HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-2-6, Page 2,
NicTaggart pros.
• ,-,..-HANIqns-,
- II. T. RANCE - -
Office:- Sloan Block --CLINTON
Office cases at hie residence, cor.
Hieh and Rink, streets.
• e
Oke lieurs:-1.30 to 3.80 p.m, 7.80
to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.80
Other hours by appoinement only.
Office and Residence -Victoria St.
Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Commissioner, Etc.
Issues- of Marriage Licenses ,
Licensed Auetioimerer for the
County of Huron. Sales con-
cluded in any part of the county.
Charges moderate and satisfae-
. tion guaranteed. Address:. Sea-
fdrth, R. R. No. 2. Phone 18 on
236, Seaforth Central.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence pvomptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Sales Date at The
News -Record, Clinton, or by
calling Phone la oh 157.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
Sole Agent for
Scranton and D. Ile it L. Coal
Coal at the t 0
Delivered a ,SD 00
We else have on hand a stock of
Canada Cement.
Box 127, Clinton - Phone 100.
, -
Agent or
The 'Huron' & Erie Mortgage Cor•
poration and The Canada
Trust Company
Come:e'er ,11. C. of J., Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance,
Notary Public
Also a numbeer of good farms
for sale.
At Brucefield on WeduesdaY each
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Statiod as follows:
BUFFALO AND ntelialtieti DIV.
6.18 a.m.
Going east, depart •
2,52 p.m,
a el it
Going West, ar. 11.10, dp. 11.10 a.m.
" ar. 6.08, dp. 6.45 p.m.
te 11.18 p.m.
Going South, an 8.30, dp. 8.30 a.m.
n 4,15 p.m.
Doing North, depart 6.40 p.ra.
11 " 11,07, 11,11 a.m.
The licKilloD Mutual
Fire Insurance Conipany
4.11v;:v1,»:V40•,#•.414;..4,:,,...,.«,,,..#0.,.4.0, • ,
' peueti.ef serirle ''.perseeee -Were theed
poi:nee of milk emelt:reedeie egy,
If. yoe laesseeeufeesielee $ettelee eeed.
thie men eey end ,elteeIMkg
Mielemeeeti •lieyenreese dee,'-eisedelibee.-
elly � 14.4 bogy fPQd •.
e nsitse ee,
• 137 Agreements,
•Tete Department te tor the use al OUr ford; readers who want the
5/ an eeriest on el:yes:pm:aloe regereing sole eeett, crops, etc, If your govatIOrt
Is Of sufficient general Interest, It will be enewered threughetles eolume, 1
,temPed and addressed envelope 14 ormiosed with emir letter, a eempleta
emcees. wet by mailed to you. Address klranogniat. °aro of 14/14°" Pub/1°1112
Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St W., Toronto,
Af.i..-igindly advise )ne es to the inehes back, the points of the teeth
PeoPer enetbods to prectise in getting wile elin moiled the plante and
alfalfa started on my farm. Weat mum them te eseepe injure, ThIe
mops are the beet to grow in PeePar• eireple implement Will esenove the
ing ground for this crop? 1)o you gliatiSeS 'and weeds •and give the
think ineculatioe ie necessary where elealea pleute anopportuaity to ex -
Fed ,clover groivo? Some, farmers pend and gain fue poeemeion of the
an tide 'section leave trouble with weeds ground. eeveral prorninert growers
coining in and crowding out the stand repeat mccellent results trona fha usc
of alfalfa. Can tale be prevented by • of tale latalement after trying VarlOtt
CilltiVating the plante ond if so how deac and eutaway Isteerows ttib rutin
ehould the week bo eone? Pr discouraging eesulte. The work
seriewee;.__Aetee. deciding . vie& with the sering-tooth lotinew is not
eeegelie ee the he= are best adept,' heavy. A good team will handle it
for growing of alealfa, the next step With eomparative eteie, Thc oeeond
is the peeparetion of the sOil for seed- tame .a.ceess the field will give the
hog, Under ordinary farm conditions weeds :a thorongh disturbing and
ereate ideal surfaces contlitions for ehe
this neay best be s aceompliehed by
plowing under a heavily maimed sod pleats to ,eroael .eut the noxious weeds
and planting a crop of cern and p.ota. and undesirable giesoes.
toes, The culeiyation of the soil will
hasten the decomposition of the E. De-Sonte timo ago I wrote you
organic matter, refine the particles
end +help to ceeato ideal wattle= for
working up a good seed bed the fel-
low:avg. Year. If a fertilizer carry-
ing liberal amounts of available phos-
phorus- and -potassium is used for the
corn or .potato crop One is not eraly
insored of a amain -lean yield of corn
or potatoes, but the fertilleing ele-
ments not Meltzer by these mops will
be tut hand for the alfalfa plants. H
pound is plowed the following spring,
given an application of two tons of
ground limestone to the acre and thor-
oughly Iterrowed to conserve soir
moisture and &grey weed growth the
(Auditions will he almost ideal far
seeding the alfalfa .crop the first week
in August. Many fanners who leave clay?
used lime to encourage the grew* of Answer: -Your plan ef sowing the
alealea on their fanns have secured ground coutinually to +barley in the
a pod stand only to eave tem yele ming is neteeas good to overcome
low and became unthriety because the quack grass es it would be to sow it
soil lacked sufficient phosphorus to to buckwheat the latter part of June.
nourish 'the planes.. It is therefore, mise besetee in .0edereto eseount to any -
always well to peeve& liberal quanti- thing meet be 'sown' early and the
ties of this element befogs preparing quack geese bias a clange to' grow
a:field for alealfe.
arerig with the barley., By the other
One of the first and most -important method, you have plenty of three to
points to consider when preparing a cultivate up to the last of June.. You
field for alfalfa is that of having the can eradicate a rot of the (meek gram
soill inoculated Vrith the peeper kinds by thorough culeivation +before it is
A epee tele for feeding' iihnitry
menthe' io to provide AM Oar as posies'
bee the einne loodinetoviele,that the
hone, would serene if they were on
free range in 'wane eveethee, When
free to roam threagenehe fields, and
ea.elanee during elle • enema, thei,
seeeee net only the elfelese
mane mopes ete, +Which are eed thetas
but -they eecere Medea.. bladee of geaes
and ether easel -tied Vegeta:Eon; Maga
,wones marl other feed Wheel earbere
evenly provides' for their use. They
also 'obtain exercise by Tanning abed
in the dresb, pure. Her, These coe-
dit:101M are entirely thengel when the
toevis are confined daring a norelmen
Winter; 'end the peuetrerekeemse meet
demes much ae lie e'en to georoduce jn-
a001716 •the cobalt:1one of +summer free
relines • For eieeciee the' -fetal tire
compelled to scratch the griller ebees
eat out pf a eleop Ater.. To take the,
plane of the cease and •other peen
food, •eableages, mangel legate, Rape
quality :apples, elovel, and elealete +are
Peovided, The -begs toed atones Whieh
axe not aye -treble for the fowls ere
tee /*/ ARV t20'
Li 71'
. • Every laneered- pomade of, melt, ;gee
tem eiglity-oeven poun of ‘1 ,
The. OM rOVIT0r) 111 addit1.011, )gtrg0
61.1tqAt1dg'OT, foe.cereyilnr on
her eunettione. Tejo, eyeeter
809111.0 14 ''Of, alumna lei the Cow snail
10 (18 .weemesie le it '1.414'08450%d los
,eblrit mutt he Warmed inside of the
body, Thie 'gime 'the bode n elPeme
chill mid eaquieee e peat deal of
enbeee feounthe food te• Tetanal it to;
the proper fampeeatonee'. The eow I
dees not &ink as muck as she ebotem
apu 4116, ItriW emetieetion lifnited. A
port of the .f.00d sleseld go to
M010 MR es used to warm the coid
mietar taken into the Strode' end to
overcome the decided chill +imparted
to the body... There ere Mote coon-
omiewl ways. ef wernerig water than
by the 'use ,of expendive grain, '
A geOup of cows deinicene erten an
le7 strewn.' 'le 6.PaAlimon winter sight
+such conditions, to -ernes'
enemy oases tee sows refuse, under
in many oaths of the equetry., In
'711taly easee these cews aro driven hale
el mile or moreefor Elie -privilege. In
thee thoted and ..are driven 'heels to
the been to Wit until the following
day, svherr they , be offered the
same thing over agelme, , A eow can-
not be a ;heavy producer of milk under
theee eircumstances.
The liese eleee to water dairy .cows
asking for instructions :eyed killing;
queeleagrasee end shortly received suppled for with more beef scraps, in cold weather is in the barn. When
them by mail. .1: hare my greund fall- meat -trimmings from the ititchen, running -water its .av.ailable this can
plowed nicely, but may aels you milk, sweet or Gem,. end other animal be accomPlished by metalling the
what you think about planting it to products. There ne one keel of dividual drinking cups, or by water.
corn, or sowing it thickly to barley fsrein Which is +satisfactory to. feed ing them in a guitar -like mangen In
next searing? Would either one de. it ahem, and. it is good, ecotiomy to fur- this ease, the water will not need to
as well as buckwheat? Of coarse, a wieldy eo that the fowls can be warmece.es the yiater in pipes Is
in either case shall Plow again in be sure to got the ,cliffeeent food ale- not too -coed. • Individual curps have
sprieg after earrowing ' thoioughly. reeds whielinare required to maintain another advantage by alltSwing the
ee planted to eager aim or potatoes their bodies and provide a sueplue out emee to take small tmantities at eve -
would it not require very much hoe- of which to make ens. It is sel- quent intervals. •
ing, beside cultivating, and would not dom necessary to figure out and feed
barley SOVTII quite heavy, be more pro-
fitable? Also, is clay soil good for
barley; would rye do to follow rye,
and if I use commercial fertilizer,
how much and what kind is best for
any absolutely perfectly- batanced Te-
ton. If given a variety the hen will
balance her own raton, anti '5.8 a rule cotirtesy, and et as encoueageng to see
the meet elleceefel Pce4trYekeePe'rs ib suitably rewaided now and then.
pay snore attention -be furnish -nig suf-
ficient variety.
• •
For Better Markets.
Ceertesy Rewarded.
Not the least of the virtues is
I know a young New York fellow,
says an American writer, who has
kelt Mansell a big tereiness. He
Used to be a 'clerk in a deparianent
Rural eceinnunites organizer" for eel- store. One ratiny day, when cers-
lective marketing enable the small tamers were few, the clerks had gaths
moducer to effibaire pod pricee mod , to discuss baseball. A woman
through 'selling pradeets of high came into the. stole. The baseball
quality. •Tee, quality of farm pro- "fans" dad not disband; but tins young
duets governs the' mese to be obtain- stepped Out of the circle and 'waked
ed, and the efficiency of prodeetion over to the wernan.
determiees the inergin between coat: "What can I show you, anatilam?" he
of pxodectien and the selling price. i courteously asked.
In "prodectrig ferm products the' Sae Died him. He got the areiele,
send Mr. -," she wrote "
soil' fof 'bacteria. Ie the soil is not acid Vane to sow the beckwheat, then 1e fanner is confronted With the defame- laid it before her, and explained its
this may be accomplished by seeding yeu sow thickly to buckwheat, it well oe
lies of supplying Et sufficient voluane merits antabgently. When toe wo-
more thorougaly than baxley goods oe high quality to market man -left, she asked for his card.
e quart of alfalfa along with the cloy- sanother d timothy creeps on each 'acre, evould. Possibly barley would theni individuelly meth peofit. For Later, the firm recetied a letteg
er ang- eom an old Medea field as better than buckwheat, yet this P" example, a former with a small pole flotilla a woman Ordeeing complete
an absorbed in the stables where the cannot ten.. A good crop of bueeeke tion of a creeload of good wheat can furnishings for a g.reet estate in Scot -
bacteria well find a suitable place to, whed is abed as prafteable as any hardly pay the mintenum &arras on a land. "i want. to
multiply before being returned to the grain at the peesent time. car to his wheat to market with- supervise the furnishing personally."
mil and by applying a feev bushels Your oeSnion t3 correct with re- ocfluaatIlzing the peofit on the superlow The name sin mentioned was that of
of eoil from an oltd .alfalea. field to the gard to planting to corn or patatoes. I the clerk Nebo irsd been courteous.
field' that is being 'seeded'. When ap- You Nfili have very much hoeeng to do If, on the. other h -and, there were• "But, uniclaan, ovrote the head 0
plying the soil from an old alfalfa in order to keep this quack 4'111'38 hieh grade of wheat and owning their most experienced clerks. Hadn't we
100 fannies prochsceng a uniformly the firm, "this mareIs not one el our
fled it is necessary that the 'wok -down. It can be done but at as a
eleould be perfumes' Waite the eyes- peierstaking; tiles -eerie job.
ther Is dark Or cloudy as the direct There is no better lend than a good,
rays of the IIa will destroy the beet- strong clay loam for barley. Barley
eria before they are ineonmeated with wenteerich land containing Prenty of market at a minimum cost for trans -
the soil. In this attitude tlee good phoseherous mid it wants lend that portati on.
remits come from seeceng the crop well not dry out too much by sum -
early in August Do • that the plants 'her conditions-, and e clay loam is
will make good growth before frost abnost ideal, providing, of course, it
comes and checks their groovtla in the is well suppled with 'vegetal° matter
fall. After experineenterg \nth and and. in good condition.
without nurse crops we find that Mee It ts not the best sweetie° 00 have the test welch I -have ever found is a
forneer better results are obtained one cereal follow itself in a rotatioe, plain steel harrow tooth. I always
heavy a one as I can find,
elevator, it would be possabse for them better send Mr. -1
to secure ears and fill them to the "I Want tele young man, and no
neximum then sending i304 ovbeat to other," -wrote the woman in repey.
Large orders impose their own con-
ditions. So our courteous young
clerk was sent across the Atlantic to
A Handy Staple Puller.
direct the :furnishings of agreat
estate. Bes customer that day had
s There ave many man or less ef- been Mee_ Andrew Carnegie. ' The
ficient staple pullers on the market, estate was Sleet, Castle.
but the cheeped as well as one of
, Two Rinds of French.
when the alealfe is seeded alone. I.f et, is much better to have a rotation selbet tts
Negro soldier from 'Louisiana ex- Same, transpethed only in metal tee-
the crop makes too vigoeous a growth of crops and leave plants fellow each . and Men grind it down at the .poInt plains his difficulty in making the thiners to prevent- tho hazard of
it is frequently reeesseey to go over other that are of a little different me- eantli it isenceeIbleakage, apd such containers should the subject 'of diet; that is not nate-
ly sharp. Ereneh people understand him:
the field with a mowing machine, and ture, but on good land this can be Td operate this staple Miller the "It's dis way," exnleined one. "Ali be -opened only e•nder conditions 0e. mal in a beeleby young 'specimen.
chool were
clip the tops ,several inches above the doue once or twice if it is necessary, point ,of the tooth N' pined under talk French pulifecEy, but not de kind gond ventilation. In painting er vex-
Tuck in three squero meals a day.
S -three
ground- and leave the -crop to eerve„es 'or mere convenient, with the idea that the staple and wire and then the tooth dey talk in dis comitre. You see, An . nishing indoors, the right ventilation 3:=IT that 171.11k to
a anneal during the winter. the ground ehould be seeded as soore driven with a iteavybamener. The learned French from my eathali-de - 13 most -important; nor should one miles each Ivey instead nf ov-hot you
state and you traversed It daily, rain
The best results axe obtained by as possible so as to got some grass staple is thus eases _ e - •• pore, ' . ' .1, I New Orleans sleep in freshly paentod TOMS until
trho-oempahiiinst is bee'nthofrooruagny,entisrtytwaondaatle
sowing one-half busliel .of eleened seed' roots and end to keep up -the vegeta-' the post with practically no damage Fronchaeane day don't speak eat kind
to the acre and covering It ,eomeavhat hie matter in the mil. Commercial to ittsalf or. the wiree-L. C. ' ovah heahl"
deeper than is the .case when the feetilizets would unclauletedly help the -4-1-
seeding is done -earlier in the season. rye crop; it does most any crop. About ' -- wee aired.
The symptoms of mad cases of tur-
Late sunemee eee.ding has many ad- . two hunched pounds per ame is the
vantages, an important one being the ' amount rsually -used with any cereal
I comparative freedom from +seem% and crop. The 'fertilizer for a cereal
' annual grasees. Then, iioo' a better ' crop seorild lame a good per cent. of
d b
ascii ean he- establishedand fre-' evellableephospha_ric.acid in it.
quently the lend can be prgfitebly appneg .and poutteing over the
utilized foe the growing of some early small .oe the back, may he resorted to.
maturing crop. If sown early 1
-11 balanced ration air dairy coovs."°dI
C. :Li -Kindly give ane a farm
the room which the boy on the
me nausea may be velieved by bicer-
August the plant will make st vigorous occupies lia.ve come from the
have plenty of alfalfa hay, corn.- ---- ' - honate of sada er lime wafer; the
--es seen's. oat straw, small potatoes and .sitandpoint of the woman, and as such,
cough is best treded by a simple
growth befoee 'winter sets in, Esto
assuring an early atnd vigoress .stert ley. ew much 0 ea , 1 stall have been =reser less shaded by the
, mixed"' Hf LI cough -mixture such as Stokes ex.pec-
in the ep i g, ' this. ' I feed, and whet eould, Thave to ee wee/Ian's .eneere to have thing's alaeays
veorry if tho epread gets veiled some- ctlerant; if this is not availing, tee
1 Answert-Altalfa hey, cornstalks just so -everything in apple pie order.
theme. How can it bo helped? Boys -actor sbould preserthe after examm-
cluing the eveede. In feet, the alfalfa +
sown along in staigust will produce as and .cesits drag and mixed bey are -all Now, we all know that no itve 'boy
much forage .the following season 11.3 excellent roughage feeds. email can alevays keep les ream sleek and' have to silt sommelier°. ation 'ea the lungs, ,
, , ,, r . •
,. , -
1ar those days lei:m.01m agieatien
Re "hack to the farm" ilia.° peonounes
od nee ',bee eckeep the by, on the
finene- problem appoareeto-'he notion-
al en its extent, it might be well to
eels the geesetlee evey the boy leaveg
elm feran, and Mos steeire 0 working
baste for our discuseion. Merele
talkies; of the advantages of farm iife
and poiabing Ott the pitfales of the
elite wilt not poem the problem. Agri-
eultural enersee In the Qoilege% and
high tic:110010 :nay help, but ithey nee
not rsolve the problem of the boy and
farm rotation, anal See ask the gees -
tion serious, `reeky does the -bey
ChO0e8 to leaVO the %arm?" In Erie
brief deseuseion.we +shell try to emit -
mete some at the comes at the bettom
of this movement towards the eity,
The boy of to -day, in spite of
ollenVed environment, is very numb
lilt° the -boy of geporweions ago. ele
repeats the experionco of the nate
and we will find a time in the 'life of
every normal claelet, when the love for
adventure and exertement, tor the new
and untried are dendead inflate:Mee
and must have a legitimate outret,
and if the earm life does not fuenieb
this outlet the restless youth well
look for it elsewhere,
Now, farming has -shown less ad-
vancement during the pest fifty years
then any other industaw. TO' be sure,
the- invention of labor-saving devices
end maeltinery bas done must hat
ihe general methods errieroyed on the
farm are anuclethe +mime as fifty years
- ago and this in tho :tam of =gues-
timate:hie proof of the existence of bet-
ter systems. The farmer as a rifle
is set en his ways and, ban hardly be
said to be open to suggestion. 01
course, thesce are many exceptions and
we know that progress is being made
and we see that dawning. lig.ht Of bet-
ter days an the fa= but speaking in
a general way this +statement is true,
and on this respect the fanner is dif-
ferent from any ether business mem.
In -no 0E1e...industry do we find the
method's of half a century ago folltiew-
ecl eo-day. AM classes of business
men have their combinations and as-
sociations; they study the cmarket;
they strive to reduce the cost of pro-
duction; ifhey even attempt • to. in-
fluence legislation, and in 'contrast to
this, What is the farmer doing? Coin -
petition in other industries has had a
stimulatin.g effect hut the average
former is fast asleep to his best in-
tereste and needs .a jolt to arouse eine
The multiplea.tion of insects and
itungus enemies of the apple +have
really had a pasitisre henefit in arous-
ing theereit grower and. the progres-
sive, wide-serake, esally-toeleern or-
chardiet hes renege richer heryesta
than ever before, Noddle bits neighbors
who hove folloeved the methods of
generatiene past have lost even their
„ fk,OPLE
Iloptys isfuupariutt surely ancl"ef-
feetivele removes beile and
• Meer ,blood eiseaSee 'means° it driveo
oat eif the blood all the humors teet
oteuse these disesteem They cannet be
emmesseelly treated le any other wliy,
External applieatioes for their re-
Pmeal havo proven almost useleee,
because they cannot drive alit tbe
iniparities that are in the blood.
Hoad's Banana -411a rnalsee Otero
rich blood, perfects the digestion, arid
builde op the whole system, The skin
heeolnes smooth, clean and healthy.
This great blood reeddy has stood the
test of forty years. Insist on' laavine
Hood'st for nothing' else acts like it.
There is no -real substitute, Gob it
today. Sold by all druggists,
Now, tho restlese youth looks
amend and finding farm life deed and
muannefied, uninviting and enressrun-
erative, limas to the city, wheel ion-
modietely atipeele to him, , He likes
to have a part in a eystem which
inoves and has a 'being; lea liees +the
general air of progress and the
changes bhat being greater el-re-:len:0y,
The press may advocate rural life
and the colleges and high school of-
fer courses to create a !mates idea. -
est in farming. and to ittifilfit the fenn-
el. in as practioal way, bat the sole-
eion of the boy problem Is with the
farmer and as long es be tries to hold
the restless youth in the rut of eges,
so long will he be warring against
the instinets be nature and is bound
to fail, but when he is willing to ex-
peelment, to venture out, to give the
boy a stance on some problem that
Peewees remuneration for effort, as
H.C.0/1 as Sie elan reduce his farming
„operations to'a really .suceessful busi-
ness basis, then the "boy on the farm" a.
problem will be solved and as many
of tho boys as thourd remain on the
eaten will be found there; nor as a
matter of fact, we do not want all
of the boys to iernain there, :some of
thorn +beteg by nature 'better fitted for
other callings and needed in other in-
dustries; for in spite of the eeeming
educational adventege posse:seed by
the thy boy it is a fact that the ruxal
youth- as st rule will outclass his city
cousin In any trade or profession,
even the merchant prefeering a green.
country boy as a clerk, as e+gainet the
best that the city affords. A mer-
chant told me this less than a week
i The geoat men in. all -industries have
largely been farm boys, and we do
not want to keep. eft boys on the
harm, but we do want to 'menet a con-
diteon 'that exists in some parts of
. the country where there are not enough
of the younger generation left to till
the soil. -E. V. R.
Worry gtves the undertaker more
b 1 th . rk ever did
orchards. us ness er
By Andrew F'. Currier, M.D. .°
Dr. Currier will answer all signed letters pertalmng to I-iealth. If your
question Is of general Interest its will be answered through these columns;
If not, It will be answered personellse if stamped, addressed envelope 15 en-
closed. Dr, Currier will not prescribe for Individual cases or make diagnosis.
Address Dr. Andrew F. Currier, care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide
St. West, Toronto.
Turpentine Poisoning.
Turpentine should -be handled with
weight class; and yet you are a trifle
too hefty. Try to get down to 132,
which is right according to schedule.
2 -You seem to be a trifle morbid on
Read office, Seaforth, Ont,
'resident, James Connolly, Gotierich;
Vice., James Evans, 13eechwood;
Sec. -Treasurer, Thoo. E. Hay; Sole
Directors: George McCartney, Seas
earth; D. F. Me.Greger, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieee, Waltme Wm, Rene Seas
forth; lee McEwon, Clinton; Robert
Ferviee, Darlook; John Bennewoir,
Brodhagen; Jas, Connolly, Godorich.
Agents: Alex T.eitch, Clinton; J. 'W,
freo goderich; Ed. Hinehloy, Seseforth;
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guarantee of pod
the soil or how well the conditions feet six inches high and weigh
met, the greatest success can not be , horns, big hornetes nests pounds. Ana I a heavy weight? 2- Communications intended for publicas
I would like oleo for you te give nee doe mese aS a
meal Anil wheat thean, mixed oval raised end lowered without coming boy may plam the odd thine lie packs
gained without pure seed that possese ip,.eour ectliusy011 ell •nteel Ted to eileti aow inside of tho shades put some nice
weal }woke +and loops tee eothe of interesting tainketen.nsIct 'Ill ed by the name of
ebb it is always better to leuy seed you 1,1,01,11.(1 11COOW h.1.8ii the amount.yea
oil meal sop/matey if pOsSible ao that Vold them back when more torne some hints 011 peeper quantities of faith, be accompani
strong geminating qualities. If pos. I weed omen. to ened tee evrtalps,
light le ' day be evel have e good earnest end
that has been grown -in the same erase eeediee, because gee and nun_
from as far north as the latitude in am belly concerarated .roods ond, erie
which it Is ti be pranted. It ie -eaten is liable to Overfeed or bo feed ierep-
er Ire a -risky endertakime to attempt early it it is Mixed withenther grain.
to grow varieties set +alfalfa Vila 41.1.11 I woule suggest thee yon Teed tido
atlapted to e Mild .elienate en a. loesaity three pomade of all nleal so' coetenseed
vs-beee the vvintexes ate eold ond elgole )neee stnumtely. yon 000 give 0,
latitude or at least 80e1 th t conleS geed meal, whieb will do just as well,
ous. easels the on meal' and othealt bean
11 the flele beeereee lefeeted with aria then immediately pot the cel Metal
weedand +passes. tit 'Is ;frequently in the lettingen eay one and A hale
necessery 0 hoed them 'unwelcome polmde, in the morning anti egaiD 0.0
guests in central until the stand eight; then /be know just +how nateli
thi.ekeris and takes fee eesseseion of oil meal yout wattle are getting. Feed
the gettnel, 'rho best leapienient to a seifeleimierimotant of torn stied wheal
celtivate the 3111 *1121 Thanes Wieli is a been .ha atiseitiore to tbe 'three potties
eneing-tveth 115e000 blit the efricielIcer of oil rrieal om -cottonseed mete to give
of tete implegeent 45 peatly dimeetesed melt tmov coned' alt graiii.one -cloy
the ttiOiih OVO 01'440 :about three- foe beefy foul; spoenuls et milk pro-
bettetits 210 tea itich Wide o.t the poitate (hided le (0,300)1 tete lege
Mel Verne iestead ef. 'steam, Tlien than trove per ova. 111 it toebs mare
by Veitriming "off the edges :for fieverol. Eta, four per cents, then 'food term
eeetted. The boys like plenty oe sun -
Next, put a table in the room, with
a neat 'eletth over it, end don't, for
s+ake; be shooked into displey-
Mg bee temper if eonie day you deep
en -end lied the lsoy &tithing with his
feet on elle eels be tho table, Never
mind; Ito not spoil the cloth. If
yob Tools, you VAX find ho heu.4 a papet
or eormethene of that kind on the eloth
and under his Miele. To go with the
table, let there be a nuothoe if threes,
one a..1.11(km i geod eaey isockee. And
se0 to it ehat those obeive have good
stout ihatOMS, 0110111 tioniethree
tome te ;bear the pent o boedo
shoos. Bet what are cheese Made far
bUt to 4.10 used? In a eonsee of the
soon) Where lege Het Will be good,
place21 loneett With plenty Ott thee:Mee.
There ehotaisi iiite a big glee% in the
tem Ab the gee d the room there
that may have a piece an these
Pinney, viet the boy in his room
Olteh, I lonalit 0 mother who went
upstaire with' her 'boy ovevy single
night until lie wits nearly a Man
grown, There she end her boy hod
melee a heart bo heart talk befere the
geotimight kin, and 1 0111 quite euro
he will never .forget it as long es be
elves. • • •'
„It eoste to +do these .thinga end+ it
welt bo keepethe mean Peat .and +at-
tractive, eta 01 ceetatiely eoets more
not 'bo do it. You age 01 Pod. 'Meth -
et, end yea Want, yoer boy to 'obit
bads to that eice room away back on
eerie, art the beet epee en entitle
+the Spot le wt;tch 110wouitki like to
eonie bads +onto Mere, evert When hie
heed is whifte "with theie'5. evilleny
snows, A limes eeknal, beg ilnalete 00
do With hie +ollatiletee. . • •
By E. L. Vincent
Mot of the article heve read
might to be a' bookcase, Here your
boy to ,got the imither, furnish hem
with the +tools and he ovill make this
himself. Give your boy as good a
bed as thee°, is in the house. He
gets tired every day and is weeny
of a good place to sleep. Do not
pentane passel -ling, soon pass off in
the fresh air, without treatment. In
more severe cases, the kidneys de. etta.cIss are not on account of your
eees examined to be sure yorm echoes
mend .erneful attention, Such is sea. needing earns, and you will comae
ferer must be put on .8 meet diet and along very wee..
hould drink abundantly of water. be far mere understand:thee. • 3-1
esepect soon to walls. a male and a
querter to college. Sbould my food
VE1T5P in quantity then? I suffer so
much with attacks of biliousness that
I WTI anxious forarelief, if .p.o.seiele.
Answer -You ere not in tbe welter -
or .sidne, coming end going, you would
be the better for it. Drink reeray
•of water, especially between meals;
see that your .oresans of emination
are functioning. properly; bays your
d in the e rine a muse crop should potatoes are also a beaky food but ' ' Purresh the boy's table with p.enes .
By the e----- '
that sown earlier. If the seeding is • clean. Ile winer, to move around to •
. and have .e, good lessee. So at emo writing now and teen.
be emealoyed to keep -down the growth orgy. I kl 1" '
, . wou not acvise, however,
of rank weeds ancl grasses, but When risk of saying sem° 'th'ings which the
feeding then in large quantities. ten time he is expend fairtheee he will
seeded in alttalea needs the moisthee, to fifteen pounds per dint eveufcr be; evelneeel lea's 'ere' 43e emnewhet OP"- thesis. you if you give leen a nice
plant food and elle. If the land is sufficient. Am of these foods are I ge `"-e let Inc give my idea of whet a teary for a birthday or Olmistrnas
foul with weeds they shooed , be tie -real, up-to-date, lloy'o. room on - the epeeeeree on ebe eeelf teeder..oho toaito
bulky and there is not enough protein'
in alfalfa bay to balance the carbo- I there Is TOOM for the boy's eavorite
strayed before the Acid is seeded. I farm ought - to he.
Frequent failures with alfalfa awe hydrates in ecenstallss and oat steam In the first place, it shoule be eom- ,me.gazine. Thera may Ile °they pa -
due to tee use of poor seed. Many Besides e Totten ought to be balanced forbable. You shut a boy rep in a ' pen •In the home, but he will be eat' fierranation. Was this keel or am: -
farmers who imee met every other leen two viewpoints. First, there MOTO *tat it -earls and suMeinforeable• to have one that is hie levy ;own. Be- pentine poisoning? I think it about
requirement necessary to succeed with sbould be a certain propel:ion of pro- and he will eitbee climb out of the fore you put a book -on the vlieH in time immunity stopped using white
alfalfa have :tailed because their 'seed tete and carbothedrates; end second, window and take to his heels or elee the boy's room, knew -what that book load for painting purposes, 11 10 causes
was of infeetor quality. Unless a there should be a cortaie proportion he will make such a fuse that some- tethelmo. et natty +bake a little time to tho trouble I had. I do nee use +paid
„ of voughasso and concentrates. ARA; thhig Neill be done to fix that roma ; do that, bent you would leek pretty every dey, but I cethainey eymenthize
me is sure that his :seed ie pure +and
free from docklee and other wow so to balence this rartion one must over. So begin by making his then carefully that ho ellel not got poison with painters who have to.
pests he sheuld gond a samole to his have •gnain +and ceecentrates and thee' height with windows, cheery paper on from a bottle, end why not ese the Anevera.--I think the poise:ming in
experiment statoon for 'analyses. Tins grain must eonttrin protein on mums the walls, a few nice Matures, anti a ' same precaution es to poison er Yelle case wa-s turpentine and not
is always the best plan, foe there is ill OVI.00 tO maim it a balanced ration, meals oared -on the floor. Put some 3.‘ 1.. 9 T.1 +. in
,.0.0.,S . ....len, ..00, ',Ana ought to ' 8
't ' ut No :natter haw pod A 1 'n ration v lied be cern sluales up at the windows that can be anether sot of ebelves on vetch your
• Quetitions and Answers,
ate Lae things that aro m ne room,
f ink and paper. He will want to do
II. Ile -A few days ego I steeled
painting some rooms alter purchas-
ing Atlantic Mite Lead, oil mad tur-
pentine. The first night my kidney
excretion was very dant bream and
smelled ef turpentine and thme was
bleed in the excretion, with .great in -
A. O. IL -1-1 am twenty-one, liye•
s- RecoTrd
feed and kinds. of food' for a mete.
Ovid you expeess quantities in ten-
s module and slices? That would
Many women with disfigured complexious
never seem to think that they need an oecasional cleansing
inside as well ae outside. Yet neglect of this internal
bathing shows itself In spotty, and salloey complexions -as
woll'as in dreadfulheadaehes and biliousness. It's because
the liver becomes sluggish, and waete matter aceumulates
which Nature cannot romoge without ante tame. The best
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• ''It'\.i.0?`1i't' ,-,
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remedy is Chamberleeds Stomata andLiyer Tablets, ovhich
stimulate the liver to healthy aotivity, remove fermentation,
godly 01001180 the stomach to d bowels ma tone the whole
digestive system. Sure, safe mei reliablo. Take one at
2115110 301014 yea To.rt bright and suety in the morning. Get
Chanibothiln's today ---druggists 25o„ or by Mel from
Chamberlain Medicine Com.psny, Toronto 15