The Clinton News Record, 1919-1-30, Page 1Tho Clinton. News -Record
rool,,,No., 2078-39t1i Year
the date on yourlabel lately ? lis
Look atilt to -day. The label
lir:. and Mrs, Joseph Swat)tuen-
uber of l'3lalce. and. Mr. William
ltwister of Pigeon, Mich., were. the
ue51s of A1r. and A9rs. S. 1Cipfe ;ell
ednesday of last week.
Mrs. George King is visiting friends
t Londeshoro this week.
14Ir. David Dewar left 011 Monday.
r Detroit to undergo medical treat -
A E. Erwin, reeve is attending
o county etemell at Goderieh this
eels. •
Pte. Walter 'Westlake returned
cane from overseas on Monday, ,
Oil Thursday evening of last week
to members and adherents of . the
[ethoclist church met In the. base-
nent •of 'the church when i very
leasant and enjoyable evening was
!resat A program consisting of solos
rad recitations' was given during the
tst part of the evening after which
Ir. A. le. Erwin was called to the
larut and presented with a beautiful
lorris chair when the following ad -
less was read by. Mrs. Walter Wat-
"Dear Mr llrwiu,—Vou will 11ayo
]ready noticed that the Methodist
copse of Bayfield and vioiliity with
heir friends are gathered Here , ta-
ught unlet very happy auspices. It
may not have occurred to you that
all this hustle and confusion is es-
pecially on your account. The truth
s that no, as a congregation, have
or many days, not; to say years
past, a103110d and appreciated your
ktnlly and attentive duties to our
choir. As citolr leader you have been
N, regular, enthusiastic and earn-
est. These things have moved us to
a point of tangible manifestation,
anil WC therotore ask you for •a very
few minutes, at least to sit clown in
this chair and rest from your labors,
lot. there is one: warning we leave •
with yo,u before it passes out of our
passession, You must not sit and .
snooze on. council evenings, on choir
practice nights or on Sundays, and
you must not hold Airs. Erwin on
your knee: too often or too long for
[ear you spoil. the,springs in-tbs cus-
111011. if you obey these conditions
you may have this ebair till death
parts you from it. A11 this is in
lighter vein. but solemnly, in our
hearts, we are all grateful to you for
your many benefits to us and trust
that for many days yet we will secs
your br15llt anis genial face in tics
choir loft of our beloved church.—
Signed on behalf .of the members."
Mr. Erwin, who was taken hy, sur-
prise, made a very suitable/ reply,
thanking the; members for their ,kind
xcmembranee 02 his services and
promising the continuance of his
services in the choir.. Afterwards a
very suitable lunch was served by
the ladies,, when all dispersed for the
Goderieh Township
Mr, and Mrs. Slim. Pickett 01 the
140 concession wish to convey, their
sieeele thanks to the friends and
neighbors for the kindness and sym-
pathy shown them In their bereave-
ment in the death of their little
daughter. We are glad to be able to
report that another child, who was
also ill, is now nicely recovering.
Mr. Harry Thompson, as if be had
not had enough to contend with,
contracted the flu a few weeks (age
but ha is now nicely recovering, also
bis little daughter, who was the only
other member of the tam1',y who. had
the disease.
The Goderieh Township Telephone.
Company held its annual meeting at
iiolmesville on Friday last, which
was well attended, 'Pito members
seemed to be well satisfied with the
officers la charge, returning thein to
office with slightly+ increased salar-
les 'Tlie officers aro : President, E.
H Wise ; commissioner, J. 111'oClure;
secretary -treasurer, 12. G. 'Thompson.
M'r, Geo. Mair was re -appointed line-
man. The finances were found to be
in satisfactory c0ndltlof;a,,,,t� balance
of $807,10 being in the treasury. Of
this balance over half will be needed
immediately= to add new circuitst to
relieve those already overloaded. The
Company= also itlte31(1 keeping a sup-
ply of batteries on hand which wilt
be supplied to subscribers at cost,
for cash, five cents being added Whoa
charged, A. pretty general. fee'nng, of
satisfaction prevailed at the meeting,
Mr. Alex. Bea n:il et (.'ourlrighthas
been renewing old laiendships in the
township (luring the past week, Mr.
Bedard Is advertising his farm near
1-lolniesvllle for sale,
The 'Young Ladies' Patriotic So-
ciety will meet next week at lite
house of hiss Daisy Middleton.
Mr, J. R. Hoboes returned Satur-
day from a week's visit with London
and 'Detroit Wends,
Mrs, Shatutan of Clinton spent last 4
week as the guest of \hiss Boluses,
leaving the end of the week to visit
her br0111er, lir. ,Joint I3olmes of
Gotten -eh township.
a ,
The license to tttail(lfactSrq beer
hells by the Lion 13rew0ry Conpahy
of Kitchener was ordered canceled 1iy
Lilaglstrete ',Vatt at Goolplt because
of sidling 11511011 containingover oh
percent. alcohol,
___ �„a,,,,,,
1.....1.011.1•01/ 4.101101•NOWIIIMMOMIIIM
,; x �/;)
�r�, ^4ive� ��?! �
"' �°'� ggr
A Balky Horse, A Stalled Motor, A Stubborn Husband,
-A 1PractiousOhild, and A Wayward Watch,
—And the worst is a Wayward SVntoh
]t• j=ail Napper! to 1]o present you genoraily know when any of
lle first four have arrived -you'll know it 18 there.
" however, is so de�eitful that you may
The st "Wayward SVateh v
look at it straight in the face and yet it will be lying to you all the
time. It "fools" without you knowing it until it is too late,
Watches 'well made" and arealso "well regulated"
7:•E011eIl 'se 'ill are
and !.!•Well used will prove themselves i'ait11fu1, reliable timekeepers
—ft?llyg"arenteed of course, We eau send you one by mail,
'fate Women'a Patriotic Society
\Vila meet in the ,QounCil chamber' 011
Friday afterat/on of tills week at the
Y rk. 011h d fur
usual hoer,- The 11 e an (
this week is rjuilting-Pur the Serbian
(1Uticle Tom's Clabiu" was present-
ea in the town hall on Monday eve»-
ingbya travelling, company and on
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday the
picture play was put e.1 in the Prin-
cess, Miss Marguerite Clark taking
tate: part of little Eva, No excuse at
all tar anyone in this town.feiling fro
see Harriet Beadier Stowe's great
Mrs, Wm Cooper i:eceiVCd a cable-
grain On 'Tuesdey from China ail-
nouneing that ,Nor daughter, Mrs, spealz
Dr, Struthers, and 11t:tle slaughter in.
had arrived safely at their home .In
North Henan. --
• Wheat, spring $2',09, fall $2,11, '
Buckwheat 85e.
Barley 75e, s•
• pats 55o.
Butter 42c to 180.
Eggs 50c to 510. •stables,
Live Hogs $15.35.
The (Menet Board of Trade', has
arra111 0U with Sit' J01111 Wiliioon to
in the town hall sense evening ley
February, Sir John is now pres-
!dent of the C'nnarUau lteeonstructlon
Asseelation, and his address will bo
conmsctiou with this special work. ship."
As \Ali be seem by re[m:once, to sides
our advertising columns the town
e6tmcil is asking for applica"taons for
talo positions of day (0311 night con- lei'
Tax eollecting is not to be
one of the duties of the otlloe of lay
constable, as it has been in 11110 past,
The W.C.'F.TJ, lead a very success-
meeting in the lecture room of Wes-, t1
church an'1'irenday afternoon when. B
trans, Gordon` ateeray, one of the r
Provincial officers, gave an "address ilr
on the subject of "Woolen's Citizen-
` tl •
Mrs, Murray is Scotch, having only
been 10 Canada seven years, and be-
having a good subject which to
she knows, bow to handle well, gave 1e
much pleasure, especially to those
a drap `o ' Scotch blued, by her 111
charming acceift. Mrs. Beavers of W
Exeter, County 'President, also
spoke briefly. sirs, A, E. Jones pre• h
A buffet lunch was served after the 1 tl
A ® " .r ell a`
�e'ct)eler ane. Opiician - - Citnton
story enacted.
Aiuongst 1luxon mel! who have
rived at .thole homes at clifltorent
r ve
Points in the 00110ty during the past
week are the following : .
Clinton—Sergt. L. tree Pte. Prod
The women of the patriotic .sooaot-
lies aro calling a mass luooting of all
women men \viii also lie allowed, of
Cllnton and vicinity in the council
chamber For. Friday afternoon of next
week to consider the advisability of
opening a general hospital in Clinton.
All who are interested aro invited to
attend, '
A sleeting is called for Thursday eV-
neat at 8 o-eleck inahe council
chamber,• to •consider the question of 1
public reception to all returned sol-
diens, also the matter of establishing.
some suitable recognition of those
have died in active service,
Those interested please attend,
address, Mrs. Hagg and Mrs, Cour- e
pouring tea,'and the ladies en- l
sol'od a social half hour. There was )
a good attenclauee,
very s
Awe I'()iT A bilamBi!111? a
191e officials of the Horticultural n
Society are hard atter new members -E
i' anti
succeeding very well, indeed, ,.
Godo cat—L„.-, Pte. Conch.
it is said, The canvassers are the '
rp. W.
Wingham—L. Corp. \V: E.
president, Ma C. D. Boeck, the sec- 1•
The�Y �lBankr
Incorporated 1509.39
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
• Capital Paid-up 14,000,000
Reserve and'Ondivided Profits 15,000,000
Total Assets 427 000,000
Head Office, Montreal
535 Branches, With world wide connection:
Interest paid on Savings Deposits.
Clinton Branch - R. E. MANNING, Manager
son Pte. se,
Bayfield—Pte. Walter Westlake. .
IIensall—Pte, Canfield.
Brussels—Lance -Corp, , i;owtie,
Stanley Pte. James Collins,
The Bralr'ebridge Gazette of Thurs-
(lay last contained the story of the
death from influenza of Mrs. A. L.
Kinsey and two children, wife and
children of Dr. Kinsey of Hearst, and
their burial` at Brae bridge.. A sad
feature was the fact that Dr.
Kinsey was unable, owing to the
prevalence of the epidemic, to leave
hts patients to see 'his young wifo`an(i
two children buried, o he feared his
leaving might result in the death et
Or, Richard A, .Reeve
dropped dead Monday night, , as he
was walking along Spadfna Avenue,
He was one of the, most ,prominent
doctors in Canada,' and was it sPe�
Lalist in eye and ear diseases. He was
formerly Dean of the Faculty of shed-.
!cine, Toronto University. Deceased
was a brother of Dr. John Reeve, so
long a practitioner in Clinton, and
fey a short time practiced in Bay.
field before moving to 'Toronto,
Rev. W. B. Moulton returned on
Saturday from Detroit whither he
had gone to look over the situation,
he having been offered a curacy in
connection with St. Paul's Cathed-
ral, the largest Anglican church in
Last week we noted the fact
dandolions were blooming in town,
But on Tuesday Rev. 111x. Porde pick-
ed a full blo\tn pansy in his garden.
It was growing at the north-east
corner, too, where the sun had little
chance to warm the earth. But then
the weather during the past week. or
so has been more like spring than
January, though just now :the ground
is white again.
The February, meeting of the town
council is a'ava.ys an important one
and citizens are reminded that the
public are always Invited. 1n cennec-
tion with the proceedings of council
an opportunity is always given for
deputations to be heard, and any cit-
rotary-troasurc. m H. R. Sharp,
and three directors, Aar. 7', .Cottle, a
air. John Cook and Miss Florence
Cuninghame„ anyone of whom would I)
he delighted It you should stop l;hem t
on the street any fine day, proffer a 1
dollar In Canadian currency aid ask
for a ticket of membership.
The peculiar thing about this mem-
bership ticket is that you pay a dol- 1
Sar for it but you cam get from chit- 1
ci oP the local florists later on .a full
an and know thatu3 0(1 are plants, etc.,
in town decorating tor the larger the
membership the larger the grant giv-
en for this purpose. The 'vocal So-
dolly is aiming at a membership of
five hundred and has a full sized pro -
gram for civic improvement for the
others. Heroism and self-sacrifice
.�� are not found alone upon the battle-
Detroit. The financial prospects were
tempting and the work looked inter-
igen is privileged : to make sugges`
aloes, Tho council_ asks for your
coming season.
wring but lir: Mouilton decided that
co-operation and suggests that you
have sufficient
to the meeting and give
Passing of a former Resi-
Principal Bolick, who speuls his
hr, would not personal
come along
Capital and Deserve $8 80®000
`Branches in Canada.
98 13ranc
A General Banking Business Transacted„
Circular Utters of Credit
Savings Bank Dei artnient
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
H. R. Sharp, Manager, Clinton
summers teaching in Bracebridge,
knew Dr. Kinsey quite well. •
There passed into the Great Be-
pond at her home in Toronto, after
but a short illness, on Saturday
morning last Annie Rathwell, widow
of theaate William H. Beacom.
Mrs. Beacom was the third (laugh-
ter of the late Samuel Rathwell- of
Goderieh township and was born ou
the Baptield Line lace. 24th, 1300,
She \vas married to the late R'm, I3.
Beacons who predeceased her by sea'•
eRtCeli cars on Dec. 5th, 1894. Ai-
ter their mat nage they farmed for a
time in Goderieh township but later
came into Clinton, where Mr, Bea-
freedom and that for the present he
would remain where he is. He \voukl
have been one of lour curates had i el
accepted the, Detroit position.
Mrs, C'arolinc Blackstocir Duer died
suddenly last week at Rangeen, Bur-
ma, India. Iter husband was. Lieut:
Col. Doer of the Indian Medical Ser-
vice. Prior to her marriage she
resided in Toronto for b
years, being a sister of the well
Known lawyer, George Tate Black-
stock, and daughter of the late Rev.
W. S. Blackstock, at one time pas-
tor of the old Rattenbury street
Methodist church, Clinton. Same of
the older members of Wesley church
-any 1101p }•ou can. The meeting \will
be held on lIonday , February 8111,
commencing at eight o clock.
Mr. H. Plumsteei, who has been
very ill, is now improving nicely.
Mr. Peter Cantclon has been ap-
potntecl 0ne.of tale county auditors.
191e 1"omlg Ladies' Patriot}o Aux-
diary will moot in Alm council chant_
lien this evening at eight o cloclz,
The Doherty saw, ina11, whteh leas
Ween purchased by a ratan from near
Stratford, is being torn down this
The annual meeting of South 1Iur-
on L.O.L. will be held in Exeter on
at half
dent of Summerhill
- George Hill, of whose death at 1Sn-
chant, Alta., on Jan. 22nd, a brief
announcement was made last week,
was born at Gananoqua and cause Up
to Huron county as a young man.
He first settled at, where
he married Miss Collins. Later they
settled 0n a. farm on the Later
Goderieh townshie, where they m-
mainaci for a couple of years before
moving to the faun- wl t11c Bore
Line,north of Sununcrbil1, the farm
now occupied by Mr. Rabt. smith.
Seven' years ago Mr. 11111 went west,
his sons hating settlers out there,
gay. Hill was a man bell 111 high
eon went into the grocery business
may remember Rev. Mr. Biackstoek's
Tuesday next, commencing
esteems by his neighbors. Ile was
,,��s with his tether, the late Thos. Bea-
past ten in the forenoon.
The who took by mistake a
kindly, helpful and obliging and was
ever ready to assist anyone whom
con. Mrs. Beacom continued to re
0J INTON SOLDIr'RS HOME. fork from the premises of
he' thought was in hard luck. He
side in Cliuton until Sept„ 1917,
stable .
the c`�t?lorf�lsh
Clothing Co.
when she removed to Toronto. She
was a lady who fives held in the
highest esteem by alt who knew her,
Sergt. Lock Crce and Pte. Fred Mrs. Josh Cook the clay of her sale
Thompson, eldest sou of Dr. 'Thome- is asked to return same at once,
sun, arrived dome from overseas on Mrs. ,Joshua Cock held a sale of
Saturday last ' and will
was an Anglican in religion. and a
Conservative 111 polhLics,
He is survivcl,by his \vita and a
family of three, two sons : John and
She was always an active Member of
111e Methodist church, being while in
Tuesday and were welcomed by the effects on
band and a crowd of citizens. leave with her family about March
Goldie of Enchant, Alberta, and one
Clinton connected with the Outarlo
street church. She vas a lite mem-
ber of 1.110 1V.14I.S,- and a Vahte(1 wank-
Both these soldiers went . overseas first to join her husband in Sarnia.
with the Huron Battalion, Sergt, A'ir, Fred Lockwood acknowledges
Circe was attached to the transports, with thanks the promptness with
going to France as sergeant of trans- which the death clam) of his son,
daughter, Mrs. Norman Ball of the
Base Line. Be was in his eighty -
third year. The remains were en -
toured in Alberta.
of the women of Clinton and
partmelits of church activity, el
was also a member and an influential
worker in the local W•0.'C.U.
Mrs. Beacom is survived by one
sen, Elmer, who served for about
three years' overseas;. being invalided
home some time ago and who is 00W
a student at Facility, and one daugh-
ter, Cela, who is teaching In Toron
-to. She, is also survived by her
mother, Mrs, Rathwell of Cloderich
township, five sisters and three bre-
port, and some mouths ago was Pte. J'anies Lockwood, was paid
awarded the Military Medal fox bray- the A.O.F.
ery in performing his duties. Goderieh has already decided re -
reed Thompson bad to undergo an girding its memorial to its fallen
operation for appendicitis in lvfay soldiers and has made a start to-
last and diel not return' to Franco ward raising money for it. When is
afterwards. But he has now recover- C'Ihltan going to begin to thiol: about
ed and looks to be in prime health, it ? • •
Tats brother, Charlie, is with the Dr. Axon alas heel' confined to Isis
C.`auadians in Germany, or apt may be home for the past 'week and this
Belgium, morning, we regret to say, is oat
quite so well as he was yesterday•
Hullett Township
!lir. 'Thos.. McMichael, 1 IIullett's
well-known horseman, goes to Toren -
to next Thursday to attend a week's
session of the Ontario Horse Brent-
ers' and Owners' Association, the
Clydesdale Association and the On-
Carlo Fairs',Association, of which he
isya member and director.
surrounding country will be held
in, the Council Chamber at 3 p.m.
Friday,Feb 7thfeu,
.A.. strong appeal has come to
V pp
the women to open ageneral
p •
' person inter-
hospital, and every p o
ested should attend {men not ex-
Allthe women from the rural
districts are especially invited.
- ,
fliers : Ben of CToderich township ;
John and Mrs. Fenwick Stewart of
Stanley Samuel of Lucknow, lairs.
Sperling o1 Brussels, }Iles. McKay 01
Wolf, Sask., and Mrs, 11. B. Stephen -
son and Mrs, P. Plunisteel of Cain-
remains wee brought to tllln-
ton for itttettnent, Messrs, B. Rath-
well and Fenwick Stewart, goingWillis
down to accompany the body and
the son and daughter to Clinton. The
funeral • took place on Monday after-
noon from the. home of lir, and sirs.
A. B. SCeplieusan. The se vices at
hause and graveside were condtic�led
by the Rev. J. A. Agnew and the
pallbearers were 1 Messrs S., 13. and
J. l2atinvell, F, Stewart, A. B.
Stephenson and Y. PlumstcCl.
Thc lto:al tributes sent were. very'
11nn1er005 and beautiful and sir-
laccases was held. Besides 'rho
theendec testified 'to the love ins 'the
many, offerings from private sources
there was a very handsome spray
AMONG• THIS CHURCHES, . But his friends ate hoping that his
The Union Prayer service was held condition wi2a soon improve.
yesterday cvenfng in rho Baptist KHAKI CLUB.
church the Rev. W. B. Moulton be-'
leg the speaker, Next Wednesday ev- The Khaki Club fe nmv open and
, all returned soldiers will be heartily
ening the service will be Bold in Wit-
lisharch and will 17e addressed by \welcome nisi made to feel that they
the :IZov, E. o. Fordo. have a hone to go to. where the at-
mosphere will be full of reminiscences
of the past wax, where they will teal
The pastor will preach on Sunday+•everything is harmonious,
taking for his subjects : Morning, the j'}to neons used are 'those in the
second In a series on the apostle., :
"7'he Apostle Peter." Evening— which ares ot tate_ •Whitehead lquet�
"'rite Ingenuity of God.”
suitabletor purpose, The are
p Y
Baptist (211urc11 0011 yet entirely furnished but have
The pastor w111 take for his sub- sufficient furniture to make them
jests on Sunday : Morning : "Coo- habitable and are already putting on
01001011 with. God," the. second of a a homelike aspect. People have not
series on "Prayer." Evening 1 "A taken the interest in the furnishing
Jerked at the Door."of these rooms which might have beenLast
St. Paul's Church expected and 11; has been left almost
The Bishop has appointed Rev, entirely to the 1111ee38 , of the Huron
Canon 1-1111 of Galerieli to take corn- Battalion, who are responsible for
pieta eflargo of St... Paul's parish tine the whole idea.
til a new rector is appoi(tted. Moly We male this stlggestitin 01)011 • our
Kippe n•
Lon -
lairs. Andrew 1301 1, Sr., of the Lon-.
don Road, Tuckersmith, has been
c0nOI t0 bar room for a.nuntbei of
tveul(S sufterlltg 110117 W011J(RC5S df th0
heart, Latest reports •.say= there, is
not much change 'in siert condition.
She has lived her whole life in this
community , and her (many friends
would be. pleased to hear at an int -
provcinent in hec health.
Little. ssioj, i tcarie of I1ay,
2nd concession, is suffering from an
attack of IntflalttatOry r'11Cl1m atiSn7.
Wedding bells are ringing in this
neighborhood and before ,this issue
reaches Its readers 'two more of our
young people will' be made happy.. -
Saturday as Royal Mc(.ly
»lint was delivering- clic rural mail
on 11.11. No, 2, Kitten, he took ill
opposite, Ed. Morrison's, at least the
horse stopped there and remained
there so long that some 1 one \vho
1 he meeting will be addressed
n q p c
the Doctors and others.
, �-�p-y
�����ggqqq77�ff NOT� IT
�® A'1® 1� .L A
_. .�.—..._...._._--_.__.__.�..�-
from the staff of the Methodist Stn.
tion ii'llssion, Taranto, where hiss
Cola is a teaciher, one from the W,
C. 'I'. lt., C!linton, and many ethers.
Amongst those from a (distance
\v}10 attended the funeral were 1 Miss
'Pena Matheson; Clorlerich ; Miss Crn.n•
Ball, Harrison ; lir. ,John Imrie,
'I'01101(t0 ; Mrs. Wheeler and Staff-
Sorgt. Geo. Weber, I,rndOn ; lar, and
Mrs. S, Itatliwell,'mallow and Mrs,
Spading, Brussels. Mfrs, S111111y
Communion will be bold at the morn own nitthority, as it has not even
ing service, o71 Sunday. been hinted at by anyone interested,
Wesley Church but If someone w011111 like to assist
The raster will )reach at brill ser-
1 1 in making tot the comfort and help-
vices on Sunday, At the morning fulness of the 101611ned men. they
service the Sacrament of t11.0 Lent's could do s0 11,y preseiuting tale club
SUjll)cr will bo n.chuinisterelt• • with a year's subscription to a goats
On Monday evening the Good Citl• tnagazln0. Ask the ommieers, , before
zenship Department had charge 01 the doing s0, 11o8CVCr, so there won't be
Longue meeting nem the pastor gave several of the same sett. 'Everybody
a very interesting travel talk, illus- .in ('11111011 ought to try to do some-
trate11 by lantern views, "'1'h0 All- Oleg to make the club room matte
saw it went to and
found Mr. RIOC'lymnnt quite imamn-
scions. Ile was carriers into l[r.
Morrison's and a- doctor Reinitiated.
It was about three hours before be
regained consciousness. Ili (lout re -
member anything fir a length of time
sincere he was Counia, tIr. was 10-
moved. to his home in the village oil
Monday afternoon . tvhcre he is pro-
gressing 'towards im01vcry. A nip-
tired blood vessel in his bea'r1 the
- i e n
This space g V6 by
Tit Imes," ci.o.nins
: �C
/n� O A care Deal for Every Mall.
and :hiss Ma1111s0n were with Airs,
Beacon during her last illness.
'To the bereaved son and daughter•
an(1 the Oi111013 friends and relatives
the syn nth of the cemmunit hoes
p Y Y
iltr, T1, and licks C. 13cac0nt desire
to express their sincere thanks to
,1 ,. , ,i
the friends fit. Cinttrn tot the. Syln
testily aril kindness shown then 111-
Bed atoutc--+A Trip Around the World up a little to the boys for the (Its-
raider the Union Jack," Mr' !Tot- comforts they sul1er11 vv11110 over.
man. Holland presided, Mr, Willis sra,R,
Cooper read the lesson, IS C'.mt' 'l'he Cltib wit', also serve as a her-
t tau of tlrtarmatinn and advice fur all
mgharoe. =cvc, by rcryuest a realhti,
al'(1 a collcct100 was taken to pay ex- emptoyers of labour: and those seeking
penses, It was nn interestn1g Ned employment, so t17at re.-adjustll1ent
tL , The meeting next lncatit
enj0yabl1, meeting, g and reconstruction. in Y
weed( will be in charge of the Chris-7 rr0ceel snll0othly, Pat in'
can 1 ; antes and formats
flan 1 lristlatl: itizet717(;nt and 121'11.
, ... .. p ... ,.. requests for t11Cah ...
an al(1rCSs
1t, P., rifarlilen will live berate spring applejacks, No; that all
0r4 "C!ltristlari Citizenship," bo employed.,
hear was the cause of his untortnn-
ate experience, Royal is ' a Clinton
Collegiate, student and has herrn in
the best of health.
rite. and A1rs� lrrtrta '1'orlyberry of
latelierstitith are gtlasts at clic pa1-
ental home of the latter this weep.
1(e ul
Mr. (Vin. Moore Vas taken slldda y
Ill last week \vicar tveakncss et 1,110
heart and also nu attack of high
blood jstessure, ITe will not be able
to resume work for 80tne Ulna,'
- theft narrow: and returned ince w111
lir:. and Mrs, Joseph Swat)tuen-
uber of l'3lalce. and. Mr. William
ltwister of Pigeon, Mich., were. the
ue51s of A1r. and A9rs. S. 1Cipfe ;ell
ednesday of last week.
Mrs. George King is visiting friends
t Londeshoro this week.
14Ir. David Dewar left 011 Monday.
r Detroit to undergo medical treat -
A E. Erwin, reeve is attending
o county etemell at Goderieh this
eels. •
Pte. Walter 'Westlake returned
cane from overseas on Monday, ,
Oil Thursday evening of last week
to members and adherents of . the
[ethoclist church met In the. base-
nent •of 'the church when i very
leasant and enjoyable evening was
!resat A program consisting of solos
rad recitations' was given during the
tst part of the evening after which
Ir. A. le. Erwin was called to the
larut and presented with a beautiful
lorris chair when the following ad -
less was read by. Mrs. Walter Wat-
"Dear Mr llrwiu,—Vou will 11ayo
]ready noticed that the Methodist
copse of Bayfield and vioiliity with
heir friends are gathered Here , ta-
ught unlet very happy auspices. It
may not have occurred to you that
all this hustle and confusion is es-
pecially on your account. The truth
s that no, as a congregation, have
or many days, not; to say years
past, a103110d and appreciated your
ktnlly and attentive duties to our
choir. As citolr leader you have been
N, regular, enthusiastic and earn-
est. These things have moved us to
a point of tangible manifestation,
anil WC therotore ask you for •a very
few minutes, at least to sit clown in
this chair and rest from your labors,
lot. there is one: warning we leave •
with yo,u before it passes out of our
passession, You must not sit and .
snooze on. council evenings, on choir
practice nights or on Sundays, and
you must not hold Airs. Erwin on
your knee: too often or too long for
[ear you spoil. the,springs in-tbs cus-
111011. if you obey these conditions
you may have this ebair till death
parts you from it. A11 this is in
lighter vein. but solemnly, in our
hearts, we are all grateful to you for
your many benefits to us and trust
that for many days yet we will secs
your br15llt anis genial face in tics
choir loft of our beloved church.—
Signed on behalf .of the members."
Mr. Erwin, who was taken hy, sur-
prise, made a very suitable/ reply,
thanking the; members for their ,kind
xcmembranee 02 his services and
promising the continuance of his
services in the choir.. Afterwards a
very suitable lunch was served by
the ladies,, when all dispersed for the
Goderieh Township
Mr, and Mrs. Slim. Pickett 01 the
140 concession wish to convey, their
sieeele thanks to the friends and
neighbors for the kindness and sym-
pathy shown them In their bereave-
ment in the death of their little
daughter. We are glad to be able to
report that another child, who was
also ill, is now nicely recovering.
Mr. Harry Thompson, as if be had
not had enough to contend with,
contracted the flu a few weeks (age
but ha is now nicely recovering, also
bis little daughter, who was the only
other member of the tam1',y who. had
the disease.
The Goderieh Township Telephone.
Company held its annual meeting at
iiolmesville on Friday last, which
was well attended, 'Pito members
seemed to be well satisfied with the
officers la charge, returning thein to
office with slightly+ increased salar-
les 'Tlie officers aro : President, E.
H Wise ; commissioner, J. 111'oClure;
secretary -treasurer, 12. G. 'Thompson.
M'r, Geo. Mair was re -appointed line-
man. The finances were found to be
in satisfactory c0ndltlof;a,,,,t� balance
of $807,10 being in the treasury. Of
this balance over half will be needed
immediately= to add new circuitst to
relieve those already overloaded. The
Company= also itlte31(1 keeping a sup-
ply of batteries on hand which wilt
be supplied to subscribers at cost,
for cash, five cents being added Whoa
charged, A. pretty general. fee'nng, of
satisfaction prevailed at the meeting,
Mr. Alex. Bea n:il et (.'ourlrighthas
been renewing old laiendships in the
township (luring the past week, Mr.
Bedard Is advertising his farm near
1-lolniesvllle for sale,
The 'Young Ladies' Patriotic So-
ciety will meet next week at lite
house of hiss Daisy Middleton.
Mr, J. R. Hoboes returned Satur-
day from a week's visit with London
and 'Detroit Wends,
Mrs, Shatutan of Clinton spent last 4
week as the guest of \hiss Boluses,
leaving the end of the week to visit
her br0111er, lir. ,Joint I3olmes of
Gotten -eh township.
a ,
The license to tttail(lfactSrq beer
hells by the Lion 13rew0ry Conpahy
of Kitchener was ordered canceled 1iy
Lilaglstrete ',Vatt at Goolplt because
of sidling 11511011 containingover oh
percent. alcohol,