HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-3-6, Page 7n.a oVw'J+L'oV'•V'eV•V•VaWe f
A Dyspepsia Care -
IA. D. advin2s : "Persons who i
suffer from severe indigestion
k and constipation can cure them- C•
• selves by takingfifteen to e
thirty d oP
a of Extract ct of Roots
, after each meal and at bedtime. CaJ
o This remedy is known as Mother e7
e Seigel's Curative Syrup in the drug 2
• trade." Get the genuine. Sec.
hand $i.00 Bottles.
aeVAX S m o i ,of^mtJls\wa eAiesaVr or
.4; moi, '','yo-.
Cllewing'Tobac co
is appreciated by both e,n
of Canada's war units yw
- "those who fought in
''larders and those who
served at hone. r.
It is also ,enjoyed
Civilians of al classes
throughout Canada' and • °v".
is recognized as being,
ere- Ie. t^4'w'ee,: I ""w,. tete eieee• . »a a.+F; ?fisc ,
The Latest
-A sports dress that re attractive
and equally eomfortab'le. The sleeves
are long anda
le' ted"and the skirt is
in one piece. McCall Pattern No. 8706,
Misses' and Girls' Middy Dress. In
7 sizes, 8 to 20 years; Price 25 cents.
• Simple frock of combination mat-
erials whish ,is suitable for afternoon
wear. McCall Pattern No. 8666,
Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20
years. Price, 26 cents.
Montrealer Attacked Single -Banded
When 19,0.00. Feet Up.
Now that the many and varied
hush" incidents of the war are com-
ing- to light, it will be interesting to
tell bow a Montreal aviator account-
ed for the last Zeppelin to be brought
down. The aviator was Lieut. Stuart
L..Culley; D.S.O., who enlisted in the
Royal Naval Service manly* two years
Early Sunday morning, August 11,
1918, word was brought in by motor
boats that a Zeppelin had been sight-
ed. When he was some 10,000 feet
• p, Culley sighted the Zeppelin a con-
auderable distance away. He decided
to attack it. He kept straight on
until the Zepeihlin was almost direct-
ly over him, when he pulled up the
nose of the plane and emptied his
machine gun into the bottom of the
airship, it being some 200 feet above
the plane. The plane itself was 19,-
000 feet in the air.
In about half a minute or so spurts
of flame appeared in several parts
of the 7eppe',tn.
The ships .had been watching the
performance and immediately the
Admiral saw the flames he sent this
signal to all the ships round about:
'Turn to •hymn 224, -last verse,"
which is as follows:
"0 happy band of pilgrims,
Look upward to the skies,
Where such a light affliction,
Shall win' so great a prize;'
Later Lieut. Culley was called on
by the Admiral to stand on the deck
of a destroyer while the fleet went by
with the crews lining the .gunwales
I cheering him.
British Skipper Remains on Water.
logged and Dismasted Craft.
The British schooner Charlevoix,
whose skipper, Captain Roberts, re-
fused to leave his dasmasted and,
waterlogged craft when his crew of
seven men were taken off in midocean
February 8, by the steamship J. A.
Bostwick, and later landed at Key
West, is still 'afloat with, its skipper,
who is just as determined as ever not
to leave it a derelict on the high seas
as a pnize for some fortune-hunting
tug or steamship which might come
along and pick it up and tow it in to
some nearby port.
The devotion of Captain Roberts to
the interests of his owners is regard-
ed as ono of the extraordinary ex-
amples of heroism in the annals of
tine sea. According to the master of
the Bostwick, no persuasion could in-
duce Captain Roberts to leave his
ship, which was on a voyage from St
Andrews, -Fla., to Macori:s, v*th a
cargo of lumber. A severe storm die,.
mantled the vessel .and caused' it to
leak, the lumber cargo, alone keeping
it afloat.
It wag forty-eight hours after the
Bostwick had left the Charlevoix
with all its crew except Captain Rob-
erts on 'board, that the wreaked craft
was again met by a. steamship. Rahg-
ing near the deep laden hulk, the lone
mariner on board was asked if assist-
ando was needed.
The reply came' back, that no help
was needed.
The steamship is of steel. The ship
then was 27 degrees 55 minutes north
longitude 79 degrees 5 minutes west.
The Savoyards.rub a crushed clove
of garlic "upon a spot that has been
stung by a wasp or bee. This makes
the 'swelling do down and drives away
the pain.
'Me Plebe; of this individual design
is in panel effect, The panels are
finished bade and front with fringe,
'and the foundation is developed in
eontreeting material. McCall Pattern
No. 8485, Ladies' Waist. In 0 alzes,
84 to 44 boat. No. 8747, Ladies'
Skirt,. In 7 sizes, 22 to 84 waist,
t'r'ibe, 20 tenth each,
• These patterns may be obtained
fireni year local McCall dealer, or
rfrone the McCall Co,,'70 Bond-gt., pro..
ratite, Dept; W.'
,. ...t
in MaLllrs of faith every loan lnust
Maze his path through the woods and
)(rake his train clearing in ww'hlah to
dwell. And he • may well thank Pod
he find spat c e'noug'h to work his
idayrs work and light enough to live
13;y....lbalph Conner, 1
The New Republic of Ararat 18 a
Proi'ince of Armenia.
'Ilhe accent appeal made by the
newly established a'epublie of Ararat
for recognition will be bettor under-
stood, at least geographically, when
it is explained that . the region in.
question is a province of Armenia.
It takes its name from the moun-
tain on which the Ark made a land-
ing after the Flood—Ararat meaning
Noah's Mountain.
The whole world, according" to the
Bible story, was submerged during
the period of the Deluge and Ararat's
topmost peak was the first dry land
to appear above the waters, for the,
simple reason that it was the loftiest
—in Armenia, at all events.
As viewed to -day ib' gives a notion
of the depth of the Flood, inasmuch
as the peak is more than three miles
above 'sea level. It is dome-shaped,
and its slopes for 9,000 feet from the
top are covered with everlasting 'snow
and great .fields of glittering ice.
The climb down must have been
rather difficult for Noah, his family,
.and all the animals disembarked from
the Ark. As for an ascent to the top,
it was formerly believed to be impos-
sible. The 'Armenian. monks de-
clared that remains of the Noach'ien
bark sbill existed on the summit, and
that by reason of their sanctity a su-
pernatural influence forbade ap-
Nevertheless, in September,. 1829,
a bold climber, Dr. Johann Parrot,
succeeded in reaching the top of Ara-
rat, and on coming down stated that
he had
found not even the keel of
the Ark up there. Since then the
feat has been repeated by several
other adventurous persons.
Ararat comes pretty near f3 -being
the most beautiful mountain in the
world. it is a long -extinct volcano;
standing almost isolated save for a
lesser. peak, called Little Ararat,
which (really part of it) is a cone
of exquisite symmetry—an ,ideal vol-
eano of a type plainly reeogn}table
as an ash pile formed about an erup-
tive chimnley.'
Below, in the valley or Araxes, was
the Garden of Eden, according to Ar-
menian tradition. At M'arsand, in
that neighborhood, was (so the monks
say) the burial place •of Noah's wife.
At Argun!, a village near a great
chasm that runs into the heart of the
mountain, Noah planted the first
How Many of
Your NeiahDors
You know of som but
ie do thej drink it?
Its because tea and
coffee disagree with
• them.
Next time a wakeful
1 lit
g r nervousness,
heart -flutter of stomp
ash disturbance
follows tet' or cof ee
.Think of Posh im.
Stories of Canadian ferelene 71'014 in
Hletories just Issncd.
'The Department of Pgblie Inform(-
tient at Ottawa hart received from the
Calm! ullan Wen% Records Mee in T.,olr-
dtln the first iileStalntelet of the !lister•
les of C"alsadi'sp bettaisogi whisdt !saw"e
served at the trent. The coneiglt-
ment consists of the !stories of the
tenth, thirteenth, `twentyeeightih and
Princess Patricia Battalions in pam-
lihlet fors(, which will be available on
application at the nominal Charge of
fifteen cents, - ',
rime Qlistoriee follow the fo'tunes of
the four units from their formation
in Canada up to the operations at
Passchendaele in October and Nevem.-
ber, 1917, although in the case of the
Thirteenth Battalion the Watery ends
with the taking of 1(111 70.
Tale stories' are written in narra-
tive foetal and make very Interesting
reading, the first attack a :at 'Ypres
,and the gallant fighting of the Cana.
diens In that bloody" battle, the
Somme operations,' the taking • of
Vimy Ridge and the subsequent
fighting around Lens, the ppeetaeu-
ler capture of the featous Hill 70, and
the splendid work of the men from
the Donhnions at Passchendeeie are
dealt with in detail by the writers in
possession of Ml available data, and
who have themselves seen service on
the. Western front. •
o•-o--o—o—o—o,.•- e-o—o--o—a--r0
I Try this yourself then pass
It along to others.
It works!
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
...O 0 0 O— O
Ouch 1 7 1 -? 1 1 This kind of i'ongl
talk will be heard less here in town if
People troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn stops soreness
at once, and soon the corn dries up
and' lifts right off without pain.
He says freezone is an ether com-
pound which dries immediately and
never in ames or even irritates the
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of •freezone ivill cost very
little at any drug store, but is suffi-
cient to remove every hard soft
corn or callus from one's feet. iYtillions
of American wvomeu will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration
of the high heels.
• •
Keeping BnsY.
House Painter (who bats just entail-
ed railway carriiage discovers among.
st the other occupants an artist)—
"Fine day. I see you're a brother:
Artist (sarcastically)—"Yes, I sup-
pose 1 atm. Do you go in chiefly for
figure or landscape Work?" •
"No. Architectural is main 411 my
line. I was oot in the eountry the
day whitewashing a barn, • Are ye
busy yersel'?"
"Yes; I ,gave the first teat to a
castle, second coated' a little village,
a few fir trees, a hillside; and finished
a flash of lightning."
"Ma conscience) But yell be hav-
ing a big contract, slieirly." •
He Was Too Duey.
An Itaiiait baying applied for oitf-
zensbip in the United -States was be-
ing examined in the nataralizatton 'I
"Who is the president of the United
"kr. 'Arils',"
"Who is 1/104 president':
"Mr, Marsh, " -
"Could ;gnu be president?"
"Mester, you 'seuae.. please. 1
busy works d!, mine." ,
t,;lir the flatirons a (food wvatilling
cvtry new mid then with soda end
het varier.
'cry •
Sa:azitl's ddnlaaent etendees lt1eu1Malta
A small bottle destroysjdandrufl:
and doubles beauty of
your hair.
Within ten minutes after an appii-
cation-of Danderine you can not find a
single trace of -dandruff or Wittig hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most will he after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine
and downy at first—gee—but really
new hair—growing all over the scalp
A little Danderine iminedlittely doub-
les the beauty of your hair. No dif•
fereuce how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is amaz-
ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and have anappearance of
abundance; an incomparable -lustre,
softness and luxuriance,
Get a small bottle of Knowiton's
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
counter for a few cents and prove that
your hair is as pretty and soft as any
—that it has been injured
neglected or in cl
g j
hairless treatment—that's all— ou
by h closeall—you
can have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will just try a little
Sounds in the Sky.
Some interesting experiments have
been made: at a certain aviation
school in the United States regarding
the various altitudes to which certain
earth sounds penetrate. A man's
shout can be heard quite di3tinctly
1,00 feet from the ground; frogs
croaking in a marsh reveal their hid-
ing -place to the aeronaut 8,000 feet
up; the rumble of cart wheels is audi-
ble at 3,225 feet, while the metallic
sound in church bells enables thein
to beat the -farmer by 150 feet.
Strange though it may appear, a
clog's bark or the simp'leeerack of a
rifle carry farther than an, of the
afore -mentioned so•mds,
hlinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, --My daughter, 13 yrs.
old, was thrown from a stoigh and In-
jured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff and very painful tor three years.
Four bottles of MINARD'S f.IN1AIl NT
completely cured her and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Yours truly,
St. Joseph,; P. 0., 18th Aug., 1800,
(}raves t 'Prance.
Their fates, Shall be a song,
bey's wonder,
)'or many a day—'
0, the red Prosaure we hav
So far away,
Q, the (poor panting love Ifla t =set
• go Weeping
Through .bloody loam,,
To find the oofdier in hitt Cloy sleep.-
So far from hovel
a'9 0,
ha glad
Fane, we have loved thea! But
beyond all measure •
Our love shall he,
Sinee••in thy bosom we have hid -mar
0! agony,
Miatard'p Liniment duras mune, Pito. •.•
Lady Barber-e"How would you Tiled
me to cut it, sir?" The Major--'!'Aw
--you line the hairs up anti number
them off, from the rigs O,d•d num-
here stand, fast, blit the two even
numbers want about en inch off.
Dress smartly with a little brilliant-
ine--end dismiss!"
The most elabeeata typewriter ever
built was 'made for the late Czarina
of Russia by an American company.
All parts of the machine ordinarily
enameled .black wel•e of a brilliant
blue, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. The
keys were of precious African ivory,
and the smaller metal 'parte aero of
solid gold. •
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
If you would 'learn to save,
keep in touch with every cent yeti
Itnuard's niulrneut Cures Dandruff.
The water in which Brussels
sprouts or oauliflower is cooked can
be utilized in making soup. Spinach
and lice water s110111l never be
et wilts tytnte'Iinos Go•, Mentisoh P,B,.Prtel QOc,
Renber the name as'It n ght net bn teen, (rain
Itecluces 11tlrsal Ertlargetaenta
Tnlckened, Swollefr,Tlssuest
tabs Tiff Tendotts Sere4
'j'1essagrout Oralsee of SStr ins
kyyyytop5,Spavid Xmmoness, allays pate
008 not bl(ste1i,rttnovp the heir p
- ay up"uhf terser, $2,50 p bottle'
Lt druggists Or ciehvcted,• Book t R free,
ABSUR731.biE; JIt;, for mankind—en
antJscpti0 liniment for bruises, cots wonndti,
etrah10, painful eveollt1t voles et glands. It
Peale and sootttpps , 1.25'? bottle at dello
guts of peotpaide RI tell yeti store 11 you
1, Ysf.Y0uN0'P.b € rd6i raantblt'e.,Montrtiaf•ean.
vlCt3s0b11C alB Absn08l1i°7t8'nta mita to Ctnadt:
10$06; 10-110
We pay the best price for Spring
Bend any Furs yomhave. You are
assured of satisfaction'ln price and
310 St. Paul St, W., Montreal, Que.
In business for 80 years
Reference:: Bank of i•Iochelaga,
St. Henry,
Iaewe Conebq[t,
The lawyer wee shoos-oxanlfltin$ a
Witnosa to re robbery,
"Wh£sn 414 the robbery tairo place?"
"I think, •" began the witness,
"Wo don't care What you think, sir,
t We want to know what you know,"
"Their 11 you don't want to know
What l think I may eu well leave the
stand; 1, can't talk without thinking+.
I'zn no lawyer,"
ASlnard'(I Liniment or pale evea•;9where.
A silver bell has been awnonynleae-
by presented to the town of . Guild-
ford, England, for use. by the town -
crier on the day peace is signed,`
in, Rig Demand
kgiglest .Prices
Assured by
Sending to
Wagner; Brasier
& Company)
- Established 1907
Send a Trial Lot
Results Will Please You
71's11tU1'Il",28 W414',t'asaa
flIVII CC1.0It wAN1l Ii -„8p3 ORCeaa.
Neat; • reverr3' te cone oe131e fiaiteweie
Primo, Aply to 1nrvoy 4arantette,se, (ra,Io,v"lo
von nal
0 )OACll
• ~'TIT L 8011 Fo O,I3:.4f3
a'a 'treletelna, freshening to good tette,
non, from three to eight y505n old, rig'h01
eMoveryrohantsWo y Casts with order, Rafvreeds,
' aanlc, iTgita. .7, C, ,10yi'0,
C hat 3'try,TUntarfo; Leech I'0.
1Y nfilt
1' and .lob ,r rinttne mesa Ins)saetw3
Otl'Yarlo. Insurionse carried 01,600, ivvi
rte 000 81,290 on nutok sale. Box 0
Wllean Pvbllshtnk Go, I,ta. Toronto,
11 I&R1 I NEWB AP109t 750!0 tib
ip New Ontario Owner going 4e
1P'ranoa. Will .set]' St,600. Worth do .04
that amount Apply .7, lee • 819 Winton
Pubitshlns Co,, ,!mired, Toronto,
BittPOlr0L42010 10
•V lgternal and •Ztornal..oared witnr
out pain by our home treatment, 'write
01'before too late. Dr,,I eliman Medlcat
Co., Limited, Oolllnrwood. Oat. •
A UTO TIR100" se x 3! AUTO '11)1.105,
Iiisrta`berate prices. . Telma
Garge &Rubr
CO. ,Gerrard and Hamilton stn, Toronto,
and 728. 17orehester (3t.' West, A3ontrear,
and light sowing at home, whole or
spare time, wood paY, work sent any dis+
fanes,- oharges paid. Send' stamp for
Perttc:ulars, National manufacturing
Company, Montreal.
1CtO& St9°E ll
TA7 a
Canada's Valorous Achievementti
Lecturer in Modern Instep re -Toronto University.
Large handsome Volume, ever 400 double colamn
Pages, equal to (boat 800 ordinary pages. Pictures.
on every Page. Nearly 400. Official Photoe, besides
Heuutiful Colonel Plates. Ona double page, in most
effective colod, eltowtnS camouflaged heavy out
battery, worth about ba f the poles of rho book.
AGENTS WANTED r1Rsr conte. F158r 5851/50.
I'or asctvspklva tenter,, lrsttn
Coan4llose. oicial photo Dell this boob on algi eslog
THIS I3 10117FERENT to any otter war
book on the market, therefore competition nil. Send
13Od. mailing expense of elaborate working outfit
and full instructions, immediately,
Wriest Co•e'tsg+ 8'otl• Samos bid
'rt1ll 1 C,6.T.PJL OGU1ll-
,]owing our full lines of Sicycieo for Mnq
end women, Boys and Girls.
Tires, Coaster Brakes, wheels, Inner lubes,
Lamps, Bels, Cyclometers, Saddles, Equip.
meat and Parts of Bicycles.' Yon can bay
your supplies trot( tui at sahelesale prices.
27 Notre Daum Street Went. Montreal,
Cana tIce s Bost Poultry Fencing
The shut in and ahut•out Fcneing—a. poultry fence atrQng enough to withstand Iha combined
weight of Iwo big hones. And that without a top or bottom board dtber. oarlock la the seem
of int arenath—a real prateetian to targe !mule and Iktic chicks too. If you urs Interested (n sack
fencing, mimes. Ask torsi" litlature. Wealso manufacture farm (encs ondortwmeutl fano-.
'i • ing and gntee. Deafen nearly ewrywJMg. Live Orton wanted in mrarg/ga,d leeelterl, k
Winnipeg, Man. ',;,. .Hamilton,Ont „..t,
E rah.
For Profit
'Write for Free Du11ct1n "
Ontario fertilizers
Limited •
Go after it with Sloan's
Liniment before it gets
Apply a Iifflc, don't rub, let it pati€-
freat, and—good-by- twinge 1 Same -for
external aches, pains strains, stiffness
of joints or muscles, lameness, braises.
Instant relief without mussiness or
soiled clothing. Reliable—the biggesf
selling liniment year after year. Fco-
nonucal.by reason of enormous saes.
Keep a big bottle reedy at all times.
.1facte in Canada._ Ask your druggist
for Sloan's Liniment,"
M r•MaxwellSuf f erced-
Years With Pimples
Healed by Cuticura
t'X suffered for years with piinplce
and blackheads on my face. The let-
• tee ane could hardly get a
pin point between, and the
former itched and burned so
that S could tear my Beall to
plocee. 1 could net sleep at
night, and lay face Was peat
a mass of eruptions.
"1 decided do give Cuticufa Seep
and Ointment 8 trial, and after twine
two rekeg .or Cntieura Seep' a d two
honor( of Cutitnrra Ointment T was
eornpletely heaped," (Signed) R.,
W atppxvvst! tipp1or Boonville, Id, S.,
1 Yon may titijlk that because Cut! -1
e cnea eines stir wooderfu) wank ill .•
8cothing and healing'severe itching
and burning eczema() Is net adapted
to the gentle wee of the toilet. On tho
contrary, that.ls just where it is most
ere:retvo in peevepting these serieua
akin treublea,
For Tree Sample Each by Mail ad.
Must poet -card: "Cabmen, Doted.,
Reston, IT: S,iA " Sold everywhere.
Spa st rstier Compound
Is as effective 1n tho treatment of one as of the other for
S.0 t E PINK. 1t 1 UA , C G Ionthe The stall) in h stud,' to' horse In t Ileior o
oh the n s he d n the
road, and the baby colt ata all Protected from disease by
an occasional dose.
Bay front your druggist.
Parker's can clean or dye carpets,
curtains, laces, draperies, gowns, etc.,
and make them look like new.
Send your faded or spotted clothing
or household goods, and
will renew them.
We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee
satisfactory work.
Our booklet on household helps that save money
will bo sent free on request to
Cleaners and Dyers
791 Yonge St. - - - Toronto
Produce Viet ory Crop
, Tr."' -'-
0i•. ""
we a t g
Wi a1a
Ota :
01-41-211. Rennie Catalogue for
1410 is brimful of informa-
tion and suggestions on the
growing of flowers and vege-
tables. Beautifully.. illustrated
in colors, tliscat:alogue is truly
valuable as a gardening guide.
It shows you the practical re-
sult"& obtained by p7ant;idg'.test-
ed seeds, and it proves to you
the best hind of seeds to buy.
Use /gray. St. enftilie Catalogue
as t7 ReadyReferotes
Make your soiectirn of seeds from it--
tltete go to your deader and have him fel
the order, . if he pelmet amply you with
Wilms require write sit direct,
S'ooafeguerdour ettetoanereall Rettitie!s
Seeds are-tcsttd at our trial Reannli"
his insuraa that buyers of itiloaitie'a
tette set teething het the ver, haat,
if siftr haven't received a cofry of parr
?l4 Cfaftzio sse, write for one to -Wray,
ItINd „ AND 2d,N;.lal
,.114-t309 Mr' t f,Oit4Igl
Y eleirltatrVelte