HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-2-27, Page 3taSassee,---- '
acket otiosid
Teal will go further On. infusion and give
better satisgaction than any other Tea
obtainable.. .. .13810
Not a shadow of doubt about this. T 1TI
OPeltilig Caviled Sampliest 7(1;0013 hocoine wider See the cokrovinde
Leat summer and Stoll very large te hiaw th1e4hr wmider
feeseatatiee of fruit and vegetables You cannot heat Year -home success -
were put up for winter use at the bill'.
mspeS of eeneSherahie time and money. She openings &Muhl have weather
Eerie? tile Sold weather, we were able Wins i. you expect to get the;best
lin Olney the peovision We made for results from the heating Mont. 'With
wieslat, swede and we most be careful that precaution the :fuel bill will be
Claim use our supplies with disere-
Von, and care for the containers so
eeskisiatically that they will be ready
fee sies another season.
'Way o,1r relividuel begins on ureter-
nehhoe; with enthusiasm and continues
it "'tell intelligence, only to -fail dOlVtl,
afi '1'Wre. ea the last quarter, This is
pad to
Helen Barnet 10WY ,about love.
Had she not lisped its ,peetSsee odee
to the no,cion in her high echoer daye?
Tt had to do wjith flowers and MIMIC
ittld angels. On Ulm old Vorell bask,
howhat Wa5 it that iongealairea
by Med to Toad to iter? Olt, Tenn -y --
80a. That Wati 11,
And 'new it had CMG to he -love,
Not that it was exectly unexpected:
slee had been 'svaiting for her lover
Once she had put up her Susie, of
(entree. But to have him mane loke
thoe-end %11Ch levee! So rich- Kcy,,,,Smiiithalao lbe411:1Yels81)4:'5S),. sli.Onle,eonnglycs 'itsee,
and lie was euell. graud, handsome
v, oung man, '1700/ And She loved hian. 1241)1f/elf ag'ain, .,sella laid a reproving
Moo loved him dearlY• 11 only she rairer 011 1100 Irma
dared ray "yes"! No snore poverty, 'Hush! Don't you let 111,2 Item you
no more loneliness, 110 snore &Main', allY that again -those horrid words!
NIgotnor Porttr
., crenirield-
HOSSifteet:Serifftio, '
Petiliehati Speolel
errangsenent with
Thee, Allen,
enerrear-s41-.TrArer-!!'"1 s' -±,s11
"Helen, Wloy net?" He droostened
irds dam and held bor off at arrrise
"Because -what?"
1-103: eyes fortghtletned anti pleading,
fiearched hgeffme: Thee Wels a tenee
moment Of Mdeeision. Then dn
tragic buret it cames
"Maybe you think Ild-amarra Yoe,
end be you wiTe, and have all your
folks leak (learn •Ory me!"
"Look down on you?"
"Yea because uot $o ktV(01 anti
at the beck and eall of some hetei Yati "ra Y°11, 'Srmirssigc 'the 'cle1!63t,
employer, Oh, if ohe only dared! sweetest tattle woman that Ntra$ ever A „ ,, ,
Isar one delirious moment Helen made, and I love you, and I'm going' `'''s'r's 111.k_4 tho (MY on whith the last
Barnet abroset• thought she did--elaee, to marry you, Look down on you,' Shot waS fireclaethe historic No. 11,
Then, bitterly, the theught of his pp. indeed! I'd Sate to see them try it!"
eaten -and hers -roiled hi Von. hen "Bat they will', I'm only a neese- 1,-Sh'elelediel1lirenresseitalof11.
sWisatever e•lee the last two wretched 8' i ri 2' athige' derttnfle %rah -
is spot .
"Hole He 'almost eleoek her in
rated In the document, ' and the
Despite ineentions in Every Phase of
Warfare, the Infantry Remains
the Backbone of the Defeece.
On their ectuen to the Vathralund
the 4iered renmente of the Clem
man army were bated as viotore. Not
only did Berlin snobs *edam them ae
ergeh, making a gveatdjs1ay ef bent -
fug moil thalweg end sending up of t4
tremendous chorus el "hochaS but
prominent Teuton statesmen, who
knew better; encouraged rather then
attempted to (lineal the self-deeeption
of the poplAftek, However, the Ger-
will, perhaps, have timer eyes
(menet' to tho eatual facts if they
reed the final dispatch by Sir Doug-
las 'Ha.ig now published. It carries
events up to the armistice, and des-
cribes the serte$ of brilkiant victories
won:. by the British armles between
„ illusions, She had no doubts as to hes esmath, "1 tell awe, you 070 you-- modest worde employed by the• Com-
cut down perceptible, and you aan her 'refection fra Berke Denby's Avila, knicl that'e all I want to know. And
Mande -in -Chief in hie nemeative
have the corafeet of a well -heated at the hand e of Burke Denby's friende that's all anybody will want eo know.
should end mace and for all the absurd i
treachery and cunning has been =az- been conducted.
holism and relatives, And again, whatever not in love with year ancestors, ng. It would seem to have been a "As typical examplee 1 iney mention
English Directorate of Special Intelli-
gence Kept Enemy Stray isy Supply -
Ino Prepared "Facts."
Not the least a the many ironiee ot
the waf lias been the outwitting in
every direction et the in0011 -yesontea
and elaborate German spy system by
the English Divectorate of Sewall -
Intelligence, says a Loudon corres-
pendent, Had England been less in -
the eatalolue of your zerviees. Ono
331111311 section, not 001010111 with closing
certain chaneels of enemy propagam
da, bee kept others open for the en
press purpeee of distributing British
propaganda In enemy covers on which
the porstege has been paid by the
enemy. • Military material imitable for
our own propaganda has been collect.
ed, pre -llama, and dielriblited by bill
loons on the British, Mentos
"Tribute to the startling effective -
13.0a13 or! your work in thin connection
has been paid by the relief of the (len
men General Staff hinutelf, who in a
recent order made seecifle reference
to certain leafiete, all ow which, were
Prepared in end dietributed undev ar,
rangements made by the DIreetorate •
of Special Intelligence, I am con,
scieue that there are Irony other dell,
vitlee of, the Directorate that I have
not touched upon. Iniporturt dee,
different to the German spy system Mons have been given in the realm of
which overran the country years and military, internationel law; much
.years before the war, she might have trouble has been taken in Use selectier
saved herself- an immense amount of di intelligence personnel for the fiel31.
trouble; but what was done during and investigations demanding teeltal•
the 1 e'r venting German cal qualifications of a high ordea have
Iler or with your welatives, or your belief, still apparently entertained by
There axe patented metal weather the last two yeaes bad done foe , don% lore yoll bemuse you gigantic failure. And the explanation the highly skilled woric of rhe staff of
strips nonae-the 'kind that are mom they load not volibed her off he2eprectio, 1101,07 of that failure appeare to Ile in very the chemtcal laboratory ln (tonne:don
Used into the seshe.e or the frames. Ana the Esrllete, away bad. tl ..0_,__•0,,.re__Lefeemniotorfo 1111311,1-tetietrtifi, yor oaf
„Vermont to 11 had been very "T1,40 waca real understanding of the Gerrann with secret inks; of the plietegraidlic,
Those 000 11101'i expensive then the mind on the part of the Intelligence and code experte, and of the r,eofeseore
proud. To Helen Ba'rnet now, there- fashion. I even don't love you be -
many Germane, that there nanny went
nearthing home an undefeated host.
Nothing; for instance, could be more
explicit than the statement that in
trigi a tih.) housewife. She started:patents find require arl 48)0 1,1303300(1 Derary's wife, flouted kind frOvened Y"s'er ,Ss'e:' e.- 1
es ee 4,on gol(1 , 3,.. , ,,,,,,, the British. troops had broken the m-
kt I.' ' at b Department They realized that the of uncommon language. Steel). of. the
Germanhas, not yet been lieu aho work bee been so covet that no res
others beeruse they are covered by fore,ethe pletere pf herself as Buirke 4 s S' d 1 irui 1 air at 0 ..1 nice .01110 sate the fighting subs.equent to Nov. let
oula le moment wastage and to Store carpenter to fit them But ;they are upon by Burke Denbyal ifetioinagaooneros can resist a tact, Give a German one ference to It ie as Yet (31 111
he gee:ducts propeely for winterense. excalteut both for wen: and efficiency. ietalerabsle. Fnightenet a d 11 1 you are you, 'sweetheaet; and you, erna's ressetance beyond (10 (11)111137! little feat to play with and it will keep --_---e--_-...
Hiriving done this she is apt to feel You are not compelled te meplace sock, sh ctleterminecl, tohootboo liThnstyt lei:Ueda itee the whole wide world odfisroercdeovilyryzittlIttadaafoone;edtg tiireloicie I
him happy for heure.
thatemething else thould be expected thorn, as is neeeaearY with the cheap- retreat. I' stmp y cold no . a ll e l He will look at it groin every point
• A H OM E -CO M I NG.
was all, Very iikely, ankwity, Burke But -Your father front of the Britoil aemies. From
emend' the enjoyment of the good et kir.d.
• . -,
, Denby had not been mare than half "He will love you because I love this point the Germans were capable
thinge elle has put up. . -?--- in earnest himself. you. Dad le my gond chum -he's al- neither of accepting or refusing bat-
, Haye ecm any distinct pian of, pro- . , „..e., The bell rang then egain from the ways beef' that. What I love, heqt ..e.
Their troops were in a state of
ealere when you epee your 08018 in wage,...me AND artpoRpSeeal drawing room and Helen TV e n t doevn love. You'll see." et .
' utter confusion, their wailevays weee
tho hen she "Do you thk he really Will?" A
the vinaer? 14'701.)haven't your work — . to gat the chit -hien. In
claiming hope wits- coming into her congested and clisorganiz.dclseand they
of <ermine; net fall is going to be The Blue Whale te the Largest Ani- met Burke Denbaze y; but fonly shook weee toeing huge quantities of 111111
003(3311 mere difficult and perhaps be mal That EVer Lived. her head he fulmar to his low "Helen, eYes• '
nhen may I see you?" and Imrried by "PM 313I10' he will. Why, clad.. is the email. In short, the enemy was the- the English Intel/toner Department ed many incidents of It ideal through
etLentiod by mysterious,- failures. , I, other ball of myself, Always, all the oughly, beaten as Sir DouglasalIaite ;
T0. ise‘gin with, fruits, vegetables vile up, dad has been like Ilia. And • ' •
makes plain in his deetaretion that Iee•atched quietly while they Miffed with out northern France.
Did you know that a perpoise was ' w ',pout a word, her face averted,
Nyde thine I've r nt cl he' • ls them. The facts were entirely tonna Nerhile the correSpentleim 1,;00 motiv-
e whale? Well, it is -a athall species ithree times again withiu the next 0
1121S1 eeneerves sheadd riot he opened
1 t 'h twenty-four hems she pursued the Y -nen, 1 a er' S n' waYS “Whcii the armistice was signed h'Y portant and sometimes they were not ieg 011 his way to the city of Denain 5
of view, turn it Imelda down and. In.
side out, draw allatiorts of deductions
from it, arrange it in series with other
facts and go through endless per-
Therefore, the industrious German
agents were supplied with facts, and
An Incident In Nerthern France That
Had a Happy Ending.
Are affecting little drama that u con
respondent of the Associated Press
witnessed a few mouths ego had doubt
less a happier climns thee has attend -
08 and doSphins al:0 a good deal alike4thsrl'aY at han, against a peremptory erntdous brea•th et t,
only to be brought tm e ras e.
Ilready been definitely destroyed. A
thet the ehoieetst may be reserved foe phin. porpoises same tacties,
She fir0W a tr - tho enemy los defensive powers had
Wit or lodese but selected with cage so
So Ukelele° is a eoi
e.pc-c:re.l. oecasions and a variety given Helen, you thall let met talk th you 'surrender.
, but the latter name is given to those' "Well, of (entree if 1 thought Y 11 continuance or hostilities could only
this encl. the housewife needs a sys- fhitlitng buehtiltul' itisof:e tk.40_ rapsecraslilsyt inirt- 011„:\!;ant.ed, -.0
! ' Y * ' *Y • which ta-ve pointed snouts 0I' beaks. a. minute! Why lo f u
tesn 3 egarding her canned products. .en , eents insow 33 ant you. mite Ins impulsive
The porpoises have round he
This Ilvay be u beak kept in the Once upon a 'time the whales were that you have only to say the word, liPs on hers. she had her enswer, and
stora room from 'GG'171'el). she checks off land "imals' That wee hundeeds of and you are as free ns the air?" 1 there Burke Denby found his. •
(08(111 can as 83113 uses it. Thus, in
thoueands of years ago. Finding in "But 1 muet-that is ---I can't cony! (To be continued.)
vegetelae ection the page marked
the sea the kind ef 'toed they liked the weed, Mr. Denby. Truly I vault! 1
they became more and more Ms face fell a little. 1 SHAKESPEARE AND GERMANS
"Gen" :haws that eix quart cans were be'T't,
aquatic, until finally they took to the "What do you mean? You can't
mat up August 10, twelve quart cans . —
svater altogether, their 'anatomical ran -WI, emi't meam-Yais wca'-'t "The Merchnnt of Venice" a Word
. , • • etructure undergoing modilleations 11311),',. me ?"
Aturem; 10, eight quart trans August
She theew a hurried look about her.l. Picture of a German Gentleman
have meant disaster to the 'German
armies and the armed invasion of
And this; startling transformation
was wrought against an enemy who
had the.advantage both in numerical
strength and strategic position. They
load the famous Hindenburg and other
elaborate entrenchments w'rele,h weee
supposed by the German High , P p . Ger_ nisnd to be impregnable. Yet the
Corn -
lite werk el SG moment to write in the which adapted them to a manne ex- He had drawn her into the curtained( "Shakespeare,"r the boastful, book, "March 1, one quart can used,"t Istence. bay window et the upper hallway, as'
mans have been proelaumna "is more h • .
Beitish soldier* blasted and fought
A. whale's nostrils do not open int0. she was pessing on to the nursery. se t en way. through them, and their
and frr: on, totalling the quarts and - a German than an English poet." We
ninth removed from the store room so the back. of ite mouth, but are con- "les, I mean -that," she panted, numbers were less than those of the
that, a glance shows how many nee rgected directly with its windpipetrying to relense her arm from his load nee thought of it beforebut now •
• that the -matter .1s called to our at- the facts not set down in the official
forces opposed to tliere. Indeed, were
'Ibis it ts enabled to swim with its east'.
-4:. left,. "Ilelen! Do you mean you don't 101011001, it indeed seems that it may be diepatch it would be herd to believe
01', if this is too much trouble, she •
e can cgiploy a method of evrangement
on the shelves, Whitheenables her to
*se at It, glance what she has. For
'this purptrse narrow shelves which
(antes permIt of rows one can deep 0.110
4- cleeirable. The old-fasleioned 'swing
shelf in the cellar was commeclious
hub deceiving. Things peeked away
bathe eentre often became forgotten
cancreeld not be found just when neede
If suelo a broad ,shelf. is still in
use, divIde it in sections, putting fruit
ex vegetables of a kind in a section
by ifs& and mark that section on the
'edge eo that a glance will locate Any-
Vegetables should besbpened long
enough in advance of their use to be-
come aferateel. This restores some of
the mites:al flavor end avoids a flat
taste. Canned fruit is alsvnys better is advertising the merits of whale
served very cold. Turn no 111-000 1-310311 meat as feed. It much reeemblos
the can of fruitt than evilI be needed beef. On the Pacifie coast it is be -
and then retuen to the eau for 7torage ing canned in large quantities. To
until wanted again. encounage 'Rs use, the bureau 'has pre -
When carts are emptied they should 371330(1 a number of recipes which are
lee drubbed until they are thoroughly recommended to the Canadi•an house -
dear, using plenty of bot soapsuds. keeper. These include "stuffed roast
Tilley should then be scalded linside wha4er" "whale steak en eassersiern
and out, for eve11 a very little dried "filet of whale with mushrooms,"
illieg on •the outside ,which has fer- "whale a la mode," " whale pot
merited is undesirethli. Never put can roast," "whale croquettes," "whale
tops en until the jar is perfeetay dim patty," and "whale pie."
inside and be all -r0 that cans and cov-
ers rare properly mated and put to -
gale one by one as used. Many a SCHOOL GIRLS' SERVICE
qtaieS el food has been lost because —
tilia clever has been put on a can on Work of the Girl' Patriotic Union
whiiSh it did not belong. It appeared in the Old Country.
all sight, but the seal was ineperSect. •
"The Gills' Pateie•tic Union" woes
Sthere epos Where they wat be dry and
cool. If a can is put away moist it
.14E, '60001, become musty, especially iS
coveted, and then another canning
Mona the product -stored in that eon -
thine is sure to 'spoil unless a second
thorough cleansing a,nd thorough ster-
itieraition is reseeted to, Of course,
mins elletild 'always be steilized be-
fore being used -the very last thing.
'rg'ity any chance the contents of .a.
ORM AIRS fermented, that*ean must re
cairn particular attention by being
wailed and boiled in a solution of sal
0 sochis after whic.h it should be scalded
in Taiga' 'water and then dried. Paa-a-
fit)), which conles from the -tops of
Seldentouroblers or conserve jars, can 141
be Washed in soap and water, and the
piece melted together for future use,
The advantages Of melting it is that
thorough heating renders tit sterile
and kilts' the germ's which may have
Welted in the pores. Beides it, is
eager to store it In one cake.
Of course, where tin ie need lee
canning, toed Must never be left at
all in 0110 03)011 can for :fear of pte-
• inasse poisoning,. hie es equaellyytrue
„of tonaensect Imilie et ally other pro-
ducS kept by peefeet sealing Of tin,
( Illbegmeat wan hits twaght: to.reeon-
nney ito anseny' wave, One Of these,
'Wad her no installs the least, is to do
"dna work so thoecrughly te-diey that
$lie Termite of fetter:a tholes fieSda not
irr•ci andermind -The work MS garden-
,Iffreg; stereseamittiore, end eel -recreation
4(18114' aill be spoiled ley etoreistor befall -
Mg at the titee 01, 1111121g the seppliae,
Little ISeat Severe.
0 No matter liosv well n houee is
iymet the window meting beente 10004)
and the extheier deem almink 01 tiMer,
ltere,eletubs 0001ral the fateleee 01131 11114)
mouth open verhele feeding, and does
not choke.,
It can hold ita breath for forty-five
minutes or an hour. Then it comes
to the surface and the heated eon-
itained Os lungs under, pressure
is expelled with a mighty exhalation
eate? be demarided passiona e y. so. At any note. the Bard of Avon that the resents which filially brought
"Yes, yet --that's what I mean,"
entered deeply into the German mind the Huns to their knees "were athiev-
She pulled again at her arm.
and soul. with matchless sympalloY ed by 59 fighting British ditvisliens
"Helen, look at me. You can't look'
me straight in the eye and say you and understanding; giving us a pic- which, in the course of three months
( ture of the German gentleman which of battle, engaged and defeated 99'
don't -care!"
"011 yes, I can. I -I-" The tell-' may well stand typical, for all time. separate German divisions."
into the colder outer air, where 11 con- tale' corer flooded loer face. With a Observe: Ileee Set a New Standard.
denses, forming n column of vapor. choking:et:le breath sloe turned her Portia ancts,Nerissa core discussing
No wond•er Sir Douglas Haig is
The biggest baby of the world is hegehqouideo_ veer
alyou ' de! And you siesea • some of the fonne's suitors, and af- unlitinted in lois praise of tho British
breathed She youth, hr., ter dismissing five of them, the sixth soldier, and particularly of the Brit -
the oft:sm.-jag a the blue wh•ale, It teeny mon .
may be as mu& ne twenty-five feet ispe mess brushing ish infantryman, lello, d,espite the en -
long at birth, "tipping the MAC'S" at againq, her ear, the soft hair is reached. and this- immortal colloquy
( ensues: Demons development of mechanical
elght tons. Some infant! "No; No, Mr, Denby, I can't -I-1 Neissci-How like you the young invention in every phase of warfare,
But them you see, the blue whale can't'!" With a. supreme effort she German, the Duke of Saxony's neph- sem "remains the backbone of de -
is the largest animal in the world- imencheel heesef free and fled down 09, ? fence and the spearhead _of attaelcSf
If Helen Barnet thought this settded 1 Portia -Very vilely in the 'onorning, Throughout loistory the Bxitish army
the big -goal -animal, it is ,believed, that the hall.
ever lived. Not eyen therinest pro-
th in'she illsju Iged the nature when he is sober, and most vilely in has -accomplished great deeds of valor
digious dinosaur of old detralled lit in
ofethea men with wliCem she load to the afternoon, when he is drunk; -when and has won for itself traditions of
The Government Fisheries Buveau deal. Unlimited frosted cakes and he is best, he is a little worse than
weight. which we were proud, but in these
shotguns had not taught Burke Den- a 'man, and when he is woest, he is months of epic lighting whieh closed
by to accept no for • an answer ----1, little better than a beast; ;and the the great war the troops of the Brit: -
especially for an answer to oome- ' worst fall that ever fell, I hope I ish Empire have, in the weeds of the
thing he had set bie heart upon. 'as he shall make shift; to go without him. Commander -in -Chief, ‘1,410 141100/31 then
his wife.
had thls winning of Helen Barnet for 1
Nerissa-If he should offer to so well, "emitted new traditions which
She loved him; he was sure of that choose, end should choose the right are a challenge to the highest records
Thls fancied obstaele all the way that casket, you ehould refuse to perform of the past, and will be an inspiration
loomed so large in her eyes, he did same father's will if you should eefuse to the generations svho come after
liked it. It; added zest and excitement - us." Higher testimony or better evi-
not fear in the least. He relay rather to accept him.
Ponda-Theliefore, for fear of the demo cannot be cited,
and would make his final triumph all , worst, I pray thee, set a deep glass of —.se
the mcge heart-warming and satisfy-
ing. He load only to convince Helen, rhonish wine on the contrary casket,
oe manse, and the mere convincing( 1," ilf the clevj be within and that 'Brave "Cowards"
would not be without its joy and! temptation NVIC11011t, I Inune he will Many a woman who Will scream
compensation, I choose it, I will do anything, Nerissa, and tremble, and even turn pale, at
eitement, threfore, that Burke Denby( en 'truth, thee, yes! To have writ- sight of a mouse running towards
It was with really pleas -unable cia- , ere I'll be married to a sponge,
laid Mrs plans and carried them to the, her, will help to dress the most dread -
triumphant finish of a caeefutly ar- ten thus sympathetically and tinder- ful wounds, says a London newspaper.
tanged tete-a-tete in the libraryi sstanidingly of a German gentleman, There are Colonials who Wen 11.0,1
when he knew that they ev,ould have ! bn. respeare must indeed have been afraid to land in face of terrific fiFo
at least half un hour to themselvos,1 a (ram" imd. on the coast of Gallipoli, vsho -will
attending private and public schools tie wild thingl" los eried, closing the ' . wait in fear and trembling- on the
"There I've got you 4)000 You lit- '
A GREJST LIFE SAVER Ilfcerbo, ‚311301(1tiot,t,cifriooss tlic Ste:nal:lax
and the memberS 'have WOTked. stead- i llbrany deem and attending determined- ( ol! 4110
ily ever (some making bandages and • Y
. I a talfehtened mow to '08 gro, at findingi Invention That Bellied to Defeat Hu
Red Cross comforts, editi""n
ligi herself alone with him.
waste land, gathening blackliereies foe 1 "But Mr. Denby, I can't :I really.' Murder Polley
They collected garments for Serbian' i No inventiM1 did mem to defeat
use in hospitals and for jean Making.; must go,'; she palpitated.
"No, you can't go. I've had al- ' the Hun policy of. unrestricted sea
formed in England in 1914 by girls
South African who loas shot bons on
Central Africa confesses that he can-
not boar to have a, little dog yapping
at lois heels,
A well-InIONV11, 17, C., will not get
refugees and for men from torpedoed together too marsh trouble getting
aliips, organized entertainments for you beteend tting those lunette than that of TAout, C. D. Bur- into a hansom cab if he can possibly
the wounded and took over the, care Younn3sters Deftly away -3vith tblessed nor, heir of tho Royal Navy. It he who help 01. whilst a men who Ilits 0101(1114?, ge
hit 93)011 an idea which made the Gee- enemy trenches on many 0(051510013of a number of 3)111031515 04' WaT. Tile mamma foe a bit of a (10100 111131 MY ,
1 Marl mines which W03.0 scattered will on 710. account ride on the top
Union has contributed $5,000 to the d'a',1•''
Mercantile Maxine Fends and is theThen you planned this?" I broadcast uess selami thus saved the of a 'bus, for fendo
; as e says, "the
, ,
donor of one van.g, of the Star •and ee clid,f, ale was regarding her ;lives of hundreds of stollen and pre- bally thing should turn turtle."
Garter Home for which the UM with half-quizeric(1l, wholly fond eyes.: vented the loss of a large ember But the funniest case was that of
-contributed 325,000. In addition 110011)]lebraey.....,,bee e wns a brave soldier in Rospital, who had
ml "Anh
d 1 adeyou summoned to ethe ' of warships.
huts have been given te various vele° wanted you. Oh, Helen, Helen, ,
caraal het ta-salls , Simplicity itself, the device -which Tided the hevo's part at the Front on
groups of WU workers end their tathew can you seek to a :le013331111vet oelfil patenand m
t, is any occasions, who actually turned
est scheme is 1110 Prnt W
esea but to the s, when you know how 1 love you!" , 15cnoeve in -the service as the 'TV.," lois :face to the wall and wept real
- aSvoiel rim liae
WVI.A., A., a (formerly klIONVA as the There '711110 011117 tendelm(0sla now in , 0:,:. ‘:par_a,v_a_n_td6-1-ickoons...iiscitis„:(10,a wateni- tears became the doctor strictly f or -
having bade him to get up to see a circus
ViSA,A.C.'s) many of whom were lois votes:nand mannee. He had taken' I. la IS saa,Ps . , , llns , .
public and private 'school girls, a pair et igerge rum uns pomading on which load pitched its tents in the
All the money contreibuted by the vicinity.
girlwas from, their pocket money
at earned outright end the time given
te rand Wei( was taken from re.crert-
tion ceded:id Hash fathering and
heab greasing have been taken up hY
•Uliese gilds and the collection of eild
papers stied bottles yielded quite an
Meome. One a ow ifehoOls present-
ed the Ilritleh Berl Crest with an
amleulenem eaened by the donee, The
relimpze O11 thp personal element that
peeencsatere tile finest rearlizetion of
liationelism, will not wren lea lost car
thoSealeatriette girls, The next; gene
oration a3111131135111±±01'MIS be all
the Mies, :ecame these girls have
done their' ditty to the ntaubst.
(flood fannors, use foridipers 4'91. ±1130
p,erreveziont 1010rovenismt p4 4110.1! *IPA ts,
Pow, 1±51 1113461433 0154 10116115 't0 got a 10
molt .to son t!rom their krt
both her bands in his,
"But you mean% love me."
"Not love-eny wife?"
"11111 not yam wife."
"You/re going ter be, dear."
"I cau'i 1 told yea I couldn't, Mr,
"Alymmene is 'Burke,' my love."
His ';vcciee was whlundealty light
again. Vey plainly 1Sfr, Butte Denby
was not appeeciating the seriousness
of the occasion.
She flushed and bit her Ilia
thiek 1110 eael 'MOM ofieeVeon to -
to make it co hard for me! 'slhelf
Vilith sudden passion ho might he
ie his MAC
Hard? Then if. itis Mewl,
it, means you do Novo me, As tf
g43)0 57011 ttri 1100/1 licIon, erfloy <10
yam tort/arc um like (thief Defteest,
when eviii you snaney ate?"
She Wriggled feebly in (1133 0121145,
"I toki" nevev,"'
'(137147 4101 147
either side of ite body, The tall is
fitted with rudder111 to keep the 'ter-,
pedo at any eat depth while it di
111 operation,
IL is towed overside by a wide rope
which runs from t1ie. ship's bovva out-
ward, This wire rope hi intended to
pick up the mooring ropes or mine%
anti slide them along till they -reach
the need of the pavayene, where a
sharp saw is fixed inside a V-shaped
The saw cuts through the inooring
rOpe and allows the mind to tidal free,
When it ean eithe bo avoided cm de-
stroyed, a% may be desired.
Ise his Ny011(101111 invention, Tama.
Beeney ha.% ben paid the eine of
S150,000 and deep -rated 0/11.11 verieue
,Peroxide of hydrogen will remove
Government te Spend 320,000,09
This Y001'
Two hundred milliero dollars is to
be laid out by the British Governs
ment in 1910.101! the thnove.tion of
voadevaye, the chairman of the TraMc
and Beech:me-tea Boatel told a eon-
theporeolont recently,
With the great incense in 'heavy
tnotov reed trafile foreshadowed marry
main 1004110 and bridges will require
The war haft hown the impertance
of' transport, The State i$ prepared
lo ceetribute $50,0013000, The en-
ure:bider will be found by the loud
authorities, •
rade at ale but they served their pur-
pose and revealed the identity of 4011
more membere of the German service.
. Darkened Hllit Counsels.
There were occasions when they
served an even greater purpose, for
they were sent all the way to Ger-
many, or were allowed to go, where
they helped to darken tho counsels of
the Kaiser's adviser and set the Ger-
man headquarters hard at work pro-
tecting themselves against a peril
which did not exist, Meanwhile the
British Tntelligence Department went
cheerily on with their real business,
French officer requested a ride. As
they journeyed on, the officer told the
correspondent that his former home
was in Denalu; that he had left It
four years ago to join the tailors, and
that since his departure his wife had
giaen birth to a baby girl. Home,
wife and child -what ited been their
fate at the hands of Um Gorman la-
On entering the eity, the streets ot
which were strewn with evitlences of
Hunnish devastation, the officer direct.
ed the correspondent toward his for-
mer home. It had escaped destretion,
and the car stopped across the street
and prepared various little surprises from it. He approached and with
for the Hun, and delivered them in due 'hands that trembled rang the bell.
No one answered. Ho bacaecl away
course. such surprises, for instance, as
the tanks, of -which the Gennans knew
nothing until they were upon them.
'Undoubtedly the failure of the enor-
mously ceetly German intelligenee sys-
tem load much to do with the ultimate
defeat of Germany. They were beaten
at their own game, Brigadier General
C. K. Cockerill, who has been Director
of Special Intelligerce, has Just
closed sonie secrettrin a Mrowell mos.
sage to the staff, which numbers more
than 1,000 persons.
"The detection and conviction of
enemy spies," he says, "has been your
Primary business. It is satisfactory to
note that In most cases the arrest of the
spy has followed quickly on his entry
into this country. You have been, in
point of fact, the chief agency. in pre-
venting the leakage of naval ana
tary information. To mention but a
few instances of your success, the
vvithdra3val from Gallipoli, Use con-
struction of tanks, the preparations
Lor the offensive at Cambrai, and also
for the recent counter -offensives which
destroyed the German armies, were all
known to munhers of people in this
country but were concealed from the
enemy. There is, I am informed on
the best authority, no evidence that
melee, submarines have ever received
information of the departure of ship-
ping from British ports, no eft of des-
truction. or incendiarism hots been com-
mitted by enemy agents in this 001113.-
10y. This is the more remarkable
when the number of endmy aliens at
largo is cousidered. You have obtain-
eil information of incalculable value
to the Naval Intelligence, the Military
betelligence, and tho War Trade Intel-
ligence departments. In the opinion of
the Minister of Blockade your work
has contributed in a very large degree
to the satisfactovy working of the
like a man in a trance and leaned
evilest the car, trembling. Suddenly
the door was opened and an aged Wm
man appeared. Sloe was leading a
beautiful little girl by the hand. The
officer took one step toward the child
and thee halted. He wee a sthanger to
his own flesh and blood. The child
hid behind the skirts 'of the nurse,
peering out in fright. Undoubtedly
her 111011101' had told her, during the
German occupation, that men in uni,
form were bad, and that she must
avoid them. 'The borizon-blue uniform
ot France meant loathing to her,
But the halSbilnd eyes ot the nurse
had recognized -her master, and she
held out her hands to him, repeating.
"Monsieur! Monsieur" in ecstasy.
He crossed tho road and grasped her
hands, bat the baby drew back farther,
A door opened at the end of a long
hail, and a comely young matron came
through to see what wes going on.
When halfway down the hall she
caught sight of her husband. She
stopped, her band flow to her breast,
and she sivayod for a moment 113 it
about to fall. With a sobbing cry of
joy, she flung herself into his arms,
The correspondent's car was al.
ready moving away, for outsides
were loot needed to cemplete the scene,
Thus he left them -the nurse beaming -
on the happy couple, and the curly'
headed little girl looking with wide,
troubled eyes at Una strange man who
had appropriated her mother so cone,
pletely without a word of explanation. .
Much of the Cargoes Will be Fit For
Use When Rescued.
blockade, am], 30 far as the suppres- The big marble salvage companlee,
Won of meanly trade is concerned, the not only ta England, bet In all the
information provided by pm lure been Alied countries and Germany, are
the most valuable somutrea from any making preparations to raise the hue.
'sonrce during the war as a means of deeds of stiles evhich have been sunk
detecting enemy meechanslise carried by mines and torpedoed during the
US neutral goods in neutral ships: war.
The greater part of the ships sunk
Piled Up Cintraband Evidence.
lie in water that is shallow enough to
"It will interest you to lenoiv that in
allow' salvage operations to be ear,
practically every 0050 01! contraband
Heti out suceeesfully, says a London
which has been brought before the
Prize point the evidence on whiell the magazine. Of counie, any perishable
yen. Tho significance of this stele
Crown relief's hes been 1!111330144110((by goods avill long before they are eased
ittte hleoroodasi: af 0111.1 o
ment will be better appreciated When
haialvdsa le.tifitt%etne"Oaf7t,
it is added that the mai:mated value of ample, Which will be undamaged by
prize cargoes, es:elusive et ships, is their long fonmereion,
over 11380,000,000. You have, • more- Many of the cargoes of merishable
ever, stopped enemy remittances to food -stuffs were proteoted against the
end action of sea writer in ease they -0/001101
the valite of about on 70,000,000,
Practically 1311 the tea that le
year essenttal ail:4101611(1e in preventing sunk.
you have (301103)101017 deetroyed the
corning Into the country, for example,
enemy's overeea •cenmentleatIons,
has been peeked in special double -
far as they were vulnerable, Threugh
headed eases, anti 030 mot of it will bit
speculative trensactions II, raW Ma, 00110 fit W11011 erased from the sea.
11131 ovollobip 8(11)91(033 or vela war at eoUrse, been lest: round out; coasts,
Oriels, controlling 97(01013 and estimate Thotieends of tons of cotton have,
scoesmodnies, yeu nave saved 030 00;111. and most of it will lie usable.
111 ,500,00e, anticipated will he raised and 01
11„ ,‚,,,,4o trP11SaCti011, tO
try emit swum innemitleg in" the mom The total value of the cergoes hob
mu to, a moderato estimate, appro,t. ter sale Tnns imo the 11111110315 11115
lentieg 10 the egeregele to 0e09e,0044,„ claos 11011113114111(1 Ille value 03(110 8114)8
themselves, which atter dry decking
'E7013 moro proinami,, /11;311 thr, anil vomiting wilt be 01100 more ;exiling
111000143037 3(1(0144 111
11110. 0010104144 141 smut cre to 3310.0/51' days,
Gen of specrelatIve etintrieetors- from
.4,111,511 httaineee and the temeetment During the ear the lirtligh coeer
einerity that 71401' arzeterial ordered ed the 01.1411± with something 31k tom
orsalz03 te
tiilooltovuloattor, Million of (311(105,nez, coAting from trot
apiece unwand