HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-5-22, Page 44 Olinton !News-ilecord YOU WILL FIND OUR Wall Paper the hest value procurable„ Ask those who have looked. over our selection.and they will tell you the same. Broken lots at less than cost price to clear. A. o hoop it e Agent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario Goderich T,OWIISI P Seetlleg is pretty well wound lip. Fanners are busy now wit!) the root crops, considerable sugar beets aro being sown this year but very few beans, Moot of 1110 sleek 15 out on the grass, . which has sprung up quickly the past few days. It was like old times to See the Mee of 1\lr. (leo, holland in and. Sunday. nrotindi Clintonlinton on ula y. 1 Ill Ie w he missed in many ways in the neighborhood. oaeher in MO Margaret Lansing, t S.S. No. 1(1, was the guest of 1\Iiss Vera 'Trick over Sunday, '!.'here are several canes of a mild type of mumps hn the township, Mr. Arthur Trick attended the Sn 01-Gr111nr purebred 1CbCOl Io1 10t7 sale at \1'oOdstock on Wednesday and made a valuable female addition to his hord. She was 1st in her class at London Exhibition, 3rd at Toron- to, 7t)i. in dairy test at Guelph in 1918, and besides has a splendid two- year-old official record and is bred to the Junior champion bull at 'Tor- onto, Loudon and Guelph In 1013. The Young Ladies' Patt'iotic So- ciety will meet next week at the home' of Miss !!Mary Clint .• Councillors Lindsay, \ anderburl;h. and Salkeld were appointed to te- 1 present the township at the Provin- cial meeting re Goderich harbor, Before the court of revision on Monday the new township flag will he hoisted for the first time. Ex - Reeves Lobb and McClure will both take part in the ceremony. ;1 municipal reception was tendered to Ptes. Walter lUuthwell and John McDonald, both of whom enlisted in the west, at the home of Mr. I. Rathw•ell yesterday evening. ('oun- eiilor Lindsay occupied the chair and addresses were made h) Major Shaw of Clinton, and Reeve 'I'rewartha and others and a musical program was given. The' ladies afterwards served a very dainty repast. 'there was a great turnout of people, over a hundred being present, and the ev- ening passed pleasantly. NEW ALL SLE1t1'ING CAR TRAIN TRANS -CANADA LIMITED DAILY Kippers Air, Piney Clark, who is 'taking the returned soldiers course at the Tcehnleal 1Sehool at Leaden, visited his Jnother, stirs. Wm, Anderson, ov- er Sunday. Iris wife -and little son aeeompanled Minn, Ile is taking a machinist's 000550. Mr. '!'hes. Workman was in Lon- don Satltday visiting his brother, ,John, who is in the hospital 3 r00ev ur. Bring from an operation. 1 e, f 0 71i him quite weak and nervous. Mrs,. Workman will remain in London for another week. Rev. Dr. Aitken and Roy, A. M0- h'arlene of 13ayfleld cxehanged 111(11es on Sunday last. The social given in the Presbyter- ion church last Friday evening was . spoiled by the wet weather he but t views show% of the different conval- escent homes for returned soldiers and the different devices for their comfort and pleasure was well pic- tured and were most interesting. 'Those who failed to. be there missed a very instructive evening. Rev. Mr. Hogg of Clinton passed through our village on Sunday on his Way to Ilensell to supply for the Rev Mr.:11eConne! of Carmel church, who .has been Lll for a number. of EMINENT COIFFURE SPECIAL, - IST COMING Dorenwend's of Toronto, the emin- ent hair -specialists will be at the Rattenhury SIouse, on Tuesday, June 3rd with a grand, display of the lat- est creations in hair -goods including ladies' transformations, switches, pompadours, waves, etc., and tou- pees and wigs for -men who are bald, All those afflicted with loss of hair are invited to tills display when a free demonstration will be given. rat 'iielft The DoubleTrack Route •Constal�iCe Mr. and 9r5. (crank l tall spent Monday In London. lite. and Mrs. Jos. Snell spent last week vlsitlnd 11015 brothers, Andrew and Bee Snell, Mrs. 110bt. Lawson, Mrs, Peter Lindsay, Mrs, Albert Trewia and Miss Stella Clark attendedthe con- vention at the Nile. t the tt h )ol 1 Frank ila boa 1 Mr,llall � blacksmith shop from Sirs. Sutker-' land and will use it as a storehouse. One day last week while Messrs. Robt. (lark and son were stretching 50tne fence the wire slipped and struck Mr. Clark, badly bruising his legs, but we are glad to slay no bons were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson and MastertMasterJac1 Moore c M spent Saturday. p withClinton. Moore of G• 1 0 Mr. 120 )t. M . 1 —between— MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C., E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A. 0. Pattison, Depot .-Agent. JOHN RANSFORD S. SON, Phone 57. (Uptown Agents. . week❑. Sergt. Melville •MeClymont left on Saturday for London. Ile' returned Tuesday of this' week, 81r. and Mrs. Alex. Monteith vis- ited friends in Goderieh on Saturday last. Three Pure Bred Clydes- dale Stallions Only One in the World Nursing -Sister Ferguson, who re,- turned e.turned to Teeswater recently from hospital work overseas gives the fol- lowing as the "best story" : When about to leave England site decided to cable her father, Reeve Ferguson, and wrote the address "Teeswater, Ontario, ('anada." The telegraph clerk said : "Excuse me, madam, hut you have written two unneces- sary words, You needs not write Ontario, Canada, '!'here is only one Teeswater in the world." Montreal and Toronto •to Vancouver. On Sunday, June 1st, new trains will be placed in service to operate daily to Vancouver via Canadian Pacific. - Train No. 7 will leave Montreal 3.30 p.m. Train No. it will leave Toronto 7.15 p.m. '!'rains will consolidate at Sudbury and operate Sudbury to Vancouver as No. 7 due to arrive Vancouver 10.00 a.m. the fourth day. Further particulars 'from Canadian Pacific 'Picket Agents, or W. 11. JIOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto 01-2 Dry Goods and House Furnishing ac PRONE 7S. • House® le If so you will need new 1 curtains, curtain scrims on sateens or something in that line.. We have a very com- plete stock of curtains, and also the latest and most up-to- date things in curtain netts, madras scrims, etc., in plain colors and fancy designs. If you need anything in this lino you should see our assortment, Furs and (Randy to - NV enr 1 (Garments Llnoleums, Rugs, Mattings, and Congoleurn Squares in all sizes and colors. Ask to see our new Grasstex rugs in all the new shades suitable for bedrooms, living rooms and veran- dahs. Sunfast Matting Is the only matting on the market today regardless of price which is sold under a guarantee. It is absolutely fast color, free from the effects of sunlight or water. Comes in beautiful. designs, fawn and white, blue and white, green and white., 86 fns, wide, re- versible. Price 45c a yd. Sold only by this store. Annual May Sale of Spring Suits Starts Saturday, May 17th. 20 per cent discount on all L Spring Suits. lt4a 4ilt',' r r-"! rxt u,Ar ozeil OS. CLINTON, ONTO. Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made the Do Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. rr HE creameryman knows 1 which separator skims clean- est, costs the Least to keep in good working order, and lasts the longest. He has to know. The wrong separator might easily mean a loss to him of several thousand dollars a year. They can't fool the creameryman That's why 98% of all the separators used in the world's creameries and milk plants are De Lavals. And it's just as important to you as it is to the creameryman that you make no mistake in your choice of a cream separator. Why not be guided by the creameryman's experience? Come in some day and talk it over News of iEiappenings in the COUnig and District If things turn out. as 1101)04 00110r - Mit will shortly have a $15,000,000 steel plant, employing about 4(100 hands, and a monster stunmer re- sort. A thousand odes of land is Wing bought up just south of the town, one thousand houses are to be built and exteesilve harbor im - provements will be made. A large deputation, is in Ottawa this week interviewing the Minister of Public Works regarding the harbor:. impr ❑rents, rendered necessary by the fact that the ore which will he used will be brought down from Lakes Superior and Michigan, Tho pre500t project is to continue the southwest breakwater farther toile south and to dredge out the inner harbor to a depth of twenty-four feet, The town limits will be extended, the waterworks system changed and South street will be widened, Al- together, if all plans are carried out, Goderich will boom during the next few' years. Tho GodieSiah Star, for the past few years published under the pro- prietorship of Messrs. Vanatter M d Naltel, his been purchased by Bert McCreath, a former Goderich boy who has hail Much to do with influencing the projectors of the new industrial scheme for the county town. ,Mr. 15ic("xeath is already in possession. ROUTES Royal of Dunhollnhill Tuesday—Will leave his own stable and go north through Kinburn to -leo. Dale's for noon then north to Relit. W'att's, 13th con., for night. Wednesday—West to \\'m.- Patter - son's for noon then west and south to Andrew Shepherd's, Base Lite; for night. Thursday—South •through Summer- hill to Henry Snyder's, 10111 con., Goderich township, for noon, tisen east and south to Ed. Johnston's, 3rd can„ Hullett,' for night. Friday—Will go east to his own stable where he will remain until the following Tuesday morning. Glenrae Monday—Will leave his own stable and go south by way of Elcoats cor- ners then to Mill Road to Geo. Mc- Cartney's for noon then south and west to Chas. Wasman's for night. Tuesday—South to Jiippen then west 11 miles then south to Jas. Green's, Parr Line, for noon, then west to Zurich then south to Daniel 'rruemner's for night. Wetinesdav !Pest 1- miles then SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A Maly 22nd, 1919 .• '; eJ Its ASSAM quality owes it that rich flavor r i*cod tea' Sold only in sealed packages ,,' 11013 A.NI) GUN Bonnycastle Dale, the well known naturalist is the author of a splendid. article entitled "The Dropping Off Place" in Ilod and Gun for May, This wholesome outdoor magazine is replete with stories, articles and special departments dealing with, Canadian wild life and nature. "Just ;Mallards" is the. enticing title of the cover page painting by F. V. Wil- liams, It depicts a pair of mallards winging along, to a Well protected cover and should quicken the pulse of every lover of wild game. t wo thrilling nature, stories that appear in this issue are, "01 Ioight Squar" by Kemper II. Broadus and "An Ad- venture in the Dark" by A. E. Jay. The first of an interesting series on conservation is contained in an excel- lent article by In- spector General of Fisheries, and. (lame in the Province of Quebec. The high standard of the ]Fishing and Guns and :\mmnnition Departments fs fully maintained in this interest - north by way of Blake to Samuel t in number which is now on sale. Gfngerlrll'11 for -coon 111611 north and o Rand Gpublished d anun is puhcd by W. •1• east to Thomas Robertson's fur Taylor, Limited, blisseock, Ont. night. Thursday—East to Parr Line then north through Varna to Wm. Clark's, Goderich township, fur noon then north 11 miles to Ed. W'ise.'e corner then west to Jas. Sterling's for night. I"riday—Fast to Robert Colelnugh's Mr noon then to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Saturday—To John Noble's for noon then east to his. own stable where he will remain until the. fol- lowing Monday morning, health and weather permitting. Colonel Bowers Monday–Will leave his own stable and go north to Geo. Wheatley's for noon then north to Jas. W'att's for night. Tuesday—North tollenno .Jack- son's for noon then east and north to McDonald's hotel, Brussels, for night. Wednesday—East to Rout. Mac - Donald's for noon then east 11 miles then south 24 miles thea west to John Mo\air's for night. Thursday --,South to Thos. ireI'zay's for noon then, east to Pet. Eckhart's for night. Friday—West to Chas. Little's for noon then east and south to John Delaney's, Beechwood, for night. - Saturday—West to Dick House, Seaforth, for noon, then home for night where he will remain until the following !Monday morning. These horses have been enrolled and inspected under the Ontario Stallion Act and passed in Forni 1, TTIOS. McMICHAEL & SON, Proprietors Seaforth, Ontario WH ITE STAR LI N E ,��A9� ►� ,. /ssi�l�ii�.iiiii�si�.os�iisis�iis ANNUAi-e EXCURSION Coderich to Detroit and Return %!Li) -,=rte" a.u....�. � � 4 v�-i ■ i d�Al.. _•'-ate`--���^' �� � _ Steamer Greyhound leavbs Goderich, Tuesday, June 17Th 0.00 amt. old time, 10.00 a.m. eastern time. Arrives Detroit 5.00 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, June 19, 1 p,m, Detroit time' (Detroit time is the same as Goderich old tine) 52.25 Round trip. $1.75 single Children between 5 and 12 half fare Don't miss this opportunity to, visit America's most beautiful and most prosperous city. A milliopopulation, a city of beautiful parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water front. Canadians coming to De- troit for 15, temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a de- posit. U.S, Immigration officers 'will he on the steamer, to pass exonr- sionists. Good music and dancing enroute. Fine cafe, and luneli room aboard steamer. BANID MOONLIGUT out of Goderich, Monday evening, Juno 16111, 7.80 old bimo, 8.80 God. Crich time --85 cents, 3 !roars on boo titifal Lake Huron Orchestra fnitsic and (101)cin g in steamer's !)all room. ..-rr,ir in May Cost $4.04 1n June 141-S.S. Cost $4.03 War Savings Stamps can be bought wher- ever this sign i,. displayed. And you can invest it in securities as safe and profitable as any held by cap- italists. Twenty-five cents saved each week can be made to earn 41/2% interest by a very simple plan. Thrift Stamps co^t twenty-five cents each. Sixteen of these when exchang- ed for a War Savings Stamp become a 41/25i interest-bearing security for which the Government will pay you $5.00 in 1924. In other words, if you lend the Govern- ment the $4.90 odd you have saved by this easy means, the Government w4l pay it back to you WITH AN ADDI- TIONAL DOLLAR five years from now. And you become an investor in the saf- est of all securities—a Government Bond. Canada needs the small savings of her people to finance the work of recon- struction. Make Your Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country --1 'lese Them in War SSavr'_'es Star S's. I I 1. n 1 •ni Il; I ,I I d 91IslIii�HiRl;01� I�b:lli�l�1;!ItIIIIHI1t:�A1 �' i�IIImIsO'x`,t Il�i�llllilll�l�lll�lllllllllllllll�ll�lllf!�IiIIfI�IIIIIiIiIIIII�III�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIiVi4l�lll�illilr�i�ill�l'ud114111,1111�i�'��ilG�ll1 _• . _,_M. �u�uu $1,275 t.o.b. Windsor; Ont. li A Car of Assured Reliability THE reliability of every Maxwell is assured by the volume produced. One model quantity production involves the investment of mil- lions of dollars in special machinery, plants, laboratories, etc., before a single car is produced. Therefore, the basic design must be right—right beyond any question—before this special equipment is installed. And after production starts absolute accuracy in every part must be assured to prevent delays, wast- age, hand-labor—things we can't afford. No tools are too expensive—no precautions too elaborate—to assure this result. This was our original plan and it has been con- sistently followed in producing the 300,000 Maxwells now on the roads of the world. It is the reason why of Maxwell reliability— economy—uniformity. A car made right to begin with saves you many a dollar even after you buy it. MAXWELL MOTOR CO. OF CANADA, Limited, WINDSOR, Ont Mere miles per galley Ilford miles on tires H, Bartliff, Clinton, Ont. NVIAPINISIONIVI � 't !ai'Ir it Ifs'4 i , l 4,