HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-5-15, Page 5May 15th; 1919• Clinton No Of Interest to You. and iVie They are celebrating a "'week Of auourning" la Germany, Not on ac- count of their sins, however, but bee • Caihse they are beteg called upon to make reparation lora few of then, • • • The ,()Bice. will have elle supervision of the bridges of the Rhine for the .next fiftoou years, That ;will be all right if they are not loft ui1C{uarded just about the time there is (Luger of as "break through." • • , '"The mean temperature of April," -,says au exchange, "proves to have been a trifle. higher than the aver- .ago," IF anybody'd, asked us we'd have said that the temperature of April was about as low flown mean .as it could be. • • • The Germans are very, angry about ;the severity of the peace terms ar- ••ranged by the Allies. They should ,consider how much less severe .they are than the terms which they would _have insisted upon had they, been the victors. - - . ,• • "Abolish poverty and drunkenness will disappear," shouts someone who pretends to have studied the clues - lion. The trouble is it cannot bo .done. in ninety-nine 01150s out of a hundred the drunkenness is the cause •ot trio poverty, Isn't it like Gamlen arrogance and -conceit to propose the drafting of a 'new treaty of peace ? No doubt they r=r; could draft one that they would much rather put their names to but it would be a sheer waste of tune, ,energy and stationery. • • • Do the Germans suppose that the 'peace conference people are going to • allow them to discard the perfectly _.good treaty, the drafting of which has occupied then] for the. past four or five months; and adopt one hur- .riedly sainted but in a few days ? •Anybody who thinks so Is crazy. • Tom Longboat hasreturned from overseas where he has been serving as a despatch rider. Tom would have 'the advantage of others in that, if anything went wrong with his motor - ...cycle he could just abandon the pesky tiling' and run on without it, deliver- ing the despatch on schedule time, "'Germanyis stripped naked and then ordered to turn out Lor pee- .kets," complains a correspondent in commenting on the peace terms. Ev- en at that it will he a wonder if Germany hasn't a marked card con- •oealed somewhere which will "queer" 11he Allies' game. The Paris cerrespondelhts noted the dart that while the French Ptealier stood "to nixie his- address to the -German representatives their spokes - :man did not rise from, his e.hair when 'making his reply. Wo would hardly expect a .German von to, be as polite .as a Frenchman; however, • • Speaking of the probable trial of the former German emperor the Sim - coo Reformer says : "If he is not to be hanged, which he would-be if he were not "Royal" don't put him on trial." But why the farce of a trial if it is determined beforehand that the'amused should suffer the extreme ,penalty ? • * * "I am opposed to the movement :among farmers to buy all their -goods from the big centres," Chas Stewart, •e) -reeve of Ashfield, himself a prom- inent Huron county farmer and mem- ber of the U.F.O., is reported to have declared. "The farmer needs itihe•1iioai merchant as much as the ,merchant needs the farmers' patron age, because if business places . in small towns are wiped out the value in farm property will not increase." This is ono side. to the question which many farmers, we fear, . over- look. The town needs the -farmers and the farmers need the town. There should be mutual understanding and mutual helpfulness, • • • The Goderich Star indulged in it '"pipe dream" last week all about what was going to be done in the future along the shore of the Huron at that.point. There is certainly plen- • ty of room for improvement. We !have; ,often wondered what the impressions ,of a stranger are who happens to arrive at the C.P.R. depot at Goder- ich at night. FIe, must tees. • some- ' thing like the Children of Israel did when they heard Pharaoh's host com- ing up behind them ; the Red Sea in front. However, when he has •climbed thehill, got him, a bed somewhere for the night and wakes -sap In the morning to see the, sun "-- ter •sl'hining on the square and ,the blue waters of the Huron to the west, he will admit, no doubt, that Goderich isn't so bad. It is _a good thing for the, town, though there's no place to stay below the hill.. In that ease night arrivals at the 0, P. le. would take the first train out, . • Summerhill Mr, Chas. Tyner and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mason motored flown 10 Lon- elon one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston See- •dayed under the parental roof. Mr. Chas, Tyner had a valuable •sheep worried by dogs on Thursday 'night last, .1lirs. Wn1. L11WSon is spending a Week with her son, Mr,. Tony, Law - am, at Oshawa, 'The Many MONIS of Mrs. T, IC, Malt are pleased to hear that Bae is dinproving, Allis Margaret Altair; of Detrott spent a few days under the parental, toot, Mr. dad Mrs, Chas, Clifton of TKil1, tion visited at the home of 1i'Trs, 00o, `Tinier on Sunday. 101, Mrs, J. R, Sundereock of Hullett Called llle death took pfaoo nt the hone of her dlvughter, Airs. Win, Weymouth of Walkervllle, on Friday hist of Mrs. John 11. Sundorco0k of the 8th eo)1- eesSioe.. The late. AIrS, Sundere001( had bean ailing for 50100 1111110 and a couple of months ago had gone to Walkervillo' for treatment but though 0110 was given every care and everything poss- ible was done for her she gradually grew worse until the end came. Her lidsbanri had gone down iii the !lope that he might he able to bring her home, but Sl10 was too ill to be 1110v - ed and she diet! on Friday. The deceased lady Was a daughter of the, late Robert Wilson of Hullett. and had spent practically all her life in that township., She is survived by, her husband, who Is not at all well at present, and a faintly of two sons and two daughters ; Mrs. Wu1, Hugh- es, Dauphin, -Alan,, Mrs. Wni, Wey- mouth, Wallferville ; Wilson Sender - cock, Walton, and Charles at home, One sister, Mrs, T. Penner -of Hen - Ball, -also survives. Mrs. Sundercock was a Methodist in religion, being a member of Con- stance Methodist church. She was a good wife and mother 1131(1 a kind neighbor, one who will be much miss- ed in the community. The remains were; brought home for burial, the funeral taking place on Monday from the family residence on the 8th concession. The services wore conducted by the Rev.. Mr. Sawyer and the pallbearers were Bobs. and Thos. Rogerson, James Fairservice, Wni. Husk and Wm.. Carter. Some very handsome floral offerings were sent, among them being a beau- tiful wreath from the W.M.S. of Con- stance and one from the family. Amongst those from a distance w 110 attended the funeral were the Messrs. Tremere,. Mitchell ; Mr. Parimer, Hensall and Mr. A. Wilken, Clinton. Much sympathy is felt for the be- reaved husband and family in their sorrow. People You Know Miss Isabel Gunn was in London on Monday. Alrs C. 'II, Venner and two children spent a few days in Stratford dur- ing the past week. Mr. Emerson Libby left Tuesday for London where he has enlisted as bugler with the. Princess Pats. Marriages BROCK-IIEYWOOD - At Seattle, Wash,, on April 26111, by Rev. ',I. BIiss, M. A. Heywood of Victoria B.C., formerly of Clinton, to Robert Brock of Seattle. Births LADD-In New Toronto, on May 6111, to Mr. and .firs. William Ladd, (formerly Beatrice Fawectt),, a son -Herbert George. FIOLMES-In Grey township, on Ap- ril 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holmes, a daughter. Deaths MINER -in Clinton, on May, 7111, Harry, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Miner. SCOTT -In Seaforth, on May 4th, infant daughter of 1VIr. ant Mre. L, Scott. COURT Ole REVISION . Ole TIIE Village of Bayfield. -Notice is here- by given that the Coed of Revis- ion of the Municipality, of the Vil- lage of Bayfield will be held in the town. hall, Baylield, on Monday, Alay 21th, 1019, at 7.30 o'clock h1 the evening, for the purpose of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said municipality for 1919. Persons having, business with the said Court will please attend attire said time and place without further notice. - H. W. Erwin,. Clerk, Bayfield, May 14111, .1919., 93-2 COURT OP REVISION, TOWN - ship of Hullett.-Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Township of Hullett will be held in the township hall, Londes- boro, on Thursday, the 29111 day of May;, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock in 111e forenoon for the pur- pose. of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said township for the year 1919. Persons having business with the said Court will please at- tend at the said time and place without further notice. -,John Fing- land, Township Clerk, Londesboro, May 140, 1019, ,,. 93-2 COURT Ole REVISION, TOWN - ship of Goderich.-Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Township of Goderich will lie held in Holmes' Hall, Ilolmes- ville, on Monday, the 26111 day, of May, 1919, 10, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon for the put- pose of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Rollof the said township for the year 1919. Persons hawing, business at the said court Will Blease at - teed at the said time. and place without further + notice, A11 dogs in t110 municipality not reported destroyed on or before the above date will he charged in the taxes, -Adam Cantelon, Township Clerk, R,R, No, 3, Clinton, May .11111, 1919. 93-2 TiTOIROBRT1D DURHAM BULL FOR service at Lot 34, Lothdoll Road, (1 mile 0011111 of Clintee.)-J, Asit- toe, 93-1 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late Wliliam 5I. Woods Will he ptosecutoil. 11000rding to law.- I, 'M, Woodsy 13ttyi1e1d, 75--20-p Clinton Junk Dealer's Buying all kind, of junk and Poultry Paying the highest privies MMRACC, Ti , A h7 A, M.ii LMAN Phone 137 Albert St. RALI1D TENDERS addressed to Veil the undersigned., and endorsed "Tender for Retaining Wall at Bay- field, Ont„” will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, lVfay 20th, 1910, for the construction of a retaining wall in lieu of present superstructure on part of North Pier at Bayfield, Huron County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specifications and forms of tender obtained at this Depart- ment, at the office of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Bay- field, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditians contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p,e. of the amount '01 the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or War Bonds and cheques if required to make tip an odd amount, Note -Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $10, payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, which will he returned if the intending bidder sub- mit a regular hid. By order, R. C. DESROCFIERS, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Apr. 28, 1010 92-2 HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY brick house on William street, all mollernl conveniences. -Apply on premises to T. T. Alurphy. -93 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 13, CON, 3, Tp, of- Stanley, 100 acres known as the Ketehen farm. Stone house; largo bank •barn ; good orchard ; spring creek ; about 8 acres bush ; land in good state of cultivation. Possession Oct. 1st. Convenient to church and school, rural mail and phone, 11• miles from Brucefleld,-Apply to B. It. Higgins, Clinton ; Rev. H. B. A. Ketchen, 116 MacNab St., South, Hamilton ; John Taylor on premis- es. 89-tf. COUIIT OF REVISION, TOWN - ship of Stanley.-Notiee is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Township of Stanley. will be held in the Township hall, Varna, on Monday, the 20111 day of May, 1919, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon for the pthrpose of ]rearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said township for the year 1910. Persons having business with the said Court will please attend at the said time and .place without further notice. -J. E. Harnwell, Towathip Clerk, Varna, May 7th, 1019. 02-3 HORSES 'FOR SALE -TEAM OF good working horses ; will sell sep- arately or together. Also 11bou6 200 cedar posts. -J. R. Holnhos, Holmesville., 91-t1 FIOUSE TO RENT -ON TOWN - send street. -Apply to Jas. Scott, Postoffice. 90-tf HOUSE FOR SALE -ON RATTEN- bury street east, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near sohools.-Apply to R. Rowland. -84 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good collar, 1+ acres garden, with fruit trees, -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. " -84 WANTED -A QUANTITY OF TUR- nips or mangolds.-T. A, Trick, Phone 12 on 007. 00-'01 FOR SALE -6 -ROOMED COTTAGE on Maple street, with good garden, fruit trees and town water. -Apply J. C. Forbes, 11.R. No. 1, Clin- ton. 01-t1 FARM FOR SALE. -ONE FIUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 4•k miles from Clinton, Will be sold on reasonable terms,- Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. 'No. 3, Seatertb, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central.. -61 HOOSE FOR, SALE -GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good eel - lar, furnace, electric- lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken (louse, -Apply en premises to Miss Southoombo. • -59 GRASS FARM FOR SALE. -100 acres, being Lot 12 on the 0111 Con,. of Hallett, 1k miles west of the Village of Constance, There are about 8 acres of bush and a never - tailing well With windmill to pump Water, well fenced. Will bo sold cheap, with terms to suit purehas- 0r. If not sold before April 1st Will be rented. For further par, dentary apply R, J. Miller, BO.k 25( Clinton, or phone 110.$ -70 JUST A MINUTE What about your Broakfes1f Foods, which do you • enjoy ? Corn Flakes, 13rumbles, Crane Nttts,�Puffed Bice, Cream of Wheat or Rolled Oats? Tx),us for your Breakfast b ootis, JLI1AN-UP SPIICIALS 3 bars Laundry soon 200 10 bars Laundry. soap 81 i111rS Gpfd, Oomf `t 01. or P. & G. for 25e 18 bars, for 81,00 MACRONI SI111LLS' Pine for soup 160 Per package I MoLARR12N'S' JELLY POWDER SIA1UTS A PERFECT DESSERT FLAVOR ANY I'LA1 OR 2 pkgs for • 26o 9 pkgs. for 81;00 made from pure whole- some some rr t s I Ta i i p o0a; net. Il 160 2 calls Pumpkin,.,,.,,,.250 3 pkg. seeded relelli9 450 1 lb, special l31end tea 050 1 lb. Japan Groon,,,,,50o 4 lit. pail ,lam 75o SARDIN , S Jutland brand 2 fpr 25o Brunswick brand 8 for 26. FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK WE AIM TO PLEASE. JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone ill ' Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared for. HEAR DR. H. J. CODY Minister of Education for Ontario IN THE TOWN HALL, AT 12,45 p,m. ON TUESDAY, MAY 20th NOONDAY LUNCHEON In honor of Dr. Cody at 12 o'clock sharp. Tickets 50c Luncheon served by the Girls' Auxiliary. 9e OP for Retail P11HE next few years will YY mark a tremendous change in the business of retailing. Motor Transportation, now reduced to a low-cost basis, gives retailers a great opportunity for busi- ness growth because it widens their trading area. The Ford One -Ton Truck makes available this opportunity, It is Motor Transportation at low cost —low first cost, low main- tenance cost, low operat- ing cost. A small outlay will motorize Fries (Chassis only) 5750 f.o.b. Ford, Oat: a•'4 -f ITY lehats your deliveries and open to you the opportunity for business expansion. Complete Trucks — Two Standard Bodies Ordinaryhauling and delivery work can he best adapted to two standard types -tile Stake Body and the Express Body. These two body types are kept in stock ready for immedi- ate delivery. They insure the maximum efficiency from the Ford Truck. Both types have the Enclosed Cab with thetwo-wnl' windshield which given the driver proper protection from the weather. Sec thee complotetrucks. Seiko the opportunity to enlarge your field of business. 7 of us solve your delivery problem. 1) Standard Ford Bodies calm. Got our prices Clinton Motor Truck and Machine Co. Dealers Clinton "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" THE reason Silverwood's tastes so good is that it is simply frozen cream, with 0t ness or richness ream h ne none of its creamy smoothness lost in the freezing process. It is sweetened with cane sugar and pure, dainty flavorings are added, of course. All your favorites are sbld by FLAVORS SILVEI.WOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT, Look for the Stluarwood'a Sign BARRED ROOK EGGS -FROM Park and Guild's famous laying strains, Pullets hatched from eggs bought from Inc last spring were laying When iivo months old. Eggs 81,50 per lotting of tiftedn,- ]T, A. Ilovey, -W81 14 EGGS FOR; IIATCTIING,- LIM iced Millibar of Bredato-Tray Single Comb White Leghorn 1:459 for hatching ptlrpmaos at 81,00 per set- ting of 15, I1e(luetlons on larger quanttfos. Place order. early;... A, V, Quigley, Clinton, BICYCLE FOR SAL51.-GOOD SEC. ond hand, overhauled sod palnt011. -C, II, Hoare, North find, 91 --If • FARM F011 SALE -92* ACRES Ole 0ndi spl d farm land fn good state 01 cultivation, Oa it are a comfort;. able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 30400 and straw shed 20x28 With foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and .5 s Lors c besides !0s 8 boxal s t s t r t , Op room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement fipor5 throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x16 and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring meek, a good well and cis- tern, about lj acres of orchard. This is a desirable. property 013 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired: -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. -49 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean I adios Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- . ers, etc. Ail orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Hunnfford's grocery store -Wm. .7. Jigo. -00 CALVES FOR SALE Well Bred Calves W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton, -80 THE CC1 EC STAGE Live and Let Live UA Just received another car of sugar which we will sell at a special price by the hundred. Call and get your supply for the suln111er. NOTICE• Saturday, May 24th, being a pub - lie holiday, thorn will be a big cele- bration in Clinton. We would kindly ask the townspeople to get their or- ders in on Friday as we will not do any delivering on Saturday. We will be open on Saturday morning until ono p.m. and then in the evening at five p.m, for the convenience of the farmers who m11)' leave their pereeis with us. E. E. IIUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 If BRAN AND SHORTS Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing. Don't keep put- ting it off until they aro all gone and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED We have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very best attention. SEEDCORN How about your Seed Corn ? In some of the Corn -growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore, good Seed Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giv- ing us a call and placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have, just receiv- ed (good and fresh). It is the very best and if you once use int you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of Flour; Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and White 'Seal, 'al- so Oatmeal, sold in large or small quantities. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 100, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 COAL! Orders take.. at residence, Huron street. Terms strictly cash and we _guarantee to supply, good coal to our customers, E. WARD BOARS POR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big Type ' YORKSFIIRE AND CHESTER - WHITE BOARS.. A. C. LEVaVf 'Fholle 0--081) C N - N . LI 'xO ,Ont. 1At lromo oval; km:noon, ;*5 oolfeeleolleffelealeamavagemaws s G R s V A R We have ,lust unloaded •a largo consignment of sugar and will sell a .limited number of bags at a special Basil mice un- til D'lay 24th. If' you cannot secure sugar for the fruit season don't blame us, s epi The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2405 BUY GOAL NOW The large coal operators have al- ways made a reduction of 50c per ton on April 1st, but this year there will be no reduction to the retail dealers. As an incentive to the public to put their coal in early, we have de- cided to reduce our price that 50c for some time in the early part of spring. All who can take their coal at any, time will kindly hand us their nam- es, and we will 1111 all orders' is ro- tation. A CAR OF CEMENT JUST, ARRIVED. A. J. HOLLOWAY Sole Agent for D.L. Se W. Scranton Coal GIRLS pTE� WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED F PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORK OF ALL KINDS GO TO • THOS. I-IAWKINS. Agent for liecla Furnaces PHONE 33. Shlop over Rowland'. Hardware. w. Seed Corn on Hand WISCONSIN NO, 7 BAILEY, IMPROVED. LEAMING and other varieties. GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE ' 528.30 PER CWT, HAY WANTED MV Ocense No. 9-2109 v POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour left over from our poultry, seeding season. This will I make a good dry mash for ; laying hems or a No. 1 feed for hogs. We are selling this feed at below cost to clear. We are always in the mar- ket for Live Poultry and New 1 Laid Eggs at top market! prices. L GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. ,W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Hoimesvllle 4 on 1411 Canada Food Board-Licensr No, 7-001 CREAM. WANTED I Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full particu- lars. Our markets are the best,; Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consistent with an honest test which we guar- antee, Remember our Creaniery Co. 9e a+ thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of the largest in Canada. 'Y'ou cannot make eat, mistake ie. shipping to us. Patrons holding our cane are re-' quested not to make use of lei+ sending cream to other creameries or °ream buyers:• Write today for e31115, Trtm Se~alolrtNa CrealitleiNy CO: C 1. ttAntElnit MANAdllti<