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The Clinton News Record, 1919-5-15, Page 7
A NEW LANDED GENTRY. By S, 4. 'SII► •1"Yl (ill) And always he wears a complacent • stone, There has been a lot of disapproval voiced lately 3galnst the importation of titles., Personally we can't see what all the row is about, It surely cannot hamper a man's usefulness in life just to have a few iuitials hitched on to the rear end of his name or for that niat. ter to have a "Sir" di'uni-majoring in front. On the other Band we do view with concern the growth . of the Landed Gentry whom the farmers of Ontario are unconsciously creating. In every town and village you see the creating under way, In every town and village you will find at least one gentleman of Hebrew extraction who delights in tl the nlme of Scraphtslty, Junkovitch o or something just as suggestive. They come to this country from. Russia, e Austria, Hungary, Poland and other European countries; sometimes with sufficient funds. to purchase an ancient horse and wagon and rent a storage yard, but more often these accessories come later. In either event they soon aoquiro sutllolent Eogl.ieb to transa:ot their business of buying and selling QM iron and other Materiels, And their best anstomere are the fal•mere. For proof of this statement just glance at the next junk pile YOU gess and you will that i l BOP i it made is node np largely of binder, mower l8al 1 • and ether implement i arts t tv iiph through t parts,t h e stir g ap s 1 s and want` of Caro 011 the farmers' part, have been scrapped. These implements were cut off in the prime of their use- ful life, Now this motel collecting business is a remunerative one, for after' a few years of buying for a song and selling at IL good profit otil' Hebrew friend is in a position to return to the lain] from whence he came, where by virtue of the wealth he has made from the Canadian farmer he is" able to pier, chase ,a baronial hall, the original baron having left his estate for linen.. Dial reasons, and being pelhaps uow engaged as a waiter 1» a Torbnto hotel or Possibly employing Ills artistic talents in creating studies in black and tan in a shoo shine parlor. Our retired sorapman'is now in a position to live at ease for the rest of kis life. With our mind's eye we cap see him watching his goats grazing on the verdant hills of his estate, we can see his look of pleasure as hie eye fol- lows the gambols of his kids both. Jewish and goatish. Or. again, we see him testing the luscious fruit of his vineyard, And always he wears a complacent smile, a smile so broad tat even Ms patriarchal beard cannot bscure it. For all these good things are his, received at the hands of the areless Canadian farmer. The farmer ,will continue to plow, sow and reap; incidentally he will neglect to build an implement shed, and thus continue the business of pro- viding serap for the junk man's suc- cessor. SPINNING STEEL. Intricate Process, Used in Manufac- ture of Steel. Steel for wire making is delivered to the wire mill in bars four inches square, a yard long and about one hun- dred and fifty pounds in weight. 'Phe wire makers bring the bars to a white- hot, pliable condition, then run -them through, a series of grooved roils in the rod; mill: It forms them Into rods of lead -pencil size that are conveyed through a pipe to a mechanism that coils then] into bundles.- The rods are then carried on moving platforms to the open air and cooled. From that point on, says the Scientific American, the wire maker's bring the metal to its final shape while it is cold by the wire -drawing process. Tile bundles are first immersed in a vat, of dilute sulphuric acid, called a pickling soi0tion. Then after most of the acid is got rid of in a hot-water bath, the rods are run very slowly un- der successivesprays of water. The rods are then dipped In milk of lime t e.-Lteutralize any, remaining traces of acid, in"'oder to protect them from further atmospheric action, and to pro- vide then with a librieant during their subsequent passage through the steel die, Brittleness is next overcome by baking the line -coated rods for sever- al hours in an oven at a -temperature of four hundred degrees; after that they are ready to be drawn into wire. A wiredrawing die is a solid piece of steel with a number of round, tap- ered holes—that is. smaller on one side of the die than on the other, •The die is clamped in a vise, and the end ' of the rod forced through one of the holes. The projecting end is then fas- tened to a revolving drum that pulls the entire length of the rod through "the die, It is now wire—round, smooth and without kinlrs. It is drawn through one die after another, each smaller than the one before, un- til it is reduced to the required size, The reducing process- also makes the wire harder, for the steel becomes K. pecked together more tightly as it passes through the die. 'If the drawing process were con- A Shrewd Turk. Writing in Asia, Mr. John Van Ess relates a tale that exhibits an interest- ing bit of -Turkish acumen. I' once happened to be on a Turkish steamer, he says, when there were four Europ- eans in the first saloon. The cook had prepared a roaet for our dinner and bad placed it in the scullery window. A short time before the meal he came frantically 'in to the pasha who com- manded the three hundred soldiers on board, exclaiming that the past had been stolen. The pasha, undisturbed, detailed an aid to hunt out the thief. "Line up the soldiers on deck," said Ile; "and smell every man's breath. He whose breath does not smell of onions is the thief. Bring him quickie In an incredibly short time the aid returned, leading a gaunt solder, who meekly admitted his guilt. Allthe other soldiers had dined on onion stew, but the guilty man had eaten choice roast beef, LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER, Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. queeze the to a bottle containing nguice othree f two Jounces emons in of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti• der. at very, very sinall cost. Your grocer has the Demons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents, '&Iassage this sweetly frag- rant lotion intotheface, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It Is harmless, OYSTER PEARL INDUSTRY, Japanese Farm Where Bivalve Is En- couraged to Produce Jewel. _ There is an extensive salt water farm in Japan, where the gardeners ncourage oysters to 111111(0 pearls, The farm has an area of about fifty square rifles, and the water varies in depth on1 five to fifteen fathoms. The pearl armor selects spots where the oyster pawn is plentiful and plants small rocks and stones 'As soon as they are covered with oyster spat ho places then in special beds, where they lie undisturbed until the third year. It is said that an oy- ster will not produce a pearl unless' a foreign substance_irritates irritates it, As soon as it feels the irritation It .pro- ceeds to cover the troublesome object with nacre, layer upon layer, until af- ter a few years it has made a pearl. When the oysters are large enough the pearl farmer takes then from the beds and, carefully opening diem, in. troduces into their bodies, a tiny speck of 801110 foreign substance. At - ter that he 'replaces them in the sea, 'At the end of from three to live years the oyster has coated the f].reign sub, - stance with macro and a pearl is the• result. e 1 United long enough, the wird would be- fl conte brittle, It is therefore necessary f to stop drawing and run the bundles a through an oven to anneal the wire and to make it soft, Finally, the wire passes through a, molten zinc gaivan• izing bath and runs through a shred, ded asbostos"wiper that carries off the surplus zinc la is then cooled and wound on reels. By a curious coincidence the armis- tice became effective on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. That in itself might seem to indicate that to the Raiser eleven is a fateful number, but an- other coincidence gives the theory even greater weight. Tho eleventh verse of the eleventh chapter of the eleventh book of the Bible says: ''Wherefore the Lord said unto Solo- mon, Forasmuch as this is done of thee, and thou haat not kept any cov- enant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee, 1 will surely rend • L_, the 'kingdom from thee, and I will ..-„ C • ]give it to thy servant." During the warthe Belgian Red Cross maintained communications with 100,000 families in occupied Belgium, rvh.ar• T T S0.: Y:mp amu, •0, •�' I.' `=;'^." T�IAFP.ST,L•-•FaLyS.,gvy�.�-CTxRt, -OJ•�",!'w"„•Gia/�w.,I.+J,✓s.,.,-✓'^Wr,I�'b,3�,W^v=•R�f•'M.Y=^u�,4✓+ly�.N„ '1" �®d was devised for .. k Ili it; t qethee With r 9rtion c'' 44 r 6' des!' ped ealtiriind * `eta th in 4• '` Otlsidb ,,,., Laraltf4 fbstd Se4Ni Lfc "Pis 0 R bZF', WE SELL, WE RENT, WE BUY • MAC » NEB:Y 01 all hands and rot all purposes. Sao lie A'h'st 080 sAva(. MONF'Y. Burns & Roberts, Ltd„ Toronto Tite Weekly Fashions 1 i11UTISIC A*I q y7G' I AI3ttTGS. Old Country oti the Way t0 I2eep1>! tore Lost Industry, Tho glpvo f4'brie industry, wbiell until the outbreale of the w„ar, was a German menopolyl Is being rapidly recaptured by Nottingham llranuf.o- toners, It originally hal its home in Nottingham, but e . the su cress of Ger- man eitemi.sts 121i d stove •in r a bhp 6 method od dyeng black t on e otba n ,lnovn asthe 7 Tor ,d rfY o r lI< p oee3s, Which not only 1'oducee a erman, PP lt Figured voile never looked so smart and youthful as when made up In this ruffled model, McCall Pat- tern No. 8881, Ladies' Dress. In 6 sizes, 84 to 44 bust, Price, 25 cents. Gare eta; Dainty dotted swiss, combined with sheer organdie, makes this attractive dress for the little tot. McCall Pat- tern No. 8884. Girl's Dress, In 5 sizes,,p„ to 14 years. Price, 20 cents. The daring checked shirt combined with the plain waist section is a Con- trast that only the ,young and slender should attempt. McCall Paten No, 8900, Misses' Bathing Suit, In 4 sizes 14 to 20 years, Price, 26 cents. These patterns tnay be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St,, Toronto, Dept. W. FEAST ON ELEPHANTS' FEET. Diet of Tommies in Africa Included Eland and Zebra Steaks, Men returning from what was Ger- man East Africa have been telling people in England 801110 of their ins. pte0ai0118 about strange meats with. which the British Tommies have vari- ed their diet of bully beef. It is stated that the best of the strange meats was eland steak, which le appetizing and ae eatisfying as the jnloest steak from an English ox, Elephant meat has a good flavor, aceordiag to do returned soldiers, but it Is sometimes stringy and coarse. The trunk of the elephant is a deli- cacy resembling, according to the men, the succulent meet trona the Munn of the angelnl. Elephants' feet baked in wood ashes in a holo in the ground matte fainly good meat jetty, but It is ,inclhied ,to , be gluey rimless properly cooked, Giraffe 1lesli Is coarse and, its flavor recalls the (a(101"of.ogt's meat, ,Ze112iy„ytealte aro very sweet, and the meat le white, rather Into veal. While the BrItlsh Tommy could vary ilia an11 lt�ei w.itit zebra and eland a@tafik,s, , Mach "'fife, he cone(' with. horror upon the 11021505 who l'olisho1 falba ants, and if they had 1110 oppoi'. Utility of preparing eater pillars, rats, tnohlteys and aroeatile meat, t'hoy ell- joyod 0110h 091. 4.1po ticrtoises roast- 6(2il t]loli' !malty) W6TO favored by tlti,, natives, . •• • M Duman larotltago eat),, Seldosn he • 1 salved; it'must lie preventofl, tlainatdes.]]ailment nao4 by it taaleltfla ent black, bub makes.. the gloves suede-like'in. appearance and toudh, spelt ruin to the English mantrf5.ottar- ern. The 'Germans before the war exported 80,000,000 pairs of these gloves, valued at three-gnarto5• of a million 'sterling• to England. The dyeing and finishing, of lace and hosiery by Nottingham firms has, however, reached stroll a high standard of -late yeaas, and has re- vealed so many German secrets, that the manufaetnrei•s are now entering again into the glove fabric trade, So successful are they proving that whereas in 1918 England only made 880,000 yards of glove fabric, that figure is now being quadrupled, Nottingham •fstms are spending large sums of money on cheonieal re- search end are taming out gloves equal to anything produced by Ger- many, but they are appealing to the Government notate allow the trade to be killed once more by Germany, where labor, which represents one- thi2rd of the cost, is less 'well paid. 0 0—,r--5. YES! MAGICALLY! • CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS • s o 0 0 0 0 You simply say to the drug store pian, "Give me a quarter of an ounce of freezone," This will cost very little but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn should relieve the sore- ness instantly, and soon. the entire r'brn, root and all, dries up and can be lifted out with the fingers, .This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that, while freezone is sticky, it dries in a moment, and 81111- ply'shrivels up the corn without in- flaming or even irritating the surround- ing tissue 02' skin. Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and Blake hint try it, Imports in the, last analysis can only be paid for by exports, The Dominion war debt has grown so that an increased exrort trade is im- perative, according to the advisors of the Canadian Trade Commission. The Canadian national debt in 1914 totalled $46 a head. It. is now over $270. Increased trade only, says the Canadian Tracie Commission, can help 118 to carry the new burden. I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT, CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie, I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINI. MENT, St. Peter's; C. B. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a home of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT, Bathurst, N. B. THOS. W. PAYNE. Roundly, $4,000,000 worth of orders have already „been booked in Europe by Canadian woolen mane- facturers who formed a trade group, as advocated by the Canadian Trade Commission. Other groups are now being rapidly arranged. Ask for 51:innrd's and take 110 other. A, motor plow that has been in- vented in Denmark can be driven .by steam, benzine or petroleum. k. 4 6A, `A. Ndvr Rresoriptlbtl'Needod, We 1 thek a#"9 ti pigs' et fee• 971'Vn Rtlr thr6ugki fist year. the Por the 111 tos;t nlnrliot Cristo. I.7f UUsfuesa.slno4l t�¢IG,. X1111k ..-.say, Old plan, do you knew D1'55 MS a lino for partiottiel's, Mlitll41 Miry .& Croaln'zsy Co. 743 745 king St West • Toronto Weil Lubricated, Tao motorist 8nlefgod•fronl beneath the Car and struggled ger breath. I i s b 1B hel pful friend holdhll, the 011 can beamed union 11i111, "I've just given the cylinder a thor- ough oiling,. Dick, old Ivan," said the helpful friend. "Cylinder," said the motorist, heat ,edly, "that wasn't the oyliudeir; It was my ,ear," MONEY ORDERS, Send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars conte three cents. Too many cooks spoil the broth, but a whole family can work profit- ably in garden. Keep Mlllard's LAriptbllt In the 1louse. Cool milk 'us soon as it is drawn, but be sure that- the cooling process is carried on in a clean, place, free from objectionable odors. • ReadyOFING 11 A'2Asphalt lSelma Shing. les, t'WVall 13oard, Building Papers, Roof PaintsS ete, Write for prices and samples. Save money by buying direct. 401)itiii Ell BROS. 79 Jai71ao st, Toront Vigilant Crines paid for best grade new goose, duck, chicken and turkey feathers, Crew H. Hees, Son Ss Co., Ltd. 276 Davenport Road, Toronto TifiS .COVERNMEIT LEGEN EST 24 /JRaC7 EES MITT lS am MN CU OF ialcS PORK O H AND BE NIS W. CLARK 411Tio ao""+rn. allat WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM. 111EURTISII Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief • •i'or practically every man has used it who has suffered from rheumatic - aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joint,, the results of weather ex - immure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. • Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical quickly effective, Say . "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist. Made in Canada, Get it today. He's starting right Dad is happy to find that his boy won't have tot put up with what he went through — dull . blades, tin g1iiig face, ,' half -removed stubble. Instead the lad will experi- ence only the cleanliness and comfort, the sense of physical well being that follow a cool, clean, satiny shave such no only an AutoStrop Razor can give. This and the fact that the AutoStrop Razor sharpens its own blades, and is not taken apaft for strop. i ping or eleaning, has led thou- sands of dads everywhere to recommend the AutoStrop Pesos to their soils, azor — Strop — 12 blades — $s 1 tj{Mrp0'y"t`gyIV i 7 ar UTo,4'I720p1All2C7`1t11:0Olt do., Limited Autastrop tinkling, Toronto, armada R sec„ 604 1.2(1 Give Cuticula the Care Of Y ii<. Skin Andwatch that troublesome erup- tion disappear, bathe wit11 Cuti- cure Sous, dtq acid apply Cutl.lira Ointment, rot eruption', reel{ es i1'ritatiOns, etc,, they are Sonde]'- fol Nothing so insu res a clear shin and good ]lair as making Cuticura your every -day toilet preparations, Catfenta soap 260, olntrasst 2I and tea, Tal. cels 850 rhea Canadlgt 1,1(1,0, sola evorlvtaro,Toatnhlonsavro 000'05: Ostturd, 05.8, dann. „-„.. - 1a..rrwwrna4ar4w. 18SUE, 19—'19, . sf any more for insomnia? ,iluloo--Gountteg one thOUSand said to be.a remedy. Balks—Canteen(' It, t11at's what aYeryhedy..teila pie; but the baby's too young to count, zaruard'e 'Linilno >xt lanmbolm 'a act's an lid 8Vr, 2nng ti AYP nIO hiONNX ON r 17lvii/A R, L Write to -dao for our "]toll-iplrvct-t.+ User" priests before ordering elsewhp e, SatisSaotlon guaranteed or stoney Uaok, Shlppad' anYwhore, Aavleg Conetruottop Company, Vancouver, a 21077&x2t'X WAtQa'1<1n '"( PAIl3 O2r,P5Ggogg AND VP. Any fancyUte y poultry Y to ep pnIYRtfto ter .ices. i {ofut oij11•18 StTeas Galitlete 1urKet• tl t- .. roAl'Rue Approximately 500 horses have r2v2tab 3, been '1V CIASI3S x3411N $]6 To 528 A w gIC 41! Learn without low= limn,', 0enft for free iloolrint ItoylU tfolioge of Sclanco, Dept, 10Taranto, Canada, ran jvAiia, -INTELT, IOQ LiIPP.ED N1OWSr'APILFt ft tri nd oh r i n to tin I Gntarlq I g P not In PltStcrn go ter 155 051ee uarl•iecl 3. 13 59111 1 Wilson Publishing quick fist., roll n1$, Pubtlshing-Co. f,td., Toronto. &12 FJt'1211ir,11 R7 E O'U S. ... . Cq'yANC17r3 'PITAwwits, L'UAU'S, PTO„ d/ Internal end external, cured with- out Bain by our home treatment, write us betore too fate, Dr, Bel 1111811 Atadical 00.,,, Limited, Collingwood, Ont by muslin/fed,to Sasltatehowan for soldier Battlers et prices ranging from $1125 to $195, All grades, Write for prices, TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF • • TORONTO NHL FA WEr INVEST YOUR MONEY In an .1- 1p nag Shei Ask your LUMBER DEALER For Plans .and Prices, Big Phoney, Raise Rabbits for Us i iNe Coy GS a pair for ell you raise froth our; stock. No duty to Canpada. L teratbre: end =treat l occotn. Nothing Free,' DETROIT 2509 & FUR SOCIETY BOX 80Fi DETROIT, MICN, 474•x.®tea.©� 0�,.�6�EayUv-�•b b Cause se og g a Early Old Aga 1 0 The celebrated Dr. Micheahoff, V (. an aatilo. ity on early old ago, lA says that itis "caused by poisons generated in the intestine." , When your stomach digests feed properly it is absorbed without V formingpoisonousmatter. Poi- V Sona bring on early old ago and V premature death. 15 to30dropa 1r ® of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals s 0 makes your digestion sound, i Comfort Lye is a very powerful cleanser. I1 ie used for cleaning up the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, etc. Comfort Lye is fine for malting sinks, drains and closets street anti clean, Comfort Lye Kills rats, mice. roaches and insect pests. Comfort Lye will do the hardest spring cleaning you've got. Comfort lye is good for making soap. It'epowdered ,perfmod and 100% pure, • "AGATE" . z Stands rough wear and resists Water For Stege by Wig Deagers• COM ScRUP a he Syrup for Pc.lea' kt° A golden stream of Crown Brand Corn Syrup is the most delicious touch you can give to Pancakes! In the Kitchen, there is a constant call for Crown Brand Corn Syrup for snaking puddings, candies, cakes, etc. Sad the clay when you are too big to enjoy,a slice of bread spread Blick with Crown Brandi Could that clay ever come? Ward it off! Grace your table daily with a generous jug of Crown Brand Corn Syrup, ready for the dozen desserts and dishes it will truly "crown". 296 20 nt 1j Sold by Grocers everywhere—in 2, 5, 10 end 20 pound tins, The Canada Starch Co, Limited Montre;, 5���s` tti�ibls� SEND 17 EXPERTS �`i la trid .Parker's can clean or dye carpets, curtains, laces, draperies, g1i'tvns, etc„ and make thorn look like new. Send ,your faded or spotted clothing 01` house:mit] goods, anal will renew theooi. We pay fiarr'iage charges one way and guaarantee satisftictor'y, work. Ottr booklet; oil household helps that save money will be sent tree on routed to PARKER'S DYE" WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yot7ge St, - 'ortiiCtt 111e41km2M"-'- -,oabicY'svne-0aW, 41YtalWwcri 14KtltuLapa•Whl�aniif,vYii ;-.fi'.7..._..:,..... .. ^.'.:+137 Itg"aiak'S5dtattitargr'J:"+'G;G'3s11grZAV a,