HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-2-6, Page 3MUSTSTUDY. LUMBER MARKET tantilda $11011k1 Endt3an0i; to Meet Rormirenvento of European Tradg. A deepateb frem Ottawa says: - That the Canadian lumber undo will NO LOSS ON WHEAT., -* IS. EXPECTED si.ty MUUon Bushels in Canada Will Sell peatiiinn A xleepatch from Ottawa sonen-Ine emu& as the Canadian GoverriMena exnerience some enflienity in seen- hes guaranteed 'the price of eviseat nig its share of oders for recon- of the atop of 1918 and the earrninn struetion work in Europe unless more coats tbereof, it la deeply interested attention is paid to the requirements in tho disponitimi of the exportable eof the overseas market, is a warning given by the Commission of Censer - -nation to bananian exporterii of lum- ber. Lumber froth Russia and Swed- en, it! is pointed out, conforms more ,• to the size requirements of the ;Incite are not purcbaeing gram eithe• r en Canadiover- British market, and the thief dn.; in Cenada or the United States. s • eut an denlees must liens pekes in dee WaPki =Act corne is the one relating to the "cant I ;should Coffer an only decline bath mzeno lumber shipments generally icenntries woehl len canted to make • drcan this side of the Atlantic. good their guarantee.% Da is sletted • "As for • as British Columbia is iserarhswenenthat there is no re"01) cower/led," Pays the statement, "the to anticipate that the Onnedian Gov- ernment will find itself obliged to .ciis- byne:ilk of limber heretofore imported tbe Matted Kingdom has been in •buree money to bring the pence paid the form of large timbers of th9 fm'sCsnadinn Vain in the world mar- ket up to the guaranteed fixed Price geode known as 'merchantable,' for biased on $2,241n a Minitel foe. No. 1 heavy structural work, or for renew- • mg info any special size. Northern. It is believed that the peesent suspeesion of buying is due to "If' 13ritish Columbia is to enlarge conveetion Gneat. Bintrein, that the ber timber trade, then a range of Britieh Wheat Export Company will all grn eS And sizes, including. mein thanteble. but not the lowest grades, • must be dealt in. "If remade," the -report continues, "can deliver lumberein the various grade e sawn to British standards at 'Swedish standards, then she can do business in a broad and general. way." This, it is pointed out, ia practically impossible with freight Old London Is being' un -sandbagged. rates at the present high level, but Cellar refuges and basements and in two years freight Tates may go bombproof shelters are being stripped low ennugh for Canada to compete of the sandbag upholstery which has with Sweden and Russia, provided. been an essential , if not ornainental ire nine:Meet-aro to the requirements feature of their equipment for the last new years. It in a big business. There are tons of sand to be moved and carried away to corporate depots, and thou- sands of sandbags to be emptied. A despatch from London says:- Brick and concrete shells, which in The Admiralty announces that pend- many instances encased the protect- ing the conelusions of the Committee ing bags aro being - knocked down. f Enquiry on the subject, it has been and London will soon cease to be an decided tcp increase the pay of all armored city. -naval rnen, ranging from an extra All the shelters are mete on the re- gaiam rconaining in the country, It is estimeten that that exportable sure plus on wheat now amounts to 'finnn 60,000,000 to 70,000,000 burehels, At present the British and allied Govern einem' restane buying end - tikely do so on the basis whine liss• hitherto pee. valiecL • ------0— UNBAGGING THE SAND Old London Being Stripped of Its War -Time Defences. of the British market. INCREASE TO BRITISH NAVY TO B] REGARDED AS BONUS 85 °11 (n• ; !Inn 1-77F, -.ninennorm..... • ,....1,4,1,%%:;1; • • ie,41534.;'p.,,;:i 4 • Init By Zeppelins -It 'has only !been lately that the Rennin censor has allowed. Any detaile to be pnbliehed cif the damage done by the various Zeppelin raids over London. Nosy that ail danger is ended, the curtain has been Mined and •the publication 'of photographs Is permitted. This is a house in the west end of London which wen hit e bomb from a Zep- pelin. All it inmates were Wiled. • D. M. Lamont, 1VI.A., Innness A.ea- selectea, storage 58 to .-60e; e.artons FROM oLvdscuruND tioomf NOTES OF INT1111E87 V110r01 /114111 • O.ANX$ AND egAas oneno Snail le Going On in the Ifighlanner find Lowjasuls Of Auld During YALC,A. week in Dundee the amount realized was $10,200. Captain H. H, MoKee, 33ethgate hes been awarded a bar to his IVII'lnary Model, ' .. according. to frenelete outside. ' Ontario wheat -No. , 1 Winter, per The Militarer Service Medal hos .. one lot, $2 .14 to $2 .22; No, ,2 (11 been engirded to Pte. James 1Ylelnee, 2.11$to $2,19; No, 3, do., $2,07 to Black Watch, Campsie, $2 .16 to $2 , 15 ; No, 1 Spring, $2.0O Stirling, has 'been awarded the Im- . John Given . the oldest postman In i'11'20i.,12a:*31-PhiN)0,104.81°•2, a$2:.00S,n0P,111:02 1;12 't 1 ., • e: pp rig poen s, amorr mg o Barley-Maleing new crop 73 to 78e; accorchnin to freights outside. Baelcenhent-No. 2, $1, nominal. Provost Aikman, of St. Andrew'0, line -No. 2, $1.,.`46, nominal. , Manitoba flown -Old crop, war quality, $11.35, Toronto. Connie flour -War quenity, old crop, $10,00, in •bags, Montreal' and Toronto,' prompt shipment. Milifeed-Car lots., denivered ilkont- has been awarded the Military Crose, Major Francis Roy Tarleton, who r$ciail.02..y:f5r_apteNgrlovet.st,,in:;iiiigibtneon,eihcle2(1,2,n1.1titnonici.i, is a son of Mrs. Wise, Dairsie. mixed, $20 th $21 per tom track Tor - Sam Brown, a resident of Stone- onto. haven, has grown a potato which Straw -Con lute, $10 to nil, thank Tononto. ;!1;•• • Markets of the Workf NEWS FROUNGLAg • Brew:binge IvorOat4,, Vgli....4.-4440044 wheat eneNel," Nopbhorn, $2,a4afs ; No, 2 Northerne $2.21.1/2; No, a NnTabilrns p.11,161 NO, 4 wheat,' $2,1114, m store Pent Williean, not. eneleding ten, • nitenitoint cete-NO. 2 C,W., 03%0; No, 3 .0.W„ 07%e; 'nine No..1 feed, 00%C;nane 1 need, 501am an eiteTe. Fort Waltinen, • Arnerioen oorri-No, g yellow, $1.45; No. 4 yellow, $1.4,2; January shin - Mont, Ontario oats,' new orop-No. 2 ninth, 59 to 62e; No. 3 white, 68 to 61e nerial Service Medal. ,e'• hen ' Mr. Laidlaw, the - fathom of Piper Dan Laidlaw, V.C., has linseed away at his home in Dieddinnnon, has given notice of his intention to retire from the civie chair. Dr. Josephine Cairns hat been ap- pointed interim medical officer for the county of. Clackmannan. weighs two and one-baln pounds. Midshipman . Archibald Douglas Moir, R.N., killed in action, was' the son of J. W. Moir, Dunmire Allem. Egg's -No.. 1 *tonne, 55 to 56e; Country Produce -Wholesale YPRES RUINS TO BE LEFT MACY .J• BRITISH ARMY demy, has been appointed . classical new -laid, 65 to he. , master in Vale of Leven Academy.-Butiter-Greamery, .5,01.:,d,s, 51 to 52e; REMODELLED . • ch.., killed in action, was a son of Major R. 0. Irving, KC, Cane- do! mints, 63 to 55c; .e.hoice dairy Henry Bell Irving Millbank, Locker- prnite, 53 to 56e; ordineny prints, 88 to 40e• bakers' 30 to "Se. oleomargarine, (Lest a ) gra e , m to bio • 84d Major-General W. H. Ryeroft,1 Cheese -New, large, 28 to 2finac•, Will Stand aS a Reminder of the 900,000 ROM Linen in Germany nailgairney, has had the Hellenes 281.4c 40 4209 2t9ot291:vaioli;437-2ptgnm2a9z,t.large, Horrors of War to Fature During, the Transition Order of the Redeemer bestowed on 9 r Generations, Period., • him. i. !Comb noney-Cheine, 16 oz. $4.50 to $5.00 pen dbeen; 12 oz ni 50 e, e • to The decision of the Belgian Govern- armies of occupation are dealt with decided to erectit meinerial to the A despatch Tram London says:- The remilationa 'governing the The Town Council of Grief has $4.1,43.00.,Optedruopne-n.In 5..eavn tint, $3.15 ment to maintain Ypres, the scene of th an official statement issued by Win- men from the burgh who have fallen to $ .35. several battles between tbe Beitish stun Spencer Phurchill, Secretary for in the war. and the Germans in its present condi- War, says a London despeteh. The Lieut. Arthur D. Binnie, son of Mr.' Montreal- Markets ijon as a permanent memorial, is en- statement says: and Mrs. Thomas Binnie, Longiddry, I Montreal, ;Feb: 4. -Flour -New dense heartily by British limn and I "The British military Commanders was killed as the result of an aoro- en:n(1mM grade, $11.25 to ! $11.35. public opinion. i are of the opinion that 900,000 men Mane acchlent Rolled eats -Begs, 90 the. $4.00 to $4.2n. Bran, $37.25. Shorts, $42.25 "Y . '11 be a memorini" says ere sufficient for this transition per- The town of Peebles Council has ' Mou :Me, 868.00. Hey -No. 2, per shilling per day for ordinary seamen tired list, and the suggestion has , the Westminster Gazette "in which ion All the Test will be- demobilized aegunec rorn le ra Y" ton„ car loth, (322.00 to $23.00. to six shillings for captains and mon been made that something should he ' future generations may learn the hor. , as fest as possible. , the lands of Inieklands and the farm i Oh , Fi t t 24 to 26c. •eem- nes caS erns, er ranks, with similar increases to the done to commemorate their war ser- 1 rors of war, .. There is nothing more ' "The new armies will begin form- • 1°f hatierileids• - IButtee-chotheet creamery, 53 to 54e. Royal Marines, This extra pay, it is vice. Nothing very extravagant, a ininressive than the sight of the ing February 1 and will be coinpos-• . Captain Percy niackenzie, killed in Egge-Selected, 57 to 58e; No. 1 stock declared, must be regarded as a bonus, : course; but it is urged that a neat st-rielien city with the skeletons of its ed, in the first instance of those Nebo action, was the eldest sein of Count 53 to 54e. Potatoes -Per bag, oar of the present pay, which may ulti- stating its record and how it honied into the In a sense thime are and vi do not exceed thirt -Senen Tarlogie, Dornoth Fletb. • •lots, $1.65 to $1.70. Dnetesen hogs - and not as representing an increase inscription put up in every shelter or'"""1 I d' 1 mil ings rising gaunt liave enlisted since January 1, 1916, 'mid Countess de Sierra Largo, of I Abatbene $2.3,, 00 to $23.50. v things more beautiful. To patch years of age. VelunteerS willbeace N. Kemp has been elected to fill 'Lard-Pnre, wood pails, 20 lbs, net, mately be considered a just and' the nation would be an inexpensive em sky. e . io . equitable remuneration. and at the same time fitting way of it up mown be impoesible. Every- 76 to 30e. —m -mean ,recognizing he part played by Lon- cepted for co year's service from the vacancy in Galashiele Town Coun- I Live Stock Markets — ENGLAND'S BIRTH RATE don's "halls of safety," which savedone, therefore, will weleome the de- among men otherwise entitled to re- ell caused by the death of Councillor 1 eision that the remains of the old lease, while sixty-nine battalions of Thainsnn• a tie • Toronto, Feb. 4. --Choice heavy city shall be loft intact instead of yoeng soldiers now on home service n Hunter, who has been as- I stem", us .00 LOWEST IN HISTORY to $14.50; &Metiers' to help sisRtaonbtelteacher in Kirkconnel Pablie ! a t , choice, $10.75 to $11.25; do. A. despatch from London says:- "The East abounds.in the ruins of nerd the Rhino bridgeheads and re- . Will he sent immediately School for seventeen years, has been I good', $10.00 to $10.50; do. common, — being cleared away. so many lives. BRITISH PARLIAMENT et, TO MEET FEB. 11 • e r 8.5O to n8.75; bulls, choice $10.25 So abates Dr. Caleb W. Saleeby, the apnointed headmaster. Imtebers' cows, theme, 39.00 to 39.50; 39.00; do.• nee bulil 37.25 to37.15; famous eugenist, on the authority of civilizations which have been over- "The men of the new armies will • The death is announced of Andrew 10 33.0.00; do. Irrocitillfn 4)11110. 38,50 to England's population is &miming. the last vestiges of once glorious lease the older men. unpublished vital statistics sent to iBallantene, town chamberlain of I do. gocni,$18G.004to $83.'50;.(1io, meditnn, 1$7.25 to $7.50; do. •common, $6.25 to bran by the RegistrarGeneral. -e3, Th • $6.75; stockers, $8.00 to $10.00; chow that, for the -allele of England feeders, $10 . 50 to $11 . 50; tanners, and Weans, last yearn death rate 35.00 to $5 . 50; milkers, good to would,' probably, be found to he high- •eheine, 300.00 to $130.00; do. cam, er than the birth rate. The year was and med., n65,00 to $75.00; •epringere, the worst on record in this respect. $90.00 to $130.00i light ewes, $9.00 In London the birth rate was 15.8 per 1,000 of population, and the death nate was 18,90. The meanness of the birth rate figures was unprecedelated hi the history of England. A despatch from London says:- thrown. Ypres well stand.for venter- lee enia bonnee TP Y11,171., I'M . The new British Parliament, accord- ies as a ereminder .that civilization shillinns iind sixpence per week for ' n Galashiele, and president of Galashiels ing to present plans will meet on itself cannot be overthrown and as a privates, to fortn-two shillings for i Liberal Association. February 11, with Prime Minister monument to the generations sacrifie- Colenele, in addition to the ordinary , Lieut. John Davidson, of Creselea, Lloyd George and Andrew Bonar Law, ed in its defence." attached to the Soto Franco Motor the Government leader in the House army pay. Leave will be granted on ; 1 Ambulance Corps, has been awardee of Commons, attending. The time as generous ii SC1110 as posSible. WILL NOT CALL ON GERMANY TO PAY ALLIED COSTS OF WAR A despatch from London says: - The -Peace Conference has ;settled one important point with regard to the indemnity question, the Pari5 corms- ponnent of the Evening Standand says CUpati011, 51175 an official announce- wtir• worhl" he has reasons for reporting. The ment as b sl td tl , been e ec e on ie same This is as neat a denial as one coul 1 ithn MinIstVv iTiahtnir fan..81r7innees: chased the residential estate of 1ln neither arm ea on ot ; the Croix de Guerre. False Reports. , she oceunation fannies will be ; used in giving the oath to members The death in action is announced will be shortened. and it is expected Mark Twain has been outdone. the home army., the arinV of t:he from Vancouver of Arthur Laialaw, tsoyn$191g.510a;an3r.beat,1111n 1701102 .$0104t5o0 ?1 nEt2 iven60; thatean hour after the session begins Rhine, and in; army of the East a detachment of the Far North, Mul lo brother of Sir Robert Laidlawn 'When his death was prematurely re - goon to cho-ice,ntf1n.00 to $15.50; hogs both houses will assemble to hear the ported, he enmplained that the report ' • Wolfelee, IWO*. narrisons of the Croevn colonies • speech from the • 011(1 throne. Sir James was "grossly exaggerated." Now Mr. n • 1, Sir William Robertson, Lord Limit- led mid venter • $16.00 •to $1.6.25. $4.50 to $6.00; butchers' bulls and cows, $9.00 to $10,60; lambe, $12.50 book of his servant. Philip Gutinne sheep, $8.00 to $9.60; milk fed calves, was fined 820 at North London. $12.00 to (316.00; choice select hags, British women and eleil(1een vino $16. 5s). are in the United States may now re- turn home. but not Siebtseees. Tho children in Northumberland elementary schools have subscribed over 863,000 in War Saving Certifi- catTeisln. death took place recently at toms cet Colonel el. A. Bruce, a well- known English cricketer. The death has tenon place at B0 ham of Sergeant Laming, for many 'fears instructor at the Royal London Lovrther will be re-elected speaker ("Theee arianreMents seem to be l'enant of Fife, estimates that there Monered, 4. -Canners' cattle, W. H. Helm, the author, airs a siznl- ; 1 India' of the Housn. lar grievance, es :follows: "In the ne v ; ' '• are nearly six hundred Fife men in the best devnehle for the near 191,9. the hands of the Germans. edition of Who's Who.' it is stated Dr -nen ,the year. ho"e,ver, we meet 3fl3W13 Int MAIL ABOUT JOnti ITTLL AND 1118 PEOPLni Occurrence(' in the Lund That Beinsa {Supreme In the Coroner* The Maym. of DIVe°Pit111.1"oril clad •• 11104 1Vi.i three pigs to the borromm council to eut the waste from 1h3 national kit- chen, A large number of Britien prison - on have been relentied id' Mesopo- tamia, and a numbee are waiting re - Mese in Smyrna, n he death ie annouziced of the Very Rev. James A. Smith, dean of Davidn since 1903, at the age of 'seventy - 50050. The next general annual meeting of the Inenitete of Metals will be the first peace -time enithering of the in- •• stitute in five yearn. General Townshend, who was awarded the K.C.B, in October, 1916, was knighted by the King recently al,'Buckinghain Palace. The War Trade Department bas an- nounced thin export trade other than cotton tind wool with Holland 'May now be resumed. Miss Helen Edwards, of Malvern, - sent11,000 direct to his Majesty the Mai; for his fund for the Disabled Soldiers and Sailors. MISS Alma Taderea presented a ea - presentative gathering of Poles at Regent street, London, with a silk banner in. the Polish national color. The Duke of Connaught has accept- ed the office of Lord High Steward of Wokinghann 'Beeks. The Town Council of Totnes, fay- ousleire, has conferred the freerlommf EtliTatwenintya. on General Sir William Miss Jackson, 'the Mayoress of Rochester, has five brothers who have been at some time the mayor of an English tome. A psalter printed by cemented of Henry VIT. was sold recently so Shotheby's for 8110. jose»11 Henry, the neW Lord Mayot of Leeds, as a boy stood in a queue with charity tickets ancl a pail to obtain soun for himself and brothers, Queen Mary has sent two auto- graph letters and two oil paintings of herself. to the Women's Active Ser- vice Club, Easton Squitee. A motor omnibus, to run on com- nressed gas, was exhibited at the British Scientific Exhibition, held in London recently. Ernest Simpson, twelve yews old, of Wombwell, has been awarded the Royal Humane Societens Medal for rescuing a child from drowning. Joseph Walton, a chief engineer in the mercantile marine, has been awarded by the King with the Silver Medal for Raving life nt sea. One hundred bungalows for dis- abled men are hpinfr built at Hackney at a cost of 850,000. A small farm of thirty-one acres was sold at Chelford, Cheshire, for 22,200. In a thanksgiving procession 'held itnnnSkhenffiaretld fourteen thousand children The hoops of Aldershot have saved seventeen bendredweight of waste nailer per thousand men in ono month. For retaining and esinie the ration WILL BE RETAINED far as I know the only foundation for The. Croix de Chevalier of the that I died on March 20211 last. So this inaccuracy is that on that date ; arr'n'Y' remake the old 13ritia1i regnlar . Legion of Honor has been awarded 80,000 OF AIR FORCE A. -despatch from London soya:- 1 in common with many thousands of ' Ime me aman„e, ' tiny basis, minces garriSOnS and , yes as te provide, on a volon- to Lieut -Col. John Alenander Stirl- • • • tho • ' of In conneriaon wIt i : e orezonv, . i. iii f • ' I Maier Dupree, a relative of Field 1 ing of Kippendavie. SirMtuiehal Douglas Haig, has pur- -- other elderly persons, I was buried in '''-' ' • • wish,and 10031 Nt110, on rending of leis , MBeech-Hills. Haddington. Conference he &Mares, has eVIninet- basis and with the same emolumeets and reminds me smnewhat 02 ef innivideel effirers or men On Divot - ed any intention of calling upon Ger- as the other branches of the service. th over hi breek.fast, immediately rid Mrs, Thomas Fell, of Bew- wired: "Please send date of funeral- ed. ial grounds can be consider- Mn. 0 die ains. Lillislea, have serving in cers and seventy-five thousand men as or .spec six thousand five hundred Mtn- den wish to be present!" will be retained out ed approximately Bo Es:elicit, Pleaee. many and her assonates to ply the allied countries the cost of the war or to impose honey indemnities. upon the enemy netione. • TO PAY SOLDIERS 21 SHILLINGS WEEKLY A despatch from London says The pay of the soldiers of the British army who will be retained until a peace footing again is reached prob- ably will be twenty-one shillingS n week and food_ and lodgiegs, accord- ing to a statement made h' W. A. Appleton, Secretary of the General Federation of Trade Unions, to the Daily Mail. FRENCH CUSTOMS LINE FIXED ALONG FRONTIERS OF 1870 A despatch from Paris says: -One on the first consequences of the t.e. occupation of AleaceLorriline has been the suppression of the Customs line of the Vosges. A decree appear- ed in • the Official Journal fixing the French Customs line along the fron- tiers of 1870. The German Customs agents .11ave been dismissed and an agreement has been made with Switz- erland for opening the frontiers, three hundred thousand. Future f Army oOccupatien A Light B urden. Officer ,(as 00(03007 is tempotarily T10 1 racate trench which has beendiveroftbejauntingcarof abeet t o Largely French and Americanrererted mined)-"nou two will re - Ireland is always ready to excusc self if he is reproached for the eon- main here, and if there i an explosion liti n of his horse blow a whistle You under- - A despatch from London 51175i The British contribution to the allied itemies of occupation in the Rhineland, says the Times, will be less numeric- ally than that of either France of the Milted States, consideration having been given to the part played in the war by the British Navy and to Brit- ish responsibilities in other parts of ,the world. Home -Made Drinking Cup. Many times on a train or ie. an office it is impossible to find a 'rink - ink CO. Here le a little cup that ce,n be .mede from any ordinary sheet of writing or typing paper. Take 511 eight -inch square of paper and fold it diagonally into half. Fold. the two opposite ends over each other into the 'middle, then bend back the two centre triangular pieces left. On . opening yoU Will have a nice little drinking ( 0 . . . "Fatten him up, is it?" queried the , . you 11 NOW 15 going up or coming down?" "I say, Paddy," Said a tourist one stunner, day, "that is the worst looking. horns private Spiels -"Yes, sir. Will NVO you drive I ever saw! Why don't you 013 - driver, as if he could not believe his I The thoss marl( instead of a fatten him up?" ti n, ti sei gunonrtannic, tea. ly carry the little mate that's on him geinadaetcle eers, "Pane the poor baste can hard- lite twunres nnii,,(vi anyott nonrni netvl" . ; in mediaeval times as cm attestation 1 of good faith. Victims of The Thine -This Photo (Train's of human !skeletons is that of a, hatch of Brinell prisoners just after their release from the German pri- the army four sons, eight grandsons and forty-six nephews. The eneagement is announced of George In Barbour, Bonskeld, and TTelen Victoria, den,rmer of Colonel Scat, blaster of Polwarlin Dr. D. D. Brown, superinlentient of ,Tames Murray's Royal Asylum, Perth, has been apnointed superin- tendent on Aberdeen Royal Asylum. Lieut. Douglas Caldro, of Bath- gate, who joined the army in To- eonto. Canada, is renorted wounded. Lieut. J. A. Kink'killed in action, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, Gal- loway street, Mexwellton. News From the Front. If you find youeself with nothing to write, do not give oeyeself up to the situation co: wait lentil someone forces you forwaed, like the English soldier, vilio-not having weitten his mo- ther in two -years, although ho had in that time been almost constantly in the trenches -was urged by the chap- lain of his regiment to write a letter home? He dallied with the matter for two weens, and finally composed the following historic epistle: "Dear Mother. This wee is it 311113- ' Y • Bill "e cup• son camps. They were lateeally started et . Pell auntie. ow s, • neeneenerenienesesstsn.nn'mninsinnenteeneenenennemeneneeneemennneeneenenrenenzreinnemiteeneennemns'nenmennnemmennereneeenneennorenneennennemn'sn'nenannnerenenneente.. nen i'EV, rinaT Ca- nr-ril'a tan T..T nian' hE11i 131 I'LL tl.)10)R1`5E.- MACtl,tE, ten' nnseneter monizner. • ("ft NO' One. no'im• otnr 114 Ina ROAN:. ene ntnen. Innrinf It AWAM Ore Nit 6!,'-- VAC•nmente nen:en r•04,7, Sent) 'r( -o4(1 1M40 SIMV5 RIOMEO CUT. len1-181nIS RkeniT 11 Meinin • Et %Melt .n r11. C.b--1,1e, 1:1 !tin. tnnr V; nn "r '6 The Fall of the Air -Child. ; He was so young -the strippling that ‚100 157 In this stern box -his mother, were she here Would choose a white one; tie a spray of dear White roses with a libbers white as they.• But war's for men, not children, and Ennineerine College. the grim The death is announced fit Cater - Sad trappings of a soldier's death ham of Caren Francis J. Roe, for are dark; thirty-nine years chanlain at the Bri- Yet something glorious wraps this lad, for mark The rippled bands of scarlet over him Was the air jealous of supretnacy, Unwilling mon should dareits trackless ways 'Nat it 81100161 fail his light keel, in the blaze Of tt clear sunset -hurl him earth- ward, still? This boy died eobly, though he died while slim, Scarce hardened, laughing, end this side the sea; So, placing him in hero co:113011y, We bring:ur best -.--our FIng-to cover him! Antonio Mango, a sonnet, of the Dan= etthm nag rendered m feweo than 101 wounds in the wax, The female brain bagll n 40 &dine in weight deer the age of thirty; the mane not tile ten years ;men anmennnneeneenemenneeenemeen ,„ 28541 NOW WHEReal- r8PEND '83E, avt3-41,;' 74,l'inst" • 111 0801 11 gene of Foot Guards Denot. Sir Edward Stem ..lenz; sent a cheque for 81.000 to the Mrtennolitm Hospital, Minesiand Toed. Leedom in memory of Constance, Lady Stern. Sir Edwin Lavelle has been asken to prerare a &sine for a .permanent shrine fer Hyde Paine sembolizinss the triumph of Right over alight. Folks. I'm glad for tired people, Who still know how to smile; I'm .glad for laughing people Who pause to talk a while - The blessed bluffing brave folk Whom worry can't beguile. I love some little children With smiles that still are youtb, Like sweet old-fashioned fiowers, Their eyes ao pure with truth, That keep their faith in 'fairies And fairyland, forsooth. Pm glad for gentle aged folk, Who leisurely May shay About indulgent duties, That neap then. trifling May-- • The well-content-evith-age folk Who loved their passing day. 1111 glad for busy people nVho do not waste your hours , Nor theirs, with endless detail. r But just like bidden power< ) They brace you unexpectedly Where lurking weaknees C010088. And for the young-in-beart folk Who never lose their cheer, y 'rho optimistic, glad folk, Like sunehine all the year - I think of all earth' fine :folk. They ono perhape Meet clear, 1, 01' One Mind, .n jury reeently met to inquire jinn, 16 eese of eeiride, sitting theanet the evidence the twelve nme tetiendi; and, lifter delibeveting, V6143:flea wittr, the following verdict: • / 'The jury gra All tt1 02 one relinten torpor