HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-3-6, Page 1.e .NQws-A'ecord No, 208 -49th Year' CLINTON, ONTARIO, TM/RS Alf, MARCH 6th, 1919 $1.50 Pay a year'.s subscriptionto The News - THE HOME PAPER 9 Record to any point in Canada, IsY our Sub P i for 1919 rist fors Pals- hinted a attar and ouncli, o are as clerk anti 13, Vitt, - 0 ; •• Dr, W. A.' t. East, lobbrook, 60, " e passed resenting ion; the may - to pro- em suit - the town council with the its ro- addition elieving as n is need-. tonal aw boxes and 1 routes. Tb, by - tures be with the n which draft on and the. de to the lave the tit the re - club be it become ght and McKay; auditors manses printed the usual the Clin- ciety, street prepare a county 11 the op - ss mar- ,lished by. is ex - hat such easonable 500 per gulation, citizens e effort moil to u future Laving so council Alacpher- vionday 4 e 110 council • le might. , ing that , judging hope of ppointed. their op - Wee 110 Forgot it - se of a he mayor reminding allowed - renewed are, the meetings. ear is en - curiosity, _ —oh,, well, to song" ke a heal - most in biic bus - en inter - citizens they be - what is to confer on of a n heroes oh Thugs- Ire many'. decided take the loeation, arranged,. s are ar- 1 be call - it. the board ay 'ven- a couple nvitation. nim Motk- rom his siden was Camila of es will, accepts, of the eject, of stationing • ______ W1JLOOMId IIO11'lpi, B0Y$ 1 Slat: 1'IIIS B,LiTa <. . .® THE LOCAL MARKET.. Wheat, spring 12.09; fall $2,1k, Pte, J, S. Silcox and them Ma- , Tho Clinton hockey team will play Council Puts Through Large G ® ]� ]�i MaravatiOns A. balky Horse, 'A Stalled Motor, A Stubborn -Husband, A Iareotiono Oltild, anis 4 Wayward Watch, —And the worst is a Wayward Watch If you happen to be present you generally know when. any of • the firt four have arrived—you'll know it is there. is " however, is so deceitful that you may . The •Wayward..Watc y look at it straight in the idles and yet it will be lying to you all the time. Ib "fettle" without you knowing it until it -is too tarp, 'i "wellmade" and are also "well regulated" Jiellell Watches are a n g and if well used will prove themselves faithful, reliable thnekeepers , —fullyguaranteed of course, We can send you. one by mail, g 80c.; 13aile �180c. 3 Oats G6°, Butter 42c to 13c. • Eggs Set 811o,come Sgs 9 0 Live Hogs $17.25. FRACTURED RIGHT ARM': Maxtor Ernest T+'ord; swt of* Mk. o' le a . John Ford, met with an ae it nt t the rink the other daywhen ire col- tided with another boy and in falling • his right arm. It. is only broke g a 3 about two years ago that 7:rnest r fractured so. one. had his belt arm a cannot now laugh at the other, By quire, sou of Mr. W. A. Maguire, au- rived horn° irate overseas ou Tuos day, the fpxnzer at si o'Clook, silo latter on the.. late train., Thus' they by ones. and twos, Soon •all : will bo bailee. AGAIN ATTENDING BUSINESS.' Aix, H, Plun�tsteel who has •had a yer severe illness, was able to conte Y down torn last Thursday fo> the fist time. Mont rh somewhat thin r t 6 and not feeling just like himself' yet Mrs I'luw.steel is steadily gaining and it is hoped will soon . bo all right again, the .Seaforth toain..00 local ice on Friday evening of this week, This wJll Ile a goocl'gam0 aS bout rebels will do their best and those who wish to encourage the boys/ should not fail to go out and see it: HAS BOUGHT HOUSE IN TOWN, Mx, John Little has sold his dwell- Ing on 4jupen street, that until xe- celttly hehnpi0a- by lvIr, F, 11oliyman, to Mr. Walter Mair of the Base Line , who with his family will p0cupy' it before very, ,long. This will make them a vary comfortable Home and The News -Record, in behalf of the town, Cliu- ;i'he council met on Monday even- ing, all 711emliots prgspnt tlltd the mayor in the chair,Minute's of last meeting road and adopted, Communications were -react from the Khaki Club asking that the odulz- ell assume the responsibility of the rent beating and lighting of bh0. g club • rooms ; from the Provinpial Highway Association asking fax an endorsatlon of a resolution passed at itis recent convention held in Surat- ford, TIere the mayor reznalked that n deputation of ladies was present and if the council would =emit they eon Reeve Ford and Council ley and AfelaWan Wer0 app committee to go into the in report at next meeting of c The town officials to clan ,follows ; D, I,, Macpherson, treasurer, salary, $500 ; R. Simons; chief constable, $0 Jr' W, ,Shaw, M,O,II•, $100 ; Grant,"eng'ineer, Fees ; Wn }�, 11 er, fees ; J, , S wei cemetery cemetery superintendent, $5 The following motions wet 6 during 'the evening, each rpt a certain amounts of discuss ' • jeweler and Optician Clinton ,� %� - ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES: 100031101••••IMMILISalailiiM10119 ^-92.11M1•01111.0111....1 carrying the wounded member in a sling Ernest is able to go about, ev- en tltouglt ho cannot take an active.: part in gamescanno oris, r WHAT IS YOUR INCOME . lgettingalong The Ae iartment of I'inanao is pub- 'dishing an advertisement on`- another page of this issue calling attention - MIS, MARSH/11.1 IL.L, -We regret to state .that Mrs, Robt: Marshall is . quite ill wttli bronchial pneumonia at the home of her laugh- ter, Mrs, Jas, Livermore; ging St, Mrs. Marshall is . ettfn * in years .,which makes her illness take on a more serious aspect, • will bid them welcome to ton. • THEY_ HERE GOING SGIJ`1H. " A dock of gesso was seen flying south over the town yesterday morn- ing. It is not known whether these geese had remained here all winter and were "shooed" further south, by would hear what they wished to say, McEwen—Carter : That Tho members of the council heartily or and cleric be outpow°rod cure a loose loaf •record syr agreed and Mfss Vl innifrad 0 Noil ad- able for Mine and indexing dressed the council' regarding the General Hospital • recently opened• by-laws. "The Patriotic Societies of the town Ford—Paisley,; That tlil „ have taken over, as you know, said enter into negotiations bliss O'Neil, "the hospital and open- Dominion Govermnent and ed it as a general hospital. We have presentatives regarding an to the Dominion Income Tax Act HAD SU• CCESSFUL SALE. the flurry of snow which -fell' the' nada a canvas of the town and col- to the Clinton postolfice, b ��— and explaining joist who should fila • Taxa- LIMO` Sween before or whethei theyhad. g come lured by the leered quite a sum of money but not we do. that such an additio Clinton • •. Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up Reserve and Total Assets 585Branches, Interest Branch s ¢ ( lyt! ei OF CANADA. - Incorporated 1860.�j Undivided Profits Head Office, Montreal Witt' world wide paid on Savings - - R, E. MANNING, = f : '' $25,000,090 14,000,000' .' 15,600,000 427,000,000 connection, Deposits, Manager returns with the' Inspector of Mr, Adam Scott of the Base tion. • All ,unmarried persona, widows had quite a successful sale on Tues- chil- or widowers without dependent day, spite., of the 'disagreeable weath= dren who earned or received 0110 or. Ho lied not a very large stock thousand dollars. or mora ;during 1918, but it was a choice lot of cattle, all other persons who received two some of the cows bringing $130 and thousand dollars or more and all $135, The implements also sold corporations • whose profits exceeded, well. three thousand during 1918 must ap- • ; , ply for papers, fill in . properly and GAME DIDN'T COME OFF. return to the proper person. The Clinton 'Girls' Hockey team LITTLE, LOCALS, went to -Forest on Friday afternoon last to play,a return match with the The United Farmers will meet in Forest girls, Owing to the mild the Agricultural offices en .-Thursday, weather ;the ice was • too soft to al- evening next:,_ low of a game being played but the Miss Clete Danford leaves for De -Forest girls put on an impromptu troit the eiiil of the month to enter dance and entertained the Clinton Harper Hospital as a probationer young ladies very nicely. The tofu- nurse -in -training, perature dropped a little at night north earlier, mildness of the winter, and had re- pented. Anyway, they seemed to be going sout}i instead of north, as usually happens• along about this time of year or later. EARLY CHICKENS. An esteemed subscriber in Hallett township writes The N°ws-Record1919 this morning : "Talk about early robins, Mr, J, Tiplady of the Base Lino has a bunch of thrifty Feb- ruary chicks, ten being hatched front twelve eggs," and he evidently thinks this is as good a sign of sexing or a mild winter as anybody would want, Well, we agree. And we respectfully suggest that Mr: Tiplady take "excel- lent caro of these enterprising chicks; nearly enough to make it .easy for us ed in order to supply addit to,put it into proper shape and con- connnodation for posted -lice tfnue• to operate until it begins to the •requirements of the mai make some returns When the epi- McMutrxa —Johnson : Tli demie broke out last fall and the y woman were called upon to help it, law to raise $2000 by Bebe was felt that an hospital was badly Prepared in consultation 1 needed. Probably there would have Public Utilities Commissto will provide for the over been many more deaths but for the fact that the women were organized waterworks capital account extensions, and -rose to the occasion then. We would like the council to supply us That an application be ma with light and water and as much of Ontario Railway' Board to a grant`. as they feel they can give," by-law validated, Mrs, W. Manning also spoke„ She McMurray—McEwen 7 Th: said she felt that such an appeal quest of the Clinton khaki would not he amiss and would not be granted and that the conn': in vain. responsible for the rent, li The mayor assured the ladies that heat of the club monis in th theft request would receive the best block. �,� . _ - ., '�'� llat Miss and by two and morning in lock i the and that lie present The News -Record eggs consideration of the council and they Paisley=Ford : That the ChWe iclley,g who hasabeente in Winnipeg (he ice was shape p g goodwith half a dozen of the first eggs Clinton is usually_,game, withdrew, report be received and INCORPORATED 1855 ...•••• •••••••••••• for some time, has hada rather bad club, which they lay next autumn. After rite withdrawal of the depu- the various departments list i attack of the flu but at last reports ,offered to play the match then, get 'to -the �f li � _ E _was fr1 N_s i 13 n, _ton . convalescin ting ill over in time to leave for B. OF Ar. MEETINGS. g• home by the early train, but their A number event to • Sea[orth on hostesses wouldn't, They probably =� series of meetings are >ieing livid Monday evening to see the, hockey had never heard of a hockey match at. this week under the auspices of the, Collingwood and Sea- South Huron Board of Agriculture. tarsen the council returned or dlstrilttttfon. consideration of the business in hand. Ford-11.MBIurra That A communication was read from the grant of. $60.00 bo iven to county cleric asking for a plan of the g Central Agricultural So town, for use in regard to the Good g • Wil: Capital a>i�� Reserve �8 8®0 X011 > > 98 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Eusinecs Transacted. Circular Letters=of Credit `rank tIDaoney Orders,The • Savings Bank Deuartnient o� � 9V • Interest allowed at highest current nabs, P H. R. ,�11�s1i, Manager, Minton Branch ", • D • • .• • snatch between ,•such an unearthly hour, so the forth. Score 7-1 in favor of the game did not come cif. Airs, H. B. 0n Tuesday they met at Londcsboro, northern town. Combo accompanied the young ladies Wednesday at Dungannon, tela} at Mrs. L. Txolvse, who on Tuesday as chaperon. St, IIebans and tomorrow at I(utail• last'passed her 78th birthday, is busy Afternoon and evening meetings are again collecting for the, Bible Society, DEATH OF JAMES AG\N'EW being held in each case, Om 11''anen'5 a work she has kept up for two score „ Institute holding separate meeting in the death took place at Stratford years or so, hospital. on Fridaylast o5 James Ag - for tine afternoon and Coming tcgotl;er p a Dint meetin in the steels, j g g• GLENCOE WINS AGAIN. new, son of Mrs, Sarah Agnew of p speaker •are : Dr. IL G. Rei'i, Clinton. g young man had been Georgetown, Mr. Cavin ilaiber, Glencoe again defeated the locals The gfor the in the savior series of the Northern working for rho G.T.R. Company as Cross Hill and Mrs... A. li. J Uomas, Hockey League last night, winning fireman and had a run out of Sarnia. Beamsville, by 8 to 0, but. the game was played Some weeks ago he was taken ill andIN 11 g THE EARLY DAIS.' under protest as the visitors were went to rite hospital at Stratford but "Reeoi_ Roads scheme. Ford—Paisley : That the The mayor made shine explanation committee be instructed to of the meeting of the Provincial plan as requested by the Highways Association at Stratford clerk. on Feb. Lin,. which he and Council- Johnson—Carter ; That i lot Langford attended, and a motion inion of this council the grt was passed 0ndoxsing ' a resolution gin of $S,6D per ton as estal carried at that meeting recommend- the Ottawa Fuel Controller • the immediate undertakin of the • ing g cessive, as it appears to us construction of the road between p margin far exceeds a r Toronto and Sarnia through Brame- profit and also the limit of ton, Georgetown, Acton, Guelph, ton as, defined by the re Kitchener, ,New Hamburg, Stratford, That int interest of the St. Marys, Parkhill and throw h -tine y g ' it 'is desirable that sem fruit belt in the neighborhood`" Ayl 1 i•.•.•ti " ° "i "`., • . greatly strengthened by the presence thinking that he was improving and John Lewis, Daily Star, in should be made by this co of Arthur Davenport, ,the former Lon- being tired of the hospital he left it loctions" in The - Toronto Gloine's don 'days 75t11 Anniversary Edition, says: mer and Thedford and on to Sarnia, see that coal is supplied ii there to linin up with the 'Liberty . star. and sant a few with relatives. Davenport for the he was "I became a reporter of The Globe at a more reasonable price,' highway of the State of Michigan. _ RsiADY•To•WEAR CLOTHING 2 he Morrish Clothing Co. ORDERED - CLOTHING accounted six of But on becoming worse ob- goals scored by the visitors, and his liged to return for treatment and on in November of 1883. The building. work was easily the best seen here Friday, just as his brother, S. Ag- was the one in which George Brown fn years. new, who had come up from Deseron- was shot, and whiclt.was afterwards A large the him, his pulled dowvn,for the extension of Vic- Reports were Beard from Council- "I do: not remember ever 1 for Johnson, chairman of thee Fire many motions at a single and Water committee recommending meeting," remarked, Clerk the purchase of two white waterproof son after the meeting on • crowd witnessed game, to to see was approaching -which was played on fairly good ice. bedside, he passed away. His bro- toria street. The city to be covered coats and caps for the captain and evening, S'PRI G SUITS - Though winners of the home -and- ther Robert of Toronto was with had a population 0f 100,000. Muth home series by 26 to 0, Glencoe for- him when the end came. shoe -leather was worn out in the felted its right to continue in the N. He is survived by his mother; -three quest of news, there being only a 1010 H. L., as the first game was thrown brothers, S. Agnew of Deserbnto, A. miles of street railway, traversed. by out on account of Davenport being Agnew; of Detront and Robert of Tor- here° cars, for which the city editor ineligible, onto, and two sisters, Mrs. W. Mc- reluctantly parted with tickets." The line-up was as follows : Olinchey of Clinton and bliss Belle Glencoe Clinton Detroit. YOU NEVER CAN TELL, lieutenant of the fire brigade, and from Councillor McMurray, chairman Fromacasualglance into f. of the special committee appointed to chamber on Monday night •ot investigate the coal situation, to the have been excused for think effect that "the local fuel commission- there might be a "show" or or had. been mislead by the Assistant from the attendance. Fuel Commissioner in regard to as- _ certaining the cost of coal to the Agnew of Peardon goal Cook The remains were brought hire for March began to come, ,in ".inks a• Dobie defence ` McDonald interment„ the funeral taking place lion" on Friday night; when n Davenport delence� Mitchel; from the home of his mother, Itat p violent storm of thunder, lightning, Weaver centre I{ilty :tQnbury street, on Sunday afternoon wind and rain passed over. It is rel- Hamilton wing t Dxapei to Bayfield The at Those who attended in the local dealer and that the local dealer seeing fireworks 'were disa had reduced filo price. of coal to the Though the members stated consumer on receiving instructions inions without reserve there from Ottawa that a toss margin of g g stormy disagreement, $2•li0 had been established for Clin- cemetery. services dam we have a thunder storm in _ Wall Elliott the Rev. __ ton, 'ton, We find that the gross margin Spring's newest novelties are here and it's a big selection, the biggest we' have ever shown and we knoui - that you will enjoy seeing them. Buying, as we do, in large quantities enables us to secure the choice of the season's newest fabrics. Our suite are made for us by, what '• we consider the best clothing menu- lecturers in the trade, They, are carefully hand tailored garments and have the dash and style that is us- with the highest wing the house were conducted by'February and it is said to be a sign Referee, Edniunds, Stratford, 'J, E. Hogg, Rev., A•, Macfarlane of a late spring, but anyway March read the services at the graveside, come in like the proverbial lion and •DEATH OF -DR, McBRIDE.p The pallbearers were D. and W, John- ought ,to show lamb -like qualities as On Sunday morning the death of son and L, and W. Hayter, the month advances. The winter cured at his home in Weiland of Dr, AMONG THE CHURCHES, of 1919 has broken all records and McBride, 'son -in -lady of Mr, and Mrs. no predict—no; we don't; either,. that D. S. Clull of,.town, Dr, Mcl3ride St. Paul's Church is one foolishness we never indulge w 11 be remembered by many.0linton Rev. Canon Hill will conduct the in, foretelling the 'weather—but we citizens, having visited note 011 sew- services on Sunday next, The morn- shall not be a bit surprised if the ,eral occasions. He was, until stria- ing subject will be the first part of season Continues to break records en with this illness which was the `nd t0 set all at dafiauce, the Lord's Prager.signs„ cause of his death, of the most re- Service every Wednesday '- evening bust appearance and news of Itis A CHARMING ENTERTAINMENT, during Lent, commencing at 7.30. early demise will be a surprise to Ont. St, Church It was a very successful and ideas - many, The following despatch from - • appeared in Monday's Bail, The pastor will occupy his own ped ing entertainment which was held in les i pit- on Sunday. His evening subject Owen Memorial Hall on Monday .ev- "Dr, C. J, Me]bride, one of the will ba : "Reasons Why,You S1ii i1d ening under the auspices of St, Paul's most popular physicians in this coon- be a Christian. Sunday school. ty; ,died here at five o'clock this Plans are under way for the hold- The feature ot, rite program was morning, While on his way to Flor_ ing of a series of anion revival ser- the singing and dancing of Sam an$ the two Methodist churches Once the audience so far covers the local dealers expenses af- self as to applaud the add/ ter the coal arrives at the Clinton member of the council but t station." sharply, called it to order, This report was adopted and some it that that was not allows discussion followed, Councillor John- — son thought the coal too high, He If it is the outcome, of a said the onlyoeway to supply the peo- interest in the town's well p with hap fuel was to establish attendance at the council municipal coal yards, buy the coal since the beginning of the y and sell it' to the people at cost, couraging, If it is; but idle But" the great discussion of which brings out the crowd filo evening came when t h o even diose who dome bylaw appointing the. town of- might in time remain to tal ficers came - up, Although it had thy and an ,intelligent int apparently passed in committee, some things municipal. The pul clauses were •objected to. It Was de- mess of the town has not b sided to take the bylaw up clause by eating the majority of the clause and Councillor Johnson moved for some years. It is time t that the name of R. Welsh be struck gen to take more stock in out as,.night watchman and that of going on, - E, Grealis. inserted, Other council - f wally associated ches of merchant tailoring. You will certainly, enjoy seeing these splendid values we have for spring: 9 Com° in and try them on and note how well they At, what 'smooth , fine you will texture rile clout is, tion y realize why we are so onthuslastic about then]. ' vices by Dorothy Munro of London, ida a week ago, he was ,taken sud- y juvenile in April entertainers of rare abilit and denly ill as he stepped off the train y in 'New York city,_ and was immed- Baptist Church' charm, Sam has been described as lately brought home. Since that time "Prayer and the Reign of Law,”the Juvenile Harry Lauder"and he has been sinking rapidly until his will be the pastor's morning subject his little sister ably assists in the death, For the past year he had on Sunday, the sixth in a aeries on program, Their performance was suffered" from tuberculosis, _ "Prayer," In the evening the sub- much enjoyed. Their mother, Mrs, Dr.; McBriita was born thirty -11th feet will bet "The latest Blesses° Munro, acted as accompanist, years ago at Cookstown, being. the of the.Peace Conference in respect to fibbers taking part in the program son„of the late Robert MaBxide, He the Jew—A sign of the doming of weile Mrs, MVleItinnon, who gave- a was graduated from the University of Christ, y1 couple of readings ;, Mr,• J. E. Doher- Toronto,and came to Welland seven Willis Church t who contributed a solo and the } , , years ago, since wliicll time lie had The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup Collegiate quartette, which sang very built up the largest practice in 'the . per will be administered at the morn- prettily, Thera wore also some drills county. 1 -le has been coroner' for a ing service on, Sunday, The minis- and choruses by, 1110 school, Alto- con- lois objected to this and after con- sidorable discussion it was decided 1V,1LL ERECT 1VIONUI4IENT that, the .bylaw, be passed with a • blank opposite the office of night The committee chosen watchman and .the council advertise• with regard to the erects for applicants. memorial to Clinton's faller Reeve Ford thought that fn justice met in the council chamber to. Constable Welsh any charges of day evening last. There w neglect of duty should be investigat- proposals but the committee ed, that it was easy to make charges that the memorial should anis a man fought to ]lave a chance form of a monument but to defend himself, Councillor Car- etc„ has not yet been ter thought also that an investiga- When more complete detail tion shoitld be held,said he had. ranged, a public meeting wit hoard various things brought against ed aid the plans laid before. • i number of years, - . ter's subject on Sunday evening will gether it was' a very 500cessfu1 enter- He was an enthusiastic sportsman,. be 1 "In the Midst of the Years, tainment. Mi, C. D. l3ouck occupied and had always taken an interest in Pre-connnuntoh• service will•bo Iseld the eclair, The proceeds of the en- the sports of the city. Ile is surviv- in the church on Friday evening at tertainment go towards a piano tend ed.,hy his wife, his mother, one bre- eight o'clock, Rev, W. D. McIntosh for the Sunday Wheel, riot and astep-brother and stop -sir- of Brueofield tiding •the preacher, A pretty feature of the• evening was Constable Welsh and lie thought in AN EXCHANGE. justice to hum a committee of roves - tigation should be appointed. But a „ At a special meeting of 1 motion' by Reeve Ford naming Coml. of Wesley church on Tuesd 01110 1 Paisley, Langford and Mafia- ing -Rev, A. E. Jones who ray as a committee of investigation Of weeks ego received an I -•"°"� T *� 11JLo �• op "A t,U :k7�ltl4{1l �y1��y1pQ �very W Deal for T .w q i ,� � yf • 1 ter. Ile was a Mystic Shriner, and WesleyChurch the resentatiout,of birthday gifts th •r, ;, , � Y -a member of the Elks, Foresters and The pastels subjects next Lords the two child Performers, to Mealier Woodmen of the World.” Day will be, in the morning, "The Munro n tie pin and to Miss Dorothy Mr. Clufi and Wages Grace and Nal- Church and Its Experiences," In the Munro a pretty brooch, The jewelry lio were i Welland when the end „ Mr, W. Jackson loud n evoning, The Cowards and t110 .was gxwon by came, The funeral took plat:' to Al- „ Giant the presentation mettle by the chain !MUM yesterday.The Cllureli amtiv0rsatry ,services man, Magee- Munre'S ninth bnrthday MOS, Mcllride's many ilinit0n will be held On unudity' Ma0011 23rd, falling till feliowiag day • a11d 1115 m atlifZe with Ifo/ in Icor g Seventh t Oar a friends Sy p when Itev, Dr, Rutledge of Godorich sister 0omploting her Sevo , i y boreawetnent, *ill Proa'ok Ilabsttfiig and evening„ week later, was lost, on the yeas and nays being from the board of the Meth asked for only Ford, Langford and Mist church, was released I McMurray voting yea, obligation here, and an invit 1110301 Cooper said be thought tiro given to the Rev, D. N, Mc council should Inake settle a0knew. Blenheim. These chin E ladgent°rit of rho long and faitltfuli p' v.dpd Mr, iVlcCautus servie06 of Chief Wheatley, whit Prase take pla011 at the end 'iV6n a0 1111)11 '0f his b1St ears, tQ present cenrelende Oat 511 y I Y t the service of the town and on enc- course, to the will of the Hatt of Counialloora Carter and John- committee, rist fors Pals- hinted a attar and ouncli, o are as clerk anti 13, Vitt, - 0 ; •• Dr, W. A.' t. East, lobbrook, 60, " e passed resenting ion; the may - to pro- em suit - the town council with the its ro- addition elieving as n is need-. tonal aw boxes and 1 routes. Tb, by - tures be with the n which draft on and the. de to the lave the tit the re - club be it become ght and McKay; auditors manses printed the usual the Clin- ciety, street prepare a county 11 the op - ss mar- ,lished by. is ex - hat such easonable 500 per gulation, citizens e effort moil to u future Laving so council Alacpher- vionday 4 e 110 council • le might. , ing that , judging hope of ppointed. their op - Wee 110 Forgot it - se of a he mayor reminding allowed - renewed are, the meetings. ear is en - curiosity, _ —oh,, well, to song" ke a heal - most in biic bus - en inter - citizens they be - what is to confer on of a n heroes oh Thugs- Ire many'. decided take the loeation, arranged,. s are ar- 1 be call - it. the board ay 'ven- a couple nvitation. nim Motk- rom his siden was Camila of es will, accepts, of the eject, of stationing •