HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-4-24, Page 500111111111111111111111111111 11111111IN3Inl1111111!IIIIf1111II11IIIIIII L!111111Iii11111111i111111111 111101111111111111111111111111 11111811111111111111111111111 pi April ae4th, 1919 Clinton News -Record Of Interestto You and Me 'Why do they, call a booze -malting joint a 'still'?'.' asked 1VloFlibbers, Bceause, they have to use it on "the `quiet'," answered McSwithers, • • • Tlto Hensen. Observer, after a cost ,of u couple of years or so, came out last week In new forst and dress, Wo Wish The Observer success. • • r. Rol'. Dr. Jordan of Queen's Univor- city says that St. Paul "could not be got to attend a seance or Prevailed upon to play with any board." Unless he could ho prevailed upon to tell us something worth listening to it would be as well tb spend our time in studying what St. Paul said wife'', 'ate was still on this plane, Stanlen Township Miss Mabel. Clark, who is teaching "school at Arthur and Miss Pearl Taylor of Toronto are spending their 'Easter holidays under the parental Toot. Miss McLennan, 'teacher iu No, 3, is spending Iter vacation with her parents at Lucknow. Mr. Wm, Stogdill, who has retired, rironi the farm, has purchased a house and lot in Varna and moved into it . "last week. Baytieici 1llias 1?loy Tbi11'ards 'rntnrlied home last week after spending: the past month wltheirientls•at'Kitchener, Miss 0, Apploya'rd, principal of the Public school, is spending her 11011 days at her home In'Woodstook, The. Misses I011fo:tt of Theciford aro the guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Asite-Lr- °test this week, Mr, Jollies Dontidson of Sault Ste, 1Vlarie Is. visiting Tilellds in the villa age. Misses Lily aid Irene and. Master James Catlin of Port, Stanley aro spending their holidays with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Jaynes Sturgeon, Rev. Erie Anderson Is spending the week at his home iu Lambeth, Gem Atkinson of Detroit is spend- ing the holidays at their summer cottage on the Terrace, Messrs: Clarence Pollock and Law- rence Fowlie of London spent the holiday at their homes in the village. Mrs, Brandon and sons, Gunner Wm. Brandon and Ptes, Harold and _Abe Brandon, spentMonday and nd Tuesday with friends 'at Belgrave., Mrs, Fisher of Kitchener was the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. A, Ed- ' wards, over the holiday period, Ooderich Township Mr. William Bothwell is visiting Mrs. Charles McGregor and niece, 'friends in Windsor. and Detroit at Miss Leila Emmerson, of the Oth Mill'aup present, con., visited around Belgrave the r. Glad to know that Mrs. ; Morton past week. Elliott, who underwent an operation A special Good Friday service was a feW ,days ago, is doing very nicely, held in St. James' church, Middle - Mrs. Tilly Morrison of Toronto is tort, on Friday evening last when -spending a short time with her sis- Rev. J. E. Hogg, pastor of Willis ter, Mrs. M. Elliott, during the ill- ehurilt, Clinton, gave a very inspir- ness of the latter• ing end helpful address on "The Some of the young people in this Cross in its relation to the Saviour, Sibner and the Saint"It is need vicinity seen{ a pleasant time at the less to say that those who were for home of Mr, Henry Peck on Wednes- lunate enough to listen to Rev. Mr, day evening last. Hogg's address enjoyed it very much. Mr. Chas. Ii,atitwell sold and deliv- y g 'sred a good horse to Mr, Jatnes Ar- cln bald o Seaforth Saturday f S a on last for which he received a good price. Mr. James Reid, wito was visiting 'friends around Luelanow, returned 'hone a few days ago. tl cl t • Hallett Township lltiss Eulala Flynn of Toronto and Mr. Leo of Paisley spent Easter at :their home on the 4th con. The many friends of Mrs. P. J. Reynolds will be pleased to know she is recovering after a somewhat severe 41llness. The annual vests meeting of St. James' was held in the church on Monday evening last. The various reports of the wardens and incum- bent showed the church to be in a very healthy and prospering condi- tion, Mr. Guy Hicks was unanimous- ly re-elected as people's warden. At to conclusion of the business, votes of appreciation and thanks were passed to Miss Edna Wise, organist and Mr. Ed. Wise, the retiring war- den, for their valuable services dur- ing the past year. Rev. S. E. McKegney, NI.C., rec- tor edfor of St, Paul's church, Clinton, will address the L.O.L. No. 710 in their hall on Friday evening next, Marriages STEVENSON-00N. — Iii Goharlcli township, 011 April 231:0, •Olive Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Tiros, Cox, to Dr,' Stevenson of Toronto, l,'INCIb—I{T.T.LY—At }Teapoler, on April .10t13, Maud Kelly to Clar- ence Finch, son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Finch, Stratford, ROAN—L151i—At the ,Church of Eng- land, Port Colborne; on April 19th, Edna 91, Les to Roy Doan, both of fort Colborne, Mo]L110Y — MOLELLAN -- At the manse, Egmondville, on April 9th, Johnston McElroy, to Eliza- beth aI. McLellan, se0ond,-daugh tot of IVIr, Jobn IVIeLellan, Tucic- erstnith. Births F.OIZrEST—On Con. 2, L.R.S., 'fuels- ersmith, on AprlI 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wan. Forrest, a son. TURNBULL-In Vancouver, 13.C., on April 0th, to Dr. Walter F. and ' Mrs, Turnbull, a daughter—Beati- rice Yvonne.. . Deaths COLLO G—In 0 U II Godoricht otvn- ship; on April 23rd, Ella May, daughter of Mrs, Win. Colelough, aged 25 years and 8 months., EVANS—In ever loving memory of Cadet Victor R. Evans, who was killed at Camp Mohawk, Deseron- to, on Thursday, April 250,,1.918. '-One year has passed since that sad day God called the ono we loved' away ; Forget him ? No ; we never will As years roll on we love him still," —Father and Ida. London Road The London Road Patriotic Society has been re -organized into a U. F. W. 0. with the following officers : President, Mrs. G. W. Layton. Vice, Mrs. G: Hanley, Sec: Treasurer, Mrs, W. Swinbank, The following is a report of the year's work of the. Patriotic Society: Receipts Tuckersmitb council i $200.00 Stanley council 230,00 Picture sale 10.50 L. R. League 25.00 Rags and papers 16.84 Fees 107.85 $590.19 Expenses Yarn $350.00 Quilt andpillow materials 5.80 Hospital supplies 59.02 French Relief 15.00 Clinton Hospital 25.00 r 1 IIiIII fill 11111E1111111111111111111 1 Each New ' ay Brings a etter Maxi, el OST anyone would think that after building 50,000 motor cars on one chassis plan that close on to perfection would be reached. That is true in a large measure; but it happens to be only the point at which the Maxwell executives began. They decided to keep on building Maxwells better and better as each new day went by. The locomotive engineer drives his engine better every day. The banker who loans money does so with more and more judgment. The man at the forge—likewise. This is the principle on which the Maxwell is built. It is not new in the business world. But it is sound. And to -day, v,rith 300,000 Maxwells built on this plan, anyone will readily understand— Why a Maxwell runs on and on and never quits with age; Why a Maxwell_ seldom turns in at a repair shop; Why a Maxwell is so eagerly sought for in the second- hand market. One of the last of more than 1000 improvements made since the first Maxwell was built is the appearance. Let your eyes glance over this present day Maxwell and you'll think the price Moro rn lesAargalrnn $200 more than we ask for it. Moro auks oat tires THE MAXWELL MOTOR CO. OF CANADA, Limited', WINDSOR, Ont: IIIIIIII11gll!IJ� 11111411M 11 111IIII Clinton, Ont. a4Maueu�,n�y�•k. 1010V1V 11111IIII • • II i 11 1 WHAT DO YOU NEED_ for the- Annual Spring clean-up. The season that puts the spirit of .youth everywhere. Try Oto 811085 for your wants, We aim to pleaso and prices are right. Laundry Soap 3' bars for ' Tomatoes per tip,,,20.0 20e, 10 for $1,00 Corn Cold, Comfort or P sq' Prunes per lb., 200 G• soaps 3 bars for DO YOU. ENJOY Apricots , .,,,,20o 25e, 13 for i1.00. GOOD 000703E 7 Corn +Syrup per 1b,..1.Oc Amenia 2 pkgs for 250. IF, 50 TRY' OURS— Corn syrup 0 lbs ,..,,500 Brooms, Brushes, Mops, IT'S GOOD, (it, Mogul Tea J,lb.,,320 Cleaners, DUsbbane, and other neeessar- Special bik Tea , ,,,,,650 los needed. 5 lbs. for $8,00. BUTTER AND' EGGS WANTED—'HIIGHEST PRICES. JOHNSON Jr COMPANY • Phone 111 . Retail G•roeer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly eared for, $450.37 Balance134,82 Shipments made during year : For overseas 289 prs. socks. For Serbian Relief 59 night gowns, 59quilt, petticoats, 12 pr, drawers and 1 • For Hospital supplies 36 113., 20 trench towels, 22 sheets, 22 c,' bags and 59 pillow cases. For Children's Shelter Goderich 1 quilt, 4 pr. n„ blankets. For Clinton Hospital, 0 pillows. For Soldiers' Comforts, Units 0, D. and F., Toronto, 20 lbs, yarn. HOUSE TO RENT—ON TOWN - send street.—Apply to Jas. Scott, Postof lco. 90—tf WANTED—A QUAIiTITY OF TUR - nips or marigolds.—T, A. Trick, Phone 12 on 607. 00-tf FORD CARS—NEW AND SECOND hand Ford ears for sale cheap.— Apply heap:Apply at Graham's Garago. 00-2 BOARDERS WANTED. — YOUNG men or school boys preferred.—Mrs., R. A. Clovior, Ontario street. 00-tf WANTED—MATRON OR HOUSE - keeper for Clinton sal t General Hos- pital. les-pital. Salary $25.00 per month. Applications must be in by May 5th.—Mrs. Howard Fowler, Sec- retary. eo-retary. 90-1 LOST—A YOUNG SCOTCH COLLIE about .9 months old, reddish yellow in color with white markings. Lib- eral reward will be given for re- turn of sank to owner or chief of police. Anyone retaining dog after this. notice will he prosecuted.— Jos, Copp, Clinton. 90-2—p CONCERT—A CONCERT WILL BE given in Ilolmesville church, Friday evening, May 2nd, under the aus- pices of 'the Epworth League. Miss Jarrett of Wyoming, singer and elocutionist, has been secured., Good programme assured. Admis- sion 25c. 90-2 FOR SALE -7 -ROOMED HOUSE and 1 acre of land on. Orange St. Good stable on premises, hard and soft water, Apply News -Record of- fice or to W. I3rydone. 89—tf. A CONCERT AND LECT,UR15 WILL be given in Ebenezer church, God- erich township, on Friday evening, April 25th., Gootl program of music, etc., and lecture by Rev. A. Sinclair. Admission 25c, - —89 IIOMEMADE BAKING AND RUM - maga Sale, under the auspices of the Girls' Club of Willis church, will be held in Hodgens' Old Stand on Saturday afternoon, April 26th, beginning at 2 o'clock. Donations received at place of sale Friday af- ternoon froin•4 to 6 and Saturday from 10 o'clock until noon. 89-2 SEALED APPLICA'PIONS WILL be received for the position of clerk of the township of Stanley, on or before the 3rd day of May, stating salary expected. The low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted Address all applications narked "Application for Clerk" to Morton Elliott, Reeve, R.13, No. . 1, Varna, -. 89-3 FARM FOR SALE—LOT 13, CON, 3, Tp. of Stanley, 100 acres known as the Ketchen farm, Stone house; large hank barn ; good orchard ; spring creek ; about 8 acres bush ; land in good state of cultivation, Possession Oct, 1st. Convenient to church and school, rural mail and phone, 14 miles from Brucefield,—Apply to B. R. Iliggins, Clinton ; Rev, I?. B. A, Netchon, 11.0 MacNab St., South, .Iiamilton ; John Taylor on premis- es. 80—tf. FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED 150118E on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar,. 1a, acres garden, with fruit trees —Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith, • —84 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale—France house, good barn ; acres; more or less, of excellent garden and orchard, , also small fruits of all kinds, situate on Rag- lan street. Reason for selling 111 - health on part of owner.—Apply to Donald Macdonald, Rattenbury St., east. —85 1301)815 TO BENT ON IIURON ST. West, -0 rooms, fruit trees, good garden, town water.—Apply to John. Snyder, IIurolt St, —87 BARRED ROCK 10005-101205 Park and Guild's famous laying strains. Pullets hatched from eggs bought from ane last spring wore laying. when five months old. Eggs $1.50 per setting of llfteen.—II. A. Ilovey, —87 PLAIN: SEWING -1M115 UNDER. - signed is Prepared to do plain sowing by the day in Clinton,—Ada Searle, residence Mrs,W. S. Downs, Ontario street. 88-3—p BUY COAL NOW Tho large .opal operators have al- ways made a reduction of 50o per ton. on April dst, but this year there will ho no reduction to the retail dealers. As an incentive to the public to put their coal in early, we have 'de- cided to redueour ice that .50 o Pr e for some time in the early, part of seting. All who can talce their coal at any time will kindly hand us their nam- es, and we will 011 all orders, in ro- tation, A. CAR OF CEbIENT"'JUST ARRIVED, A. J. HOLLOWAY Sole Agent for D.L. cgd W. Scranton Coal CALVES FOR SALE IVell Bred Calves W. MARQUIS • R.R. No. 1, Clinton. —86 EGGS FOR IIAT:CHING.—A LIM- ite d number of Bred -to -Lay Single b oL Comb White Leghorn Eggs for hatching purposes at $1.00 per set- ting of 15. Reductions on larger quantities. Place order - early.— A. V. Quigley, Clinton. HOUSE FOR SALE—ON RATTEN- bury street east, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools.—Apply to R. Rowland, —84 SPRING MUSKRAT SKINS WANT- ed.—Will pay high prices for proper- ly stretched skins, If you haven't Proper stretchers will supply pat- terns free of charge.—II. A. Hovey, License No. 424. —83 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANG-ING. Raving been honorably discharged from military duties, I am now prepared to return to my former occupation. All work guaranteed and I solicit a share of your pat- ronage. Can also supply wallpap- er.—J. E. Cook. Phone 54. —80 GRASS FARM FOR SALE, -100 acres, being Lot 12 on the 6th Con. of Mullett, Lk miles west of the Village of Constance. There are about 8 acres of bush and a never - failing well with windmill to Pump water, well fenced. Will be sold cheap, with terms to suit purchas- er. If not sold before April 1st will be rented. For further par- ticulars apply R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. —79 Victoria St. Grocery r (Next door to Ilospital) Having bought the grocery business recently owned by D. N. Watson, I wish to announce to the public that I am now prepared to do a general grocery business and will heartily ap- preciate any patronage .from the town and community. Our motto will bo good service and straight business. Goods delivered to any part of the town. We invite you to give tis a call. Top price paid for butter and eggs. J.. T. EK lei (Formerly of Brucefieid) PHONE 144 EGGS FOR HATCHIC EOM HESS THAT ESV Guild strain Single Comb White Leghorns at Ole per setting of 13 or $4.50 per 100. Incubator lots a specialty. In,1018 wo • sold $1174.09 worth of eggs from our 348 White Legltorns. HollnesvuaHe Pari l9taT Yards N. W. TRWARTIIA', Prof', 88-4 BOARS FOR SERVICE 1 Champion Bred Big Type YORIKSHIRE AND CITESTE - WAITS BOARS. A. C. LEVEE, Phone d-939 CLINTON, Ont, 'At home every forenoon.. WANTED• -+o00 MUSKRATS, ALSO fancy seed beam—Jas, Steep tY4 Go„ Clinton. -04 FAIbM FOR SALE -921 ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation, On It are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with now steel roof, a good collar, a barn 40x80 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and' 5 horses besides 3 box sballs, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement Roars throughout except 2 box stalls and root house, A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed. 20x30. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1* acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2* miles from Clinton, good ` gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired:—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. —49 HOUSE FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a' chicken house.—Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. —52 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted acoording to law.- I. M. Woods, Bayfield, 75-26—p FARM FOR SALE.—ONE HUN- dred acres, hest of soil ; good buildings, close to school and Church ; 4h miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms.— Apply erms—Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central, —61 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Savers of Doctor Bills The earlier the house is given a thorough cleaning the better. During the long winter, with stoves and fur- nates going all the time, dust and dirt accumulates is every nook and corner. In the winter, too, there is usually insufficient ventilation in the house, and disease germs find choice breeding places. Just because they cannot'bo seen is no indication they are not there—take no chances, but get your supply of housecleaning necessities at once. Read carefully these suggestions Powd. Ammonia, Sweeping Powder Sink and Bath Tub Cleanser Chloride of Lime, Lye Furniture Polish Silver Polish, Metal Polish Brushes and Brooms Dustless Mops, Soap, Mops Washboards Clothes lines and Clothes pins All these lines have been tried and tested. Select your requirements at once from a full stock. E. E. HUNNIFOR Canadian Food Control—License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 8 BRAN AND SHORTS Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing. Don't keep put- ting it off until they are all gone and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIIiEOTI-IY AND CLOVER SLED We, have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let tis have your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very best attention. SEED CORN How about your Seed Corn ? In some of the Corn -growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore, good Seed Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giv- ing us a call and placing your orders early, BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have just receiv- ed (good and fresh), It is the very best and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand, 'We also have the following brands of Flour : Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and Whits Seal, al- so Oatmeal, sold in large or small quantities. W. Jenkins Sz Son® FLOUR AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 109, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 S7 0 As I have decided to go into the coal business in Clinton I would respectfully solicit a share at the public patronage. I am now prepared to take orders for coal ORDER AT ONCE Terms strictly cash and wo guarantee to supply good coal to cur -eustonters. Orders taken at residence, Huron street. E. D FRESH Eakollllron SALMON TROUT FOR SALE AT n 2U The Dub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2495 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed- and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly, at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store—Wm. .7, Jago. —•00 GRLS VANTED! WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A' FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC._ APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED • F# R PLUMBING, LAV ETRO UGIIING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORK - OF ALL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAWKINS• Agent for i;-lecla Furnaces PHONE 53, •Sfilop over Rowland's Hardware. w NTED CARLOAD OF OATS ---and---- CARLOAD OF BARLEY - Ask for Prices. 2[11 License No. 9-2109 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour; left over from our poultry; feeding season. This will make a good dry mash for laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. We are selling this feed at below cost to clear. We are always in the mar- ket for Live Poultry and New. Laid Eggs at top market prices. OUNN, LANOLOIS CO. N, W. Trewartha, Phone 195 Manager or Holmesville 4 on 148 Canada Food Board—License No, 7-001 CREAM WANTED 1 Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full particu- lars. Our markets are the best.; Service the most prompt.. Firm the most reliable. And prices the highest consistent with an honest test which we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery Co, is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now ono of the largest in Canada. You cannot make any, mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans are red quested not to make use of In sending cream. to other Creameries or cream buyers. Write today for cans. Tam Se forth Crearn ry Co. •C, A. BARBER, MANAGER