The Clinton News Record, 1919-2-20, Page 2Of D. AICTAClG &T'1:' • 111,. II, llieTAGGtlftT cTagg..64d t REO 4�� -^x-13 ANIC.Ra5-••-•--, A. G>a1iE1,AI4 BANKING 13USI-' NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS' ISSUED, INTEREST ALLOWED ON T)E• POSITS. SALE; NOTES PUB;e: CHASED. __ +II. T, RANCE -- NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- &NCE:, FINA;NCIA,L 1iEAL 16S'1'A,TNi AND FI1110 INSUP- ANCE AGENT. I2EP1tESENT- ING 14 `:''IRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CI.INTON. ge- W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Oflee-: Sloan Block e-CLINTON • DR. GUNN OOleo cases at his residence, eor. High:and I{irk streets. DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1,30 to 3,30 p.m,, 7.30 to 0.00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30 p,m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence -Victoria St. CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Ete. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 'Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLJNTON. GARFIELD McMICEAEL, Licensed Auctioneerer for the. County bf Huron. Sales con- ducted in any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Address: Sea - forth, R. R. No. 2. Phone 18 on 236, Seaforth Central. GEORGE ELLIOTT• Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements call be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 167. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Sole Ag,ont for Scranton and D. I. &I. Cold Bituminouse j,� Coal. at th8 aFP Sheds Delivered a� 0 TERMS STRICTLY CASH. We also have on hand a stock of Canada Cement. A. J. HOLLOWAY. I1. R. I I G G I N S Box 127, Clinton . Phone 100. Agent for The Huron & Erie rl2;ortgego Cor- poration and The Canada Trust Company Conim'er H. C. of J., _Conveyancer, Vire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public Also a nnmbeer of good farms for sale. 5.t Bruceiield on Wednesday each. week. .•-TIME TABLE,-. Trains will arrive et' and depart from Clinton Station as follows; BUFFALO AND GODERICIZ DIV. Going east, depart 6.18 a,m, it it ti pan, Going" West, m'. 11.10, dp 1.1,10 am, ,: " ar. 6, 08, dp. 6.45 p.m. " 11.18 van. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIT. Going South, ar. 8.30, tip, 8,30 am, „ it it 4.15 p,m, Poing North, depart 6.40 p,nr. " " " 11,07, 11.11 a.m. The 1110111110 :dual Jll'0 Insurance Company : l , :r'_ . ,•.'r:;r Rao' alike, Seaforth, ®rtt. DIRECTORY : :'resident, Janos Connolly, Goderir.2; ,Vice,, James Evans, Beech}vood• Soc.-Treasurer, Thos. E.:lays, Sete / Directors: George McCertnee, Sea- ' forth; D. F. 1feGreger, Seaforth' 3, 30. Grieve, Waltot:; Wm. lime, Bee, forth; ,rid. McEwen, Clinton; Robert :Ferries, Unlock; John I3en11eweir, Brodhagen; Jae., Connolly, Gochnlel. ,ftgeats: Alex Leitch, Clinsen; '5�14 mralua; ileo, Gotleriehl Ed, illnchiey, Scampi; .1,V.Ch eney, ,gmondvitle; X;, G. Jar. lutfitIi, ra iagell, Any money te be paid .a mn:y lie paid to Meorlslr Cloths f Co,e Clinton, Or et Cutt'a Gu oeei y, Coderich, Parties desirl g' to effect irlsuran, 1)n+1 other n non a T111 be ,✓'i / 1 ` f7C's S lir y' alteeaert,r oh aPpileatidn iffy of the above officers addressed to their i t .perttve; host elide. Losses helps ted .:,y the director who ;Ivo ' ienitoet tllo 40013.01 Markets of the V o11' Ilreedstufie, • TorontoFeb.'11,-• 1x1 tnitebe 'Wheat No, 1 'Northers:, $2.84%. No, h Nortthern, ,$n 21+,f ; No 9 Northern,52.17/Si; Nq,iwhe,tt; $2,11$4, 3n. Fort ort Will t xManitoba otuts-& to 2 0, Wo 68Vc4; No. 3 O,W., 01140; extra No 1 feed, 034-c; No. 1 :feed, 593/1.c;. No, 2 feed, 6544, 0, in stone Fort 'Willman, Manitoba barley -No. 3 C.W , S1 Abe No, 4 0.W, 70%e; rejected; 003%; food, 001fse, hr store Vert William. Asnerietm eoi'n•-No 8 yellow, $1.50; 14o, 4 yellow, 81,47, prompt shipment. QntM io puts ---No. Swinte, - 67 to OOe• No, S 'white, 50 to 590, according f.O feeig}>,ts outside. Ontaalio wheat -No, 1 Winter, Per• car lot, $2.14 to $2.22; No. 2 do., $2,11 to f2 19;,]aro 3e do., $2.07 to $2,15 f o b., slopping„points, aceprding to freights:1, Ontatt)o wheat --No 1 Spring,-�i 3.09 C $2•,17; No. 2, do, $2.00 to $2.14; o. Sido, $2.02 to $2,10 !,o,b„ ship- f • lits rn toil l ac0d dinil'to tel 1� t 's r freights, , 11 g 1 g Peas-N'o 2, '}i.76 to $1.80, neeord- inlr to freights outsyie. Barley- Rialtilzg 73 to 780, nominal. Bnckwi)eat---No. 2, $1.00, nominal-, Rye --No, 2, $1,20 nominal, Meni'toba Flour -Government stan- d -mei; $10.85 to $3.1.35, Toronto, Ontaxie flour -War' quality, $9.75 in b gs, Toronto and Montreal, nroinot s ipincnt. • Millfeed-Carlots delivered Mont- real freights, bags ineludocl. Bran, $87.20 pee ton; shorts $40.25 per ton; good !lope, $2.40 per bag. Hay -No. 1, $22 per ton, mixed, $20 to $21 per ton, track Toronto. Straw -Oar lots, 510 to $11 per ton, car lots. Country -Produce -Wholesale: Butter -Dairy, tubs and Tolls, 28 to 39e; prints, 40 to 41c. Creamery, fresh made, solids, 51e; prints, 52e. Eggs -New laid, 45 to 46e. Dressed poultry -Spring chickens 26 to 82c; roostel'o, 250; fowl, 27 'to 30e; ducklings, 32c; turkeys, 40e; squabs, doz. $4.50; geese, 25c, Live poultry -Roosters, 20e; fowl, 24 to SOe; ducklings, lb., 85c;. turkeys, 35e; Spring chickens, 26e; geese, 18e. „Wholesalers are sell'f ig to the re- tail trade at the following prices: Oheese-New, large, 27% to 28e; twins, 28 to 281/.10; old, large, 28 to 28%c; twin, 28% to 29c. Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to 48c; creamery, solids, 51 to bac; prints, 52 to 54c. Margarine -32 to 340. Eggs -No. 1 storage, 60 to 52e; new laid, 55c; new laid in cartons, b'7e. Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, 82 to 38e; roosters, 23 to 80e; fowl 32 to 85c; turkeys, 45 to 50c; ducklings, lb. 35 to 38c; squabs, doz., '$5.60; geese, 27 to 2c. Potatoes-Ontartios, f.o.b. track Toronto, car lots, 90 to $1.00. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO. Tet;nis of subscription -$1.50 per year, in advance to Canadian addresses; $2,00 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. No paper 'discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of .the publisher. The data to ;Which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates -Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents per' nonpareil line for first insertion and ti cents per line for each subsequent inser- tion, Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc„ insert- ed once for 85 cents, and each subse- quent insertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. B. HALL, M. R. CLARE, Proprietor. Editor, • Free to Boys MODEL STEAM ENGINE Tluns like si:tty, spurting steam and making as much fuss au though It were running the elect/de light plant' Of Your town, lIrtA,- hraes lacquered boiler, with nartoy reive, blued f,tegl firebox', with suirit burners. and blued steel ctumney, All running parts of best quality metal, Send us your name and we will send SOU 40 packages of our lovely en -Omits - ed St. Patrick and Raster i.'oSioat•ds to sell ot fie omits a oa0katte. When Fold, send us the =Joey tend we will send you the steam t +r uhrtne, with all' is,i!f charges prepaid. HOMER -WARREN' CO. nRPr. 47, TOROIM`O., .... Penns 0f13119.11en, 1r nantpmtad h140110l, 34 50 16 hnndepielted, 11041a oi' I,ld,t,ltl, ;})4,00; Lima, 1•lic I7.oltey--7118trhe'ed clover: 5.17x. tins, 28 to .29e 18,; 10t1b, tine, 27 to 280; 00741). 1rta, 20 to 261/1et buelo be tt,'ti0� 18 110, 21 to 22o.. Comb; 16 o , 54,50 to 55.00 do's.; 12 -or„ 53,30 to ¢4.00 doe, • Arable p)ednctsi $2,25. to $2,35; sugar, Ib. 27 to K e, Provisions --Wholesale Stnoltcl meats:-13pm5, mediulcooked , t38e; do„ 'heavy, 81) to 112e; 49 to 510; rolls, 81 to 820; breakfast btteon, 41 to 43r; backs; blah), 44 to 46e; boneless, 50 to 52e. Que''ecl meats -;-Lout clear bacon, 28 to 29e; clear bollleg 27, to 281 ,,, Lard -Pure, 'pierces, 27 to 27e; tubs, 275%1 to 20e; pails, 211, to 2814c; prints, ..8b to 0e. Qoznpound, tierces, 25142 to 25%e; tubs, 263 to 204e•: 8;;88'1'3, 20 to 20'4e; prints, 271,4 to 27'0, • 'Montreal Markets Montreal, Feb. 11,---Oats----Extra Cul,wnr inventions. These t:lnits wfro No, 1 reed, 741. Flour•, -Nest stand, being built and fitted in British air- And ir.A d grade, 511.25 to 511.85. Ilolied plane,;# 8o fust as possible When the oet •--Bags, 90 lin 53,00 to 34.25..ztrinist1Co vra; signori; TIud the tight. Bran, 537.25. Shorts, $42.26. Mouil-.ing cetztlmtod)31'lttelu pllat would bone 110, 5138,00, Hat -Na, 2, get ton, car. been immune from me of the trolttest lots, 523 00. r canoes 00 centilitres 'fins invention Cheese -Tinos; pastel'ne, 24 to 20 Butter -Choicest creamery, 51 to 51%1 is to be applied to coznmoi'oial stir• Eggs-Selcoted, 50c' No. 1 stock, 47 planes. to 54e. I'otatoep-Per bag, car lots-----�'+ ••« $1.75, Dresser ,loo ro-Abattoir l;il MORE TUAN 10,000,000• ALIENS RESIDENT IN UNITED STATES A despatch (rani Washington says: ---1b proximately - one-tenth of the population of the United States Pert steers, $15.00 to $16.76; de, is composed of unnaturalized good, $14.00 to 514.50; e1hoieo ',butcher aecordltrg to Raymond lel. Celst, 11e - steers, 513.00 to • 518.50; butchers' puty 'Co.mmiseioner of Naturalization, cattle, oaoico, 512.00• to 513.00; do,, who declared that eueli, a condition good, 511,25 to $11.75; do,, common, wenitl not '.a permitted by any other 59.50 to 510.00; bulls, choice, 51.0,50 country, and appealed to American to $11:00; do,, medium bulls, 88.75 to citizens to help in Inelnng citizens of 50.26;•clo,, roagfh.'bull''s, 57.50 to 80.00; Allen 'residents. He lead there were butchers' cows, cheiee, :$10.00 to 10,500,000 persons in this country who 511.00; tio., good, $`9-,00 to 59,50; do,, still retain their allegiance to the medium, 58.00 to 58.50; do., coznnien,• luticl ul tdr birth .7.00 to $7,50; stockers, $8.00 to 510.50; feeders, 510.50 tv 512.00; canners, 55.85.80 $7.004-•milicers, good to chalice, 599,00 to 5140.00; do. coine and med., $65.00 to 575.00; springers, I :b despatch from London says: -Tho 500.00 to $140.00; light wes, $0.00I I Dritisb. Air Ministry announces that a to $10.00; yearlings, $12.00 to $12.60: French service machine on Wednes spring lambs 515.00$ to 516.00; calves, good to hoice, :$15.60 to I.they made a record flight between OANAPIe' CLAIMS AOAI145T GG1tiMANY $81,140,000,000 A „ clospatott from • Ottawa slayss-- (ianada'd 411a11SAs ,:(billet Germany, en - eluding war exitoudituio to Sate, now tonal over 0leVen hundred and forty million tloilitrs War expenditure alone •51010 4111 ,beginning of the lvtu' •to ,the end cif hist auoit(.il, • totalle4 $4,1.22,000,000, This represents 100' (founts which have passe; through the booke ot the Fina000 1)opertlnent. .1n addition. slain e tor actual enemy dam- ages against Canadians ---olefins for cltultag'es by subn)at'ines 30011 Io outer ways -stow total about $1.9,000000, CANADA S CLAIMS .AGIAtNST GERMANY $1,140,000,000 A despatch from London says; --A new petrol tank, which will nolthee leak nor catch ilro'wben pc)rtorated by iuoondtary bullets 80,3 Daily lllall esys, hasebeen added to tho,llst ot. wonder - led, $24,00: Lard -Pore, wood palls,. 20 lbs. ,net, 25 to 28c. Li'vo Stack Markets ' • Toronto Fob. 1.i„ -Choice heavy ex - FLEW FROM PARIS TO LONDON Ge ONE HOUR FIFTY MINUTES 51720, hogs, fed and watered, 517.50: to 516.25, Montreal, Feb. 11. -Best steers, 513.50; poorer, 55.50 .to 510.00 per 100 lbs.; choice cows and bulls, 510.00 to 511.00;• canners, 55.00 to 56.00; sheep, 510.00; lambs, 514,00; calves, milk -fed, 512.00 to 516.00 per 00 lbs.; hogs, $17160, 0 -------- NEWFOUNDLAND TO • IRELAND BY AIR In a statement to The Transcript Colonel W. A. Bishop„ Canada's pre- mier "ace." who holds the world's war record for birdmen, predicts the early wiping out of distance by the airplane. He says: "As soon as the weather be- comes suitable -about April 1, I think -an airplane will cross the Atlantic; and not one,but dozens, for on the first favorable day there will be an in- ternational race to accomplish this feat. The winner will probably start from Newfoundland and Sand in Ire- land, makingthe flight In quite a bit tinder twenty-four hours, and without the nec8esity of coming down. It is entirely possible to carry sufficient pet. rol and other supplies to do this, and the Newfoundland fogs, about which more or less has been said, won't bother, f r the aviator will uiokl y rise abovo the fog belt at the start." BRITAIN WILL DEMAND INDEMNITY FROM GERMANY A despatch from Loudon says: -Tho l3ritish delegates -at the Peace Con- ference Have been deiinitely instructed to claim an indemnity which will in- clude the cost of the 'war as well as the damage actually caused, it was announced in the House of Commons c0 Thursday by Andrew Bonar Law, Government leader in the Commons, In reply to a question. A commission is now considering the amount to be claimed, the method by which payment should be macre and tine means ofa'cnforcing the payment, ,lir, Boner Law added. CHAPLAINS; RECORD . IN OVERSEAS FORCES A despatch fro -in London says: -- The total number of Canadian Oban - king now serving hi the overseas forces is 430. The number of honors gained include five C.M,G's, nine D. S,O: s, thirty-three mentions lin mill - Wry despatches and thirteen 'brought to the notice of the. Secretary of State 4911S* or Wer, ` wo' Chaplains were killed, 0110 died of wounds, one was drowned on the Llanclovery Castle, which was sunk by a German submarine; two died of illness, end 21 were wounded. 0 1' • e The Smile of Victory -Premier Lloyd George and Rt, Iron.. Arthur J. Batlff,ut photographed as they Were -about to enter the Freneh Foreign Office on the opening, day of the Peace Congress. ROUMANIANS IN ��AL • R QLT I� � Paris and London, covering, the dis- tance In one hour' and /lfty minutes. The distance covered was 270 miles. Prince Braves Rain The Australian correspondent 'with the A. I. F. has been narrating howe impressed his countrymen were by the sporsmanlike and generaljJy fraternal hearing of the demacretfs Prince of Wales on the occasion of his recent visit to their army corps. While in- specting an artillery brigade he walked up and -down the luxes in heavy rain without his overcoat. A staff officer accompanying the Prince protested, but the Prince only pointed impatiently to the soldiers. Theywore 011 without rainproof coats, and he got as wet as the troops. There are many who may regard this as quix- otic, but the sten understood the pro- test in their behalf. There is at least one royal house which remembers noblesse oblige. 41 Germany to Pay to the Full Extent of Her Resources A despatch from London says: - Capt. the Hou. Rupert Guinness asked in the House of Common, wlaetht ' the Premier was prepared to press to the utmost for reparation from Ger- many and also to make Germany pay to the fall extent of her resources. Premier Lloyd George yeplied that that sons the election pledge gluon by the Government after earet'ul Cabinet considerut:on.. Tho! Government stood by every word of• this pledge. King Ferdinand Wounded in an Attempt to Reach Jassy. • A despatch loom Berlin says: -A general insurrection ie its progress thronghout Roumania, according to a special deaepateh from Vienna. IKin.g• Ferdinand' has been wounded slightly fit•attemplting to free from Bucharest to Jassy with the Royal' falntiy. -Workingmen blocked the roadway frosn the Royal Palace, and the King and his •family,were forced to return, The King Wes wounded when the workers, according to the report, fired upon the Royal Palace. :note,: in the streets of Dachas- .rest are openly demanding the over-. throw of the dynasty, crying "Down with the puppets; long live the Re- public." The Vileg of Bucharest learns that the revolt is part of the Bolshevik propaganda. In a clash between the military, and demonstrators at: Ba- korst 00 persons were killers and 150 wounded. The diecipl'ine of the Iteu. manian army, the newspaper adds, is coidlapsing, The economic situation is rapidly growing worse, and the country's finances are completely de- nmoralized. The position of the Bra- tiano Cabinet is declared to be un- tenable. Queen Merle of Roumania; was known as "the fairest of all grand- daughters of Queen Victoria." Oa January 10, 1893, she tnaln'iod King Fert,inencl-the first British Princess of the Royal House to saeriice her place in -the kine of succession to the throne of Britain by marrying a Ro- man Catholic,. since Parliament itt Westminster, more than two hundred years ago, passed the Act of Settle- ment. Iles father, the .second and sailor son of Victoria, bore the title of Duke of Edinburgh. • "The -strongest prit.ciple of growth lies hi human choiee."-George Elliot. In using •a broom remember to use ;both sides so the straws wilbl wear down evenly. THOUSANDS -ME THE STREETS a IN REETS Sufferings of Petrograd People Terrible Beyond Description. A despatch,.fr•om London says: - There has just arrived in London an English trade unionist who has lived in closest contact with Russian work- ers in different parts of the country for the past five years. He has come direct from Petrograd, and in the course of an interview with a London Daily News representative he des- cribed the terrible con:Melons of life In Russia under Bolshevik ,Foye. "Conditions in Petrograd," he said, "are beyond belief, The suffering of the pecple'is so terrible that it can Weedily be imagined in Englund. "Machinery for food distribution has completely broken dosvn and pratctically all the workers in the city aro •suffering from sheer'4etaroation. They have passed the stage of semi- stae'vrition. I have seen people liter- ally' dying in the streets, At night Petrograd was like a city of the dead. "I often asked the people why they didn't overthrow the Bolsheviks and tshereply I got was: "We can't• If eve lift a .little finger that will be the end of us.' "Russia has mused beyond the sphere of poll -Wes. The question is now one of humanity. People are 87- in.gholesale of starvation. The po- pulation of Petrograd has dwindled from 2,000,000 to about 600,000. Thousands have been -killed ole have died from the effects of starvation. 'Cho reign of terror extends to the country distriotts. 'Phero, Oowereie the people are not starting," VAR COST ALL POWERS 193,000,000,000 DOLLARS A despatch from Washington says le --The total cost of the war to all belligerents, including the Central p011•01•5, 0108 placers at, $193,000,000,000 by Secretary Baker in alt address, This estimate, the Secretary said, Was based on figures just compiled by the War College, w "N'® more headache lot you. --take these" i''tp•, �,x't� a` �'>t?)t"�a�����yy��a; w,s.41t��t ;' � ,�� ,� �• Don't• just "amotlicr" the headache without removing erre Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TOhlets, l'hey not only rnra �;, i,k� r Its : 14 ' the headache but giv0 you n bnuymrt; healthful feeling heeuuuo tone tbr. liver, sweeten the stomach end , totea"e 11101wwela, Try them, , \ 43 ^,�� \ l•\ f% All Drussidr, 21e., er lir mail 'lj \.�C.�RI; 6''S,�'• CIIAlIatltLAIN MEDICINE CO. -�.. ✓ / i , �\ -,%- Toronto, Ooh 13 •(31 .,,.@'. •i,.'Inptq,'ntY., I er;,rcn t..r7,. i •vl 'J.:•- _ :.. s.,.,.: ....r ..\ in Panama Canal :Clip (1.1 `.0, Ilucl' blinprens of .. D {. C!•� .J it „ . �, I ) c Ivor is here shown )03,80'• through lhr hi : link at ld.. cj ,j. -�., I..': >.. ;zt : of , ) n I 1, 1 fi r'i .�-r: , u Y �sl�s -wttiu 451�as.k�'�-�''-..w ^• Britii h troopship h1 ••) Ihrntr th (lip c,nud tvt:hound the 1';tplih• look Many Western so all, '. : ,'roe 10 Von- ore! o1' Oro Pointon (an'tl, She teas the tit.t BANISH` FULA Haadrr $ereaparilli Olesnsee life, Blood, Skin TI'.oubies V8nieb, Scrofula eruptions on the fat' and body are. both autl0yill.q and. diefburilig. The complexion v'oulil, be 0ei'fe08 it they were not present! '21115 disease .shws itself in other way, as bunches in the heck, in - tamed eyelids, sore ears, wasting o/ the muscles, a form of clycpopslia, and general dob'ility. Ask your druggist for good's Sn1;5apariile, This great inedil:inct completely eradicates sorofula. Zit purifies and enriches the blood, rd.,. 'novae -humors, and builds up the Whole system, ;Scrofula is either inherited or ae•- (introd, Metter bo Sure gots an/ quite free from it, Get Hood's Save_ saparllla and begin taking it today. IN A BOMBPROOF SHELTERR Experiences of Red Cross Nu1'bc lefring an Enemy Bomberdns n't Writing to a friend, •a Red Coosa :noise; Miss Elizabeth Anderson, gives a vivid description of the terrifying experiences that the members o1 her. organs-.atiotl had to face at the (rent; She says: Wo' have been through a nice little - bombardment. 1 don't think I'll ever be quite the same. Running for your life and standing for seven hours, in z bombproof shelter that is not bomb- proof gives your mind quite is jolt.. Imagine a concrete dugout about forty yards long, eight feet wide, se- ven feet high, built under the ground; Into this limited space lis crowded a i.:e curious ntixtuof humanity-offiie- ers, telegraph operators, six of .us canteenerti, railroad engineers and conductors; fete or five' civilians, about seventeen guards with their bay- onets, three dogs, a liberal sprinkling of French soldiers and three Aaneri- eans. We are packed in so tight that we are almost stifled. Outside the gone of our barrage are making a fearful racket. There three deafoning bombs, one right after the other=bombs e1- ways fall 'in threes. The eighteen - inch concrete wa114of our dugout are shaken as if they were made of cattle board; the air rushes through in a sickening blast. - Some one says, "Quelle affairs!" One of the Americans shops chewing trUM long enough to remark '°Pretty close)" The. tall young gauzdsm si; I ani leaning against w'1pes the per- spiration from his brow and announce ces that he prefers tllo trenches. Now comes comparative silence. Our guns have stopped. We all hold our breath. Yes, we can hear dis- tinctly the sound of the Docile motors, directly over our heads. The wait seems interminable. You grit yore: teeth; you clench your hands; you hold your breath; and then conies a stupendous, clashing din. This time you are almost thrown to the ground, and the concussion deafens you. You hold your breath again, expecting that your last Moment has come. A pause, and then two more bombs explode a little farihee Vire breathe again, and our guns begin their infernal racket, Iu them/et pause you hear the horrid rattle of; a Machine gun, not our own, and you know the Boche has come bade and is firing on the ruins of the house he 'hen just destroyed. Never so long as I live shall I for- get those silences in the dugout and the humming of that motor; like some hideous ,and unclean insect. And what I have described kept up for years. "l' Sugar has been known to the Chin- ese for at least 8,000 years. FREE TO GI ,qL.S, DDS DOLL AND DOLL CARRSA@E .0.111,, bl, dLr .11os tell, bas011 lofni,,t1Eod and Irma and natural,' heed Mande and feet. Oho Doll Carriage has steal 11,k1110 unit wheels, anti the seat. back and hood :lou. made 01: lea.t.hercl:ir, It le 24 1 u'110e Mali cad 11 in3t the right steel for the hie' Doll, 311 =end us your, Ita1110 and addreey and lt•n w111 sen% tvu "ne xlanes •rl not 1,•5 ,,11' ,mkagboseeO4l >t 1 atrb'k and least. Ot I ,,sterna: 10 sell alt0 •enls 11 package. 11. lieu they are sold send 1111 011 100110' and we w113 send you th0 Dig Dolt, with all sharers pre- paid, and w„will also s ud,. , t rho :.loll earring,. 'without any harf t fl' you wht Bh051 10111• Doll to vosu' friends and get sent our goo1,110ernyotun n earn prize 10, $caul Its your 11.11110 nd ad- U.1000150 d- o11-,311 l.0 g,ttOrn 1)011 ails, 1 rrlt r J t t t g. (..1182'r toldy Address �j' 3040 A50o nun.,. 4o gtolronto •--rx�,nmua,000„�v�.m,nu.,.�..m,vn.*mxrxxvmncees.,,w,,.,..m.w�,mrv-al�+R•.,m„w:,.+o,�.,v,,.rr www:as,�a,xwuv,wnnnmxc,>+so-,ra,uavn,Mai,aw•.iuww...�..,wrnn+mn,nn,a+roe,n,.nau.ram»r„r,xvn,i,,,...,:m,w.:e.nv��enummrs.»a+«„sd,«vwn..:,.-e-,f+�.::v-m..r..r�,,�..arn�mns.wmn<oma,�.-,....+...mnosw.;uwm,em,�a>=+'�:^_:,,� ate........ ---, IbH1 THERE Goat, r4Ft,JOIYC:S- 11410ST SPEAK TO HINT AUNT COPING, TO / 0UR'SOCIAL N^lgg�"1''tr�WG[K- (...' MY sfeoEn.1nee • Nk'8, o0l1'0, Irh THAT noeses1) bP LO0ei geje isfs.selesSSit Tat. fist JOIST e. wee IIF -I fs tll`Il'll, 181.1 COM08oUT /MVO get HUMILIATE i film; i S JOH, MT