HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-4-17, Page 5April 17th, I919 Clinton News -Record) Of lnteilest to. You and M e be t n ate •oasked The Germans t. t k e Go 1 h t_ Versailles to sign the Peace Treaty <on April 25th. Negotiations there) .1ir0 oxpeeted to be short, • • Tomorrow is GoodFriday and s ltbliday (Iio1y Day) and Sunday Is Laster ,Sunday, the Christian's most .gladsome festival, not excepting .Christmas. Champ Clark, speaker of the House, •of Representatives in the UuitedStat- es, is just as much of . a "chump„ as .aver, according to reports of his lat- nest speeehes, The women of Chicago, they say, %voted against prohibition, Well, we .have our own opinion about those Chicago women and they wouldn'$G ,be flattered if they know it, either, . • s In Ontario there is an automobile 'for every twenty-two inhabitants, That explains why wo so seldom get .a `'lift." Most cars ..just liold five comfortably, the other seventeen of us have to walk. The law of supply and demand is -all right, wo are not asking for a repeal of that law, All we ask is ;that the Cold Storage Companies be .made to put their surplus stocks of .butter on the market. Then if there's a shortage we'll have to put up with it. "Its the easiest thing in the world 'to be a low tariff man when in 0P- -position," says the Ottawa Journal. It is the easiest thing in the world lo sit on the fence and tell other people how they ought to do things. The test of your ability is to jump right into the middle of the ring and proceed to do them successfully your- • self. The simplest way for prohibition- ists to make known their wishes to the Government when they come to vote upon the temperance ballot mill be for then to vote a straight "NO" . •opposite every one of the following lour questions : ,,, -.(.1) Are you in favor of the repeal of the Ontario Temperance Act? (2) Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than 2 51-100 percent. alcohol weight measure through Govern- ment agencies, and amendments to the. Ontario Temperance Act -to permit such sale ? (3) Are you in favor of ,the sale of light beer containing not more than 2 51-100 percent, alcohol weightmeasure in standard hotels -1n local municipalities that by majority vote favor such sale, -and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such -sale ? (1) Are you in favor of the sale of spirituous and malt ,liquors -through Governinent agencies, and -amendments to the Ontario Tem- • perance Act to permit such ,sale ? Those not in favor of prohibition 'will probably vote "YES" opposite eaoh gyestioti, or, which would prop, ably be more oonsistant, will Vote "yea" In the first instance and "eo" all thea • f course' if t la others, as o o is f la 1 Ontario Temperance Aot fa repealed we go Oink to the License Act and the sale of all kinds of liquor, One thing must be borne in 'mind, each question inn6't be voted, on or your ballot is spoiled, It has been conceded by many not formerly in favor of prohibition that the O.T.A. has been a gpod thing for the country. And many are of the opinion that if it was a good thing as a war measure it ought to be all .right as a peace measure as well. Thousands of people in the province will vote a straight "NO" when the ballot is confronting: them with the idea of giving prohibition a fair trial. Some fault has been found with the enforcement of the O.T.A. But en - !emollient will become inorcasingly easy as time goes on. One of the factors contributing to the difficulty of enforcement is the large stocks of liquor which manufacturers have • on hand and which they are anxious to sell. This difficulty will grow leas as tine es i o on and the enforcement g of the law will become. relatively easy. The license system had a long trial in Ontario and nobody will say it was such a great success, except as a money maker for those who manufac- tured or dealt in liquor. Give pro- hibition as long and as fair a trial and sec what that will do for us. Goderich=Detroit Excursion We have just been advised that the big steel steamer Greyhound of the White Star Line will leave Goderieh with the annual Detroit excursion, Tuesday, June 1?th, at 9.30 a.m. ar- riving Detroit 5.15 p.m. Returning, -will leave Detroit Thursday, June 19th, 1.00 p.m. The fare will be only $2.25 for the round trip and $1.75 one way. The Greyhound will reach Goderich from Detroit on the first trip up Monday, June 16th, at 5.00 p.m. and run a moonlight to Lake Huron that evening at 8.15 p.m. This event will be under the auspices of the Goderich Band which is an assurance of good Music for dancing and a good time generally. The Greyhound is a big staunch seaworthy steamer, absolutely safe and comfortable.. She has a flne glass -enclosed dance floor on the upper deck,where good music will be ,provided for- dancing on the trip to Detroit, as well as on the Moonlight. - .— ,- As there will be no regular boat between Goderich and Detroib this year, every one who can possibly do so should take advantage of this op- portunity to visit the wonderful City of the Straits. Further particulars will appear later. Tucicersmith Township Mr. Milton Wiltse recently sold a flne mare to Mr. Wesley Harvey of Stanley and has sincebought one of Mr.. Arthur Dale's show team. Mr. Wiltse is one who likes to have a good team of horses and he drives none but the best. '.Fv':ltt'.:�..�€rr'f.:c.`L, HYDRO MAKES HOUSEWORK LIGHTER THELE is no servant problem in the electri- cal home, for electricity is the most willing, tireless and economical servant that a housewife can employ. Electricity takes the drudgery out of the housework. Instantly available when wanted, Electricity is as obedient and responsive to a woman who touches a tiny button in the home as to a man who throws a monster . switch in a factory. An )electric Washer cleans clothes quickly without back- breaking work ; an Electric Iron permits continuous iron.. ing and saves expensive, needed fuel i an Elective Vacuum Cleaner is a vast improvement over the broom, and an Electric Sewing Machine is a wonderful conveni- ence, An "Electric Home" is easily kept epic anti span with plenty of time left for other duties. The low cost of Hydro Power makes it econor„ical to use, HYDRO Quality Lamps are tested in t)ic laboratories of the Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario. They give their f nitrated lighting tower at a definitely J known currant consumption. Their durability is assured. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 011 ONTARIO S90D bit PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION HYDRO SHOP Hallett Township • Mr, Jos. Morris ltas sold his farm to Mr. R, Shaddiek o£ Londesboro, w2 takes e 2 who al es possession nir mice. n z, Morris is OW/1W to Dtcndalk, 1uLYor, in County. The neighbors are sorry 10 have Mr, Morris leave the local- ity., Mrs, John Shanahali, Jr., returned last week from St, Thelma where she spent a couple' weeks with her sister who underwent a serious op- Oration, A.R. Wm. Morrison is able to bo out again after being indisposed for a £ew days, Tito' death occurred on April 6th of one of the earliest pioneers of this township in the person of Ann Jane Morrison, relief, of the late Wm. Morris, She was born in Ireland in the year 1828. At the age of five year's she and her parents came to. Canada and settled near Brampton, Peel Co. In 1840 she married Mr, Wm, Morris and ten years later la 1856, they same to Huron Co, and took up land on the 10th con. of Hullett. There in the forest they hewed out a home for themselves and family and there they lived the re- mainder of their lives, I}i the pass- ing of Mrs, Morris a pioneer is gone, one who knew and endured all the privations of an early settler's life. Of a family of eight children born to them seven remain to mourn the losp. of a kind and loving mother ; Wm. and Enoch, Toronto ; James, St. Thomas ; Joseph, on the old home- stead ; Mary at Home ; Mrs. S. J. Nelson, Tlighwood, Montana, and Mrs. Jos. Manning, Londesboro. Ono son died thirty-seven years ago in St, Louis. All the surviving chil- dren were present at the funeral. She was Laid to rest in Ebenezer cemet- ery beside her late husband, who proceeded her to the better land twenty-nine years ago, There are fourteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren. We notice by the prize list of Clin- ton Show held in . that town last week that Hullett township carried off a good share of the prizes, among them being the championship , prize donated by Mayor Cooper for the best exhibit of horses owned and ex- hibited by any one exhibitor, which honor tell to W. A. Dale of near Clinton. We congratulate our young friend in winning such an Honor among such keen competition as was met on Thursday last when the con- test included horses from a distance of twenty-five miles north and about the same distance south. The pic- tures o£ the horses are on exhibition in Mayor Cooper's window this week and they are a fine lot and are a credit t0 any, man. VARNA Mr. Charles Farquhar of the Parr Line, who has been somewhat con- fined to his bed during the past week with the prevailing flu, is at time of writing able to be around again. Marriages BOLGER — WORKMAN — At the manse, Varna, by Rev. D. John- ston, on April and, Howard Pres- ton Bolger of 1Va'ton to Eliza - both. Evelyn Workman of Varna. JOHNSTON—SOWERBY — At St. George's church, Goderich, by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, on April 8th, Mary Sowerby to John Reg- inald Johnston, both of Goderich township. Births STEPHENSON—On Parr Line, Stan- ley township, on Apr. l2th, to SIr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, twins, son and daughter—William Small MacLean and Florence Ag- nes Isabeil. Deaths RICH ARDSON—In Stanley town- ship, on April 9th, Robert John Richardson, B.A., aged 50 years. WITTS—Suddenly, in Brantford, on Apr. 14th, Laura K. Wilts, sis- ter of Mr. C. Witts of Clinton. WALPER—At Auburn, on Apr. 100, Charles, son of ;lir. and Mrs. Pet- er Walper, aged 1 year and 10 months. ROWELL—In Chicago, on Apr. 101h, Samuel Rowell, formerly of Cliu- toe, brother of , Mrs, John Hod - gens, Toronto, lata of Clinton, in his 84th year. LANE—Ab Toronto, on April 100, Mary Dancey, wife of H..7. Lane and daughter of the late Capt. T. N. Ducey of Goderich. T•IOLMES—In Goderich township, on April Oth, Agnes, Purvis, belov- ed wife of Mr. John S. Volutes,' in her 78th year. FOR SALE-7-ROo?d1+1D HOUSE and acre of land on Orange St. Good stable on premises, hard and soft water. Apply News -Record of- fice or to W. Brydone. 88—id. A CONCERT AND LECTURE WILL be given. in Ebenezer church, God- erieh.township, on Friday evening, April 20{',h. Good program of music, etc,, and lecture by Rev. A. Sinclair, Adullest on 25c. —80 HOMEMADE 13Al' ING AND RUM - maga Sale, wider the auspices of the Girls' Club of • Willis church, will be held in Hedgers' Old Stand on Saturday afternoon, April 260, beginning at 2 o'clock. Donations received at place of sale Friday af- terneon from 4 to 0 and Saturday from 10 o'clock until noon, 80-2 SEALED Ai'PLTCA'1'IONS WTLr, be received for the position 01 clerk of the township of Stanley, on or before the 3rd day of May, sbathig salary expected. The low- est or any tender net necessarily accepted Address all applications marked "Application tor 'Clerk" to Morton Elliott, Reeve, R.R.- No. 1, Varna. 80-8 WHAT DO YOU NEED for the Annual Spring clean-up, The season that puts the spirit of youth sere r r everywhere, au store a 0 'o L 1'r t tor naim y rwants. Weanto os and Try ) t1 a, a i x o c l p i 9;4 axe right, Laundry Soap 3 bars for 20c, 10 for 81..00 Gold, Comfort or P ¢i G soaps 3 bars for 25e,13 for 61,00, Amenia 2 pkgs for 25e. Brooms, Brushes, Mops, Cleaners, Pastime, and other necessar- ies needed, DO YOU ENJOY G00D ,COFFEE ? IF, SO Thin OURS— IT'S GQQIA Tomatoes per tin.,.20c Corn , .,,.,,;22o Prunes per Apricots , ,,,,22a Corn Syrup per lb,,,10q Corn syrup 5 lbs 50a 9r, Mogul Tea idb,,,32c Special blk Tea 65e 5 lbs, for $3,00. BUTTER AND. EGGS' WANTED—HIGHEST PRICES, JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone fit Retail Grocer License No.. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared tor, CALVES FORAE SALE L Well Brod 'Calves W. MARQUIS R.R. No, 1, Clinton, —86 BARGAIN—SLIGHTLY US)JD $0 6 0 piano. Apply News -Record. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY respectable single man ; central position. Will pay good price for good accommodation. Write Box 108, Clinton. 89-1—p FARM FOR SALE—LOT 13, CON. 3, Tp. of Stanley, 100 acres known as the Ketches farm. Stone house ; large bank barn ; good orchard ; spring creek ; about 8 acres bush ; land in good state of cultivation. Possession Oct. lst. Convenient to church and school, rural snail • and phone, 1?• miles from Brucefleid.—Apply to 13. R. Biggins, Clinton ; Rev, H. B. A. Iietchen, 116 MacNab St., South, I-Iamilton ;,,John Taylor on premis- es. 89-11. HOUSE TO RENT ON HURON ST, West. —6 rooms, fruit trees good garden, town water.—Apply to John Snyder, Huron St. —87 FINE YOUNG HORSE FOR SALE. —A. Hoare. 8S -1—p PLAIN SEWING—THE UNDER - signed' is prepared to do plain sowing by the day in Clinton.—Ada Searle, residence NIrs.W, S. Downs, Ontario street. 88-3—p SEED OATS FOR SALE. lr.A.C.. No, 72—Apply on premises, London Road or phone 0 on 019,—N. J. Lebeau, R.R. No. 5, Clinton. —86 HATCHING. EGGS—FROM BRED - to -lay Single Combe White Leg - horns. 600 per setting of 15, $4.00 per hundred.—Frank Tyndall, R.R. No. 4, Phone 2 on 636. 86-1—p • EGGS FOR HATCHING.—A LIM- ited number of Bred -to -Lay Single Comb White Leghorn Eggs for hatching purposes at $1.00 per set- ting of 15. Reductions on larger quantities. Place order early.— A. V. Quigley, Clinton,• Victoria St. Grocery (Next door to Flospital) Having bought the grocery business recently owned by 1). N. Watson, I wish to announce to the public that I ani now prepared to do a general grocery business and will heartily ap- preciate any patronage from the town and community. Our motto will be good service and straight business. Goods delivered to any part of the town. We invite you to give us a call. Top price paid for butter and eggs. J. T. REID (Formerly of Brucefield) PHONE 144 X s. EGGS FOO OATCIli1G FROM REINS THAT LAY Guild strain Single Comb White Leghorns at 60c per setting of 13 or 54.50 per 100. Incubator lots a specialty. In 1018 wo sold $1174.00 worth of eggs from our 348 White Leghorns. ora lesvelle Poul urn Yards N. W. TREWARTIIA, Prop. 88-4 lib As 7 have decided to go into in Clinton I wouldthe coal business respeetfully solicit a share • of the public --patronage. I am now prepared to take, orders for coal ORDER AT ONCE Terms strictly cash and We guarantee to supply good coal to our customers, Orders taken at resilience, Huron street, WARD BUY COAL NOW The large coal o etat ors have al- ways made a reduction of 50e per ton ma April tat, but this year there will be no reduction to the retail dealers. ' As an incentive to the public to put their coal in early, we have de- cided to reduce our price that 50c tor some time ' 1 to the early part of spring. All who can take their coal at any time will kindly hand us their nam- es, and we will fill all orders, in ro talion. A CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Sole Agent for D.L. St! W. Scranton Coal BARRED ROCK EGGS—FROM Park and Guild's famous laying strains. Pullets hatched from eggs bought from me last spring were Ilaying when five months old. Eggs $1.50 per setting of fifteen. -Fl. A. Hovey. —87 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale—Frame house, good barn ; 1 acres, mere or less, of excellent garden and orchard, also small fruitss of all kinds, on Rag- lan street. Reason for selling ill - health on part of ownet.UApply to Donald Macdonald, Rattenbury St., east. —85 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1+ acres garden, with fruit trees.—Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith, —84 HOUSE FOR SALE—ON RATTEN- bury street east, Clinton. Good. garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools.—Apply to R. Rowland. —84 SPRING MUSKRAT SKINS WANT- ed.—Will pay high prices for Proper- ly stretched skins. If you haven't proper stretchers will supply pat- terns free of charge —H. A. Hovey, License No. 424. —83 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. —Having been honorably discharged from military duties, I ain now prepared to return to my former occupation. All work guaranteed and I solicit a share of your pat- ronage. Caa also supply wallpap- er.—J. E. Cook, Phone 54. —80 GRASS FARM FOR SALE. -100 acres, being Lot 12 on the 11th Con, of Hullett, 1u miles west of the Village of Constance. There are about 8 acres of bush and a never - tailing well with windmill to pump water, well fenced. Will bo sold cheap, with terms to suit purchas- er. If not sold before April 1st will be rented. For further par- ticulars apply R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 110, —79 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on Lots 12 and 13, Con. 9, Hul- lett, will be prosecuted according to law. Following a dog or a dog running at large the owner is liable to damages.—J. d+ J. Hes- selwood. 66-24 DON'T MISS IT We are giving 10 per cent off for cash on BOOTS and SHOES Bring the Whole Family we can shoo them all with fine shoes and work shoes 10 per cent off Wall Paper ?hone 13 on 622 E k 1V[Ash&Soll VARNA BOARS FOR SERVICE! Champion Bred Dig Type YORIC,SIIIRE AND CHESTER, WHITE BOARS. A. C. LEVEV, Phone 6-1180 CLINT0I, Oi 'At home every forenoon, P011 SALI'a--11-7-1,P. GASOLINE Engine ; reason for selling, putting iu eleetrte motor,—A, ,Seeley, 92-8 WANTED --1004 MUSKRAT'S, ALSO I'attcy seed beaus,—Jass, Steep 4e Co., Clinton. r84 FARM POR SALE -02* ACMES ole splendid faun laud in ,good state o1 cultivation, On it are a comfort. able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good collar, a barn 4Qx80 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 8 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room, Cement Doors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house.' A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 2030. There is a - never falling spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property. 2} miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop rf so desired.—Apply Leonard 17. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. • —40 HOUSE FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house.—Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. —52 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William 111. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.— I. M, Woods, Bayfield. 75-26—p FARM FOR SALE.—ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ;good buildings, close £o school and church ; 43: miles from Clinton. Will be sold onreasonable terms.— Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 3, Sealorth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. —61 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Savers of Doctor Bills The earlier the house is given a thorough cleaning the better. During the long winter, with stoves and fur- naces going all the time, dust and dirt accumulates in every nook and corner. In the winter, too, there is usually insufficient ventilation in the house, and disease germs find choice breeding places. Just because they cannot be seen is no indication they are not there—take no chances, but get your supply of housecleaning necessities at once. Read carefully these suggestions : Powd. Ammonia, Sweeping Powder Sink and Bath Tub Cleanser Chloride of Lime, Lye Furniture Polish Silver Polish, Metal Polish Brushes and Brooms Dustless Mops, Soap, Mops Washboards .Clothes lines and Clothes pins All these lines have been tried and tested. Select your requirements at once from a full stock. E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control—License No. 8-3123 Phone 4.8 BRAN AND SHIORTS Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing. Don't keep put- ting it off until they are all gone and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIMOTHY AND GLOVER SLED We, have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very best attention. SEED CORN How about your Seed Corn ? In some of the Corn -growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore, good Seed Corn is liable to be scarce: We advise giv- ing us a call. and placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have just receiv- ed (good and fresh). It is the very best and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of Flour Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and White Seal, al- so Oatmeal, sold in largo or small quantities. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND PEED. Phones : Elevator 190, Residence 111 Retail License No. 9-2898 Wholesale License No, 12-82 WANTE Larid fo Flax The Canadian Flax Mills Limited aro open to mako Contracts with fanners til iho vicinity of Clinton to grow Flax for. the season of 1019. for particulars apply to M, McCORMICK, Local Manager )'hone 202 and 212 SE /WORTH, Ont. 1 . 82 -8 dor Easter I'1TTUCII7, RADISHES, ONIONS, TOMATOES, ORANGES, .. BANANAS, GRAPE FRUIT, ANY GROUP IN OUR ANNE= WINDOW POR $1, q a' 0 cil The Hub Grocery Canada Poud Board License No. 8-2495 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the sliortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies) Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store—Wm. Jago.. —00 GIRLS WANTED ! WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT - 'PERS, ETC. APPLY . AT ONCE. I -; Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED FOR PLUIVIBING, EAVETROt1GHING•, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORM OF ALL KINDS GO TO 7,i TOS. 1 AWKINS. Agent for Iiecia Furnaces PITONE 53. Shbp over Rowland's Hardware. ' WANTED CARLOAD OF OATS CARLOAD OF OF BARLEY ' Ask for Prices, ijri! x� >c cLeo License No. 9-2109 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour, left over from our poultry, feeding season. This will make a good dry mash for laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. We aro selling thie feed at below cost to clear. We are always in the mar- ket for Live Poultry and New Laid Eggs at top market prices. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N,• W. Trewartha, Phone 195 Manager or Holmeevilie 4 on 149 Canada Food Board --License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED 1 Fanners having cream to sell write us for cans and full particu- lars. Our markets are the best. Service the most prompt. Ptrtn the most reliable. And prices the highest eonsi;tent with an honest test width we guar- antee.. Remember our Creamery Co, is a thoroughly established and thriving Concern and now one of the largest in Canada. You cannot make any mistake in shipping to us, Patrons holding our cans aro re- quested not to male use of In sending cream to other creameries or cream buyers, *Write today for mans. minE Sea'fortlt Creamery Co.. C. A, I3ARBIMR, Mi1NAGl4It