The Clinton News Record, 1919-5-8, Page 2alcTAOGAliT 1.11, itteTAGGART IncIa.ggart A GENK,11AL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. N41r4S Dia:COUNTED, DRAFTS xpsuED. iNT.E1REsT ALTAYA9R.D P14 DE- Posus„L12 O1V' ' CB:ASKO. _ _ • _ - - - NOTARY PUI3LIC,- CONVEY- ANCER, FilaANCIA,L 'TEAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE A GelaTT, REPREkIATak.- ING „, 14 FIRE .INSUItAridall COMPANIES. rnv2sior COURT OFFICia, . -CLINTON. W. .13RYDONE, , .BARRISTER, soiaomni, • NOTARY Pla131I0, ETC. Office-- Sloan Block --iCLINTON DR. GUNN " Office eases at his residence, cor. High' and Kirk streets, ' .• DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours:-1.30TO 330 pen., 7.30 to 6.00 mm. Sundays 1230 to 1.30 P.m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence-Vic:Lora St. CHARLES 13. HALE, , Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses IIIDION STREET. -- CLINTON. GARFIELD MealICHAEL, ' • Licensed Auctimieerer for .the County of Herm: _Soles con- ducted in any part of the county. Charget moderate and satisfac- ' Hen gilaranteed: Addeest: Sea- • forth, R. R. NO. 2, Phone 18 on 236, Seaforth Central. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of 'Huron. Coarespondence arm -lip -Hy answered. immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 011 167. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. B. R. Ill•GGINS Box 127, Clinton' • Phone 100. Agent for The Huron & Erie Mortgage Cor- poration and The Canada Trust ComPany . - Cenim'er H. C. ot J., Conveyancer, Piro and Tornado Insurance, -Notary Publie Also a nuaibeer of good farms for sale. At Bracefield on Wednesday each 04441C! tkp.. TIMB Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follevne BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going east, depart 6.18 a.m. 2.52 p.m. Going Watt, ar. 11.10, dp, 11.10 a.m. 4 " ar. 6.08, dp. 6.45 pm: 1 14 14 11 11,48 p.m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE 'DIV Going .South, ar. 8.30, dp. 8.30 a 14 11 4,15 p.m. Going, North, depart 0.40 p.m. a 41 " 11.07, 11.11 an. aee •1111.44444 44- . lie Agronoutiet. 'This Department Is for the use of our farm reeeere who want the Advice at an expert.oreana CRUWIon fegardim Solli40ed, crePs, Lela:, If'Your questlpe le of suffielent eeneral ...i -est, it will bo eriewered through thee column, If stamped and aeoreeeee eraalepe is encloeed with your letter, a complete answer WIll be melled to you. Aedross Alironomlete care; of Wilson Patelna Lls.. Ltd,. ?El Adelaide et. We Teronta. ' CroPla for Dairy Farms, hanalina the lover crop if it ocea- n° mint prod o ' et ea' forgot teals 'ohe-fifth timothy, that he if:" a .,artnui is well Ile' n ..,,u er,_ nine .a. s ;kb ,b bread ' • • aeeeriesdersteintling to anew what :3 e ree ea -Who has good pasteve . ace- . . • . • • • • • u g tie toe hirde taey contemplate ed.e4rho'k'ioneana'leithf(eirepillieneLoe blit'llieLfol;ele'7. alilibltli:801:arttautnraVtaehi'PaAltobtoQurrbyit ci3estielTal purchasing before laying down any- aPi°46ai•b, itigiselineddepienedrealgI thper(a'firets- scm. Suall, a elfastuee will reealte p ro :I u (aims , i‘oa.blvthe, ryaa,:. eNi'dlifre,:te.yd.tootribirg,e00:90gerhhoes::::iteliee.ai"est!! ptme:asro nsieenyd.. th.eT. III. ea it,livilo,otteic thhae sictie.,41; - ft:sbo,Qoilia..t tA tivo, system of ereP• 'omit' of' study and thought that is pot into t.e.d ,,,,9,..te: 8,6 )eeg es or,,,, 1100. The weeds . and undesitable is •satiefled'aaltli, a yield , a ox.' tens gr°wAs nul4t J3e kept. down alit' of eilegcorn; thirty tashele ooats grass seeds sown on' Wet and thin able time of the yeek- far the' eni- 'e f and itee ton -Of Iiiier tie- tbasacee the Oats. Where the seeding is thinstill padveneent .of pasteret. Large areas coIl at of ia' stipplee et eeee win ,,t ten out in spots, linae end acad. Pliatay atTeleirhineit litatill41'wodletesaaid largely . ibto. bites.veoets. or tbe belie; phate thoroughly disked iiste 'the to Peo/Ser - nieth16da- 'of iiiileaVemetit nest. In eleoease. plooe, .„, proptr soil, will 'etiaolfrage stare of the de- which Might iliellide the ealletterfe croparottien must be selected ead, sirable grasses to make a good Keep the pat is clean lieab:e4ting Sueh a choice of •crops, end'in'etheidt stand. It is unally cheaper and bet- off brush,'briaese aid Weethe Laege. of growingi thete, made at shalt tend ter to seed the grasses. seven' 'times stumPe, stohete and deadtreesshauld to place eery acre ea the farm itta than to apply all of the 'seed' at one 810 be reifiatied. productive 'trop, and gam- 'suitable time. ' . 'Theite iireat'emed for pasture that variety for feeding, Alfalfa helps out wonderfully in would permit harrowing and disketig In platning" creel rotations it is balancing upathe teticiess It . Will a't .thi3 tirrie' df 1.eseedilig; ' 'aeilflalig safer . to eattbitl growibg a oisopo of shcceed ailnioat anyaSheie that ted Ilene, fereilizera, anil rillinurey &tee doubtful :value thet a ale; "dreinage ana Inlay be greatly benefited a •Ie softie Mee a. fixed rotation. . A feev, steals hunviet15:s*Wii11. 1..Voveraaine mott of the cieetions terracing may be practiced do not fit well third camas apropeely :handled will. tratiblee and rart` thelead. et, goad With e-atisfactety reetiltia alialea'far Wen. 'With a few aerie The. -application of. lime, acid phos - peeve more satisfactory than too of alfalfa on his -farm. the dairy phate, and, manure can always be re-, Wide a variety, - Clover, alfolfa, farmer has made a long Step for- lied Upon in Most sections as a means corn and a small grain crop make an ward. ' . . of adding the necessary increased efficient and simple rotation. Some One should staive .to improve the fertility. . Reseeding,- particularly in the bare spots, is to be 'reeoninieeded. As a rule reeeeded pastureS -should be lightly grazed the first yeak'. At all times it is advisable to keep the cat- tle off the grasa in the spring Until well started. Closer grazing during the ret of the season niey be pradeiced where .the has been done. It is also advisable to turn' cattle oft the pas- ture earlier in the fall than is com- monly practiced. 4•44m* 41,u r'•44, -,4-44.4•4444.4-4:r eat' Gradaaller emelt& breeclitige le be; eolting-Mbre like lilmeetddle IsTeedink, it will not be glaTIX eyeame entil every buyer of a 4) oacrel tie be dao4 in the breeding yard will insist on lonoWing the alre and dcen oe the eta:km:el. before be bur, the bird, The Mayer will alao want to knew hew many eggs the dem of the cockerel prodeced, and tote many eggs were produced ay the <lain of the • fare of the 'cockerel ato is buying. Ristlit now Many buyers-emne'of theni afierneta, Tbe NicKillop Mutual, Fire insurance Gorapani Innfrove Permanent Pastures. •The next few months is the desir- Head office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY : President, 3ames Connolly, Goderleb; Vice., 30mee Evan' s Beeektwood; Sec. -Treasurer, Thee. E. Hays,Sea- forth. Directors: George McCartney, Sea - forth; D. F. McGreger, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Waltoe; Wm. Rine Sea. forth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, liavioek; John Benneweir, Bi'odhageri; isa. Connolly, Goderith. Agente; Alex Leiteli, Clinton; j, W. Teo'Goderich; led. Hinehley, Seafortal W. Clieency, Figmondville; 11. G. Jar. meth, Brodhearfal. Any money tee be paid :a may be paid to Moorish Clothe:a Co, Clinton, or at Cat's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desirieg to effect insurance or transazt other business will be eremptly Intended te on application to oily of the above officers addressed to, their respective post office. Lessee lee.pectea 'ay- the director who new ecarest the event. dairy farmers c e s r-- - slow emfo - --r standard feed craps before he looks soiling purposes, but the better way s about for new crops to 'take their is to carry over silage :for rummer places in the ratious ' and the crop feeding and depend upon' such field rotations. There is as much differ- troiii as oats, peas, green corn and enee in the quality and value of alfalfa for soiling. If we can get home-grown foods as in the feeds of the soil favorable for the growth of commerce, and it should be his aim clover, alfalfa, corn and small grain to grow, harvest and feed these crops, it is about all we can: do to- maps in the best condition.. The ward producing a balanced ration for crops should be grown on the farm dairy cattle and building up the soil to produce a class of feed to balance without resorting to 'outside' sources up the tation are the very ones of supply. - needed to 'mild soil fertility. In By growing, cern, wheat, clover, or cloyer and timothy mixed, a year rotation, and seeding a part of the farm with alfalfa, we have a nearly ideal system of crap growing for a dairy farm, Some dairy farm- ers omit timothy and practice a three-year rotation, which is all right if they have a field of alfalfa to de- pend on in case the clover fails; but as a general proposition it pays to allow the land to remain in grass two years. Clover is a' more active soil beildere but the timothy thick- ens the soil and 'furnishee'more hum- us. And, after all, one it on the safe side when he has a few acres of mixed meadow to depend upon in case the clover fails. In harvesting and' feeding these crops a large part of,. the corn -crop tamed in all the standard feed crops should go into the silo and be fed renders it imPossible Without the USO out along with the clover or alfalfa of protein concentrates, like cotton - hay. Such a roughage ration, sue- seed nieal, linseed oil meta and gla- pleinented with reasonable quantities ten feed, to reteth the dikestive and of purchased concentrates, will pro- duce milk at a minimum cost and maintain the breeding stock and young cattle in condition to breed short, we must provide some kind of Freedom of the Seas. succulent food, reduce protein costs - • and Melees° the fertility of the soil. "Cherley, dear," eaid Young Mrs. Torkihs, "are we going to 3ave free - If we are to build up the soil and. improve the rations We waste pow dam of the seas?" "Why are yeti so interested?" better clime, alfalfa, corn, small. grain` and 'grasses. "I haven't forgotten the way we were treated at the beach last sum - This brings up another question. iner I dont believe anybody has a Our hoaxte-grown feeds are too bulky right to rope MT the ocean, end then to produce the best :results. There is a limit to the capacity 'of an mei- °large you fifty cents for the privi- lege of bathing in it." mal to digest and assimilate bulky feeds. If we choke the machine we . eut down its caMidity. To reach the capacity of the Caws they mutt be . 4, fureished with proPer quantities of hiestely °vol.:7911e 'hags 'rliming•tverineelleeeeetleg etthom Dinereerue Util.illUg5101100P dila. it. Ohaer upl here's the rot rulhht-- tahom hvriaip's Stotaugh and Livortl'ablet 0, They pet tee steeaeh see teams rhea. 41,1 dress -We, 3iloworhy manfrom 9 Ch4mber1a10 Medicine, Coe Toromo ,141 fii,}at ' APPlei Gleeeonne, Amite blossoms pink ad white, Swinging onsere In the light, Storing honey for the bees,' . peeking all the orchard treem, . Seta the mewling or your beeety- 1e it joy or le 13 duty? , "Joy and duty aoth sae, ours, Preit must rollOw after flowers; oWs the "'Astral thins of wring; Ours the hueethe blossoming, gees the gladneas, onre.the gtving Tkat fulLtts tEe plan of Dying." ' Spraye for Tomatoee. ExPerientail 6M:a lei:kers re- conenebethaa 110 Bordedlac mix- ttrfe in --about the sturieantaaiima as aged for the yoteto crap, that is, the first application Wain the -Palinte Lute Et. few 'inches high Mid -continaed at frequent intervals clueing the grow- ing season.' 'Mitt treetnierit is npt .always else- gessful in controlling point rot, especially when weather conditions are do!Y. and InfavoiCribl for Matter- ing the trop. BeMelieik applied after the dereicipirient' al' 330 dIseaSe would be of dee:Mt-IAA efficiency and Would prove objeationable on account of the sediment left on the ripe fruit. Then They Canned Him. Custoaier-"Where Will I filed the candelaava '1" Nevi Floorman-"All canned good are in the grocery department on the fourth floor." • Worse Effects. Fiest Pater --"My boy's letters from college always send me to the diCtion, any." Second pater -"That's nothing/ My boy's always senderie to the bank. "Who maid succeed in the world should be wite in the use of his pro- nouns Utter the You twenty times Where you once utter the I."-,Tohn Hay. GUINEA FOWL' MAY BE KEPT maximum digestive and assimilative „fats, cartallydrates' and Protein end WIERFVER POULTR in about the proper proportions. The excessive amount of dry matter con . - assimilative capacity . of the cows and enable them to proeitice a maxi - mem flow of milk. On breeding farms where cows are regularly and command good prices. fed for advanced registry records it Whether one should grew the Wheat is desirable to' groer root crops, such crop'' or oats and peas in the rotatien as mange's, carrots and sugar' beets, is a debatable queition. It depeads to furnish succulence end variety to upor. the conditioes tinder which one the. rations. Experieticed feeders is Working and how far 'one has to prize theee crops highly because they haul the wheat to market. The cut- act as a stimulant to the cow's di - ting and harvesting &hey crops has gestive system' mid make it poseible n great deal to do with the -feeding value. We may cut our clover, M- U:Naar timothy too' 5000 or too late to' accuse maximum' feedlng value. One of the advantages Of seeding timothy with clover is that of pro- perly curing the mixed hay. There is lees trouble in cutting', curing and Curing a Om by Wire. Doctor Taylor, the veterinarian, was cranking his cav to go to the country, when his wife appeared at the .door and called: "Telephortel" "I've got a sick- cow," said Frank Jensen when the veterinarian ans- wered the call. 'She's 'most too weak to stand, She has quit chewing her cud, breathes hard and seems te have a high fever, 'Can't you coine. "Notice enything -wrong when she walks'?" :slaked ' the veterinaeime. "She -walks with a straddlitig gait, and is stiff in her hindquarters. When -she stands she puts her left foot way back." "How does the milk look?" "Yellowith blue in color and, strin- gy. It curdlee soon after it is drawn. She doesn't gave much out of the left side; that side of her udder is red and swollen." "From the symptoms you give the cow has garget," said the veteein- arian. "You can treat it yourself." "But where'd she get it?" inter- rupted Frank. "None of the other cows has it," "That's hard to say," was the re- ply. "It •might have. come from a O rt a blow on the udder, or maybe you skipped a milking. Careless milking will cause it. It might have come evws ReCOre.114 from the ewe lying witb her udder ender -deemed by leie, CLINTON, ONTARIO. oil a cold doer, or ftom hurryieg het The dreg i•aust be tiaed after each Whee her udder woos dittended, or rale, if the best results are to be Terms of eubsereption-e1.60 per year, from exposure to Wet, cold' weather, secured. Don't go on the road while hi advance to Canadian addresses; e2,00 to the T.J.S. or •other foreign ov a sudden thaego from a too muddy, let dry out slightly; it countries. No Paper discontinued laxative. retain to a more concentra. uutil all arreaes ave Paid unlese at lied one. Keeping a cow too fat May the option of the publisher, The egm it." dote to Which every subseription is 'What shay, I do for het?" paid is denoted on the label. "Reduce the grain to one-third ealaterti.sing rates-Traesient edver- the usual amount. Give her about lailetnentt, 10 mete per eonpareil a, pound of Sporn salts. Get seine Bee for fiest insertion and 5 cents ladtiol'Itto°df iret7essi,rerreatint)liesaar rat ' pet lite for oath subaequent insere lien, Sreall advettiseantrits not to gist and give a half: 'pulite 'of .the exceed one Mete eeee, 9,02tu nitrate ia the drinkieg,, water teviee "Sttayed," Or "Stolea," etc., itisett- day." el 'alai for 86 cents, mid troth eubeia "Shall I do anything to the tad:. Omit iesertioe 10 cents. der ?" Corenmeleatioes banded for pablicia "Milk it carefully mid bathe with ioftmust, fis guarantee of geed hot *gar several Monet daY, atilh faith, bo ttecempenied by the name of it with olive, oil containitig taste Ver aarrOellta made of georgette mead Get. It CLARK. 00013, run aaalabaa aeaoetal 3171105 will be Meth ninuir after Itteralerieg the writer, krastletor; dallY, pl101-, 080 'atiY atttl'ag WM; it they eve leaf tes a heavy beth . 01 t0Wea ami itoeed on the Wreeg We, Mat f 'Merit (a) the Odder; end OW any for her to consume More grain feed than is the ease when her ration con- tains too meth dry matter. A small plot of ground will suffice to produce all the roots needed for feeding for advanced registry records, and save trouble and expense buying read to feed when needed, the possible aauses of the trouble - cold floors, etc." "1 almbst forgot to ask about us- ing the milk," said Frank. "Don't use it. Milk the left half of the udder intci a separate pail and bevy the milk. The right side pro- bably is not affected. Generally not more than half of the udder is af- fected at one time. Dishieect the barn with coal -tar itisinfectants, to the infection won't spread to the :other cows." A week later Frank's cow was again doing her share of work at the milk pail. Except for Prank's care - Tal obeevration 'whieh caught the trouble in time and for the veterin- arian'e help, the trouble might have developed into a case of chronie garget. Pixies; Up Earth 'Rcaide. It can be truthfully aaid that drain- age is the chief essential ,in putting eneth road e into proper comlition. An all. Seotchman, an expert road build- er, aptly said that the three require- ments of good earth roads are. drain- age, more drainage, and still more drainage. The route mnet not only have good surface drainage but motet also have pood nutter-drainake, Stir - race dvainege ie scimred by prelim. by keeping the crown Or the read properly dragged. ' Stretches of road :that, do net dry out quickly moat be THRIVE In Engiafid They Are Highly Prized as Substitutes. for Game- ' 'The:Flesh of the Young Broilers ReserilbjeS -Quail or Pigeon in Flavor. . Guinea fowl, ae know them, are anioag. the manio wild 'fowl that! came originally front Africa. Where ame is getting scarce, guinea fowi! become increasingly papules'. They, can. be raised wherever poultry tl "' end are b eo means trimble-1 smee. Their chief draveback it the Guinea fetal are prolific" layers. nomadic strain in their bleed. Their- eggs are small bet the flavor is good, .ancl there is a certain maicket, &mend for them. The Meet of the fowl has an excellent flavor that sug-I gests 'game: Yainig broilers weigh- ing from half a pound to one pound are greatly' in dethend. The flesh tben resembles quail or pigeon in flavor. In Europe guinea fowls are considered delicious 'table birdt, atid in England,. perelenlarly, they eve highly prized as substitutes foe genie, fighting on mebus erlean phea'sente." Whin well 'cook- ed, the birds 'ate attractive' in ap- peanMee and the flee'. of the young is tender and -of 'espe..elly fine fiaerbr. They 'have niuch the same food valite as chiakeris, and are as economical when bought at about the sone Price per pound, • General Care. 'Guinea fowla thrive best when left 44,444 The Devilas Dice. Thoefieeoesion greW animated I Edward McLean and 1.113 broeher Doe hert discuseed the arrest of a netlAl cr.iminal who heti mede an apParent- ly foolish overeight 111 coveving• cp his trail,' /ildwavd" maintained that it was nothing but ebeer carelestriees on the pnrt of an overconfleent evirit- inal grown bold in crime. Robot rifaintitiffed the it Wee' the Nerleeeta thae'eelleses all wreriledoina, and head 1114 the oddare ageinet every onim- thal tedause the world le tiersteged for mdial ends and must in theleend frusthate evildotas, They al/pealed to their father, who had been an inter- ested flatener to 'the debate, • "ft it a significant feet, toys," mid their father after pondering a mo- nient, "that they 'are verY few sue- ceasful criminals. It nefirly always happens that a great offender is aseig,ht by his own carelesseess, If year saw the Situation staged you , under hense If this plan is pursued, not. fifty Per cent._ of -the guinea chicks will teach' maturity. The mothee hen sbefild -be put in a good coop with a board floor end a roof that will not let the rain in, one who does wrong. That e hOlders. Nothing can he done at pre - The hen should be confined to the trag,edy of every evildoer: he is sent owing to the difficalty of privid- fiaating the stars." Lug the necessary buildings, but when the small hOldings are establislied they When boiling fish remove all scum will he offered to the people of Dart- moor, knowledge of local 'conditions SPRING MEDICINE Saaeaparlica-loo Neodoktoy AS *Pm' 301.02"0-- Deouse, althotigh the wa a OTore itta work, Worryeand exeltehlent biefie endertnissed your 92301'V0 eirength and nerve forth. Eeeause the coevals, eolas,,grip and maybe tieveier flhrlde8,!save broken cleWn your power of resistance. Because Wirdiel.''s work and Close coefieernent heye wornsout ye= m stoach and exheneted your blood, x Cain Yoe affair the good Iting-lest the deetoadvises? 11 Apt, take Is <Mune of the famone old medleine,-the one that tricith.er used to take,--Ifood's Saisaleveillea It's the finest extract pf Nature's purifying, vatelizing and strength - making roots,' berbei barIce and bara riea such as physicians preseriVO, prepared by eltilful pliarrimenits. iii caildensed and econoialeallfore. If you want the hest Spring medie eine you'll surely get More' Sena- Ttood'e Pills help eonid alinost seold him for his feel- i'sliflese. But the fief that he does '- and are mill family cathartic, hat' take preceutiona against bis own tiabeleesness argues that eve aye h�e dealing' With soinething like a Metal law. It seems tes be one of the /mealier qualities of evil to delude the vivbegdeer. The Bible says that Gad gives up the evildoer to- believe a lig. "We. believe that the three angles of a tratiagle make two right angles, that bodies fall 'downward, that =- tire abhors: a vacuum. We need to believe just as surely that justice is 0.0 inevitable cie gravity.' Let a man believe that by his sharp wit he can elude or defy a moral law, that he caii transgrese a moral law with im- punity; then in his view of life virtue mey be a mistake, wrona may get the upper haml 'and all things may work together for the good of the ungodly. I3ut in such a universe life would be intolerable. The Woeld is against the 'wrongdoer. That is what is meant by the old proverbs, 'The devil's dice are always loaded,' and 'Re who sups with Satan needs a long spoon.' "Do you remember what Emerson said about that? It rune like this: 'The league between virtue and na- ture engages all things to assume a hostile front to vice. The beauti- ful laws and substancesof the larger houses are being con - of the world, .. persecute and whip the traitor. He verted into tenements. In Cornwall the natural resoereep finds that things are arranged for of the Duchy estate are to be eaplorea, truth and benefit, but there is no and developed. A diamond drill is to den in the wide world to bide a be set up in connection with the wol- rogue. Commit a crime, and the tram mines, and, where mineral re - earth is nuide of glass. Commit a sourees are found, full inv,estiiation crime, and it seems as if a coat of will neow fell on the ground, such as re- be Made to escertain whether by veals in the woods the track of everythe application of modern saientlee, 'pattridge and fox and squirrel amethods they can be worked with nd prefit. The oyster fisheries, near Pal - mole. You cermet -recall the spoken ; month, revived Marna the svaf, haviug word, you cannot wipe out the foot PRINCE IS A GOOD LANDLDRD. Heir to Throne Interests Himself In Duchy of Cornwall Tenant°. Since his retain to Loadon the Prince of Wales has displayed the greatest person'al interest the Lon- don tenants on'thealueby of:Cornwall , estate. He has expressed .ble' tion to hecomemequiiinted with them all, awl, following' a -else: to them re- cently be, accompanied by Princess Mary, spent another afternoon with them at the Old Tenants' Hosthl. The Prince. remained a long time with each tenant, all of -whom had had relations serving in the forces, and in- quired partfeularly into their ex- perimaces. One of Use tenants with wheel he (Matted is aaid to be the old- est living clown in England; thaugh 79 years of age, lie appeared at Drury Lane Theatre this yenr. . . huportant schemes for the develop:. ment of the Duchy estates are under consideration, and will be carried out when a return to normal conditions permits. The housing soheme upon. tbe London property of the Duchy, which was inten‘upted by the war, will be resumed, and in the meantime many proved very saccessful, are to be much track, you cannot dray,' 1.113 ladder,! 80 os to leave 100 inlet or clue. somo, extended. On the land a conartners ship scheme is to be tried, the workers damning eiamenstance always trail-, or; the large farms being glveu a freed spires. The laws and substances of wage and a share of the profits, while eature-water, snow, wind, gravita- fur tbose who prefer to be mordinde- tion-s-becoine penalties to the thief,' pendent small holdings are to be es-, ' "You are both right. It is careless- ness on the part of the criminal. But tebitlisisheprl; °posed to plant teieeei-Oicti- that very blindness is part of , Thet11e eaeteru side of Dartmoor upon about Metal order . of the universe.250 acres each year, and 13 19 laved ira ethics in their courses fought against establishing small holdings nearby- te Sisera."fhey fight against every- . . provide work in the winter for small coop, but the'chicleens are better if given plenty of freedom. They should be fed in. exaatly the same fashion as newly-hetehed chickens. quickly eta it rises to the top of the A aariety' of food is relished and, is water, as it deadens the flavor of the, being regardePas essential to Ouecpss a rule, they eat mere then chickens. fish if allowed to remain in the nand In this district. When abont two -weeks old they are The case of the great Napoleon neaely feathered and the wing lea- was one of the few on record of a ; them are large enough to allow them person whose fist finger was loeg- The ancieet Romans need concrete to fly up in the trees to roost. From er than 315 -middle finger. in theiv -roads and bridges. this age they grow very last, and if ' l they have sufficient range, they. re- quire very little feed, is" they get `Most of litchi living 'from bugs and insects. When they are aboUt ten Iweeks' old 'they should weigh 'from , one and a halt to one and three- quarter pounds each. Durieg the summee guinea fowls require very little feeding, but as . the youngsters increase in size and number a. certain amount of grain I should always be given them. hi I win- ton - cover if possible, mid then they ve- te/. 13 18 advisable to keep'theni under quiro to be fed regularly, as they grading, odegoate side ditches, and 1-1 natural inclina- tion to wander in the fields end seek theie food., Ommeionally they. are allowed to run with hens, althoegh .010 shmild be wot enough, however, Pio it will not crumble, but smear. When properly used, the den brings a thin layer of earth toward the centre of the road 'which is relied and packed between the wet periods. IC too much crown le secured by dragging, the atigle of the deag should be reversed. Getting the mirth roads gtaded, ditches open, Well-atathed, tied prop- erly' evoweed by dragging is about all that 6001 be done until the people are ready to stirfece the road vvitb gravel, 11201(091etorie or 00010 Other SUrfacang 19111301111, e ti ineeein for the ordinary clemeetic fowl. Gen- erally sneaking, guinea 110115 1090 not good mothere, A good-sized hen will :aver arom 18 to 30' eggs, and it ,equiles 11000 ' d hatching. The Lender age of the baby guinea lasts ham the time it is hatched until it is sixteen days old. The backyard garden or small patch adjohting the horde is the ideal place to 05155 the baby guineaft. Un- like chickens, they do not 54903011 the gmound 0 that the gardener bite ne deprecletioes to fear On the other hand tlie geinett fowl help him to combat; ieseet pests, It 18 astonish-. ing how Many ineeets they will find to devouv it the gavden. 130031' Guineas, 'When itist alteveteg out to breed goatee fowl it is ilecoseary to alined against inbreeding la the $.41,k nin to, caved, Nor is it advieeble to try' to rase a 536013 froth th 'cage bathed _ • • 4--44.,444:45a44J1 est eLlit Ey join-, B. tuber_AM mtroil's Dr'Huber will allov,,er all signed letters pertaining to Health. yoUr question la of general interest it will be answered through these- columns; • .If not. it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope Is en- closed, Dr. Huber will not prescribe for individual caseeer rrigke- diagnosis. Address Dr. John B. Huber, M.D., care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Sore Threat. • tenacions, maybe blood-stained mue Besiciee the throat '(nharynx) the cue; is expelled, - soft palate, tonsilli' and 'Meal Chercle-i P.soOle Prone- to the• 110015000 and Inc geTierally included- in ally enflotre-, constitutional , coadititais mentioned Illation: When till§ is nate, *the': 9190011 'especially guard. against the came. lies geneeally in exposuce to development of sore throat. The nee - cola antl wete especially in Week loll,1 per use of the voice, salutelaxatives . than , 019 sedentary hribits or who when neeeeeneY (say. a 305,183000 01 101have aetettleney to, thberenlostre gent of 03800) 551130 in a. tutablerful or rheurnatisin 'or other systeMie 1)1930,0? piping hot on rising), tellies diseases. Anti thane is septic oval or other medication, with, 102111• aip- - theont, of germ origin. Such a -safe' plieatiens, by the physicien, . with rem has Pam me swallowiag, a eee•atreatment of the underlying factot. sation dryimes ov ,(s le a foreign; (rlietimatism, tnbereuloeis ,or other body were stuek the threat, die s') are the right ineasurce. derneee, 1100.2200050 and oftentimee. , Where nasal catarrh exiats no cure impalement. ef the senses -Or- taste, C1911 30 hoped for until that organ is smell and hearing. Tito 'pliarytet attended 311. And many a oleo of e., ----- reddened beyond the native' and chronic pharyngitis gets Well of g; it- torigey loOkinendthe hack of the :0.1.2 aro soou ns the naaal catarrh has - se4a is .se;e11,-..fauch etiffeerer -been ..tmeed, unmet forego for theineelves. AS is rule they • nerei.it in roenting out 'of ce doer expt in' vary '02210:Weather. • Maetina Guava:lie. From five to eighe months le the mai ego for marketing guinea fowl, if they have tine beeit sold 10 yoring el,Icks for broiling An adult bird weighe hem three to four pomuls. Foe weeke before be. ing marketed they 03001(1 be fatten- ed en a 281100 contemns; a lavge proportiot of carbohydrates supplied let whole told groend green.. The birds -fatten veadily, but care shoolid be -Looked. nee •to esiateket them in too plump a condition, as this data* Aare tbeir eelue,• If people' know move abed 5111300.fowl, they would not only be kept in backyard mid city lag; but thee Would also he a emelt flock on every (at-to,MeV' are eiValtable Watch dogs: aria ea 0001 Ise they eee 13111.' 22(11105 tawks end crewil eanalag Attack the eaope, they frightee Miele ttwny 1)1211' their- shell', peeetiating data of 81000, be treated ae for acute limn- . ohitis-reet in bed, 11 het mustard Qtleatitalti Aeswers. toot bath, a purge,- an ice beg to the throat, email pieces of lee dissolved I have what I think is called honi- on the tongue.' Loeal applicaelons nier-tce. That is, • the tip of ity within the throat end mica medicines great toe is spread out toe 1011 93 as Aconite, quinine end eolitan men- proportion to the ether parts a my cylEole nuiet be preecribed by the tne. Is taere Any mmy of• correcting famay doctor. thie? Chronic sine 'liana (throne, 0.19,)' Answer- Monomer toe is the doithe ryngeal catareh), may follow a ee- beg lip of the to iy 180.80 o2. glade(' aetita Pluiry»gitis, on be dve contraction of certain sinews. Slight to en:bite:ail and excessive steaming cases g ve littlo oa the yoice (Cleegymen'e sore times the too feels a$ though it were thioat), to the affluence of such eon- being twisted painfully, its fell 9333312300.1 disease as I have mention- leugth, no matter what oboe is worn. ed or to the constant in'hala'tion of The toe, bowevee, is not generally ivritant tatpoes, 05 iu certain dee- sore to the teeth. A good surgeon garotte trades. Many such cases are may be able to relieve tile trouble, i part Med parcel oa catarrh of. the Is the .stogai. trentelent for tuber. .upper Air passages, fruit the nostrils eulogie beneficial to any appreciahle doyen to the bronchial tubes; end extent? Would any harinfool vesulta evhee the latter ave reitohed we epeak follow ite use? et bronchitie. Theta iii aoarsenees, Anfewer--Althougli the treatment late voice tia easily eatiguea ata may wotild de eo harm, I me myself he entirely lesti timed ia hacking' eleeptleal OS to ita ellietleY, 2 son oriugli with pain or SuMlloWing, Vert InThiling you further inforrtintlee Ye- ligeiri there ia a eeesetioe of to for- graellea the treat:nett of ttlber. eiga body ill Ole ikoat; 101101 thick, .010013. e ' '