HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-2-6, Page 44 Clinton News -Retool 1919 .eanadian Almanac Diaries Pelonbets Notes on S. S, Lesson Gist of the Lesson Subscriptions received for all magazines and papers, MIJAIROMME591179.1 111611a•0s®m Ae Te cooper ;agent: C.N, Railway G.V.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario . Bayfield On Sunday evening .last the Sacra- ment was administered in Trinity church by the; Rev. W. As1te-Everest. Rev. Mr. Wilson of Varna will oc- cupy the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday morning, next, when the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed. Messrs. Fred Fowile and Abe Bran- don spent Saturday last at London. On Thursday last Division Court was held in the town hall, when RANOIRi Nei SYS EM The DoubleTrack Route —between— MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO, ' Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day 'trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C., E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto, Judge Lewis of Gedericlt presided. Only eee vaso ,lanae up ler , hearing, that of McDonald .vs (".ardno, whielh auto • nd c- .,5 o nand e wee fnr Banta t. t a l 1 i> !'he matter 'et .most of the da ) t1 oupt t Y occurred on the -first of July last when 1iel)onald, who is e; farther near Kit)pelt, and Canino, who la a baker in S,eelorth, were mending to Bay - it'd to spend the day and whew go- ing up Bannockburn 10.11 McDonald was •run into by Carded, who Dame up behlud, causing damages to Me - Donald's car. Judgment was reser), ed, Cooke of llopsnlh for I'laletili and flays of $oaforth for defendant, Report of liayfleld • Public) school, Names are arranged in. order of standing, Senior room Sr 5—Honours—U'reta Baker, Pass —Elva Dewar, Ethel Drolunau, Ilar try. Baker, Shirley King. Jr, 5th-1lonours—lethel Jowett, •Annie Dewar. Pass—Jean Woods, Frank.lrwin, below 60 percent,—• May Howard, Ethel Clomeinhardt, Rata Harrison, Sr. 4th—Jim Drehmau, .!Norman Toms,- Lola Elliott, Novell. Cornein• ltardt, Charlie (1emeinhardt, Jr, Ith—David Dewar, Addis Dreh- man, Lucy McLeod, Aline Nlelaay. Sr. 3rd—Helene Brownlee, Charlie Harrison, Gladys Davison, George Clark, Ruth Higgins, John McLeod, Brown Higgins, Jean Lindsay. Absout—Haroidd Weston, Willie Heard, Russel Davison. —Gertrude G. Appleyard, Teacher. A black fox was trapped near Fel-, mire, the pelt of which is valued at about $500. Logs Wanted AT BAYFIELD We are prepared to pay the highest cash prices for ALI. KINDS OF LOGS, delivered id our yard or standing in the hush. Special attention given to Custom Sawing, Planing .and Shingle cutting. We are in a position to figure on any Bill of Timber or hemlock and would be glad to know what you need as we can get it for you. Geddes -Tyson Lumber Co. Dry Goods and House Furnishing Couwh t& Co. PRONE 78. Furs and Geady•to- Wear Garments JANUARY SALE OF FURS We give a discount of 25 per cent. off all Fur Setts and Single Pieces Fur Coats Fur Collared Coats Muskrat Coats They are all this sea- son's styles Buy Furs now ata Big Saving 'Januar) Sale of Winter Coats Your choice of any coat in store at exactly half price. These are all:this season's gar- ments. Many good styles left to choose from including Chin- chillas, Velours, Cheviots, Plushes and Tweeds, Now is the thine to buy a Good Coat at I-iaif Reg- ular price Januarg Sale of Winter Sults Only seven suits left to clear —all new styles, colors navy, brown and black, made of gab ardines, serges and cheviots, all satin lined. Your choice 'of any suit at Half Regular Price Nowvs''or illaptmOingS itt the QO111T11ii awl 19ii$trpct X).U.Cr.IVI. Cl. 1:, line! and his shite of Clinton visited the Dungannep Lodge 1,0.0.1•', .on' Monday anteing and • installed the otTicers fon the en- suing' year. An oyster stepper was afterwards served. A. committee coneistieg of the fol- lowing' was appointed at a - public ineeting of the citizens last week id Dtnlgantlon to welcome the aeturning soldiers : .1, 11. iticNab, A. ie. 'Tre- leaven, F. !loss, R, I3ailey end .1, A. Al a'dough , Cadet J, A. Tom, son of P, S. In- spector Tom of Goderich,l has re- turned home from overseas, alter long service; he having enlisted as bout- bather in the 27th battery in 1015, He was attending• the artillery school at (Namp' Borden, near Aldeisltot when the armistice was signed..' Word has been received at Exeter by i11r, and Mrs. R. 19, Pickard re- garding the .death of •their •son, who was reported missing some months ago. Liont, C, O, Picirard belonged to the air force anti was shot down while returning from an air raid ov- er a German town. A Clauadian, who had been a prisoner iia Germany, sent word to the parents. :ler, and Mrs. Peter Gowans, who have been at Warman, Sask,, for some time, where Mr. Gowans has been teaching, have returned to God - emelt, where they. intend making their home in future, Lieut. T. NI, Thompson of Seafortt, a returned airman, who since his return has been acting as instructor at the Beemsville aerdrotue, has been engaged to teach in Form 1 of the Exeter H. S. department, Capt. C. G. and Mrs. VanStone, the former of wliom has just recently returned from overseas, are visiting in 'I'cnnesee. Mr. Peter McLaren, for thirty-nine years treasurer of Turuberry I town- ship, recently handed in his resigna- tion and Mr, J. W. King of Blnovale was appointed to the position. It is stated that during all the years of service Mr, McLaren never made a mistake in his books, the auditors finding them absolutely correct on every occasion. The Lepard Ilotel stables, Wing - ham, were burned one night last week but the house and sheds were saved. There was five hundred dollars insur- ance but the hiss was I considerably more than that as a buggy and cut- ter were burned. The village council of Wroxeter has decider, that a memorial shall be er- ected to the boys who fell in battle. A fund will shortly be started for the purpose.• NIr. Brawley, who has been at Priceville for several months, has been appointed C. .R. agent at Gor- rie and has moved his family there. On the 10th inst. at Belmore firs, Catherine Baker died in her. 104th year. Six days previously a daugh- ter, Mrs. Hoffman, died at Listowel aged eighty-six years. Sapper Aylmer Aitcheson, son of Mr. and :firs. Thos. Aitchesou of Lucknow, is reported as having died of heart trouble in Germany. He had been marching with tete. Canadians and it is thought his illness, was due to over exertion. The marriage took place on Jan. 22nd at. the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchell of Tuekersmith, of Violet, Gertrude Mitche'1 to Mr. Carl Stoneman of Hibbert, The Hensall council is being asked for a grant,, to be supplemented. by subscriptions, for the erection of a suitable memorial to the fallen sol- diers. The Bank of Montreal is giving the town of Goderich what money it re- quires for the carrying on of the town's business, at the rate of five and a half percent., the town to be allowed three percent. monthly on average daily balances.. It is reported that the robin. has been sighted at Auburn. Live snakes have been discovered crawling about at Winghant. Ab the meeting of the District Loy- al Orange Lodge of Morris held in Blyth the following officers were el- ected and installed : D. 17. Master, R. Townsend ; DJ). Master, P. W. Scott; D. Chaplain, Rev. W. Haw- kins ; . D.. Ree. -Sec., Melville Bro,d- burn ; D. Fin. -See., Murray John- ston ; D. Treas., Fred Haggitt ; D. Lecturers, It, Owens and H. Well- man ; D.D. of C., John Scott. • horses of the past; • Iiis pant. •oxper- Ience as township cleric well.. quality ,hint for his , present . position, . Con- sequently,. with the present .0000011, eon - diluted • 'N OSlhl : 1)e On ' 'h 1 s the township a all. it diluted In excellent manner' whatever problems may. turn up before tomb Judging from appearances the ring of the anvil will likely be lively as the roads are Yore slippery. Stunleti Township bit. George. 11111 of Brimfield has purchased too farm of the late Vie - tor Dale, who died after .but a• short illness early in the year. The per- ches() price. is said to have been $4,800, The sale of chattels, which Holnnesville Court Selwood, , the Holmesville branch of the Cauadian Order of For- esters, met on Friday evening last. After the usual order of business the officers were installed , after which two addresses were given, one by Reeve 'Trewartha on "Farming," and another by ex -Reeve Lobb on "The Dairy Cow." Both were very inter- esting and,instructive., Yater one of the most exciting games of 'carpet balls camp oft, the captains being Pickard and Trewartha. They result was a tie and will be played off on. Feb. 28th., The losing side will put up a lunch arid as it will bo an inter- esting gathering all members are re- quested to be present. Mr. Jacob Connell and his wife of Wapelia, Sask., called in the village on Monday last after an absence of twenty-three years. Mr. Connell looks well and hearty, showing that the west agrees well with him. The extremes of weather conditions were strongly manifest on Sunday last at 8.30 a.m. the thermometer registered 4 degrees below zeto, at 12 o'clock noon it indicated 12 de- grees above zero and lJonday night 1t rained nearly all night. Tuesday afternoon it turned. outte told aain. It is very hard on •tele best of e08- sti.tuirens. • The new reeve has taken to the hariness well and appears to keep up his Ontl with the best of the old War took -piece on `l'ueeday', of lust wools, 1v1ut oaf .welt, prices ruling high. The following 10 the report, of 5.5, No.1.0 tor the month 01 January,a 1 Y, names In order al merit Sr kth--..ruby 1'.rratt, Vho1mi Rowson. • Sr. 3rd Roy Dowaon, Gordon,llny- ter, Sr, 2Ju1—Shirley 1)oivson, -Stuart Keys, Wesley Iiayter,' Jr. 2nd --Olive Ertatt, Willie Clarke, Bernard Keys, Harold Dow - 5011. Jr. 1st—Orrin Dawson, Ceoil Dow - sou. Printer—Elgin Hayter, —Z. 'Churchill, 'Poacher, Are You At Home With Good Music? If you are not, you are missing one of the best things in life. Nothing in all this world can give so much enduring pleasure as good music in the home. And nothing we know brings to the home so much good music at so moderate a cost as the Coltim ia Grafonolas and Records Come to our store and let us prove that statement to you. Let us play you some of the latest Columbia Records on the newest Grafonola models. Then let us explain to you our con- venient purchase plan_that makes it so easy for you to have good music in your home. BALL &ATKINSON Feb!':nary Uil'f 1919 5.00 for $4000 And,Every Dollar Worth More. Small savings now share in the high interest on Govern- ment Securities. War -Savings Stamps Cost $4.00 this month Redeemedin 1924 for ' re'stOfficsOd Po , Banks, and wherever the Triangle and Beaver sign is dis- played. X1111 �,✓ ..JIM 111111111111l11101. llllllllll IIIIIIIhllI0S f Y� INVAS24NAD/►qr T� :Ile R,�P;fn FIVE DOLLARS 5 • 1. Iliblllltliilbllllll IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII'mnlll:0In I41o11'1 .neofit .Oomsrro.oir Seeds --1:INt rEO ---- r.rtc§ L e. FREE 1v �mw CA DEN BOOK For all gardeners—a com- bined textbook and catalogue. It tells you everything — Study it before you commence your season's work. FREE For all poultry keepers and stock raisers, a book that tells you what to do, what to use, and where to get it., Write for it, Hang it in a handy place— Of infinite value as a ready reference. Dominion Seeds, Limited LONDON, CANADA SEEOS P.A1{(Y T\rO' areas n P MKS t Yn0.U6S YOU NOW 15 CENTS PER SHARE LAST CHANCE TO BUY NOW 15 BOSTON -KENTUCKY PER HARE WARNING: With our next advertisement BOSTON•KENTUCKY will advance to TWENTY Cents per share FORTUNES IN OIL ARE BEING MADE IN KENTUCKY THERE ARI•, thousands of people' who have won their way to fortune and life-long independence through a good investment in oil. Right now, the Government is urging the development of every acre of Oil Lapd in this country. Pr ices for oi', were uever higher, oil is i this r - ,goingto � share in u I n . na COMPANY isdo its a a P y g great here, Billions Curd Billions of gallons, and the BOS'TOi\-KENTUCKY. OIL P demand. Your opportunity to "Get Ahead" and share In the profits of this Company is here. For quick fortunes, staggering , profits and overwhelming .wealth -creating possibilities, nothing like the Oil business has ever been known. Fortunes are frequently reali'ted in the twinkling of an eye—millionaires made over night, and everyone from the wage-earner to the mil',ionaire has an equal opportunity, to the amount he can afford to invest. TLITi1 BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY tells you how to invest to get the most from oil. It does not matter howl small your means, how little surplus you may, have available for investment purposes—the opportunity for you to secure an Interest in the oil business is just as great in proportion as though you had a million dollars to invest. The judgment and advice of the directors of this Company is to bay as many shares as. you can pf thet BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY. That's friendly advice and should give you and your family a,start on the "Road to Prosperity ," Recent reports show the possibilities for you in the BOSTON—KEN- `L'UCKY OIL COMPANY; for instance, the Gipsy Pool recently produced more than 1,000,000 barrels of oil and made over $1,000,000 in 80 days ; and thet hlebiann Oil Company, since 1907. has nl ads $50,000,000 in profits ; sixty-five dollars invested in. tate Korn Oil Company has paid over $1.6,000 in dividends, and the Quaker City ,oil. Company paid a cash dividend of $2,800 on each $50 share of stock and the Houston 0i1 Company paid a stock dnvidend of 600 percent. The investors in these Companies, some of whom have nev- er 'seen the oil.wells,. started as you will start, perhaps with a modest investment, increasing it as -your earnings double and treble. THF1 PROPERTY. The BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY, is incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, Capital Stock $250,000, full -paid and non -assessable. No preferred stock and no bonds, All, shares will participate equally in each and every dividend. The properties of the BOS'PON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY -comprise 1,850'acres adjacent to the well-known Ragland Oil Field in Rowan County, Kentucky, and 960 acres in Clay County. The BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY owns all its land in fee and has no Leases, no Royalties and no Rentals to pay. Every. indication points to ,the success of the BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL, COMPANY as in close proximity are the great oil wells of many dividend -paying companies. THE PROSPECT. Every day the press of this country mentions the importance of producing' 1n01e oil. 168,658,838 gallons of oil were shipped out of Kentucky in 1917, a remarkable increase over the previous year, and 1918 will be the biggest year in the history of Kentucky Oils, and 1919 should surpass all previous ‘years. The BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL. COMPANY should be an important factor in adding materially to the constantly growing production. People everywhere are wildly enthusiastic over these new Tie'Ids end in the course of a few months the good news will be spread to the investors who have chosen wisely and well. AN UNUSUAL profit-taking opportunity. Without cost or obligation, the BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY will give each and every purchaser of BOSTON-KENTUCIiY shares, an option on an equal number of shares at the price paid at the time of original purchase.. This option may be up at any time within six months from December 1st, 1918, regardless of the ruling price at which the shares may then be selling for. ' MAKE THE MOST of this wonderful opportunity—NOW—invest in oil—place yourself in the position where a little of. your sur- plus money may bring you bigger results than you ever dreamed of. BOSTON -KENTUCKY is a conservative Company, managed by men who know how to produce, oil. The acreage is unusually Large and the capitalization unusually small. Buy your shares now at the present low price of 15c per share before drilling begins. The price will go up as the drill goes down. Make money by buying before the advance in price. This offering twill not wait—act now—obey that impulse—We out the attached application blank on either, the cash. or partial payment plan and mail it today. ' MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY ('A.SH PAYMENT APPLICATION E. P, Gage Company, 161. Devonshire St, Boston, Mass, Enclosed herewith find $ in full payment for shares of the BOSTON -KENTUCKY OIL! COM- PANY at 15 cents per share. I ant also to receive an option on the same number of shares;at the same price. Name Street 141,,1, ,,.,,,,,,, , City Street HOW TO BUY SIIAItES 8 7.50 buys .P 50 shares 15.00 buys 30.00 buys 15,00 buys 60,00 buys 75,00 buys 100 shares 200 shares, 300 charts 400 shares 500 shares 150.00 buys 1000 shares MAIL ''HIS COUPON TODAY PA.RTIAL PAYMENT APPLICA- TION E. P. Gage Company, 161 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Enclosed herewith find $,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as first payment of ONE THIRD on shares of the .Capital Stock Of the BOSTON'1 ENTUCKY OIL COMPANY at 16 emits per share, the balance to be paid in two egttal11l0n- thly payments, I ant also to receive an option on the same number of shares at the same price, Name Street ............ ........0111,,,,,,,,,,,, City Sttemf' I'legisttar. and Transfer Agent : Hanover. ','rust Company. REFERENCES 11)trnn or Bradstreet!, E; A y GAGE- COMPANY Investment Bankers 181 DEVONSHIRE S'r., BOSTON, MASS.