HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-6-5, Page 44
Oilotop News -Record
Wall Paper
the best value procurable.. Ask
those who have looked over
our soiection and they will tell
you the same,
l3roken lots at less Lhan
cost price to clear.
A. Te Coopr
1 Agent:
Railway G.N.W. Telegraph
Clinton, Ontario
11Irs. John Workman, who has been
with friends in, London since her hus-
band's operation some three weeks
ago, returned hone on Saturday last.
We are glad to report that Mr:
Workman is malting good progress
,lamer of this village, who went
overseas with a University Aledieae
Veit, returned home on ki_aturday ev-
ening looking. fine and d6 otter his
three years experiences in: the hos-
pitals of inglente and. France..1111
were pleased to weleenlo Jinr beck
A King's birthday social evening
was held In the basyurent of the
Alethodrsl, rJiurOh 00 Friday oveniail,
last. Rev. &Ir, Wilson, the pasta,
occupied the 'chair. Several inislcae
*Odious, readings by • Ceeil John-
ston, Albert Brownlee and Emily lv-
Jsoi and an nddhess by Dr, Aitken
on, "The times in which we live,',
were given. A'ir. Arthur Parker also
told some of his experiences in the
late war, lour Mottoes enlisted eon
service, three of Glean served in
i,ngland and France and all have
been spared to return home: Mr. W.
Johnston gave quite an interest-
ing address on , the life of lung
George, The program closed by all
singing "God Save the Xing" after
wh'feh a bountiful limn was served,
Dr, and Airs. Aitken left on Mon-
day to vislt iii C'ourtriglit. From)
there they will attend the General
Assembly at Hamilton,
At the social in the Methodist
church Erin), evening Pte, Georg
kindly, recently returned, Frani ov-
erseas, was presented with some
-tts(ful gift.,• by 'the ladies of the
Patriotic Society. Rev, 111r, Wilson
spoke words of appreciation and Mrs.
Kyle, the president, made the presen-
tation. Pte. leanly signed up with
the l.ulst, Hurons, but was trans-
ferred to a Scotch regiment. George
makes a line looking Scotsman in his
Glengarry bonnett. Ile was shot
through both legs and also gassed
but has quite recovered. IIe received
a warm wolcwne back again, '
Alr. Wesley hrench had a number
towards recovery and expects to be
able to return home the latter end
of this week. Mrs. Workman return-
ed to London on Wednesday.
Mr. Jas. Jarrot, son of. \Ir. Isaac
The Do bleTrack Route
-between- "
I (.'AGO
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping ears on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains..
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or 0.. E. I-iorn-
ing, District Passenger Agent,, Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 57. Uptown Agents.
, Dry oods
MORRISON-In Mullett, on May
26th, to 81r. and Mrs. Wm, lIor-
rison of the (travel Road, -a son,-
on.ALEXANDER-In Tuekersmith, of
May 23rd, to Mr, and firs. John
Alexander, .Jr,, a daughter.
DOWNfa-Iu McKillop, oa May 25th
• to lir. and Mrs. Joseph Downey,
a son,
OIINSTON-in Colborne township,
on May 24th, ('Fara Edith Cooke,
wife of Jas. 1I, Johnston, in her
24th year.
LOCKHART-At Auburn, or May
28th, Matthew Lockhart, in his
66th year,
EIIWARD-In (.oderich, on May 27th,
Emma Blake, widow of the late
}William Edward, in her 84th
BROWN -In Grey township, on May
, 28111, 'Thomas Brown, aged do
years, 10 months and 21 days,
Ready to -
1V es
Ladles' Spring sults
at Exactly
Halt Price
We are anxious to clear our racks
to nialte room in summer goods. We
put on sale every suit, twelve in all.
These are al1•this season's garments,
.colors navy, black and brown. Your
choice Saturday .t regular price.
Rain Coats $4.99
2 dozen special raincoats, light
and dark grey, good rubber lining,
wool top, sizes 36, 38 and 40, spec-
ial for Saturday 84.80.
of inee on Monday' raising iris house
preparatory to putting a foui111atiolr
and cellar under it, Mr, loreneh 0018-
be)uplat0s making other .1lnprovo.
meets and will have a • most Om -
reliable home whoa finished,
We Notice hl a recent bssuo of •the
Honsall' Observer 11(011 Premier Mar-
tie al Saskete1icwan paid a visit re-
cently to some friends in that
lly ro-
c ,
,I Cooper )er i s mat i
Mr. A. 0 1 has . ion work
ptthlg a wail under one side of his
Mr. J. Detweiler; began the cement
work of Iris bare on Wednesclay of
Ms week,
Rev, Jas. Foote, Exeter, supplied
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
on Sunday. ler. photo is an old.
Stanley boy and many old friends'
and also new ones were glad of the
opportunity of hearing him, Mr, (};
S. Iloward will speak in the inter-
ests of the Lord's Day Affiance. next
Mr.' Andrew Robertson, recently
returned from the war, visited Iris
cousin, Mrs, W. W. Cooper, recently.
Isis home is in Winnipeg,
Mrs. Isaac larrot entertained the'
ladies of the 1} , t.,S, Rf ")tic ,.,1'meslry-
terian-ehureh on Wednesday of this
-Miss Tina Wetzel of MYlllverton 1s
paying an extended, visit to, her
sister, Airs. J. Detweiler,
Miss ,Margaret Me111s attended the
play ill Seaferth Friday evening last,
'"1'he'Ileart of Ilunlirnity,'' and re-
ports it as well worth seeing,
In the Count'g
Mrs, Wm. Luker of IIensall, who
fractured her thigh some time ago,
fell the very first day sem was able
to -be up and broke her arm,
'I'he Dishes mill at Dungannon,
ivliich was built by the present own-
ers over forty years ago, Is changing
(lands, Mr, .Mowbray of Whitechurch
being the purchaser.
Mr. A. Heddle of Beninlller cele-
brated his eighty-eighth birthday one
day recently and a number of the
Rozell Broca
Our reputation for fair dealing
and reliable goods, coupled with
the De Laval record of service
and durability; has made the
De Laval Cream Separator the
leader in this community.
ANY of your neighbors
are using De Lavals.
Have you ever asked any of
them how they like their ma-
chines ?
Why not make a few in-
quiries ?
You'll find that -the De Laval
is giving them more cream and
better cream; that it is easiest
to turn, to dean and to care for;
very seldom gets out of order
and never seems to wear out.
Your neighbors will back up
what we have been telling you
about the De Laval.
t. So will any of the other
2,325,000 De Laval users.
! Talk it over with your neighbor
We will sell you a De Laval on
easy terms. Come in, examine
the machine and talk it over.
® v,
Ladies' Spring Coats
25 per cent off
Regular Price
Just twelve coats left, all good
styles including) covert cloths, tweeds
and.serges, Your choice of any coat
Saturday 25 percent,' 017 regular
price. Come) early for best choice,
ouse Dresses
10 dozen Ladies' House Dresses
made of good -quality; print, dutch
'neck, short sleeves, elastic girdle,
7i special for Saturday $1:d0,
This store will close every Wednesday at 12.80 during June,
July and August, Shop, in the morning,
friends of the, family gathered at his
hone and made merry vvl:th film,
Deputy-Shmrlil A. -D'. (Cameron of
Goderieh, who was overcome 1)y coal
gas while et work around the office
in January loot and lino 1801.1)0018
able to attend to his dubs stncer
is again able to resume his work,
The that); of St. Michael's church,
Blyth, presented their leader, Mrs.
McCaughey, with averY
hand -
cut glass bowl the other quem-
Iter', '1', W, Wesley, who gave up
the pulpit of the Wroxeter Presby-
terian church to enlist as .a private
M the 161st battalion, called oir
friends ill' that village last week and
W40 most heartily welcomed.
The Brussels postoilice will close
at half peat twelve o'oloek on Thus-
day,the weekly half Holiday, during
June, ,fitly and August. Instructions
Three Pure Bred Clydes-
dale Stallions
Royal of Dunhollnhill
Tuesday -Will leave hes own stable
and go north .through- Kinburn to
Geo. Dale's for noon then north to
Robt. Watt's, 13th con:, for night.
Wednesday -West• to Wm, Patter -
son's for noon then west and south
to Andrew Shepherd's, Base Line, for
Thursday -South through Summer-
hill to Henry Sn.yder's, 16th con.,
Goderieh township, for noon, then
east and south to Ed. ,Johnston's,
3rd con., lluliett, for. night.
Friday -Will go east to his owe
stable where he will remain until the
following Tuesday morning.
Monday -Will leave his own stable
and go south by way of Elcoats cor-
ners then to Mill Road to Cleo. Mc-
Cartney's for noon then south and
blest to Chas. Woman's for night.
Tuesday-Soutli to Kipper then
west 14• miles then south to .las,
Green's, Parr Line, for noon, then
west to Zurich then south to Daniel
'1'ruemner's for. night.
Wednesday -West 1.F miles then
north by way of Blake to Samuel
Gingerieh's for noon then north and
east to 'Thomas Robertson's for
Thursday -East to Parr Line thea
north through Varna to Wm. Clark's,
Cioderidi township,. for noon then
north 14 miles to Ed. Wlse's corner
then west to Jas. Sterling's for
right, _
A'riday-East to Robert Colelougb's
for noon then to C.'onunercial hotel,
Clinton, for night.
Saturday -To ,Tohn Noble's for
noon then east to his own stable
where he will remain until the fol-
lowing Monday morning, health and
weather permitting,
Colonel Bowers
Monday -Will leave his own stable
and go north to Geo. Wheatley's for
noon then north to .Jas. Watt's for
Tuesday -North to A'Ienne Jack-
son's for noon then east and north to
McDonald's hotel, Brussels, for
Wednesday -East to Robt. Mac -
Donald's for noon then east 1h miles
then south 2 1. miles then west to_
John McNair's for night.
Thursday -South to Thos. McKay's
for noon then east to Pot, Eckhart's
for night.
Friday -West to Chas, Little's for
noon then east and south to John
Delaney's, Beechwood, for night.
Saturday -West to Dick Douse,
Seaforth, for noon, then home for
night where he will remain until the
following Monday morning,
These horses have been enrolled
and inspected under the Ontario
Stallion Act and passed in Form 1.
Proprietors •
Seaforth, Ontario
Goderieh to Detroit and Return
Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderieh, ,Tuesday, June 17th
0,00 a.m. old time, 10.00 0,1n, eastern time. Arrives Detroit 5,00 p.m.
Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, Juue 19, 1 p, tn.
Detroit time (Detroit time is the same as Godericl) old time)
$2.25 Round trip. $1.75 single
Children between 5 and 12 half fare
.Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful and
most prosperous city, A million population, a city of beautiful parks,
grand boulevards and a wonderful wa ter front. Canadians coming to De,
trait for a temporary stay are not requiredto pay a tax or make a de-
posit. U.S. Immigration officers will be on the steamer to pass excur-
sionists. Good music and dancing 6(100 tc. (Pine cafe and lunch room
aboard steainor,
out of Goderieb, Monday evening, June 184111, 7.80 old tfin0, 8,80 God-
midi time -28 cents,
8 hours on boa MHO Lake Iitiron
Orchestra music and &011018 g in steamer's ball room.,
were received from the inspector
authorizing the closing of the odice,
B01(0000111 Union church is present-
ing to its soldiers solid gold )modals
or handsome design.
The merchants of Auburn have de,
0ido(1 to Ouse on • Wednesday alter -
!temp durlag
!tem pdtUJng Julio, July and August.
A happy reunion oc0urr6ci in
kerton re40
y when throe
and a siStor,
of whom
had served
in the great war, gathered under the
parental roof, 'Thein ' family name
was Ferguson.
Nine children were in the C!hB-
dren's Sitol'ter, Cloderlch, last week.
A summer school will be held in
Knox Church, .Goderieh, from July
5th to 12th, -
At Beigrave on Sunday horning
last a tablet was unveiled in Kilos:
church in memory of James McCal-
lum, Richard Fay, 11, Austin Camp-
bell, James IL ('oultes and 1.11tuer
McGuire, who fell in battle, and a
memorial clock in honor of the late
Nursing -Sister Grace Ferguson.
Death of Old. Resident of
Huron Countg •
Nlrs. Emma Edward of (ioderieli,
widow of the late }William Edward,
passed away on Tuesday of last week
at the age of eighty-four years.• The
deceased lady, whose maiden name
was I';nima Blake, was a native of
Goderieh township and was a life-
long resident of -this district, She
had resided in Goderieh for many
years, Her husband died several
years. ago, She is 'survived by three
children, two sons and 0 daughter ;
Charles of Vancouver, B.C. ; Joseph,
n uier0hat)t. air }'ooel)loy', S.ask,, and
Mrs. Cornell,a `,vldow, who 11ved
with her mother.' IViiss Lilian 1{14,
Warily da1)41:101 of Ate!, ('has ' ,lldward
of lrnneo111'er, was alytl with her
grandmother when the enol came, Her
son Joseliil hats been notified of his
mother's illness .but owing to the
strike 10 Winnipeg the message 1ra11
nottbeen forwarded toi1. A
ago announcing
her loath was sone
on and the Amoral was delayed until
lie arrived on Saturday,
The first instalment of "The Bear
of Silver Dale" by George Gilbert,
the well-known outdoor writer, ap-
pears in'Itod and Gun for June. This
is tl thrilling story :of (170111Mrir
along the Ural) line. Any5be inter,
ested 'bo the 1'Jmagatni Forest Re-
serve would do well to read tho
splendid article entitled "A' Seven,
Day .Canoe Trip" which tells of 11)0
doings of eight red blooded young
Wren in the north 00un1ry, J1u11e1't
Page 14110oln, the author or hishilig
i,otps Depactaien , is the ivrilrr of
an iateresting and Instructive article
on summer ontnping. In addition to
several other stories and a511046s ilio
regular departments Oro included. 10
this ap10ud111 number' of Ci uada's
premier 51ortsuen's magazine which
is now 011 sale, Rod ami Gun is Pub-
ished by W. ,I. 'Taylor, Limitodr
Woodstock, 0111.,
Full weight of tea in
every package
Sold only nu sealed packages
FURNACE easy to manage; a furnace that is
economical of fuel; a furnace that will heat
your home comfortably.
This is the proposition we offer in the Sunshine.
McClary's heating experts will -plan a' bleating sys-
tem for you without charge ---a heating system that
they guarantee will heat your home comfortably.
If you want to be sure of COMFORT;
if you want a durable, honestly built
furnace, well installed, put the problem
up to us. o
Ask about the LITTLE DRAFT -
MAN that turns on the drafts
and regulates them automatically.
Sold by J. Sutter
Crat°%bw�„ ami
i G�1` I '1 'l;I"I°'''�i 'fp'I'T'('f' i".l1'�'.'�'i4' '' II4(1•�.�p�,,�����.,��li:•� L E ., ,���' Ill.fli 181��BNII�(II�Iii�IItl Ihl�Vlll911 �llI lid!( �Ihi l!Glf(LrIJu.,lll�d�:�,�� 1, �7a 101!!Ill!!I ?i u�u1 II1NV!!Vla l�d!�t1li� lid l �r A .1L ,� 11
-a car mate of more
brains than metal
"'-AO much material and so much labor go into every car,
And so many bookkeepers record the business done.
Have you ever stopped to consider the brain power
that goes into a car?
Take the Maxwell, and note such men as these employed
in its development:
1/ The originator of quantity production in the automobile
business and the master mind in the employment of
machinery to produce quantity.
2, One of the two leading production men on the continent;
3. One of the two leading metallurgists on the continent:
47 One of the leading foundry engineers on the continent.
5; Probably the leading cost man on the continent. ,44y ..�,.
16; A road testing engineer who has driven a car further than
any living man.
7, An accountant who keeps a daily balance in a business
that exceeds $50,000,000 a year.
These are but seven of more than thirty men of exceptional
capacity who team together in the operation of the Maxwell
business; The career of any one of these men furnishes a
great human story.
The result is evident in the Maxwell of today
-a carwith a lineage of 300,000 before it. Alide-
signed and built on the original chassis program.
It is a car that grows better day by day.
Because more brains than metal are put
into it.
Afore miles per fallow
Sore miles ON fires
b.o.b. Windsor; Oat.
Ili,7, ,� l!J! I els
IIJ I I I 1 >I6pll1Il
11, Bartriff, Clinton, Ont.
I'�"'�' 'iu'I 'U f9 ,rr'! 1'1 � 1
ri�!Il i q, �p,lr,�N,,� l.; ;1911�,,�tllreOl�lh�(i11011I,�A� 1�, (i !
41V1111111..1111.1.„1Ii4l(,i'fl�" i'�Ildllfll'Vl�tlrl!li
fii'!fiifI I!I1b(nlil!p'i1641i>r��> tf�!;1'i!u�'IIPN�ii�