The Clinton News Record, 1919-3-27, Page 7OFFICIAL LIST OF HUNS' 'BAR CRIMES COM1lIISSION ON RESP.ONSIi3II,r Irt'Y FOR 7'IIE 'YAR Sub -Committee Careful to Point 01.11 That This Liet Doess Not Exhaust Record of Enemy's Crimes, Here is the Ilse of the thirty-one e varietttes of crime committed by the enemy countries during the war, as classified by the sub -committee on fact appointed by the commission on responsibilities- for the was: Mussac10 of civilians. Putting to Beath of hostages. Torture of civilians, Starvation of civilians, Violation of women, Abduction of girls and woolen for the purpose of enforced degradation. Deportation of eivibians,. Internment of civilians under bru- tal conditions. Forced labor of civilians in con- nection with military operations. Enemy usurpation of sovereignty during military occupation. compulsory enlistment of soldiers .among inhabitants of occupied terri- . tory. Pillage, Confiscation of property. Exaction of illegitimate er exorbi- tant contributions and requisitions. Debasement of -currency and issue of spurious currency. Imposition of collective penalties. Wanton devastation and destruc- tion of property. . Bolftbaadment. of undefended places. Wanton destruction of religious, charitable, educational and historic buildings and monuments. Destruction of merdhant ships and passenger vessels Without warning. Destruction of fishing boats. Destruction of a relief ship. Bombardment of hospitals. - Attack on and destruction of hos- pital ships. Breach of other rules relating to the ;Red Cross. Use lef deleterious and asphyxiat- ing gases. Use of explosive and expanding bullets. Directions to give no quarter. b11 treatment of prisoners. Misuse of flags .ef truce. Poisoning of wells. Even this list, as the sub -commit- tee takes pains to point out, does not exhaust the record of the enemy's cringes, and it recommends the ape pointment of some standing body for the purpose of collecting and system- atizing further information with the view of laying before a tribunal or tribunals to be set up a comprehen- sive list of charges and accused per. sons. Heavy Punishment Urged. In the cemmiscion of responsibili- ties as a whole, more perhaps than in any other commission, differences of tendency are apparent. While some energetic people take common sense as the guiding star, there are others who are unable- to get away from legal precedent, unable to see that war may even have rendered Out of ' date all the ideas of their sacred tempie. It may be said that the first drafts of at least two of the sub-comanittees were not by any means satisfactory as to the punishment of those chiefly responsible for the war, which, it was suggested, would be satisfactor- ily meted out if at parliament of the world were to pass •a resolution de- claring the German Emperor was not a jolly good fellow. Those drafts are being reconsidered, and the British, at least, are doing their utmost to bring the ex -Kaiser to book, together with other chief offenders. Flew Over the Andes. Lieut. Dagoberte. 'Godes, of the Chilean army, crossed the Andes at their highest point in a Bristol bi- plane, donated by the British Gov- ernment recently. The aviator left Santiago, Chile, and crossed the Tu- pungato range at an altitude of 19,- 700 feet, landing at Mendoza, Argen- tine Republic. --e.---- Statisticians estimate that for every death there are, on the average, two persons constantly sick, Delicious Mixture of Wheat . C Barley. T ll>i heat1thva1.ue, sound nourish msn± and a sweet iii' like flavor impos- sible in a pro- duct ma lie of wheat .alone, eat, Gr_8111111Ni-4c%A & GA) "nnrn rdn oonao ufrY.et no, z•oze me WeekXy Fashions A box -coat for the junior boy is quite essential. This one is developed in gabardine or serge. McCall Pat- tern No. 8832. Little Boy's Box -Coat. In 5 sizes, 6 months to 6 years. Price, 20 cents. This graceful wrap is developed in covert sloth and trimmed with black satin. McCa11 Pattern No. 8777, La- dies' Coatee or Dolman. In one size, suitable for any size from 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. Swagger sports model for women. The middy is made on eimple lines and the yoke is of an odd'shape. The band at the lower edge is turned up and forms pockets at either side of front. McCall Pattern No. 8796, La- dies' Middy Blouse. In 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. e. emcee A Spring suit is smart this season when one wears a waistcoat with lit. This offers an s one opportunity to wear one of. daring form and color, McCaul Pattern No. 8787, Ladies' Gloat, In 7 sizes, 94 te, 46 bust, No. 8794, Ladies' and Missese, Chinese Blouse. In 3 ei0es; ,small, 82; med- ium, 84 to 36;a 38 to 40 • u mbust. �'iio.� 8699, Laies' Two -Piece Skirt. {fn '7 sizes, 22 to 84 waist, ,Prise, 20. Cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or Cron The McCall Co., 70 Bond. St„ Toronto, Dept. W. "The best eclueation in the world is that got by struggling to malts a living. ---Wendell Phillips, . 01J. NAVAL WAR WORK OF GREAT BRITAIN TAIN NEW NEARING DEVICE PROVES OF GROAT SERVICE, More Than 26,600,000 Troops, 209,000 Prisoners, 2,260.900 Animals Trans- ported During War. The British navy front August, 1914, to March 0, 1919, transported more than 26,500,000 soldiers and other per- sonnel connected with 111e conduct of the war. Walter flume Long, Filet Lord of . the Admiralty, announcing Mese figures recently in the House of Commons i11 uloviog the naval esti- mates: for 1919• In addition, about 200,000 prisoners, 2,250,000 animals, more than 500,000 vohieles, 48,000,000 tons of military stores and. 5,000,000 tons of live steers had been transported by naval trans- Ports. "After five years we can feel that Peace is In sight and the British navy has borne its 'full share nobly 4n the attainment of that great end," Mr. Long said. "The activities of the navy have been universal. From, North Scotland to the Groat African Lakes, $3.001 Auokirats w'OE7,A Alli A MGM Y'1tIC£ 505511 T/RMIS #aC&i7 orr;eluitxa wp raY Sixnreele and Popta5e WE WILL PAY 7rOE E.IXE ISIG5SZHT P14i0E A000RnstVD TU 0U14 AND REALITY Oliver Spanner & Co, LM titn T074OZr0lO, OliT.. BRITISH WAR HELML+ET One of the Successes of the War Was Made Froin Japanese Design, The steel helmet which was served out to the British eoldigr in 1916 is certain to find an aiding place in the kit and equipment of Tommy Atkins, The War Office is said to contemplate decorating and• adorning it se that it will be worthy of a soldier's fuli- dress review order unifovou in times of peace when presumably ate shall be back again to the scarlet tunic and the pipe-clayed belt. The British steel 'helmet is one of the successes of the Near. Although we were late in the field with It, our "tin hat" is better than that of the French or German. It owes its suc- tlre fleet has made'its power felt and cess largely to its. shape, sand around the weight of its )tend has been an- I that hangs an interesting 'tale. preciated fully by the enemy, In aid - given the Ministry of Munitions Ing the food supply the navy has never was considering. given us any right to complain _con- sidering the issue at stake. immense Construction Work. "Was there anything in the picture of a great naval action to compare with the surrender et the German fleet to the British fleet in mid -ocean? The final surrender of the German navy to our keeping was a greater naval vie. 'ivory than could have been achieved by any action at sea. I li'ope that surrender marked a new stage be the progress of the world and that it means that in the future we will be relieved of those errors that made the world so miserable during the last few years." 153', Long described the immense amount of construction work that had been carried on during the war, espe- cially at. the new harbors at Rosyth and Invergordon. He said a naechan• ism had been developed for the navy by which hearing. had been made to serve as effectively as sight. Since the armistice, Mr. Long added, 5,000 moored mines had been des- troyed by mine•sweepers and no mer- chant ship that adhered to the pre- scribed route had been damaged by a moored nine. No merchant ship had failed to sail for want of men, although among the crews were men who had been on ships torpedoed or mined three, four or five times. 4 - The Army Nurse Off Duty. (Sbe Speaks to a Friend from home). "I'm tired—too tired to live, To sleep or to laugh or to cry! I have given them all I can give, And yet I'nmtoo busy to die! "I'm tired—too tired to move, My head and my hands and my soul, Too weary to hate or to love, To stimulate, soothe or. console. "I'm tired of crutches and canes, Of bandages. medicine, dope, Of doctors and dressings and pains, Of sympathy, even of hope! "Of letters to open and read, From sister or sweetheart or wile; The others, that question and plead, Will haunt ma the rest of my life. "Pm tired of striplings untamed— They laugh and you love and they die! - 00 the scared and the blind and the maimed, And of forcing myself not to cry! "It's the life of a dog or a slave, This salving the wreckage of war; Yplt talk of 'our glorious Brave,' But we—ah, we know what they are! " Do I like it'—this game I must play? Does a doom -haunted prisoner sing? Don't listen—I'm tired to-day— Be quiet—yes, that was my ring. "No, doctor, quite rested—What, Dan? Not red-headed Dan from Duluth" He shan't die . . . we'll save ]him!" She ran, For of stich is our Kingdom et Youth! A Soldier First. "If you don't join us we'll annihi- late you," That, in effect, was what the Bolshevists solid tot Col, John; Ward, M.P., when; in October last, he marched his battalion into a Rus- sian town. Col. Ward promptly ar- rested the leader, posted'his hien and gums, and by resolute action Lsaved the .battalion from being cut off. Col, Ward says he would, scone" command a battalion than accept N. seat in the House of Lords. Coughed for 13 Years A No ON10 I3OTTLL7 OF` .BUrneeEl'8 ..CA -White Bronchitis Mixture cured me. W .l'f, Buckley: near S1r,--Iiin,ily ac- cept my sincere thankfulness for the bonelit mr wife derived by the use of ono bottle or your White Bronchitis Mixture, Per over thirteen tears she ba.; sunned aeutelY with a bronchial rough. After spending dollar after dol- lar on vin lens remedies no relict was ob-' 1, 111 , until she tried your marvelous remedy, noel I am glad to Slate that one bottle entirely cured her. Yon are lit liberty L0 us0 my mune• and .r slmuld be only too pleasied to answer any in- tulries, Slncer19 yours, John Holmes, No, 1 Yorkville AVenne, Toronto. Tito above is only one of the many hundred testimonials xx receive each week., toiling iyyylnnnio of its woiitlertitl healing power, It i4 8016 under' a Whey -back guarantee o auto bronchitis, toughs. colds, bron- chial nsthina. No aur•c—no pay, Ton Dines more Powerful than any known cough euro Prise 50 cents, 15 cents 09- f I mnIL 1 • 0 bo it n' fro c 1 g, t as tails f d ice Por 5+1.50, Bold only by 1lU'CtoL111i', the Druggist, 97 Dundee Street luasf, Toron- to, Pigs farrowed early in the setting sometimes become badly chilled. One good way to revive a pig so chilled is to hold hint :for a minut0 or so in a pail of water at about blood heat. Then dry oil' thoroughly and put back with Ilio sow. ttegiId'i 111ahteett aurae Blumer 1.100, the question 0f e - signing an emoted headdress for the British soldier, it consulted a gentle- man who was a well known authority on med,iaeva'l armor. He pointed out that the success of the noted makers of mailed armor in the past was in the design as much as in the sub- stance of the armor which they made. He pointed Out that the art, of making mailed armor was prac- ticed in Japan ,up to a generation ago, and that it was not improbable that in the kingdom of the Mikado there might still survive some mas- ter of this ancient craft who could give a useful hint or two for the making. of a shrapnel -proof helmet for the British soldier. The suggestion was immediately adopted, The British Embassy in Tajtie was communicated with by cable. A master craftsman of the ancient art was found in Japan and the shape of the modern British steel helmet, if not something in its composition, is due to the skill sod knowledge of ono of the veiny few survivors of the men who made armor for the Samurai of Japan when they fought with bows and arrows and double-edged swords. .._a -0(. -•o -0(•—o— 0 0 0• 0 0 e o Hurrah ! How's This o Cincinnati authority says Corns o dry up and lift out TAQ o with fingers. --0-0—o 0-�•—•'--• Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite lock- jaw or blood poison, which is needless, Bays a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freezone can be obtained at lit- tle cost from the drug store but is suf- ficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You simply apply a few drops of freezene an a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved, Short- ly the entire corn can be lifted out, root and all, without pain, This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irrl• tating the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high )heels she will be glad to know of this. It is a popular superstition in Eng- land that winding one's watch on the train means a. safe journey. timid'£ Liniment for nate everywhere. "We must hope ell things, believe ell things, endure all things, rather than lose that most precious of all earthly possessions—a trusty friend," —Charles Kingsley. Sttaard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • It is estimated that 407 airplanes teak part in the German raids on England. SEED CORN Address: INA L. GOARAZI - Windsor, Ont. Essex County ,uscyrcenra� ^^-•ens+—r�"'^-aa,ssemrw RABBITS & BROILERS Better quality preferred, WRITE FOR PRICES STANFORD'S, Limited 120 Mansfield St. - Montreal 11113 Plrst Yislt,^ Mr. Lloyd George would 00015, l#11ye the Liverpool Poet, to bare bion 1r pre• 111051110(5 ak 111s flaturs eminence when he paid a ilrst visit to Lo5d0lt as .a 11411 00 1Ih101000, "Went to the liana° 00. 0ontmons," 110 wrote home to his uncle, "Very disappointed, T will not say but that 1 eyed the 1lssernbly, 1;1 a spirit similar to that in whicio Wflliant tete Conryuel'or eyed England on his visit to Edward the Confessor as tile region of his Attur° dotnailt, 011, 'a1 t i l l i Y GIRLS I O1A ii A MIST CLUTl9 TI1O U aa. IM HAIR, BORE ITS BEAUTY Try this Hair gets thick, glossy, wavy and beautiful at Once. time edlate ?--res! Certain?—that's the joy of it. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap- pears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderine hair elsanse. Just try this—moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and In just a few mo. ments you have doubled the beauty of jour_ hair. A delightful surprise a- weits those whose hair has been neglected or Is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff: cleanses, puri- fies and invigorates the scalp. forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be atter a few weeks' use, when you see new hair—fine and downy at first—yes— but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, sof t hair, and lots of it, surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug stare or toilet counter for a few cents. • - • A man pulled out the willows that grew along the hank of a big stream of water that flowed through his :and. But he was a new man and did not realize what he was doing. He learned something when the water came up and ripped his meadow badly! Marion Bridge, C•'B., May 30, '02. I have handled MINAIID'S LINI- MENT during the past year. It is al- ways . the first Liniment asked for here, and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. Fold tablecloths differently from time to time and you will prevent the forming of worn lines in the creases. MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in live thousand offices throughout Canada. Skim milk is less digestible than whole milk. The safety lees in light feeding, =Ward's Liniment Noltesea Neuralgia. Let's try to bring into bearing this year some little field that has not brought in anything before. That will slake the world so much better. itheTor 0 cleartmk cans- airijman ryt to ti ai't' rtra tut �d INSTATE" If tl LIEVED WITH a 0 08 MONEY or write Lyman llemamber the :r it REFUNDED, 850% So., name p, h AID a "'T�''• t. r s tI ASK ANY MOIST Montreal,.P•Q, Prlco 600, might no, 1e mon again Quickly soothe 'and lineal eczetnao, !cashes, etchings and hurnnngs of the skin. (loraplsEgebltrreobyhloi1 AdlrrPr(• cord: "Cutwurn D°;.N,1r ton 6,.:,.t.,, Sold by dealers throuSYwlttthe, world, KEEP YOUR COWS EH MEN caornow ' C'' owe being rod Tor fat welter- ing (0 p timid nature, easily Pare to pain, and oro far more 111'laore fgerime setierale. A. t80od S 011ie, however••, will d0 a 1dt to- wards improving Your cows' ton. eitt0n, ser, A, 0. ZAN%AL'S • RA1O COW ItielGo R Will prevent phoriten and the re- tention et afteThtrthl will Iva them at0Ch tit will e oalv,lt ; P0' vest -( lr• toad all oovr n In cows and Calves; overcomes bar- renness; Increase 11(70 quantity aid allt;v of 1110 tnllk 111(1 wyyill ttttlrklyqquaura gar'n'et rid 2elteti udder, Every tow owner should use this 11011- derful t o Il i a, Blg b o o k on 51.100, o,a.Animal 1111.- r. A; 0. Buislo 1non1:s Iao,iutitoa e t o ant forfree. -a 5 howl ofi VA. tory, `-ticirt`zetts4tstrz='w' Lz•0E POUZOI!957C af.4Nxnn, WI? 13U1 A01 I(INDE LIVE i'GUI` try, WI)' higlherlt ((0(000 11rorltpt ,'9tUa'ns, Write Ser eltoes, I, `Yo1,n'auolt & 500, 90.15 tat. Jeen eept(0le A1,u•kot. Montreal, Out% 110+85118 WAIITED, OIt r4`11AT A000T$ WAN'rtNcl Food p,•inte; flnlshing a soeolpity; tranl50 and everything t lowoat prloos; yulelc serrlco, 1)111(0101 A.r! 4cmpany, f Arunawlok Ave., '.rorobfo, r0n 5AI,71 ._ WELT, EQVIPP30L9 N10WSNAPTJR 'end job printing plant In Eastern Ontario, lnnuranco oarrleq ;1,500. Will rn for 01,"„0p ofi entuk sale• Ti0x 81. T, T o to. t5tlpnn Publtahtng CO., td. ar n q'4r r Lig V"V 1r,1•r'ISI.y NLWSPAPtw ZrOn S1. t' 1 e NaW Ontnrlo• Own@r holo ie Prance 14111 sell g^ 000, 1., ole double that amount. Apply 3, x0(., to Wlleod PubHnhing Om. Tdrnited. Torontp. 1n$3TILZZNR GARDl9NS. LAWNS, 1rLOW10ItS. NA Complete Irertilleer. 1Vrlte Qaorge bter'ella, l'eterb000051r. Ont. WANTED 0001) LIVE AGENTS wanted (re- turned soldiers or others) to handle our mnsic'in your territory. Sell the latest patriotic and other songs before they are on sale in the stores. Pleasant work -liberal remuneration, Write for full particulars. Ideal Music CO., 17 Adelaide„East, Toronto. ELISO£LLAN£OVE ((yy AN03117. TUMORS, LUMPS. DTC.. N.../ Internal and external. cured with- out nein by our home treatment. Write Co..T im nod Collins 00( , 0 4. Medical VaI1cose Veins? WEAN. THIS Non -Elastic ,Laced LStoclthne BANITAI3,Y, as they may be washed or boiled. A1IJIISTASLi1, laced like a legging; always fits, 0050503TAHL1, made to measure; light and durable, 0002,, contains NO RUB- BER. 1,500,000 SOLD ECONOMICAL, cost 53.50 each, 07' twopos tthe same limb, 56.50, Write for Catalogue and Self -Measurement Blank Co^lies Iamb epeeialty 00. 514 Now £irks n1dg. Montreal, F.Q. EARLY .NOWrHtFN 'YELLOW QORtt oquobse grown) The earliest yellow Mat corn In Su pilon en peb only, quantity llmlted }0o, 2 3bi1, 79o, 0 us. 41,70, Petit - 000 a°00, 20:b'u 01179De 5)150E4M 000 loorehsutor 51. Worst ;7goatrosl, Quo. P,0,—send for copy or boolrlot en• titled "Making the Garden Pay,” d How to Purify the Blood ®}aFiftpen to thirty drops of e m 6 Extract of Roots, commonly 6 called Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be talion in water with meals and at bedtime, for the cure of indigestion,co str- .; • potion and bad iilood. Persist• y encs in this treatment will effect • a curo in nearly every case.” ;.Get thegenuine at druggists. r] 4 if HEN NEURALGIA A NAGS NERVES SIoan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves ' pain • A little, applied without rubbing, will penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves, Sloan's Liaimeut is very effective in allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus- cles, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu- matic twinges. Keep a big Mottle always -on Sand for family use, Made in Canada. Druggists everywhere. fike GOc., 41.20. COMMON HORSE SENSE SAYS p hn's Distemper 0 pound mPer amthe ong horses st swer and ,or all rules. aDiring stnioathe1w ntercocerningand Dinspr ng months, when there is so much change of weather and ex- posure to disease. a dose of SPOHN S each day will keep your horses is stable free Ei;uaily good as preventive or your SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen, Indiana, U.B.A. ,0cc+,, YaWm: 1.1 0(..s..,. Now operative •Canadian Northern Railway System Canadian Government Railways The Great North Western Telegraph Company 14,000 Miles of Railway 56,060 Miles of Telegraph Lines Traversing every province in Canada's Dominion and directly serving the great ocean ports of Halifax -St. John -Quebec -Montreal -Vancouver -Victoria Passenger Freight Express Telegraph Hotels San time tnbies and inlonnation apply to 'earest Canadian Natinual na9waye Agoet. C. A. HAYES, I3. H. MELANSON, GEO. STEPHEN, Vioc-President Passenger Traffic Manager irreigbt Traffic Manager Bend Offices, 'Toronto, Ont. 0110 Let P RKER Surprise You PARKER'S know all the flue points about cleaning and dyeing, We can clean or dye anything from a filmy georgette blouse to heavy draperies or rugs. Every article is given careful and expert attention and satisfaction is guaranteed. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to KE'• Wo will make them like new again. Our charges are reasonable and we pay ex- press or postal charges one way. A post card will bring our booklet of household Suggestions that save money. 'Write for it. PARI{ER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. - Toronto mr 120 '. g_`�,"��, +.,.,tom'•-^��' 'r• t"� i��'ty41h ,,,ae"'"""�*,y,,„ye �a s� r•. , u4aav �t rn. rn w�%3t'''�. b.. �"' -Yr '""ct •rt •v_.�....r- 4 u�dlL 11 dn° 0(c •r.,:maPw 3n;, `�. e'? v F'F�d' ve,•b',y's: b •'Alaltinr; Iwo blacleS grew where enty one blade grow before." "Cheap ' r mmmt a,1"dollars for youti Hard work at cultivation holes ---proper crop rotation' is another big help but ibere Is nothing that wilt give you as steady, generous, sure iind help, fertility as will dunce ' Shur•.Ga1A" p'ertillzere. Tltey give your soft the complete blend of nitrates, phosphoric acid and potash needed for bumper drops, is p 4 "Shr al 1„,,,......00GR 'fayrt€�mmz r The A)ata.fals 11'0 uao oro 1:110 rleit0st in 1110 world for elements of crop gio'Vth, and they aro eentbilied by expert chemists who havo knowledge of every foot of Canada's soil. 'What crops aro you planting this Spring? Soo your dealer about Germs "Sher•Gain" now aid be sure of real but oheepest fottiilty, Secret Aeby this eraposlant einieleet booltto1 '30010505 Olope" aaefled as esenefit. GUNNe, L,IioIITGD WSST TORONTO, ONT. aMnh, Nlar-ofi.,4--.4,....ar04.0.a'-Assasnxuw+ms°",....t.r.,c'r,neo....6,...rt..k.. t., a 4 4 r 1 1 1 4 1 4 .4 A t a • • • 1 '0 4