .housing aeoomnmda- , n. He outlined the Governments a of assisting those who. were not to build their own houses advancingsufficient Of a loan to Id a house provided elle owner in ten deandfcent. of the total cost, o hundred and forty mouths being in which to Pay hack the, loan, he householder is a better citizen the rentor,' said a 111. tithe Brews, "Ole has a stake fu the mmuaity and takes more interest the tonin," Ire thought if • the would appoint a housing com- ssion and„ take this natter up it lila be a good thio for the town. g we had 4 good class of houses would mean a good class of cit- is anti if our town were growing would encourage manufacturers to and their plants and would mean ,renter prosperity for aur town. e s Government is behind thisr era," said the speaker, "and it I fail. „ Ir. Sharpe also spoke briefly in 0r of the. scheme. 11e said they 1 only received copy of the Act ow days ago and had not had to to go fully into lb hut asked ,t the &Albeit appoint oint a committee confer with the .committee aP. rated by the Board of Trade so t the matter might hegone into. g i couple of the councillors asked, a the allema• i eillor Pas regarding y li s Paisley did not favor the a. 115 said he could' buy houses ill nton for less money than it would :e to 1}uiJd' Uheln, On motion at Ove Ford and Councillor ,Jolmson luayo1 and 000161i01e ilrciwurray Paisleywero appointed a corn- , • to meet and confer with a nlnittee of the Board of Trade ;it regard; to the matter, of Imus- Tayor Coppet gave a brief report?' the Hydro Electric sneeting Whieli attended IIs Toronto on Wednesday: acres well wooded bush, 20 acres permanent pasture, 123 acres good arable land ; soil -clay in a high state of cultivation ; resent crop P P SILVERWOOD'S the prices. LIMITED, LONDON, oNT, • SEED POTATOES a Seed potatoes have been added to e SeedCorn on Hand iAJ WISCONSIN NO, 7 BAILEY,,. IMPROVED LEAMING includes 28 acres spring crap and /Jacks ei all r �,,, _ 11 113 Look for Ma our stook. These potatoes are of a "Nortltorn and other varieties. 20 acres hay ; balance in Buildings include a tame house, bank barn with stone stabling, a % .not barn and Straw shed;, fencing Flavor,^.3 Ip ¢e- o '',,y its ,,,00 �R A$ "c" TM^" l� d`Ar �_ f, On - Silverwood'. well'lcnown variety On - Sign tario." They are a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good t? seed. Tho price is very, reasonable GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINES . $28.60 PER CWT, HAY WANTED ' is 'utero is plenl;y of wa't'ex ,+ -w . - for this exceptional variety of i eta - --- goQ ; from wells and ;flowing spring. Location, 4 miles from Bayfield, 2 ''`' < do and you 1vf11 not make any, mis- - " 1 take if you buy, your supply at once, .. miles from Varna on the host road BABY CHICK FEED cLeod iu the county. Possession may be time to suit had •purchaser, /� ���AD'I/"aN Have tried our Baby, Chick A at any and crop may be purchased with farm if desired, -Thos. Brownett, PA:G G you Feed 7 We are handling this Chick Fe.«t in two coarse and fine, License No. 9-2109 Varna, Ont., Administrator Estate of Robert J. Richardson; Decd, 94-3' A NEW TRAIN i d"�1�11� t1Y�) t �1JL 1 TI -IE TRANS-CANADA grades, It is made of .the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large ^f -^�' POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of ]lake v " NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN TI -IE Estate of Robert John Richardson, Deceased. -Notice id hereby given that all persons having claims ` ALL SLEEP1NCt CARS D 1 L Y amounts, Large stock of Pleur always on hand.left Highest prices aid for rain of g p g all kinds. • of the Woods Oatmeal Flouit over from our poultry, feeding season. This wile ' make a good dry mash toe , against the estate of Robert John 'BETWEEN TORONTO AND `VANCOUVER la in bans or a No. 1 feed Richardson, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Ilur- on eoman deceased, who died on , Y or about the ninth. day of April, A.D., 1019, are required to deliver to Thomas Brownett, Varna, On- tario, the administrator of the said estate or his solicitor on or FIRST TRIP SUNDAY, JUNE 1st Leave TORONTO 7,16 pan.. Arrive WINNIPEG 9.06 a.m. 2nd day, Arrive CALGARY' 9.30 pan. Brd day, Arrive BANFF 12.40 p.m. 3rd dayRetail Arrive VANCOUVER 10 a.xn. 4th day FIRST CLASS SLEEPING CAR PASSENGERS ONLY W Jenkins & Son.We W. 1l'IOIIR AND FEED, FLOUR Phones : Elevator 199, Residence 141 License No. 9-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 r� for hogs. are sellingoclthis Lead at below cost to clear. We are always in the mar - Y kat• for Live Poultry and New, , Laid Eggs at top market! prices, ,�! r i GUNN �,ANGL®IS CO. 7 before the tenth day of June, A.D., 1919, a 0uli statement of their claims together with particulars Pull particulars from anyagent. 94-3 P g W. 13. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. N,. YV. Trewartha, pliolls IL9AI Manager. or Holmesville 4 on 14q thereof, and the nature of the Canada Food Board -License securities, it all held b them all duly verified bypafldavit. And take HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY ANY PERSON OR PERSONS No, 7-001 notice that atter the said last mentioned elate the said adminis- trator will zoned to distribute the "e tate of brick .house on William street, all modern' 'conveniences. -Apple on •• premises to 'T, 1'. Murphy. -03 trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the tato t illiam 13, Woo w b prosecuted according to law. -Y g Orders taken at. residence Hvrori street. Terms strict/ cash and we CREAM WANTED Fanners having cream to set - the said deceased amongst the pel:sotls entitled there- •on1 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 18, CON. 100 • I. M. Woods, Bayfield.75-26-p guarantee to supply, good coal to our guarantee write us for taus and full particle, • Mars, to hnvin regeed to such claims as Ito 6sltatl leave received due 1101100 and in accordance there- with. Dated at Clinton, this 20111 day, f May,A.D., 1.919,-W, Dry -acres 3, Tp, of Stanley, acres lrnolvn as the Iotahen farm. Stone house ' large bank barn • ' g good orchard ; spring creep ; about 8 bust, • land in good state of FARM FOR SALE: -ONE ITUN- dred acres,best of soil ; good g buildings, close to school and. church ; 4 miles from Clinton, w E. ♦♦ WARD. PI30N'E 155 , Our markets are the boot, Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable, And prices the highest consistpuli /lone, Clutton Ont, Solicitor for the said Thomas Brownett. 94-3 cultivation. Possession Oat. ist. Convenient to chur0h and 5011001 rural and phone,11 m1185Remember Wilt be sold on reasonable terms.- Weill A. E. Matheson, R, R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 011 614, BOARS FOR SERVICE! with an honest Lost which we guar- autos, antee, our Creamery, Co: is e FOR SALE -6 -ROOMED COT'T'AGE mail from 33rucefield.--Apply to B. R. IIiggins, Clinton 'Rev, Il, 13, A. Ciihton Central. -61 • . _ p • Big Champion iii ed BIg thoroughly established and thriving) g y concern and now one of the largest; on Map10 street, with good garden, fruit trees and, town watet•,-•A t Y J. G. Forbes, 1t,Ii. N0. 1, Min- ton., 01-1if ; Kptehen 116 MaeNab St., South Hamilton John 'Taylor on prtlmis� es. 89-tf. ti, HOUSE FOR SAL ut GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, West. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer Type YORESTHIRE' AND CHESTER. WHITE BOARS. ;n Canada. You cannot make any; mistak0 be shipping to us. Patrons Golding our cans are rte' quested not to make use of let SALE. HOUSE Il0715E FOR SAL!: --0N RATTEN- kitchen and woodshed. Gond eel- . lar, furnae8, lights, town •sendlhg cream to other creamorfex FOR -8 -ROOMED on Rattenbury street, wast. Good cellar; S;}• acres garden, with fruit trees, -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith, --84 bury street east, Clinton. Good Orden, furnace, c'•lectxic light, town water, near oehools-Apply to R. Rowland, -84 eleetrfa and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply, on rentisee to bliss Southcombe, p '-53 A C. i.EVfEY 1 Ph0n6 8-080 CLINTON, ons. 'At home avast totetioon,. or cream buyers, Write today for cake. Tin' - SeafortTn Cweanler Co. C. A, BARBER, MANAGER !