HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-4-10, Page 7f sem?: t A Cue for Bad Breath sI;?:l Fr E dxt? elOK3QriMEti "Bad breath in a sign of decayed tooth, foul stomach or unclean bowel." If your teeth era good, look to your digastivo organs at once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30' draper after meals, clean up your Food passage and atop the bad breath I odor. floc. and 51.00 Bottles. Do not buy aubatitutes. Get tho genuine. 6 4- seee&CItERS WANTED AN'P r Sooti32 'tl'Io, 0;, 701 rm. Soliool Sootlun No, R; Ajel,eunl to tenem,enuo duties A1av -Rail. h`,alaty 0000 duties light AAdresa J. 1), Sniltlt, Seeearrease iieYevillc, • WAN'Pl'1D PISSTV:STANT TRABe `• 1111--withtitil'il-class oortincate TOP S.S. No, L Bethune and 5' outlroot, at an annual salary of $000,00 duties to commence after Duster liondaye Ap- ply to S. C. 1XIMI3Uft1 ' Soo,,, roas„ eeeerney, Ont, ., sI:IG'.t'IL.Iz,OR SllCA it U n N s, LAWNS, FLO WER5.. Ct tnplele Fertilizer, Write Georg() h Lev3ns 1'etarboraugh, Ont,_ LIOkI P, CLTRY WANTED. '5()L• t11 1P, Writs forAndofoas,ncy tpveulntrrayuc2oR5Son, 10.58 St Jean 13aptiste eiarltet, Mont- real, Que. 8Olt 5ALn W1611. Ek Uil'YEU NEt4 M I'AS lilt and tab printing plant to Eastern t Marin Insurance carried 80.600, WV111 ea for $1.200 on aulek sale 13ox e3 N'11 n Pub!Irhing 4n tars Ternntr,_ 'fir r E1C1.Y. NEWSPAf ER FURSALE `'Y, it New Ontario. Owner going to Frpttes Will sell 12.000, Worth .double' that amount AMA! 3, Ili., clo Wilsey • ►'libllohtng en. I-Itnited, Tnrentn, 1Rscxxsa7lzoU1 CANCOR: TUMU1ts. exams. Inc V Internal and asternal: cured with' • ur natn be our home treatment Write lie before too late. Dr, Hellman Medica% Co, Limited, Collinswood, a)nt CURE YOUR BRONCRITxs, COUGHS, COEDS, Brconts.RIAL ASTEJdA ANA HOARSENESS AS WE CURED OURS. We have hundreds of testi- monials from every part of Canada tes- tifying to the wonderful healing power of WHITE BROIIOHITIS MIXTURE. Mr. Clarke, 776 Indian Road, Toronto, coughed for 36 years with Bronchitis; it cured him. Mrs. Clarke, No. 1 Yorkville Ave,. Toronto, coughed for 16 years: one bottle cured her. John E. Gibbs. Fenella,suffered diteen year's with Bronchial Asthma, says there is nothing like it, W. Mcl'3rayne, New Liskeard. "It is the greatest Mixture. I ever tools. Send methree more bottles." The above are only a few names of the many thous- ands that have beneftted b' this great mixture Write any of the above. They will be only too pleased totell you more about it. The above mixture is sold un - des' an 1rn bound money back guarantee to cure any of the above ailments. Ten times more powerful than any known Preparation, acts like magic. One dose gives Instant relief and a good night's rest without a cough. Price 50 cents, 16 cents extra for mailing. Three bot- tles mailed free for .$1.60. Sold only by Buckley; The Druggist, 97 Dundee St. East, Toronto. 1 Do You Want to Become a Nurse? Most 7ivomen think that a long and expensive training is required to qualify as a nurse. In reality, sound practi- cal knowledge of nursing methods can be acquired in a short time by hone study. Nurses are in great de- mand. They earn from 515 to $80 a week The Royal College sys- tem enables you to quail- fy e.s a nurse without li leaving' your own home. tt Write us for particulars. Royal Cellogo of Salome 66 Dept. 40, Toronto, Canada Church Parade. Above the pew I saw the hair Shine, as she bent Her head in pray'r; The choir sang out "Magnificat!" I look'd to where My lady sat. The padre said, "Think on the straight "And narrow path "To Heaven's gate!" Think as I would, My thoughts stoppe',L at The heaven beneath My lady's hat, 9 S'Snard's Einhaent Relieves. Netiraerria. The First Robin. A tawny gleam in the sunlight, And the flash of a ruddy breast 'Mid the dusky glooms of the hem- locks That crowd to the , high hill's crest; g And a torrent of song cones piuring, Like a brook from the ice unbound. While the listening hills and the val- leys In echoes give back the sound. As I wake in the misty dawning Gone is the hemlock 1ti11, Gone are the tosshnli pine plumes, And the whisperh!g winds aro still; But there on a roof a robin Is singing his heart away, Bearing me back to the sunshine Of a far-off golden day. A. whistle comes clear as a robin's, Blithe, sweet and full of cheer, And I know ere a gay smile greets me A laddie I love draws near. 0 strange that a note of miner From the heart of that song should creep! Dear lad" Do the robins whistle On that cross -crowned hill where you sleep? I am back in the heart of the city, 'Mid the housetops smoky and grim The bird sings over and over The notes of his morning hymn. Arid something I catch of itsneaning: There's a song in my soul today, Of the life that blossoms in Spring - land, And never shall fade away. Turkishrents pa fantail :their naughty children by hitting thein on the soles of the feet. "So then the year is repeating its old story again. We axe come once niore, thank God, to its most charm- ing chapter," ARTHE HARNESSING THE SUNBEAMS' „ ER W E0' POWER SOLAR MOTOR INVENTED BY A CANADIAN SCIENTIST. Nevi Gift to, Humanity Has Enormous Possibilities In Medical and Industrial Fields. When Jules Verne wrote his great book "Twenty Thousand Leagues Un - del the, Sea" it was .deemed to be the greatest piece of imaginary nation ever Produced, but new all that was contained in that book, and more, has come to pies end is bei}ig taken as a matter of ()purse, So. much is 10 a matter of course that the next genera- tion will not remember the time when men knew not the floor of the sea. When Hans Anderson wrote his tale et/ a fairy i'icling •,sunbeam he little thought that .the time would conte when the pewar of sunbeams would. heat our homes, do our cooking, run our factories and drive ltorseless carriages to and fro over the face of the earth; and yet the time is com- ing, and that soon, when all these wonders and many more shall be ac- complished, and the next generation will be as familiar with the power of concentrated sunbeams as we of the present generation are with the power of steam, gasoline and water. However, there is nothing new un- der the sun. Coal from which we pro- duce heat and steam is just the stored - up, concentrated energy of sunbeams. It is the power of the sun that evapo- rates the water of low level and car- ries it back to the highlands so that it may furnish us with power as it again seeks the low levels. It has long been recognized that the sun is the source of all energy, and it is by the proper harnessing' of this known power that the problem of the world's supply of fuel and mechanical energy is to be solved. The supply 'is as free as air and as plentiful. It is estimated that on every four square feet of surface between the equator and the 45th parallel there is a wastage of the equivalent of one horsepower of energy. It is stated that the power of the sunbeams falling on the deck of a steamship is greater than the' steam power required to drive lier, Long a Puzzle. to Scientists,- - Many scientific minds have dreamed and studied and striven to construct a harness that would fit the elusive sunbeam and compel it to serve man directly instead of indirectly. In 1893, John Ericsson�a Swedish scientist, constructed an apparatus which demonstrated the possibilities of the use of the 'power of sunbeams for mechanical purposes. He secured the power in the area of his apparatus, but failed to concentrate it. In 1913, the Shuman Brothers es- tablished a "Sun Plant" in Egypt, by which they succeeded in developing mechanical power at the ratio of sixty- three horsepower per acre of reflector exposed: that ratio, however, was not sufficient for practical purposes, and, like Ericsson, the Shuman Brothers had failed to concentrate the power sufficiently to make their scheme prac- ticable. For many, many years scientists have failed in their efforts to ntalte the sunbeams do practical work, al- though they fully succeeded in de- monstrating that the power is there in abundance. They have all said that some day one would accomplish definite results, •and now Dr. W. J, Harvey, nye specialist and member of the Royal College of Science, Toronto, has succeeded in doing that which will carry his name down through the ages as one of the great benefactors ofrthe race. Dr. Harvey has succeed- ed where others had failed. By a contbination of small mirrors he has succeeded in gathering the sunbeams and concentrating their heat at one point. 'So thoroughly has he done his work that apparently there is no limit to tho intensity of the heat that may be obtained at the point of concentra- tion. re Great Benefit to Mankind. In practice, this new servant will do wonders for its masters. We have only to think of the uses that unlimit- ed heat at a nominal cost can be put to. It enters into every phase of human effort, comfort and convenience. Let us consider one, the automo- bile. a Think of every garage in the country with a battery of mirrors on its roof as part of its regular equip- ment instead of a gasoline outfit. During every hour of sunshine they would store up .free power in storage batteries: Standard batteries for standard cars, Think of the cleanli- ness, the absence of "smell' and the low cost of transportation. The automobile' is only one item, The mind cannot grasp the changes that `are coming to the world through • Dr, Harvey's success, Unlimited heat without fuel! Heat that by boiling water will make steam to turn dyna- mos and store up energy! Heat so intense that it will break rocks and melt metals! Truly science has never INargri/7 ///iii// ////r .,9e.' ///zwie./U/AY,/ 17ilnuriONUOi/ii//O/Oi/ Stom1- l.chs tire •. of the'. same diet. .r r` 71e appetite be- .. come : adled,-? ats'1 r7 ilrisinti bow ' xlcllcll the dips -r.on r .: ponds to 4 6eiucer' cyf ... ad j ,. r9 Theil"e is '! as on Csnoda f Dd ljo5rd Lleons6 N5 t.0t0 4 tizzA717)-Z u�l' b%2'+lllPpl., /rater J,r e 111 Fkizze tial gi w presented hpmltuity, with a. greater OM, .It.is a perpetual gift, tarso Mug, as the sun shines and the earth con- tinues to rovolYe ell its axis wilt this source of heat and power its avail; able to the generations:' Wonderful are the provisions lnado by nature for mall's (Minter.! Theo venders lie dormant until the brain of hall searches them out and lits. them to his use,. Tile primitive roan who invented the bent bow with wlliele to drive an arrow at his ononly Was drawing on the stores of Nature for his well-being. It is a long err Prom that weapon to modern gunnery, but at the time the bow 'was invented Nature held in her secret places the. material needed for the manufacture. of the modern glut and the high ex- plosive; and 50, when man was pro- ducing lire and hoot by rubbing two stinks toscther, the sun was pburing unlimited heat on all about hint. Truly there is nothing new, but all honor to the Ulan who, by untiring effort and years of study, has succeeded in har- nessing the source of all heat and energy and making of 1t the untiring and perpetual servant of man. GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY 11! - STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR •~ l Hair stops falling out and gets thick, wavy, strong and beautiful. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf- fy, abundant and appears as soft,. lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this—moisten a cloth with a little Dandez'ine and carefully draw 1t through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig- orates the scalp, forever stopping itch- ing and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair—fine and downy at first—yes—hut really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it, surely get a small bottle- of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug- gist or toilet counter for a few cents. The Song of the"Highiand Corporal. BIue were her een, and fair to see Was the saft smile she gie'd to me When she went by. I was the Cerp'ral o' the guard That mounted on the old courtyard 0' the Chateau de Beauregard, A palace high. And she, la petite mademoiselle, Within the stately walls did dwell, 0' great degree. The bluest blood in all broad France Was in her veins and prood her glance, And weel I kenned there was nae chance For sic as me! Oh, had I been an officer, Wi' clankin' sword and jhtglin' spur, Or had she been A country maid, I nicht ha'e tried To walk a moment by her side; But 'twixt us 'was a gulf as wide As knave and queen. Had I but been a chieftain bold, I /nicht ha'e stormed that castle old, And claimed a bride! But being just a corporal, And that's no kind o' rank at all, I kent what went before a fall, And saved my pride! And I will never wait again To hold her slender bridle -rein And gain her smile. But maybe in the land o' dreams, Where fancy builds its fairy schemes And. memory weaves its oldest themes, We'll meet awhile. fi o--o-�--o-o--o LISTEN TO THIS I SAYS CORN'S LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW You reckless .nen and women who are pestered with aro' and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called'freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to• any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out with the fingers. • It is a sticky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the 009 without in- flaming or even irritating the surround, ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet 'of every hard or soft corn or callus. You are further warned that cutting at a corn is a suicidal habit. FROM EAST TO WEST. Path of Civilization Follows the Way of the Sun. It is a curious fact, and one that has never been explained, that civilization goes the way of the sun, In the east, man first emerged. Westwards he has travelled since, carrying the torch of progress lir his llama The history of China dates back to thousands of years before human foot- marks began to appear in Britain. From Asia civilization spread west- watds, travelling right across Europe, and thence to America, To -day Japan, inete,d of absorbing the apathy of her nearest neighbor, is touched by the Westward flow, and is raising her head, The Majority of domesticated ant - mals aro asiatio in Origin, Kroh as horses, dogs, males, donkeys, sheep. goats, 81oney'beos, chickens, 'ducks, OW., and this alone shows that domes- tic ratan had his first kingdom in Asia. Yet It 10 strange that the countries With the longest human histories are to -flay the least advanced, pdiaard's Elltintent for Salo ovorgwIIOre, 13A, BY CLOT UJ. S Sables' hoaittlful long clothes outfits, daintily made of finest materials, $l0,liO c9ss plate. Maternity skirts and dresses at moderate plaices. Send for Liete. MRS. WOLFSON 67 Venue et, Toronto Te -Pay. To -day a thousand rivers run, Filled brimming with our tears, The misery -stricken heart of ea7t11i Pilled with the woo '51 years, Is oaae/3 ,.Adown the country roads The willows burn like fire, Sweet•beacons of rethrnMg Spring, Which slowly moveth nigher, I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of islands. J. M. CAMPBELL. I was cured of Facfal Neuralgia by MINA.RD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, N.S. WM, DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT., Albert Co., N.B.. GEO. TINGLEY. India holds the records for images. It has been estimated that there are quite 300,000,000 images of the var- ious gods there. smarms Liniment auras Burne,' lite. Men and women who work among lavender, gathering it or distilling it, seldom have neuralgia or nervous headache. ay RAW F uir will est marketlprice for lbIUSXRATO and Ginseng Root. 22 years of reliable trading. Reference—Union l3ank of Canada Write for Tags. N. SILVER, 220 St. Paul St. W. Montreal, B.Q. Yet ardirnaiff NATIVE SEED CORN Grown In South Essen Selected at hushing time. Pegged and crate cured. Limited amount. ORDER EARLY, Wis. No. 7 53.26 Par bus, BernCap 88.265 „ Gblden Glow 9.00 ' North Dakota 4.00 " Nage lien. Cash with order. Darius WIgIe, Kingsville, Ont. VARICOSE VEINS? Wear This Non-Elaatio Laced Stocking SANITARY, as they may be washed or balled. ADJUSTABLE, laced like a legging; always fits. COIISFORTANLE, made to measure; light and dur- able. COOL, contains No Rubber. • 1,500,000 SOLD ECOPrOMICAL, cost $3.50 each, or two for the same limb, $6.50, postpaid. Write for Catalogue and Self -Measurement Blank. Corliss Idsrb Specialty Co. 514 Now Dirks Bldg. Montreal, B.Q. As far Pe pan be learned, the earl. loot nee of the nickname John China- Man e.5 a designation for Celestials Is in "A Letter to the Committee of liianagolnent of Drury Lane Thea- tae," published In London Just one hundred years ago, MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town aoeeunte by Dominion llxpress Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three smuts. Habit may Blake virile oecume or vice incurable. • remarries LSslmenb Cures Apndrn'd. Tho deopest known hire in the world is Lnko Baikal, .in Siberia, All grades, Write for pricers. TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF - - TORONTO SEED CORN Addrwel Ul,A L. GRAHAMS Windsor, Oat. Edges County ��01S. • RA ° BITS & B® FLE Hawn Better quality preferred. VfrRITE FOR PRIC..%S STANFORD'S, Limited 128 Mansfield St. Montreal rat ---;•1m•_ itS Pre 'Cleans sinks ,closets Kills roaches, rats Tice Dissolves dirt that nothing the will movre"_-3. 8 • Our 0919 cat aktollue is ygww''r Vie asking Wri atodelitis.Fr'et Bulbs ' ° " Plants e„ SiEEDIS..• MEAN SUCCESS Nag in your seeds means frit ion. your seedsma.n. Our 64 Years of unbroken. success speaks lfcir itself J.A.SiB 4 4IERS Limier o.T RONTO. Giant Russian sunflowers at the Cpl- corn for malting silage. Professor lege of Agl'icu tura, S'atikatoon, pro- Bracken• is recominend,ing the Itug- duced two and one-half times as Mau sunflower for planting in the much dodder to the acre ars.corn, and drier areas of Western Canada. The was in every way as. satisfactory as plant is well spoken of in Montana, Fano Bruce's Giant Peedine Sect, In two colors, White and gore, across between Sugar Beet and Mnuyel, splendid crop- pers r p pers and unequalled for feeding,easily harvested, and keep well. 31 11,.210c, 01b. 65c, 1.1b. 01.00, 6 lbs. $i.50, postpaid. Brueo's Mammoth White Carrot half Long Variety, henry cropper, splendid quality,easilyharvested, hand keeper. 31 Ib. 6c, ee lb, 00c, 1 Ib. 81.00, postpaid, Bruce's Giant Yellow Manna, An intermediate variety, heavy cropper, good keeper, of splendid feeding quality, and easily harvested, 9y0[ Ib. 80c, 39 1b. 55e. 1 Ib. 31.00, 6 lbs. 81.60 postpaid, Also Yellow Leviathan, Giant Yellow Globe, Golden Tankard and Mammoth bong Red Mangels at Same price, . of Seeds Bruce's New Centura Swed,, Turnip, A grand purple top vat tett' splendid for the table and nlso for feeding cattle, a grand keeper end shipper, h ib. d6e, 3e 111. 80c, 1 Ib. 81.60, 6 lbs. $7.05. Also Bruao'a Soloctad 8ruade Clans Kinn, Hy�.I1'e Westbury, klepbant, Mag- num Banum Kangaroo and Hartleye Swedes nt gm. 600. 39 lb. 75c, 11b. $1,40, 6 lbs -96.76, postpaid. Alto Aberdeen's, White Globe, and Groyatene Turnip, at 90 1b. 900, 3A 70c, I lb. $1.30, and 51bs. 60.26, postpaid. PI'OEE-Our valuable 112-pngeCntnlogue of Seeds, Plants, Bulbs Implements and Poultry Supplies. Write for it to -day. JOHN A. BRUCE & CO., LIMITED HAMILTON- - Bttdi,seas Established e9 Yon= ONTARIO i.-ts'2rtt'i„ 1; ate' ?113i y�r,sus^;1i!'3i.Ait-i i ?, • 3is4: t r7,44i4; '= , otect Axles a,na1 Trace$ Imperial Eureka Harness Oil —keeps traces and harness straps pliable, soft and strong. Weatherproofs leather and keeps it from drying out and cracking. Sold in convenient sizes. Imperial Eureka Harness Oiler Makes harness oiling, quick, and thorough, Simple to operate and saves work. ,,4tDea1ers. rerywliere Imperial Mica Axle Grease —smoothe the axle spindle and hub socket by filling the tiny surface pores with powdered mica. The acid -free grease de- feats friction. Makes axles last longer and loads easier to haul. Sold in sizes from lib. to barrels. What Ails Your Horse? Does he lone Senn in milt° of good feeding? If• your horse has a rough staring ooat, low spirits, poor appetite (though some- times Dating ravenpuely),of- h ten hoscoursws , aannd y 1IId�f I5 sother signs of mysterloue luck of condition, it Is likely enough to be worms— what he neede is DR. A. C. DANIELS_ WORM KILLER conbate and destroys the stomach warm, pin worm and tape worm, or any of the 30 or more worms that infest horses. This remedy costs only 60 cents, with 3 cents for postage. Send us your dealer's name and we will prepay postage on your order. DR. A. C. DANIELS Co., Limited Dc,rt. W.L. Knowlton, P.Q. Do you shave with a saw ? FOOLISH question No.' 11991 Maybe. Hut compare for a moment the illustrations above. They Chow pretty well what -we're driving at; that is, unless a blade is stropped regularly it develops an edge very like a saw, and causes that "pulling" and after -smarting of which you complain. Not so with the AutoStrop Razor. For the self -strop- ping feature, you see, reforms the saw -like edge that results from shaving, and providea you with a sharp blade for every shave. The beauty of it is you don't have to re- move the blade from the razor to sharpen. it, nor do you have to take the AutoStrop Razor apart to clean it. From first to last— stroppirig, shaving, and clean- ing—the blade remains in the razor, (Razor — Strop 12 blades — SS SAFETY pq py fd `ttd'16 '9d AUTOSTROP SAIr'r5TT RAZOR CO,; Limited AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Cenedn 7 u li: b�"s11 r r' dist evreeypofacdn.dnmywooenuudra•,.ltafminTmnee�vycoe.0mopl[bctluy l.yalltkme DJmianmunomndd., UIoM1nkdt. ,wNl,deeftaekml— d nil d4mmd and �,rt.uer.ate I fm,1i00me. nm', nd u� , rcn:Y.. 5,1510 towmd you, m.ma pmt .ddre.. We beaut,.u, eaalea of a a„ htr Gem lewelery. :sect from It hecoed. ievnd. Atter wmnng Ave d,Y,. 5 Y', want to keep hem,peY an,mmlmcnnu be, ,. it, n,ntl,. No ed [.pc; you, red,. „rood. •,, ,,Oem..m themama,4 "4iof 000,—We,7004onof d,c drcem. of emmnu. ,emJ .Qday. , W ear n helm: Yev decide C ph'ir Diamond Co. Llml.d.N.l. G it?ynnq. st. Teeonta 'ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rubeat Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks"—those ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan's.Liniment. Clean, convenient, econotnical. Made in Canada. Ask any druggist for it. 80o., c0cee 8L20, PIMPLES ITCHED A® _J" NED FaceWaSIadi Disffi uredo Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. "Small red pimples and black- boads began on my face, and my face was badly dioftgured. Snmo of ter � i:implea ftl0- toed while othrrs scaled over and those were places where the pimples were in blotches. They used to itch and burn terribly. "I naw on advettisc- mont. for Cuticura and I tried thele. They stopped the itching and burn- ing and I used four cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment which healed me." (Signed) 3iiss V. A. Mayne, Stormont, N. (3, Dec.25,'18. The Cutleurn Toilet lain, d0n0,edn l,f Soap OintsrentaOd'Onicttm promelcss in minty, comfort and health wheneged (50 everyday toilet i Dies e For urmple Earls Fore by Mee; a dflicsa Gbtirer°, Dopt,A,iiot on,U i , ." Sold everywhere. ISSUE 1P''16i, HOT PANCAKES! YesYesBut — What alto psnukee worth without , syrup? It ie the ryrup that gird the flavour; and there is no other syrup that tastes tuft a3 gopd et WN BR CORN SYRUP For loot pancakes, hot biscuits and muffins and a dozen other Table and Kitchen uses, housewives with the widest experience nae Crown Brand every time -the golden syrup with the 0555 (Inver. For Marmalade and other preserves, we recommend our LILY WHITE Com Syrup Sold by Grocers everywhere, in 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound lips. The Canada Starch Ca. Limited •' Montreal Let p; 4 " I EIR Surprise jou PARKER'S know all the flue points about cleaning and dyeing. Wo can clean or dye anything from a filmy georgette blouse to heavy draperies or rugs, Every article is given caraful and expert attention unci satisfaction is guaranteed. Sencl your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to sr•v riN k nitra•72,1;i •151.17J't,'. I ^ry -,:iscf-4�..:ilWa ir.,ltxi7Fat+ii PARKE 5 Wo will make them like new again. Our charges are reasonable and we pay ex- press or pastae charges one way. ea post card will bring our booklet of household suggestions that save money. Write for PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers '701 Yongo i3t. - Toronto t • l; 1 1 0, d