HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-5-1, Page 5May lst, 19t9 Clinton New-Recc►rd 5 Of Interest to You and Me Tice rector of St,. Ueorsti's ehllroh, ^Goclerich, aamed a laity as 14s War - 'den ar-'denat the Easter vestry meossas, This is surely a notable departure. Loudon is still in a terrible,tuuddle because sone ficins and 'ltusiuees .houses comply with ,Standard hilae .and conte with railway tin\P, , Harry Lauder has been made a -knight. With all due respect to the Scottish comedian anyone who has seen him in.the •role of the village ,.fool, cannot help wondering whether, he will be able to wear his new holo. or with a becoming dignity. Goderich butchers have resumed the delivery of moat, which they discon- tinued during 'wartime owing' to a shortage of help, People complained that it was very inconvenient having; to •come up, ,town for their moat, though, as .far as we have heard, there was no complaint of the pack - sages being too heavy to carry. Capt. R. P,. Pyetto brought ugtt t e Sarnian into hie Godericls harbor on Monday and was presented with 4 new silk hat, it being the first : boat to enter this harbor this season. Capt. Pyette was first at -Port Ar- thur and Port McNichol, also, and • ought• to' have silk hats to give away this spring. At the annual meeting of the Can- adian Club, Toronto, held recently it was stated in the secretary's report that "three cabinet ministers had us- -,Sad the club for.'making first announce meats-'uf' important Government pol- icy." The Canadian Club, -Toronto, is an -exclusive club. Though national in naive it is exclusive In character, Tendered so by a, to many, prohibi- tivefee, if for no other reason. Why, in this democratic .country, :should cabinet ministers make use of an exclusive club to make first an- nouncements of Govo'rnment policy? Important , Government policy eflects all the people and should be anilounc- ed in such a way that all the people may be made awareof it. The gen- 'oral public should not be obliged to read the reports of doings in exolus- ive'cluhs in Toronto to learn what the Government purposes doing. 8 Little .Tommy O'Keefe aged eight -of ICintail and his little brother aged five` went fishing on Good Friday and the 'smallest one, - falling into the stream, would have been drowned but for 'the heroic` endeavors of his ;older • bristlier who rescued him. this 'counties, and many other events, • Marriages ARTER-FOX--At .illstotd, ling., on April 7111,' Entity Fox of Sur Vey, lihsgland,' to Pte; James All bort Carter, Oen of Mr, JatneS Carter of Olinton, SP 1Ii16Ns-Wi55ilt--ln Saskatoon, on April 160, by the Rev, Wylie Clarice, Christina, Janet Wotx, eldest daughter of William Weir of 13at;tleford, late of Clinton, to \William TJ, Stephens of Saslca- toou, MaNTOSFI-CASE-In Seaforth, on April 9th, John A. Mein -Meta of Morris township to Margaret 161 Iota, daughter, of 11Ir,. and Mrs, Charles Case of MoKilfop town- ship, IRELAND--ANDERSON--At ' Brus- sels, on April 1.51111, Win, L, Ire- land to Maybelle, daughter of the late Quintin and Mrs, Anderson of Morris 'township. Births KEYS -In Stanley township, on April 18th, to 'lir, and Mrs. J, A, Keys, a son -John Art. Deaths CAN 1 EL 0\T -In Clinton, on Man 1st, Elizabeth Alexander, widow of the late Peter Cantelon, aged 73 years. 1IAWKINS-In Hamilton, on 14Iay. Let, Mrs. John Hawkins, former- ly of Clinton, aged 25 years, Funeral private on Satuxday trona, residence of Mr. T. Hawkins. RYE -In Toronto, on April 27111, Myra, daughter of the late Jos. Rye of the Iluron Road, . Godericb township. ELSLEY-In Colborne township, on Apr. 18t1i, Jacob Elsley, in his 58 year, HAWTHORNE-In Egmondviile, on April 16th, Robert 'Ilawthorne, aged 91 years. CRONY N -In Wingham, on April 19th, William Cronyn, aged 88 years. Come to Wingham Reunion Arraugements are now being rap- idly pushed for a monster celebration at Wtnghans, July 1st, 2nd, 3r4 and 4th. Special trains will be booked from, Detroit, Toronto and London. An aeroplane will give exhibitions each day. Horse races will be held on the driving park on July 1st and. 2nd.Tt. 1 e Clinton Kittle Silver Band the Henderson Juvenile Band of Lon- don and other bands will furnish music. Besides the races there will be•,Scottislt games, baseball matches, tug-.ot-war between Huron and Bruce County;' captained by the wardens of HJUMil ET 11111311111111 ME I Advertise tai The News -Roe -OM ; the cost .of is small ad, is trifling, the re* Sults satisfactory, PRIVATE SALE. - BEDSTEAD, .chest of drawers and washstand, al- so toilet set and nannies: of lamps, Miss Rudd, Mary street, S i1lr, M0LSO S BANC CALLS.S tete attention of Victory ,Bond pur- chasers to the tact that the bonds are hero earl should be taken up, Last payment on bonds is due ,Allay 1st, HORSES I50Hr SALE-'I'ISAM 015 s good working horses ;, will sell sep- arately or together. Also about/ 200 cedar posts, -J. R. .Holmes, Ilolntosville., 01-i1 FOR SALE -6 -ROOMED COT'1'AGII on Maple street, .with good garden, fruit trees and town water. -Apply J. C, Forbes, H.R. No, 1, •Olin tong 01-tf UNRESERVED AUCTION SALTS of Farm Stock and • Implements. - The undersigned has received - structiots to sell by public auction at Lot 17, 13.11.5., Stanley, (4 mile from Varna) on Monday, May 5tlt, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow- ing 1 Roadster colt rising 3 years old, Cattle -1 cow 7 years old due to freshen in May, 4 steers rising 2 years old,.1 steer rising 1 year old, 1 heifer -rising 2 years old, Poul- try -About 30 hens, Implements- Deering binder 6-3. cut, Deering mower 6 -ft. cut nearly new, hay - loader, Noxon drill, Bissel roller, tilaesey-Barris disc, fanning mill Clinton make, 2 wagons, one nearly new, hay rack, pr. bobsleighs, grain crusher and cutting box, top buggy, cutter, 2 robes, 2 sets single har- ness, plow, hay fork, ropes and pulleys complete, set harrows, set platform scales 1,000 lbs., Sulky, rake, wheelbarrow, scoop shovel, pig trough, long handle shovel, 2 crowbars, galvanized water tank, 32 -ft. extension lathier, dozen grain bags, 2 horse pails, bag holder, pr. horseelippers, pr, forceps, gravel box, 12;',. cords wood, whillietrees, heck yokes,. scythes, forks, chains and numerous other articles, Household Eileats-1 cream separa- tor, Daisy churn, kitchen stove, 2 bedsteads. Everything will be sold as the proprietor has disposed of his- fa •m rm., Terms -All s All s ams 10 t of $ and under, cash ; over that amount 6 months credit on purchasers fur- nishing approved joint notes, or 3 percent. oft for cash on credit amounts -.John Dennison, Proprie- tor ; G. IT. Elliott, Auctioneer ; Geo. Beatty, Clerk. 91-1. �IIHB fl iii` IH, ta,gl '., H it 4.1 A Maxwell Grows Better the More You Drive I HAT is the test of anything good. The more y Qu„use a good watch the better it runs. The older yourfrierds growthebetter you like them. And nothing is more pat on a Maxwell than this. Hardly a day goes by that some Maxwell owner doesn't take his pen in hand and write that he is now passing a mark of 30,000 miles or 20,000, or 50,000. To purchase such a n-.a'n's Maxwell from him would be like trying to buy an heirloom fr'orn a rich man. WHAT DO YOU NEEP for the Annual Spring cleat'. -up, The season that puts the epixlt of „youth everywhere„ Try bur store for your wants, We aim to please and prices ars right, Lauluiry Soap 3 bare for 20e, 10 for $1.00 Gold, Ootttfort or P da G soaps 5 bars for 25e, 13 for $1,00, Amouia 2 pkgs for 250, Brooms, Brushes, Mops, Cleaners, Dustbane, and other ucceSsad- les needed. BUTTER AND EGGS DO YOU ENJOY GOOD C015F1;16 7 IF, SO T17i OURS, - IT'S URS_ -IT'S GOOD. Tomatoes per tin,,.20c Coria ,.,,,,, 22o Prunes per fh • 80o Apricots." 22o Corn S t xt o l , 0 Y pnrlb,o Coria syrup 5 • ll$s,,..,.500 Gr, Mogul Tea J,lb.,.82o Special bile Tea,,.,,,,„55c 5 lie. for $3,00. WANTED -HIGHEST PRICES. JOHNSON 8 COMPANY Phone hat Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241' Phone orders promptly cared Or. FORD CARS -NEW AND SECOND hand Ford cars far sate cheat). - Apply at Graham's Garage. 00-2 BOARDERS WANTED. - YOUNG Men or school boys preferred. -Mrs. R. A. Gooier, Ontario street, 90-tf FOR SAL IS -7 -ROOMED 1101157 and � acro of land on Orange St Good- stable on, premises, es hard and s , soft water. Apply News -Record of- fice or to W. Brydone. 80-tf. BICYCLE FOR SALE. -GOOD SIC- ond hand, overhauled and painted. -C. II, Hoare, North End, 91-tf FOR SALE OR RENT -6 -ROOMED, story and half house on Rattenbury street west ; town and soft water ; garden and fruit ; nice location. - Chas. Iielyar. ,.. 91-1 CONCERT -A CONCERT WILL BE given in Holmesville church, Friday evening, May 2nd, under the aus- pices of 'the Epworth League. Mills Jarrett of Wyoming, singer and elocutionist, ]las been secured,. Good programme assured. Admis- sion 25c. 90-2 HOUSE TO RENT -ON TOWN - send street. -Apply to Jas, Scott, Postofface, 90-t1 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1:,r' acres garden, with fruit trees -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. -84 BARRED CK M I3D RO EGGS -FROM S P G RO Park- and Guild's famous laying strains. Pullets hatched from eggs bought from me last spring were laying when five months old, Eggs $1.50 per setting of fifteen. -H. A. Hovey. -87 EGGS FOR HATCHING. -A LIMMI- itcd number of Bred -to -Lay Single Comb White Leghoi1 Eggs for hatching purposes at $1.00 par set- ting of 15., Reductions on larger quantities. PIace order early. - A, V. Quigley, Clinton. SEALED APPLICATIONS WILL be received for the position of clerk of the township of Stanley, on or before the 3rd day of May, stating saiary•expected, The Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted Address all applications narked "Application- for Clerk" to Morton Elliott, Reeve, R.R. No. 1, Varna. 89-3 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 13, CON, 3, Tp, of Stanley, 100 acres known as the Ketchen fano. Stone house; large bank barn ; good orchard; spring creek; about 8 acres bush ; land in good state of cultivation. Possession Oct. 1st, Convenient to church and school, rural mail and phone, 1-S miles from Brucefield.-Apply to 13. R. Higgins, Clinton ; Rev. H. B. A. Ketchen, 116 MacNab St., South, Hamilton ; John Taylor on premis- es. 80-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE -ON IiA'L'VEN- bury street: east, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools. -Apply to R. Rowland. -84 GRASS FARM FOR SALE. -100. acres, being' Lot 12 on the 6th Con, of Hallett, 1* utiles west of the. Village illage oC Constance. . Ther(' are about 8 acres of hush and a never - failing well with windmill to pump water, well fenced, Will be sold cheap, with terms to suit purchas- er. If not sold before April 1st will be rented. For further par- ticulars apply R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. , -79 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am Prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at-. tended to. Rooms over Hunnifo'rd's grocery store -Wm. J, Jago. CALVES FOR SALE Well Bred Calves W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton. -80 ECCS FOB HATCHING. F110111 HENS THAT SAY Guild strain Single Comb. White Leghorns at 60c per setting of 13 or $4.50 per 100. Incubator lots a specialty. In 1918 we sold 81174.00 worth of eggs from our 348 White Leghorns. oia�Iiesv619e Potatrg Yards N. W TREWARTFIA, Prop. 88-4 BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Big Type YORKSHIRE AND CHESTER- WIIITE BOARS, A. C. LEVEY, Phone 5-639 CLINTON, Ont. At home every forenoon: But these Maxwells o tliday are far better cars - than those of yesterday. For it is the policy of the Maxwell Motor Company to keep on building and building, on the original chassis plan set down 5 years ago„ 300,000 Maxvaells have been built on this program. 1000 refinements have -been ,made since the first car was built. Bach new Maxwell is better 'than yesterday's. For doing one thing always results in doing it well. This Maxwell you see today is so vastly improved in appearance that you may think it a new model. put it isn't. Just a better looking Maxwell. And a better car. • RE MAXWELL MOTOR CO. OF CANADA., Limited lr, f, 7 J t;; Afore miles pot gallop Rom Wes 0A Urn WINDSOR, Ont? - , Bartliff, Clinton, that i f 1" 1 "SMOOTHER THAN 9 VELVET" P - ”HE evcr.recurring problem, what to serve, is sa easily solved with Ice Cream•--Silverwood's. Frozen cream -a delicately flavored dainty -velvety smooth and rich. Silva wood's is always thoroughly enjoyed. Sold in all flavors in Bricks or Bulk. SILVst5WOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. .JILL FLAVORS WANTfiD--A QUANTITY OS' TUR. nape or 111angoldt,.-'1'. A. 'Trlcir, Pilon(' 12 on 607, 00-tf FARM 15011 SALE -423' ACRES 015 splendid Sarin land in geed State 01 cultivation, On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new 8t001 roof, a good collar, a barn 40x00 and straw shell 22X28 With foundationt e w b under r all, room, to tie up 28 head of cattle and 6 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement !loom throughout except 2 box simile and root house, A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive ebed 20x30,- There is a never failing Spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1* acres of, orchard, This ie a desirable property 2S miles from Clinton, good gravel road, I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present, Would sell stook, implements and orop if so desired, -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hallett, Clinton P. 0, -49 • HOUSE P OSALE-GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply on promises to Miss Southcombe. -52 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law. - I. M. Woods, Bayfield. 75-26-p FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN dred acres, . best of soil ; good buildings, close • to school and church ; 4r 'miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms.- Apply erms-Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -81 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Savers of Doctor Bills. The earlier the house is given a thorough cleaning ing the better. During the long winter, with stoves and fur- naces going all the time, dust and dirt accumulates in every nook and corner. In the winter, too, there is usually insuif`icient ventilation in the.. house, and disease gernts find choice breeding places. Just because they cannot be seen isno indication they, are not there -take no; chances, but get your supply ot housecleaning necessities at once. Read carefully these suggestions Fwd. Ammonia, Sweeping Powder Sink and Bath Tub Cleanser Chloride of Lime, Lye Furniture Polish Silver Polish, Metal Polish Brushes and Brooms Dustless Mops, Soap, 11Iops Washboards Clothes lines and Clothes pins All these lines have been tried and tested. Select your requirements at once from a full stock. E. E. H NNIF®1D Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 BRAN AND SFIORTS Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing, Don't keep put- ting it off until they are all gong and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED We have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soon and nvo assure you it will receive our very best attention. SEED CORN Iiow about your Seed Corn ? In some of the Corn -growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore, good Seed Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giv- ing us a call and placing your orders early, BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Brealc fast Food which we /tare ,lust receiv- ed (good and fresh). It is the very hest and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. Wo also have the following brands of Flour ; Purity, Vivo Roses, .level, Golden City, Vive Jewel and White Seal, al- so Oatmeal, sold in largo or . small quantities. W. Jenkins s 61 SOIL O'T,OUR AND FISFID. Phones : Elevator 109, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 Lode for 11,s Silverwood', 3igs, t.p ,'d 1ii46 hili irilH ti 0 As I have decided to go into the coat business in Clinton i would respectfully solicit a share crf tho public patronage. I am now prepared to take ('niers for coal ORDER AT ONCE Terms strictly cash and we guarantee to supply good coal to our eustotnet'e. Orders taken at -residence, Huron street. W A FRESH Lake 0f1 SALMQN. TROUT FOR SALE AT 0 . O11 The Flub -Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2465 BUY COAL NOW The Iarge coal operators have al- ways made a reduction of 50c pen ton on April 1st, but this year there will he no reduction to the • retail. dealers. As an incentive to the public' to put their coal in early, we have de- cided to reduce our price that 50c for some time in the early part of spring. All who can take their coal at anyi time will kindly hand us their nam- es, and we will fill all orders in ma Cation. A CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED. A. .1. HOLLOWAY Sole Agent for A.L. Se W. Scranton Coal IILS WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMIVD F PLUMBING, EAVETROUGIII5 G, LICIHTNING RODS AND LIETAL WORM OF ALL hINDS GO TO THOS., iA av-M' NS- ----_-- Agent for l-iecla Furnaces PHONE 53, Sinop over Rowlaad'a Hardware. WANT CARLOAD OF OATS ---and- CARLOAD OF BARLEY Ask for Prices. License No. 9-2100 POiULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour, left over from our poultry feeding season. This will make a good dry mash for laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. • We are selling this feed at below cost to clear. We are. always in the mar- ket for Live Poultry and New Laid Eggs at top market. prices. (i"il .JNN.i LAN tLOLS CO. N< W. Trewartha, Phone 193 Manager or ,Holmesville 4 on 1411 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED t Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full portico - lats. Our markets are the hest.. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. And prime tae highest co with an honest test which antec, Remember our Creamery thoroughly established and concern and now one ot t in :Canada, You camiot ma mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding oar cans at quested not to make use of sending cream to other creameries no cream buyers. Write today ler calls. Tttt,, Seaforth Creamery Co, 0.. A. BARBIDR,, MANACc1611, -40