The Clinton News Record, 1919-1-23, Page 8• "The British Market Still Good for Canadian Products Dr, G, ('; C eee1inan„ ('AIn91sdioner of Agriculture for the pravinee of Ontario and Principal of the Qnterio Agricultural College, .Guelph, acs.. •dressing the Agrioultua•.al Club of Ottawa at the University Club rooms here, repeated a message to the farmers Of ('leach iron Right Iron. R. E. ProtIIOro,- Secretary. of State for Great 13r/tale '"I asked hint for a message to the farmers of Canada,,, said Dr, ('reel man, "and he told me that they wanted our chilled heel and that Canada should develop the chilled. beef trade right away in preference to the live cattle trade, Ho -urged that there should be no delay. He alsowill that after the War Cheat Dr/Jetta would not devote so m0013 el - fort to raising ]logs, because they, Could bo fed cheaper on this side of the Atlantic and as long .as alio, pan gob ]fork products. :rein Oils con- fluent she would bo satisfled to do so," Dr. Creelman, remaking on the present hold-up In the Paean post Chases said that while he had no dir- ect information be regarded it as merely a temporary'congestion, Capt. 0, CL VanStone of Toronto, who has recently returned from ov- erseas, has been visiting his old ]home in Wingham during the past Week' or So. Capt. VanStone was wounded for 'the faurth time in September but is now alp}ost quite bismol: again. Clinton News, -.Record ow for 1919 VIC'PQ1tY IS WON.. 'PEACE IS ASSURED AND SOON WE MAY LOOK FORWARD TO T1I14 It1i,SIJIYIP'TION OF - NORMAI 13USINf7SS CON- 1JI'TIONS AND A CONTIN- .. DANCE OF YQUIt FORMER HEARTY CQ-O.PI;RATI00' FOR 11'T•I10II Wil AI11) SO GIIATP1i''iL. MAY, • ; • TIM COMING YEAR 1317 A PROS- PEROUS ONiil, FOR YOU. ,. Tile W. D. Fair Co. "Qlten, the Cheapest Always the Best.", We are again open for all;,work Vulcanizing, Re- treading, Electrical Repairs, Overhauling and Paint. ing of all types of cars. All parties wanting tire repairing done send early for springdelivery. E. H. EPPS & SON, VARNA r 1 It%.e Best of Rubbers v I aQusnd cis withspendhering a br taperfew• On Tlleeday days at Rev, A. E. Jones was in London yes- . Corday. Mrs, Chas. Twitchell of Windsor 1s visiting her. mother, Mrs. A. For- bes. llirs, C. A. McDonslI. of Hensel' vis- ited her sister-in-law, Mrs, Bawden, last week, Miss Jessie Case of Seaforth spent a few days last week as the: guest of Mrs, Bowden. Mrs, II, 0, holland spent the week- end in Tuekorsnhith with her laugh, ter, Mrs. Percy Cole, Mrs. J. E. Brooks of Mitchell has been visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. 1Vis. Cantelon, this week, The }Hisses Doan returned on Mon- day from Bulialo, where they have been spending the past six weeks or s�. Miss Jean Scott came up from Tor - This is the Rubber Season and we offer our trade the Best in Rubbers, carefully avoiding all the worth- less "Bargain" 'trash"! Our Rubbers give the wearers lasting and satisfactory service. We've Rubbers for Men, Women and Children formed to fit the present styles of shoes correctiy - To insure the best of Blabber Service, they should be carefully fitted to the shoe -fitted as we know how to fit them, FRED.. JACKSON 'SHOES 'OF QUALITY. i Ladies' Winter Coats at a Great Reduction Also special values in Boots and Rubbers Plumsteel Bros. CLOTIII N,G THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 20 NEW IDEA PATTERNS4 Every Rug IN OUR EXIIIBIT has a charm of its, own. Each has an individuality and the variety is so groat that every taste can be gratified. Here are rugs of oriental design, others ofdemestio origin in plain, floral and geometric; patterns. Bet .there .i:s only one quality in the entire collection ; the very best that Pan -be obtained for the money. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director, 28 ilaf Phone 28 iwww�w 1 home, Mr, D. Eckinier visited, friends at Cranbrook recently, being called . thither to attend the funeral of a nephew. Mr. John Mulholland is horse from the west and, it is expected, will take his family back with him on his return. Mr. S. B. Stothers, ,Agricultural Representative, is in the northern - part of the gouty this week_ in the.. interests of ifs work. Miss E. B. Holland of, , the Bayfield Road leaves Saturday for Forest, where she has taken a school for the remainder of the term. Airs. (Dr,) Donald Ross left Thurs- day last for her home in Swift Cur- rent after spending several weeks at the parental home in town, that of Mr. and birs, W. T. O'Neil. Mr, W. 10. Cantelon of Toronto was a visitor at the parental home ov- er the week -end, coming up to see hie father, Mr. Wm. Cantelon, who unfortunately met- with an accident on Thursday last. itrr. Henry Plumsteel, who has been very 111. with pneumonia for .several days, is now, it is thought, im- proving slightly. Mr. Plumsteel's many friends in town and vicinity will he pleased to hoar this, Miss Margaret Corbett, who is tak- ing a nursing course . in Chicago, spent a few days over the week- end as the guest- of her sister, Mrs-- A. V. Quigley, She• returned to her home in Stratford on Monday afternoon, Mrs. J. L. Kyle of Wilkie, Sask„ ar- rived on Friday and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lind- say of town, for- some tihne. It will be remembered that Mrs., Kyle's husband died after but a short ill- ness early in the winter. The Misses Hannent, daughters of Pte.- O. H. Iiannent, arrived last week from England. These are two members of the family who have not been in Canada before, remain- ing'behind when the rest of the fam- ily came out several years ago. • Manager Sharp of the Nelsons Bank returned From Aylmer on Friday, where he had been called early in the week owing to the serious ill- ness of his wife who was on a vis- it to her home there, We are glad to report that Mrs. Sharp is now improving: ' Mr. Thompson of the Ontario Agri- cultural Department was in town this week, The Government is en deavoring to buy up oats for seed for Manitoba farmers and 1VIr. Thompson was on a tour . of in- spection in regard to the purchase of some of the grain. Mr. Andrew Forrester has been vis- iting This mother during the past week. He was unable to come on ' in time For his father's funeral ow- ing to injuries received in a train wreck and still has several stitches in a,wound in his head. Bat, for- tunately, both he and Mrs. Forres- ter escaped with compatativeiy slight injuries, Major C. G. and Mrs. VanStone of Toronto, Who. have been visiting at Wingham; were nests over the week -end at the home df Dr. and Mrs. Shaw, Major VanStone, It will bo rensombered, was, adjutant of the IOIst hattalioh anis went overseas in that capacity with the rank of captain. After. .reaching England lie Was promoted to the rank of major hat reverted again In order to get to France. He Was weeded font times, last time in Sept. 1letore going overseas Major VanStone Was with the IVhn. Davies Do., ih 'rorohto and previehis to that 111 Wingliam, his home town, of which the was elected mayor for One or tWo $crinis, January Ord,I919 Anticipate Tour ants f.:.Time toC e me . One of the largest and most reliable Dry Goods films of London, England, has written is as follows "During the past few weeks there has been an idea of uncertainty and we might say uneasiness on the part of the purchasing public that Prices will begin to recede_; that in a few months goods will be obtain- able at a much lower .level than at present. From direct information which we have received there appears to be no indication of a recession in prioe. In wool the position appears to be most di1fiicult. Stocks of raw wool in England today are very low and even the present curtailed reduction is causing great anxiety,. No substantial improvement is possible before August at the earliest, 'Moreover there is a world shortage of wool goods, It is today impossible to induce the cloth manufacturer to accept new business on any terms, and prices when quoted aro as much as 40 percent, above those asked a year ago. Many of the leading manufacturers predict a still higher price for the winter of next year. Cash orders in the hands of the manufacturers and jobbers in England today for delivery to the neutral European countries are enormous, many of which have been held for as long as nine months for export license. Any quantities of manufactured wool piece goods, that are offered in France, aro being immediately picked up, and instances are related where merchants in the districts just recently vacated by the Germans are requesting travellers to immediately bring forward any wool goods which they have to offer, Take cotton as another example. Stocks of the raw material are so short as to entail restricted em- ployment in the spinning mills,., and weaving sheds, besides this, wages have advanced considerably hi Lan-' cashlre and the future costs must be based upon the curtailed output and the advanced prices of its produc- tion. The silk situation is largely of production high grade silk goods Japanese market at the moment. has cocoon production which we alight increased 300 percent. in some distr vane. The American market is in ply of raw material for additional From these facts pertaining buying now in expectation of as ear dustries of this country and public life; the demand will be, we believe, in the hands of France, Italy and Switzerland and at the present rate from these countries will not be any cheaper for some time to come. The advanced and further advances are anticipated, The increased cost of say has advanced from 150 to 300 percent. as well as wages which have icts has been the cause of thit tightening and further anticipated ad - a very similar position with very decreased stooks and a limited sup - output." to the dry goods trade we find there should he no excuse for putting of/ ly reduction in prices. With the employment of labor in the different in - works now planned and the re -habil iation .of the soldier back to,civiliaa far greater than the supply for some time to come. There is nothing to gain and much to lose in delayed shopping. The best time of all is NOW. ;WOMEN'S STORE Dry, Goods,, House Furnishings phone OT • Next Royal Bank MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, Kippen. We regret to report the death of Willie Fairbairn which sad event oc- curred at his parents residence on the town line after ten days illness with spinal mcningetis. IIe was in his third year and was the only son, a slaughter, Miss Grace, being • left. Much sympathy is expressed for :lir. and Mrs. Fairbairn in their sad ber- eavement, The heading Carole will meet at the house of Mr. Thos, Mellis on Fri- day evening of this week. Mr. Thos. Forsyth will be the leader for that sleeting. Pte. Arthur Porterfield of Seaforth lately returned from, the front Was a visitor with ICippen friends this week, Pte. Porterfield .was wounded in the limbs, being struck by shrap- nel, but has fully recovered. ,Pte„ Edgar Lovett arrived in Kip - pen on Monday of this week. At the time of his enlistment he was in the employ of Mr. Albert Ilarvey. Rev. 11. J. Wilson was unable to take his service here last Sabbath on account of the recent death •'of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. H. Johnston conducted the service most acceptab- ly in his absence. Our leachers, • whose schools have been closed on account of the "flu", have opened thein schools again, Miss Ethel Elgie left on Tuesday for an extended visit' with friends in Stratford. Mr.( and Mrs. W. H. Johnston spent a couple of days at Air. Ed. Mor- rison's last week, Mr. Johnston act- ing in the capacity of clerk at Mr, Morrison's° sale, which went off well, good prices being realized.. Messrs. ;Wm. Moore, and Wesley French have taken the contract of cutting fifty cords of wood for W. 11. and' J. 0. ]VlcLean. Messrs. Wm, Taylor and Archie Noakes have also contracted to cut several cords for Mr. Win, Doig. Mr, Robb. Parsons, Who has been but was able to be around again, was taken 111 again the encs. of last week and the doctor called in. Mr, John Workman, who was in bed for several days, is convalescent again, Mr, W. JL ,Johnston spent a few days the beginning .of this week in Exeter.. •• Constance Mr. and Mrs, Ephraim Clark at- tbnded the funeral of their brother- in-law, Mr, R. Canocan of the. west, who was brought to .the homes of hie brother, Mr, 1. Cannon, of Egniond- ville, to he buried. • 1Vfr, George Clark went to Toronto recently to pursue his studies in music., The ladies of the eongregation and others aro meeting, every 'Thursday of this month, sewing for the Belgian. Mts. John Medd, 14r,, continues very poorly, Varna. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stan- ley District held their annual- meet- ing Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 14th, when the following officers! .were el- ected ; W.C. in Command, B. Rathwell E. 0. in Command, L, --Clark C'haplain, Wm. Rathwell Scribe, C. Diehl Treasurer, Cleo, Beatty Herald at Arms, Harold Stinson Lecturers, F, Rathwell and R. Mc- Murray Conductors, Geo, Petty, T. Stin- son Inward 1.1., Geo. Clark Outward H., John Parker. The following letter of Condolence was sent by the members of L.O.L. No. 1035, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dale, on the death of their son, the late Victor Dale : "To Mr. and Mrs. -John Dale : Dear Friends,—We, the members of L.O.L. No. 1035, Varna, take this opportunity of conveying to you our heartfelt sympathy in the hour of sacs trial and bereavement in the death of your beloved son, Victor. You have sustained a serious .loss. We, as members of ,the lodge of Which he formed apart, feel that we have lost ai valuable member of out Older, We shall mills him in our lodge room. He always tools a ;prominent, part in the working of the Order. We shall miss his, good council, his, face we shall see no more forever, his •vacant seat we cannot fill. We mourn our loss, but we know our loss is his in- finite nfinite gain. We •pray, that the (rseab Divine Master will give you grace and strength to enable you to, bear the a0liction in this sad hour, and that you may be able to look up and say "Thy \Viii Be. Done." Signed on be- half of the lodge"—Benjamin Rath - well, W,M." Mrs„ Margaret Armstrong, and Mrs. Cudmore are visiting friends in T-Iam- iltoh thls Week,, The many friends of Cecil Wiley are pleased to know that he is able to the around 'again after his severe illness. bit. and Mrs. Austin spent Sunday visiting friends in Clinton, 1Wessrs. Alfred Johnston and Will Stephenson were in London Last week getting their discharge. from military duties. We are pleased to report that Miss L. Coleman is getting along .nicely after•,an operation for,, appendicitis, Hope she will soon be able to be back to her duties again. Mr. Ni.eh- olseli of Lucknow is filling noir place as teacher wlhtic she is,absent. Evcra.t Cross, whose auto caused the death of Mr. John Cplborne of Goderich on the evening of Deo.'23rd last„ has been sant up for trial by the county judge on a enlarge of man- slaughter, Mr. (3foss is allowed out 0h hall, 5 Londlesboro. We are glad to report that Miss Lizzie Mountain, who has been ill for some time, is slightly improved. Mrs. Young and Miss Clara, who have been visiting in- Brantford for the past month, returned to their home here on Friday last. We are sorry to say that hiss Kethia Weymouth is not enjoying the best of health. Mr, Thos. Millar unloaded a car of chestnut coal this week, The Red Cross had a sewing, bee at the hone of Mrs. Geddes on Tuesday of this week and made clothing for the Belgians, The Women's Institute had a quilt- ing bee last week and quilted three quilts, Auburn Mr, James Carter received word last week that his son, . Pte. Will Carter, had died in Germany on the tenth from pneumonia. Tine churches were opened on Sun- day after being closed for several weeks owing to the epidemic, Most of those who have ,been suffering from the flet are now recovering. Town Hall CLINTON I JUST ONE NIGHT MONDAY EVENING Jai'y 27th Mt. Wm. lleaj presents the speetncular production of Uncle Tom' Cabin with all the added features that. have made this company famous. Specialties Introduced during th0 play. NOT A MOVING PICTURE SHOW. Prices Children 25c, Adults 35c Miss Abigail Haines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haines of Wing - ham, was married at Wood liay, Manitoba., on Dec. 30th, to Mr. Clyde Kemp of the same place, Painting -Paperhanging:. Neat and Quick Work 16 years Toronto experience Avoid the spring rush by getting work done now Not necessary to remove car- pets. coverings or pictures • — we have plenty drop sheets A. E. WooD Isaac Street, Clinton Farmers+ For the Very best Servicer and Highest Prices DRI -NG YOUR CREAM TO C��mu Creamer Phone 145 PRICE 'THIS WEEK sac: We furnish Canis and Remit Daily ANTHZI�vG YOU NEED IN PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ROOFING, .�a. OR ELECTRIC WIRINGJ' AND FIXTURES, C -A -L -L 0-R' Agent for McClary's Sunshine Furnaces. J.SUTTER A. SANITARY -•- PL1JM$I R W- ANta IE,i' ontorAN Phone