HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-5-1, Page 7BRtNM1 TilE ZEPPELINS ROYAL NAVY Ain SERVICE iN NORTH. SEA FOGS. Outat Dawn in 'Seaplane, Wrecked the Enemy Airptilp and Back lelapaOtIAinielptetee: Now sweep5*s in a teeenty.ntile circle, site headed Jacek down the coast. The /mist wee lifting in patches, When oft Vlioland agala et 13.30 o'clock the 50Oond pilot, clod' dellly, through a rile in the Mist, saw it tiappelin eye miles on the starboard beam, and at a height of only 1,500 Net, Hee propellers were merely teeing .over, iiia she',W131-evidently looking for mines, . . Tile first pilot earwig the bow of '77 toWerd the airslhip, mamma out the eugines, Mud climbed to 2000 fact. The second pilot was at 010 bow gun, the wireless operator wound ill ilia aerial and manned the lnicls111p gran, and the engineer took the stern gnus. Seveaty- sevon was now 1000 yards away Irina the Zeppelin itud slightly above /ten The loakoat an the gam-b¢tg evident- ly sighted the flying boat, for the en- gines were speed up, her coarse was changed, and two men were observed hurriedly scrambling to the gun in the tail on the gam amidships on top. The flying boat dived on the Zap• pelin's tall at screaming "3.10 knots and passed diagonally across from starboard to port. When about 10e feet above and 200 feet away, the second pilot got in two bursts from hie machine gun. Ile used only fifteen cartridges. As '77 cleared the Zeppelin, the first turn a td Pilot made a sharp nig11th ) u1n and and foundhlmsellf slightly below healing straight far the enemy. He read her number, L-43. Her immense size staggered him. Then lie saw that slim was on fire. Pulling back the con- trols, he lifted the flying boat over the Zeppelin, and just in time, for, with a tremeodons burst of flame, she brplte inhalf, and, each. part burning furious- ly, fell backwards in the neater, The top gunner rolled into the flames and vanished, three men fell out of the gondolas, and, turning over and over, struck the water in advance of the wreckage. Then the Zepplin plunged into the sea and a heavy pil- lar of black smoke arose. At 15 minutes after 11, just in nice time 'for luncheon, and having e0m- pleted a flight of 377 miles, '77 en- tered the home harbor, her second pi- lot faring Very lights, and the hand- kerchiefs of the crew fluttering from the barrel's of the machine guns. BOTTLING UP NAVY VESSELS. Failure of German Plot at Cromarty Firth, Scotland.. - For Pinner. Regular patrols, both day and night, • .along -tile obiter fringes of our ming, fields in the Bight of Ileligoland, were Carried out throughout the war, flea' pito Zeppelins from the sheds on the Gorman coast, These Zeppelins an- noyed the navy people by spying o. • the movements of ons : shims, while themselves remalniltg out of gun singe, occasionally unloaded a cargo of bombs, fortunately with little effect, 00 our sublnarinee doing point duty along the line of buoys laid north from Texel by Alm Dutch to mark the edge of the mined area. Many of allose Zep- pelins were .,chased and two were des-. troyod during 1917 by flying boats, in ono of them being brought dews by _a flying r eli3= • m boat team I flames stows. In the days of the Royal Navy Air Service, when seaplane pilots wore blue and gold, and naval routine was followed at Felixstowe, the first liana enema one June morning in 1917, was awakened before daybreak by a tele- phone call from 5110 Admiralty. Con- sider the ringing of the bell the peb- bre dropped in the sleeping pool, and observe how the ripples widened, and ever widened, until they broke on the • coast of Germany, The 11rs lieutenant rang up the duty officer, who, wretched youth, sleet; or rather did not sleep, with a telephone, for bedfellow, for No. 1, who suffered from insomnia, always developed a thirst for information be- tween 11 o'clock at night and 3 o'clock. in the morning.. The duty officer turn- ed out the duty flight commander, who, after pullingon' an overcoat, crossed the quarterdeck. As he did so he cast an eye aloft, sniffed .the air, promised himself that it would be a good flying day, and entered the ship's office. Here he found the quartermas- ter rolled up+in a blanket, sleeping in position on the edges of ere - Getting Into Action. The Latest Uesi>; as et __.. t. a perilous Perhaps one of the most romantic, three chairs, and turned loin out. The a.nd at the same time, intensely dm - quartermaster hurried across the of. I mane stories of the furtive naval war- ficers' quarters and put a match to the fare carried on by Germany around galley 'fire, tinned out the duty stew- the Sottish shores, was recorded at .arda to. Ivy eggs and bacon,.., called the northern naval base of Cromarty twenty hands of the working party to in the autumn of 1915. get out the flying boat, and an engin- About the time stated the Iron Duke, eel' party to start the engines, and then Jellicoe's flagship, the Second warned. the wireless operator, the fly- Battle Cruiser Squadron consisting of ing engineer avid -tile two pilots. ting George V.,. Conqueror, Erin, Fifteen minuteslater the flight coin- Orion, and other fine- ships of the sane class, together with attending flotillas of ,,destroyers and leaders, were enjoying a period of rest and "'shore". privileges at Cromarty and dniell•Bordon• Following upoon a night of impene- trable fog (says a naval correspond- ent), which smothered the whole Me - ray Firth_inan imprisouing blanket, a couple of mine sweepers picked up e moored mine, and then picked up an- other, and still another, till it was obvious that an extensive field had been sown. • So the first report was flashed that a trawler had picked up a moored mine, longitude —, latitude This was the beginning of a hustling time for the shore staff officers and ratings. The.signal was quickly trans- lated, and the romantic point about the incident is that the Admiralty -In- telligence Department are stated to have had knowledge of a„coup which corresponded with the Moray Yirth enterprise. Mine -sweeping crews worked inces- santly, only coming into harbor for coal and provisions, and hurrying away out again. Every available craft at the base was requisitioned to sweep for br spot the mines, and soon a nar- row channel was reported cleared. Through': this the Iron Duke quietly slipped away, and stole up to the safer harborage of Scapa Flow, where the fleets can literally play hide and seek with tantalised minelayers or sub- marines. The remainder of the ships in Cromarty followed soon afterwards, e -- Solid Gold Swords for British Chiefs, • A box -pleated skirt is -always smart growing the for eat -lo kin and n 4 g in - ed in 1 ve toging- ham isda girl. This a P ham and trimmed with plain linen, McCall Pattern No. 8834, Girl's Dress. In 5 sties, 6 to 14 years. Price, ea 20 cents, • minder was stumbling about in one o the dimly lit seaplane sheds among the monstrous shapes of the flying boats, when a marine sentry, recognfz- ' ` og •,rim' by his language, turned on g- roof-el`rotries and fiopiled tlie`shethd with light)- F.Lna iioat No. 8677, fit- ted with specially large petrol tanks for the job in hand, stood on its wheel- ed trolley just inside the doors. The working-: party pushed it outside on the concrete area in front of the shed, turned its nods toward the water, and handed it -.over to the engineers, who started and tested the engines. The man told off for the purpose put on ' board• a package of sandwioltes, the `five-day emergency -ration in case the boat came down at sea, -the Red Cross box and the pigeons. The working party made "fast a stout line to the rear of the trolley. It was now just beginning to get light. a,mist lay/on the water and an eight•knot easterly wind was blowing - The wireless' operator and the flying engineer arrived and . climbed into their places, the p'l'ots appeared in flying 'kit and got on board, and the wader's, in their weighted boots and waterproofed up to their armpits,. came out of their hut. The flight coin- ,,,_-1nft310or' 13L' t1 signal and the work - party ran the eying boat down the slipway. As the flying boat entered the water she floated from the trolley, taxied Clear, and then, the first pilot opening bis engines full out, the frail structure, driven along the water by 600 roaring horsepower, leaped for- ward and took the air. It was a quar- ter after 5fo'clock. Across the. North Sea. When "77” turned out to sea Mice steadied on her course, the first pilot saw below him through jam mist, with- in the encircling arm of the harbor, the tall sheds of the station, the light cruisers and destroyers at ancho'i•, the subnlarines neetlig close to their 'Melee sbips and the ll`tiuesweePers disentanglingthemselves from their own particularly .crowded dock pre- paratory to beginrtiug the day's work. He then glanced back down the hull of the boat and saw the second pilot busy with notebook and'wind tables working -out the course, the wireless -operator fingering his gadgets as he tuned in with the station, and the en - glamor going eve the petrol pumps. This was the eighth time the first pilot had been out on a similar errand,. but po far he had been unsueeeSsfut, As '77 messed out and over the well - kern n_ buoys at the mouth of the har- bor the mist shut in, so the first pilot brought, the boat down to 500 feet, throttling back`his engines until She Was doing a steady slaty knots, Fif- teen minutes later t11o•shipWash light vessel was eased, the Last thing to be seen until the Dutch islands were , sighted, and Irom that One on the navigation was dean by compass, dead reckoning and inspiration. S0vent-0evoit now passed out over e big mine field into the No Man's Land of tiro North Sea, the mist thickened, and, just to make it more difficult, the 01131, largo and rod, as if With the exertion of climbing above the horizon, was on a 10o1 With the eyes of the first pilot, feral made it dein. Olt fel' hlnl to see•bla instruments, the dime and the quarry, .After '71 had pini 00'6 aloii"1`•, "?or two hours and fifteen mdlntds, 00 a run of 115 utiles, the ascend pilot, through the mist, OOW. tito flat shores of the island of "Vlieland, Isere eouree Was altered, Ilild at 7.30 isle ilyiitg boat was sit tiae 3 A pleasing and youthful design is this black satin creation combined with Georgette crepe. McCall Pat- tern No. 8856, Misses' Dress. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years, Price, 25 cents. AIRSHIP DR ARIIOPLANE1'T A Gerepueleof' Showa Thut the, Advan- eget In With the Former', Why is it Ghat an aoropIaile re gUire8 over tette and a hell Memel more power than 011 airship 50 lift the same total weight, travelling .et the sante speed? The solution la 533 be hand in a emu- parisoll of what is milled the "oo-oil' :Went of tredve resistafl0e" of the two types of aircraft, This terns, whilst ie has rather a learned aspect, is in roallty very' emai- l), understood. To discover the resist ante Value Of any Perm of transport all that One has to do is to consider the reslstanoC to travel as a percent- age of the totalweight, leer exemple, supposing a peraln• bulator, complete with add, weighs 100 lbs•, and the force required to bush it along at 'a eerteen speed amounts toe6 elm., thenthe percentage of tractive resistienC0 for the perem• bulator at that speed lo 5. Obviously, the lower the percentage the more ea ficlent is the vehicle. Mr. F. W, Lancester, in his book, "The. Flying Machine from an Engin- eering Standpoint," 'gives the follow- ing figures for some of the methods 1a of transport in common use to t Y, and to this list has been .added a 60- tonofa speed ilia at 1 travelling I airship, g 1 60 miles an hour: Per Cent. Solid rubber tyred motor vehicles 3.00 Ry. trains (normally)1.00 12 -knot cargo boat 0.25 Aeroplane - 15.00 Airship 4.00 From this standpoint it is seen that the airship is nearly four times more efficient than the aeroplane. More- over, the airship has the advantage that it is able to reduce speed in flight, and tie resistance falls very much more rapidly than the decrease in .speed. At 46 miles per hour in- stead of at 60 the percentage of re- sistance is only 1.92, or less than that of a motor -car, In the case of aeroplanes, the horse= power required (to overcome the re- sistance) in proportion to the weight lifted remains nearly constant for all sizes of machines, but in airships the larger the ship the smaller proportion- ate resistance it offers to the air. Therefore, in order to fly at the mane speed, a smaller proportion of lift bas to be devoted to the engines, and, still more, important, to petrol, so that a large share of it is available for pas- sengers and freight. If we double the lift of our airship, and incidentally this represents no more than 20 per cent. increase in di- mensions, the tractive resistance co- efficient at 60 miles per hour is only 2.72 per cent. At 46 miles per hour the resistance would be as low as 1.36 icor cent - very little more than that of a railway. train. One is naturally inclined to ask, Why then do we notbuild airships ten or twenty times larger than present vessels and gain the advantages of this amazing increase in efficiency. The reason is that the development of airships is still in ets infancy. Fifty years ago the -greatest engineer of the day would have found it impossible to construct the Mauretania. Airships must grow by progressive stages of development as steamships have 'done. O 0 • 0 0-+- Swords of honor, richly jewelled, will be presented to five of the chief British commanders of land and sea forces on the occasion when they will be given the freedom of the city of Landon at ceremonies now In prose poet. The swords will be of 18 carat gold, with ornamentations of jewels and enamel end relief work, designed and .fashioned by the Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company. of London. Tle.commauders who will receive these historic meniontoos are Admiral Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa; Admiral Sir David Beatty, Field Marshal Lord Froneb, of Ypres; Yield Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and General Sir Ed- mund H. H. Allenby. GIRLS! LEMON' JUICE', ISA SKiN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. eau he, ,i ose1'ved at a omit .of,. 2o per Dozori With Fleming Pigg Pverorver Simple to Use; a uhlitl 01331 1131• 1ply00 t'rue '1334 en. roahlfol• 111318 to 0 1 3 10 nano menthe and lwlke). 00e bog will do 30 dozen eggs (10315000113 your,dealor or send 000 to Fleming Fog Preserver Go. lee Orals' Bt. -We 1,Sgnttrera TWO NEW FRUITS. Grown In the Philippines -Ono Term- ed Vegetable Limburger. There has been found ie the Philip- pines two fruits entirely unknown to /Europe and A111e0104. One of these 10 the Burden, -which grown on a lofty tree somewhat resembling an elm, ie about as large as a cocoanut, has a Orley shell and contains a creamy pulp which combines some of the .tiavors of delicious austere with thews of a fine cheese. American soldiers in the Philippines have dubbed the durian the "vegetable limburger," The other rare fruit is the mangosteen, but the exquisitely flavored liquid- it contains has not yet been successfully preserved for shippinge GIRLS! HAVE A MASS OF B1A UIFOL SFT, GLOSSY, WAVY YO It 13..Alit, . -Canadian 0oot Soon. italsad 50031-tet,Jsk potnnloh3 mofemale Farina. SG1I)PXY 1..I20IT10D. Prices ns follows:- zaane015- 000 The, end over ,. 660, 1b. 1000 • 4813;, v 2000 - „ ,,.,,.,.. , 43o, „ owed• Tlumins- 60 lbs. and over 850, 5b, 100 ,150. ' 600 ' 120.loco �� ,::,. ,,. , /Field Oarrots--, 26 lbs. sand ova) • , , s lb. 100 i' " ,•,�- Soo,' 5 200 " 42e,. ." Freight paid and seeps free Net payment bank .draf1 00 days brain date of involoo and 0% al owed for pae11. 10 4475 from date of in30100. Particulars about varieties on appli- cation. A small bottle destroys dandruff and doubles beauty of your hair. Within ton minutes after an appli- cation of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what` will please you.most will be after a few 'weeks' use, when you eee new hair, fine and downy at first -yes -but really uew hair -growing all over the scalp. A little Danderizio immediately doub- les the beauty of your bair. No dif- ference how dull, faded, brittle. and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking 0110 small strand y ur hairrwill The effect n e light,flufy amaz- ing -your wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and iuxuriapee. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet countor for a few cents and prove that Your -hat itlhas been neglected ois as rty and rinjured as by careless treatment -that's all -you surely can have beautiful hair anti lots of it if you will just try a little Danderine. - Murphy Preferred Coasting. The round collar and deep gauntlet cuffs add a bit of charm to this simple frock, which is so appropriately de- vetoped in spft materials. McCall Pattern No. 8875, Ladies' Waist, in 7 sizes, 34 to 46 bust; and No. 8908, Ladies' Skirt, -in 7 sizes, 22 to 34 waist. Price, 20 cents each, The juice of two fresh Ionnons strained into a bottle containing three entices tf orchard wll to mantes a whole quarter pint of. the most re markable lepton skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for ft small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care ehouid betekeit to strain the lepton juice through a lino cloth so no lepton pulp gate in, then this lotion Will keep fresh for months. Every Woman knows that lemon juice ess used to iJloaeli and remove such blemishes as froolrlee, Sallowness and tan pad Is 5110 ideal sltin'eoftener, Whitener Ind beautifier, Just try its Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two /onions £coin the grocer and melte up a qn )ten pint 01 this aweottY fra- grant, Wion lotion sail- Massage it fly lotto the face, neck, arms and ands, Learn to listen to music, Every family should .form themselves into a class to study musical appta00iatioii, iYti9 1orA)i: Yaliolxlli,nt Durn3inrtvun'a �"Afic+ael e 3400111, Laugh When People Step On Your Feet • • Try this yourself then pass It along to others. It works! : ..o -o -•o-- o--o-o-o-o-o-. Ouch 1 ? ! ? ! 1 This kind of rough talk will be heard less heroin town it people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority; wlio claims that a few drops of a drug called. 000000ne when applied to a tender, aching corn stops soreness at once, and. soon the corn dries up and lifts rightout without pain. Ile says freestone IS an ether com- pound which dries immediately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter of an ounce of freezone will coot very little at any drug store, but Is suffi- cient 55 remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Millions of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of the high heels, The Uniform. Uniform. OR, 'hi. 0. 1r5ALT311, Central Pxperiale t l PaOttawrra, The Union of •South Africa con- sists of the provinces of Cape of Good Hope, Tr4nsvaal, Orange Free State and Natal. Ash for Minard's and taito no other. "On les 1 s , aura" means Batt "We shall have them," or more colloquially, "We'll get 'eta." It was a French army slogan during the war. 0 Printed crepe and 1,.,ured silks will be popular for afternoon wear. This choice design isdeveloped in figured silk. McCall Pattern No. 8901, La- dies' Dress. In G sizes, 84 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co,, 70 Pond St., Toronto, Dept, W. All grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF - - TORONTO RO e'A'a IN u 7loormb,TAo132,62M Ready Boonng, Asphalt Slate Shing- les, Wall Board. Building Papers, Roof Paints, etc. Write for 1)010013 and samples, Savo money by buying dlreot. J6dMID URN. 70go Rom. An officer on board a warship was drilling his nten. "I want every man to lie on his hack, put his legs in the air, and move them as if he were riding a bicycle," he ex- plained xplained "Now commence," After a short effort, one of the )nen stopped. "Why have you stopped, Murphy?": asked the officer, "If ye plate, sir;". was the answer, "OI'nl coasting." _ Mivard's Liniment Co., Limited. I wasvery sick with Quinsy and thought I , would strangle. I used MINARD'S LINIMDNT and It cured me at once. I am never without it now. There's something in the uniform that ill's my heart with pride, ' It'd soils and stains and thread -bare places make me thrill ineido! Too deep for idle shouting and too keen for empty cheers, My love for that old teniform brims over in my tears. They had their faults, no doubt, theme boys who went away to light, But somehow their clean sacrifice blots out their failings quite. They did their bestin face of all that plan detests and fears - Anil now the faded uniform calls forth our sudden tears. It means so much -it tells so mull of pain and woe and death, Of courage that speaks high and true in even the dying breath - 00 chill and damp anti lonely dark wherein no hope appears - What wonder that the uniform straws out the smarting tenni 011 let us keep the uniform anti cherish it with Mide- lt breathes of that unsullied Truth for which 0110 thousands died. Place it where daily it can speak its ineaaage In our ()are, And held us humble, grateful, blest. with molnorles-and tears! liginard'a Z11timerti mead by Phyl11011010. At Fifty-Fifty-I'rlehmtia, In his book, "From Galiipoli to Bag - tad,„ "Padre” V'1la.13v in b toile the 0503'y of a burly Irishman brought In- to the 'Tlolddtospltal suf oring Trona ]many wounds. "What aro you?" asked the doctor. "Sure, 1'ni half an lrishi1an," "Alii what's 1,11e other half?" "Wee 3101 bandages." Being Trees. 1 wonder if they like it --being trees? i suppose they' do It must feel good to have the ground ao flat Anti feel yourself Stand i rightstraight ftp Tike that - So atilt Ili the middle• --end then branch at ease, Big boughs that arch, small ones that beid mad blow, And all those) irillgy leaves that flutter 80, eree Yours gratefully, MRS. 0, le, PRANCE. Nauwigewauk, Oat. 21st. In Bible times music played an im- portant part in the social life of the people. Laban is said to have re- gretted the suddenness of Jacob's de- parture because it deprived him of the opportunity of sending him away with music. MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with. Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollar's costs three cents. General llronsides is the British commander opposed to the Bolshe- vists en the Murmansk region of Russia, Seep Agluard's Liniment in the house. The correct way to dry • an um- brella is to turn it handle down in an up and down position se that the wet drips out instead of in. IIII111111iylll 1111ti11IIIlU1I � A � EMIERNEE ,.MEND OF PURITY APPEARS O /'l 413'P n x . l.AX1"1•'S p'ko J }}3. r , 0 0 l•.IPOornplate 7 gatluFpr•19tM{. �aertl. Atolens. 'pgtnrll0000 ch. Ont: Leirrerrlx4 AV17 I31G MON37I ON L331013 I S write to -day Eor'our 31Dtilld>2lredt.:.' User" prices before 0rderltltf elle4W1000. 33 Ilse/lollop Iruer1Wlteed or 1330n9Y back,' 131115)313381 eneee11sre. Devices008stru4rt190 Oompeny, Vancouver, 1310, .. `- 5Iv/21 p0117r1'1gY' ^e74.14T,s12•' chr. PAIR ole' P113 0051 -Arab' .Any away )att 11ry to soil), Write for Prlces.: 1, Worn euteh & -1513n, ;eels s4, Scan 10.011110 Market, ntont- real, due. nunsne. trans 35411N 315 TO 1155 A WlgniS, Learn witeout leaving home. Sent rot free- booklet. Royal College o polenco, Dept., 40. Toronto, Canada. reit SI.ALM. W011, 3TIGj131PPED N17WSPAP1511 and fob printing Meet in. lnadtern Ontallo. 3nsuranco erneied,01,600. will go for 5'1,200 on qulele sale. 13ox 02, Wilson Publishing Co, Ltd., Toronto. 4iisoar.LANjaotve, IANCIll4 7171,10110. LUXES, FTO., V Internet and external, eared with- out 110113 by our -home treatment. Write us befereooll,11.ollhtn Medical Co., Limited, ) d n IZAGIi� STYLE 07% t4 C„,_WAIt. r w,.....,to-dop tfor amens Ibi0g FTLZE CATAL®G1171E showigg our fall Byes of nicyclea for Alen sad Wotaen,Boys and 01,•is. f47OTeit CYCLSS rim—f0nf A'TTAOHHSSIEiit''S Tires, Coaster. Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, Lamps, Belie, Cyclometcrs, -saddles, I;quip- tend Parte of Bicycles. Supplies from USat'who! olo mice, CIIII your T. W. BOYD & 5013, 21 Nosro Demo Street West, MontreeL DON'T NEGLECT A R 1> Q JMATIC PAIN Go after it with ,Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous .Apply„a bittle, don't rub, let it pose - irate, and -good -by twinges Same for external aches, pains, steams, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises- leetant relief without mussiness or., soiled clothing. Reliable -the biggest telling liniment year after year. Eco-' nomical by reason of enormous sale,,-, .Keep a big bottle ready at all times.. Made in Canada. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. AND IiIiI1d11i11t11111111iAIIRIRIINi1111411UIIIIpilllli The Kiel es Enj it;y Cutieura Semi. This pure, fragrant emollient is just suited to the tender skins of infants and children. Millions have known no other Since birth. The daily use of It, with touches of Ointment now and then to little skin and scalp troubles, tends to insure a healthy skin, a clean scalp and good hair through life. Soap, Ointment and Talcum sold everywhere. mer ea sure to teat the fascinating fru. • arouse of Ceticura Talcum coo root skin. a ,1{i Bicycle !)uses SERv ¥OU WELL "'I VERYTHXNG that you could ask for, irz easy riding, extra mileage, staunch wear and freedom from ordinary tire troubles, you will End in Dominion Bicycle 'fires. They are "Unquestionably The Best Tires" Be sure to ask your dealer for DOMINION TIRES that have proved theirhigliquality and durability under every road condition. Sold &s' heLeadtng Dcalers 34, ra•�. n r. 1ttJi3�3�i3,, nrr Fite t 13e.Ut i0-'10. till er'car r: ais t d.0 vivre. s.'4, a:=— 71 ir• 1 —zrz aloes 1 = l" SEND IT TOtt�� EXPI J 5 it Parker's can clean or dye caplets, curtains, laces, draperies, gowns, ete., and make then/ look like new. Send your faded or spotted clothing or hou•ehold, goods, al EIC5 pA R I l Gha R9 will renew thein, ra We pie y carriage charges 01143 STit' 311./4 guar ,ntee satisfactory work.. Our booklet on household helps than save 1rloneJr will bo selrt free on request to 9 P.tl.lilil(+,'ir�, S DYE "UVCIRIiaS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 7Cnxoslte 791 Yon!Ee S't. . a