HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-3-13, Page 5!larch 13th 1919 Clinton News -Record Of Interest #o You and Me tall about aslevi lRo1towin Of ',the ri'dieulous fashions on the part of "the. women,?' says a lady friend of thls Page. "Look at the neon and 'their moustaches," Trudy, Who • Would have thought that sane ruen would over have settled the question of moustache or no moustache by compromising on huff a moustache.— ;Orillia Oacket, w r • In the course of an address in a nearby town a speaker asked these pointed questions ; How many Min - ides during the last ton years have -you spent in working on or thinking about, purely unselfish propositions • affecting the welfare and progress of • your town ? 1 -lave you spent at least ten hours in the last six months in 'purely unselfish service to the com- munity of which you are a member ? Now holiest bright have you 7 Don't 'all speak at once gentlemen,—Coling- wood Bulletin, West Huron Executive Meets .at Exeter The executive committee of the ''Nest Huron Teachers' Association met in Exeter on Saturday to make ";preparations for the next Teachers' Institute, It was decided to hold the -next -convention in Exeter on the Thurs- day and Friday, immediately proceed- ing Thanksgiving Day. The "Depart- ment will be requested to send Dr. .A. Stevenson of London Normal School as lecturer for the convention. A. resolution was forwarded to the Dominion Government urging, it to • make the prohibitory law permanent. It was also decided to circularize the trustees and teachers of the in- spectorate offering a reward of $10 to the section that makes the great- est improvement in leveling and seed- ing the roadsides, planting of shade "trees, improving buildings, orchards • and fences and in any sother way in which the beauty of the inspectorate as well as the valueof the property •may"be increased. The conupittce has strong hopes that this will act as an incentive to •-each and every. section to increase the beauty of the county. A splendid program ,is in process of preparation for the next convention. "The following members of the com- mittee were present : R. R. Retd- mond, president, Belgrave ; , W. H. Johnston, secretary, Iiippen ; Geo. Mawson and Miss Jean Murray, 1,1x- • oter and G. S. Howard, Dashwood, News of 1Happenings in the County and • District The new Public Library will soon . be in running order at Zurich, the .book committee being busy selecting .books. The marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown, the Goshen Line, Stanley, on Tuesday of last week of Miss Luella Brown and Mr. Gordon :)3egerley, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Begerley will reside near Kitchener. Mr, James Dickson, for some time • deputy -registrar of Huron county, has :been appointed deputy -registrar of Bruce county and has already taken up his new .duties. Pte. Alex. McKenzie of Dungannon, who returned,home some little. time ago and who has been in New On- tario for a Sew weeks, has boon awarded the Military medal for con- spicuous bravery on the field, The -decoration came to hintat his hone. A woman who had formerly lived in Seaforth returned there about three weeks ago and going to a cer- tain home asked the lady of the house if she would keep her babe ov- •.er night as she had some matters to • attend to. The woman consented to do so, although she had a large family of her own, and the babe was 'left, The mother has not since turned up and the officer of the Chil- dren's Aid being communicated with -the child was taken to Goderich and placed in the Shelter, Miss Mooney, principal ofthe Pub- lic school, Blyth, has tendered her n:esignati'on to take effect at Easter. Word has been received of fhb death of W. Clyde Ilerrington of Saska- •toon, Sask., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Herrington, formerly of Blytb. He -was a young man of twenty-nine 'years and had recently recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, He was a druggist, Knox church, Goderich, at its re- -cent annual meeting, showed all de- partments in a flurishing condition. 'The membership is now eight hundred and during the peat year $7,727,80 was raised by the congregation for all purposes. this trunk line, and commence survey -work with a view to construction of a feeder syseem which would accom- .modate.the territory north of the proposed highway and east of Lake `Huron. Brussels council at its last meeting -decided to prohibit the tapping of the maple shade trees along the streets this year,, Jas. Ballantyhe has disposed of his 100 -acre farm, lot ,20, concession 10, ',Grey, to Win. Brown, the tato thel hese factory. pro- prietorof the 1. c Y 'Wm. Ilaist of Trowbridge will he the 'new manager of the cheese factory. The Jackson :Manufacturing Co. of •Clinton intend opening a factory in Flensall in the near future, which will 'give employment to a number of Women and girls. A number ;of the farmers in the •neighborhood of Hensall have tapped their trees for sugar snaking, While a number, of others ate preparing to -do 80. Tho run of sap So far has been good, Fall wheat is looking very proinfs, lIensail and vicinity recently wel- Comed home two lucre returned ber- o0s in the persons of ' Pfes, 1)ancan aDougall,b tl A'leL,won and Samuel o t of whoa' slipped home without send• Mg word so that a public reception at the train could not be given them, A meeting in the Methodist church at Hensel, ono evening last 'week was largely attended and in addition to a very interesting lecture from Lieut. - Col. W, H, Emsley of London, seri for chaplain of Military District No, 1, :entitled "Four Years Overseas," a splendid concert was given ay local talent, and the reeve also presented the Military McUal, won by the late George;Wolsh, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh. Mary Elizabeth McDonnell of Hen- sall was harried in Toronto recently to Lieut, G. 0, Laughton, M.C., of that city. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mars, 0, A. Me- Donell of Hensel], wlio has been nursing in the military hospital dur- ing the past year or two, A pretty French girl arrived in Wingham the other day, looking, for her husband. She could only speak a few words of English but succeeded in making herself understood.. The young soldier was located a few miles from Wingham. Daniel McTavish of Wroxeter died at the age of fifty-eight after but a short illness. The Rev. A. L, G. Clarke of God- erich has been appointed rural dean 01 the county of Huron, Mr, James McDonald, a former resident of the vicinity of Walton, who has resided in the west for some time, has been renewing old friend- ships in the locality., Although eigh- ty-six years of age he is. still hale and hearty. -.Mr, and Mrs. Hartwell Speiran of Grey township announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Myrtle Ada, to Mr. Frank H. Boyd. The marri- age takes place this month., Nursing -Sister Hamilton, who went overseas with an American unit, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs: John Hamilton of Wroxeter. One of the oldest pioneers of Wing - ham vicinity passed away on Sunday in the person of Isabella Hogg, wife of Andrew Linklater, in her seventy- second year. Mrs. Linklater, had been for a good many years a mem- ber of St, Andrew's . Presbyterian Church and was highly esteemed. Following almost immediately upon the death of Mrs. Linklater on Sun- day came the death of Mrs. Wm. Bradley. Mr. Bradley, the husband, is one of Wingham's oldest residents. One son is overseas, being at present in hospital in England. Wingham town council is taxing all dogs very heavily. A monster log was brought into Lucknow one day recently. The log had to be cut into four pieces of ten feet each and was estimated- to out into four thousand feet of lumber. Besides this the top of the tree was being cut into wood,. it being.estim- ated it would make about ten cords. The tree brought the owner $125, Nursing -Sister Jessie Wilson, daugh- ter of Mr. Gavin Wilson, IVingham, who has been nursing overseas for two years and a half, has returned home. She had been at the military hospital, Shornclifte, and remained until the last soldier had been re- moved, Rev. J. W. Baird, pastor of James St., Methodist church, Exeter, has received an invitation from: a Ilamil- ton congregation, which he has ac- cepted, subiect to the approval of the stationing committee. The Exeter board has invited Rev. Martin Wilson of Hamilton, offering a salary of $1500. The spring assizes opened in Goder- ich Monday afternoon, Chief Justice Sutherland presiding. The first case was that of Glazier vs. Clarke, both of Constance. This was an action brought by Glazier against Robert Clarke for damages for injuries sus- tained by the plaintiff ,when he was i1 t elast run into by Clarke's e automobile October. He asked for $1700 dam- ages, The jury awarded the plaintiff $300 and costs. The Home and Thrift The 6011001 may do inUCll to tea011 U e young, but it can- 1 tion ah n thrift among 6 y 6, net do as mach as the home Iii this the nursery of the nation, the Fonda. mental things .of life' are instilled in- to tiro mince of the child, In propor- tion as this is done well, • or badly, will the next generation make val- uable citizens, The people of France, Belgium and Holland aro famous for their thrift, How did they become so 7 Through, the influence of the home, Necessity, combined with good sense, ,years ago taught the fathers and mothers in these countries to be.thrifty and the lessons of thrift have been faithfully handed down from one ,generation to another. The rising generation of Canadians will be thrifty if thrift is taught and practised in the homes of this coun- try. The school may do iuuclr to Promote saving, but it cannot do' nearly as much as the home, since the former only has the child for a few hours a day. War Savings and Thrift Stamps are the best means of teaching and prac- tising rattising thrift at home. They are within the reach of all, 'and they pay well. No well regulated home should be without them. Marriages McGLYNN—O'BRADY—In the R. C. church, Wingham, on March 4411, Mrs,' O'Brady of Belmore to Thomas McGlynn of Turnberry. Births WATSON—In Hullett township, on March ,4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson, a daughter, Deaths MONTGOMERY—In Wroxeter, on March 2nd, Wni. R. Montgomery, aged 64 years, HEARD—At Thessalon, on March '11th, Thomas E. Heard, formerly of Bayfield. Winnipeg and Regina are to he headquarters in their respective Pro- vinces for the Royal Northwest Mounted Police. The question of forest ranging by airplane is being considered by the Ontario Government, BIG DANCE—IN TOWN HALL, Baylleld, on March 21st. Every- body welcome.—Wm. Leitch, 84-2 WANTED—CARETAKER FOR WII.- lis Presbyterian church,—Apply to George McLennan, Chairman Trus- tee Board. 84-2 AUCTION SALE OF 60 HEAD OF Pure Bred and Grade Shorthorn Cattle and horses,—Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by pub- lic auction ou Lot 6, ' Con, 2, Stanley, on Tuesday, March.. -18th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following property : I•Iorses-2 fillies rising 2 years old, 2 colts rising 1 year. Pure Bred Cattle -1 cow rising 0 years old with calf at foot, cow 5 years old due to calve at time of sale, heifer 3 years old to calve in September, heifer rising 1 year old, bull 13 months old and 1 choice bull 3 years old. Grade Cattle—i cow 9 years old dice April 1st, 7 young cows with calves at foot, cow 3 years old, 2 heifers rising 3 years old due in April, 1 heifer due to calve in July, 3 fat cows, 7 fat steers rising 3 years old, 2 fat heifers 2 years old, 10 steers and heifers rising 2 years old, 13 steers and heifers rising 1 year old. Pos- itively no reserve as the proprietor is short of feed and help. Terms— Nine months' credit will he given on approved 'cant notes. Four pP ovel J ca cents n the dollar will b allowed wed oil for cash.—Jas. Grassiok, Pro- prietor ; Thos, Brown, Auctioneer. 84-1 action Sal OF— CHOICE STOCK The undersigned has received instructions' to sell by public auction at Lot 47, Bayfield Line (half -mile south of Clinton) Monday, March 24 1. AT 1.30 p,m,, THE FOLLOWING COW SIX YEARS OLD, NEWLY CALVED 8 YOUNG COWS DUE IN APRIL 6 YOUNG COWS DUE IN MAY 8 FARROW COWS, (1001) GRASS- ERS 6 STEERS RISING TWO YEARS 3 HEIFERS R1SING TWO YEARS 6 IIEIFERS IRISING ONE YEAR. 1 MARE RISING FIVE YEARS 1 MARE RISING SEVEN YEARS 1 GELDING RISING TIIRIEE YRS 2 YOUNG. IIRE SOWS, , GUARANTEE --Any cow represented to be in calf and proving not to be, can be returned, and cash or note will be refunded. TERMS Cash or approved point notes, three six or nine months, bearing "six per cent per 0,11111,1121.urn. GEORGE HOLLAND TILOS; G JND.R'Y, Proprietor Auetioneer YOUR CHANCES Aro good to purchase. at our store any or all of these lines of soaion- dpto goods we Y au atreasonablepriest,.9lio early as .are li ni ed i 4 , Canned Pumplcin 1.0o Sun hist Prunes 40. 50 „ ,,,18c per Ib Seeded raisins 10 oz. 15e per pkg., 3 pkgs for 40o. 5 ib.,,Pail Cora Syrup 50c, 4 lb. Jam 80e Peanut butter •80o 1h. BUTTER AND' SIDE OUR, ANNEX SPECIALS Pure Laundry Soap 16 bars for $1,00, 13 bars Gold, Comfort, P. &. Cr., Sunny Mon- day soap for $1,00, Call at Main Store, 0 cakes Palmolive, toil- et soap 25e, 1 earl Teas 45e 1 can 'l'onuatoes 20o 1 can corn ,,..,,,. ,;,220 3 boxes mat0hes.,,,,,250 Send or bring a jar or pail and we will 511 with our bulk corn syrup (0. 10c per ib. EGGS WANTED—HIGHEST PRICES. JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone til Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly cared for. FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbury street, west. Good cellar, 1j- acres garden, with fruit trees,—Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. —84 HOUSE FOR SALE—ON RATTEN- bury street east, Clinton. Good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools. -Apply to R. Rowland. —84 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements at Lot 35, Con, 10, Goderich township, on Tuesday, March 25th at 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing : Horses -1 heavy draught mare 8.years old, 1 heavy draught gelding 3 years old broke, 1 heavy, draught aged mare, 1 heavy draught colt 18 months old, 1 aged driving mare. Cattle -1 coww freshened last Nov., 1 grade Durham cow due at time of sale, 1 cow with calf at foot, 1 roan cow 4 years old due 25th April, 1 red cow 4 years old freshened last Sept., 1 dark red heifer 3 years old due 12th June, 1 red heifer 2 years old 1st July, 1 red heifer 1, years old, 10 good grade Durham calves. Sheep -8 good Leicester ewes in lamb two years old, 4 ewe lambs. Powe -60 bred -to -lay Rock hens, 2 roosters. three geese and a sande r, three India Runner duck s Implements -2 lumber wagons, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 sleigh, 1 roller, 1 seed drill, 1 hay rake, 1 cultiva- tor, 1 Deering mower, 1 set har- rows, 1 De Laval cream separator in use five months, 2 fanning mills, 1 cutting box 30 feet belt, 1 walk- ing plough, 1 pulper, 1 heavy set -harness, gang plough, ret scales 2000 lbs. capacity, forks, chains and other articles, All will be sold as the proprietor is giving up farming. 'Perms—All suras of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 8 months credit•on approved joint notes, or discount of 3 percent. straight for cash on credit amounts. —T. H. Cole, Proprietor ; G. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 84-2 UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture.—William, and Geo. P. Gould will sell by public auction at Lot 90, Con. M„ Godes- ich township, Iluron Road, 1t,- miles north of Holmesville on Fri- day, March 21st, commencing at 12.30 o'clock sharp : Horses -2 draft mares 10 and 11 years old, 1 Clyde mare 6 years old in foal, 1 Shire mare 5 years old, 1 Clyde horse 5 years old, 1 Halton hero mare 3 years old, 1 Shire colt 9 months old. Cattle -10 cows, Shorthorns and Ayrshires-1 cow 7 years old due Mar. 30th, 1 cow 6 years old due Mar. 21st, 1 cow 6 years old due Mar. 18th, 1 cow 6 years old due Apr. 24th, 1 cow' 5 years old with calf at foot, 1 cow 4 years old with calf at foot, • 1 cow 1 years old due Apr. 22nd, 1 COW 4 years old, duo June 1st, 1 cow 4 years old due Aug. 1st, 1 cow 3 years old due Apr, 21st. 2 Durham steers 3 years old last January, 22 head Aberdeen Angus heifers, one tw steers and h 1•s , 0 and three years old. hogs -1 register- ed Yorkshire sow and litter 5 weeks old, 1 Berkshire sow and litter 5 weeks old, 1 Yorkshire sow due April 30th, 9 store pigs over 100 lbs. each. Sheep -16 well bred Leicester ewes due April 5th. hens e s. I t —100 Rock and Leghorn hens. n Im- plements—Massey-Harris plements—Massey-Harris new fertil- izer seed drill -11 hoes, Massey -Har- ris hay -loader; Massey -Harris side - rake and tedder, Massey -Harris diso 16 discs, Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator 17 teeth, Massey - Harris corn cultivator, Massey - Harris scufficr, Deering 7 -ft. cut binder, Deering 6 -ft. cut mower, Deering 1041. steel roller, Deering bobsleighs Chatham knee,- Premier Sulky plow, Verity gang plow, 2 Fleury 'plows No. 21, 1 lumber wagon, 1 farm truck, 1 fanning mill and bagger, 1 8 -horse power Gould Sharpley and Mair gas en- gine, Fleury 1.0 -in. plate crusher, cutting box, 1 -ton capacity scales, 1 democrat wagon, 1 cutter, 2 root outliers, 1 Chatham incubator and brooder, Champibn sap evaporator plant complete, a quantity house- hold furniture, beds, chairs, tables, carpets, tnillc cans, pails, hanging and Rayo lamp, to. A quantity of hay and oats. 2 sets double harness, Spraylnotor hump outfit new, share in Massey ..corn binder and Stewart sheep clipping mach- ine, 25 grain bags and numerous small a learticles. Terms—Hay and grain cash. All sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 7 months credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes, 6 percent. per amnion allowed off for cash oncredit amounts. Every- thing must be disposed of as the farm is sold and the proprietors aro giving up farming, A large empty basement for aecommodatlon Of horses on 1.s1; farin north, N. W. 'f'rewatthe, and J. E. Whitely, elerks for day,--Wnu, and Geo, P, Goold, Proprietors ; '!'boa. Iundty, Arictioneer., 33-2 WANPJ11D=1000 MUSKRATS, ALSO fancy seed beans..—Jas. Steep &I Co,, Clinton. —84 FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT IN the village of 'Londesboro, - acre of land, large frame house and a big stable, known as, the .ashani property.—Apply to R. Shaddick, R,R. No. 1, Londesboro, 84-2—p OR SALE -7 -ROOMED HOUSE, bath, electric light, furnace, good garden. Apply P.O. Box 181, Clin- ton. —83 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -7 roomed house on Orange street ; *- acre acre of garden, good barn. Immed- iate possession 'given.—Apply on premises, to Mrs. J. S. Miller. —83 SPRING MUSKRAT SKINS WANT- ed.—Will pay high prices for proper- ly stretched skins. If you haven't proper stretchers will supply pat- terns free of charge,—H. A. Hovey, License No. 424. —83 FARM TO RENT—IZZARD ES - tate in Goderich township, 120 acres (ori 80 acres if preferred) partly fall plowed, large proportion in hay and grass. Good grazing ; spring creek ; good buildings. Ap- ply to W. Brydone or M. Flick. 83-3—p WANTED, A, MAID—COMPETENT general ; family of three. Apply, at News -Record Office, —82 FOR SALE-6-H.P. GASOLINE Engine ; reason for selling, putting in electric motor.—A. Seeley. 82-8 HOUSE FOR SALE.—MAPLE ST. Clinton. Frame house, 5 rooms, summer kitchen, town water, } acre garden, first class location, cheap.—Apply on premises to Geo. Taylor. 32-3—p, NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—IN THE estate of Victor Emanuel Dale, de- ceased.—Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Victor Eman- uel Dale, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died oa or about the 10th of January, 1919, are required to deliver to James Albert Dale,the administrator of the said estate or his solicitor on or before the 15th day of March, 1919, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such, claims as he shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, this 22nd day of February A.D., 1919.—W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Admin- istrator, 82-3 HOUSE FOR SALE -7 roomed house on Queen street good ; cellar; Will water. he sold on reas- onable terms. Possession given at once. For particulars apply to Wm. Proctor, Clinton, 82-4 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANIGING, —Having been honorably discharged from a milit rp duties, I am now a prepared to return to my former occupation. All work guaranteed and I solicit a share of your pat- ronage. Can also supply Wallpap- er.—J. E. Cook. Phone 54x —80 GRASS FARM FOR SALE, -100 acres, being Lot 12 on the 8th Con. of Hullett, 1k miles west of the Village of Constance, There are about 8 acres of bush and a never - failing well with windmill to pump water, well fenced. Will lie sold cheap, with terms to suit purchas- er. If not sold before April 1st will be rented. For further par- ticulars apply R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119.-79 FARM FOR SALE. -183 ACRES, south half of lot 77 and lot 78 1u miles from village of Holmesville, convenient to school and churches, two storey frame house, bank barn, implement shod, with stone hog pen under, about tour acres of or- chard o d fruit. Soil, clay # goo f o y loam, about 140 acres under cctf- tivation and 25 acres of good hard wood bush, A never failing spring creek runs through the farm, also two good wells, Will sell reason- ably, altogether or in part, to suit purchaser.—Apply to Alex. Bedard, Cofrtright, or 'Win. Bedard on premises, phone 12 on 602, Clinton, R.R. No, 2. 78-8—p ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on Lots 12 and 18, Con, 9, Hut - lett, will be prosee*ted according to law. Following a dog or a 'log rnmuing at largo the owner 15 liable to damages.—J, do J. Iles- Selwood, 6U=2 i FOR SALE:- FOUR! ]4SGIST 1''.111» .Shorthorn Bulls, nine to twenty Mouths old. Priees.right for da'c'e t sale,—J. Ii, P1u nstee1 , —83 VICTORY BONDS 130UGIIT AND sc111 at market prices.—W. Bty- dono. 82-3 FARM FOR SALE -92* ,ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation, On it 'are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x80 and straw shed 32x28 with foundation under all, room to tle up 28 head of cattle and 0 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis,, tern, about 17 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2* miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired.—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con, 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. —49 HOUSE FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house.—Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. —52 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.— I. M. Woods, Bayfield. 75-26—p FARM FOR SALE.—ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 4*. miles from Clinton. Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. - 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central, —61 THE COBNEB STORE Live and Let Live A REAL FOOD GOOD FOR ALL AGES FROM BABY TO GRANDMA: VERY NOURISHING— CHEAPER THAN FRUIT, Young's improved 'Jelly, Pow- der is flavored with the juice of the Fruit FIavors—Straw- berry, Raspberry, Cherry, Or- ange, Lemon, Pineapple, Pis- tachio and Calf's foot unflav- ored- S-P-E-C-1-A-L-S Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Grapefruit and Lettuce, E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control—License No. 8-3123 Phone 4 0 BRAN AND SHORTS Our supply of Bran and Shorts is rapidly decreasing. Don't keep put- ting it off until they are all gone and then lay the blaine on us because you did not get all you wanted. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED We, have our usual large stock of Timothy and Clover Seeds on hand this season which we are selling at very reasonable prices. Let us have your order soon and we assure you it will receive our very best attention. SEED CORN Ilow about your Seed Corn ? In some of the Corn -growing districts the crop was nearly a failure last year, therefore, good Seed Corn is liable to be scarce. We advise giv- ing us a call‘ and placing your orders early. BREAKFAST FOOD Try some of our excellent Break- fast Food which we have just receiv- ed (good and fresh), It is the very best and if you once use ilt.you will like it so well that you won't think of using any other brand. We also have the following brands of Flour: Purity, Five Roses, Jewel, Golden City, Five Jewel and White Seal, 'al- so Oatmeal, sold In large or small quantitles . W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED, Phones : Elevator 199, Residence 141 Retail License No. 9-2368 Wholesale License No. 12-82 WANTED Lalld for Flax The Canadian Flax Mills Limited aro open to snake contracts with fanners in the vicinity of Clinton to grow Flax for, the season of 1910. Por particulars apply to M. MCCORMICIK, Local Manager Phone Mend 212 SEAFORTH, Ont, fir,n 82 8 5 nosessimms LEND 11? YOU WERI1 '1'G A,SK IIS FOR TIIl7 LOAN OF OUR LITTLE HATCHET W Il WOULD 135 COMPELLED TO TELL YOU, "I1' IS LENT," AND WE HAVE THE FOL- LOWING "FISH" FRESH WHITE FISH, FINNAN HADDIE AND CODFISH: W.ftO'Neil The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2495 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I ans prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford'm grocery store—Wm. d. Jago. —08 BIRLS ¥IANTED Fav WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED Is your Sap Pans Ready ? PREPARE FOR SPRING BY HAV TNG YOUR SAP PANS AND BUCK* ETS OVERHAULED, NEW BUCKETS AND PANS MADE TO ORDER. ORDER NOW SO AS TO HAVE THEM READY WHEN THE SEAS- ON OPENS. THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 93, Sflop over Rowland's Hardware. WANTED CARLOAD OF OATS --end---- CARLOAD OF BARLEY Ask for Prices. urd RIM License No. 9-2109 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour, left over from our pouitry' feeding season. This will make a good dry mash for laying hems or a No. 1 feed for hogs. We are selling this feed at below cost to clear. We are always in the mar- ket arket for Live Poultry and New Laid Eggs at top market prices. GUNN, LANGLOCS CO. N, W. Trewartha, Phos Manager or 'Holmesville 4 -en 1411 Canada Food Board—License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full puttee - bars, Our markets aro the best. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable. AndP g rices the highest hest nons i stent' with an honest test which we guar- antee. ' Remember our Creamery Co. is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of the largest in Canada. You cannot .snake any mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our cane aro 50- quosted not to make use of fn sending cream to other creameries or Dream huyers, Write today for cane. Tris Seaforth Creamery CO. h. 11137011, 11l[ASTA'Gi3lit