The Clinton News Record, 1919-5-15, Page 44 Clinton News-Recodr kis.ay Sth, 1919 . YOU WILL FIND OUR Wall Paper the best value procurable, Ask those who have Welted over our, selection and they will tell you the sante. Broken lots ab loss than cost price to clear. w:: „n,.r v A.. T. upe a Agent: C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario n celfiteld. Mrs. R. T. Dunlop and little sons, Jack and Harry, spent a few days with Mrs. Dunlop's mother, Mrs. \V, H. Rattenbury, last week, Mr. and birs, Dunlop have gone to their new horue in Frankford, Mr. Dunlop being transferred from Zurich to be man- ager of the Molsons Bank branch there. Miss Alice .Rattenbury, Mrs. Dunlop's sister, accompanied them to their new hone. Mrs. Wm, Henry was the guest of dIrs.Cf. Geigier for a few days last week. Mother's clay was observed in the church here on Sunday last. A choir composed of mothers had charge of the song service. • Mrs. Rowatt has returned from a pleasant two weeks' visit with Kirk - ton friends, The Molsons Bank is being enlarg- ed and improve., the present building being found too small for the large business being done here. Rev. Mr. Ross of Auburn took the services in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. There is to be a social dance on Friday evening here. The Buckley - Blackstone orchestra is to provide the music. Mr. James McQueen has purchased Mr. James Bustard's house. Miss Jennie Hill spent a few days in London this week. Q00014014 Township Mir, W, 11. Lobb has purchased the farm of Mrs, W. H. Elliott, low miles south of Clinton 011 the I'Iny- ilold Boatl, and will get possession after harvest. Thee farm in question is mostly in grass and . is held at present by Messrs'. Mason and Karr for pasture. Mr. and Mrs, Lobb will oeeupy this, farm themselves, leav- ing the homestead of three hundred and seventeen acres to their sons, Fred and Frank. )9r•. •Lobb will im- prove the buildings un, his pew farm somewhat before moving to it, er- ecting a rcrhurilah and repainting the grouse, which already contains all the modern conveniences, and fitting up the stables more comfortably to house the well-bred stock which he will move to it. This will make Mr. and. Jiles, Lobb a very comfortable home and their friends hope they may long enjoy it. It would appear that Messrs. Prod and i"rank Lobb do not intend spending their lives In. lonely bachelordom after the dfpar- tute of their parents, and sisters, as Frank intends building 0 house on the south end of the farm this stun- ner. But more of this later, Holexeesv'ilie - interesting Mother's Day services were held in the Methodist church here on Sunday. Rev. A. Sinclair, the pastor, delivered a splendid and appropriate address at bout services and he was ably assisted by the mothers' choir, The Epworth League met Monday night. lfiss IIulntes gave the Mis- atonat.) topic. Special music was supplied by the junior 111em- bers, consisting of a duet by Dorothy Jervis and Bessie ()sbaldeston, and an instrumental duott by Marion C'udmore and Esther Trewartha. This service was followed by a reception of five new mehubers. Quite a large number of ladies from this vicinity attended the sereiro Tuesday afternoon in Wesley church, Clinton. Rev. A. Sinclair very kindly con- sented to take a carload of lady dele- gates from here to Nile to attend the W.M.S. district convention, Miss Holmes and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha representing the WKS, and Misses Dell Findlay and Verna Jervis from the Mission Circle. Kippen We are pleased to report that Mr. John Workman, who was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week for treatment, is recovering. He was operated on and a badly diseased kidney removed and his friends now expect and- hope for a complete recovery. A concert will- be given - in the school room of the Presbyterian church Friday evening of this week and views of a patriotic nature will be shown. After the programme a light leach will be served. Dy Goods and House Furnishing PHONE 78. Furs and Ready to - Wear Garments se=clea If so ybu will need new curtains, curtain scrims on sateens or something in that line. We have a very com- plete stock of curtains, and also the latest and most up-to- date things in curtain netts, madras scrims, etc., in plata colors and fancy designs. If you treed anything in this line you should see our assortment, Linoleums, Rugs, battings, and Congoieum Squares in all Sizes and colors, Ask to see our new GrassteZ rungs in all the new shades suitable for bedrooms, living rooms and veran- dahs. Sunfast Matting Is the only matting on the market today regardless of prices which is sold under a guarantee. It Is absolutely fast color, free from the effects of sunlight or water. C'emes in beautiful designs, fawn and white, blue and white, green and white, 30 ins, wide, re- versible, Price 45e a yd. Sold only by tics,store, Annual May Sale of Spring Suits Starts Saturday, May 17th: 20 per cent discount on all LSpring Suits. MIL Andrew hell, Sr., is quite ill. Members of her family from a dis. Cance have 001110 home to. be with their mother. Mrs. Aitken entertained the ladies of. the \V.M•S, after their regular mooing an' Wednesday, of last week, '1'lle next meeting will be hold at Mrs. Isaac Jarrot's, Mr. and 11Irs• itobt, _Brownlee at- tended the funeral of the former's aunt at Mitchell on Saturday last, Ragliieicl Mrs. Brook of Port Dover anti Miss Ellen McLeod of Detroit are visiting their brother, Mr. J, W, MuLeod, Mr. Hobert Spack)nan spent Sun- clay last at London, • blr. John Darrow and wife of Lucknow are the guests of his bro- ther, 111r, ii.- Darrow at the Com- mercial. , On Saturday evening, May 17th, at 8,15 pan, a moving picture carnival will be given in the town hall show. ing the Allied armies at the front. Mrs. F. Glass is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson at their summer cot- tage on the Terrace. (Delayed in transmission, intended for last week.) J, E. 'lbns of Goderlch, Public school inspector, visited the school on Friday last. A4r. James Ferguson, who has been in the Sterling Bank for the past 41110 months, resigned last week. lIis place bas been taken by C'. E. Steen of 1'acbenham, Ontario, Pte. Hugh Mehlay arrived home from overseas on Tuesday evening of this week. Dr. At'.lns:.n, wife and son, Jack, of Detroit, and ('apt. Garnet Atkin- son cud wife of London arrived last Saturday and arc spending a short while at their summer residence on the 'Terrace, Mrs, Tulloctc of the Canadian Soo is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Weston. Rev. Gellman of Toronto is the guest of the Rev. W. Ashe-Everest. - Messrs. Tyson & Geddes, who have purchased the saw mill. from W. Mus- tard, have started .operations this week with 0 full stall, CLINTON, ONT. Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goads, coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability, has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community. COST—That's what you put into a cream separator. VALUE—That's what you take out of your cream separator. Value in a cream separator de- pends upon the amount and the quality of service you get out of it. Because it lasts fifteen to twenty years the De Laval is the most economical cream separator to buy. If you con- sider its cleaner skimming, easier running, greater capacity and less cost for repairs, the price of the "cheapest" machine on the market is exorbitant in com- parison. With present. high butter -fat prices and the scarcity of labor this is truer than ever. We'll sell you a De Laval on such easy terms that it will pay for itself out of its own savings. We want to 'see you the next time you're in town. SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A ,ondesboro. An at-hollle will be given by the tt'.A4,S, of the Londesboro Methodist church 0l Thursday evening next at eight o'clock, A good programme ,will lie given and lunch served, Pte. Charles Coleman has returned home atter seeing severe fighting in Prance. He is looking fine and is fortunate enough to come back with- out a sear. Dennis Roberton visited at hits homeherelast 'week before going to London where 11,p will resume his position as relieving agent. Miss Elva 1V1cCool spent that week with her aunt, Mrs, Warren of Clin- ton. bliss Phemie Little is visiting Iter aunt, Mrs Freeman of Clinton, Miss Edith Sampson has resumed Icor studios at the Clinton Collegiate after spending a week at her glome. Three Pure Bred Clydes- dale Stallions , ROUTES Royal of Dunhollnhill Tuesday—Will leave 111s. own stable and go north through Kinburn to Geo. Dale's for noon their- north to Rohn._ Watt's, 1.3th con„ for night. Wednesday—West to Wm, Patter - son's for noon then west and south to Andrew Shepherd's, Base Line, for night. . Thursday—South through Summer - 11111 to henry Snyder's, lath con., Goderich township, for noon, then east and south to Ed. Johnston's, 3rd con., Mullett, for night. Friday—Will go east to his own stable where he will remain until the following Tuesday morning. alenrae Monday—Will leave his own stehle and go south by way of Elcoats cor- ners then to Idi11 Road to Geo. Mo- C'artney's for noon then south and west to C'has. Wasman's for night. Tuesday -,South to lCippen then west 11 miles then south to Jas. Green's, Parr Line, for noon, then west to lurich then south to Daniel Truemner's for night, Wednesday—West 1 • miles .then north by way of Blake to Samuel Gingerich's for noon then north and east to Thomas Robertson's for night. Thursday—East to Parr Line then north through Varna to Wm. Clark's Cioderich township, for noon then north 11 miles to Ed. Wise's corner then west to Jas. Sterling's for night. Friday—least to Robert Coiclough's for noon then to Commercial hotel, Clinton, for night. Saturday—'1'o John Noble's for noon then east to his own stable where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning, health and weather permitting. Colonel Bowers 11lbnday Will leave his own stable and go north -to Geo. Wheatley's for noon then north to Jas. Watt's for night. Tuesday—North to Menno .Jack- son's for noon then oast and north to McDonald'si Hotel, Brussels, for night, ll'ednesday--East to Robt. Mac - Donald's for noon then east 11 miles then south 21, miles then west to .loin McNair's for night. Thursday—South to Thos. McKay's for noon then. east to Pet. Eckhart's for night. Friday—West to Chas. Little's for noon then east and south to, John Dolaney's, Beechwood, for night. Saturday—West to Dick House, Seaforth, for noon, then home . for night where he will remain until the following Monday morning. These horses- have been enrolled and inspected under the Ontario Stallion Act and passed in Form 1, TI -TOS. McMICHAEL & SON, Proprietors Seaforth, Ontario WHITE STAR LINE ANNUAL EXCURSION Coderich to Detroit and Return Steamer Greyhound leavbs Goderieh, Tuesday, June lith 0,00 a.m. old time, 10.00 min, easte rn time, Arrives Detroit 5.00 p.m, Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, Juue 19, 1 pan. Detroit time, (Detroit time is the same as Ciodericli old One) $2.25 Round trip, $1.75 single Children between 5 and 12 halrfare Don't nilSs this opportunity to most prosperous city. A million grand boulevards and a wonderful we, troit for a temporary stay aro not posit tJ,S. Immigration o0loors will sionists. Good muste and dancing aboard Steahner, visit America's most beautiful and population, a city of beautiful pants, ter front. Canadians o0tnfng to De - required to pay a tax or matte a de- be on the strainer to pass cumin. muerte, Fin cafe and lunch room 1E3AND NMOoNL IGUT out of Cloderieh, Monday evening, June .IOti, 7.30 old time, 8.80 Clod- Orich time -25 cents, 11 hours on beautiful Lake Huron Orebostra musics and dancing in steamer's ball rooni,t ilev., Mr, Milson, former pastier of the Methodist church of ,Londesboro, was again in charge on Sunday last.. His many friends were glad to see him and thoroughly enjoyed lila SOP' 1000.5. Miss Cora Mdffool of the Sterling Bank, Auburn, spent the weele-end at her home. Mr. Griffith has built a new ver,. Wail for Ilir. Lounsbery, ]t car- tainly looks fine, Last Sunday was observed as "llotiler's Day" at .the. Methodist church here: The choir consisted of fli0en mothers, who rendered the music for the evening. We regret to report that Mrs. h'Ianning Is not enjoying the hest of health, She is now with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Wm, Gray-. Several Clinton friends spent Sun- day with Miss Mae Caldwell, We are glad to report that Miss Elva Griffiths is Improving. '"' Miss Belle Roberton spent Tuesday lit Clinton. After a meeting Saturday evening it was decided that a memorial township hall should be erected in Lonclesboro. • The lot decided on is between the residences of 1Vlr, Camp- bell and Mr. Cartwright. Kip pen. A number have been going over to Clinton to attend the Evangelistic meetings being held there. Da and Mrs. Aitken motored to Bayfield . on Monday. White Blackbirds at Wesley church. Former Londesboro Girl Married A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. James' church, Port Colborne, Thursday afternoon, April 21th, when Elia 11Iay, daughter of AIrs. and the late Mr, •William Lee of Londesboro, became the bride of Charles Edward lFoolven, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Woolven of Maidstone, Tient, Eng. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Canon Davis of Port Colborne, The bride was attended by her sis- ter, Mrs. Roy Doan, and the groom was supported by his brother -tin -law, Mr. Roy Doan. After the ceremony a supper ' was served at the home of the bride's cousins, Mtr. and Airs. Edgar blunt, at which only a few intimate friends were present. After supper the happy couple pro- ceeded by auto to 13ultalo, Niagara Falls and other points, accompanied by the bride's cousins. On their re, turn they will reside in Toronto, The bride, who is very•popular at Londesboro and Pott Colborne, has the best wishes of many fr'iends.• 121 tl•,r e Full weight of tea in. every package EDROSE TENS good tea' Sold coaly in sealed packages In Slay w-s.s. Cost 84,04 1n. June Cost $4.05 War Swinge Stamps can be bought whey. ever this aign is displayed. Canada, following the example of other Allied countries, has made it possible for wage earners—men and women--. to invest in safe securities without effort. These securities are called War Savings Stamps. The cost now $4.04, but by compound- ing interest, the $4.04 you invest now will be worth $5.00 in 1924. There is no other security in which you can in- vest such a small amount that is as safe and that bears so high a rate of interest. Or you can start with 25 cents, by buy- ing a Thrift Stamp. When you have sixteen Thrift Staenps, you can exchange them for a War Savings Stamp. You take no risks. The Government of Canada guarantees to pay you back your money — with interest — at any time during the five years, or to pay you in 1924 $5.00 for every $4.00 (and a fraction) you invest now. Make Your Savings Serve You and Serve Your Country—Invest Them in War Savings Stamps. Il11111111Pil lll1111111114lnlil 1111041111llffi1111111(1111111111111111111IIN1Iii1IQ111111111ii111111111, 411111 111111111011i1111Illt11111111111111 1 raM Yesterday ,,Mi g.70d well —Today a -•mr (tier.. +die Blore miles pergallo,e afore n Iles on tires HAT is the policy of the Maxwell Motor Company. It began five years ago on a single chassis plan and today 300,000 Maxwells have been built on this program. Not 300,000 Maxwells identically alike—for that would be admitting that the car has never improved in five years' time. More than 1000 refinements have been made in the Maxwell. But the original chassis plan was not changed. It has simply grown better as the days went by. The logic of building one thing and thus building it well is too clear, too sound, too emphatic in results to argue against. . Like any fine piece of machinery the Maxwell seems to improve with age. It runs on and on without end. We have never heard of a Maxwell salvaged. There is no car with a better road ability record. And it saves many a thrifty dollar by shying at the repair shop. This Maxwell you see today is not a new Maxwell; though many persons have thought so. it has been so much improved in appearance that our contemporaries in the trade repeatedly refer to it as the new Maxwell. However, good looks have not in any way handicapped its running. And the latter is the amain thing, after all, in a motor car. THE MAXWELL MOTOR CO; OF CANADA, Limited, WINDSOR, Ont. H. Bartliff, Clinton, Ont. I 11'11 111111 1E11 41 11111 11 4 !ITN! ' 1111 ! 11111111i111,i11111'1! • •