The Clinton News Record, 1919-2-27, Page 7Complete shoal Set ---24 Pieces - I:�.z�14, �ar�lU«�;>L L REE TO.1 QYS AND N'EI'L S, �4? ii;`1X4 ••, Inds ootid 'centainat t Tann 1?slits 4S 1. :EGnblish ,School Caso Flea Crayons t?I milers/ T.3on or 7 Japanese :Penni! Bog t Itox All it 1 Strapial Dray Ina' Pencil . Slalnlaat+„ 6 TEuuber-ti„ou Lead resells 0a'oton -ease Lisa I'euells J. Xe00t I3L001ft1 0 l.'atrloUC 137 olte1'6 'solea el 17nlOn J'aelt Iles' Stee on so tial. a'ott oan itut the pats Oa Your pollool Uao1CO, litters, ata 'We will Ore you this whole 34 ,Seca School Outfit 'tree of all charge It Yoe wv111 sell lust 00 paeltat;as of our lovely emboearil St, 1?atrlrlt arid 'x]aslor post cards at 10 cents a package (0 earls in each package). Send- m1 yctu' uaine aril we will' send you the cards to sell, When seelrl send as titin mow and we w111 send you the whole MAID, A.dilt'essl IfCOMER`VA `Riil-ki CO., Staph. 08, OTopo0t0 :ars 3s1V31N.though the war is over, it "is stiff l very necessary to continue your Back- Yard Garden, as the whole world is short of food, and will be for some time to come. dant a Peace Garden with Bruce's Seeds, the beat that grow. It will be a squrce of revenue to yourself, and will -fulfil a duty to your country. 119. -Pogo Catalogue now redly, describing Seeds, Plants ,d Poultry Supplies and Gorden Implements, an quoting - prices. 0 is free for the asking. Write now tor It, JOHP1 A. BRUCE & CO., Ltd. Established 1060, HAMILTON, ONTARIO MARSHAL FOC - - -BY HIMSELF "THE PRINCIPLES OF WAR” BY THE ALLIED CHIEF Some Extracts From the Most Remarkable Book On Tactics the War Has Produced either, that- one only carries out an order received to such t point as ap- pears tO be convenient, falx, rational, or possible. 11means'that ono frank- ly adapts the thoughts and views of .the superior in command, and that one uses" all humanly practicable means in order to give him satisfac- tion." .There may be seine who will ques- tion his view that the whole respon- sibilty of winning or losing a war rests on tits shoulders of the comman- ders. "Great restarts in way," he says, "are due to the commander. History is therefore right in slaking generals responsible for victories, in which case they are glorifed, and for defeats, in which case they are disgraeeti. With- out a commander, in battle;•no victory is possible. The will to conquer, such is victory's first condition, and therefore every soldier's first duty, ,but it•also amounts to a supreme re- solve which the commander must, if. need be, impart to the soldier's soul, A battle won is a battle in which one will not confess oneself beaten." In that last remark Foch truly re - see, feel, or smell something which weals himself. wvill convey what the enemy is np t6. _ "Wiles„one moves at night,” says PRINCESS PATRECIA'S•MARRIAGE, Foch, ."without light, in ons own house, what':does one de? ' Doe one not (though it is a ground one knows well) extend one's arts in front of elle so as to avoid knocking one's head against the wall? The extended arin is nothing hut an advance guard. Commander The Mon. Alexander Rene say,-R.N., Belongs to Ancient Scotch Family. Commander tate Hon. Alex, Ramsay, R.N., who married Princess Patricia, "The arm keeps its suppleness when 1110 second daughter of II.R,R. the it advances, and only stiffens more Duke of Connaught, is ono of the tour or less when it meets an obstacle, in sons of the 13t11 Earl of Dalhousie, and order to perform its duty without brother of the present Earl. He was risk, to open a' door, etc. In the same an aide•de•eamp to the Duke of Con- way, the advance guard can advanc After the Franco-German War, and go into action without risking de a young Frenchman named Foch re- struction, provided it uses the stip turned to a university in a district pleness and strength, 'maoeuvring occupied by German troops, to re- power, resisting power." sume his interrupted studies. Had • Marshal Foch dons not, of course the German troops foreseen that the suggest that knowledge of a danger knowledge which the young student necessitates rmming straight into it was acquiring would, forty-seven Among the considerations which must years later, disembowel the German be weighed—sometimes with lightning Empire, it is possible that a stray rapidity—is one's capacity at the time bullet might have ended Foeh's ca - :the danger is sensed. This applies reel', - equally to small and large manoeu- "The Principles of War" is, in effect, I ores. To know one's capacity exactly p Y Y the story of the German defeat, for in requires very considernbe skill, as the it Marshal Foch explains the philo- following illustration shows: e naught in Canada, and afterwards - Flag Commander to Vice Admiral de - Robock at the Darclenelies. For his . Services during the Dardanelles opera- tions Connnander Ramsay received the , D.S.O. IIe has since been employed at the Admiralty, The Ramsays of Dalhousie are ono of the oldest' families in the Scots nobility. h1 Scottish history they have been premium); since the 13th cen- tury. They were Scottish feudatories Of great power as early as the \Tar of independence, and -at ono time even contended with )he mighty UOnsO of Douglas. For generations they have been most closely associated with For- farshire, where the Earl of Dalhousie has great estates. As Earls of Pan- mure they were out in the '45. Princess Patricia was born et Buck- ingham Palace on March 17th, 1850. Her elder sister, Princess Margaret, Is Crown Princess of Sweden. During theDuke of Connaught's tenure of the Governor -Generalship of Canada, Prin- cess Patrica greatly endeared herself to the people of the Dominion and in the course of the warthe title of "Princess Pat" has secured a further hold upon Canadian affections as the designation of one of the most gallant of the many gallant regiments of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. It is worthy of note that this was the Eourth'Scottish marriage to take place in the British Royal Family, Princess Louise having married the Marquis of Lorne, afterwards the Oth Duke of Argyll; the Princess Royal, the late Duke of Fife; Prince Arthur - of Connaught, Princess Patricia's only brothel•,. the young Duchess of Fife; while now Princess Patricia has been united to a descendent of William de Ramsay, a companion of Robert the Bruce, and one of the signatories of the letter forwarded in 1320 to the Pope, asserting the independence of Scotland. soplues anci strategies which have guided him during the great test. 73e lays down a thousand anci one tary laws, but behind all is an elas- ticity which perhaps is the real root of his genius, It is said of cricket that nothing is as certain as its un- certainty. So, of war, Foch writes: How the Regiment Dwindles "One regiment of 3,000 rifles, if well cared for, represents, after a few days' campaigning', 2,800 rifles.; less well managed, it will no longer in - ludo more than 2,000. The variations in the moral are at least as ample, "There is ncthing absolute in war, How, then, compare two regiments The best plan will go wrong, and the with each other? Under the same most ,tete organization will break name they represent two utterly clif- clown if it is not applied by a man with ferent quantities; illness, hardships, Skill and determination to take adv an- i bivouacking at night, re -act on the tago of theNehanges and chances of 1 troops in different ways. Certain the moment. troops, after such an ordeal, are soon "The unknown is the governing con- • only a force in name. They are noth- dition of war. The best commanded' ing but columns of hungry, exhausted armies have marched, have minim- I sick men. Or you may have a division vied, amidst the unkowtl. It was un-, still called. 'a di(ision,' though it avoidable. , They have, however, got 1 shall have lost part of its batteries, the better of that dangerous situa- etc." tion; they have come out of it vic- toriously, by resorting to security, .which enehied them to live, without sufYering damage, in art atmosphere full e•0, danger51." • The Outstretched Arm What is the security of which he, speaks? l -Tow, as lie himself frames the question, can we master that un- you Catirage t}le you show amid these avoidable unknown? How shall, we crags, are admirable; but they secure tlantrive to0 see flu the thiel: no glory for you, no splendour shines fog which always surrounds the situ- ations and actions of the enemy? The on you. I will lead you into the most answer is by utilising the advance fertile plains -of the world, Rich guard- which, Sal human forms, imp 'provinces, great towns will be in your plies the "blokes" who sacrifice their power. You will find there honor, immediate comfort and often their glory, and wealth. Soldiers of the lives in ander that they may hear, Army of Italy. can you now lack courage or steadfastness?' ".Ho knew well the French weakness --lack of steadfastness. -And then, trots the summits of the Alps to the Apennines, comes one answer, shouted by the depleted battalions of our hungry soldiers: 'Forwards' The new war is -launched, henceforth it will be waged with the soldier's heart." The wisdom- of Napoleon is fre- quently quoted throughout Marshal`. Foch's book, although the modern genius generally seems too add sone illuminating thought to tate ideas of the genius of a century ago. Von Moltke and Clausewitz have also been closely studied. It is by pouring over every important military axiom, ac- ccliting some, improving sone\ re- jecting others, and himself adding to the list, that Marshal Foch has built up the military code to which be owes his extraordinary sttcccss lIc has not, committed the caidinal sin, „„ born of intolerance, of despising his ancestors or belittling his foes. To da such things is to make an impene- trable barrier between oneself mid• true greatness, By. (Wonting, nevertheless, the "hungry, exhausted men" may re- gain their full fighting zest, and in this connection he quotes en inspir- ing exhortation of Bonaparte to the Army of Italy when passing the Alps: "'Soldiers, you are -naked, ill -fed. The Government owe you mdch; they can give you nothing. Your patience, alwwys - food will play a bi6 part rt :As a Stn a . eats , so is he.' 0 'f tS a fo %d for body and brain - (Con ;&ins the i Q, buildinj phos- phates of wiry .. 8rRinY. Pet84e?Attte3Stl» CSTsdal'o„dt3 t d licenseNc,01t Foch on Discipline On the subject of discipline he has a particularly interesting passage, showing that discipline is of the blind,: unimaginative quality which sense people imagine! "To :be disciplined dots not...mean than, (Inc does of .3011111111,1 tiny l)t'eaeh of disci}lint ; ,that one does pot com- mit some di,lnrderly action. Snell: a delillition works for the rank and filo, but not at all for commantl i,pleet.,1 in any d+ area of the military 11et- t<l w least ef therefove, ft there wha Sind thctna'a }tea in the Helmet pinch. "'Co he dieeipliaad '1oca not 0' c 1, 0' PRISONERS BURIED ALIVE. Fiendish Cruelty of Qermees I$ Des- cribed by Returned Canadian. One .of the interesting passengers by the Princess. Juliana, who arrived at Ottawa recently, Was Sergt, F; Web- ster of Ottawa, who enlisted. in the first few .days of the war, end ,vent to France with the and Battalion, IIe was gassed and taken prisoner at the sceand battle of Ypres, and interned in Giessen Camp: -Of this camp it is said that it was one of the worst in Germany, and the hardest to get out nf, There were eight barbed wire electrified entanglc+ntents around it, and the only chance of escape was to burrow rabbit -fashion under filo wires: "1300. on more than one occasion some poor chap busy burrowing was dis- covered by the nerds, and' invariably the opening teas eloseckant sealed; he was buried olive and left to die... Sergi. Webster says: "I have seen one Englishman kilocicsd clown by five Germs) s antl..ltl ° face aG0 data I36 ' p s dillb Y five rife butts malting upon it almost et onetime." The seem' time Sergt. Webster at. t.enlpted to escape he managed to got about 150 kilometres toward the Datoh, frontier:. when he wise taken prisoner by a game-kcepar, When taken into the nearest village, and it become known that an "Englander" Was in their power, the l0utaish isit;ern slinnrcfully ill-used him, Not All Flat Yet, Hearing an explosion in the niccltato vlcinll.y, Miele hill sold to his shall nephew, who sat in the ttutt)100. ,tile beside hitt; "(lot out, ,Ybnny, and look at the Lite, ((001 see it it is Rat" "1Jmolts preiiy sad," 140 id ,Tit 77ht' s upon Sin litettnn; "ire :only Slat nn Iho; 1Na0.0111 . 1'1 r•,". P.tlaar,9's 7.Iallatt'tl Gnr05 sanitise* A• combination of serge and satin that features a most unusual collar which extends on one side to knee length. McCall Pattern No.- 8733, Misses' Dress. Ittt 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Price, 25 cents. Though simple in line this model carries rather an air of sophistication that :suggests it is not for the young Miss. McCall Pattern No. 8751, Ln - dies' Low Waistline Blouse, In 5 sizes,. 34 to 42 bust. No, 8723, La- dies' Skirt. In 7 sizes, 22 to 34 waist. Price, 20 cents each. Transfer De - !n No, 836. Price, 10 cents. This pattern may. be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. CLEANSES MOH HAIR MAKES L Ei � 1, ti � I�i.��it���� 1 TICS GLOSSY, SIg flY Try this! All dandruff disappears and hair stops coining out. Surely try a "Danderino Hair cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a clout with Dandorine and -draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this wd11 cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any`excessive oil—in a few minutes you will be amazed, Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxartance. Besides beautifying tate hair, one ap- plication of Dandorine dissolves every Particle of dandruff: invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and failing hair. Danderiue is to the hair what fresh showers. of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right, to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating; stimtilirting and life -pro- ducing properties cause the hair ,to grow long, strong and -beautiful. You can surely hawse pretty,. soft, lustrous hair, and lots otit, if you will spend a few cents for a si11a11 bottle of Knowvlton's Danderine.at., eny drug store or toilet counter and t'ry, it as directed, , Could Talce 1t Easy She was a pompous lady who, hav- ing inherited a fortune, had bought a country seat, where she .delighted to play the hostess. "What beautiful chickens!" exclaim- ed a guest, who was beingshown the poultry farm. "Yes, they're all prize fowl," ,vas the lady's reply, "Oh, really; do they lay every day?" "Oh, they could, of course," said the purse -proud lady, "but for people in our position it is not necessary for them to db it." 4 Show inc not the wrestler in the place of mcereise, but in the lists; and show no religion not in the season of hearing; but at the season eP pra'c- tice.: $. Ohvysostonl. Minarets Ziaixarent cures 3,Inhtherla, A V.C, sits in the British t sh Ilouso of Commons for the first time in 21 years, This is 'Lieut-Colmoander Percy-'t1hempsott Bean, who was to coinlnatul of"a motor boat in the raid on Zeebrugge, The last elected I4I,P, to weal the Crock was Y;iI' Misty Ilaveloc,1a,�+llftn, lnrna,.iet fo:• 9. E. l)urltan, who was murd01',ol in the Khyber Pass' in .181(7. igianr i'a s,lnitttent•Lures Outdo, 1a There 7 's o r It ,0$tnCGt in the world i tiles ltappinees, and tit .be happy is to be lbetuttifai,-.-,lyes Terry, ISSUE 'No, NINE 1 • STOCKS Membcre Mentreal Stuck Exchange. 1 0 5. t 0 6 TRAN$PO•RTA'1'ION BUILDING. BONDS BIRTHDAYS I do not kliew the gracious day That threw your s1T}ning t soul to earth, ' When so inueli fire, so little clay, Staid Goodw!fe Nature brought to birth, But all the sweet, wild birds were there,— "She 113 our Sister and shall sing,"-- While the flowers whispered, • "0 prepare To see a lovelier blossoming." • Then Beauty, who had ,touched your •lips With flaming roses dipped in dew, Shut Love within your finger tips. (The South Wind was the breath of you.) But ah, there came another clay, And suddenly—You were not here! A Gift transcendent slipped away; I know your heavenly birthday, dear, '�•�-•-O O—O 0-0 0 0 0 • q With the Fingers! -- Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain —o --o o -Soro corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you w111 apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority, It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of free - zone at any drug store, which is sulIl- clout ,to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an.ether contpoulid, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue, This announcement will interest many woolen here, for itsis said that the present high -heel footwear is put- ting corns on practically every woman's fent. "Impatient people water their mis- eries and hoe up their comforts." - Spurgeon. _ filanxd'ti Ltnnnent Cures Garet le Cows Eighteen members of the British House of Commons lost their' lives in the recent war. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Marble Caves of Oregon. Amid the wilds of southwestern Ore- gon, almost unknown to the world at large, is situated a series of under- ground chambers and passages re- markable for their size and for the beauty and unusual character of their decorations. Within the last few years they have been made a national monument, and are now known as the Marble Caves of Oregon, Keep Your Health TO-NIGITT TRY Milord's S orpp LO r for that Cold and Tired Feeling. Get Well, Veep We11, • Kill Spanish Flu by using the OLD RELIABLE, l.[I. Abp's .L1,NOI010NT C20- Ltd. 'nth ituth, N.S. 'When vetil leeks the necessary pink ••color, it has seeu ,'_ly been 'killed too soon and -is Dot desirable, Varicose Veins ? Aron-F3laetio Laced Stocking GAI4rT1iIi1''3' ns they may be windier{ or bolted. A rl3uuST41137.1$, laced lace a lagging; always fits. CO51PO11T•9NL:t1, made to pleasure; light and durable. 000L, contains N0 nun- 13ETt, 1,500,000 SOLD EC/ONOHIOL'II,, cost 53,30 each, or two for the wane llmb, 50,30, postpaid. Write rte for Catalogue and half Measurement Blank Oorllsa 01mb 5peotaltY 00. 1314 New Birks rildg, Montreal, P.Q. Make IVIantire Twice I as Profitable I. Adding ' l . Reports Two CdE>111'E a 4 Experiment Stations i Ohio Experiment Stalien t Covering a periost of I3 years the 1 average increased production from soil treated with stall manure and 9 acid pltospbaie oyer yard manure wwee: Corn, 16,V7 bus.; W1i at,0.1(1 bits,; 10ay, 1,010 lbs. Pennsylvania Rap efimen/Station 33y the ‘addition of and' pima. ]illaie fa manor(' at a cost at tSS;OG, the gall over untreated lnonitre 1S 01 S?3.?-!. . Similar t l (.ta5tr n t c 1 Y i rils. can:amade cnyrrrform, ; 71g r O 'I.rs1AfGDAA0Q., �rooO ;r.els,dln Pet03inTie Soil and Crop j3 tion e...t, MS1r„00arl.e1... chats &,M, ,rood 440* ml -0Y. W, POUT {aAli1• 1 pewu c.AC14o10 gl•Os(1001170l, rag tl.0 a,x WELT, EQUIPPED FR10W0A'Al''I`J0 ettd lab printing plant 10 ;pWasters 010 t 1b U' 50,2001 On 40 snot rain. Box 00, 'Wilson Publishing ,Co., 01,d,, Toronto, M• r IBRICt,Y N171R'SP AT'101R 1'012 O'A.'4B 1 in brew Ontario. 0wnea' gottttt tO k'ranee VY111 sell 52,000, •4eorth double that amount, Apply J. F•I„ oto Wilson 3ubils11l31g Go., Limited, Toronto. 527;sOB7'.LAISI10VS CiEOSCt. TUMORS, bumf's, 510., ilabourotatieawed train home with. us beforo too into.. Pr, Denman Medical Co., Limited Celli:agwreed, .ant, A U!p0 MRCS, 10S, 10 a 3A Attl U TIRES, -013, $1'JJ 56 Tidies $1,03, All sizes- (nit- rate ,fico,, Riverdale Gu000e F Rubber Coe (6eieara and Hamilton Sts,, Toronto, ,,n,1 723 Dorchester Si.West Montreal: N.B. SEED POTATOES hoses llebrons Gobblers, Delswares, Ch'ea't Mountains and Silver Dollars. Strict attention large or smell orders. F, L. ESTAROOKS & CO. (Dealers is Da5', Potatoes 4, Produce) SAOKVII LE, N.B. Write teeeciaw iris' emir bid FILE CAIME. 49GiUE showing our full lines of nicycles'for Meet and Women, Boys and Girls. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTAOHMENTS Tires, Coaster Brakes, wheels, Inner Tutees, I,arnps, Hells, Cycloateters, Saddles, i;quip- anent rind Parts of tricycles. You cin buy your supplies front us at wholesale prices, T. W. 130YDD & SON, 27 Pietro Dawe Street Wost, Montreal. SPRING MUSKRATS Wo pay the best price for Spring Muskrats Send any Furs you have. You are assured of satisfaction in price and treatment__ ABBEY FUR COMPANY 310 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que. In business for 30 years Reference: Bank of Ilocholaga, St. Henry, o te1� yy9IiISTO.RYF THE®p t� Actorriffk,8 GREAT 6 9 a!1 S. J. DUNCAN-CLARFG. with Canada's Valorous Achievements ny MAJOR W. S. WALLACE, r2LA,(o0.) Lecturer in Modern Ilistory in Toronto University, Large Handsome Volume, over 400 double column pages, equal to about 900 ordinary pages, Pictures ppn every page. Nearly 900 Official Photos, besides Beautiful Colored Plates. One double page, in ,Host effective colors, showing camouflaged heavy gun battery, worth abort half the price of the book. AGENTS WANTED FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. For exclusive ter0tory. No gm to lose. The elegant colored plates and superior Canadian official photos sell ibis book on sight. THIS is DLI=FEsREN'r to any otter war b'ok on the millet, therefore competition nil. Send hoc. mailing expenses of elaborate working outfit and full instructions hurnsdiatcly. • The J. L. 11011011 0. Limited, TORONTO O z 0. 10NSW 'l£gp0IDDEP,ASIt!JOY pnu4islI to wntotym• n-1Rnox Gs.. Montreal, 0,0 0,frt15o RMltnm"et tit. 50,1,RNex Itml,:t,� „ut nen repo aqu1,011o 4 00 he HHc Pains ii * Aro volleyed in a few da1'a lby 1 1 e tattling 30drupa of 1'dothrr Selpci'fJ g- Syrupefterntcals and on retiring lo) • It dissolves the lime end toad mi. e 0CCplulatlolt i:a the eminates and [m e Saints ao these deposits caro 1(0 s? Ke expelled, thus relieving pail' end • 500095se. Seigel's Syrup,_ also �5;, o known as " Extract of Roots," o m contaltionedoponorotherstrotr 0 w) drugs to kill or maalc the pair a� (w e+ rheumatism or lumbago, it re., a) m moves the cause. '50o, a bottle <e .) at druggists. ya QB4ee000eomeo^avoelseoe60, eov SATISFYING LJ:' FROM LUMBAGO &loan's Liniment has the punch that relieves ylteulnatic twinges This warnulr-giving, CongesLion- scattering circulation -stimulating rem- edy penetrates without t141111ng right to the aching spot and beings gawk relief, surely, cleanly,', A wonderful, heli, for external pains, sprains, strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises. • Get your bottle today—costs little,; means much. Ask your druggist for' it by name, Keep it handy for this whole family. Made in Canada, 'fhg big bottle is economy, ' 30c., GOc., $1.20. Let Cuticura Save Yonr Hair On retiring, comb the hairout straight, then make a p'frting, gently rubbing in Cuticura Ointment with the end of the finger. Anoint additional partings until the whole scalp has been treated. The next morning shampoo with Ceti. cum Soap and hot water. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post- card : Cuticura, Dept, 5, Boston, U.S.A." Sold by dealers throughout the world. BETTER HORSES IF THEY HAVE tpohf's Distemper Do pound When your horses are vubleeted to rluu,ging W,,(11111' 7011- ditiolis of winter and spring. their sy.vt.nns L.,,•onie run down. with the result that they ire very sns-'p title to DISTEMPER, INFLUESNZA', 1'1N1( EYE, Ct1L1CI3S or 0O1.D9 .y-t'O11N'S will Leen yens Norse in goud condition, so ids system can ward off 013500,0", Buy of your druggist. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen, Indiana, U.S,A, ^uJ,varnsSMS.D :.^n cs. .._ n 82f lfAM zavv. _ CM s,rw ..A,-�,,,. w- .aw Lee PARKER Surprise au PARKER'S know all the fine points about cleaning and dyeing, _ We pun clean or dye anything from a filmy georgotte blouse to heavy draperies or rugs. Every article Is given careful and expert attention and satisfaction is guaranteed. Send your faded or spoiled clothing or household goods to PRRHER5 We will nhnke them like new again. Our charges are reasonable and we pay ex- press or postal charges one way. A. post card will bring our booklet of household suggestions that save money. Write for it, PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited, Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. - Toronto t4M3,14ffis 'stns'•' um -r ,•",.ns Lst-=.Sid alt; ,ll d 2,t3it4�SiS0ieTur7.5St4s11",0 ;1a i7- • .,E.: sff../vin, • 4SPIS1ti g'Cfs.11SIDBAI.," E1111. , lu efaA' "Making two blades oroww ww cr' W 3 '^7 v .affy t 1Y.4 1;7. dl: , ;.>,tr,.j'sY,ry . 'v,i3 •' a"•s� �,�u'3".' whore only out. grow beforo.' ry P r kr Firm nrlt h i 3-� ea Delay In nrdcring standard felttlizor in the hope of ioovcr pticetl 4Only moans risk Of di5appotut.ment in tloiivorioe, Prices aro sot by ost of Ibis season's raw materials, ordered luonths ago, nod laboe *ages, w111011 Pro 1l15ed by the cost of living, Von cannot (Ilford to let Your laird run down, "Shur dairre N u e 7 a ,.t>R Are ;rill 11 m1+1 Missy 111Qliil a 0tti•o Nall tP 57011 t' 1:.11 d ffr1.11ity ihrsY )nt;rill OOtrrtil;, llendy growtilc and Oasily told, nigh ('1ira;l cro 1, 12; hMn$i 0 noxpart, clottisfs ,oip0ult-i Mani oat 111w1 at o u0a.00t1001 tamers 1oally need -no frl}ltn(leper/tomtit .1lu,ll,ltw l-that to iat remind, , Wlitato-day 101diHootlt.t, Ir�,,,., a,t dt;NJB i011051'0, ONTARIO , 9