HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-4-3, Page 5April 3rd, 1919 Clinton Nowa-Record Of Interest to You and Me One wayl co fu i tt 0 t Settle to so R s bb. h n .about ,difference in time that would, iprove universally popular would be to start Work by old time and situp ^� ,r by new. • .* A._' "We don't want ' another war.,", remarks The Goderich Signal,, "but eeven peace tiara have their tasks for womon's practical minds and' busy. bands -and the, tneia will still be glad to have some women's organizations upon which to unload some of the jobs they don't like," That's it. The Signal man is more •candid than some others but that's what all men really want and need- Women and women's organizations to do the work that man "don't, ' ?like" doing. But the trouble is that oftenwomene but seem t want to bu t• 0 • in and do things that men do like -doing, have always done and Want to ,goon doing. Why can't women be ::reasonable and "stick to other knit- ting ?" • • f i The Weekly Sun, which was re- •,cantly taken over by the United Varmers of Ontario, comes out this week under its old namd, "The Farm- • or's Sun," and will from now on be -the organ of the U,1'.0. Its business .and editorial staff is as yet unchang- 'ed, As the organ of the Patrons of Industry The Sun was not a great =suceoss-that is the P. of L was no :great success as a farmers' organiza- tion: We wish the TJ,F.O. much bet- ter fortune. In glancing over the first issue under the new directorate we note the following : "'The farm - tiers' movement needs all the grit it •can command -but for goodness sake don't spell it witha capital '0'." "We could not if we tried find "a bet- ter word of warning. That was -what happened to the P, of L Too anuch "Grit" got mixed-up with its machinery and the result was it be- gan to . run hard and finally stopped :altogether. * * * An effort is being made in England, • 'it has worked o ed verY well 1 in past the :and may still work there, to content •workingmen by giving them stronger beer, It will be found that sr,me- thing more than stronger peer will 'be needed to keep Canadian working- men contented. We fancy 'most of the :agitation for stronger beer in Can- :ada, however, comes from the brew- •ers, not from the workingmen at all. In England the experience has been that if a man's beer is strong enough -he may fail to notice that his wages :are low, the conditions under which 'be works unfavorable and bis whole -environment such as no self-respect- ing man ought to stand for. Tn Can- ada anada it is not desirable that working- men, any class 'of- citizens, should reach this state, If. beer makes a jnan willing to put up with a low t, .standard of living for himself and his 'family it clearly is not good for the mail nor for the state. When the Liberal party re -unites it -svill not be a case of either wings .going back to where the other is camped. It will have' to be a case 'of both sections of the party going l forward to edvaltced ground wbioh tlicy min occupy in mammon as a united torte, --•'pronto Star, li1R, Now wl 1 the Star i, t lA 0110 nate stop ? Vilma this: advanced groluid is occupied by a• llartty 01 forceful, forward-looking men, need it necessarily, be a "Liberal" l,arty et All ? That is nsiug .tha'word . in the political sense it has Rome to mean bt Canada of late, Time was when the word Reformer as a party label stood for something. But l:oli- est, now, will the Star please immale as ' one genuino reforming ideal or pause than pMoiel Liberalism in Can - Ada has stood for in twenty. years ?- Simeoe Reformer, Liberal Unionist. When Liberal newspapers begin to "speak right out in meeting" like. Viet and Conservatives show a de- cided disinclination to return 1:0 the old party lines it begins to look as if i the time was approach ng when n ' a party would be formed with a new platform, new ideals, new goals of en- 4eavor, A party, that will, as we said last week, "serve the people." There are thousands of people *Can- ada who would welcome suh' a.ptar- ty, The people are sick toi'death of the old partisan rule. IF' Canada is ever to roach the. high,des47ity which she ought to reach we' need. leaders with high ideals, men of vision and of courage. Never in the past and perhaps never again in the future will the time be so opportune for statesmen who are willing to serve the people. "God send us men," • Londesboro. Mr, Thos. Millar is in Toronto this week attending the coal dealers' con- vention. -� Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. Koine of Cottam calledriends in the village last onf g week, , Mr. Norman Honking :has gone to the hospital in Guelph to undergo treatment. We hope lie will soon im- prove. Miss Anne Abrey Ieft this week to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Wilson, in Toronto. The dance given ih Cartwright's hall on Friday night by four' young menof Constance was well attended and everyone appeared to enjoy them- selves. On Friday night, April 11th, there will hea social evening given do hon- or of the boys who have returned from overseas. Lunch will be served and a good programme is being pre- pared. Everybody welcome. Right -the -Wrong class of the Meth- odist Sunday school is holding a box social in Cartwright's hall on Tuesday evening next. The girls aro to bring the boxes., A programme is being provided and everybody _wel- come. • Constance Master George Clark of Toronto spent Sunday with hie parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Clark. Dir, and Mrs. Bruce Medd ancLchii- dren of Seaforth spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs,: A. Leitch. Mr. Ben Riley has bought the Cook lot from Mr. Geo. Hugill. Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Riley were vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook, one day last week. ��(IIII i II, �il 1 ik�l :1" iii 1(ill 1111 iiiigg''IIttjji8i�� i phamlli` F I ' Ii,110.,!Niiilffilll�%fop' YOUTHFUL P isi WER CENTURIES OLD 'Olt thousands of years the waterfalls of Ontario have wasted energy that the Hydro - „Electric Power Commission of Ontario now has yoked to productive dynamos. .What was formerly mostly sound and spray is -being transformed into electrical energy — a willing, obedient, tireless servant.. It lights homes, stores and offices; operates street cars and factories; makes work casier,and life more enjoyable. It is the object of;,the Hydro -Electric Power Commission to render the best possible service at a reasonable rate. To attain that end the most modern electrical equipment is installed in power houses and distributing stations, It is just as essential for you to use electrical appliances equally as modern and reliable in your home, HYDRO Quality Lamps are the standard lamps of the Commission for home ligh'ing. They ore tested in the labera'ortes oldie Com- mission for brilliancy of llnl,f, minimum cur- rent consumption anis length of life. fYDRO•ELECTiIC 'POWER COMMISSION OF ONTAt1IO J, SOLE) PUBLIC 'IYI''ILITIRS COMMISSION HYDRO SHOP Marriages Pr 1brLIN--b 1P1ZMA'N-At London, March e Can - ea h v, rl s toR opl b Y 1 Ol t u n formerly of o 01 n he o � Olintea, # G t , Y Nellie lova, claugbter of Mrs. E, Merman, to Theodore Fremlin, OANTf±ILON- INNI1S-Jn Chalton, on April 8rd, by Rev, J, E. Hogg, Edna L., daughter of Mr, .and Mrs, Alexander Innes; to W, ,Roy Centolon, son of Mr. Albert Can- telon of Godorielt township, CORNETT -BLACK -At Knox ehur- eh manse, Goderich, on Mar, With, by Rev, lt. C. ivtcDertnid, Ger- trude C. Blade of Goderich to Daniel F, Cornett of Owen Sound. Births HOW --In Montreal, on Mar. 25th, to Mr, and Hiro, F, W, Ilow, former IS Miss Bessie Glen, a soft -Wil - lm Men, l , S, , l IS S N -A 1 cliso Sask., FIEND I$ 0 t 2a S n, , on Mar, 22nd, to Mr, and afire Creorge Henderson, formerly Miss Elsie Lobb,'a 500.- RILEY-In Londesboro, on March 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riley, a son. NOT'T-In Tuckorsmith, on March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Nott, a daughter. Deaths o LIVERMORE-1n Clinton, on Mar. With, Daniel Roy Livermore, son of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Liver- more, in his 15th year. 'I F '-I ler ch Mar. QL GL .7 n Goi 1 on 30th, Thomas Quigley, aged 52 years. NAFTEL-In 0oderlch township, on March 21st, Alfred Neftel, son of the late John Thomas Neftel, og el 0 years. S Y a McILWAIN-In Colborne, on March 21st, Robert Mclhs ain, aged 88 years, 1 month, 5 days. RUTLEDGE-In loving memory of Robert J. Rutledge, who died April 2nd, 1918. -Mother, father, sisters and brother. Tuckersmith Township Wm. Mr. Harris F Toronto has o o a been visiting. his sister, Mrs, Chris. O'Brien, Sr., during the past week. MOUSE TO RENT -6 -roomed -house on Mary St., furnished or unfur- nished. -Apply Dits. i"sdiill,. Ball or W. Brydone. -87 BARRED ROCK EGGS -FROM Park and Guild's famous laying strains. Pullets hatched from eggs bought from me last spring were laying when live months old. Eggs $1.50 per setting of fifteen. -II. A. Hovey, -87 EGGS FOR HATCHING . -A LIM- ited number cif Bred -to -Lay Single Combe White Leghorn Eggs for hatching purposes at $1.00 per set- ting of 15. Reductions on larger quantities. Place order early. - A. V. Quigley, Clinton, FARM FOR SALE -1D0 ACRES, Lot 21, Con. 1, Huron Road, Tuck- ersmith, 8 miles west of Seaforth, (property of the late William Dale). Brick ?souse, 11 story, new furnace ; barn 40x11() ft. with stone foundation ; land all cleared with exception of 5 acres bush ; good water; spring creek running by barn. -Apply Mrs, Iddo Crich, Townshend St., Clinton, or Mrs. G. W. Nott, R.R, No. 3, Seaforth. --87 THL S1.AFORTII CLYDESDALE Horse Breeders' Club has secured tite horse "British Hero" from William Colquhoun, Mitchell, for the season of 1016. Iie will be at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, on Spring Show Day, - Apr. 10th. This is a Government horse and the Government pays one-third of the fee, limited to 100 mares. Persons wishing the services of this horse for the coming season should put in their order on Show. Day to Jas. J._ McMichael, Manager. 87-1 Auction Sale of Piano and household effects will he held at the residence of the undersigned, Hur- on street, on the afternoon of SATURDAY., APRIL 5th consisting of the following ; Square pinto in excellent condition, 3 bed- room suites, dining table, dtnih.g chairs, sideboard, 4 rocking ohairs, parlor table, couch, kitchen table, kitchen chairs, 2 cupboards, cbellion- er, sewing machine, 10 doz, . fruit Jars, Imperial Oxford range in good order, Radiant home heater, wood heater, eight-day clock., lawn mower, garden tools, bucksaw, children's sleigh, handsleige, verandah seat, lawn scat, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash. J. MULHIOLLAND, Proprietor G. II. ELL1017, Auctioneer, YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Matti Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. : am prepared to French Dry Clean I adios Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc, All orders promptly at- tended to, Rooms over Hunniforil's grocery store-Wm..1. .Jago. -00 BOARS FOR SERVICE Champion Bred Big Type 'YORKSHIRE AND C1I1'fi'1'ER- WIIITT0 ITOAIIS. A, C, LEVEY, Phaite 5-080 CLINTON, Ont, At home every forenoon,. WHAT. AO YOU NEED for the Annual ,Spring clean-up, filae season that puts the spirit of youth e' h'ro Trynet tai w v ,r stare or u• f o_a, wants..We i t. Y ,h los _- r Ya a please -and os aea ie. P p are right, , Laundry Soap 3 bars tor 200, 1e for $1.00 Gold, Comfort or: P G soaps 3 bars for 260,410 for $1,00, Amonla 2 pkgs for 26a. Brooms, Brushes, Mops, Cleaners, Dustbane, and other necessar- ies needed, COME To CLINTON' SI -IOW DAY APR, 10 Show 1)4y we will pre- sent free a Lead Pencil to each boy or girl ae- coanpanied by either of their persats when, pur- chasing groceries at aur store. Tomatoes per tin,,,200 • Corn,,,,,,..220 Prunes per lb......,,:•,20o Apricots,,,„,220 Corn Syrup er lb,,,igc Corn syrup 5 lbs„,,,,500 Gr, Mogul Tea 11b,;,320 Spopial blk Tea 650 5 lbs. for 83.00, BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED -HIGHEST PRICES. JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone 111 Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared for, CALVES FOR SALE Well Bred Calves W. MARQUIS MR. No. 1, Clinton. --80 HOUSE TO RENT ON HURON ST. West. -6 rooms, fruit trees, good garden, town, water. -Apply to John Snyder, Huron St, -87 WANTED -A CAPABLII WOMAN or girl for general housework. No milking. -Mrs, 0, 13. Middleton, R. R. No. 3, Phone 2 on 001, -80 UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE of Farin Stock and Implements. - The undersigned auctioneer has re,- i e instructions11 cc v d to so by pub- lic auction at Lot 17, Con. 5 Stanley township, (Babylon Line), 2 miles from Varna, oa Wednesday, April 0th, the following : Horses - 1 Agricultural gelding rising 4 years old, 1 Agricultural gelding rising 8 years oid, 1 Agricultural mare rising 12 years old, 1 General Purpose gelding rising 3 years old, 1 driving mare rising 10 years old in foal to a Percheron horse, 1 thriving horse 8 years old good sin- g or double, u driver rising4 1 yrs. old. Cattle -Registered Short- horns -Females, Blarney Lass No. 107868 due to calve June 8th, White Lily 3rd No. 123106 due to calve May fete, Annie Laurie No. 132799 17 months old, Vesey's Choice Signet No. 102527, Corelli 3rd No. 99298. Bulls -1 roan bull Blarney Marquis No. 128023 12 months old', 1 roan bull Royal Sig- net 128022 5 months old(These aro a choice pair of bulls). Grade Cattle -2 cows due in May, 1 cow 'flue in August, 1 cow due in Sept. 4 heifers due in May and J une, 1 farrow cote, 7 steers 2 years old, 6 steers coming 1 year old, 3 heif- ers coming 1 year old, 1 calf 5 months old, 1 calf 2 months old Pigs -1 registered Yorkshire sow should have litter at sale time. Poultry -About 75 hens, 2 geese, 1 gander, 2 turkey hens, L duck and a drake. Implemeuts-1 8 -foot Deering binder cut 3 years, 1 0-fb, Deering mower nearly new, 1 13 - disc Deering drill nearly new, In- ternational hayloader, Massey -Har- ris side delivery rake, Daring 10 - ft. steel rake, Massey -Harris cul- tivator and seeder combined, Mann cultivator, new Deering corn binder only cut 10 acres, Massey -Barris steel roller, Oliver souther with bean harvester, No. 21 Verity walk- ing plow, Cockshut riding plow, Premier riding plow, Noxou dise, 2 sets of 8 -section harrows, 1 4 - section doubletree, horse scattier, gang plow, 2 wagons, wagon box, new gravel box, 16 -ft, hay rack, 2 sets of bob sleighs, fiat rack, democrat with pole and shafts com- plete, 2 top baggies, 2 cutters. 2 stoneboats, pig crate, grindstone, new 40 gal. feed cooker, Clinton fanning mill, root pulper, 4 -horse power gasoline engine, 8.inch Jol- iette grinder, bag truck, set 1000 - Ib. scales, sugar kettle, galvanized water tank, pig troughs, 2 oak barrels, lawn mower, 2 galvanized apple. driers large and small, grass seed sower, hand corn planter, wheel barrow, grain bags, about 150 cedar posts, some end posts, a quantity of lumber, set of breeching harness, 2 set of hack -band harness, 2 sets single harness, a number of horso collars, 2 robes, torso blan- kets, rug, post hole auger, London fence weaving machine, wire stret- cher and reel, De Laval cream sep- arator No. 12 in use only 4 months, National cream separator, Daisy churn, new Gurney Oxford range, Kalamazoo range, Bell Oak heater, whi,Tietrees, neck yokes, forks, hoes, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention.. Sale co,n- mences at 11,30 o'clock sharp. Terms -$10 and under, cash ; 8 months' credit will 1,e given on furnishing approved joint notes, or 4 percent. off for cash, Positively no reserve as the proprietor has soli the farm and is going west. - David A, Johnston, Proprietor ; Geo, H. ];filen, Auctioneer ; W. R. Stephenson, Clerk. 86-2 As I have decided to go into the coal business In' Clinton I would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage, I an new prepared to take orders for. coal 01.1)1:11 AT ONCE) Terms strictly cash and wo guarantee to supply good coal to our customers, Orders taken at residence, Huron street. E. WARD BUY COAL NOW The large coal operators have al- ways Iyays made a reduction of 500 per ton On April 1st, but this year there will he no reduction to the retail dealers. - As an incentive to the public to put their coal 'in early, we have de- cided to reduce our prier that 50e for some time in the early part of spring, All who can take their coal at any time will kindly Bland us their nam- es, and we will fill,all orders in ro- tation. A. J. HOLLOWAY Sole Agent for D.L. cCI W. Scranton Coal SPED OATS 1005 SALE,-0.A.C,. No. 72 -Apply on premises, London P f • Road or phone 0 on 619.-N. J. Lebeau, 11.5. No. 5, Clinton. -86 HATCHING EGGS -FROM BRED - to -lay Single Combe White Leg- horns. 00c per setting of 15, $4.00 per hundred, -Frank Tyndall, R.R. No. 4, Phone 2 on 036. 80-4-p BABY CFIICQ,KS FOR SALE -FROM bred -to -lay S. C. White Leghorns, $15.00 per hundred. -E. J. Trewar- tha, Holmesvilie, Phone 16 oa 010. -85 PURE-BRED YORKSHIRE BOAR for service at Lot 26, London Road. One dollar at time of ser- vice. -W. Stanbury, Phone 6 on 629, 85-3-p DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale -Frame house, good barn ; 14 acres, more or less, of excellent garden and orchard, also small fruits of all kinds, situate on Rag- lan street. Reason for selling ill - health on part of owner. Apply to - Donald lviacdonald, Rattenbury St., east. -85 FOR SALE, -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1; acres garden, with fruit trees. -Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. -84 HOUSE FOR SALE -ON RATTEN- bury street east, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools, -Apply to R. Rowland. -84 SPRING MUSKRAT SKINS WANT - ed. -Will pay high prices for proper- ly stretched skins. If you haven't proper stretchers will supply pat- terns free of charge. -H. A, Hovey, License No, 424. -83 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANG'cING. -Having been honorably discharged from military duties, I am now prepared to return to my former occupation, All work guaranteed and I solicit a share of your pat- ronage. Caa also supply wallpap- er. -J, E. Cools. Phone 64. -80 GRASS FARM FOR SALE. -100 acres, being Lot 12 on the 6th Con. of Mullett, 14 miles west of the Village of Constance. There are about 8 acres of bush -and a never - failing well with windmill to pump water, well fenced. Will be sold cheap, with terms to suit purchas- er. If not sold before April 1st will be rented, For further par- ticulars apply 11-J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 110. • -79 ANY PERSON aOR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on Lots 12 and 13, Con. 9, Mul- lett, will be prosecuted according to law. Following a dog or a dog running at large the owner is liable to damages. -J. & J. Hes- selwood. 60-24 ECliL DON'T MISS IT We are giving 10 per cent off for cash on . BOOTS and. SLOES Bring the 'Whole Falmily we can shoe them all with fine shoes and work s130e8 4•-- 1O per cent off Wall Paper .4 Phone 13 on 622 ✓ E 4 leAsh&Son VARNA 1005 $AL1 -43-5.14. GASOLINJJ ,Englne ; reason for polling, putting In0 lectr a mato . ASR e1o Y 82-4 WAN'197D-.-304o MU511R'ATS, ALSO fancy peed beans, --Jas. Steep act Co., Clinton, -84 FARM 1Olt SALE -924 ACRES OF -, splendid farm land In good state of eultivatioa• On it are a comfort- able storey and a half oriels house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x60 and straw shod 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls aid root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x80. There is a never failing spring p Ong c reek, a goad well and cis- tern, about 14 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 24 miles from Clinton, gond gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes ft necessary tor me .to give up farming foe the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired, -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Mullett, Clinton P. 0. -49 HOUSE FOR SALE -=GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house, -Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. -52 AN YE P RSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law. - I. M. Woods, Bayfield. 75-26-p FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 44 miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms.- , Apply A. E. Matheson, R R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live SPECIALS For Horse ,Show Day April IOth TEA 80e value, black or mixed 70c or 5 lbs. for $3.35 700 value, black or mixed 600 or 5 lbs: for 2.85 SOAPS 9 cakes of Sunlight, Surprise, Gold, P & G, Naptha, or Comfort. SUGAR 100 lb. sack $10.75 9 lbs. granulated for 1.00 91 lbs. Golden Yellow for 1.00 FRUIT Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and Apples. A CALL SOLICITED, E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No, 8-3123 Phone 4 0 BRAN AND SHORTS Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing. Don't keep put- ting it off until they are all gone and then lay the blame on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED We, have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have .your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very best attention. SEED CORN Ilow about your Seed Corn ? In some 01 the Corn -growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore, good Seed Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giv- ing us a call and placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have just receiv- ed (good and'fresh). it is the very best and if you once use it you will like it so well that you won't think Of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of Flour: Purity, Five Roses, Jewei, Golden City, Five Jewel and White Seal, al- so Oatmeal., sold in large or small quantities, We Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phones : Elevator 198, Residence 111 Retail License No. 0-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 ANTE sand for FIa The Canadian Flax Mills Limited are open to matte Contracts with farmers in the vicinity of Clinton to grow Flax for the season of 1919. tlor particulars apply to 151. ntecoSDIICH, Local Manager SEAF0Rill, Ont. 82-6 Phone 202and2.12 3 weiffsiammommitapprimpapaies sPu;iiL SDAYI Show Day. April. 10 Cash or 13utter Y,nc1 Eggs ry For coo. or Butter And hggs 20 lbs, Rolled Oats 61,00 7 pkgs Seeded Raisins 3.00 6 lbs, seedless Raisins 500 10 Bars itiehards Pure Soap 1,00. 7 ties Peas 500 15 tins Tomatoes 1,00 2 lbs. Black Tea, regi lar 00c 1.00 12 tins Pork a n d Be ensox 3 T 6c ( 250),„ 1.00 8 lbs. Dutch Sets,,,,, ,,, 1.00 6 lbs. dried Poaches 1.00 0 lbs, dried Apricots 1.00 6 lbs. dried Prunus 1.00 7 pugs Corn Staroh 1,00 7 pkgs. Corn Flakes 1.00 1 10-11). Pail Syrup 1.00 1 4-11). Pail Marmalade,,, 1.00 8 pkgs, Jelly Powder 1.00 7 lbs, Broken Sodas 1.00 13 lbsf White Beans 1.00 5 ties Ch000 Ming drinking chocolate,,, 1,00 2 lbs. Japan Tea (reg- ular 55e) 500 84 lbs, Granulated Sugar 1.00 7 pkgs. Christy's fancy Biscuits 1,00' . T. ITNe1! The Hub Grocery Canada ]Food Board License No. 8-2495 GIRLS IiIIIINTED! WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETO. APPLY. AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED Is your Sap Pans Ready ? PREPARE FOR SPRING 13Y HAV- ING YOUR SAP PANS AND BUCI{- ETS OVERHAULED, NEW BUCKETS AND PANS DIADE TO ORDER. ORDER NOW SO AS TO HAVE TFIEAI READY WHEN TIIE SEAS- ON OPENS. THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 58. Slfop over Rowland's hardware, WANTED CARLOAD OF OATS —and— CARLOAD 010 BARLEY Ask for Prices. all & E.b e License No. 9-2109 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour left over from our poultry feeding season. This will make a good dry mash for Laying hens or a No. 1 feed for hogs. We are selling this teed at below cost to clear. We aro always in the mar- ket for Live Poultry and New Laid Eggs' at top market' prices. s GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. 14. W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Holmesvillo 4 on 1431 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED 1 Farmers having cream to self write us for eons and Lull particu- lars. Our markets are the best. Service the most prompt. Firkin the most reliable. And prices the highest consisten0 with at holiest test which we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery Co. Is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now ono at the largest in Cenada. You cannot make any mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our cans are re- quested not to make use of in sending cream to other creameries er cream buyers. Write today for cans. T,ns Seaforth Creamery Co. 0, A. IBA.IIBI:R, MANAGER