HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-5-15, Page 8Wall Paper don't make a home but it helps much to make a sat- isilod dignity and pleasure as well as a social eleva- tion cherished by every. home -keeper. When you are ready to enjoy these come to us for your Wall Decor- ationS. Fresh walls will disperse gloom and produce au atmosphere of . comfort and hospitality. Sua a change must surely have a beneficent influence on the minds and health et a home's inmates. Tie W. 11 Fair Co s'Often the Cheapest Always the Beet.'1 Miss Clete Ford was ,up from London over the week -end. Miss, Jean Scott is home from Tor- onto for a vacation, Mrs. M. D. McTaggart and little Miss Jeanette left on Friday for a visit at Morrisburg. Miss Kate Taylor of New York has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bea- ton, during,.the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey and Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Shanahan spent Sunday with friends in Blyth. Miss Jessie Ford of Goderich was the guest from Friday until' Mon- day of Misses Ward and Stone. Mrs. C. Shannon returned on Friday to Hamilton after a visit with her sister, Mrs, E. W. Morrison of town. Mrs. Keith Thompson, and little son of Saskatoon are visiting at the home of the lady's father, Mr. Hir- am 11111. Mrs. Wallis, Mrs, Beaton, Dirs. Mc- Math o-Math and Miss Porter attended the District W.M.S. Convention at Nile yesterday. Charlie and I-Iarry Brooks of Mitchell were the guests of their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cantelon, over the week -end. 11Irs, G. .A. Bradshaw, who had, been visiting in town for a week, left on Saturday to join her husband • at Leamington, where they intend, to locate. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, J. E. Ford and J. H. Osterhout of Goderich mot- ored down on Friday evening last to attend the evangelistic service in, Wesley church, Rev. Dr. Cameron of Detroit, who conducted anniversary services in Willis church an Sunday, was the guest while in town of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Scott. Miss Rudd and Lieut, J. R. Rumball returned from Flint on Tuesday and Lieut. Rumhall left this morn- ing for Toronto where he will re- sume his law practise with the firm of Kilmer & Davis. Mr. Frank O'Neil, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Leonard Fairly whose husband died suddenly at Listowel on Monday of last week, have been staying with friends in town during the past week, Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon and Master Billy left Saturday to join Mn MacKinnon in Toronto. Mrs. Rance, who had been visiting in town for a week, accompanied them. Rev. J. E. Hogg was in Detroit ov- er the week -end, taking the work of the Rev, Dr. Cameron who con - M ducted anniversary services in Wil- lis church on Sunday and, fnciden- ' tally) visiting his ,sister., ANYTHING YOU NEED IN PLUMDING, TINSMITUING, ROOFING., OR ELEOTRIO WIRING AND FIXTURE'S: C -A -L -L O -R P -H -O -N -E rA.gent Tor McClary's Sunshine J. A. SUTTEE SANITARY — PLUMBER -- AND ELECTRICIAN Phone • Phone 146• Estilnetoa given A. E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS, SIGNS, ET.% INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your floors, furniture, etc,,' by plenty of drop sheets. 81 Isaac Street OLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE — BIG REDUCTION SALE Come and Enjou Some of the Bargains 2 only 23 piece China tea sets to clear at $7.00, also 1 dozen China plain gold band teacups and saucers at $6.00.. Teaspoons from $1.00 a dozen up. 1 dozen knives at $2,50 and other bargains according to quality.: A full linb of Clocks, Watches and Jewelery, Gold and Gold -011 - ed Swan Fountain Pens, the best pen made in the world, also nibs.: Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, gold and silver mounts, some still at old prices. It will pay you to come in and look around.: R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE ee SHOES OF Selected Leathers ! But few people, when buying Shoes, ever give the leathers of which the Shoes are made, any consideration 1 Leathers of the same name are not always alike by any, manner of means 1 i-' '.z, I Ir. •f There are good leathers and poor leathers known by, the same name !.1 On the grade of the leather used depends largely the life and the satisfaction you gee out of your Shoes 1 THE BEST OF LEATHERS Our Shoes are made from the best of stock—not seconds. The leathers are selected with the greatest care by men of great exper- ience 1 That's what makes— OUR SHOES SO GOOD Men's Shoes $6.00, $6.50, $7.50 up to $10.00. Women'sShoes $4.00, $6.00, $7.50 up to $10.00. Sr/ -v' FRED. JACKSON "SHOES 'O1+', QUALITY." We Have Them `Pilgrim' X5.01 � Rubber Boots Best rubber boots on the market at the price Get a pair and try them, Full assortment of all that is Best in Rubber Footwear Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 25 NEW IDEA PATTERNS. 1 JUST R LITTLE NOTE 1 yj to advise you• that we make, a specialty of dainty bedroom furniture for dainty. people. To know how attractive aro these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them. Descrip- tion would not do justice to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their. quality. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone *a*, 28 i i1lf% II: r9: HUN and Misses Dor- othy and Florence visited Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton en Fri- day. They accompanied Mr. Rorke, who motored to St. Marys, re- maining until his return Saturday. Mrs. -Dickenson and her son, Mr, W. L. Dickenson, who have been mak- ing their home in Hamilton for the past few years, have purchased a house at 88 Sanford Ave„ South, and have taken up their abode therein. Rev. S, E. McKegney and Mr. J. Raneford are attending the meeting of the Synod of Huron in London this week. This is the thirty-four- th consecutive year that Mr. Rens- ford has been a delegate to the Synod., Messrs. T. Managhan and T. W. Hawkins, representatives of the local lodge, and D.D.G.M., G. E. Hall and District Secretary II. Gould attended the.I.O.O.F. annual district meeting in Goderich on Friday evening. Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. Paterson and lit- tle son of Sarnia visited the lady's sister, Mrs. W. 1). Fair of Clinton for a few days. They accompanied Mr. Paterson to Seaforth, where he conducted anniversary, services in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day last. Mr. R. .J. Cantelon left for his home at Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday after a fortnight's stay in town. He had been assisting in the Bot- tling up of the estate of his meth er, the late Mrs. Peter Cantelon. His wife had preceded him to De- troit, where he joined her.. Major E. M. McLean, who recently returned from overseas, was in town over theweek-ead, the guest of Col. and Mrs. Combe, Nlajor McLean was a former resident of Clinton and has many friends in the old town who were delighted to See and shape Mends with lifrn again. Clinton News -Record May 150, IMI uses le •f The Following Staples Flannelette. Flannel, Canton Flannel, Gaby Delaine, Gingham, Nurses Cloth, Print, Silkolluie, Bath Towels, Toweling, Cotton—bleached and unbleached, Cambric, Nainsook, Ticking, Duck. Denim, Cottonade, Table Linen, Pillow Cotton, Sheeting, Sheets, Flannelette Blankets, Batting, Mill ends of colored Marquisette, Chintz and Factory Cotton Buying them at any time here you pay the lowest market prices, and our sale prices are less than the wholesale or mill prices. We urge you to come and investigate the above mentioned facts. Space will permit us only to mention the matchless values, and the still greater part of the story remains to be told. it will pay you to make a trip to this store from any distance, Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the best bargains will be gone to the early buyers, for this will not be the case, With stocks as big as ours it would require a lot of selling to reduce them much, in tact it would take our present staff a long time to sell out the before mentioned goods, We do not intend to put on extra salespeople for;this sale, To do so would only increase the cost of the goods to the purchasing public. Our object is to give each customer the best merchandise at the lowest price. The public can help us greatly (and incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morning. We reserve the right to limit the quantity 'purchased by any individual person; this we do. in fairness to all. WOMEN'S STORE Dr Geods, House Furnishings phone 6e• Next Royal Bank MEN'S STORE . Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 et 1 4 4r_ JT 1 4 3 4 3 Y WANT D 80 0 MEN to hear Hanley on "WRITE BLACKIItDS" 7 p. m,, Wesley Church 11 a.m., Ontario Street Church Subject: "The Twilight of Life's 7 p. m., Ontario Street Church WOMEN ONLY REV. FRANK REYCRAFT 0000 MUSIC 118 1 i""