HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-5-8, Page 71,TcC e.of' !hart(' Trouble Faulty dig;r)siio-, causes She 1 Concretion of gases in the etornoch which inflate aml press down on the heart and interfere w,itli its rerninr action cat:aing faintness and [':sin. l.li to 30 drops o: Blether' Srigei's, Curative 1 Syrap after mrala sets d=. estion riglrt,which allows the heart to 1 heat full and reatder. 9 f - The Latest: Designs The warm sunny days warn us that it nigh, time to begin prepar- ing for tho beach. This little, bath- ing suit is simply constructed and ideal for the playful kiddy. McCall Pattern No. 8892, Girl's• Bathing Suit. In 7 sizes,=2 to 12 years. Price, 20 'cents. The underskirt, which is straight and narrow, is a simple foundation for the one-sided drapery of the tunic. McCall Pattern No. 8902. La- dies' Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. "- {1) YoGy, Ono might call it a quaint frock which is modern in the most detailed feature. McCall Pattern No. 8885, Ladies' Slip.On Waist, In 6 sizes, 84 to 44 bust, No, 8879, Ladies' One- Piece Straight Skirt.,In• 6 sizes, 22 to 32 waist Price, 20 cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from, the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Deceiving the Cow. Prances and Agatha had been very carefully reared. Especially had they been taught that in no ciroumstaueoa must they tell a lie --not even a "white lie, ' Ono day, during a visit made by these little girls to en aunt in the country, they net a large cow in a field they were crossing, Much frightened, the youngsters stopped, not knowing what to do, , Finally Frances said; "Let's go right on, Agatha, and pre- tend that we are not afraid of it." But .Agatha's conscience was not sittatbering. "Wouldn't that be de. vim; the row?" site objected: TO FOUR NEW., STATES OF EUROPE ONE OF THE TASKS OF PEACE CONFERENCE COMPLETED, Out ofthe Maelstrom of Wan Emerge the New Nations of Poland, Rottman. le, Jugo•S(avia and Qzecho-Siavla.. One of the moat onerous tasks of the Peace •Oonforeneo has been the erection in Europe of Pour new na- tions, viz.; Poland, Rou.manta, Tugo• Sheat and Cseohc-Slavin, To those who believe that ilio Allies have been wastipg their tinfe oft highly idealistic urohlams In trying taw set these _tour nations "upon their•feet it 3Ilay he ans- wered that the interest. of the Allies is by no moans altruistic. They are impelled, if not by wholly selfish mo- tives, at least by the practical con- cideration of self-defence, Por in- stance, in the late war Germany and Austria Were in control of a man- power estimated at 30;000,000, made up .of subject races that were no more racially akin to Germany than are the French, Tileso millions were Poles, Czecbs and Slava who had been ruth- lessly misgoverned by Germany and Austria for generations. When the opportunity occurred these forced aol- diers surrendered in great numbers to tlieh' nominal' enemies, who were their'racial-kin,�es for instance when the Czecho-Slays threw down their arms to the Russians and later volun- teered for service against Germany in France. The Allies are determined that it shall be taken out of the power of Germany and Austria for all time to come to employ these millions as can- non fodder. The intention is to at- tach them permanently, if informally, to the Allies. They will be the buffer between Germany and Western and Southern Europe. Poland is Buffer State. Poland is re-established as a buffer state between tate militarism of Ger- many and the anarchy of Russia. Po- land has a couple of sweet neighbors. As all the world knows, the Poles have never lost their race identity whether ,binder German, Russian or Austrian domination. They formed a solid block of about 20,000,000 people in the heart of Europe. But wheen the tall* came of drawing up the new Polish frontier a grave problem was en- countered, and that was the presence of a tier of German nationality along the Baltic. These' two and a half ]pil- lions aro the most German of Ger- mans. They shut off the new state of Poland from the sea outlet on the Bal- tic and Poland without a sea coast would be in economic slavery to Ger- many. On the other hand, one of the Neilson fourteen points seemed to for- bid the annexation of so great a num- ber of aliens as the Baltic Germans by the Poles. At one time the suggestion was made that Poland should be given a corridor through Germany to .the Bal- tic. The objection to this course wars that it would force on Poland two boundary lines that she could not de- fend against Germany. So now it ap- pears to have been decided that the Baltic _Germans will have to become citizens of the Polish state or nlove otit. Poland is to get her Baltic coast and Danzig, Czecho-Slays and Roumania. Immediately to the south of Poland and forming a barrier between Ger- many, on the one hand, and Austria and Hungary on the other, is Czecho Slavia, It is composed of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and a part of Hon- gary, with a total population of 12,- 250,000, 2;250,000, and an area of 58,500 square miles. Here, as with Poland, there was a problem constituted by the Ger- man population along the frontiers, and Isere again it was determined that in order that Czecho•Slevia should have natural boundaries these aliens would have to be included, The re-establishing of Roumania was not difficult, since Roumania al- ready existed, and ..the only task was to define her new frontiers. These had already been Indicated by the ,foot that adjoining Roumania in both Russia and Austria, were large num- bers of Roumanans by racial origin. The original Roumania had an area of 53,000 square miles and a population of 7,500,000, Under the new arrange- ment her population and her area will be doulYlec: by the addition of Sesser- abia., Transylvania, Bukovina and part of Banat, ,Most Difficult Problem, . The greatest problem of the map. lnaltersr nd. negotiators was in the e,ectiouf-Jugo•Slavia, which is to include ,Serbia, 'Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Crota'Sllavonia, CaruI- ola and Dalmatia. The population is homogeneous enough despite the formidable .array of names, and is made up of the three branches of the Southern Slav family, namely, the Slovenes, the Croats and the Serbs. Tito difficulty was that while most of the frontiers of the new— State -eve ?) LuLi1 •Ai3d'blisiiy determined, Jago• When you feel something is wrong -- .better look into your habits of living Tea or coffee drinking often upsets tt.r�one's feelings,though unsuspected. If tea pr coffee disagree, use • A ten. days trial of POSTUM ' eu$ul,� ll1 deep /Anders irk deter- miinln who's the Triatter''a" i ti;if''t",4'e'Mr1p,kY.; a 0+'0 '•f',i,:i1u r•. ayyM.'dx • LY heres a R1eason,• LADIES TO k1O �DL O.K NE F EW . R Work . at lapin., flood 00Y. Scutt vi at.wt0t d'enrelopo it" 'IC4t>,the.p.0t•tanlore' AUSTRALIAN AUT I'A$Lo1Le . O Cones'e Rtreet - Toronto $1av101n• and Italian interests' and'•taa. tiona'llties conflicted in Aahnatie and Omit Plume and Tt'ioSte. Those were aeoeutuatcd lay the fact that wheir Italy entered the war Blte was guaran- teed by Britain and France the Slav iililter'land of Trieste, then Atiatrian, but now desired by Jugo•Slavia, of which otic staunch ally, Serbia, is the controlling partner. At one time Will clash threatened to be serious, but it is believed to have been amicably set- tled, Italy gving up all or most of her Dalmatian claims in return for Flume, which is wholly Italian, The new state of Jugo-Slavla'will comprise 80,000 square miles, and a popnYation approxnrating 1.1,od0,000, POyStd, with her 4000,000 populR- tlea, and her 98,000 aquare miles, re- presents a loss to Germany and Aus• tria of some 50,000 square miles and 12,000,000 subjects; all of Czecho SlaVia is' made up at the expense of Austria. New IRousnania will be made up of. 'almost half enemy land and populatlon, andJugo-Slavla will cost the eneffiy 95,000' vinare miles and more than 5,000,000 population. In all Oases the other kind donor is Russia, :� An Australian Fur•Bearer.**" The wombat, or "pouched rat," of New South Wales and South Austral- ia, is a marsupial animal. In appear- ance it reeembels.a little bear, and is, sometimes .classed with the badger, because of its burrowing habits. It is two or three feet long, plump, with a thick coat of long, grayish -brown woolly hair. The head is large, wide, fiat, and rabbit -like, with upper lip cleft, and small eyes and ears; its legs are short and nearly equal in length, and the feet are f]ve-toed. The tail is about hall an inch long, nearly bare. The wombat is easily domesti- cated, ]n the mountainous districts - of Australia its flesh. is preferred to that of many other animals, *- LEMONS LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms end hands. • At the cost of a small jar. of ordin- ary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion 'beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle eon• taining three ounces of orchard white. Care should bo taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon j pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. - Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. The Spoils, "The Huns love us dearly," a friend writes to "Diarist" of the Westmin- ster Gazette from Cologne, "because we save them from themselves„ Also they think us wealthy because we tip waiters. Every time I go to the muni- cipal baths there is a crowd of Huns waiting, and I always go in in front of them, Makes them furious, but if they'd give the attendant half a mark T daresay it wouldn't happen, uuless I did as I saw a proper Bairnsfather gor- blim'ey do. "As -a Hun was going into a vacant bathroom he pushed in trout, with in- describable contempt, and said— ' 'Ere, 'oo won the bloody war?" "It does them good occasionally to push them on the pavement, and what fills them with surprise more than anything else is to pull them up by the ear in a tram to let a woman have their seat," It Works! Try It Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so It lifts • out without pain: o Good news spreads rapidly and drug. gists here are kept busy dispensing frcezone,the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freesone, which will cost very - little, but is said to be sufle-lent to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or ealltis. You apply just a few drops on the tender, aching corn and instantly the Soreness is relieved, and soon the coal is 80 shriveled that it lifts out with- out paha. It 1s a sticky substance which dries when applied and hover inflames or even irritates the a.djoin- lug tissue, This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lock- jaw and infection heretofore resulting from the aufeide! habit of cutting corns; "This Is M'y.Own, My Native Land." "I was under the impression,", writes a correspondent of'"the British Week- ly, "that America had Secured the copyright of the term'God'a own coun- try',' and had definitely applied it to i.lte United States, Bnt 1 Mid Out our Colonial troops have pirated the phrase, and are applying ft unblush- ingly to whichever corner of the Ent- pire they happen to 'hail from. The other day in a 'bus a soldier with a red band round his wide-awake bat was explaining to his neighbor how pleasant it was to be going back In a few days to God's own country, 'Why, r didn't know You Were an American.,' remarked the neighbor in an accent that left no doubt o11 which side of the Atlantic he was at 110015, 'Who said I was?' complained the other, 'Wen, you claimed. God's own Country as' your home, and that's America euro.' 'America,' repeated red -band, 'Yes, I daresay Goal had something to do with the making of it. But New Zealand is His masterpiece, end don't you for. get iL' " iulunrd'e Liniment Lufabernkan'd 1'rloa4, n• A Hoe m. Again. 1119..s0p1c, *Intl to?tal,,the attin.e darer street, . '• The market %mare wherewomen meet, 'i le 'same 'old ohtn'Chl where peolile pray And worship in the cane old way. The sante-0 God1-•-it oannot be. Tito same again to :Man like mei Through inlets of blood l've aceta the skies, While anguish gleamed from human eyea— And scorched within tato fires of dell, Have ganod on deeds no tongue can tell. Heaven:8 lligheat Peaks, toe, have I trod, And aeon, in man, the face of God— And all the time, walk, in, the street The,ghosts of those I used to greet— The same! Ali, rib! 'Twill never bo The amine again to men Bice ino, GiRL51 HAVE WAVY, TNTC , OSP (HAIR ERIK FROM DA DRI FF Save your hair ! Double its beauty 1n a few moments— try this! If 'you euro for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an Incomparable soft bass and 7s -fluffy and lustrous, :try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it Ini- uiediately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice. heavy, healthy hair if you have dand- ruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and 1f not overcome it pro- duces a feverishness and itching of the scalp: the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dan- derine at any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents; apply a little as directed and tett minutes after you will sdy this was the best investment yoNsu eevseirncmeraedreY, believe,regardless ardless of everything else advertised, that if you desire soft, Lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it—no dandruff—no itching scalp and no more falling hair—you must use Knowlton's Danderine, If eventually -why not now? The Canadian Trade Commission believes that buying Canadian -made goods at home, together with more exporting, will solve the war -debt problem. Auk for Minard's and take no -other, Commissioler H. 13. Thomson of the Canadian Trade Commission has gone to London to consult with the Canadian Mission for the better linking of Canadian trade promotion work. o Pl>9RL PE !.h ifs Pure Cleans sinks,closets l�iils roaches,ratss,nlice Dissolves dirt that nothing else will move 1, EAGLE 8 Write.dna-da;,r for aaaar bid FKR,ZE CATALOGATE showing our full Hues of Bicycles for Alen and Women, Boys and Girls. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTAOHMEIITS Tires, Coaster Brakes, Whecls, Inner Tubes, Lamps, Bells, Oyclometcrs, Saddles,13guip- meut and Parts of Bicycles. You can buy your supplies front us at wholesale micas. T. W. BOYD & SON, R7 Novo Demo Strout West, Mentroat fc,Lcoali`u'��'�rf" .vtar'v�t�a0„ ,s e.., Run tl 06 nr E INVEST YOUR MONEY In Lill lire emoni Shoe' Ask your LUMBER DEALER For , Plans and Priced, __.. ! tSUE 010,44N WARTED Wo are''in tlig inarlfot Pot' '01ttin al' entesoitl�rice,year. lbU 111011O Sy411461180 , Prep u3 a lino Air particulars, . llltlttatti Daily .?z Creiin101y (,D, 743.745 iklilg 80,, West Toronto A Deplorable Situation. The following ext•rgct from a briga- dier general's letter is quoted in Lan. tion rArittlr as all example of a fact un- fertlinately expreesedi "Before the war a brigadier haul foul' battalions, , '1'o run this show In paace time he had a trained etaff"olticer and four C, 0.'s, with four adjutants, , , , Now he has no staff Whatever, 'Ile has, consequently, to do all his own thinking, and he bus Ile trained brain to help him," Iiilnard's Liniment Co., Limited: Deur Sire,—Your' MINARD'S LIN!- MIONT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments,. 18 never fails to relieve and euro promptly. • •CHAS. WI-IOOTEN, Poi'* Mulgrave. .. „ In 1015 prices in Great Britain for first quality milkers ranged from 824 to .228 15s per head, as contrasted with 850 td 270 per head now. MONEY ORDERS. The sale way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. "Sow the beat you have 'and you will reap 'the best :that Heaven af- fords."—Ilenry F. Cope. Seep Mlaard's Liniment in the house. Make all the pork possible on grass. It will save the grain, and mean a larger, profit. Can bee v ores r ed at a coatt 0 2c per Dozen with Fleming Egg Preserver Simple to use: a child can ap- ply it. lust rub it on. Guaran- teed to keep eggs fresh for nine months and longer. A Geo box will do 30 dozen eggs Get 1t from your dealer or send GOc to • Fleming Egg Preserver Co. 166 Craig 3t. W. Montreal The Creamy Lather of BABY'S OWN SOAP softens and whitens, refreshes and deli- cately aromatizea the skin. Albert Seeps Limited, Mfrs., Montreal 40113 VARICOSE VEINS? Wear This Non -Elastic Laced Stocking SANITARY, as they may be washed or boiled. Ansusza]3LE, laced like a leeging1' always .11ts. OOM ORTAELE, made to measure; light and dur- able. 00031, contains No Rubber. 1,500,000 SOLD EOONOMIOAL, cost ;3.50 each, of two for the same Iamb. S0,50, postpaid. Write for Catalogue and Self -Measurement Stank. Corliss Limb Specialty Co, 514 New Lir}es D10g. Montreal, P.Q. ONLY PURE FOGIS EARTHS. DENI 9 ir♦ EMS l711i7y1' BEAR 1T c s a.m,d tearget a8iif0115hlII111111 61181(8llltlal(fll!08O1il105101"I Our national debt has run from X46 .head ill uii o i.o 4.270, The 0. " O. suggests the bust way ofmeeting. obligations la • by. , exporting marc and importing dens, 7ti'paamd's Ztataienli Roca. by X.+liyeleienii, '1'he two -main, ideas• promoted by the. Canadian '.trade Commission at present are: "13u9 less abroad and make more fo'1' export," All grades,' Write for prices, TORONTO SALT WORTe, 0. J. gLIFF • - TORONTO KNOW. OUT PMN. THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief .frons pat makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This fatuous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful Sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. ,Always ready for use, it -takes little to penetrate without rubbing and pro - dime results. Clean, refreshing: •Made in Canada. At all drug stores. A large bottle means economy, Bicycle fires are genuine���----���"°°"'e "Dominion"it Tires, made 1n 1�al&i li( s r+ the famous Do- '��l;�ii'fR minion 15ubber '' ,E• r' System-. Factory -- by the same experts who perfected Domi- nion AutomobileTires —the most -popular tires in Canada. It is their superior quality which shows in the easy riding, the sturdy wear, the extra mileage of Dominion Tires J rEizrxzzzas6. Olev� ,cplpleie P'crtlllxor. SYrl.tp peel!4 gteyerm 1 rterborough; Ont. r . ('1 Avg) 13101 MfAVEY „ON LUE338,0' Write ie -day for cur Mill•Dirsot-to+SstctoM¢iiimaterials-ewaisfain gujt4 nnybavin 7 SCortiehippedtriyttn,VaYwnooutihOro, etG'onatruetlol! :I,ka4Aiea, 13.0, ti. 1� 1500, PAIR, 01 11.fwt�Po.rs ANI'? rl'.I Write for Prices, 1, WslnrtuehoIt Son.., -10-1$ St, Jean Tfaplleto Market. Alont+' reel, quo, sums dS, urtsgs 1Owan;is 90 220 A WJ11 7I Learn without leaving home. Senn for free 1o0iclot, Royal College of Science, Dept: 42, Toronto. -Canada, POld aar.E. Ay' IDLY iOQ71711'10D N10WSPAP1t t tact ob print' plant f1111�1Oaatern Ontttrlo, neuraneo carried 01,500. Win t1,,o for *1.,200 on quick sale. Box 00, vVllsou 1'ublishtng Co,,, Ltd„ Toronto, Mrsomr x.annsous, AnAIVCCi tl, TUMQftS I,01144PS, '3090, lV! internal yll and externals, cured with), ustPete outoo late, Dr, BelimanMedical Oo„ Limited, Oollingwood, Ont IOt'4' INVENTION OF SCIENCE 'Wonderful Compressed -Air Chenti-i eat Piro Extinguisher; weight but 2 lbe.1 4hargod; puts out 011.0 In ten seconds; excels n , work -ofa heavy high II5r,'y h de eters, Ldsis a 11'fe time.' rLhQ t helm, : every automfactory oroffice buys-one -one n1, 1 every racial+y and offleti buys• one. 8811,1 nig price 0015' *1.00, A sale everq, ten nrnutoe and a cash profit of 2007s 10' • you, Our money-makers earning 535 to $75 weelily. Secure )our territory. In- svailgate. Write now. Rene), Co., 710 Bunk St„ Ottawa, Ont. l' Highest prices paid for best grade new goose, duck, ohloken and. turkey feathers, •' . Geo. H. Dees, Sona Co., Ltd. 270 Davenport Road, Toronto Fe :here Wanted O I,.' wj 1V19.RATEON BRAND Ready Roofing, Asphalt Slate Shing- lea, Wall :Beard, ,2'uliding Papers, Roof Paints, etc, Wrlto for prices and samples, �m vS�agvseu money bty) buying direct. MODEMAID f8 108.701 Tor uto"t, "Unquestionably the Best Tires" Sold by the Leading Dealers e PMES OP= FACE CUTCUA U +LS CausedDisfgurement, Itchyand Burning. Had Restless Nights. "Idy face came out in little pint - plea that were sore, and I scratched them constantly, and then they turned into scales, causing touch disfigure - merit. Theekinwassoitchy that I irritated it by scratch- ing. The burning was fierce, and I lied many rest- less nights. "This trouble lasted about a year before I used Cutibira Soap and Ointment, and after using three cakes of Soap andtwo boxes. of.Olniment I was healed." (Signed) W. Byrne, 5t. Basile, Qtse., Nov. 23, 1912. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet prep- arations, Par free !ample each of Wears Soeu Olnt- meet null T, g, eddrerl+ pasacrd: 'air'. nupt, �, anaton, II, e. A.' So]a evarywhera 'ri: �b F'RQTEC11:ON FOR OUTSIDE loVERANDAH AND PORCH FLOORS Irnperial Eureka Harness Oil —keeps leather strong—full of life and strength. Sinks in and keeps water out:. Prevents dry- ing and cracking. Makes har- ness last longer. Sold in con- venient sizes. Imperial Eureka Harness Oiler makes the oiling job quicker, more thorough, more easily done. Imperial- Mica mperial-Mica Axle Grease ---gives the axle spindle and hub' lining the smoothness of glass by filling the minute metal pores with powdered' mica;, Keeps the metal surfaces separated with a coaling of soft mica and grease that prevents wear and makes the load lighter for the horses. Sold in sizes -1 1b. to barrels. �.4tDealers diverjl RIere Hyl ti l x ime. (9.1=1.v30133,i=0..7..271:927 xy.30ar ,F1 k�?."..iii,".aFSiiEIZIn.SiAtSS.,0=1»i M1,,.l'1 $' , c n Let PARKER Surprise V9Li PARKER'S know all the foo points about cleaning and dyeing. We can clean or dye anything from is filmy georgette blouse to heavy draperies Or rugs. I9very article is given careful and export attention and satiefacton is guaranteed. Send your faded or i„,rt',';1 clothing or household goods to We will matte them like new again. Our charges aro reasonable and we pay ex. press or postal charges,pne way, A post card ,w111 bring our bo1'ktet 'of household suggestions that save money. Write for it, RADIUM'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaner's and Dyers • ')i Youge St, 7Caa'onto