HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-2-13, Page 7s'roCIK$ H. M. Connolly Co. Membero Montreal Stock exchange. 106=106 Tf3ANSPORTATION BUILDING. BONDS Free to Boys MODEL STEAM ENGINE eates Runs 'like sll:ts, spurt Ing: steam and malting as. =ugh fuss as though It were running the electric light plant of your town: kfas. brass lacquered boiler, with saftey valve, blued steel J rebox, with spirit burners and blued steel chimney, All running parts of best quality metal. Send be soul• name and we will semi you 40 packages ,of our lovely emboss- ed St. Patrick and !caster Postcards to sell at 10 cents a package. 'When, Sold, send us- the money and we will send you the steams engine, with all charges prepaid. HOMER -WARREN CO. DEPT. ` 4i, TOROI`v'T0 TAKING STOCK ,r, A British Tommy Sunts Up What He Learned in the Arany. On the contra side there is a career broken short, and consequent mone- tary loos and 'future uncertainty. Again, to be cut off' from several years of one's primo from Society and the Paradise of Oivilization is no slight misfortune. he Army tenden- cy to idle, and sometimes to shirk, has ° been implanted in true. I swear freely, and am tarr> ' . t(✓ith animal'usm. On the c ^':t side, heattlh has been improved by the outdoor life. My job was despatch -rider, R.E. A B.E.F. motor cyclist must under- stand army orr.nizaticn, how the signal service is run, and something of the instruments used. Mechanical resourcefulness hese been drilled into him by a harsh tutor—michanee— and, no matter how bad the roads and weather, ho has become the -complete and fearless traveller. He Ihae to cuati- vate a detective's astuteness in 'un- ravelling mysteries and tracking lost units; Ito is handy with a revolver, and a wizard with maps. Armed with , pliers, a Primus stove, petrol, and the doctaine of "Scrooge," he can feed and house 'himself anywhere. These assets are mine. I have shouldered the respnnailai- ties of a section N.C.O., and gained er.' perience of thousands of men when . `7nipoeisi>ig as their trainer on a service. ',have met tyles finer llhan novel heroes, and scoundrels worse than stage villains. 'The com- racle's anade by. a soldier are a proud acquisition. Agreeable exercise in French has been provided ,gratis, and one may expect some good practice in German. Habits and ideas have changed. Diffidence was soon exchanged for self-reliance; conceits and fads have been knocked out of me 'by remorse- less "leg -paling." Once prejudiced against strong liquor, I now drink moderately, be- cause soldiering has shown me that sociability, induced , by drinking to- gether, often cures selfislntess. I know t71at the gunner and .infantry- man have been crucified do 'battle for others' sake; therefore, I resent any ,code that lectures them:instead of try- ing to -cure their lot. I awn not so con- vinced a democrat, for I see in the Army that the illiterate of the rank and file subsequently abuse power placed in their hands, Corresponding- ly, I view more reasonably the system of caste that rules the Army, and largely our country, since eny khaki years have taught sne that our aeistocratie governorsaare more mag- nanhnous than the governed, similar- ly placed, would be. Manures, fertilizers, and crap rota- tion will net compensate for a 'lack of j unvd'erdlradn'age of the sail; in feet, they only add to the real expense of growing crops 'without recompense. Children Love ruts The natural con- stituents of barley and wheat, sweet ened by sn a r developed from the ;rains them- selves in ,he nnaklnl of.this famous food,. a true i Vi s3 building o1J r'- Y'1 nl1'9 . ash relent not found sa corri- le'tel 1n oth4r or is z t .t o u• a�rJtlopo c1/pt°,a�wt ,t Canada food llodrd License se 2020 The Latest Designs I HONORING : THE HEROIC ,DEAL `X'1IE GLz.4V]GS OF s warms A brand-new idea for e school frock for the sprightly little miss, featuring the vestee effect with belt slipping 'hrougih slashes at each side of front and fastening under the vest. Mc- Call Pattern No. 8786, Girl' Dress. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years. Price, 20 cents. This new side -closing dress :may be converted into quite a dressy affair' by adding the overdress, which consists of back and front panels with broad belt ant in one. McCall Pattern No. 8745, Ladles' Convertible Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 25 0 cents. Transfer Design No. 944. Price, 20 cents. RECORDS O1 WAR' Even the Germans Have Shown So Chivalry to the 10allelt, as Inscriptions Indicate, It has been the business of bo sides --one of the sidelines of grins business of war—to keep r cords of the graves' of the fallen me Their resting places are ticketed- a numbered, and duly entered in regi ters. in areas that have been oce pied successively by the Germans a the British, a number of graves be two numbered stakes. This goes show the pains that have been tak to record the spots that have be hallowed by the remains bf those m who have made the supreme sacrific In spite of all this caro, howeve the numbers of nameless graves a very considerable. In areas whe fighting of an extremely intense ch acter extended over; long periods,, was a natter of impossibility to bu at all the sten who fell between t Ines of the contending forces; and, places, there are graves where ve belated internments have taken plat In Irish House—so named in compl went to the Irish Fusiliers—wh llte th the e_ 4d. each, empty tins for ld. and 21,6 n. each, old linen, leather trunks, o nd `clothes, books and furnturo broug s- Opt price and as much es possib u- was bold by the Belgians because tit nd never Knew what would be seized b er their tormentors. Those same to tp mentors paid £80 for. an oriental ea en pet four feet square that cost £40 en 1880 and had been in constant us eft They also paid ,1.,800 francs foe e. piano which cost 1,400 francs clove r, years ago. Other similar marches re were made with the intention of se re ing the articles later on•—doubtle ar- hearing the magic words "Made it , Germany." ry he itl t7 e. i'- eh BRUSSELS UNDER. E TSI GERMAN HEEL I117I.r,1ANS SOLD iaROl'ER'1'Y FEARING SE1'ZU1li7 Refused to Buy Germain -Made Goads and Where Possible Did Not J Replace Stolen Articles. During the occupation of Brussels by the Huns old corks sold for 3d. and d. ld ht le ey. y r7 in 0. a n es 11- SS its lies between liemmel and the • Wy chaete end .of the Messines Ridg there is one large grave which held the remains of an officer eats thin two men of tho Gordon Highlanders nameless—who died in `June, 191 and were buried July, 1917, by th Irish Fusiliers. An Heroic German. Dyed Sheets for Dresses. Wonderful dyes were to be o tained easily in Brussels and durin the past summer Belgian ladies dye their sheets according to fancy i wore them. Last winter their spa blankets were transformed int s` i coats. For a while the Belgians wer e, hoaxed into wearing their own pati a otic emblems which had been ratan Y factured by the Hun and put on sal — I in Brussels. But as soon as the ho. Ot , was discovered Belgians refused t ° avail themselves of the privilege buying German -made goods. A fib and steel for lighting the gas, a though clever, was unsaleable, th b - d rad re 0 e i- tt- e hoe 0 Y-I Farther up, amongst the ruins o Wyschaete itself, are some elaborat crosses on which the names of Britis soldiers appear,, surrounded by other crosses, bearing German names. Thi marks the position reached by a tid of British advance tyhch was at the time thrown back. Amongst wha was known to soldiers as the "Cats combs" of Wyschaete village, a singl cross bears the inscription its Englsh "Here lies an heroic German." Fre quently the word "brave" appears of t'-ese crosses, as a trbute by eithe German or British to a fallen foe but one wonders what deed inspire the use of the word "heroic." Ove towards Lake Zillebeke, in a littl graveyard in a quadrangle of muti lated trees, one cross bears the Ger man inscription—"A Brave Britisl Stretcher -Bearer!" And a broke stretcher lies eloquently across th grave. • At a place called Preston Dump which, slightly north of Messines, wa stem a German dump, and aftotward was made an egineering dump by the 'British, -there were two graves to gether—one that of a German, the other that. of a Britisher. Weather of a shell explosion had knocked the erom rosspioce ftthe German cross One of the noon of our party insisted on finding it and hammering it back into place. "Poor beggar!" he said, "I suppose he thought he was doing his duty, same as I do." Those two crosses in the angle between n road and the lines of a light raiiwa•r lean towards one another, as if in a epi_'it of reconciliation. A Child's Grave. A child's grave near Morville, in- scribed with a child's prayer in Ger- man rhyme, speaks of a Hun less Tlunnish than those who compassed the little one's death. Now that the war is over, and the districts where the severest fight'ng took place are freed, the work teat remains' to be done is beteg com- pleted; and now, also, the pe•,ple who have lost relatives in the war are making eager enquiries to know where those they love are sleeping. An cp- portunity will surely be- offered for those who desire it to make pilgrim- ages to the places where these loved ones are buried. reason being that it was made by the hHuns. Brass water taps were taken by the enemy and for these they paid s • two francs fifty, charging six francs efor taps to replace the requisitioned ones. The new ones were, of course, "made in Germany." Door handles and bell pulls were seized in the sante way but were not replaced by house - owners. It became "all the style" to hang a piece of firewood to the bell wire. Loot Sent to Germany. Houses wero constantly searched for everything that could be used in manufacturing ammunition, choice furniture was seized as well as ele- gant or luxurious clothing—all sent to Germany as loot. During this time there was no communication with the outside world'' -only such letters and news as the Hun chose to allow. It is scarcely conceivable that France and Belgium are even now filled with war's victims who are hearing for the first time of what has been happen- ing outside their own little environ- ment during the awful five years just closed. The low waistline is featured in this frock of youthful anal graceful lines. McCall Pattern No. 8742, Misses' Dress. In 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Price, 25 cents. Transfer Design No. 928. Price, 20 cents. Advanced spring model featuring the ooilarles, sleeveless coat, or by nutting away the front and using a vest -and collar, as illustrated, an on - 'Neely difforent offeot is given. Me - Cali Pattern No, 8752, Ladies' Coat Suit. xn wizaa 84 to 48 bust, Price, 25 cents, These patterns may 'be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or front the McCall Co, 70 .13ond St., To1'oilto, nett, 'W, . . F4{.:. IML,.iv.,I,.++na�..N,+,L•wauW A t birth stile pulse of ta. normal .in. &vudttula•1 beats 236 times to oniltalbel ltt the age of 80 70 ttitn.as, fdltuars Ideltoagl 00144 GOA,. bra, ✓' LONDON'S GRANDSTAND The Victorial Memorial Commands a Good View of the Mall. Right in front of Buelcingham Pal- ace stands the Victoria Memorial, which commands a view of the whole length of .the Processional Way which lie called The Mall. Access to the central monument is gained by flights of stone steps, and those lead' to a spacious platform sur- rounded by a low Wall. This platform has become, from its .positron and great advantage as . a viewpoint, London's grandstand. -' To get a front place on this plat- form is to command a splendid• view of any Royal or national procession or function which has its centre of ob- jective at the palace of our King and Queen wed is the cause o2 rivalry long .hefore any such function is dined to ,take place. Of late it has been one of the sigh -le of the town to see the way it has been crowded on seals occasions as when the British generals, headed by Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, came to luncheon with the King, and when President Wilson cane to be the King's guest, and .later anode a sort of royal .progress to the city, to be en- tertained by the Lord Mayor. On 'such occasions London's growl - stand is a "stand" indeed, for there is only standing rootn, When the King and Queen, cocain - ponied by their, guests, ante out Upon the balcony of the palace, as they frequently do, the balcony and the grandstand are opposite oath other, Victoria Memavia and "ides he ria t o 1 becomes araas one flatter of wowing hnndkarchiefs, rima one rear of cheering As a rule, the walls ate occupied ly London's urchins, who may be treated to find the best point of van, (age s1=theta ie a show on, It is Well that the sbrucittkt' is of Marble and almost indestructible! Only one•-0si4'd of the ,vnrlld",s ,,;)air tllaiinit u'clett bread Ins it daily :feed, LOSSES BY SUBMARINES Power to Control or i'orbid Building of Them Mush be Secured. Referring to a report received from Paris by way of New York, that a plan for assuring freedom of the seas includes the restricted use of abolition of the su'bm'arine, the London Daily Telegraph says: "The submarine campaign was aimed at this country, and we suf- fered worse than all the other tia- t`ons-combined, There is danger that that fact may be overlooked. Be- sicles ships, we lost cargoes valued at hundreds of millions of pounds sterling, while 15,000 British men, women and children were assassin- ated at sea. "As we made no special reilresen 'cations en this subject, 'there has been a tendency to suggest that we emerged from bMs piracy rather well off. Let et be remarked once more that 90,000,000 tone of our shipping lie at the bottom of the sea. We are more interested than any com- munity in the proposal foe the aboli- tion of the submarine. It would ►fe misleading to claim that naval opinion is unanimous in this matter, but a large body of naval opinion, and even a larger in'oportion of statesmen on both sides .the Atlantic favor the abolition of the U-boat," P—o—�—o—o—o---o—n—o—o—o--a-'-A f LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGID' OUT NOW You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freemen°, which the moment a few drops are implied to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entre corn, root and all, lifts out with tate fingers. It is a sticky enter compound which dries the moment it is applied, and, simply shrivels the Corn without in- flaming or evou irritating the surround- ing tissue or skin. it is claimed that a Quarter' of an ounce of froezone will cost very little at any of the ding stores, but is sufiioient• to rid one's feet of every hard or soft, corn or callus, You are farther warned that nutting at a corn is a suicidal habit, -- 'm—_----- Only one winter in Ontario .haus not adopted Lite county road tapotem under the Provinlcial, Aot. The candies Ilia.Vm• taken ovor sonitrel of 9,200 mics of road Bond improved 2,325 mile( -to 011ie, MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion Ibxpl'oss Money Order, They are payable everywhere. ,1311ght ,we= dales in winter ceruse suabwcalel 10 eplpeatn onapple and ether smooth boric tles, Better 1nt l o bond, cote dodder, 0a avio e seN01.1) ell bllo goulillaWrst 'aide of 'bito ta'eea bra r ^lu t the trent;. anitll 1 Y4,a,.wv 1l4beard'a i,IitlitiDnt Ourow stamen, FREE TO GIRLS axtl Dozat Arra xtolux aeraaxrari This hlw, doll Is 10 in, Owe tall, lids Jointed loge and arms and rlatnrnl bead, JCar Page has feet, steel triune And wheels, and• the scat,back and hoodde of Is l4 inches highi,' and 1s Just the t'frht size for the big Dell, .rust send us your name and address and we will semi You 80 nackages of cur lovolt embossed St Petrlelr and ]neat- t. 10i cents pads ckage, t 0 our they money 0 send send you the Dig Doll, with 011 charges pre- paid, and we will also +ond you the Doll Carriage without, any charge .if you will show your Dell to you friends and get justthreeet them to sell our geode and earn prises, toe, Send us your name and ad- dress to -day so you Can ROL YOWL' Doll and Doll Carriage . quickly Aadreas Bort! A 00114P O,C nneur fl40 NY Dept. 40 Toronto mli.1 Tulicestan every wedding on. gagement begino with the payment of a • substantial consideration to the gil'l's parent's. If the girl jilts her lover the ongagllenent gift has to he returned unless the ifttronte- have an- other daughter to give as a saheb'. tote. liEnera'p Lintruoat Caiyos (target in COWS "Success is largely a mother of buy- ing experience and solllvag'it et to pro - Gentle Cynic." INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Question of Immigration and Pass- ports at Peace Congress.- From on'grests.From alt authoritative source a correspondent is informed that when the major' issues are decided at the Peace Conference it is Certain that the powers will' discuss the question of passport restrictions, along with the general subject of international travel, and especially the subject of imenigrstion. One of the arguments for the neces- sity 'of some forret of passport super- vision is that dangerous agitators would not travel as 'immigrants. it is now thought by the police in this and other allied countries that many international moles were killed dur- ing the. War, and that this class` of criminals, therefore, will not immedi- ately-give mmedi- ately ggive trouble as in former times. It is suggested that with war -time passports the surveillance is too cost- ly.and too embarrassing to legitimate travel and trade to be maintained .in its present form, and that some simpl- er methods may be evolved in the Conference between the nations at Paris. r Keep Your Health TO -NIGHT TRY Minard's Liii me t for that Cold and Tired Feeling Get Well, Keep •Well, Kill Spanish Flu by using the OLD RELIABLE. MINAR:D'S LINIMIDNT CO- Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. An excellent way of cleaning leath- er fue•oniture is to wipe with a dump clout to take off the dirt. When it is dry wipe again with a soft cloth dip- ped its beaten white of an egg. Let the egg 4107 and sheat po5:uh with a soft clout. 86lnard'r L10lmeat Oases Dtphtherls. The suigar beet 'crop in Southwest- ern Ontario was good lest year, the yield running from 15 to 18 tons per acre. About $10.50 per ton Is being paid ion them. GARDEN, FIELD, LAWN & FLOWER Write for Free Catalogue and Book- let entitled 'Making the Garden Pay." HARRY'S SEED STORE Dept. 11 360 Dorchester St. W., Montreal, Que. SPRING, MUSKRATS We pay the best price for Spring Muskrats Send any Furs you have. You are assured of satisfaction in price and treatment, ABBEY FUR COMPANY 310 St. Paul St. W., Montreal; Que. In business for 30 years Reference: Bank of Hochelsgn, St. Henry. I•tdAys• HISTORY g�gp;� q� .Re&1L'1 �LttI GREAT ®� alt S. J. DUNCAN-CLARK, with Canada's Valorous Achievements BY MAJOR W. S. WALLACE, M.A.(ox.) Lecturer in Modern History in Toronto University. Large Handsome Volume, over 400 double column Niles, equal to about 800 ordinary pages. Pictures on every page. Nearly 400 Official Photos, beside, Beautiful Colored Plates. One double page, in most effective colors, showing camouflaged heavy gun battery, worth about half the price of the book. AGENTS WANTED FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. For exelv1ive territory. No Wan to lose. The elegant colored plates and superior Canadian official photos sell this book on sight, TI -XIS 1S DIIBlFEREtN'r to any other war Intik on the market, therefore competition nil. Send 6Oc. mailing expenses of elaborate working outfit and full instructions immediately, The J. L. NIONOLS CO. Limited, TORONTO Teach Children to Use Cuticura Soap Because it is best for their tener skins. Help it now and then with touches of Cuticura Ointment applied to first signs of redness, roughness, pimples or dandruff. If mothers would only use these super -creamy emollients for every -day toilet pur- poses ,how much suffering might be avoided by preventing little skin and scalp troubles becoming serious. Sampcard: Cuticure Deptree , N.00810Address , Li SpA "' Sold by dealers throughout the world. LOOT ISl r sank � k.ACI 1:1 ... old B PAY U 'r.- d 1 l(J obis coward.. field 11Y'gs„I;othNcll, Ont. Von. 19tiL4' Wreel, rQUi1. ends rilavv PA1'l[)kt and lob printing plant in Western Ontail°. Insurance carried' 01,500, Will go for 81400 en ouiek stile. Box 02, Wiloon I'ltttlishin; Co rm., Toronto. � T bi00l t'.,Y N1]s'Ys3Apnn FOR SALIJ. II'v in New Ontario Ownor gong to France Will sell 02;000. Wortlf double that amount. Apply 5. TI„ clo Wnson Publiehing Co,. L united, Toronto. 14100fLLA.brE0.00•-'�•---^- d''I AhCLit, TUAIOktS . LUMPS, UTO, Yom' internal And external, mired with- out pain by env ' hotne treatment. Write us before too hato. Dr. Bollman Medical Co„ Limited. Coltingtvood, Ont, ACUS AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it alt freely. Don't rub it hi. Just let it penetrate naturally, What a sense of sootlting.relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back' "cricks"—those ailments can't fight 'O'ff the relieving qualities of Sloarl's Liniment, Clean, convenient, economical, .Made in Canada, Ask any druggist for it. loo„ 65c., pale. FOR GREATER HORSE EFFICIENCY GIVE Sp lie's Distemper Go pound The rigor and changes of winter weather reduce your horse's vitality. In such condition, he is susceptible to con- tagious disease. Itis efficiency is lowered if his system is not able to withstand exposure to disease. SPOIIN'S will keep your horse in condition and free from disease, Pre- vents and relieves DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA, PINK EYE, COUGHS and COLDS: c We have purchased from the IMPERIAL MUNITIONS BOARD A large number of Studebaker Cars, which were used ,by the The Royal Air Force • These include • TOURING CARS, BUSSES, COVERED DELIVERY CARS, LIGHT TRUCKS Also a number of large INDIAN MOTOR CYCLES with SIDE CARS, TRAILERS: also a large number of - TIRES and MOTOR CYCLE PARTS. These Cars and Cycles have been kept in first-class condition by the Military Authorities. We are offering these Vehicles at a price that will clear them out in a very short space of time. They may, be seen at the old Royal Air Force Garage, 164 Dupont Street, and any communications may be addressed to D. L. McINTYRE 164 DUPONT ET. - m TORONTO Here is the FINAL Phonograph That Prays AL -L. Records CORRECTLY 2 m risi°t t Thisisthe only phonograph with the wonder- ful 'Ultona” reproducer which has three dis- tinct places for needles, including the diamond Point that stays pernlanentlit In position, The "Ultona" is the only "all -record" repro- ducer providing the exact weight. needle and diaphragm for each make of record. Another' exclusive feature Is the alt -wood torte Chamber --built like a violin entirely free from tin or east iron. 'PILL 010 THIS cfo0TPO16 THE MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SALES CO. Dept, W. L. Excelsior Life Bldg. Without obligation send Name me. free of charge. your booklet explaining prin. Street or RAI. ciples of the "il]tona ' Torun Prov. Toronto 0,µ0.:w:. qt . Pain? Hir'st's will stop it Used for 40yenta to relieve rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lame back, toothache,, earache, swollen joints, sora throat and other pain•i ful eoutplaiats. Have a bottle in the house. All dealers or write us. etJt` f+s.s HIRST REMEDY COMPANY, Hamilton, Canada CVt310± 44111010.. On NOSEY ieStUl00ll2D ASk At4Y jt386S]ST or arlletymen lrnoo On, Manirast P.9. PrIestOc. ntincn l'rt 11e cane as It ,4I2h 1107 00 itt The Cause of Bart Trouble Fiala tligeot`ot cansoa the, gencrolion of .g(Iaso4 in the stomach which infieteetid'0t'oss clown on the heart nnd Interfere well its regular action, cast ing 1faintness andi Maher .1.1.. 15 to 30 , drops oMaherSrf 1'. 6arailvC qy, Syrup after mesio aeie digestion right,whiclllowe the heart to bat full p c tt 1 and replier, lar. C 9 feratralliNAIN4SessellAreasells40e ISKtit No, 7.49 +y"rtwa' t``lF 4�" ,Rg* :b + 4`�• .l'e.o ;41;`•2,'rE(!V+5 va "v 4iS:1, agtlciulMttei blades J+.#fDbs•ad• dO141 , . •z S'. WtF fi.Qty A The heavy war time production demaikdo have taken a lot out of your land, Remember your soil's fertility is your capital, Don't bet it go hand crop requirements will uadoitbtodly remain heavy for sono years longer, Invest frt • "Shur -Gain" Fertilizer ..,1 liui• expert chemists compound thein only nn actual ]afow- ledgb Of Canadian requir$nisnie. No lnattot' what your soli con,. ditlon MAY be or whatcrops yeti ivlsbt to poovicle tor, WO eat 4uggest a " ilnr-Gain" 0e�rt111zer that lo found to bt1 n htlav j r payingt v0e�eft forr you, .rlo�lmust ty ilnfiartltleaaan —avoid it nc;9rinhl dt13vH)4;Ty writing felp11r .4 of laa1rleG .. tn•day, ' • OUNNs LIMITED WEST TORONTO, ONTARIO It ran'eniglAtr l.1rretlllllai 1011. '�try7tlURruS91 v'ei